n .;; aria is lr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants a:s1 Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor loihcr Karotic Mibstancc. It i a harmless substitute f.r Parog-ork J)rnp.s, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil, it. is IMaisani, I.'.-i pntxranteo is thirty years' use by IVIiJilons of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays tT-vOisLncss. Cu:;ir!a prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures iJian-lH.-. iiud "Wind Colic Castoria relives icciliin;; troubles, cures constipation ood flatulency, a'ustori.t nssiiii!!aics the food, regulates the stomaeh - stud liovsOi, civing healthy aud natural sleep. Cas tor,' i ii tlio Cliil'lrcn's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Captoria. i fj?R. jl.)ine:-3hae re;e-i',C(ijy wlJmoof iut vtl erTtM." upon i.ieu children ' Du. O. O. Opgooc. Lowell, i iLb. "Ca&.vr'&toth bt:t jvh:;-y 1 .-i !.;!! rvn hit ; i iu Q.;ai. .i;d. i i. ; I .j;i:y a i ot .-.r distant wheamoti it v..;i-;.r.. i!ort!i:- rc-ii .ten.'StoCthrli v;hii.lrr2t I lira-. C.s'.or; . i:: j'.i'ad of thevariousqiiat-ri ou,tni::iswlt.- h.:: destroying their ,ed oir;s, by fore;rv..r op : . tinrnhine, sowlhing syrup ami otli- r i: ul iiits down ther throats, tiicrehy t:'Ji:.,; Mja to Dp?maturr prcves." ftn. J. F. KfNrnrr.o!'. The Centsmr Comp&uy, V? 31 - i -.1 . 1 . Dr. . C. IVjs' s Is sold uii.Ut v--:;iv ised agi-tit3 ti Bruin nm! Norvfl l'i ticne end t 3'i Treat men iri'ti-ii ...i.-r-ntL by author c:rn ::lt M ir :ir,v; Lopb o; T. -,.r IT: Niglit i.v,l I Kervoiir-'.i : v ,lu Jf h'. . . . eve ' fi,-Toiji!..- il"!r. jlalv. . )-: . : ! r. fei:oU - p6t',! . C!1 Citundeiice. ; i.ofis oi Powet t-'s. roused by t L':.-ive Useot - n load to i v-;ti 'i. By mail, .iMt?p to cure or -ill'. A certain ni.: hi!i, Croup, ?.t:i:.lit to tnltS r w2 ,!.; d -in' by in:-- 9. DUKEY, Druggist, and Sole Agcut. , IIIGAZINE F.Ht 1895. yOLUipiVBEHJ.Ni DEC. ! 'fpleiinliy iilusfiate'l life' ql" Napoleon, Tli great eutuiv f which will lie SEVEN ry FIVE PORTRAITS of N.iuo'i'iin. sliowiuu hi n f.o . ynqili t ieatii;as i.ortmits of his family uudcon-! tellipor trh-s an i lilCtlUVS OI tunuus Dat-tleti.-l '!; i i a 1 ne.n-lj- Hejina in N 'vem i t ai.d runs tlnough piHilji ju niit-r.-', Tlie by authority from the archives of the PISKERTOM DETE3TI7B AT Lincoln an,. Pinker on (Nov. 18t)4)i ihe M.-lly Miuiies; Alla.i Pnri..ns Lit. , Htories Ot Capture fii i in in isiiiiii in. 0 ' en PP"1" H'ueis, Bank iqob -is, etc.; eai lete lirone issue, 12 m MlO.tr 8 (OKIES 11V W. 0. Howe Is, B ulyard K'plinic, Cunati 0yl, ark Kusell, K bert it .rr, OctaT baue' , lire Mar, Capt. King, Joel Chandler Harris aud many others. HEl t o TRIHUTOR-". Rnbi-ri Louis Stereo nun, t. M. Ora'rford, Archd ac . rarrar, Sir Kb r Hal , I'raf Urummond irehig f foif, TDoinas Harqy, t. Bend three ' ent stamp's for a samplo etjpy 'to the publishers, ' r., H, MoUlure, l-.'td, , go Latsyrtte Place, New York HUMPHREYS &otBjng jaileylreeii priMttWllfo S j eqoaf or compare with EuajJueyV : , Witoll Sazel Oil as a cuBATrvKand hkauno.. appucation. ' It has beeii used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. t . It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and , ' Burning;' Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. . ; ': Relijif riediatewrofirtiinei t . 1 It Cures BuRfc'3. Scalds and Ulceration and -s Contraction from Burnt. Relief instant.! 1 ' : ' It Cures Torn, Cut and : Lacerated Wounds and Bruises.' ' '- 'i'v' ' It Cure Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old - Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It it Infallible. -.-:; - ' ' ; ? K . It Cures Inflamed or Caked Brsasts , t and Sore Nipples. It Is invaluable. i . It Cures Salt iium. Tetters, Scurfy , ' Eruptions, Chappecf Hands, Fever Blisters, ; I Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions,,, t re anS Ch'Feet; $tfngs pVlnM' k ' - ibiee Sizes, "a5c,-$pc and ff-oo, . Sold bjBrosiir stilt posf-patdorotll'l . - puPllBSYS' SEP. 00,, 111 lis muu st Tkr : L'lTOU HAZEL OIL i Mat fit .' ' t :, l'jr.M Jr-nV.sUria.StT Of- ...w,' MS.r.iij or iwiicnoQi mad :..v . tL-.n lui.wwtlly, Vhm aevcHTIVB' ilKr., Vf H'tJrtULf Amtcm be: 6L B r u is CastorLi. " Castoria !s so well adaptnl V.- olilMfen that 1 n-coPraend it as superior mimy omaerlptioa known to me." n A. , H. D., ill So. Oxford lt . .oalyu, N. Y "' ur puysiclanc in the ulnUlreiTs depart cent luivo spu!:c'ii uifi,7 of their aspen uce in their outside practice with Castoriii ur.d although wo only Lava among o.-t cicana! mtpplies watt 3 known aa regul.j products, yet we oro free to confess that the ir rit:; r.r rastoria lun woo us to look wita uinn it.M U.'ilTED ItoslUTAl. 1ND DlSPKHUILY, Boston, Mass .illkn ci. SMrru, JV.V . art. , Strcu, Wow York pity. BARBFR SII0P3 VAIL & SHEPARD. (Successor to W. n. Sheparp.) 69 SOUTH FRONT ST., Next to Chiittawkfi Hotel. Hair Cutting, -Shavinir, Mustache Dycinc, Sharpening Uazoru, 20 cent. 10 " 20 " 25 " (First-class work Giuiruutced. Give !is;i iiiul. BARBER SHOW: I am now I " louHyu in neni :itn comninui us v incn I quaiters m Hotel Keu-cce on Broad Sireet, Thpve 's no m-irc eonreniently or lietier , "fjuippt-fl buib'-r shop in the city, and J J liftve a gooil foroo polite and "Xpert as isistiints. CM and new fi iend', give na a call when m need ot tonsonal work. TIMOTHY BOW. First Class Barber 8hoD BRICK BLOCK, MIDDLE ST. Nearly opposite Baptist C'hureh. Apartments neat and ti'd,y, and only cpifipeleni assistants emplpVed. 1 fitistTcluss batli rooms eonnect'd with sliops. ' H. L BANKS, Proprietor, ELLIOT & GREEN, lair Dressing Parlor. Careful attention given to all branches ot the I'usineas. Cliildivn's Hair Cultintc a Seciulty. SIERIPP'8 8 ALE. Iiesbe C. Brqee vs the New Rerue Elec. trie L'uht Power Cooipant, By virtue of au Excution is'Ued trom the Snpetior Courrof Craven eountv in the above em itled action, I will sell at Iff,! Moni)ay in Fehruwy 4lhi A- D 1895 Ht 12 ,..ciock M, for cash, the tollowing . . . . property to Satisfy 8ai4 exi-cutiou, ' 5 19'al cq'st' tq wit: 1 All thftt pertain fnt'or jmyecj of land in the- city "f New Berne, in the Sta'e of .Xoith Carolina, siiqated on the South sid" of south Front sir ei, whioh is iiscriici as follows) Be ginning at a point in the Eastern line of water lront ot the tot Known in the plan ol said city, us numbi-r eleven (11) One hundrec and fldy six feet and six inches southward tiim South front street, and runs thence Southward along said linn to the channel of Trent river, tbi nee EasN ward wth said phannel 'Q the'' Middle W'ntui. T.V..r,t nf l,.t- knnnrn in oi.l nl.n as No. 10 (the Ellis line); thence Noith ward and paral'el with the flist line to a point oue hundred and fifty-six feet and six inches from South Front" S'reet;thencc W. stwacd aud parallel with said street to the iieginninv; beintj a pait of the water front of lot known and distinguished in the plan of said city by the number ten (1U1 bun-t ier with the ritrnt ami nrivi- letie of egress and regress for a spape Of thirty teet rtofi not saiq lot extended to the ally leading from the said stri t to the Howard 8' earn Railway lot, and the privilege of egress and regress by means of said alley. The said lot beiue about S3 lect 8 inches wide; .lso all the buildings sudmncblnery now on siiid land and all Ihe Wires, Po'ea, Arc Lamps and Incan descent Lamps, on the si reets in said city, or m any building in said city wlvph a used wh or is 'a part ot the 'K'e' ti'io Light ai d rower Machinery and plant Bilal.tilt . .n ,I.a ultAM ABn.'llkull 11 the Franchise an i ooporate rights of the New Berne Electric . Light mid Power Companv. W. B. LANE, Shff , This Dec. 23, 1891. Craven Co. N. C, LADIES l'OU KNOW OR. FELIX IXBRUN'S . 5TEEI fD FEf::iTOlfil FILL are tha original and gnlr FREnUl liable onre on the markst. rrioe mail. Genuine sold onb by ' F. S. DUFFY, Druggist and Hole Agent. THE EICEOfflSDMTCH Daily Sunday, Per Annum, 16.00. 1.60.' 1.01), Weekly, P.irmin rpurth Nsw Ppfne on da of Pub. lieaiion, and coma n latest North Cr- (' r;t& , t.' -!! ? with TwU-jjtTPph THE JOURNAL latunu adxiAai. Ths following verses were written in memory ofa little boy of about s.ven years old, who, having bn given a toy innn-o'-war ship, was ac usiomvd to call himself the "A luiiiai.'' t'he little fellow die.; suddenly at school. Hush! f ir a sunbeam has faded In the dim grey cloudi of tue even A seraph has stolen a lily From eartti, f r ids gmdpn in Heaven. A sung has been left unttuished A soug iliac wan sweet though so short 1 he ' Admiral V ship h s "teered safely And steadily straight into port! A Mithe little voice has been silenced We never shall heir it again, A pure little soul has be n rescued (rmi futfrine and sin and pain. I Two slur shining iyes are now darkened, ; Two soft little hai ds are now culd, And f.irever stilled are tho healingt; Of oue Utile heart ot jjold. 'Xcath the high old recks the wavelets Ripple and sp'asb and sii.g, And the (jells and the dark blue moun tains Are bathed in the litfht of Spring, But nrvsr nj-ain, ah! never Shall the "Admiral" rump and play, Building houses of stud and pebble Qn the shore betide the lay. . Alas, foi the dear little sailor! We shall miss him on, w- know. When theiSumiurr-time C'Miiesiu glory, And when all the blossoms glow In the spaikiini; showers nf sunshine. We shall miss hi" laughter sweet, And look for him, listening vainly For the sound oi his pattering feet. " But why should we we p for sorrow When we know that the wins mie hoy Has gone to the (od who loves him. To the kingdom of pined jov. For lile is nothing but trial," fyqtliing hut labor mid care, Nothing lint passionate anguish, Contusion, regret and despair. Better it is, oh! far bettor That the inre o-ni child should be With his Iell0rt-ilaymutis the angels- Tlin here amid niiHt-ry, Better it is that his ves 1 Should Lave sailed to the heavenly shore. Than he tiKHed, perhaps wrecked, on the billu u That aiound us surge aud roar. Good-hy, ' Admiral" darling! Your ship i.f lile is at rest, Your little troubles are over. Our Fiuhi r knMye: h test. We leave you at p ace on His bisuin, 'And go op our daily way, With a prater that wo may moft you In His l'alacu of Ijovesome diy. Jhu ie Cone. OEOROE C. BRAODON. "Neither do I coudeinn thee: sin no more!'' Spake Jt-sus lo the one accounted vile; We know nut with what wealili of grac ious 8'inle And gracious tone, to, cheer nnd restore. flat angrily lie callett down wop on woe ''Upon (he strict and solemn Phari sees, Flaun1 ing rich robes, with wido phylac teries, And proving publicly long prayers for show. Who followed .To us, braving hostile mcu, And poured ontc istiy oil upon His head, And kueelini.', on His leet hot tear drops sued? Not Pharist i s, but &4arj Magd den. (JoUiagc! poor outcast, sorrowing fur sinj The pity o1 die M ister is for you. Who knows as when in Palestine He kuew. Whatever the disgui-e, iho liart within. O, women, b nu'il'u! and pure an'' sweet, Spurn not your sisiers, though they sadlv err, Nor pbarisaic tormalis's prefer; Reunmber who, with tears, washed Jesus' Vpt Post-Express, . NotblnstandN s High, as a remedy for evcrv woman y ailment, as Dr. Pierce's Favoriit Pre-cription. Here is the proot. Its the only inediciue for wtmieii so terrain in its effects tnat it can be uuaranteid. In every case, il it doesn't cure, your m iney is relumed. Can am thing else, though tt n ay be better (or a tricky lea er sell, he 'ust as good'' iov y u iq "Hif "Favorite Ptosoi'iouol" is an invigora ting, restorative ionic, a soothing and strength) nmg nervine, and a complete cure for all ihe fundamental derange ments, painful disorder and chronic weak nesses peculiar t" the sex. r or young girls entering womanhood: for women at the critical "change of lite''; lor women approaching confinement-, nursing mothers; ami eyery w"unB wh" i ( runriiow",'' tired, or overworked 'it is a spepia'i Bale, an I certain he'p. Dr. Pierce's Pelhts euro constipation. piles, biliousness, innigestion, or dyspep sia, and headach-s. The Rbortei c ti.iv in tb year is the day before jour note IhI's doe. Vlien h.:y w-a. u'. cav. CH CflMUU'lil vVlu-l: s Wh'.-u h A iw ,: r .' iii-1. Cliitv.. mU cnud lor twtoHw : iHviiin.i "All-, una ulmi t Oustoria bat Cbi,'di--ii, Klje ipiveilif.;; tastori Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Chndrtn Cry for Pitcher1. Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ChiMren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. , r . '.. Build Him tp, g , t Mr. J. B. Lewis, of Atlanta, G , had severs dyspepsia Phystoians and all ether remedies failed to onre him. He tried Tyner's Dyspepsia Bemedy, and afterwards wri'es: w The first dose gars rel ef I re.iomaiend U si the best dysnensis remedy ever disooyered. have gained Sesh since using it I voluntarily reonmmend it to m11 saf. 'leixra wi h stomaoh troubles.' Vot VICTORS are Standard Value. The standard price of Victor Bicycles is gias.oo. No deviation, and Victor riders are guaranteed ajainst cut rates during the current y, . OVERMAN SJOSTON. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO. SAN FRANCISCO. W. 0. BAUOTtfTOU, (.onoi: iiki: loitv, 8t John's Lodge No. .1, A. V. & A. M.. meets tlio tnu 1 Vcdiieibiy niglit in Ca.h month. New Heme lioyitl Areh Cli ipier. Xo. 40, sicond Mull 'ay nigut in each n.omli St. Jolina Coiiimanilciv Xo. 10, K. T., the third Friday niglo in each mniitli. Calumet Euciiiipmeiit Xo 4, I. O. (). F,, Is', ami oid Tiitirsdiy inghH'' in eael: month. Eureka Lodge Xo. 7, 1. (. '. I'., even Monday night Trent Council No. 411, Royal Arcnnum, the lM and third Fiiihy mghi in eacli month. X.-w Rcme Lo '-e Xo 4 i:t, Ki.ighls of Honor, die 2d and llii T'rolay nights in each monili. Neuse Council No. 1. Chosen Fiiemls, Iho 1st and 3rd W -dm w iv nmhi, Alhenia Lo !gn No. S, Kniidit- of I'yih- ias, thu 2d and 4lh I'oe-day i.i.;id-i ol'e i 1 1 nionili. Craven Lo 't;o Xo. I, KmuM of Har mony, the I anil 4 1 1 1 W 'cone day niglns in each month. IxIl'O No. 1, 1st anil thiid monili. Fai'h, Hope and ('haiiiy, Tit - -av i.iifliis in la'-h 'fllCC "5C C5MTB r:'!l POTTLE ,ao i' KAimrit iR?e::HAT'Qs rstt poii . ate ov oruc:a:sTS. 4 o llv viitue of Iho potvi -sconii uv.l on mc inacerlaiii norla.o i io.il cxeeu! -d by Ho-i a ,1. Shaw on the it li dav of ,)n () ISM aud rpei-t, d i: R'--lir o, ), ,..is ofrji o lor CniV' n conn in i k No It:! lolio 840 an I J4I, 1 will e.p -o m -ale at public unci Ii t the conn Loused in Now Heme. X C. i tl the :!id liondiy be fore die Hi ot Monday in M uch. Hli.,, l, -ing iho lllh day oi Feb nary. A. D. isi'.l.t at 12 ..c o. I; M. mr ea-li, I tic 1:1, on ma di Scribed real s a'e, s lu di d in the Cn v of New I'e ne, X. ('. mi 1! unit n' tnet, betw'i en the iutel -ci lion of P.road an,i Queen s'ri ets and Oak speei an i 1 .1 n uk l- ed as t 'Hotv. Hi ttn; (hi the Sotuli by the lands ot it U al.-se y, 01 the west by Hountrie street, beiim iho som- land wlrch ihe said 11 J, Sha v inh r.led fi.'in his fadter Hem y Sl'iuv d, c'd. Th int. r est ol tin-said tl. .1. Shaw will be soul ill said land Which niton st is ooivoal 1 of the same. Wl. M. WA'IXJX. L J. Mooie, At'orney jlCw UMrttU. UcaJ H:j:i:::.it;'::; Wantsd. Our Svstem iill'ord.s an oppori unity to borrow on e ther pi rsoual oi ical e-tate secuuty Tue plan is -up.oi o-10 Uinid ing and L an Assocaiioas. The amount borrowed may be r. tiirni d in m mtley payments without bonus, with interest at 5 per cent, per annum: it alV'i'ds ab solute secur.lv in une-lo'.s, w iih a lonsnii able guarantpi d iiu annual dividend of from 8' to 10 per cent. We desire to soenre the sen ices of en neretic, rooti -entative n.eii in every community io act as Local Secrcbiiics. The po tin ion will in- Millie it by ie. miner ative to ainplv eompcus .b fo s,;rt ice. If ymi possess die ab -v quddi ate u-, write for pirtiruiar. Fud mf -rm 1 i n re.-ard. ing our8ysii in ot Miakiii ; l- ansns tved as invtstmenls and "gem ics tvlih- pirnlsh- ed bv iiddressinj S' S. Hob chtson, l're-i- den(. 11 98 Waluut tro t, Pni adoiphn. i!4 d&w 3m ft ! Anen Is to sell our new b 'Ok, Dictionary of the United S ans llisb n, bv Prof. .1 Fiankiin Jameson Ne-ocd bt iveiy tiaclier, pupil, and famiit; indnrsed by press uud public. Anenls sebmg hooks per week. Siueissl'iii ag'ins he made gen r-i agents uu p .y. PURITAN PLBLIS ING CO, tl80dw Iw Uosti n, M..ss, lIMUlMARKsT COPYRIGHTS. rV CAW f nRTATK A PTPVTf Fn nnwAr anii tin hrvriAHt a-inin-lnn. tvHtA S Itli NNA CO.. who have lied nenrW flftv VAar? zperienoe In the patent business. CornmnDlcsr tloni strictly confidential. A Handbook ol It xormatlon ooncerniua lateiiii and boiT to oIh tain them sent froe. Also a oatalcbguo ol T-PwbtiP-toat and aotenttfle books sent froe, ' PAt-nTltSi IsLlrfiTi t It rati-iir h Kuan A. t mjimMm kMoial notion tn the SrientlUc Amerirnn. and .fliua are brouffbt wtdciy before the public wtlb eat oofit to the Inventor, 'i'htu splendid Daper. uwuea weekly, elegantly illnRtrutefi, butt byiai- tbe iMre cirauiauoa or any eciencine worK In tb wona. ua a yei Bnildlrur BdtU monthly, a year, einirte Oonlea,$5ottDta. nitu plates, Id oolors, and pbototrraphs of new a, wub plans, enabling builiiyra to how titia bouties. oo. tw voiui, ijui x.oAiiAr. !".l I Krorockui,"!;'i;:.stcii liaiV in 5 mimirts . rT7STfl iCAVtAlO r4- WHEEL CO. DETROIT. DLhita. Atrt. STew Berne. N 0 LKtiAL NOTICES. S'l'ATIvOF Nobth Cauoi.in'a, Cfavi n (.'ount w Tn OHice Clerk Superior Court. Notice is hereiiy given of the ineoipor alion of the "Slover Hardware Company'' that the names of the incoipoial' rs arc (Jcorge Shiver, Lycnrgiis II. Culler and Je-sie C. Watkiiw, and mi Ii others as i hey may associate wilh them; that the prim iii-il pla o f Ui-ine-s hall he in New lli rue, X. C, and its general pur )"sc and luisiii' ss is to Imy did sell all kinds o( Ilaidware, l'ainls and Oils, Building Materials. Stoves, LiincCtiiient, and all kinds o.f (foods, Wales and Mer-cliiiiiili-c ustialy kepi and sold I .y hard ware nciehaiils, and by ineitiianls to luroish building m di rial- ol'all kiii liio builders, contractors and laiiner-; lh.it the (ligation of the corporation yhall be lliil lv iiii-; thecnpi'al siock i- K;l;IiI Thoii-and JMlais with privilege to inercae to S. U en Tlioii-anl Dollars, divid din lOiluv and HKfe.selo One mid Nxiv slims ill tho par Milne of One lln i.l e l Doll n c? n il. W M. W.vi.so.N. ('. S. I . Nov. 2-, iyHt. Administrator's Notice The Itllili lVlgU' il ln.vilig ipl.doie I as ad iiii'ii-trvii-r of die i stale ei'.l. A. Siinp-on deci.ted. hereby gives notice to all hold ing claim- agaiti-t the est He to p:v-e ii the same duly niithenticati i! I"f payment t e, on or lu'l'ore the hlln d.v oi Die. li'.l ), ur this not'te will I".1 pio.id,. i in bar Ol'llteir lecoveiy. All Nr-i:.s owiiig the - i'd us' ale are hereby nolilied lhat im ineoiate seltlenii ills niii-t lie male of the -aiiiti oi tine, will be pi'ocei de.i a".iiu-t in a .-corda nee with law. This the StU day of IWivnbor. l-o.H. V. Ii. lit IV D, Ailin't of .1. A. S; i, i-Dll. llee'd. s 'ATE oi' N'OKTU 1 A t;t f .1 X A : Cott iTV Ol CliAVKX. MinM'ior f 'mi 1 1 . New l.ernelias l.'iLdd Couipant, S. V. Sn alluood s Coinuiei cial l.oi- l.ejlit an I Fuel Company. X'nin; tin. I ' Suiiiinoiis of Wariani and Ait.a'hinenl: The Do eoilant above naiin d will lake no! ice dial a summons in ihe above en lillell act 'Oil Was issued aoaoi-l slid lie fen hint on the lth tl iy of Sou ai'er. IK'.ia byihct'leik ol lie Sopiuor ('ami 01 Craven coimly, loui'iiao o ;o tl.o Fall To 1 hi, 1SV4, ol sai l iiiuii. which sn ii inons was duly returned (not lo he humd 111 my coiiiu t ). You are 1 beret' ne. com 111 nidi d lo app ar at ill 1 our. hi l.e held f r the C 11 1 1 1 v of Cr.veii at the court hoit-e in 'he city of Ni-.v Heine 011 toe thiid Monday bi lol'e till- 1 1 .-I Moil -av in M oi b. Mtia all i an-uer or ,u inur m the C anp a 11: I'll l). tvilllill the lil-l II:. c day- ' fib - 'I'enn. by the p!,:.!nt !,'- in Ha ahoy ul ilici I action. Tnc n c oo:o;i will a s 1. tai-e not e.. ti,o a wai i 'iii of alia. -h-iiicot i.-uud l.y 1 1 slid Cli ik 11 the nth day ol November, isnl, "aiu-t die properly of Ihe -aid il lend ml. which ari:iul is letii'iiabe before said court at the lioai all I place aoote nanicd for the leiiirn ol the sitiniiioes. wmvi and where the dciendaut is rKpure I to ajipcai and an-Wcr ol' .lelhtll' to the 1 OOipl illll, ot' the r lief demaed' d will hegiaiite.l. Tins in,. 2s day ,,f i)e .. obei . "H'.H. W M. VA I St i.s, C S. ('. nULXO-7.-. I NOl'.TU C'AltOLINA, I ,; -no' nor Loint. Cravi n Ceuaiv, ( W. R I'.i.y l. A imini-ii'i'iif of Anthony I Ian is. vs Too nil- II or s heir at-law of A ir In ni v Harris. To Th onas llairis lit"t- ' I ol Anthi. n v llanis: Take ii 'l if" llylt anr.c.'ioii has lnvai illsti tiled in th1' Slip li '1' entiit of Criten coiV'ty, by W. 13. 1 1 v . I a minis: raior oi Aulliony II .rris ( hc'.l.) agai st Tnorna Ila'l'is, lieii'-aHaw of A oh nt Hams (deed) you are reinfrcd to appear, all-. or di nnir to tue petition Ibcd limi at ihe ot'ice oi the (! ik I l lie Sll 'i Urn :!l.-t per or imiri of C'rav.oi lotn.ly. i . v of l).-i ember. IH94. This I4ihda. ot Nov tst'l. W. M. WaImu.',, c. s. c. J. E. ( Vlla'rt, At'orney. mo ti oik:. The nnd. r-ig ed lm v i ipialili t as a l ni ill i -' ra t" r of ' he est a to of A L Ilnitli, di eeas. d, beie' y liita s n ti e to ad ho il ieg claims .iL'ainsl the e-tate in piesein die same duly aii lie dicat -d for patmei t to me on or iieiore die 2G'lt nay f D -ceiiihel' IS05 or this n tier will 'e pond ed in bar of the r r. covery Ad pesons owin the said es'ato ale hereby i otdied ''I'ith 't iniiliediate settlements niusi he in n'e w'"'oft e same or lhev will be proceeded against in accordance with law. Tins ihe 2Jih day oi Hen-er. ita-i. W. B. RUVD, Adin'r. VITAL TO MANHOOD. Db. B. O. WEST'S NERVE .VND BRAID TREA1 MENT. a SDAcifiofor Hysteria. DizEiness. Fits. Neu ralgia, Betnlselia, Kervoas Prostration eaused bj olophol or sobaooo, Wakefolness, Mental Iopres8ion Sortenlnt ot Brain, Cfi using Insanity, misery, di'CUy death, Premature Old Ajg Barrenness, j.obs oi Power hi either sex, Impotency, LenoorrtKa and ai Female Weaknesses, Involuntary Losses, Sperms torrhosa caused by over-exertiDn of brain, Solf abase, over-lndnlpsnce. month'e treatment ti D lor IS. by mail, WiUj each oruor tor e boxes, wlU 15 via send written guarantee to refund it not 'area auarentbesissned by spent. WGST'8UVBPrLI ues on s ueonacae, ouiodkuwb, j.ivi:i vunirfin. jurStomaoh, Dyspepsia and OonsUpaUn... . , aUASAJiXS tasoedouly by , , - V i F. 8. DUFFY. Druggis aud dOw Ageai, NEyrrJf - SRAis . TRAVELLERS' 6TJIDC. EASTERN CAEOLSNA DISPATCH IE AND OLD DOMINION S. S. CO. NEUSE and NEWBERNE :. On ami after Ocober 1st oue of t lie above named Steamers is ap p.inted to Kail i'rotn JSew liertie as follows: Monday's, Tuesday's, Wednesday's, Friday's, at 6 P. M: Freight Received Daily Except Sunday, I'or further information. Apply to, GKO. lIKNDEliSON, Agent. HAI1JSOADS - Atlantic cfe N. C. Railroad .-.1h.-''-. .Hi. wawttiAwt: ksrr siii TIME TABLE NO '.1, In allVct P M. Saturday, 1 St5. .Ian. .1 1 1 1 . (ioi N No r. E T Si ni:nin,i. 1oim. Wh No. I. l.. r vi'KiNs. (iold-ho!,, La ( Jr mue kin-Ion N-tv Heme Mi.ivln ul Cii Ar. 11 mi Hi 1J !l :ls s (17 I'm. it -Ml I Jo o 50 in No. I. .1,! Ar. .bV ', '... .,,.. r. I.ve. s on p.m. . ' 7 :',n s n:; H ZD s n; '.1 44 !l o'.l 111 :r 1 1 no 11 :, I 1 11 go :; Ig 1. old-lioro P.1-1 . I .a ( i 1 aliji ' i:iilo ('reek Kin-ion Ca-wei: Dover ' ..re ' ek 'I'll-eaiola ( i.lll'- Nca IVrn Hit eld. il- Cioa'an II it. k Ni pot t 7 nil 7 go s 111 K 41 !l n; '.I 51 in 11 1- I I :i."i I 'J l;, li go 1; '.I 1; I .'. li 0 ma O 1 o is 4 :;n 1 11:: :; on '.i 4 '.I II .. os IN :; I:; I I-.' I go I :',1 4 ol i'.i (.i ol 4 OT 4 ;ii 1 4ti ni 17 on i; jo U ild wood All .111 it Moicli'a I t it v I1 Mirc'ic id Depot a.m. V'" bit -.'b V and Frid.lt 'I'lnu-'lat and Saturday Moada 1 ruc.-d 1. 'IV ,'in ! Wefca Wilmi X.rlh. :t, oi , 1 1 i H" i . i ii I ! hoii i ; !l!.M.. 1 1 1 i... -.::. with aai tV.s', Vnaw and wilh W. A W 1 1 1 IliltL! toil am I ill - a; hci'ii I! lib at i..iMsU,i, gjiKi p. X. at .New Kern lo I'lllledlal po UK '1'iain il coin. eels with Miiithcin Kail tvav nam, sv ri vinii at (.ioliislmro ilgio p. in. and with WiliniiiLitoii ,N W'el- loo i oi ii filial the Xortb at it:ilo p. in No. 1 Liahi also cnimee-s widi W.N N N hir t i n 1 ' ii'; I on on! iub-r ued a'e point.-. S. L. DILI,, Supi li 1 1 1 ndent. Railroad. TIM 15 T A I1LB NO. I'.i taki eiloct Moiidav, August gdlh i SO I at ":0. A. M. Supai'-eiiiilg Time Table No.' Hat .lull' , I -till, lsiOt. t.i.iNii Sin nr. scuiioii.i'.. Cuii.NoNoic No. I. ''is.t. mur Twin "No i. v. A. M. h ;t: I in (.i gi Stations. Ar. I M. ." 4.) 5 rtd 4 o4 4 44 4 i'.i . 4 22 r. 4 l!(l 4 111 4 no ;; 5 1 g. 43 :i 1 ;j 21; Netv Hci'iie l'ohoi ksville Mavstiile ti ii : White Oak n 4:1 No'ihoast ar. lv. Jack-oiivdle lv. " ar. Id 1 i'.i 10 ii 111 in i'.ii Hi II In ..:( in .vr 1 1 11:; 11 11 1 1 in 1 1 23 1 1 :ig t li 011 No il I Verona Cod. nli. irst I'olh-tiine Holly liidge Ellei OOlllJ W' Oil ulc A 1 11 .11 inh1 1 anipsiiad So is 11,11 K ik and I ay iieid V.S a C iasi 11.11 croas'g. ar. Wilmington Lve. 'AsSl-.NOKlt AM) FREIOUT .1. Ar ,i -si :i tti 3 OS H Ul 2 oS 2 47 2 3d N... i . A. M Lve. p. : 2 211 2 4(1 b' till it llo 8 20 3 32 3 45 4 00 4 ao 4 36 4 46 4 55 5 10 5 25 5 36 5 46 5 53 5 58 6 02 C 14 6 ID Netv Hi l'no DeHiuhls I'ollock-vibe I! ueintood Maysville Wm'u O.k Nel l he ist ar. Jacksonville lve lve. " ar. 12 00 11 32 11 IS 11 10 10 07 10 i 10 33 10 17 9 37 9 31 9 21 9 ll 8 58 8 46 8 35 8 23 8 17 8 11 8 07 7 55 7 48 Jarman's Verona 1 Cedi'i'liurs Folksione llol'yridire Eduecombe Woodside Annandale Cypress Like llamsieail Scott's Hill Eirkiand BnymMid 6 26 7 40 6 40 W. Sea Coast R.R cross's. 7 S3 7 00 Wilmington lve. 7 00 Uhily Except 8unJaj ; ; ' . ".'- ': :: B. A. WTJITISG, v ir .' . : ""-..r-: -v: General Msuanre. J.. W MABTENK 4'l.ii gTasjasHaistao-; ' ; ' I ll'JL JNeuse & Bay River LINE, Str, Trent will leave foot Craven street, Clyde Wharf every MONDAY AND THURSDAY at 8 A. M.. for the following landioirs Arlington, Adams Creek, Smith's creek. Oriental, Vandemere. Stone wall, Ihyboro, &.c. For l'rtisjht and Passenger Rates, Apply to I. LaIIOSTAGNE. Agt. FINANCIAL HOUSES 1. A. BE7AN, THOS. DAOTELS, President, Vies Ptm. 5. H. EOBEETS, Cashier. THE ITATICNAL BANK Of New Berne, N. C. Incorporated 18C5. Capital, Surplus Profits, $100,000 98,168 DI HECTORS; Its. A. linvw, Tnos. Damels, Cuts. S. JSiivw, .T. II. Hackburn, Ino. Di xn, L. iiauvey, II. 1Ioi!i:i;t-. E. K. Rishop. rridE; Farmers &. Merchants Bank Hegan bit.siiio.ss May, 1891. Capilal Stock, paid in. Surplus, $75,000.00 7.000.00 2,800.00 12,750.00 I iiihvnled I'ofit-, Dividend-jiaid, OFFICE Its ; I. 11. Ci i i.KK. . President. W. S. Cn tnv. -ick, . . . Vice Pres. '1'. W. Df.wky. . . Cashier. A. II. I'owia.i , , . , Teller. F. I'. Ma iTHKtvsg . . Collector. With w II e-tablUhcil connections this I! ink ;s prcp ovd to oiler all accommodation- ruiisj-i, nt with con-ciTatiyu bank mur. I'roinpt and : aicliil attention u'iven to collei Wc will lie pleased to coirospond with dio-e who may coiileinplatc making elniigi s or opining new accounts. l llos. . Win In s . Ill l.v, I'r, for, Cashier, C.roves, Tetter. CITIZEN'S BANK C I A i r-i jw JrS hirtrsrE, isr. o. i.m-:i;ai. bANhtsi; hcsinkss. '- ol II: -. Mel uk-, liaiihi i-, f.orpoi -i.ants and others re. in i - . eroiopi ami care in- mi. i. -f ni inir c'li l Ul.i II. .Meailuws, M, h: . Iioirv, Jr. t Il o a.oue- Ui.'iliuonil, i has lli.i.eiistein, M:i.mt ll-ahn, I'hoiinis A. l.rcen, l . K. I ov. . tl. I ..Ul. :o.-' Iiioiii, . snialiu. S.I '-, I'KIHK'SSrON'AL. Dr. E. H. GOLDBERG SUKGrO-ORAL dentist Ollicc 11. in lliiilding. M'ooi '.la i ai'cn Iboad ;ind Pollock "St.it 1 1 Fp.-coial church yard. J New BtM'ue jN". BRANCH OFFICE litcksouville, Onslow (.'ouu.vN ft?. Da. G. K. BAGBYa SURGOX DENTIST. Ctlic. M.ddle -ircet. opposite Baptisti (,'iiiuch. NEW P.I KNE, N. (J. E lUjXTTIaST Xl'. W REUNK, N. C Ollice on Ci it in Si r, im, liaw'een I'ollocli and liio.id. J. H. BENTON, M, I ft, .,. DENTIST, :-NEW - BERNE. jN. C-:- Jlli.c: 'JO Middle St. 2d Floor.. Teeth Extiaotcd without Pain, by the of Nitrous Oxide Gas. use P. H. PELLETIER, Alt orne,y At Law. 'Vlio. k Sin-i t, First room abive Fawn ci's cv Moicliant's Bank. Will pr:uti(-t' in the Counties of Cmvcut, l uri' i t, .lime, tnslow itnl Pamlico jKl'iuU'il l!itt"s Court at New Burno antU Snprt'iiu' emu 1 1 the Slntv. WVI. E. CLAKKE, OiUfo, 72 South Front street o, posite Gaston House. ITi-uRSEY AT LAW AND ca-i Estate Agent, New 11 -rne, N. C. 'oa -lection". New Y rl Boston and Canada. Timber lands Farm lands. Truck lands. Town lot! Do you waut to bny 1 WitiTU. Do yon want to sell T WHITE. 8PF.OIAL. 100,000' Acres of Land in hand for dis posal. 1,500 Acres, Trent road, 6 miles ofcityf Timber ami Truck. THE WORLD AND THE STATE ..-.;,; FOR' tl.5.''?. ;''.t ':"- We will send tba'Nr' ToW" Irfini WoBtpiand WKsxt' Statu each f $1.85 or titer yar lot 1. AUii