What Castoria is Dr. Sainnel Pitcher's prescription for Infants : and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor . other Narcotic jnibstanco. It "i a harmless snbstitnta ' for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, 'and Castor Oil. . It is Pleasant.: Its guarantee is thirty years', use by ; Millions of Mothers. -Caatoriadestroys 'Worms and allays fcvOlsliness. ' Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria reliSYes . toothing troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. iustorta osslmtlates the food, .regulates the stomach 'mid - bowla, giving ; healthy mid natural sleep. Cas ' tori is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. ' Captoria. Cutnria te an f"llent medicine for ehfl- - .ten. Mother, have. ropea'adly to!4 meet Us jooderttCopon'beij'ohiWren." ..:'. Da. G. 0. Ohoood, lowell, limn. ' OimwU U the best remedy for cblldno of - Alch I m acquainted. I hope the dar is not ear distant when motion will consider the real ft.&erest of their children, and me Castoria i n ttcad of ISieTarlonsqoeck nostrums which aie Jntroylngtlutlr ked ooea, brforelngopliini, norphina, aouihlng synip and other hurtful : Kent down their throat, thereby sending : jMntopMrnatarrgnna." Da. J. T. Kmomcuoit, Conwar, Ark. Yk, Csmtarar Company, TJ M - FIB3T.0LA.3d iiAittiiSlid. Prof. W, IL Shepard' and his compe tent Assistants in the Tonsorial art will give von a gftod job and will pay strict attention to all branches of hair catting mid shaving. ; j0"Giveme a. call. - - . At Gaston House Barber Bhop. First Class Barber Shoo BUICK BLOCK, MIDDLE ST. Nearly opposite Baptist Church. v Apartments neat and nay, ana oniy eompetunt assistants employed. ; First-class bath rooms connected with shops. ' II. L BANKS, i . . Proprietor. Hair Dressing" Parlor. - " Careful attention given to all branches of the business. . C :. ' - '""'at. - Children's Hair Cutting a bpeciauy. . i. BOOK STORE - '. . . ' aHD . .I:-.., ' Blank Books! and uew lot Standard Witrka of Benowned Authors. . . Pi.var ana Hvma Books,; Ladles r Pantos, Pens, Peoeibi, eto. .Uo, Late) Papers and Periodicals r iveddally., 1 " ' " WHf; IT IS ' ABSOLUTELY The Best SEW1N8 ' MACHINE MADE MONEY XTE on oru DEALKHS can sell T'u macblnaa cheaper than you can CCS elet7hert. .Vh HJSW WOMB U sur beat, hat we malt lnper klada, . ssifrh aa ho f!UAX, IDEAfc mni t, rlllih Arm Fall KJekcl Plate ISei.i3 Machine ioir$l.00unPt i.i! aucul or wrtta na. W wanlvorlr.fii,..nllf prlea,Urm id a dra;Vnt v: win, we i wlU 3iaT U, f V t (' nlJfni'f tbe world C rrcme a , 1 Ci U (660,00 'i.lu. -lu. .JnolorSaO.OOtUaskWOU tin U-' j i .-ata n, or our iaucxwt, Hi. t Louis, fKk VuM.imHk. '-, I.Mra;vlt-m Mm -to ju urO Castoria. " Castoria la so well adapted to ehlldrea that lrecopaendttaianpariorioanypMaeiiptioa known to me." H. A. A. c ,II. D., 111 Bo. Oxford St 'i-w.lyn.H.T. "Our pliysidans in the children', depart ment bwa spoken hint' J of their expert race in their outside practice with Castoria and although we only hare among on medical supplies' what is known as regultt products, yet we are free to eonfeaf that the uifriu of OaMoria baa won ua to look with furor upon It." U.xiTan HosririL Ann Disrexsur, Boiton, Mass. A.LUW C. Rkitb, Pre$ , irr. - ; Strco. How York City. KM saraiii.! DlB KflUE IR. Thfl noMTr Um UflbtVi 4 Udivaof trwirCTito-UrtniOr. jpp i m m roqains no ehang of dlM or naUBflOOS, BWinsrssU B pvwiuni tumtt tctroaK) bo taken iuUruevU. Vhsa ivttJ A3 A PREVENTIVE ay either t iw lmpowtltoootrM rtiiy retttrswio i-otiu thvCaMof tjnnrjcirfv I'fnwTOf ttt ArruoTiB S XT V nmrw. Wca by mail, potf n i w.a uteei, we ruara SB ItbBAsBM yi Wf l)0( (H 'i wis Hw ( F. S. DUFFT, Sole Agent. Druggvflt and WE TELL YOU jotlilug new wheii we tate that it paye to engaj n a permanent, moit healthy and pleasant bus ut'ss, that return! t proUt tor every day', work Sucli la the buiineif we offer the working clam We teaeh tbem how to make money rapidly, ana ruurantee every one.wno louai our miiruciiuir allhiully the making of SS0O.0O a month. . Kvht nna who takei hold now and ,vorks wlii lurelr and ipeedilr increase t!'-lr earnings ; there cun be no question about it; others now at work are doing It, and you, reader, can du the fame This is the best paying Dullness tnu yon nave tver had the chance to secure. You will make e rave mistake II you mi to give it ar-uu at ouce t you grasp the situation, and act quickly, you rill directly and yourself in a most prosperout nalneis. at which you oan surely make and lave trie sums of money. The results of only a few .ours' work will often eo.ua! a week's wages V liether you are old or young, man or woman, It makes no differenoo, do a we tell yon, and sue. oest wiU meet you at the very start. Neither exnerienoe or oapltal necessary. Those who work (or us ore rewarded. Why not write to-day fat full particulars, free ' K. O. ALLEN CO.. Dr. E. C. West's Nervt and B am Treatmtm told under positive m-ittern guarimte, by author Ml ageiitB only, to oure Weak, Memory; Lost oJ Brninand Nene Power; I-st If anhood; Qnlcknew, Kervoaetie; XatWituae; all rr;Hns; iyoesoi nf thA OfmoiaJivB OrffnTifi in either BOit. COOBed I orer-exertliTi; Yonthiul Krrora, or Excessivi? Vm ToIaooo, Opium or Liquor, which soon lead to lijosiy. tmuinptloii.IiisnnftyaudPeatha BymoiL 1 a bo; fair to; with written (mnrnntee tocnror irare for Coughs, Asthma, JtJrnnohitis.Croof, rerun a mony n i-ni o uuuuiiojumrs & w"uj W lHlnm vtmscis. nut , fiat t(r 'inronw icmmns uttue. ont, Flcntinnt to tak, ct, iv rnzis now wmj. 010 .. rw. frizfu now ifMJ.I Ll siise, now pOo. aUAiCAhXEJiawl oifl br F. B. DUFFY, Druggist an4 Sole Agent. '!?irVir" fu it, Uurf li M, i ( rf,, with !fff-'..-1 i not, o sit ist securni f m' era lukaj it" ri iiY . wS!-riiiS -Sf j f . ,I:f f ; L I F EaV THE JOURNAL THE SOB OF THE SEA. - HOBATIO KILLS.'' I beard the deep, strong, strenuous god like tea. An ardent wooer, bending suppliant knee To smiling earth, plead earnestly for love, Now whispering sort and lqw In tbe tide's tender flow. . ' Now, storm-swept, raging, fierce thro nora ana cove. - . . But beauty, sitting there, So sweet, so heavenly fair, 1 Repulsed her lover brave, T And in her pride deOant, : . Haughty and selt-reliant, Said, "I will dwell alone." And then I heard the sea utter a moan So deep, so true, 'twould melt a heart of stone! And ever more; From every shore From unlit caves, From wind-whipped waves, That heart-cry of the sea uomes sobbing back to me' AGONIES OF CHILDHOOD. How dear to my heart are the scenes of my childhood. Noting of course, an exception or two Notably when I staid home, 03 requcs. ' ted, And pushed the lawn mower the rank, tough grass through. Caught by my father when, stalled in the greensward, I gave vent to language to print quite unlit. Grabbed by the collar and dragged to the wood shed. And for days intervening unable to sit. The rusty lawn mower, the cdgcless lawn mower. The meanest lawn mower that ever I knew Detroit Tribune. AN EXPUODED BELIEF. Proof That Women Can Sharpen Pencil After All. Among what are supposed to be the few universally admitted truths is this A woman cannot sharpen a lead pencil. It seems to be almost what the ministerial brotherhood would call "unsettling" to say it, but this is not.a truth after all, even if It is universally admitted; a woman can snarpen a lead pencil, says the New York Tribune. There is In a far down-town office a charming young woman, as many suoh there be n far down-town offices. Tbe other day a visitor noticed that her pencil was exceptionally well sharpened. Who sharpens your lead pencils for you?" inquired the visitor. "Nobody; do it myself, answered the young lady, with great decision. The visitor arched his eyebrows and looked as incredulous as he knew how. "If you don't believe It I'll sharpen yours for you," said the young lady, with a note of defiance in her voice. Tbe visitor produced a somewhat battered-looking pencil which he had just borrowed from a friend. She took it in her left hand, with tbe point aimed at the oelling, and then from some mysterious place in her desk produced one of the most formidable carpenter's chisels which It had ever been the lot of the vis itor to meet. It must have been at least sixteen inches long, and the blade could not have been less than an Inch and a quarter wide. Without the least hesitation she applied the chisel to the penoiljand began shav ing off slices of wood around tbe point. Before the visitor regained control of his organs of speech she handed the pencil back to him, sharpened better than he could have done it himself. "Are we or are we not fit to vote?" asked the young lady, archly. "Vote! cried the astonished vis itor. "Why. you are at to run a ward primary. " And the young lady put her chisel away and smiiea wttn a superior air. , ' Wheat from West Siberia. h The state department has a report from our consul at St. Petersburg dealing wjth the probable effect of tbe opening of the Siberian railroad on tbe wheat supply of Europe. Con sul General Jonas thinks that from West Siberia alone at least 6,000,000 bushels of . Wheat 11 will . be brought into .market . by this ; railroad,' and that the completion of the line will 0 - stimulate ; wheat -raising as to make the probable shipments from that : section In succeeding years much greater. Immense crop are now raised In those Siberian dis triots whiob are nearest European Russia. In three of these distrlots. Tobolsk, Tomsk and Yenlsulsk, the surplus for export was over 80,000,' 000 busneis in iaa, ana nas oeen enormous In each year since ; .There ore sections of Siberia whloh wilt be made accessible by the new 'railroad which are better adapted to wheat raising than these fertile districts. and the Quantities to be marketed will probably increase yearly, There la no encouragement in these esti mates to American wheat growers who are hoping for higher prices. Sprlpgflejd Republican. , i . . 'II. 1 '"' "' ' ! ' -.'-, Notioe to Sfiltool Teacbeii. There will be a meetinz of the school committee of No. 1 township to be hflU in Viincebora at thenubiic SGbool noose on Saturday, October 20tb, 1894, for the purpose of employing teachers for the dinorent school. r . .. . .Wf,'-. v Those wishing a school will make ap plication that day in person. Meeting for white teachers at (9) nine o'clock, a, m. Colored at (2) two o'c'ock, p. hv " ' ' . g. 4, Agpiif, CUm'n. Com. Weak, nursing mothere grain streDfitli inij flRh nsinff Johnson's Compound Cod i ivcr Oil. Eich in fet food, plei.-ot t ....1 :l Jlnfn rr'intnr .r.fl. - r and child. ; Before bupng your new. bicycle look J the field over carefully. The superiority of-Victor Bicycles was never so fully demonstrated as at present. Our '94 line twill bear the most rigid scrutiny, and we challenge comparison, There's but one best Victor. OVERMAN orroN. NCW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO. AN FRANCISCO. W. D. BARRlffGTON, The truth. father of lies loves half a hea to ly wa.. . uej. her OaMoria When di - war H i hit,, sli,- cried for Castoria. When she nprntne JIi"S- kIk' clung to Castoria IVit nliu li.ul Ciiildr-n, s)w i;ave tiieci Cuotoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. A mother was d at ore's crowniug work. Some Foolish People A linn, n nnnnli nin unlil it (Totu lu. ond tho reachof mcaicine. Tbev oltcu sav. un, u win wear awar. 111 musi. cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which is sold at a positive guarantee to cur?, they; would liEDetliately see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c. and $1 Trial size free. At all druggists. mar21deod weow. Blood relations are the nardest to bleed. Oh, What a Cough. Will vou heed the warning. The signal uerhans of the sure approacli of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask ourselves if you fun attord tnr the sake a t..ivi:i'' 50c, to run the risk and do nothing lor it. We knowJrom experience that Shiloh's Cure will Cure your cough. It never fnils. This explains why more than a Million Bottles were sold tho post vear. It relieves croups and whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not be with out it. For lame back, side or chest use Shiloh's Porus plaster. Sold by New Berne Drug Co. (JET THE BEST. The new. STANDARD DICTIONARY. Published by the Funk and Wagnnlls Co., New Tork. The most expensive work ever pro duced on the American Continent, cost- ins the round sum of One Million Dollars. The splendid result ot years of labor of Two Hundred and Forty-seven eminent literary men, each a specialist in his de partment. comprises an tne worus, out ana new, now in the English language, (300,000.) Contains 175,000 more wopds than Webstcrs International, and 75,000 more than the Century, ata very small advance on the price of the former, and at about one fourth the price of the latter. In two volumes of about 1,1UU pages each, in Full Kussia binding, with Dennisons patent reference index, a very perfect sample of itlie book-makers art at $17.00, payable in six easy pay ments. Represented by Edward Bull. He Declines the Nomination aud Gives His Reasons Therefor. Notwithstanding the earnest solicitation of a host of friends and a aincere desire to serve any country In any position my fellow citizens may see nt to puce me, l am forced by cironmstancs beyond my control, to decline tbe nomi nation for Congress in this Dis trict for the ensuing term. realize to the fall extent the regret my course will caase, especially to the many candidates in the fields but my determination is irrevocable and can , not be changed. What is : tbe paltry salary of 15,000 per anoum to a man occupying the position in the commercial world, such as I hold! Laying aside all other considera tions, I oonld not afford to accept the place, as it would necessitate absenting myself for months at a time from a great and growing business which I am oonuuoting in the interest of the, toiling masses. Aa it is well koown throughout this Banny Booth land, Big Ike, Tbe Great ' American Bankrupt Dealer i always on tbe lookout for Bargains in the interest of bis customers: and ' having ' recently broueht ' .. the immense v Stock of Oothing, ! Hats and Famishing Qoode from P. W, Thornton of Fayetteville, ft, O., at sqob a great sacrifice, 1 am inorougniy convinced that I can be of more service to my customers? at (my ,f piaoe rot business,? dealing out goods - at Drioes never beard of before this Great Slaughter Sale, than I eonld possibly be in thJ Jtiaiis ct, uon Kress. v:'-:';WAt-'? -si-v-V V "'v;'- Thanking my ; friends- for, the houor intended, Big Ike; T. G. A. B D.,can be found lor a week or two yet at his store in Thornton ES , where you will always ;flnd a t' y irelocme from him. , WHEEL CO. DETROIT. DENVER. Art. New Berne. N.G. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it not worth the small nrice of 75c, to free yourself oi every symptom of these distressing complaints, if you think so call at our store and get a bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer, every uottle has a printed guar antee on it, send accordingly and if it does jou no good it will cost you nothing. bold by JSew licrne Drug Co. BLISS SCHOOL OF ELECTRICITY. Washington, D. C, If yon want to know what elec tricity is doing for the world, if yon want to become a practioal electrician or electrical engineer, enter this school, the only one oi its kind. Laboratory completely equipped for demonstration and practical work. Students learn the construction of instruments and machines by taking apait and re constructing them, their theory from leotnres presented in popnlar form and their practical use from experienced instructors. Graduates are competent to install wiring, dynamof, etc., and to manage rail ways and lighting plants. Lectures by tbe Principal who has bad ex tensive experience in installation and construction, and by E. P. Lewis, Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering in Colum bian University. Scssiion begins Oot. 1, 1804. Terms lor complete coarse listing 8 months, $50; payable $20 on re gistering, f 15 Dec. 1, and $15 Feb. 1. For further information ad dress. L. D. Bliss, Principal. Boot & Shoe-Maker, 151 South Front St., Near loot of Metcalf St. Continued Patronage ot old friends, and new custom solicited Prompt eeution of all orders. Repair work given special atten tion. W. L. Douclas CUnr ISTHC BEST. QU OilVL NO SQUEAKING, $5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH&ENAMELLEDCALF. - 4.'i.5?FlNECAlf&lN6AHlI 3.WP0LICE.3SOLE3. 2.l.7-sBOYS"SCHOI)LSH0E3. LADIES- 4A(A19 SI 7S SEND FOR CATALOGUE WL'DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Yon can sne money by purchasing w. JL. Douglas) Shoe. Because, we are the largest manufacturers o! advertised shoe in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protect you against high prices and the middleman's pro6ts. Our shoe equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every where at lower prices for the value given than any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by J. J. BAXTER, Agt. Easily, Quickly, Permtnently Restored. MAGNETIC NERVINE! restore LotlMsnhM)!. Corwwea Is sold with writ ten oraarantee to restore LatlMsnhMa. Cares weaknesses, nervous Debility and all the mils, from early or later a. oesses, the result or orenrork, worry, noneH, etc. Fall strength, tone and development gives to every organ or poraonoiuieDoay. unpnirv- nKmtiTnnMtftiaftAlvamnfromthafirethox. Thona. andsof letter of praise on file in our offloe. Can be carried in rest pocket. Bent by mail to any MMKMaonraoeiTitof nrice. One month s treat mentineaohbox. Pnoe 11.00, 6 boxes, tH.OO, with W ntcen uoarantee xo renma money u noi. ow Bend tool tor tbe Uennlne, Dironlars roe. GEO. W. UAhKILL, New Berne' N.O. u PIANOS FBEE on Tsfrial anywl any OUUAN or PI AS I rlMrej NUOna buHiiwimiuuiHU w.nr sws S m ' ETKHMM. i cue pv oofwyonwww?; mJ . uA.sa4Mr V.CORNJSHACP. iai ,J fPASBIKOIOM. Hewftmr. tuiuuuuUUIUUUUuWlllllUIIIIIIUIUIUIIIlUUIIUUIUI VITAL TO MANHOOD.1 Da. & a WK8T9 NEKVB AND BB AIN TBEAI KENT, a ipneiao tor Hysteria, Dlitiuees, Fits, Nea ralgia, Heaiiaohe,' Nervous Prostration oavssd be aloohol ortobaooo, Wakefulness, Mental Depression Softening ot Brain, causing Insanity, misery, deosy death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, lost ot Power in either ser, Impotenoy, Leuooirhoaa and si' Female Weaknesses, Involuntary Iiosees, 8 perms torrhoa caosed by oveMxertlon ot brain, Belt abase, over-indulgence. A month's tree tat est. 11, t lor t, by mail, with each order for 4 buses, wiv R will send written piMiwtee to refund if not iiured, auarnli i'al.uo(l by su-nl. WI-.SX'B LIVKK PILLS eures Hick HoiKlaohe, Biuooscess, Liver OemaUinfc Sour Btomsoh, Dyspepsia and OoustiuaOok. . . . UAjuMStts) Issued only by .. .. . J 'i i F.S. DUFFY, Druggiat and 0 g 1 TRAVELLERS' 6C19E. Atlantic & II. C. Hulrc&d it u v ssw I, riAfjB TABLE NO f9. i - - - x- .. s In eflTect 2:30 P. M., Monday, Oct, 1st, 1894. GotNo East Scukdulb J Goiso West No. 3 Passenger Traint. No. 4. Ar. Lve. Stations. At. Lve. p.m. 3 20 Goldsboro 11 10 a. m 3 56 3 59 La Grange 10 22 10 25 4 25 1 30 Kinston 9 48 9 53 5 50 5 58 New Berne 8 17 8 30 7 28 Moreliend City 6 47 No. 1. Mixtd Frt & Past. Train. No. 2. Mixed Frt. & Stations. Past. T rain. Daily Except Dally Except SUNDAY. Ar. Lve. Ar. Lve. 8 25 p.m. a. m. 6 30 Goldsboro Best's La Grange Falling Creek Kinston Caswell Dover Core Creek Tuscarora Clark'a New Bern 6 57 7 20 7 48 8 11 8 50 7 05 7 30 7 53 8 30 7 24 7 34 6 54 7 04 0 30 6 00 5 05 4 56 400 6 24 5 20 500 4 25 3 54 8 55 9 15 10 02 10 31 10 36 11 00 11 05 3 24 3 30 3 02 3 12 2 30 No. 0 Mired Frt & Pass Train. Ar. Lve. 11 17 1141 12 15 p. m. No. 5. t Mticed Frt & Pass. Train Stations. Ar. Lve. p.m. 6 oo JNew Bern 10 32 9 41 9 28 8 59 8 17 8 00 7 47 a.m. 9 46 9 33 9 04 8 27 8 05 7 52 7 27 7 00 3 37 3 42 Kiverdalc 3 48 3 50 Croatan 4 08 4 13 Havelock 4 37 4 42 Newport 4 51 4 55 Wildwood 5 01 5 01 Atlantic 5 16 5 21 Morehcad City 7 20 5 31 a.m. Morehcad Depot a.m Monday, Wednesday and Friday. tTuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Train 4 connects witli Wilmington & Weldon train bound North, leaving Goldsboro 1155 a. m. and with Rich mond & Danville train West, leaving Goldsboro 2:00 p. m. 1 rain 3 connects with llichinoud and Danville train, arriving at Goldsboro 3:00 p. m. and with AViluiington & Wel don train from the North at 3:05 p.m. No. 1 Train also connects with W.N.& X for Wilmington and intermediate points. S. L. DILL, Superintendent. M Carolina Apnltiral Fair AT EALEIGH.N.C. OCT.,231 to 26th '94 A. & N. C. Railroad Company, Passenger Depabtment, New Bern, N. C, Oct 1st, 1894 To Agents and the Public: Rate ot first-class lure for the rouDd trip plus filty cents for oue admission to the lair grounds, are hereby authorized on account of the North Carolina Agri cultural Fair at Raleigh N. C, from points named below. Tickets to be sold Uct., auth to 2&tli inclusive, good to re turn until October 29tli, 1894. Faro for Round Trip when Tickets Purchased: -FROM- -PROM- Moreh'd City $5 20 I Core Creek, 3 4" Wildwood, Newport, Havelock, Croatan, Riverdale, New Bern, Tuscarora, 4 95 Dover, 3 25 4 85 4 80 4 40 4 30 4 00 3 70 Caswell, Kinston, 3 10 2 95 Palling Creek, 2 75 LaGrange, 2 55 Best's, 2 40 S. L. DILL, G. P . A Wilmington, Newta & Norfolk TIMET .. liLB NO. 3, To tnkfc etlo-.t Mouday,August 20tli, 1894 at "):0v. A. 41. Superseding Time Table No. 2, Dated June, 14U1, 1894. Going Sooth, schedule. Goino North No. 1. Passenger Trains. No. 4. Lve. A. M. Stations. Ar. V M. 8 35 9 10 924 9 83 U3 9 55 9 57 10 09 10 1 10 27 10 36 10 44 10 53 10 57 11 03 11 11 11 16 New Berne Poliocksville Maysville White Oak Northeast Jacksonville 5 45 5 08 4 54 4 44 4 34 . 4 22 r. 4 20 4 10 4 00 3 31 3 42 384 3 26 3 22 3 1C 3 08 804 2 58 Verona Cedarlurst Folkstone Holly ltidfie Edgecombe Woodside Annandale linmpstead Stoit'sHill Kirkland Baymead 11 22 11 83 W.fcwa Coast R.R. orogs'g. 2 47 11 50 nr. Wilmington Lve. 2 30 No. 8 Passenger and Freioht No. RailiM. Lve. P. M. Ar. A. M. 2 20 New Berne 12 00 2 46 DeBruhls 1132 3 00 Poliocksville 11 18 8 05 Ravenwood 11 10 8 90 Maysville 10 57 8 82 Wbite Oak 10 45 3 45 Northeast 10 83 4 00 ar. Jacksonville lve- 10 17 4 80 lve. " ar. 9 87 4 86 Jarman's 9 31 4 46 Verena t 21 i 55 ;Cedarburs 9 11 510 Folkstone 8 58 5 25 Hollyridge 8 46 ,5 86 Edgecombe 8 85 5 46 Woodside 8 23 5 53 Annandale 8 17 5 58 Cypress Lake 8 1 1 6 03 Hamstead 8 07 6U . Bcott'i Hill . 7 55 (lie. KirWand 7 48 ; 6 26 Baymead 7 40 1 6 40 W.Sea Coast R.B. cross'g. 7 25 '7 00 Wilmington lve. 7 00 . Ditil Except Sand. i.v'V H.A. WHITING, ; ' i J General Manager. J. W. MARTENI8, - , GenT. J-rt, and . .Agt, , GOOD WATER: F. st. 'iiardisoVweil- borer IneihaDstibU ,' supply . of clear water guaranteed. . Pump repairs a spec ialty.! dd; pumps made good as tew, Charges moderate. Leave, order atS. W. SmaUwood't, ' . . h2w LEGAL KOTICES Administrator's -Notice. The undersigned, W. B. Boyd Us duly qualified as Administrator uf the estate o t Israel Fettiplier,' deceased, an: licrehy-gives- notice that 'he require all persona . having claims against tne estate of tbe aid Israel Pettipher to present them to ; tbe said W. B. Boyd- duly authenticated, tor payment oa or befor j the 8rd day ot Sept., 1895, w else this notice will be pleaded in lar of recovery. vA 5 Persons indebted to the estate most pay without delay. - -. ' ' W. B. BOYD, Administrator - This Sept 3, 1804 . s6(lw NOTICE. The undersigned W. B. Boyd has duly qualified as Administrator of the estate of Anthony Harris and hereby gives notice that he requires all persons having claims against the estate of the said Anthony Harris to present them to the said W. B. Boyd duly authencated, for payment, on or before the 1st day of October, 1894, or else this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. 1'esons indebted to fie estate must pay without deluy. W. li. UOYLi, o20w Public Administrator. Administrator's Notice The undersigned. Lawyer Slade. has this day .duly qualified as administrator ot the, estate of Washington Slade, de ceased, and hereby gives notice tliat be requires all persons having claims against said estate, to present the same duly au thenticated, for payment to mid admin istrator on or before the 30th day of August, 1895, or else this notice will be p leaded in bur oi their recovery. Per sons indebted to said estate must par itliout delay. This 30th day or August, 1894. LA rt'YKR SLADE, Admiuistrator of Washington Slade, dee'd. W.u. E. Clarke, Attorney. CASE IN ADMIRALTY United States op Amkrica, i Pamlico District ol N. C. ( Marshal's Notice of Seizure. Whereas a libel bath been filed in the District Court of the United States for the District of Pamlico, on the 3d day of Septemlier, 1894, by Thomas E. Parkin vs the Steamer Lake Cruiser, and praying the usual process aud monition of the court, that all persons interested in the said steamer, her birkle, inmarel and furniture nuj bu cited io answer the pre mises aud all due proceedings being had, the same may he decreed tube sold and the proceeds thereof be distributed ac cording to law. Therefore in pursuance f i lie said uionit ion, under the seal ot said court term directed aud delivered. do give notice geuerally unto all per sons having or pietending to have any ugm, iiiiu or mien-si tiierein, ana to ueo. X. Ives and John li. Ives owners of said steamer. Lake Cruiser, in special to ap pear btlore the aloresaul court, at the City of New Berne, N. C. on the 22nd lay of Octulier. 1894, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to answer the said libel and to make their allegations in that. U'h'ilf. Dated ut New Berne, X. C. this 3d lay of Sept., 1804. U. ... Carroll, U. S. Marshall, By W. B. Boyd, Dep'ty Marshal. 3Totic- Internal Revenue Deputy Collector's Office, 4tli District, 12th Division, Newborn, X. C, Aug. 30, '94. Having been notified by the Depart ment of Internal Revenue, that the bill in which playins; cards are taxed two cent per pack became a law on Monday night. August 271 h, nt 12 o'clock midnight. I am also iufoimed, that dealers, and man ufacturers must list the number of packs of cards that they have on hand on tho morning of the day that the law went into etiect. under oath, to the Collector of Internal Revenue and pay the tax of two cents per pack on each pae'e of Cards on hand. Notice is hereby given to all dvalers and inanufnc turers of playing cards residing within lhe 12th division of the 4tn collection district, composed ot the counties of Beaufort, Carteret, Craven, Hvcte and I'amlico, and all that part ot Pitt county lying on the south and west side of Tar River, to make their sworn returns to me at my office in New Berne, accompanied with the two cents per pack tax. Failure to do this within thirty days from date of this notice will incur the penalty of the law. W. T. Cno, Deputy Colleetr.r 12th division, 4th col lection district of North Carolina. Ilm EXECUTRIX NOTICE. Having, on September 10th, 1894, qualified as Executrix of the last will and testament of Edward Whitford, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons hold ing claims against the said estate to pre sent them for payment on or before Sept. 22nd, 1805, or this notice will b pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in depted to the said estate must make im mediate settlement. This Sept., 20th, 1894. Nancy A. WniTFORD, Executrix of Edward Whitford, dee'd. OWdAW. Notice of Dissolution. The Firm of S. E. Sullivan and Com pany has tliis day dissolved by mutual consent, I. N. Iluey retiring ftotu said Firm. All debts due tbe Firm or owing by it will be paid and, collected by tbe re maining partner), S. E. Sullivan and Fernandes Davis, who will continue tbe business at the same place and under the same name and style. Fernanda! Dav'm, S. E. Sullivan. o81m. I. N. Huey. r The rundersifrnoa Petoy B. t'o hag duW uallfled aa Bxeootor ot the estate ot X. si. iox and Herebv Hives notice that he re quires all persons having olaima aglnst ths oslato of the said E. B. Cox to present them to the said Administrator duly authenti cated, for payment on or before the ts dap of Sept. 1805, or else thi notice will be plead ea in asrui rwuuwry., persons maeptea to said estate mast pay without delft RCTS. COX, Administrator. . . 0EIMS0N OL0YER. Seed Oatfl, Bye. ' WHeat Bed Ulover, ;, . $ Bagging and Ties, 1 Timothy Hat & all No kinds t t i 1 t "Feed.- : : vivv-wrt Write for prioeg. " ' 1 .. ' m..y.At GQAS. B. niLL3 EastV Side Market Dock, New E , N. c r wa

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