TrT TNULTJOCKNAi,tspullishciedDslJ .c undny at U-OO per yeri si v s. Delivered U liy Hobseilbers at i i cents DertmHith. 'i ' WkLKLf H ttNAi.'Xs publisljed eveivThussdsrstat.'S lfc-rv'''- ' -Ft, uient fortranst"!!! nitrertlserain masrt be mads In (Jvanc-. . u-trninr .-..ivorus menta will be eolecUMlniiii at tl end ot esen, month, f i CoromnnlosUons containing Of sin 'ctunt DubUe Interest are solicited. Ho com- mnnleatlom must b expected to be pabltsh tbat contain objeottonable pereonalltles, or wilholds the name ot the author. Articles lonjrer than hall a oolnmn moat be paid tor. - AdTSrtlseacn ts under bead ot Business Lo call and Reader! 10 cents per Una tor tat nsertion, 6 oenU each subsequent Insertion. Special rates for extended time. , : ' Any person Jeeling aggxlerea at anyauony J to au oemmiulcanrm can baln the mame 'Jt tit" the aataos by sppUcsuoa at tsus nee an4sJwlntrel;lfcs frisvsswe ms. er-Stt-o-iS BULKS ADOPTED BTTHX NORTH C. "- OLTHA PRESS ASSOCIATION, f The stm ot sot lass than lire eenta per line will be charged tor "oards ol thanks, 'resolu tlons or resneef and obitnar poetry also forefeitoary notloes other than those which the editor hlmseH shail It as mattes ol SoUces at eharoh and Society and all other nsartalnsBents tram whloh revenue Is to be derived will be charged -tor at the rata otS eektva line, i " ? HE JOURNAL.., Pwprlstor, Local Exporter. o.TtgAKcocs, JSffTXiUereiat the Jd Office atJfeu BornS. 0H at mamthiatt matter. The people of this country an anally consume each 162 onnees of tea and coffee.' jilt to estimated that the Hawaiian &nger will crop will amount to 150,. SOOO toes, large crop. Irrigation fe-has A been extensively "used this r JW & the plantation. f , ' ftl no charitable aooiety inLindom f-ijae.tblrty-eight offices where in trsjtiry is made into all oases of du- " vwa uresentru. The Glasgow University Total Abstinence Society carries on work both in and out of the University, the latter being principally la a liaeiO! on. Dr;"Gamll;8timates that 20, 000.000 religions services, not flonnting the Banday. sohools, are CUUU ivarylyear; iaii wCPnited Btatos, and that 10,000,000 eer oare preached in 165,000 places oT worship. r - - i Dootors have traced much ser- ions iltaeas among, woasen, to the kablt of wearing thin-eoIeoT house fboes.- A toons may . be eomforta- blw while the floor Is cool, damp and drafty. Cold floors are respon kible fof many jasee of neuralgia and rheumatism, also more serious troubles. Wear thick-soled shoes Moat, Isolds are contracted while i la.: l.!tl r a 1 t .1... ItUBgsuu. Always aoop tug iceu warm. ? I raduciirsTifoi sit ibid it. "Shake not thy gory locks at me, thon can'st not say I did it." Treason, Treachery and Spoils Jar 'triumphant. The Democracy of ' North Carolina has done its dnty. Since the moment it over threw Bepnbhoanism and led the people out of Badical bondge to tpreseni time, it has been the y fteadfast defender of right justice ('and! liberty. Why then .has it "IallenT Treason and' Treachery entered its camp, and marshaling all of their forces under the Mo loch of Hate, marched under the banner ol Spoils to the acoomspHah ment of their hellish purpose. The contest is not ended. The treason of Arnold could not hinder th9iidepeniJeaoe;of 'American: the treachery "of Judas could not prevent the establishment of the f .kingdom, of Christ. The progress f of Democracy has been retarded. ? ,Ithas passed through a fiery ordeal The dross has been consumed, and , the true gold will, shine all the ; I H i)rlghter.' There will no longer be 1 any question as to who is a Demo- orat. I The false pretenders have gone to the Republican party where they belong and are welcome i to 'the companionship for whioh their InatdWfltthem'.''' f?. ' They earthquake, 1 the eyolone, i 'J thiarriTalbf the powers of dark- nese, has inffioted Inestimable In- - t nryopon' Democracy material f rptogrepa and, .aocid order; tat " 'AasntteTly destroyed popatoiajii ' " la this country. ! The EepubUcan forees have been swelled into a - mighty host, but the populists have been whittled down to the little and of nothing. . The Peoples' Party, falsely so ealled, have lost ' Kansas, and Jerry ? Simpson g and ; the rest pti tm; itt Inf Jtha ong list of yie, defeated. They hkwp j'Ltdoloradoand the, bright star ' " of Penes has gone "out in ? utter elarkness. And . where Is ,' Waite, m3 ; wanted tcrrlde in blood apto . IhliTIliorsa'a"! bliir, Governor Waite add hir followers are hur ried under an astonishing big land- 112a The verdict of the late elertibn is "ixit the IopqILc Party .. , . : V; ii v ' - ;WhatmorT It will not dd for the - Republicans ko .stretch the meaning ""of'the""! lection , too far. It eaanot be mude to stretch trr J89rTb Prestdentrat election Of that year will not be. affected in :li s?igtest ;egree i ts4t of (htse'xbept Insb far a his year's popular rebuke ' " will 'tend to strengthen and solidify the party In Hew York, AjhrasSfiig does a p'adiygQqd, jometiBjeCaBd U i likely to help the patty in New York. New York's position as a Democrat io State, on distinctly Democratic issues, is not affected. As far North Carolina, she is as sure to re tun toDemooraoy as the euu-shin. ea. The Bepnblioan party was fonr yelKi ago theviotim 6fuou rfland 8licUMihat,wkichtne' Democrats have just experienced. The causes whioh have given the .Republican theviotory will just as certainly canrt 'tleifdeleat in 1398. Hard times will oontinue. Xne iiepuDU oan party nas always Deen tne party of contraction and National oants. it wuinoicnangeits pouoy The Populists have asbisted it to power, bat taey are no longer needed treated as a useless incumberance to be reject ed and thrown.away In the next contest the , Demo. : a t t,i. ;. .mi OrttblU BUU JkCpUUItUaSL ia)VUOBte. Wlll meet on their own merits. In such a contest we have no fear of the result, If the Baby IsCattlas; Teeth. Be sure and use that old and well-tried remedy, Mrs, .WinslQw's Soothing Syrup or foljudren teetUins. ' It : poouies the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind cone and is the best re men, for diarrhoea. Twenty. five cents a bel tie. n61yr. Wholesale Market Canntry Pradnee Beet 4a5c; dressed. "Bind quarters 5c. Beeswax 20c. " ' Corn, 47c. Chickens, young, 30a40 grOwn 45a 00c pr. Ducks, Eng. 85a40c.; Muscovy SOaCOc Kggs, I3ai4c.; f Qeese, 75o.a80c. ' Hides Dry flint, Sc.; Jry salt Sc green 1 fc, deer-bides 20c. v Peanuts, 50a55c -Wool8al0c. Lambs $la$1.50. Old Sheep, Il.25af2.00. Oats. 40a42c. Onions, $1.25a1.50 Sweet Potatoes Bed Yarxis,40c Norton 35c Hamans, 20 a 95c. Cotton, 5a5:20 Pork, fresh, 6a7c. Apples Mattomoskeet, 75c. a $100 Field Pea 50 a 60c. A Determine Woman recently knocked down a burglar and beld him nntil the arrival of assistance. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi al Discovery is medicine tnat cneccs tne ingntlul in roads of Scrofula, and, if taken in time. arrests the march of Pulmonary Consump tion. It cores Indigestion .and dyspepsia. chronio dkurbea and similar ailments. This wonderful medicine has also gained great celebrity in caring tever and ague. chills and fever, dumb ague, and like dis- Asthma cured by newly discovered treatment. Address, for free pamptet, testimonials ana reierences, world's uis- penrary Medical Association, Buffalo JS. X. BUUius unoice Standard Works on hand furnished is club rates with The Jovilnal. S CO a t I I- 9 B Q U u h Z Sw ' 3 M n ts o - OQ m g 1 So -J Id O (4 H tn o o It, p CO k o T3 08 hir 3 ea tv W 2. CHOICE FAMILY f ' v e;r -' : urn-' ' ; PROVISION'S. Fresh Crackers & Cakes. I Fruits, Can and Bottle 1 i, Groods, and Jellies A full ' rarietyoh liand.'' i -' QUALItT FlBBT-CLABB. ; t ; V Prices Ld? to Snit fte HarMies VlStbleaFj:e$ ta WLCouatry Goods delivered to any part' of the citj promptly. C.0 ECZEMA 0,'lDABY When Only 3 Weeks Old. Head and Body Covered. Doctors No - Efiect. Trios Cutlcura. : Wonderful Change In 8 dors.-' Cured In 5 Weeks, Now 13 Mouths 014 Wtn Pcrfbct fckln. ' The first I nndoeS that my baby bad anything the Biatter with ber waa that vaenever the nurse veald change bar she wonld cry- Afiet the t- , nuroo ioiu nuuooa now Terr .u duv mas. . BinfKV U. 1. to the daator.and he told me to use sine ointment, but It did not do her any good. -In a short time Ecaema broke out on ner neaa, spread to her eyebrows, breast and back, but the doctor's rem edies did not seem to have any etfect. I thought I would try your Cbtiooba Rkmkdhs. as I bad lost on. with the Ecsema before I had beard of thenu I am glad to say your Cuncosa Ilex. diss worked wonders with my baby. Three days after I commenced using them I saw a change. The doctor was surprised. I then told aim what I was using. She was only three weeks eld when Ecsema broke out, and when she was eight weeks old she was entirely cured by CunorBA. She is now fifteen months old, and has a perfect skin, portrait inclosed. Everyone asks what makes her skin to fair, and I tell tfcemCUTlcuKA. Mks. G. C. 811EU1CK, C2 Conway St, Baltimore, M0.' CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS These wonderful skin cures, blood ! and humor remedies cure everv diseaae and humor of the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair, from Infancy to age. from pimples to Scrofula, " Bold throughout tho world, frlw, Cutuusa, SOo.; Soap, 2&. Resolvent, 1. l'OTTf b Daua mtd Chim. CottP., Sole Proprietors, Boston. ly"How toOnroBkloDIcai!, jnaijedfree. Dl PV'C Skin and Soalp purUed and beaulified DHOI O by Ccnctnu Soir. Absolutely pure. WOMEN FULL OF PAINS rind In Cutlcora Antl-Paln Plas. Ser instant and grateful relief. It 1a the first ana only pain-kllllng strengtheuing plaster. K. LATHAM i No..3CRAVElVST. I DEALER IN Lime, Cement, Terra Cotta Pipe for drain and Sewers all sizes in stock. Also fittings. Bejsure to.bny a barrel of ALUM 1JME For SanitaryPnrposesJ ?ine8tJyoueverj3aw. iyprice8 Qnaranted. WM. LORGH ESTABLISHED 1865. FAf.1ILYGRQCERIES ANU General Merchandise. I"CART-Hon8B Accomodations. There has been a fall in Prices at Tatlob's Store At Cove. 5c Plaid Ebmspun at le. 10c Suitings at 8c 10c Worsts! at 8c. Good Fanti at 75c. Best Brogan Shoes at $1.25. tun family flour at (3.50. A great many other things loo numer- to mention. Come pod bring the cash ana I win surprise you. lv, V. Taylor. To the -TRADE- WS ABB AGENTS FOB Stock Diadem T 's - ... - XL J GIMRU BEST PATENT nonpareil Flour. Nonpareil is the best Flour made. WK CAREY IN STOCK AT ALL TIME8 A . , . ., -I&BQE SUPPLY OF PROVISIONS, FAMILY GROCERIES, Boots and Shoes. &c. M-ffe bur an our iroods from first hands ror i;Ait , uiereiore eau irive 10 our iraae BED EOCK PRICES. 49-QUAIJTT OT GOODS GUARANTEED- Roberts & Bro., South Front tSt. Clotli, -AND- In Stock: and for sale by'.-; KiniOHESi -o-tlGHT MACniNEfiY-o- Copper Work, Gun Work No. 44 Craven Street, nearly opposits child J. Sag ' City Hull, New Berne, N. C. riXIKCIAL HOUSES THE Farmers & Herchants Bank . r ; Began business May. 1891. - Capital Stock, paid in, . $75,000.00 Durpiua, 7.O00.00 2,800.00 12,750.00 Undivided Pofl toy .; , Dividends paid.vv . . . OFFICERS: t. B". Cutler, - President. W. S. Cradwiok. '. : .. Vic Pn T.'W!i Dbwxt, ''-.K --i Oasbier. A.H. I'OWBM., ; ,.; . . . Teller! F. F. Matthews, v f Collector. With well established connections this Bank la nrenarad to offer all arcommo dations consistent with conservative, bank Prompt and careful atteutiun given tn collections. - . - We wilt be pleased to coirespond with those : Who uiav eonlemnlate makins uaiinges or opening new accounts. - A. SS7AN, -; TIOS. DANIELS, - jPresldent.' : :r-'l Vies Pres. - 0. S.:S0SSTS, CasUer. .' .-' THE NATIG1TAL BANK Of New Berne, N. C. Incobfobated 18C5. Capital, - -Surplus Profits, $100,000 98,168 DIRECTORS: Jas. A. Bryan, Tnos. Daniels, Chas. 8. Bbyan, J. II. Hackbubn, Jno. Dunn, . L. harvey, G. II. Roberts, E. K. Bisuop. Thos. A. Qbkek, Pros. C. X. For, Cashier, Wm. Dusn, Vioo-Pros. II. M. Gboves, Toller. CITIZEN'S BANK DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Tho Aocounts of Banks, Bankers, Corpor ations, Farmers, Merchants and others re ceived on favorable terms. Prompt and care tol attenlion given to the Intel est of our cus tomers. board of directors. Ferdinand TJlrich, E. II. Meadows, J. A. Meadows, Chas. DuUV, Jr. Samuel W. Ipock, James Redmond, Chas. II. Fowler, Chas RctzensteU), nuuumimiiD, iiiaycr tiaun, E. W. 8mallwood, Thomas A. Green, Geo. N. Ives, C. E. Fov. J. A. JONES SALE, LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. IPmo Carnages, Buggies and Teams and Teams lor hire at reasonable rates. Best attention to boarding horses. Horses and Mules on sale for cash or negotiable paper. South Front Street, New Berne, N. C. Opposite Gaston House. AUTUMN Dress-Goods. it-o-Jt Now on sale carefully selected Special ties in DRESS GOODS 1 this season. French Novelties in exclusive designs. Liberal assortments oFEnglisu and Scotch Suitings. Two toned Knotted wool effects. Waffle Cloths, distinctly new, rippled Bril liants, r Mixed and striped Covert Suitings, Satin Twilled Cloths and large Plaids for Skirts. . At 503.' per yard, an extraordinary collec- r jn ol sell colored and tancy mixed Suitings. BALEIGH, N. C. VALUAcitymty -FOR SALE. One House Eight Rooms) and lame Lot sitnatea n uast jrront street. One House and Lot situated on Met- calf Street -. ' - Both pieces of proDertv in excellent neishborhood. For price and particnlarg, apply to . 1J. II. I'ellotier, i8tf ; ;, OfBce over F. & M. Bank. For Sale. One 15 Horse Power Goodwin Steam Engine, made in Richmond, Vs.. can be seen it 3. 1L Crabtree & Co. Machine Shops. ' ;: '- ' . t ot lurther information, ftplly to '.: C. R.Thomas, Att'y. ''.'New Berne, N. C, 53 SHOE. HTHI BIST. ' NOBQUCAKINa ' 5. CORDOVAN, V5.WFINECALF&KANGAH1 Soles. ...as9 WflDlCllUM.-. SEND FOR CATALOGUE ' f W-U'DOUOLAS, t " BROCKTON, MASS. ' YsS eu savrs monrr hr nnkaslasj W. Im sdvertised shoes in tb world, and guarantee the value by stomping the naine and prioe on the bottom, which protects von liiinit hlch prices and the middicman's profits. Our shoes equal custom wor style, easy fitting; and we. ring qaalities. V. have them sold every, where at lower prices for the value given than any other make, l ake no substitute. If your tlcaier cannot uppy you, wt can, eoldby JT, .J. BAXTEK, Agt. 1 1 2 1 .joIvAL DR, W. J. WARD, - -su.":nic:-ci::7isT r NEW BEENB, 0 : Omce, In Duffy Bullding-114 Middle Btreet,, t . aa4 Bro DH. E. H. GOLDBERG SUEGiO-ORAL . DENTIST Office Henry Building. ' V Middle treet,lctween T3rond and Pollock -. JMorta iSpiscopal clmrcli yard, ; ISTew BerneK BRANCH OFFICE Jacksonville, Onslow County N.O. DB, G. K. BAGBY, SURGON; DENTIST. Office: Midiile'street, opposite Baptist Church, -j ' ? JSEW J3EJiNB,3J. C. DR. J. D CLARK. DESlMTIsST - KEW BEENE, TS, C' Office on Craven Street, between Pollock ana isruaa. -. r. ,; ,'; . J. H. BENTON, M. S. DENTIST, :-NEW - BERNE. jN, 0-:- f Office! 89 Middle 8t 2d Floor. . Teeth Extracted witliout Pain by the use oi jMirous uxide (ias. P. H. PELLETBEB, Attorney At .' Law. PoUock Street, First room above Farm er's & Merchant's Bank. Will practice In the Counties of nrow Carteret, Jones, Una low and Pamlico. -Unitod istates Court at New Berne and Supreme Court o the State. WM, ; CLAKKE, Office, 72 South Front street; op posite QastooHouse. f. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND ; ' r - Keai Estate Agent. New B?me, N. Connections). New V ark Boston and Canada. Timber lands Farm lands, Truck lands, Town lots Do yon want to bnj 1 WKITE. Do yoa want to Bell f WHITE. SPECIAL. 100,000 Acres of land in hand ior dis posal. 1,500 Acres, Trent road, 6 miles of city Timber and Truck. 3Totico! FOB SALE OR REUT A valuable first-class farm on Pemboke road one mile from this city, in first-class omer tor trucking purposes. . 109 acres. w Demgm euitivacion. . , Terms very low. . Apply to ROBT. G. MORLEY, Sr., - No.;S2& U Jones Street. Sept., 5, 189. . - . 861m Wm. H. OLIVER Life, Fire, Marine, v - Accident, Fidelity, Steam Doflet NEWBKBN, N. C. A .Number of Time-Tried -and Fire-Tested Companies Represent ed. . - " 1 . ' " . Over 1125,000,000 assets repre sented. '" i r i , NOIOBABT PUBLIC. . Commissioner of Deeds for New York,' Connecticut and - Fensyl- vama. BP Agent National BoardJ.Ma- rine Underwriters, . . NEW CERf.'Z IIOUCE, '"MofetoaiCityJJ, .i:H. IvJA-lVIV Irop. Pleasant Location New Manage ment Good Accommodations - Attentive Servants Terms Eeasonable, ' L a n i n r .po ioo know OR. FELIX IE l--TS mnpr: 1 lifittto CTift on tun ti'i P. s. as Ua HEADiH0B8ES AND MULES--0 U KAJNUJiNtir : FROM 4 And ..Weighing; From s Some extra fine Drivers in Horses-also adaiited to all .irr.....: Exceptionally fine Draft Horses A full , and - complete harness always on; hand. : ; : ; Blue Front Stable?, IK. H. O. HYATT'S -Kinston, IV.C -Diseases of the Eye and General Surei v.- GEO. HENDERSON ! (Successor to Roberts & Henderson,) General Insurance Agent Representinjr Insurance Company of jNortii America, ot runnaeipnia. - Home Isurance Company of. New York. - ' ' ' Hartford Fire Insurance Company of Hartford. . .' Queen Insurance Company of England. North Carolina Home Insurance Com pany ot Kaleigh, (ire enwich Insurance Company of Brook- lyn. Phoenix Insurance Company of Brook lyn. . . United Underwriters Insurance Com pany of Atlanta, ' ' " . ' " Boston Marine Insurance 'Company ot iX8ton. : ' ' BARBFB 8H0P3. Prof. W. H. Slicparrl and! bis compe tent Assistants In tbe Toosorial art will give yon a good job nod . will pay , strict attention to all brunches of hair cutting and slnvinr, ' - . ; . .r.,.. JQTGlvcmeafall. ' 1 , At Gaston House Barber Shop, BAKBEB SHOP REMOVAL: I am now located in neat and commodious quarters in Hotel Neu-cee on Broad Street. There fs no more conveniently or better equipped barber shop in the city, and I bave a good force of polite and expert as sistants. Old and new friends, give ns a call when in need of tonsorial work. - 1 1MOTHY- BQW, First Class Barber Shot) BBIOK BLOCK, MIDDLE ST. Nearly opposite Baptist Cburoh. .u$ .Apartments neat and tidy, and only competent assistants employed. ' - ' c irsi-ciass;Dsiu , rooms connecten win shops. :..x- .KJt II. L. BANKS, Proprietor, ELLIOT L GREEN; . Hair , Dressing Parlor. Careful iittention given to all branches ot the business. " , Children's Hair Cutting a Specialty, BOOK STOKE ISO. . v Otationory. Elauk Books, and new lot Standard VVorks of Renowned Authors. PrSyor and Hymn Books, Lad!. Purses, Pens, Pencils, etc Also, Late Papers and ry Ciived daily, V ', vJJEZS.a7! TO 7 YEARS OI.I ) I and Mules:'4'Vrfr- line . of Buefdes anVl M.ddle Street, New Home, N. v. . ''. Pennsylvania's ; ; LEADING ' NEWSPAPER In all the attributes that suffice to -make a first-class family Joumsl, The Philadephia RECORD Spares no triiubls or nxpeose to g itutr and present to its readers all the news r the Old and New World . Its SHvorul DepartmentH. each unncr th mtu i maot of a oompetent Kdllor, treat fully matters pertaiuing to ,- ' "Tile Household, The Farm, -. Woman's World, Science, Art, ? Literature, Finance, The Real Estate World. Fresentiog a complete maeaslne every day. - SUBSCRIPTION RATES , DallTi one year, .. - - . f 3.i ; Paily and Sunday, one year, - 4.00 . ADDRESS - i ' ' The Record Puhlishine Co.' - 017-819 CBB8TNUT STHBKT,- ' 50 CentyJ 50 ' Cents! Tils Baltimore News'-- DrmiPrrn T . sunGcniPTiorj rate r ..... ... yoH THE CAMPAIGN ' . The Dallu and SunrJa'u News ; WILL BBS SENT'-'. " BY MAIL ONLY To any address, from now until Jan- W7 1. "Pon receipt of 60 cents. wi,rirmooth?' lcrIptlon to. the MtiP,?f resT6 DaUy Newspaper la Maryland for 60 cents. V. - rTaB.?EW!, Pabllshes more PoUtioal News than aU other BalUmore dailies combined. ' The Evenlnj: News Pub. Co., Cor. Calvert anil Baltimore Streets, BAUTIMQRE, f-:p, PV-S n -w A i I ,JHH J v. w'-. J l:. , 've MS V i n to ft i . r

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