OA - r I Art ALL HOME EKTERPRtSES filumlit ba Represented in Um " DAILY JOURNAL, 50c-Per Month-50c "r I $5. --PER YEAR--$5. VOL XUl-NO. 208 NEW BERNE, N.0-, THURSDAY MORNING. DEJEMSEt. 6. 1894 PRIOE FIVE OEHTO a n h ii 11 ii ii ii ii i BCSIJTESS LOCALS. A FINE lot nf Wettem Beef this morn ing. Also n gem-ral supply of other me;its Sausxgis, Pork, &c. 'Sam'i. Cohh & Son. PROP- Je Simmons nt the flrni of Sim mons & Butler Sulem N.C. is in the City stopping at Mrs. X S. Richardson's for a few days; all peis ("desiring to have their pianos tuned can either leave their orders tit Mrs. Richardson's or with The A. Colin Piiino & Organ Company 95 Middle St- New Bene N, C. FOR Tlie wpproacnine Uolidays The well known A. Cohn Piano & Organ Com pnny will offer some bargins in Pianos & Orpins Call around and look at their sto k on hiind. They will sell sheet music at 5 -en s per copy during the holidays t.o.ita Lunch nf k vs with initials K It. J. on ring. A reward for return of same. 2t. K.. It. Johbs. BORROWED BOOKS Oo dffferent oc casions number of Bo'iks have been bor rowed from '.lua office, and we respect 'fully ask that iliey be returned. Among them is ' lV-n Hur'' which we value very highly. Also Gttrkills Compendium of Forms and otlier DoOK. ot, LAD1K5 especially invited to call and atv. our li'ie Cloaks, Wraps, Mutts and U"di rweai :it reduced prices. L. Schuitz & Co.. un.liM (ierock's Photograph .Gallery. KHAFKH'S HAMS, Bolted Water Mill Meal, Loosened Prepared Buckwheat, at A. H. Harrington's. 78 Middle St. TO LOAN: Two hundred dollars on red estate. Address Box 445, New Belli.1. FINE Broud CieeK Oysierf nt tin door, 15 cis. per quart-v !! i .i-s ones 20 cis. llunry Brawn, iioj' i.iing Mace's drug store. oSltf FOR Full and Winter suits 8eu F. M. CUADW1CU, Tailor, 108 Middle St. Nn&:uniiles iust received, tf. HOUSE-: o Knt yo li 1 OIIOCK (31. sSltl' B. B. Davenport. WHEN lioraxiuc is used according to direct ins, n third of the labor and the tt ift ofn nip in ordinary wasliing is saved. Samp!.- free at J. F. Taylm's. TIIK ii icst Corned Beet'in the city at 8c per i ; li st Flour in 101b packages at 2Jc per lb; bi'st Cie imery Butter just received ut 30c per H; Three Id cms Standard To matoes, new crop, at 8Jc per can; 31b canned apples, very best, at 10c per can best 4 stg. Broom in town for 25c; 2,400 Blue Men Parlor Matches, the very best, for 15c; Arbu-kles Roasted Coffee, in I lb packages, fresh roasted, at 25c. job lots oi Tobacco a specialty from 15 to 35c per lb wholesale, and 20 to 50c retail. Respectfully. J. W. Messic, 40 Middle St. NUNN & 1 f cSORLEY. UNN & lYlcSORLEY. Sweetest Oranges That have been to New B.-rne this e been 2 ye'ir. HI Per Dozen. LARGE ONES. .Try us lor a BOX. oo NUNN &" lTcS0RLEY. UNN & IVlcSORLEY. EXPECT TO ltfttOVi ABOUT. January 1st, 1895 And are continuing v to sell goods at re inarkablf low prices between now and that time. we CAN- . YOU : MONEY. A Teial. will. Convince:. Yor, Respcct.nlly, ii. d. duffy: WE Lncal News, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A. Cohn Fianos and Organs. 8. Cohn & Son Western Beef. Vle & Shepard Tonorial Artists. Prof. Joe. Simmons Pianos & Organs. COTTON SALES. Wednesday 86 Bales, 4.87J to 5j25. Mr. nhua Hnllnpk has mtablialind a hntinnss ncrnnnv at Nn. 57 South Front street. fr special changes in special in- .1 . 1 :M1 1 ...1, TTm 'JUBU1CH '1UUU1IHU1U11 UUU lUUIIOiliai. AJ.IB operations will extend through the tide water section of North Carolina. The Statesville Landmark is now is sued ia both dally and weekly form. Like the well known weekly, the Daily Land mark is a neat, newsy paper. J. if. Caldwell and R. K Clark are the pub lishers. One of the books advertised for in yes terday's naper has been returne ', but the other "Ben Hur" has not ye.' . een heard from. We presume the borrower has not vet seen the notice. We are especially anxious to get this particular copy back. It is a medium size vol u m bound in cloth. The new furniture store, Sneed & Co., N. Hewin manager, at Mr. L. S. Wood's old stand, opens toduv. They have been Quite busy for about a week getting in and arranging their stock. They carty quite a variety, a portion of it very One and make a uanusome uiBpiay. Mr. Sneed, the head of the firm, arrived last night from Wilmington. Bills wcie beins posted yesterday for tiie Swedish Quartette Concert Compa ny, who have an engagement in our city for next Wednesday evening. This com pany is very hiehly spoken ot by our ex changes, and we feel that the New Berne people have a great musical treat in store for them. Tickets can now be secured by application to Mr. M. R. Howard. Mrs. Wm. Beard left for Raleigh on business connected with the International Immigration com pany . Morehead has been decided upon as the port ol entry, for the immigrants. Mrs. Beard will be DacK in New Berne in a day or two. Could not Mr. Linburg the general agent of the company te induced to kon pay our city a visit himscli. "Old Maids rorSnle." The Epwottli League ol Centenary M. E. Church will have a gathering at the parsonage tomorrow Dight for the purpose of disposing of'old maids." They will be sold cheap. Tlie admission price is iu cents. Rev. J. T. Lyon, pastor of Centenary said in his special sermon to ladies, sab- batli Delore last, that om maius were me best and purest human lieings he knew. Was he nimin; to create a iiooin in marK- et for them with this sale iu view ? Bonds of County O0icrs Acted Upon. The county commissioners accepted th bond of J. P. Stanly, col., as constable of this township, and of U. J. Lovick as county surveyor. They rejected the prof- lered bond ot Mr. W. ts. (Jlarke, lor Clerk of tho Superior Court: otJ. M. llam&oii, lor Kemster i needs; ot ur. W. L. Lassiter, col,, for Coroner, and of Meyer Ualin, lor Treasurer. Jos. u. Hahn. Nieriu-elect, asked tor more time and was granted until the first ol January to complete bis bond. W. M. Watson Be-Appolnted Clerk. The office of Clerk of the Superior Coutt having been declared vacant by the Board of County Commissioners on ac count of the failing of the Clerk elect to give satisfactory bond, Judge H. R. Bry an promptly re-appointed the present incumbent, Mr. Win. I. Watson, to the place. Mr. watson nas made a good, efficient and accommodating officer, was the nom inee ot the party for tbe place, so the se lection was not only wise but the proper one. Too Previous An account of the action of the Craven county commissioners in reference to tbe bonding the county officers appeared in Sunday morning's Richmond Dispatch. It was sent out as a telegcnm from Ral eigh tbe day before. As the commissioners aid not meet to consider the bonds until Monday and did not reach a decision on any until yester day it is needless to say the news (?) was incorrect, do tar Irom being aecided. the action upon one bond, that of the sheriff will not be taken until next month, Comlnft And Oolnc Mrs. M. D. Nelson and Miss Annie Roulhac who have been spending tlie sum mer North, mainly In visiting the .family ot Mr. C. S. Bryan ot JSngiewood, N. J., returned Home last night. Mrs. Helen Brvan Moore, ct Durham arrived to.vieit ber uncle, Mr.j. w. Bid die. .. .-: Mrs. H. B. Duffy left for Charlotte to attend the Baptist State convention. Mr. R, H. Berry left for Richmond to enter upon the business of general fire in surance agent ana adjuster. Mr. Chas. W. Reiff; travelling passen- cer ncent of the New York. Philadelphia and Norfolk R. . R. Co., "The Cape Charles Route" was in the city yesterday in the prosecution onus wore, v.. Ktnrira Xeeda Aid for JSaOtolac. An appeal for aid for tbe sufferers by the fire which ' to nearly destrojed the little town of Marion, bare been sent to places near there. Tbe appeal is signed by tbe mayor, aldermen, county omcers, ministers and ' other citizens of Marion. It sets forth that about 80 families or 100 persons, are houseless, tome homeless and unable to build homes, much less to re- emba'k in business and that tbe commun ity ia unable to give the relief necessary, witu tne winter season just upon them. ' It is said that creditable pluck is being shown to arise out of tbe ashes, but some an not able to get on their feet again without some relief. ; : ' Rev. Wm. H. White of Marlon, is Sec retary and Treasurer of tbe relief commit tee and will receive all money, etc., sent, It is probably because "misery loves company" that the New York police were so willing to "Jump on'' the "living pictures, v . "v I'lrlch-Wlllis. Our estimable young citizen Mr. Ru dolph Ulrich and Miss Etta Willis the charming eldest daughter of Mr. S. W. Willis were happily united in the holy bonds of wedlock yester Jay a'ternoon at 5:30 o'clock in Centenary M. E. church, Rev. J. T. Lyon, the pastor, officiating. ' Tbe church was well 111 led with mends of the popular young people, and the altar was most beautilully decorated with flowers and evergreens. Mrs J. A. Meadows presided at the organ, Dr. Master Duffy was the best man and Miss Stella Ri berts Maid of Honor. Messrs. J. A. Paris, E. K. Bishop, B. B. Neal and A. II. Powell were the ushers. The ceremony being over Mr. and Mrs. Ulrich left on tlie steamer Neno f..r their bridal tour. They will v s t r. latives of the groom in BaltiiooiL and then extend their trip. Superior Courl. Wednesday's procekdinos. Isaac H. Smith vs. The E istcrn B. & L. Association. The issues submitted were : 1. "Did the defendant institute-or pro:notc a crim- nal prosecution against the plainunf" Answer "Yes." 2. "If so was there iiiobablc cause for the said prosecution V" Answer "Yes." The verdict nas squarely in tavorol the Association. Ii was lepreseuted by Mr. M. D'W. Stevenson. !St..to vs. Isaac Grimes, col., A. & B. Guilty. Deleudant dechargod upon pay ment of cost. Bell vs. Foscue. J ndgment by default n the amount of $200. Henry Thurber by his nest best Iriend vs. The Eastern Building and Loan As sociation. Plaintiff submits to a non-suit and appeals to the Supremo court. No- tire wuivtd and bond nxed nt $35. James A. Brvan vs. Thomas Vail, col. This was a solitary case of the enforce ment ot a James Cdy haw. The case was decided in favor of Mr. Bryan. The ssues submitted were: 1. "Did the defendant execute the lease sued on?" Answer "Yes.'' 2. "If so was the execution thereof obtained by fraud and duress of the agent of the plaintilff "No." Mr. W, W. Clark rep reseated the plaintiff. Other'x Too! Editor Journal: Thanking you kindly lor jour pleasant mention of my shae in the preparation ot the Hotel Uliattawka pamphlet, permit nv. to say that in its present shape it is to a legroe a modincation ot my original drati: aud that lor such changes as seemed desirable to make. I am indebted to the good offi ces of Major Giahain Daves and Col Wm. 11. uhver. Yours Truly, CnARLES Hallock. Hotel I'hattawka Arrlvnls. W. W. Watt, Fhila ; W. B. Mcares, Phila.; R. A. Pages, Richmond, Va.; C. E. Stevenson, Orange, Mass , V. E. AValker, Boston; C. W. Findlay, New York; II. A. Whiting, Wilmington; J. . Haines, Winston, N. C, Chas. W. Rieff, Phila.; W. C. A. Shepard, Richmond, Va.; J. 11. Randolph, Boston; F. Meyer, Baltimore; Opinions on Foot Itall. There are two distinct opinions preval ent among the Yale f iculty about foot ball. One party favors an iinmediaie prohibition of the game by members of the University, ana the other is willing to give the players one more chance; with the provision that if a Yale team should give anywhere another exhibition like Saturday's the sport would be interdicted at l ale College. Certainly nothing will be oone without thorough investigation and consideration.. Dean Wright, of the academic faculty, said that prompt action would be taken by the faculty in case a repetition or Sat urday's spectacle should occur. Prof. Wright admitted that there was a Btrong sentiment among the iaculty in favor of abolishing tbe game, but declined to give his individual opinion for publica tion. Hheumatlsm. Rheumatism is caused bv Uric Aeid in the blood, and is an unfailing indication that the Kidneys are performing their tunctions impertectly. Alter tbe poison has entered tne system, tbe symptoms are aggravated by dampness, exposure to cold, improper lood, drinking to excess, etc., but the cause remains the same, lm penect action of the kidneys. Dr. Hum phreys has given the treatment ot Rheu matism his profound attention tor over forty yean; his Specific No. 15 is the re sult. It goes directly to tlie spot, opens the clogged passages, permuting the secretions to pass off, the cure follows quickly and surely. JNo. 15 cures .Rheu matism, Acute and Chronic, Lumbago, Sciatica and all forms of Rheumatic Pains, Soreness, stiffness ami Lameness. A small bottle of pleisant pellets fits your vest pocket hold by druggists, or sent on receiDt of nrice. 25c. or five for tl. Humphreys' Medicine company, corner wiuiarq ana jonn ts., JNew lorK. it . Notice. Everyone having a Naval Reserve uni form or part thereof is requested to leave the same at the priutinjr omce of W. T, Bill & Co., or at Nnnn & McSorley's today. . Kindly attend to this w'thout de lay. ' Notice. ' E. C. D. Line and O. D. S. S. Co. After December 2nd, ' the Sunday boat from New Berne will be discontin ued. -.. fV",.. i,'-y- ' . The steamers will sail only on Mon days, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays atop, ni. ' Geo. Hendebbon, Agent ' v - Fair Privileges for Bale. - ; i The following exclusive, privileges for rair wees are ior saie: -i . 2: Con'ectlonery. This includes candy, socio, iruirs, nuio ana canes. ' v K 8: Sandwiches. . ' ' .' A- I'irmra on 1 tnKarvft C. . ' V. ' Sealed bids. Bids to be opened Mon day, Deo. lOto. Terms, bait cash upon acceptance, balance January 1st. ' The Association reserves tlie right to re ject any or an ems. ' ., CRAB. KEIEEHSTEIn, Sec'iy. d2l8tplw - . HEWS IN ltUIKl'. Judge Russell of Arcadia Valley. ()., lias two apple tresi which have borne fruit every year lor 55 years. Arizona is said to have I'.r- si oi' pi tri fled ire s covering one tin iKnid aer s, which is now being worked up tor man tles, tab'e tops, e;c. The stone p . I T ' s ; beautilully. Florei.ce Nightingale, at the age of 71. enjoying excellent health. SH - i- a rich woman, having, besides some private means, the $250,000 publicly sab-ri-.U -I for her by the Enirlisli peo.!- d tin-el' mi of the Crimean war. It is said that in Switzerland si inilkio.rd or niau gets hotter wages it gilted wuiia good voice, because it lias been discovered tliat a cow will yield one-fifth more milk it soothed dunng the process ot milking by a pleasing melody. Chinese soldiers relusud to light at mi I about Port Arthur. They are hungry, and have no hope of pay as their man danns have cheated them out ot it. 1 hat kind of a nation needs a good whipping to bring it out of such conditions. During the absence from home recently ol the Rev. Al. Hamilton of BnuUhaw, Neb., bis wife did the r-reaehing and Other dutie-1, to tlio satisfaction of tlie congregation. Mrs. Humphry Ward is said to he tlie best paid novelist now living. Out of her thre'' lioolis that have been published the last six years she lias realized no i less than $200,000. Tlie Federal grand jury in New York ity is inquiring into tlie case ol .lolm It. Tait, the defaulting teller of the Chemical National Bank lie is accused otim bezzling $15,000. Will the antiquarians nf2S!H believe that the Americans of l.S'Jl were a hu mane and highly civilized people i,i the face of the proof to the contrary which they will And in the descriptions of col lege foot ball ? The Ralc'gh Press says: Yesterday Ed wards ot lir uglitnn received two lei lei mailed to them January, 29, 18S1. All those years the letters had bei n in the postoflice hem but had fallen under ne of the letter drawux formerly used bv the firm so they could not he soon until I he draw-Jr was removed. One contained s'l subscription to the Biblical Recorder. Iu Wavne county, the home of '. Minion Butler, Democrats are being boycotted. The principals of Ml. Olive an I l'ikc ville schools having voted the Democratic ticket, their Populist patrons have with drawn their children, and say that Demo crats must look to Democrats for their support. They are even withdrawing the amounts pledged to their pastors, ihus carrying the fueling into the churches. The Board of Education o' Pasnie, N. J., recently made the teaching of cooking i regular pait iv tin- ciiniculuni lor tl e upper guides in tho leinale schools. Lnsi week twenty or thirty girts in one of the schools made a salad. Tliev then inad vertantly ate it, and every blessed one of them was promptly taken sick. The thirty-four factories in Xorlh ( ' .im- lina during the year consumed in the manufacture ot cigars 04,01:1 pounds o1 tobacco, and iu the production of cigar ettes, 2,924,482 pounds oftoV.ieco. Tne total number ol cigars turned out in North Carolina was 5.41-',!30; l e g tr ettees, 891,215,38-'). New York mikes more cigaret'es than any Saitc in the Union North Carolina comes next, and Virginia is third on the list, there, being only a few thousand dillerence lu twei n North Carolina and Virginia in the pr - duction. Ex. The llendersou Gold I,c il has this to ay of the Nicaragua canal: The eon ',iur- tlon ot the Nicaragua canal is an enter prise in which the United Suites in general and the South in panic ul ir diould ieel a detp interest. It would be worth a great deal to us. o one idea ol its impor tance may be formed when it is leune I that tlie Nicaragua canal, about (id miles loner, will reduce the distance between the Atlantic ports of this country and tiie ports ol the Orient about 10,000 miles. The Suez canal, which is S8 miles, long, reduces the distance between England and India 4,000 miles. Wholesale Market Country 1'roilneo Beel grass fed, 4c., stall-fed 5c; dress ed bind quarters, 5c. Beeswax 20c. Corn, 42ia45c. Chickens, young, 80a40 grown t."),i 50c pr. 'hicks, Kng. ba40c; ilusjovy DUaouc. Eggs, 16c. Jcese, 80c. a 90c. pr pair. Hides Dry flint, 8c; dry salt 3c green IJc, deer-hides 20c. Peanuts, 50c. Wool 8 a 10c. Lambs $ln$1.50. Old Sheep, $1.25a$2.00. Oats, 42 a 45c. Sweet Potatoes Red Yams,40c. Norton 85c; Hamans, 20 a 25c. Cotton, 4a5 Fresh Pork 5c. Field Peas 50 a 60c. Turkeys, f 1.25 a $1,50 per pair. "Procrastination is tho thief of time." Young. Do not procrastinate when you really need anything in our line. There is no use waiting, some peo ple wait too long lor everything. Do not be one of that kind. If you need a pair of Shoes do not procrastinate until the sole is all gone. If you need a suit do not wait until your old one is seedy. If you owe us a bill do not wait until time eats up the profit. : J. m. ho ward. I BARGifflS n BnilffiEI Selling at Cost for Cash for Next :y:;8 - DAYS. All persons indebted to me are request ed to come forward and, settle their ac counts at once.''' ' ' ' Respectfully, MRS. B. B. IANB. ' 101 MiddIjB Street. h22-dw-lro . " THE SWEDISH CONCERT . A Iylliimi Hall.Niileni, ext Nntnr ilay Xlgbl. Hel'erring to the Swedish Concert Co , wliieli will appear at Pythian Hall, S i ' in , next Saturday night, the Rich mond Times of the 30th, says: ' I lie Moz.nt musicale last evening was Ihe finest entertainment given by the As sociation this season. The Swedish Con ceit Company old favorites in Richmond rendered an excellent program of solo ;m 1 (p. lai n ttu selections. Miss Jose Bar ' i 11. ii reciter of attractive and graceful appearance, added much to the pleasure of the occasion by the rendition ot several emotional and humorous pieces with rcniarKabie artistic power. Tin- quartette consists of Chas. A. Skoog. lirst tenor; George Laurin, second tenor; A. K mil Skoog, baritone; W. E. Mcpherson, basso; Miss Vida Skoog was 1 1 io accompanist. The Sneedish were tspecally sweet, and the quartette was compelled to res pond to numerous encores. The Academy was tilled with a splendid audience.'' This splendid Company will appear in New li, tiie on Wednesday night the 12th in-t. The N live I Posl-Ollicr Boxes. I'm i'i:i) States Post Office, Ncwbein, N. C, Dec. 3d, 1894 X' tii e is hereby given that by tho au thi.riiy of the United States, Boxes far the posting of letters and other mail matter have h.-en placed at the following points in this eity: At the corner of Broad and Queen Sts. ' Hancock " " 11 Broad " lie and South Near the ' Midi Prom Sk Tlie hours at which letters are taken up an; iii-lic ited i n the cards attached the bo s. M. Manly, Postmaster. dv Provision Mnrkel. I lniM! opened a fust class provision ma; kit onposil- Hotel Albert where I re l ive dadv CiriCAGO Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Liver and Sausages. i :erv piece of meat is inspected by the ii. S. ( ,',-y, niment. Also carry dressed p-itihry of all kinds. 11. Ii. Hayes. If. Late of Hotel Albert. Found. tin or about 20lh of Aug., part of a C' piess 1! i ft. Apply to ii'U in Cut. J. M. Ipock. VAIL & SHEPARD. (Successor to W. II. SlIEPARD.) 1'ul.l.llCK ST, Xext toClidtawka Hotel.-- Hair Cutting, 20 cent Shaving, - - 10 " Muslache Dyeing, 20 " Sharpening Hazors, 2.1 " fciTFirst-class "ink Guaranteed. Hive us n dial. -FOR THE- V are now atldliiK' to our stock NKW FKl'.sll (;m tDs und can supply GIFTS- 'liii-h will ln:lnth nlea.siiiainl servieealtle. Wlial will l)e more appreciate!! in our home in- hy your triuml than A NKW (j.VItl'KT, A NKW AltT Slil AltK, A NKW m't;, A S KV SKT OF OIIKNII.1.K t RTAINS A NKW SKT OK LACK Cl IU'AINS, A NK SKT (IK TAHLK LINKS, A NKW SKT ( IK N A l'KINS, A NEW SET OF TOWELS. A NKW DK1XS, A NEW CLOAK, A MlWl'AIROFOLOVES, A NKW I'AIROFSHOKS, A NEW McINTOSH UOAT, A NEW J1UFFLKR, A NKWllANDEKCHIEK and a Ki'oat inanv other articles we can sutr- liust to yim wliieli we have- anil can lurniah vim iu, pneus to sun you ami mo tunes wnen you want your money to rt;nilci FULL VAL i;i ;p wlii'llier you bestow It in a Gilt or supply uei'il ol your owu. We Inn c just in a new lino ot UIBBONS and SILKS tor Fancy work. Also, an elegant assortment ol FITRS, MUFFS ami 110AS, for Lai lies anil Chililren. H7-; I17Z., CONTINUE To reduce Uio prices ou our stock ot UltKSS GOODS. Como it you want a llri'ss of auy kind aud wo will make tlie l'rice suit you. RiiiiiiMiiber wo are agents for THE CENTEMERI KID GLOVES, THE GENUINE FOSTER KID GLOVES, THE BA1RITZ KID ULOVES, Ot wliieli we have alull supply iu 1ILACK, TAN'S UHOWN'S, in all sizes. Kespec-tfully, ID- Ja.r'rls POLLOOK ST. Wanted ! COMPETENT PHARMACIST with small capital wanted to open new Druj Store. We have two Sets of Fixtures and double Stock of Drugs. Chiiuce tor live man. Address, BRAOHAM & BROCK DRUG CO. New Heme, N. 0, IOIt SALE 3-STORV llrick Building, Large Lot, situated on West side of Craven street, and occupied by H. Diinnenburg, Bottling WorKF. Fur lurtlicr inlonnation, apply lo H. B. Holland, Or P. II. Pellotier, Attorney. nlS-lm E, W. DUFFY'S CROUP SYRUP. At this season children are liable to at tacks of tlie Croup, and parents should always be prepared by having a bottle of R. N. Duffy's Croup Syrup on hand, pre pared from the recipe of the late Dr. Walter Dutfy can be had" of the Druggists, and of R. N. DuflV,' proprietor, New Berne, N. C. Certificates of Its efficacy enrt be seen of tbe proprietor. 85 cents per bottle. Bee that the wrapper reads: R. N. DUFFY'S GROUP SYRUP. PREPARED AFTER A KECIPE OF TBI 1ATE DB. WALTER OUFTT. ' . cyBoware of falsa dealers who are soiling mi iiuiittuuu vroup syrup tur vo nnu, . v . Y YOU U wn, L BE Unless you make your Selections from our IMMENSE STOCK IMMEDIATELY WE DAK IWT Keep Puch Bargains long and you can not afford under any cir cumstances to miss them. Therefore, If you have not availed your sell of the many op portunities we have offered you lately, YOUR LOSS, by accepting tbe best chance that has yet presented itself to you to buy Pirst-Class VERY-CHEAP Tours Very Truly, Hackburn & Willett. LATE Redeem WE ARE Kept B-O.S3T j. Replenishing our Stock of Groceries . A.lthough something is constantly going out we never run out or anything. Our goods are NEW & FRESH Because they are new and Just in. Just slop in and see for yourself. Uuuning water is never stale. Our Stock is like a River Always Moving. WE IUTY TO SELL! AND SELL TO BUY MORE. Some processions bait, but our Grand Grocery Procession never baits or stops. The'order is to move on consumers Rteadily,along tbe whole Hue, without any cessa tion in the general ad vance. We do not pro pose to quit until con sumers cry: ENOUGH!" Nojone ever can get enough of our Top Quality Groceries -AT- BOTTOM PRICES FEESH BOASTED Mocha& Java Coffee, ONLY 30c per pound. FOE FINE CANDIES. i Fresh Supply Just in. joiim -:- pui::l s-1 ;t;j:,...f,

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