J- . ... i Cas-oria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infante ami Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor thcr Karaite puhstance. It is a harmless substitute for rarcgorio, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL . It is ricasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by '. - Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays , " fpvcMshncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, . tires Diarrhoea and ' Wind-Colic. Castoria relieves i ' .'editing troubles, cures constipation and flatulency Castoria assimilates the fourt, regulates the stomach and boWwJ, giving licaltliy and natural sleep. Cas tori is the Children' Psnr.uea the MoUiert Friend. - Captoria. ! " Cutaria Is an er-jellcnt medicine for chll rn. Mothers have rejro,oillr totd nie of lta cl upon ioU' children." 1 Da. O. O. Ctoooo, i Lowell, In Oss-ori to the htx remedy for children of rhlchlamacqual.".:ed. I hope the day Is not mr distant when moturi wllloonililor the rail ikten-at of their children, and use CuHtoria 111 lU'aO of the vtrioUEqu&ci nostrums wliieii an. wn'lng their V-.ed oum, by forolnso(i'.:ti. uofphioe, souUuDg syrup and other bur-. iil rnta down tliear throats. thereby m to nrwuiuturr grse" v Pa. J. F Kll KH.JK, - s ' 0 .". Ark j j I Tha Centaur CoiayaMj', n lj - l'rof. W. II. Shepard and I his compe lent Assistant; in the Tonsorial art will give you a good job and will nay1 strict attention to all branches of hair cutting and shaving. - , -Jriveme aeall. ' , . : At Gaston House Barber Shop. First Glass Barber Shorj BEICK BLOCK, MIDDLE ST. Nearly opposite Baptist Church. - . Apartments neat and tidy, and only competent assistants employed.. - First-class batli rooms connected with' shops. . H,I BANKS, Proprietor. ELLIOT & GREEN, . aair Dressing Parlor. ' Careful attention given to all branches ot the business. . .- . -, ; v , . Children's Hair Cutting a Specialty. ; HOOK STORE " Blank" EJooks. anij new lot rJtandMd W'irkH of Kanowned Authors. : Prayer and Hymn - Books, , Ladies I'ursen. Pens. P-motla, etc -itsci, Lte Papers and Periodicals re- e itved dvlly. , XOtf - Ttci! ' lTar.cs! 100,000 Eulrcritcrs TO HIV i.i 3 X " a Pablishod at Wheeling, W. Vir- Cinia. . 7: ) T -rmor'H Friend. 41; aC. ;uion. 'ilo 1 . t l.-ry rapcr, lias already the .t Ciroala t ion of any "Newspaper in tha two r ,1 'tin Olid, or Wett 1 . 1( 3 C )l FIBST.0LA.S3 BARfcRfiS. , Castoria. :.. , " Castoria la so well od ' pted to children that 1 rreofraend it as super tur loauy pnacrljiUoa , H. A. . ca,lt. D., 111 So. Oxford U '.lookljra, N. T, "Oar pbjBldu ia the .i's depart ment have spoken blfir ' their expert ... auui in their outside practice with Castoria nmi although , we only hare among oil 1 mudica! supplies whet is known as regain . products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of CaiKorla has won as to look wife Tnwlnao It." " .. .: UMITSD noSOTAI. AMD DlSmSAET, ' ,.'"- , Boston, Kate 4 wua C. Burro, Pre , 1 i'.v - y Streak iftsw York City. . , - kp fbnifk'tt ' ,n ' " nr.. inn itmcy 9mlm sWiiwti w U11M) diiMSMsi of toe Oenito-UrlDUT Ore HhM, eQlrts UO Ahang of din W 1 totPA-tn b takam toUrpaiti'e Voaa 8 A PREVENTIVE ft tlthp mz H ) fnnoniH t BOBtTiit Any wiresJd!)M; bntln thcaMa iKrr aircdY Uir--nnrtsSLf arvuom ft- 1 " with l.tn.-v.vra htrd UleeL W nTuraM B1. S. DUFFY, Druggint and Bole Agent. , and r- -rv ;Bf ,'r:., 1 nuuwkW l bbl SAVE1 The Best SEWINQ MONEY MACHINE MAP B WK OB OTJIl r BALERS can Mil fou maehlneac!;cupf t f?:un Tonean c elsewhere. The NEW EIOTOB ! our oesi, Duf ireioaue cheaper kinds, anch th CLIflAX. IOEili and other Hlch Arm Full Nickel Plated Sewing njaehlDos for SI S.00 and np. Call an onr ageut ar write nsw- Wa waat roar trade, and lfpriees. terms ad square dealing will win, we will ha-re it. We challenge tha world to rodnea a 2H2TTEB $50.00 Sewlnsc eiacnina tor 860tvo, or a better 0. Sewing in a chine for SaO.OOthon yon Van buy front ue, or our Agents lit Iksunn, V.ml Bwrros, VMS, t Uyxm SOAas, U.T.' .VttJW.uu.ji.1 .r. jjiruiau. JiUJJ, lUiBj -AGENTS WANTED. . , , - . Hisia.ii 1 ffllll C-5 lirl i ' mi a a r-5 jj ; t o j e t t 4 enrt B sin Tre' a euarnnio vvciik Momo :)t'fniUoou; Cu . i T . s pf t 1 lU'iifMi; lti or f. Mii8. or f.toisrtt-iive k'-' Vi'K ll B'f,U l'-f" t 11 1 i 11. v i to ( in t ar 1 , -triMM T ill'! 1 j : : : ii JFF: I, AT IS POKE. LONGFELLOW. The day is done, and the darkness 2. ,:- l''alls trom the wings of Night, -v Asa feather is wafted downward -.- From an eaglo in his flight " . .; ' I tee the light of the village- - Gleam through the rain ana the mist And a feeling ot sadness comes o'er me 7 That my soul cannot resist A feelingjof sadness and longing; - , rnat is not akin 10 pain, v - And resemMes sorrow only y , .. , As tb mist resembles the rain. . : Come read to me some poem, 1 Some simple and heartfelt lay. ,. That shall soothe this restless feeling, And banish tha thoughts of day. - Not from the grand old masters. Not from the bards sublime. it Whose distant footsteps echo v , Through the corridors of Time. For, like strains of martial music - , Their might, thoughts suggest Life's-endless toil snd endeavor: ' And to-night I long for res'. 1 Head from some -hnmbiit poet, s : Whose sonas srusti troui his heart. As shadows from the clouds of summer, ;0r tear troro. the eyelids iur:; Who; through long days of labor, And nicht devoid ot ease. . Still heard in his soul the music Of wonderful melodies. Such songs have power to quiet Xue restless pune ot cure. And come like the benediction That follows after prayer. Then read fr m the treasured volume The Doeui of tby choice, And lind to the rhyme ol the poet x ue ooauty 01 toy voict. ( And the night shall be Ml ol music Ana the cares, that infest the day, Shall fold their tents, like the Arabs, And as silently steal away. - Wholesale Market Country Prod nee Beel 4a6c; dressed. Hind quarters 5c, Ueeswaz wo, . Vurn, ow, ; Chickens, vounc, 8040-ur6wn 45a 50o pr. Oucks, Eng. S5a40c; Musoovy 50a60c. Eggs, 12Jal3c. Jeese, 76o.a80c. ," Hides Dry fliut, 8c; dry sail 8c green lc, deer hides 20c. Peanuts, QSaOUcts. Wool 8 a 10a Iambs $la$1.50. Old Sheep, $1.25a2.00. Oats, 40o. :, , . , Onions, $1.25a$1.50 , Bweet Potatoes-i-Red Yani8,40c. Norton 35c, Hamans, 20 a 25o. Cotton, 5.255.30, highest prices, PorW, fresh, 8a7c. Apples Mttttamuakect, 75o, a $100 : Field Peas 30 a 60o. The crank's methods -, are natur ally more or less revplutionary. ' ' ; Answer This Qnestion. ' Why do so many people we see around qs seem to prefer to sxifler and he made miserable by . indigestion. Constipation, Dizziness, oss of Appetite, Coming up of the 1 onci, yellow SKin, when tor 7Sc. we will sell Uem Shiloh's Vitalizer. cqar. anteed to cure them. Sold by New Berne Drug Co. : : - The pleasnre of finding oompec. sates for tbe pain of losing. fhe Handsomest Lady in New Berne Hemarked to a fiiend the other (lay that she knew Kemp's : Balaam for the Throat and Lungs was a superior remedy, as it stopped her cough instantly when other cough remedies had no enect what ever. So to prove this and convince you of its merit any druggist will give you a sample Bottle free. Largo size 50c. and A boft may be a squealer, bat be never gives anything away. 1 ,.vi. , .Jf. ' -i .' She 9(w'tTaM The (Jeutlemen, hlie was refined, Intelligent, and not bad looking, but somehow she never se;med to tske with the gentlemen. They didn t like her listless'ways; tbey said she hadn't anv "snarj'' about - her. Poor eirl she twas tuuering trom luncuonai irregularities, ana it was actually impossime tor her to tane much interest in anything. But a change came i Une aa,y sue heard ot ur. fierce'B Favorite Prescription. She procured a uottle, and she had not taken half its coo- i .... ' i . i i ,i',f, ii. tenia wnen sue ieit uae aiouier- wouiau. Now she Is in tbe enjoyment ot peiteot health, and has suitors by the score. No wonwn need suffer Irorn functional lrreu- ulurities and weaknesses.' The ' Favorite Prescription' is a safe and certain cure for ull the weaknesses to which women are pcculiuiiy subject. . ' , Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation, billiuusness, indigestion und . headache. One u dose. " . , ! ," ? m geoerouB, Meanness means enemies and bret ds riWirast, , We do not leatn to know men it they come to tit.; we mast , go ' to tbem to find out what they arp, - .. For Over Pifty Years : Mns. WiNSLpw'g SooiNq . Sydp lias been ' used tor' children teething. It woollies the child, toftens the gums, allays pain, cures wind colic, and is the best IDinedy lor Diarrhoea,' Twenty-flve oents a bottle; Sold y all diuscrisfs through out the world, 'ullBdwlm . . GET THE BEST. The new. r ' rVSPAED tldnONAEY. rihl!-i.''d bv Hie Funk' awl WagnallsCo. -,V '.A. - 1'he iiii'.-.t e ve work ever pro. 'liil on 1'iB . 1 Continent, COHt- ft 3 r"i'n 1 i- iot( e I illion Dollars. The h-'nu i r i 't ot v s 1 .hoi f j 1 a i 1 1 i a e i mors t . . , i;. . .... ii a spec t in uu- i, oils 1 ( Before buying your new bicycle ; look , the field over carefully The superiority of Victor Bicycles ; was never :: so fully demonstrated as at present : Our94 line will bear the most rigid scrutiny, and we challenge comparison. - ' 1 .' , There's but one best Victor. OVERMAN ' BOSTON. . NCW YORK. . PHILAOtLHI. CHICAGO. AN FRANCISCO. W. D. BASRINGT0N, Airt. New Berne, N. G. While one is stadyiDZ he should not forget to do some thinking Vlitm Kioy wit . -. wr cav pt- C!aKUi'i.. WUen nU ' w.i t, WX. k!ui rriif I for Ctoriw Whon alii! ecvjie Ml-. li vlung to Ouxtoria vVint ttiiu bail Cliildr-'i. she ifHvtlieej t?it4riA. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. WUe, cantioas, hooest men are often on top, but thieves, never. The Homeliest Man in New Rerue ' As well ns the handsomest, nnd others are invited to call on any druggist nuil get free a trial bottle ot Kemp s liulsaiu tor the Throat nnti iiuugs, a reuieay timt selliim entin lv unou its merits and guaranteed to relieve and cure all Chronic and Acute Cough?, Asthma, Bronchitis, and Consumption. Large bottles- 50cts and f 1, mam ueoa weow. Envy is one of the mort expen sive exercises one can indulge in Build Him tp. Mr. J. B. Lewis, of Atlantn, Qa had severe dyspepsia. Physicians and all ether remedies failed to cure him He tried Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy, and afterwards writes: "The first dose save relief. I reoommend it as the best dyspepsia remedy ever discovered 1 hv evnen H-jati since Using it vjmuuirily reoommend it to B 11 suf ferers with stomach troubles." For sale by draggists at 5Uo por bottle. Tbe thoughts that disturb men most never enter a woman's bead Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sura approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. A: yoursolvcs if you cun aftord fur the sake ot . saving ouc to run tuo nsK ana no nothing lor it We know trom experience that Shiloh s (Jure win (Jure your couuii It never fails, t his explains why more than a Million Bottles wero gold the i ;iwt year. It Relieves croups ami whooping cough at onue Mothers, do not be with out it. For lame back, sido or chest use Shiloh's Porus plaster. Sold bv New Berne Drug Co. I WBICB 80 CENTS PC" POTTLE. annv c? uiiiusir isrnM.Tins iiiii. A FOR t ALE BV DRUGOISTS. Ot, J aon'HhiriiniiiHiiiiniiiinHiHiiiniiiinititiiuinimnniiinm Mcoaktysis rie onoc f.ir oitr new "nil. iilu.t'd.iilocsg .i .;P i sr niir.M. 3 " l'tMS H& CO. L ney.g UlllUi. U.iuUi.'ViiUJUiiUIUliUIIUUiUUUUUllUIUIlU.W VITAL TO GIAXKOail. NEII .SiiAIS - I'ri. K. O. W - ST'8 NliHVB .KD DRAIN TREAT rf ' L s sttfK-.itio for livstoria, Dlzrlnesa, Fits, eo tiMH'infjtm, Norvoun ProMtrniioa cauaud b t;-h.i! or tobncoo, Wakefulnf, Mnntul PireiRiou '.'i i imiw of iirmn, cnuftliig tUMlnlty, miHury, decay c ;., : .). t- 'iiiiur Old Aif, liar ri infwd. Ix)s ol " ii!"!i:i.ir sttr, linpot.tmriy, IieuiMrrhuoa nnd J 'f wivnfHifl, Inroluntrtry Iose, Kperma 'y.a t:h 1 by over-exertlcm ot bratit, Ht$t 1 ' i ovf. :ui. "nc. A mtrnth's irtmtuxmt (1 mm t.i- - U nil each ov(lr for6 btntia, vlU ';.,,;.: ; . i iruaranUje to rofnnfltf nor .ur?d ,lff,THF.'t -. --.. !y o.nt. WCj'V'HUVKKMlilJc 'Mi n K i- ... -riip, i iiinucin1!!!, l-ivr Ooinpifttnfr is ' !!-. oia and ConetiiMilii, ... - t, t ., . ,i a ..i iivuvd only by Drugjjiar nn, A son!;, , . fUITOUS Wi'.h rcK-jctice, wnuled by l.;r 'f.st, strongest and most piv nvis- hve stock insurance company m t. ; i Liberal contract and big hi'lue i L ll l' -i 'i 1 lnsuied , wi..i ' , Aeini i 1 ''t. t , i ) S. 1 , , 1 a. . -.. .. . . J' A ia 5 minutes 14.' B 1 rhr.fconlctTHalsn7wher&. t S a AnTUAJ or HAKOonS J g gi.....l.J..i......Mljy0,POWlt S F 3 s gTriiMI;-.-.. J 1 iJatwtcfoM ?w iwttittyj WHEEL CO. DETROIT. DENVER. LEUAL NOTICES NOTICE. Tbe (nndorslimed Peiov 8. Cox has dulv uiillflea as Exeontor of the estate of S. B. lox and hereby irlves notice that he re quires all persons baring claims aglngt the estate ot tne sata m. u. vox to present them to the said Administrator duly authenti cated, for payment on or before the 13 day of Sept. ltFJS, or else this notice will be plead- ou. uiuarui recovery. withoMdeiav pieaiosa,a inost ruuvx a. vvz, Aamuustrator. Notice Judicial 8ale. lial 8ale. ft ler of the Super ; entered at May iis In pursuance of tbe order ior court of Craven county, ei term 1894, in the action therein pending, entitled V. F. Allen and others against K. C. Cleve and otheis, the undersigned commissioner, by said order appointed, will on Wednesday .November the Uoth, 1894, at the noon recess of court, oiler for sule at the court house door in the city of New lierne to the highest bidder lor cash, the lands described in the complaint in said action and in the mortgage set out therein, being the lands ot the defendant H. C. Cleve in the town of Vancebero, including his present residence and the ni'lirlilu.rlnr sfnro lnlilillnifia ' I hn innila I - iC " I will be sold subject to all incumbrances 1 having priority over the said mortgage. W. W.IM.C1TEB. Commissioner, The undersigned, Geo. H. White, hav ing qualified as Executor of the last will und testament of Allen G. (Men, deceased. hereby gives notice requiring all persons who have claims against the estate of said Allen G. Uden to present them duly verified for payment on or before the 9th day of Oct. 1895, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted to said estate must make immediate payment. u &u. ii. w hi i ii, .Executor. ADJIISISTRATOB'3 NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of Bryan II. Goskins, deceased late of Craven County, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate ot (aid doca ised to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 20th, day of Oct 1895 or this notice will be plead bar or their recov ery .JA11 persons indebted o said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 'Attn, day ot Uct. 1894. Dennakd II. Gaskins. AduYn. Bryan 11. Gaskins Dcc'd EXECUTRIX NOTICE. Having, n September 10th, 1894, quililic.i as Exrcuirix of the last will and lestanie'ii i K. I ward vvhitmrd, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons hold- m r claims against the said e&tatu to pre sent them tor payment on or iietore bent. 22nd, l(j5, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ot their recovery. All persons la. deptcd to the said estate must make im mediate settlement. This Sept, 20th, 1894. Nancv A. Whitpokp, Executrix of Edward Whitford, dee'd. 6wdw. . NOTICE. Statr of Nouth Cakolira, I Craven County, Superior Court, Alonzo Tweedale, Secretary of Fidelity, tion vs ilaXw York. Pnnn.nt inra InrlnmanUI llu Rnnar. ior court rendered at the term 189 " J""D'" ."j r i. Bn.riM.rf T ll offer for sale tho billowing dirfribed real propei ty , on Monday the 260i day of November. 1894, at the court house door fn -ihe city of New Berne st 13, mn to wut " ' .. . .- Situated in Craven county, city of New Berne, N. C, leginning on the enat side ol Berns street at a distance of 178 ft I from the N. . comer of Queen street and Berne and running . northwardly with Berne street - 25 feet, thence eastanrdly and parallel with Gardner's alley J90 feet I to the lot ot Virgil Windley, then south wardly and with windiey's line zajtet to Mosiy's line UO tee l Kerne street to tne place ol the begimiug.' mortgage registered, in me ornce 81 tuo Kegisicr. r-t Ti rrtis ot Kale uasn. 1 1;.;("-V' L. J. MOURE, Commissioner. octllOw i. a a a i ti sia sr.. niimiogiouv liVci is 3U. rruii-urcMsrs vSJtc.iNo. PAskKNOKa ahd frsibht no.s in a rnnnrrnianil anhhorltv in Praft tical Frnit-Orowinir. Market Gard ening and every - branch of the business connected witbj the irnlt and vegetable indnsti;y. Itaco)- a mil s contain articles itow tne best infonned practical frnit growera in this country. I " it is a six coi am n, eigut-pago an aronnd frmt-growern and family journal. l,t is published i semL monthly ftp Cobuen, Illinois, tbe fruit-growing centime of tha West, at CO cents, per year. Send for tree sample capjv. J tf no iou know FtLIX IE BRUM'S i i . k. ' 1 , " - - 'j v t.t wtr T ?.... i J W il A. A p JU-i v . ;.H PTp, fV.o nri. I o c h Ilia... C -8TTT1 A M"irrRa- AND OLD DOMINION 8. S.C0JfW?ow1 Stall I ... . .......!;, NEUSE ; and 1 NE WBEfiNE On and after October 1st one Of I I the above named Steamers ia ap- I painted to eail from New Berne as follows: Monday's,, Tuesday's. Wednesday's, Friday's, at 6 P. SUNDAYS 4 P. Mi Freight Eeceived Daily Except Sunday. For farther information, Apply to, GEO. HENDERSON, Agent. - HA1LBOADS : . ,- . . nuaiiuc u. w, jvaujQaa TIME 1 ABLE NO 29, P. M., Monday, Oct, 1894. In effect 2:8 Goino East 1st, ScnEnuLE I Goino West No. 3 Pamenger Iratn. No, Stations. Ar. Goldsboro 11 10 4. Ar. Lve. Lve, p.m. 3 50 4 25 5 50 3 20 8 59 130 5 58 a. m 10 25 9 53 8 30 6 47 La Grange 10 22 Kinston 9 48 New Berne 8 17 Morebead City 7 28 t. t io. 1. Mixtd Frt & No. 2. Mixed Frt. & I Past. Train. Stations. Pan. Train. Dally Except Dally Except 8 Ar. Lve. 6 30 7 05 7 30 7 53 8 30 8 55 Ar. Lve a. m. Goldsboro Best's La Grange Palling Creek Kinston Caswell Dover Coro Creek Tuscarora Clirk'4 Nev Bern 8 25 p.m, 8 57 720 7 48 8 11 8 50 724 6 54 6 24 5 20 5 00 7 34 7 04 6 30 6 00 5 05 9 15 10 03 4 25 4 56 10 31 10 36 11 00 11 05 11 17 1141 3 54 4 00 a iA o ,wi 3 02 3 12 12 15 p. m. 30 No. 5.1 No. 6 MM Frt & Pass. Train. Stations. Mixed Frt & Pats Train. Ar. Lve. Ar. Lve p.m. 3 UO JNew Bern 10 22 941 9 28 8 59 8 17 8 00 7 47 7 20 a.m, 3 37 3 42 Kiverdaic 3 48 3 50 Croatan 4 08 4 13 Havelock 4 37 4 42 Newport 4 51 4 55 Wildwood 5 01 5 01 Atlantic 5 16 5 21 Moreh-al Citr 9 40 9 33 9 04 8 27 8 05 7 52 7 27 5 81 a.m. Moreue.i.l Depot a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, jTuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 7 00 Train 4 Com nets with Wilmington Weldon trai.. bound North, leaving Goldsboro 11:55 a. m. and with Rich - mond & Ihiuville tiain West, leaving Goldshor -i-M u. n. i rain 5 connects wim uicnmono and Danville train, arriving at Goldsboro 3:00 p. m. and with Wilmington & Wel- dou intiu rrom the nortu at :" p. m. No. 1 Train also connects with W.N.& N for Wilmington and intermediate points, S. L. DILL, Superintendent Hitos, Neita & RailroatL TIME TABLE NO. 3. To take effect Monday.August 20th, 1894 SIJWO.J11. , . . . I Superseding Time jaoie jso. a, Tiateo June. Uth. ina Gowo SooTfi. bchbW. Going Nobt I No, N. 1. Pntvnger Train. No. 4. Lve. A, M, Stations. Ar. P M. 885 9 10 .9 24 ,9 83 ; 9 48 . 955. (9 57 lH New Berne 5 45 5 08 4 54 4 44 Pollocksville Maysville White Oak Northeast ar. Jacksonville lv. lv. . . ar. i i i . Verona - Oedarharst t Fol ketone Holly Kidge : Eilgecombe ' ' Wooduide Annandale . hampstead , 4 34 423 4 20 410 AW n02 3 51 10 86 10 44 10 63 1067, 1163 11 H 1116 1133 8 43, 884 8 29 8 83 8 16, 1 ScQtt'aHill Kirkland Bavmeadi' ' 8 08 6 04 1,458 1183 W.Sw Coast RR. oross'g. S 47 11 5ft sr. WllmioatouX Lve.J 8 30 - 1 Lve. t; . r. A . M. 8 New Jtetnevh . DeBruhlS i Pollocksville ; " Ravenwood , ' ' Maysville I White 0.k V i Ntrtbeasts kl 42 Q0 246 8 00 SOU .820, 8 83 : r8 48 I 1 09 1118 1110 . 10 57 10 45 in us 4O04ar, , Jacksonville he 10 IT 4 8Q lve. ;r. ;' Jarman's d i Verona t Cedarhnrs Folkstene 4 4J . 1 ffi a " 4 55 510 5'2A "5 86 5 46 5 53 '.(S58 - e oa ' 614 a in O 41 i :i ass t Hollyridge i 1 1 , . l. t' . V:. a 4 . 9 w i .li;;l Woodside si - ' S3 1 1 1 i ' Annandale 817 Cypress. Lake; l, IbuDStead 8 It a or Scett's Hill ' Ktrkland ' BnyirioKd v 484, 6 26 lf t 7 40 6 40 W.Ses Coast UR. cross's. 7 25 7 00 Wilminstos : lve. 1 CQ Dally Exe-'tEry. V i' v v n.A. v;:::tO; 1 ' .0. al I -r, v.r': C.all.t.a 11 ' - I7otice of Di:;cl: , The Firm of S. E. Su'tivnn and i . pany has this day dusulved ly ; n.l( I consent, L N. lluey retiring fioui Firm.. All debts due the Firm or oh by it will be paid and collectui by I lie to Iousiness at toe same place ana under the sum naaeand Style. .. mi ..t V. f-''-:f.'. S. E. 8utiivan. L N. Iluej. The undersiehed W. B. Butd Ihw lnlt - nilnliftnl as Adm!iiininitjir nf Ike Miiu. il Anthouv Barris and herabr oives notice that he requires all persons having claiass ,K'nst the estate of the said Anthony arris to present inn w us saw TV . B, Bojd duly anthencated, for payment, oo or before the 1st day of October, 18M, or else this notico will be pleaded In bar of recovery. ' resons inoebtea to the estate must pay without delay; ,.,toi -w, a. uuiif,' xs a o26w Public Aoministrator. , NOTIOIS, ! NETHr1t,ir Coo. , Clarence Dellafield and others, and T. - A. Green and tbe Citiseni Bank of New Berne, vs Tbe Lewis Mercer Con- ' stmction Co , The City ot 'New, Berne - water company, Anas .a. nuwr ina W. H. Conly, trading as Bitter ft Coa ly; Tbe Holland Trust Co.. The Mo hawk & Hudson Manufacturing Co., and The Snow Steam Pump Works: ' Notick:- .'.. ' To Thomas B. Bitter. nd Wm.' H. Conley. trading as Ritter & Conlej; Tbe Holland .Trust Co., Tbe Mohawk and Hudson Manutacturing (Jo , and the Snow Steam Pump Works. Defendants r above named will take notice that an ' ao- tiou entitled Clarence Dellafield and oth ers, vs the Lewis Mercer Construction . and others, has been commenced w tbe Supermr court ot Craven county to en force tbe payment of certain debts as in said action alleged to be due the plain tiffs, and for such purpose to enforce cer tain Liens ana Attachments against tne property real and personal of tbe defend ants The Lewis Mercer Construction Co., and the City of New Berne Water Com pany, situate in the County ofCraven and State of North Carolina, as well as to sell said property conveyed In a deed of trust to tbe Holland Trust Company, to dis charge those certain bnds in said deed of trust secured, and to adjudicate the sever al liens and claims of plaintiffs and defend ants as in Skid action set forth. And you will further take notice, that you are re quired to appear at the next Term of the Superior court of Craven county to be held on the 12ih Monday after the 1st Monday in September 1894, at the court house in New Kerne. North Carolina.and answer or demur to the comDlaint in said 1 action, or plaintiffs will aunlv to the 1 court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. W. M. WATSON, C. 8. C. Craven Uonnty, N. v. New Berne, N. C.Oct., 10th, '94. 0w Votioe North Cakolina, ) Slll., fvrf Craven County, t "" Kate A. Morton vs C. R. Weaver and the lleirs-at-Law of Austin N. Weaver,. Names unknown. It appearing to the Court by tbe affi davit of Kate A. Morton, that the Heirs- at-L.aiv ot Austin N. Weaver are interest ed in the premises of which partition is osmrrlit. in thift nptinii! thnr. thnir ni&mna en AlnnlTnown nrl Hint ahe rannnr. alhw rin LliliTOne. aserlain their nnmn.tt iaorrleiw La that notice h triven t,. all nidi nmona by a publication of the petition with this order in the New Berne Daily Jocknai. once a week for six weeks. W. M. Watsoh, C, 8. C. Statb of Nobth Caboliha, Craven County, Superior Court, Petition for Partition. Kate A. Morton vs C. R. Weaver and tha Heirs-ot-Law of Austin N. Wcavei, names unknown. To the Clerk Superior Court ot said County: The Petitioners complain and allege: 1. That sue and tne deieodants are ten ants in common and are seized in Ae of the following lands lying and being in the County and State aforesaid, adjoining tbe lands of M. F. Morton and wife Mollie . Morton, Martin' Carter Jr. and others. and bounded as follows, via: Lying sad being on the touiu side of Neuse riser and west side of Cherry Branch, begin- ning at a cypres, near the mouth of CheN I rj UmUUU 8U 1UU1IIIE uu uu FIU1 UK 1 . u . TIT 1 1 i- T l . I w ui. oauwi,, leui line, maneo wuu auu uua uurui tv w? t0 S, ? "Tir1?1: I ,.r JTl between M. F. Morton and D. W. Morton Jr.; thence north 10 east 141 poles to a pine; thence north 13 west 112 poles to a cypress on the river shore; thence down Neuse river to tne Degnmnsr coonuniDe 350 acres more or less. l: J r That the interest of the Mtitioner and the defendants in said land is as fol lows, vis The petitioner is seised of fta undivided one-fourth, the deieodants heirs at law of Austin N. Weaver, names m- known,of sn undivided wn-e fourths, and the uWendnnt C. R. Weaver is: mortgagee of the undivided three-lonrths ewuetl by said heirs st law. , k :i;.' That they desire t hold their shsne in severalty. Wherefore, your petitioners pray that you will appoint them, oomausw aiotaera ta divide, the some: into eooal shares by proper metes and bounds, and to al'ot to. each of yoan petitioners and the delebdants t such snares ' tnereot a each is entitled to; nd if an rqual divls ieneannot otherwise be made, then to charge the more yalnsble dividends with sticn sums as tney snsp juage MKesmoy ts DC psia lo tue utviueuus w uutirior vmn in order to make the division' equal, and to report their. proceedings tender tht hands and sealsa soon m practicable, iayoijr court.,. ' Clam ft Clask, , , , ' . . " Attorney for Petitioners. NORlK OABOJJNA, ' " ; g,, ',.. uravenvyouniv, j fcite A. Morton vs C. B. Weaver and the ; Heirs-at-iaw ot Austin jn, Wearer, j Names unknown; '-; ;' To C, R. Weaver. Take notice, that a action has been instituted in the Superior Court of Craven Coon'V by Kate A. Morton a;;r.int C. R. vw and t heirs-at-lav of A- 'n N. t.i-aver v unknown, fur piui;U,in of a tract of I situate ia t' Count v .f Crm-n, on I Kiver and Ci."rrj iaticli in claim tl i ""it as an; ; t r-tiH' l t) r ' :-."ir n..:i ; rot1 if'' t t' e i u i C. t il c tfL

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