Ulj TUUXS. Cijiillauctl Iimiii iage 1st. , JO . - f . r i . v. ; -loins. Iowa. -Vote in this city has j i j lilii-'iiKlication light all over . .:k. ' ., .-.;-.- ' , . . ... . i rso All IwiiKK-wtk! srongres t-v .ted from this Stab- ,bf ,mm ma- j .ties except 4ih, 5th and 6ih listncts. Vle Democrats tarry 1, and 8 dUtrictefor Congress , ' s St; Xouia 17 precincts give Guet berg. Democrat, 2504; Toll, iwpuDiican, 80 precincts give Bichard, Republican, ., , no pilsner, jjewocrat, oox , , v . Denver Returns via alow.- Towns fcmrd from female vote is quite forge. i , republicans claim their ticket eieciea.: ;- '. Sooth Dakota indicates election or Republican Governor by large plurality, Pmuaajlvaala. ,' . Phtlvdelphia Ketuxns continue to bow rep. gains all over State, v ..... IWtmnla. . :- - . Milwaukee, Wis, .The-, vote will be compared with 1892. v Three towns beard . from how net Republican gain of 47. Milwaukee State ' Rppnblican from 80,000 to 29,000. ' j ?""':: . ' . ' maneaata. ' i Bti Paul, Minn'-rlO products from V "' 8 counties give Kelson, Republican, for 1, Governor, 618; Bicket, Democrat, 175; . Owens. Populist. 81. Miller and Dayton, ' -' Republicans in 2nd district, are elected to '' tTimorem. ... ... s "i Indianopolia, Ind. 10 precincU in ta- ;,( jdiana. Own, Republican, 1,006: Meyer, Democrat, 508. The same in 1892 gve jjParrison 939; Cleveland, 630. ,, iTbe summary of the latest telegrams is ;! follow nrfL toi Tom Johnson, Ohio Democrat, is do--1) bated by oyer 5,000. ; Indications are that Rich. Republican, r la elected Governor of Illinois by: oyer .i, 5.000i It is believed that all the Uepub --. Jicaa State ticket and Congressmen are elected, and . Bepubucans claim Dotn . knaaheaaftbalrislaiiira,.' ' Ia Arkansas the indications that the ....Democrats have elected all the Congress- l . men. u-.i, i Nelson, Republican, is elected Governor (.ormnDesouoyiw.wu. , , Total vote for Governor of Mew York . elty m Hill 124, 056; Morton 121,081; Wheeler 87.872., t Total vtU for Mayor: Strong 152,691; t Grant 111258; Strong over Grant 41,434. r tThe aasociateed press says that so far tti M beard from the Republicans have gain 4 4 ed throughout the country 42 members of 'Ceagrees. ' ' i' eetUaw llHlkUH. ! ,Tbe above is a striking bead, and is one Mi which would not be likely to be taken for . the title of a book and much less a per- lodkaV bat nevertheless it is the name of a meoUJy laigaaiiis published by E. C. Robertson & ConMave Building, Cin .t dneati, Ohio. The copy, of the mazajine before us. . the first number, bears out all its name ' Indicates. ' It contains 200 pages on a i. vast range of subjects and it contains the t'best and most interesting collection of t facts relative to the industnes, resources ri and possibilitee of the South that we have , ever seen ia one volume. Open the book anywhere end you are sure to become hv , terested. ' We : wish the highest success to "The Road of Wealth Leadi Through the VBouth . CTTM CKOF Or TEXAS. laswset Bver TkMiuai or Balca Afemdme la the Fields a J &eat f Prle farmer Swear- law Thejr will Vet Flaat Stalk News from Texas is that the cotton sit uation continues to favor the biggest crop .' ever raised in (hat State. The weather ie '"till bright, : balmy, warm and perfectly ckar. " The bottom, middle and top crops mfull . Many 4 mrmers speak of abandoning 'what is left 'They eay it will scarcely !' payjthe expense of picking, packing, ties, ginning and marketing. They scarcely Know what else to do 'unless the price is v eonsiderably' raised. It is certain thous- and of bales raised will never be taken " fim the stalks. '-' i Just about now everybody is swearing be will not plant a seed of cotton next , t year. 1 Almost any of the products of the "'toil of Texas will pay better, such as corn, I oats or Wheat. As proof of this three or four times; the usual area of all wheat is 'toeing sown. --:' . i v. - - ' ' f -t;A ji jj. Matthews,' dealer ia wool, at 252 TOngreM street, Boston, Mass., has made an assignment ' The liabilities amount to ' about $400,000, and the assets f 350,000. . Judge Fitzserald veaterdavTchareed the "JTovember grand jury of New York to continue the investigation of the charges m asainst the police officials brought out by ,ue Lexow committee. ; aw Prof. Wiggins, the Cauadiaa weather w prophet, has given os a rest on cyclones. a The next big thing to happen will be an ejarthquake in New England in 1904.,: ; 1 " The annex to the Waldorf hotel 'which " John Jacob Aetor is about to build in New York will eost about 8,000,000. I The Waldorf, owned by WUliam W. As- tor, cost $5,000,000. -' - - f f1' The Popolo Bomano and other dailtes continue to predict that there will be 1 trouble In Russia unless Nicholas XI grant aconsUuuJon.r'rf ; . ' r . : .The cargoes of seven steamers loading . with cotton at Savannah were discovered to be on fire at one time Morday evening. .'One Weamer had , tan thousand' hales ' aboard. , and large amounts were On the ,o'hers. By nudnight the fire on four of tue vessels were extingmsned ana tnree , were, still burning. The lossjas near as , can be ascertsiasd f5O,OO0' j Cornelius Parker, a colored man ie the t Todl-pox service,: was stricken with, the ( -ease Monday and removed to the pest I onse. Ballard Morris, the principal ex t ier in the patent office, who was rs - v ; to have the disease, was found, on . 'peton to be suSering ftoman aggrava iui'case of vaccination.c f.i-. - i ' :0'(- a r aa who is alwaj fiery and ci ia t:a er rts- to convince 3 c-i I'intui flowers on ft NETaCILK COIS REPUBLICAN. ; (Continued from page 1st.) . Hill 10.440: Wheeler 245. Same in 1891 i4ve Fassett 14.169; Flower tt,T54. ' Commercial Advertiser aayt Btronfr's mninritv ia citv for Mayor will be 4U,ow. New York, , Mail and Express claims election of entire aoti-tauimany -city 1 The Bun mys ,that Tammany Rail is beaten all around. ' ' ; ;v ; j 5 New York, United Press bulletin re turns so far indicate a plurality tor Hill in city ot aDout ,ow. . :: . H11 gives the State ' to Uorton by 100,- 000 majority. Goflfs election also con Miffed... r;-. .- , . -Sua bulletin says that Goff for Recorder is - runninK ahead of his ticket: bis plurality will be about 50,000. Associated V" Press- bulletin . from Rochester says that indications are that Morton will carry the county by over 5,000 and the city by about 4,000. Brewster, Republican elected toCoo- gress bv 2,000. Associated ITesa dispatcn from Albanv savs that Senator Hill and Flower concede the Xtemo&ndc party is beaten in the State. 870 districts, mil 82 960: Morton 00.793: Wheeler 6,942. i Aaeocteted Press bulletin . from Buflalo says pemoemtic committee concede Mor ton's carried' Drle county -by at least 10,000. Associated Press dupatcb fiom Albany says Tracy. Democrat, ia elected to Con- eresa from Albanv. . E ysa aistncts give mil, iuz,4v: mor- tDn, 100,404; Wneeler, T,482. Brooklyn, oyu districts, urn- w;ui: Morton, 75,784; Wheeler 8,866. State of New York, 407 districts out side of New York and Brooklyn, Morton 59,716: Hill 40,298; Wheeler 933. The same in 1891 gave Fassett 48,806; Flower 43.668. New York, 800 districts. Grant 72,119; Strong 101,438, Hill 106,274: Morton 104.206: Wheeler 7.802. ; New xorfc The city of Kingston, emn- piete -gives Morton 2,470; aim Wheeler 19. In 1891 the city leave Fas sett 1,837; Flower 2,340. Oswego, New York, Hill carried the citv by 800. (the San savs the ReDubltcans have elected a full ticket In Brooklyn. The Mail and JCxpress bulletin says Re publicans have elected 00 to 100 of the 128 members of New York State As sembly.'" ' xne Bun says tnat umo .Democrats concede the State to the Republicans by 5,000. The Times bulletin puts Tammany g loss 75,000 as compared wHh Gilroy's vote. The Journal savs that McClelland. Bartlett, Walsh, Minor and Sulzar, Dem ocrats, are all elected to Congress. Buffalo. H. I. line county elects one Democrat and 5 Republicans to the As sembly. New x ork Hill's plurality in the city will be about 2,400. The whole reform city ticket is elected by pluralities of from Z3,UU0 to 45,000. Bun says Iowa has 10 Republican out of 11 congressmen. AMlramriit fD. H. Stanton of I A- aranae. We learn with regret of the assignment of Mr. D. M. Stanton of Lagrange. He was a dealer in general merchandise a trucker and farmer ot progressive ideas, exporter of the village and is a good man. Xne immediate cause ot bis embarrass ment is said to be poor collections. Mr. Stantons liabilities are $7,000 and bis assets nominally the same. TooVany Receivers. Milwaukee, Wis-, Nov. 5. Judge Jenkins, the Northern Pao ifle receivers and the Farmers' Loan and Trust company of New York to-day came to the conclusion that it would be best to discharge the twenty-two receivers of the twenty-two branoh lines leased and operated by them, in the interest of economy. These sab-receivers were getting in the aggregate (100,000 a year. Mechanics Leaving Pullman. CHICAGO, Nov. 5.Thirty-fonr families left Pnilman yesterday for Biawacba, Kan., to join the new co-operative colony there. They in cluded a nnmber of first-class me chanics, former employes in the Pullman shops. i " ' ' Cold Weather at the North, Washington, Nov. 6. Since midnight despatches from all over the North, Best, Middle add West, report that the weather is growing colder, In most localities clearing and in some localities with snow; bat every where a high wind pre vails. The probabilities are that election day will be clear and cold with a great deal or snow, slash and mud under foot, the latter particularly. To Ask Foreign Powers to Stop the War. Loudon, Nov. 5. The Central News agency says isthere reason to believe that China has resolved to formally ask the powers who have immediate commercial interests at stake to stop the war. The Chinese Minister is said to have communicated the request to the foreign office in Lindon this afternoon. This evening he start ed for Paris to seek interviews with M. Hanotanx, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and President Oasimir-Perier. Snow Storm in New Terk, ; . ' Sabascb Lakh, Nov. j 5 A heavy anow storm has raged in this vicinity atnee 3 o'clock this morning. It is now - four inches deep, which will make the roads deep in mod ' and almost impass able. . ' ' - ' Ogdeo burg,, N. Nov.' Snow baa beep ailing all day, melt ing aa it fell, i Following the, au tumn rains, the snow has tendered the condition of the country roads very bad.'VH "' -yf? Walton, N. T. Nov. 5 About half an inch of snow fell - here .this evening. It Is still snowing bard, i White HalLN. X, Nov.5. Des patohes from Rouse's Point, Piatt sbnrgh, Aasable Forks, West Port and other point along' the Lake Champlain valley state that it has been snowing moat' at the ay, It ia storming hard here. now. , - j Don't Send Telegrams to Chairman Chairman Pou said last night that be desired to request that all tele, grams tomorrow night from differ ent portions of the 8tate intended for the State Committee sbon'd be sent to the County ' ' Chairman and not to bim; V that he bad ' made, arrangements with thee County' Cnairmen to Bend him all neoessaty advices, and that much expense and time would be saved by letting everything gv through them, Another lynching Imminent in Ohio. Toledo, Oy Nov. 6 A Blade sptciat - trom ; jfAuiaing, , Ohio, reports the' horrible murder of a hoy, aged 7, and bis sister, aged 5. the children of Samuel Good, a prosperous farmer Dying aboat to miles .from the town. I The children, started out yesterday to visit a neighbor but not return ing at dark, searching parties started out. The little bodit-B were found in a brush-heap a( daj ligb, . The bov's throat was out from ear to ear, the girl war disembowl. ed, the weapon being an axe An attempt bad been made . to burn the brush-heap, but it was too wet. The theory ia that the little girl was outraged ar.d then the double murder was comoti!ted to bide the crime. Thesurroundm country is in arms and arau-d men are search ing every where for unv BQHpioiouB persons. JASPER CORRfcSrONDESCE. Local News Along Religions, Local and Other Lines. Capt. L mooter ol V.inceboro who married Mis Pe.nrl Ipocs at Core Creek last week, pas ed thiougti Jasper companied by his br.de on their w ty to the home of the groom "long oi-iy they wave." Mr. Charlie May f Maple Cvp- ress, with his becoming smilev was in our midat Sutday. O.iuie again Charlie. Oar public school began Mouday. The trustes were fortuuateiu se curing the services ot Miss Melissa May to teach. Jasper needs a physician, not that it is more unhealthy here than elsewhere, but that it is too far to send to New Btroe, eleven miles, every time we need a Doc or. We learn that there is not a physician east of us nearer than Grifcon and we think that some young Doctor would do well to locate at Jasper. Mr. Edward Wetherington of Batcbelora creek and Miss Mary, daughter ot It bt. Daly, near Jas per, were married Smday at 8:30 p. m. by fiev. Mr. Britton. Oar best wishes go with them. Rev. Mr. George (Episcopal) of New Berne, filled his regular ap po'iitment here last Sunday eek in the afternoon, The regular preaching day at Stony Branch Free Will Baptist has been changed from third to fourth Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. V. G. Britton pastor, preached last bunday. Mr. John Bratcher, aged 29 jearei died at his home Sunday, Out. 28th, at one o'clock. The bereaved family have the sympathy of this community. List of Letters. Remaining in the Post Office at New Berne, Craven county, N. C, Nov. 3d, 1894. A Roger F. Andrews. B W. A. Bridgers, John W. Brown, Lainzry Bryant, Mrs. Anna Bryant. C Miss Mary Vainy Cradle, Mrs. Celia, 80 Jarnion St. D- Miss Mary Ann Dickerson. Mis Mary an Edward, Rutus East war.!. F Mrs. Sarah Flowers, Abas Bettie Fullord. H Shermon Ilaskey, Miss Bettie Han cock. J Dr. H. C. Jones. L Stephen H. Little. M Samiel Mahn, John Wesley Moore. N Miss Lena Nelson. O Isonn Owens. P Georgina Parker, H. B. Powels. R Mrs. Mana Richardson. S-Abrham Smith. T C. H. Thomaaon, A. L. Trenton. W E. H. Wood. Persons calling for above letters will please say advertised and give date of list. The regulations now require that one cent shall be collected on the delivery of each advertised letter. T . M. Manj-y, P. M. -SPECIALS- BOOKS Choice hand furnisbe j in JOUENAL. Standard Works on club rates 'with Th SPECIALTIES m Lucas '& Lewis'-r Coal Oil Johnny's Ptir.tlciim Soap for the Laundry, Bath, Toilet, Shaving; for fine Laces, Flannels, China or Glass Ware, its equal is unknown. Price 5 cents. Also Copco soap for tne bath, 3 cts per cake. DISTON'S MUSIC-Ordered promptly and furnished ' free of all postage. "The Fatal Wedding," only 40cts. i tt r r J. WlLUB STAU.IKOS. ' FINE Broad CreeK Oysters at the door. 15 cts. per quart select first class ones wets, iienry xsrown, adjoining jnace's drug store. : o21if FOR Fall and Winter fsoits flee F. M, CIIADWICK, : Tailor,- 103 Middle 8t, New Samples just received. ; ' it. GOOD WATER: F. J. Hardlson well- borer. Inexhaustiblj supply , of clear water guaranteed. Pump repairs a spec ialty. Old pumps made good as new. Charges moderate, Leave orders at E. W, Smallwood's, . ' - s42w T the Pnblle I ' ' II you want to purchase Goods Cheap, go toJosopli O. lien's, on thecomer of south Front anil 3iiuHe bts. xnerd you will find an honest man and one who will not tell you lie; - Nov. 8, 1894. , St ' AEiftCut in Wages. -:PIttsbuko. Nov. s.-A cat ranging from 20 to 40 per cent, on the wages of alt tonnage men em ployed in the Pennsylvania Avenue plant of the Bainsworrh v ataa company has been Ordered and ec- uopmu. .xuo men are not organn ed and the cnr. nhhnncrh anan4, log dissatisfaction, will not likely tonuib m h since, - . . ' n"3 ASY TO GET m. Where there's a sldggisb Uvr, for any of the germs of disease that surround you. If your liver were active and healthy, it would keep them out of your blood. You'll "have to watch your liver for self-protection. Just as soon as yon see the first symptoms that it's wrong (eruptions on the Bkin. or a dull and worn-out feeling) yon ought to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. That will start your liver into healthy, natural action, purify your blood, too: it will brace up your whole system, and give you strength and color, and put on needed flesh-not fat, but wholesome, necessary flesh. .- aftlord Centre, O, , Dr, R. V. Fibrch! Dear Sir I heartily recommend your "Discovery" to any person suffering .from general debility as the best thing they can take for it. After taking the "Discovery" I am happy to say I never felt better in my life than 1 do now. "Tis not the Cloihes which make the man, but they help," Hats, Clothes and Shoes civil ized men cannot do - without. We've got to have 'em. Now we want your trade on them. When you need anything in this line see us. We don'c expect to suit every body and we don't get mad if you don't buy, but we think we can come as near suiting the majority as any one iu New Berne. We are constantly receiving New Goods. New Collars, Cull's and Tics. J. M. HOWAKD. I n v AT "W&A1 H0m FRIDAY KVKIMIXJ NOV. 9TH. 61M1IMM-6 2-TltEMENDOUS END MEX-2 SUPERBLY COSTUMED ! ELEGANTLY SET! MASSIVELY DESIGNED !!! GRAND OLIO. Introducing brand new songs. Tuneful .Melodies, aide-splitting Jokes, Masterly Hits, Huge Impositions, Beautiful Faces, Topical Songs and second-band Fluster?. Hair-lt-iising Fents of Tumbling! Pullman Cur Porters in an Elegantly Designed Display of Spectacular MaonificenceI Funny Specialties I louia Uuhber Contortionists 11 Veritable Human Snakes !!! 'Trial by Jury." A Legalistic Travesty on Justice. it The Hypochondriac." A Satire on the Frailties of Man. BgyGiven under the patronaore of the New Berne Naval Reserves for the benefit of the Uunilorm Fund. Bgr&allery 25c; Reserved Seats, 50c. Seats on sale Wednesday, Nov., 7tli, at Nunn & McSorlcys. n64t Cash Discounts Allowed from regular prices on all Cash purchases at All outstanding hills settled during November will be allowed a discount, ex cept NEWSPAPER bills. Crop 1894 Wakefield Cabbage 41.75 per pound. It. BERRY. mm & Mtsora. Our goods you will And to be fresh and ol the best quality. a line of the Mew York Biscuit Compa ny Cakes. Tenney's, lowney 'a, Bloroc's, Exquis ite and Mueller's fine candies. Kraits received daily. Nats, Raisins, Cocanuts, etc. Cooa Cola and Cream Soda through the winter. Pepsin Chewing; Gam. Cheapest Store in the city to buy Fen ny tioods. Aflne line ot C hewing Tobacco's. The largest stock ot line o uban Hand made Cigars in the city. " Smoking Articles and 80- dlflerent kinds ot Smoking Tobaccos. Tobacco Poaches, Pipe Cases, Cigar Holders, Cigarrette Holders, etc. OIIEliSSJb: !! Cheese!!! I have Just Received 12,000 libs Of the best Cheese Ihat ever made its appearance in this ' ' market, which I am offering low down fr Cash. ' . 1 I can sell it to y,,n at wim- i itwillnowoisl you in t!iiS"JSI NEW YORK JilAREET ) J- IP. . Taylor. " MONEY ! HOUETH ThnM wno want Monov at a llvlna rnt ol IntArst. can aret it trom the Satetv Invest. roent and Loan Company of Byraonse Mew Tork, A tarmer in Jones County has Just Sent final papers for 40. Many thousand dollars have already been loaned North Car olina memoers. Apply or addrca Ml AC II. RMITIT. tstute Aianagor, mow uernc, x. v. - . -cc: DUFFY . "ILL'S Sales IDci3r! On TUESDAY of every week , ? Gircat Reduction in prices on all goods manufactured by this firm, ' Frac-M,,- -; 50c psrlb, Jelicioas.:- h'A 25: " " ' The finest eating Chocolale Cream on the market 23c per lb.-. - . . All other goods sold in proportion. ". All 5c goods reduced to 15c" . ; " ' Dtvn't forget Unit " Tuesday': of every week is our special sales day. , , ISfWe are maklns fresh eoods everv day and guarantee everything we sell i DUFFY & IlIULi. A new Ime ol E. P. BEED'S latest Shoes, prices lower tlian ever in all the latest styles. Alsiafull line of Mistes and Chililreu's Shoes, imd a full lino of all other goods, ' , For anything you want see our Stock beiore baying; we will save yon money. '- ; J.J.BAXTER To Those who have come for ward during September and paid ns we wish to thank them kindly. To Those who have not we shall expect them to come forward dur ing October and pay us, or make Satisfactory arrangements with us. On the 1st of November we will let you hear farther from as. We mean to collect what is due us so please take due notice and save trouble and expense. You have had our goods npon your promise to pay us now we expect you to fulfil your promise. Very Bespectfully, J.C. WHITTY & pO. 23, 25 tc 27 Craven St., New Berne, N. C. THEY HAVE GOT TO GO. AND I HAVE PUT THE PRICES TO MAKE EM 60. I bave Just "arrived home from New Tork where I have spent six long weeks .iu looking up -Clothing Department- A good Han's Suit lor 2.98, worth $5.00. A Better Han's Suit for 4.00, worth 1M. Ohildrens' Suits from 98c up. ' A tall line ol Hen and Boys' Pants to suit the most fastidious. . Special bargains in Rubber Clothing Hen and Ladies' Macintosh Cape Toata, Hen's from $3 JS0 np, Ladies' from 88o op. My Underwear & Hosiery Dep't,, is larger and better assorted than ever be fore. Hen's and Boys' Undershirts trom 15c apiece up to the finest to be had. Hen's Red Flannel Shirts 35 cents np. A White Laun drled Over Bhirtior 40 cents. . JUST enn f nUSTTS which will be Received u" tUttOJiliS sold v'ry cheap A FULL LINE OF . Dry Good, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Comforts, Blankets, & Gents' Furnishing Goods, For prices to suit the Hard Times. A lagenpply of Gents' Neckwear will be sold at reduced prices. 3rjjon't rail to give me a caU before buy lng elsewhere. WM. tSUJUTirV, AGT. 89 Middle St., net to Barry's Drug Store. NEW BbRNE,N, 0. DUFFY'S CROUP SYRUP. At this season children are liable to at tacks of the Cioup, and parents should always be prepared by having a bottle of R. N. Duffy's Cronp syrup on hand, pre pared from the recipe of the late Dr. Walter Dutfy can be had of the Druggists, and of R. N. Daffy, , proprietor, New Berne, N. O. Certificates of its efficacy can be seen of the proprietor. 85 cents per bottle, bee that the wrapper reads: R. N. DUFFY'S CROUP SYRUP. PREPARED AFTER A RECIPE OF THE LATE DR. WALTER DTJFFT. j syBewirt ot false dealeas who are aelUng aa i-ulutton croup syrup tor ii cents. Robert ; Hancock, ' REAL ESTATE AGENT. . . Collection of Bents and Claims a spec ialty. . City lo suitable lor Residences and Business for sale. Finest Saw Mill sites in the State for rent on long term leave. ' Tracking and Farming lands for sale. : No. 81 Craven Bt, New Berne N. a NEW GOODS! JU8T RECEIVED: Xew Buck wheat' Small Hominy, Big Boniiny, Oat Flakes, Oat Meal, Corned Beef, Big Park Oyster and Soda Crackers, &c, , , I alto keep a lull line of :q:; CSGICE TAinLY, EEOCEEIES :o: .'A trial will convince you that I will sell you goods cWuprr than .r y !:oubo in the city. . : To my Country Friends I ' r would say make my place " ; ' headquarters; we give you , ' freestahles and take care of .. s '' . your team while you are in , .' the citj. ' RL'spectlully, 1 J. Jt. JLnr!ior, Fr, .7 v... - f i ft 7 ; - 500Boys& Childrens' Suits-500 JUSX IN JEUSY, VELVET-. & CLOT I h A NICE LINE OF BOYS It 2 jjQ PAIR Single Knee Pante with AN IMMENSE LINE OF Ladies Cloaks, Cans at less inan tne uosc , , ,. ..' . A LARGE STOCK OF Linen Towels in Fringed and Hem stitched Borders, JUST RECEIVED AT Tla-e Bed Star Clotla.ier, T7 TTTTnT.m BTK8ULT, Heaflparters For Everytiiiiii " "fir A new supply of HORSES just for Farm or other work constantly The largest and best Assortment Wagons, &c, in Eastern North . .r ,f v., -1 a--t. Harness, Whips. Kobes, &c. ! ofany kind wanted. All of which, will be sOM low forCASH Or Negotiable Paper. AMMOTH Furniture - : a) V.y tf va ' C. I THIS FINE RATTAN Ai 0i! jo;-'G Also the Large Kattan at $2.50 for 1,75. " . -X- 1 i r ' PURCHASED STKAIQUT-rNO JOB LOT. v. L-:r::t, C::t cr.J pi i r" . r sir Ever brought to Eastern IToith Car ' aud at ROCK BOT'I Prices. , J. Cuter, . Eouth Front Etreci,u; :C .Li Hotel. A. V Vf -W" RECm VED . tZ EFE I-t, JACKETH. Double Seat and Knee, from JQ1 U1 and Wrans in all the Loading- Stvles to manutactare. " v . .r -o Wanted in the Livery Line. . . ( - ! "W, VT- - arrived. A fine lot of MULES on hand. of Coaches, Carriages, Buggies, Carolina -if not in the State. - Emporium ROCKING OHAIK. for 01.53. Advertised elsewhere