t ' 3 t A la !.:. 1 : in t'.e 8 if .lv- . I ' ' r i ) i -i ... i. r 0, J t t ; . . .e erection, i .1 v j ; a Med to nie'-er.'i f:' 9 and 14 iii.i , y Koboo's v a 1 I d re tii n 4 ' J n.'.. 1 c' j, one oi e, ia in oi e of our most '. r 1 is a a exceedingly 1 I t,.v. i 1 r ; jr expended in ' .'! 1 e j .r just ended,' ii via-s r as follows jtcry, tju5.00; front Pmod, , r church erection, f 1,3.00, . t 3 amount, contributed to r 1, $349.43. It has one Day i L I pupils. Raised f 116.8? , a V issions" ' " 1 ' I a Presbytery. This Presby d fir its own work 1348.63; ! conui'outions for Lrunswick r, .75.00; and has received from I lornr. e, l.io.tj; total, . 1 jur L ,auelista for whole . 1 1 1 Lr tl.e summer months, who !. in t n counties, sorplyinzl7 1 c' .lIips, and 11 li-iasion sta- , I a occasional preaching points. sorted at a. cost to Presby- f U.ZS. The First Jnurch, , 1 s continued "its mission at t of :i,0.00, the pastor serving i f t'je year. About 75 additions on Lelds. 3 urch organized in Brunswick , L 'icrto the only county in Pres- with no Presbyterian church, 6 a buildintrs in course or erection. . 1 completed during the year, 2 re- t aid to the amount ot iiuu. irunj Hwy. Presbytery raised for Svn ii. Ions $554.71. Contributed to ... .jibly'g Home Missions, $308.73. i LIU -4 W '- . . WASHIXOTOX 1.ETTEB. ' f - e nm t-SteTeaaa for .' . President. ' . All the prominent officials and the mtw --:ty ot the clerks in office Here irom . jUa Carolina have eone home to .vote. :nse interest is felt in the outcome of t..e election. November 6th. Ihe ridicu lous claims of the republican campaign committee have a tendency to make some of the democrats nere a little uneasy, Chair man Ftibcock has the audacity to say that t'.. a-probability of carrying from lour to six congressional districts in Korth Carolina. In Virginia, since Billy Unbone took the stamp the republicans are claiming the earth in that state. : : The vigorous canvRss being made in New York state by Vice-President Ste venson fives him ereat nromuence as toe ending leader of the democratic party in ; 5. Ilia friends here and throughout t e Union expect his brilliant work in t Js important campaign to accrue- very r .atly to bis advantage by that impor tant (lite, . ' . , ? 1 -l , . rxltod State CoaltBSWitli Kuala. Eis majesty Nicholas, n, the new Czar cf Kussia, himself sent a cablegram to President Cleveland announcing the death of t's father, Czir Alexander and the Pre.i Jont replied directly to him. express ing the heartfelt sympathy of himBelfand countrymen with the royal family and the P.uian people. 1 " 1 ; 1 The deviation from the custom of send lr the condolence through the Secretary ( ' 9 ws bacause Czar Nicholas in no t. iiig the President made the communi c 'on more personal than official. ; -v Grcshnm on behalf of the Government frnt one also to Clifton R. -Breckinridge our minister at SU Petersburg with di rection to bim to make it properly k wn. . HAPPEICISiS OF THI BAT. CLIcao firmly clings to her big regis ' tration fliures, and as a consequence New York is suffering from a seven attack of ' annexation lever, t .;.i i. . .- Picv. Thomas Dixon, jr., the well-known Tptist clergyman of New York, has bn - -ijt for his own use the property at C; v e Clmrles, Vs., lately owned by 8np r , ri Unt Dunae, of the New York, 1 uiiuuolphia and Norlolk Railroad. ; . T e Treasury circulation statement, is sue J Thursday, showsjon increase for the moni.il of October in all kinds of circula t n of 17,054,440, making the total cir cu' n November 1 of, $1,672,093,422, or t --S7 par capita, '.'.v;.''?..'; I jr V.: A declares the bew tariff law rr 1e by and for the SouPaero people, Vt e 1 net KcKinloy tells the fcoulbern r s that the jnersure was especially y acd to bring about their commercial (L. .iuction.. ,. . . , :j( Et c.acratio cakniotioM say Morton's n-.pionfy above the Harlem will not r-o- 14 ,0 or 42,000 votes. -This, he ' will be swamped oy uw vote f. r ) .1 in this city and Brooklyn. ' The r 3 ot the campaign are looking to i ' ra heavy Hill, tote, dolm i 1 ' or said that the 1 . 4 ' a Brooklyn were more encour r - 1 a Democrats than any Other 1 u. . 4e. i . 1 . l-:::nt rincnaalea'itt Hewprt.! : E. L. Franks, the 8rd r irty candl (" ii rt'.e L'l '"o Kerute, i e ieto , 0- .! r 8, to q ! 'e s in 1 rei 1 to r . .v. s ; y of t e I i ' 1 s, 1 '! a'l the j t p 'is 1 e r"ia Lt ird, a .idtn ei'i- h ct tV peoi'le tue j-r 1 i"t J V i A!'',,ir i !. i-e I c". .m.'T 7 . 3 of our 1 (io not kno 1 v to r re- J vs' it' ! .'2 i i c . 1 ' 1 1 1 ; . . ef t ti e , r. : : t r : .iJ in a 1 I -i U'l Oil 1 i ! 'ljioiiiv:.on, 1 o) 3 onn.r l I, e i- 1 1. t v. !. -. i.e -. !. '1 ' ' nil : ... I; : I- ... V l.l. i n , v.1 ,t rr"'K:8 (rood i. 1 ;i, s.ii'se wiui v, ijrh 1 r. bnaw -i-iitod the is-cucs and ehowdl the nec- 'V of beir.'f true tj tlie Democratic ;s. t uo- ' - p '. : 2 itscconomy in .Y. hu: ' ! , .utiioils of dollnrs to Hits i-eo; 0(1 in. 1 iis short reign, and the future saving of millions, it kept in power. Ur. ,)car8 spoke lor straight-out, no. mixed, no-fusion Republicanism, lie J c'f 1 liimself a thoroagh-bred life-long . "i.i;.ran. The . correspondent took ' 1 to be a gentleman but didn't agree ... a his politics beipg himself a Demo- Dr. Thompson, proWbly'the IxMt in formed man on Populistic questions that they haye in the State, brought his stron gest arguments to bear to return toe char ges against his party but Mr. Shaw was ported enough on every line to upset all ueaaia. , .r, t- CHINESE IN RETREAT. Defeated Again by the Japanese at fonj-rang-Chefl. A Clear Eoadv - ? Now to Monkden. A Ja ; , -",!': paMM ItWM. '! v-' "IcSDOS, ITov 2. The JapaceBe ' -..ioa has this dispatch at ToLio, to-day: (The first armj, under toe commana ot marshal iama- gata, hasgot possession of Fong- Fang-Cben, and has defeated the Chinese, who are '.flying toward Natieo-Ling. The second army, under Marshal Oyama, is attack ing Kinohow. Both Talten-Wen and Port Arthm are in a critical condition." ..v;. -' ::v. . . H : ff ' r The capture of Foog Fang-Ohen leaves the road to Monkden clear for the Japanese. Marshal Yama gata ia expected to be within striking distance ot Monkden on November 10. .It ia believed that the city is beld bj a very large bat untrained and poorly equipped force. . " , - t - , Yokohama,' Nov. . 2. It is an nonnoed here that the investment ot Port Arthur , by the Japanese force beon completed by land and by sea, and that tbe tor ward move' ment of both the Japanese armies in the direction of Monkden' is being rapidly pnehed. ' 8 4 -1 ! ; Shanghai, Nov. 2. The natives papers announce : that the Chinese troops . have retaken Kienlien Chang, after heavy fighting. Tbe Japanese are . said to have been driven ont of that place with tbe loss of 3,000 men. : It is reported on good antbority that the Japan ese are leaving Port Arthur and Ua vicinity. ' - Poblle Schools in Jeopardy. ' ' The pnblio schools m North Caro Una are in jeopardy. The fusionista talk well enongh ; about tbeir de votion to the cause of education, but there can be no doubt that the combination r of incapacity '. and rascality would fritter away and steal the money that ought to go to the little children ot the State. The Bepablieau record in regard to pnblio schools In Morth Carolina Is veil known. In 1808 they collleo ted 135,806,01 foy pnblio schools; in 1869, $167,568,18 and 1870, $203, 411.01, making total of $406,411.01 collected in three years, of which only 138,981.88 was spent for com mon schools. Balelgh News and Obeerver. Hra. Martha. Jajts Pmsoi.Tt, of Cham, JackKon Oo W. Vo, writes: "Huvtaf been Kreu SUllerar XUT vumy ymm wno nwany . every dlMaae my sex w belr to, X can now mj I am well and hearty. Have done more bard work In tbe past year, and with more aee, than I have dons fur twelve years. before consulting TOO I was the most wretch ed among women, un able to walk or sit up In bed, and now I owe my rood health an to ir. Pierce's favorite Persoriptlon, "Golden Xedloal liiaoovery and Pellets.' I sained Ifns. pBisaLB. twelve pounds while using the first botti Of 'Proscription.' . . , I aend you my picture toirethw wit n my most heartfelt tbanka. 1 any one enlreHna' u I did who wants to know tbe rrtiouius of my ease and woo will tend a stumped en velope with name and adureas on. I Will write particulars." 1 Robert Hancock. : ' REAL ESTATE AGENT, ' Collection of Rents and Cluims a spec ialty. , City lots suitable for Residences and Business for sale. Finest Saw Mill sites in the State for rent on long term leave. . Trucking and Farming lands for sale. -, No. 91 Craven St, New Berne N. Cy ; Onr (roods yoa'wlll Una to be iresh and ot the best qunlitv. a liaa of the ew York Biscuit Compa ny Cakvifl. TennvV T riww's, loTne'B, Exqais- i .ii ' -ii'ir'i fine vaiuliea. JF r(iiTiCfilV0(l OHlly, Kut., Km sns, Coeanuts, etc. Coca Cum aud Cream booa through the winter. ' prifi1n ChewlnSfGum. ' Cheapest bure ia the city te buy Fen ny Gooils. Aflne Une of C h wing Tobacco'. ThelwHHtstodJc ot line On baa liund inu(ft s ur In the oav. Sinoki' and 0 different t . . ' .1 rvmokfnflr TOtiaccoH. pii . J t p ( Cigar A- . t..LjiiTtt!..WJ :'J':lVl&t MJe 8 1'HAH " ' V His ti . : :i t V. 2 IV.;:. of The Empire. 3wi'arius Allegiance to tie Czar r-Brn'ri-i Kussia- The Dead Czar's tody 10 be Consecrated. ' ' ; St. rsTEKSBUEQ, Nov. 2 Em pcror Nicholas II h:w iwned a pro olamrttion anoouaoing the death of bis father, Emperor Alexander HI, and concluding as follows: lMay we be consoled ,by the con. scioattaess that onr Borrow in the sorrow of the whole of oar beloved people, and may 'the people not forget that the strength and nubil ity of "holy 'Busma." Ites in her unity to a and her notnnnded devotion to na We,' however, in this stid and solemn hour, uhen ascending the ancestral throne ot the liassian,mpire and the Gzir dom of Polaud aod the Grand Dochy of Finland ' indissolubly connected therewith, we, in tbe presence of tbe Most High, record one solemn vbw that we will always make onr sole lui the peaceful de- elopment of the power and glory of beloved Basm and tbe happiness of oar faithful .-nnjects." ; The proclamation concludes by directing that the ' oath, of allegi ance to be taken to bim, Emperor Nicholas II, and alio to the Grand Duko George, his' snccessor no til God shall vouchsafe to bless with a son tbe union into which tbe Em peior is about to enter with tbe Princess Alii, ol Hesse-Darmstadt. The imperial ; heralds, clad in brilliant uniforms, accompanied by trumpeters, announced at 3 o'clock this morning the d jatb of Alexand er II, aoi the accession to the throne of Nicholas II. : The heralds were esoorted by a military" guard through tbe principal streets. Tbe trnmepters would blow three blasts, when the. herald would proclaim the deatb of one Eroperor , and the acoession of the other. This pro. clamation was made-from every place of vantage on the route taken by the heralds. , . : : " The BcoeBsion' -c-f (rand Dnke Nicholas to the 'throne is being celebrated by a festival to-day, as is customary. This celebration, ac cording to custom, always precedes tbe period; of . mournings Hence tbe newspapers of t -day's issue appear as nsual without a sign of mourning. The period of mourn ing will begin to morrow. - 8t- - Fetesburg, - Nov., - 2. The members of the war eounoii and officials high and low, swore alle. giance to Czir Nioholas this after. noon ; - x , k ' '"'i.-v--'' ' " """ . London,' Nov. 2. The Central News has thi dispatoh from its St. Petersburg correspondent: "Despite the nominal celebration of a fertivai, the aspect ef the city is sombre and depressing. The theatres and mnsio halU and hubdreds of shops are i dosed. Many pnblio buildings are -draped with mourning. Thousands of pri vate citizens have ' put on black. It is1 announced. that tbe official period of mourning will last three months. 1 - :-:.:.'"v,:'-v The St. Petersburg correspond ent of the Daily News says than it is understood thai the body will be eonsecrated in Moscow and then conveyed t tbe capital, where it wilt He in state four days. . .. Berlin, Nov.2. The marriage of Emperor Nicholas II, and Princess Alix of Hesse, is expected to take place soon after the fnneral, as the laws of the Orthodox Greek Church prohibit marriages between Novem ber 26th and January 18th. -CPZC1ALS COCANUTS, grated, shredded or sliced free of charge to purchasers, at New Bern Candy Factory, 59 Middle St . 1-: SPECIALTIES at Lucas & Lewis Coal Oil Johnny's Petroleum Soap lor the Laundry, jjatu. Toilet, Bnaving; tor nne Laces, Flannels, China or Glass Ware, its equal is unknown. Price 5 cents. Also copco soap lor tue Datu, s cts per coke. DISTON'8 MUSIC-Ordcrcd promptly and furnished free ' of all postage. "Tbe Fatal Wedding," only 40ets. -. . .4 ti - . ' J. Willis STAU-raos. ; FINE Broad Creel: Oysters at the door, 15 cts. per quarts-select first class ones 20 cts. Uenry Brown, adjoining Mace's drug store. - o21tf FOR Fall and Winter suits see F. M. CIIADWICK, . Tailor, 103 Middle St New Samples just received. If. - 1 the Public I II you want to purchase Goods Cheap, go to Joseph Cohen's, on the corner of bouth Front ana Middle bis. There yon will find an honest man anil one w ho will not tell you t lie.' .' , Nov. 8,189. 8t Fo t!:3 -TR.A.CI- WE ARE AGEN1S FOB , M Nonpareil is the le.st Tlour inadj VE CAIUtY I M STOCK AT ALL 1 ; S A -LARGE f-I : l.Y OP- . ! " - L .3 CV- ' 1 : 1 ( - t (':) v!:;.f We're 1 t to 1 .avo 'era. 2Tow we went your trj Jo ou them, When you jwt anything in this line see us. e uotro expect to suit every body and we don't get mad if you don't tuiy, but we think we can come as near suiting tbe majority as any one in New llerne. We are constantly receiving New Goods. New Collars, Cuffs and Ties. J. M. HOWAllD. 217 GOODS ! JUST RECEIVED: New Buckwheat Small Hominy, Big floininy, Oat Flakes, Oat Meal, Coined Beef, Big Purk Oyster and Soda Crackers, &c. . I also keep a lull line of :or : CHOICE - FAMILT : CEOCEE.IES :o: Atrial will convince you that I will sell you goods cheaper than any house in the city. To my Country Friends I . would say make my place . ; headquarU're; we give you ,;. J ": free stables and take care of your team while you are in j . the city. " Bespectlully, . J. It. Parker, Jr. ' NO. 77 BEOAD ST. Cheese!!!; I have Just Received - - 12,OOOltos Of the best Cheese that ever , - made its nppe.iranco in this ", market, which I am offering . low down for Cash. ' . ' 1 1 can sell it to vou at wliat ) War t win now cost you in the . . .. ... , . (JNKW XUUK MAItliKl J T: X?, Taylor. Ca x To Those who have come for ward during September and paid us we wish to thank them kindly. To Those who have not we shall expect them to come forward dur ing October and pay us, or make Satisfactory , arrangements with ns. . i-v.--r--?,'u'''i:;!'5:s:f On the 1st of November we will let you hear further from us. We mean to collect what is due us so please take due notice and save trouble and expense. " You have had our goods upon your promise to pay us now we expect you . to fulfil your promise. n " , very jiespectmliy,; J. C. VHITTY&CO. 23, 25 ft 27 Cravon St., lew Borne, ST. 0. I have reduced the prices on Lorillard Snuff, t3 !H3 !LVI 213 1. TJL.XIICII, "Wholesia,Ie Grocer. HOlTEYi : UOlTEYII v " Thosa wno want Honev at a HvtnE rate ol Intttreat. can iret it lrom the Safetv Invest ment and Loan Company of Syracuse Hew York. A farmer in Jones County has just Sent final papers for $400. Uany thousand dollars have already been loaned North Car olina members. Apply or address! SAAC H. SMITH, State Manager, Sew Berne, N.C. - J. J- Tolcoaa, ei Broad. Gtreet. CHOICE FAMILY 3 rccorioa and '': piiovisioisrs. Fresh Crackers & Cakes. ;, rrnit3, Can and Bottle ' G00J3, and Jellies A full ; variety on hand. Quality Fiest-Class. , L: :!:r3E:;:tli3lri-fes l' 1 i Free to my Country C ' i ulivcvd to any part of l!,3 Ctj rrc.-i-i1y. KT r 'V, ill ! fete 2 1 On TL'. (iinntl: a y . .r c. ) v . .11 111 J'fu -1 H I' 1 I. .-! r 1, till' t I V ' " !:"!). r - ' f 1: " . ii (( ..- -4 I. .A k . k. 4 Tlic finent eiiting Chocnlaie Croara on tbe market 2"c per lu. - All oilier goods sold In proportion. All 25c goods reduced to 15c. Don't forgot , thut Tuesday of every week is our special sales day. . , ' tWe are mnkinjj fresh goods every day and guarantee everything we sell. ' DUFFY & HILL. JUST 1 " A new line ol E. P. HEED'S latest Shoes, prices lower than ever in all the latest styles. - Alsi a full line of Misses and Children's Shoes, and a fuli line of all other goods, t For anything you want see our Stock belore buying; we will, save jou money. J.J.BAXTER . NOW IS THE TI1IE- To pot plants, to bloom in the house during winter; also to put Hyacinth bulbs into the ground tor spring blooming. ROMAN HYACINTHShrow-il will bloom earlier than those out of doora. They can bo had at BERRY'S -DHUG STORE. And anything desired additional from any Florists in the United States will be ordered at that Forists list price. ... btook oisr tt a iro: HYACINTHS (single and donble all colors.) Koman llvacinUi whltol ARUM, ' , . .I. TULIP, ANEMONE,' . " :Z: , ; NAKCISSSUS, cmoNonoxA,: ... :i: cuocux, CYCLAMEN, , ',! . BAUIANA3, FRKK81A. .: I HIS, - BASTKH LILT, ;B; , JXIA3, V OKINT1IOGALUM,. l! JONOUILL, RANUNCULUS, IE! . OXA1.IS, SPANXIS, . . ' i , " ; SCILLA, SNOW DUOPS, . j! i TRILlfilA . R. N. DUFFY'S ., ;. CROUPSYKUP. At this season children are liable to at tacks of the Croup, and parents should always be prepared by having a bottle ol R, N. Duffy's Cronp Syrup on hand, pre pared from the recipo of the late Dr. Walter Duffy can be had oi the Druggists, and of R.5T.. Duffy, proprietor, New Berne, N. C. Certificates of its efficacy can be seen oi the proprietor. 85 cents per bottle.- Bee that tbe wrapper reads: R. ti. DUFFY'S GEOUP 8YRTJP1 PREPARED AFTEB A HECIPE OF TBE LATE DR. WALTER DUFFT. . -av-Beware of false dealers who are selllnir an imitation, eroup syrup tor 39 cents.. J. E. LATHAM No. 3 CRAVEN ST. DEALER IN " ' . ?f ; Lime, Cement, Terra Cotta Ha Pipe for drain and Sewers all sizes in stock. - Also - fittings. Bejsure tobuy a barrel of ,. ALUM . i' : - For Sanitary Purposes' inest'youever'saw. ' : : t r WPiicea Guaranted. - - . ' FARMERS, " ; Do Ten TTant a Qc:i ' TJie Walter A.Wood '.' Tubular St' el Mower lends all others 'i id lightness 4t diaft, weight of ms v -t chine and -ease of management. For descriptive circulars or information Apply to , . " L H CUTLER & CO. fiMm-oCTctrs, -o-LioiiT MAcnixr.:tY-o- $3-ALL WORK 0 UAIUNTEEDC 1 YS. O. BE No. 44 Craven Street, nearly opposite . City Hall, New Ecrne, N. C. JS T - . l'lesiumit. on ice: 9 cianrni. st, -0;Oi 4 l - ,;: ' JUST RECEIVED IN JEKSV, VELVET '& CLOTO. ......' .".,. A NICE LINE OF . HOYS I 12 13 F1 Kit .IA KETN. 2J" f FAIR Single Knoe Fants with Double Scat and Knee, from ",. Vl AN IMMENSE LINE OF- S ' . . . . Ladies Cloaks, Caps and Wraps in all the Leading Styles at less than the Cost to Manufacture. ' A LARGE STOCK OF " . . ' v 'Linen Towels in Fringed and Hem stitclieu Borders, ,1JUST RECEIVED AT OOIEHE3iT, -4- T32l IKqd. Star - Clothier, Heaflanarters , For Everytins A now supply of HOUSES just for Farm or other work constantly The largest and best Assortment Wagons, &c, in Eastern North 1. Harness, Wliipst ltobes, &c ' , - - ofany kind wanted, All orwhticli will be sOld low ..- . i r for CASH Or Negotiable Paper, ilBIi!JWifiBe V I : 5 - Wanted in M Livery Line. v j j arrived. A fine lot of MULES on hand. of Coaclies, Carriages, Buggies, Carolina if not in the State. 7

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