r V A WINE TOAD. A knowing toad one summer! day Unto a fly m beard to say : "You're pretty sure to find me here Betore this store year alter year." " nut," said the fly, "It seems lo me That you demolished goon will be - (CONTINUED.) Bv people passing In and ont, And ground to dust without a doubt." "Oh," smiled the toad, in all things pat, "1 inner am afraid ot that. Amid the city's whir and din To pnrehaw! here hut lew pass in. The irawn's plain, it yon hut think; luis murcmuii Htiunnclti printer s ink. ' NEW BERNE, N. e.ri VOL. XIII. NO. 274. MOKXINH, FEBRUARY Ti. 1895. PRICE -FIVE CENTS mm STAPLES Come First on the Food List, and our Staples StarLd. First, Best, Cheapest, WHOLESOMEST, MOST INVIOT&, A1TD APPETIZING In th3 Grocery Trade. FAILURE TO DRAW ON OUR Stock for your table simply prevents you from realiz ing the highest attain able possibilities of good living Just as an athletic congress brings all the champions togeth er, we gather all the Of every Article and FroSnct of Ffloil into or stock. can't beat us in the matter of Q-o.alit37"- 0-0 We are always ahead in low prices, too, just as A is al ways before B. po. -.AGREAT:- Convenience -o-o-o- lrihero has been established A Bagoage Check Boom at the Cigar Stand cm Faib Gbotjhds where Visitors can deposit their Valises, Overcoats, Umbrel lap,' or any small parcel, with perfect safety, receiving a check for same thus avoiding the both er of carrying them around all day. - , , CIT A small charge will be tia 'a to cover the expense of tthe ChampionBrands r?PoMSl NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lest A Lady's Purse. J. C. Whitty Cotton for Guano. BUSINESS LOCALS LOST A Lady's Purse, one Sea- sou Ticket, &c. Reward for its return to A. J. Finch. it FOR Sale nt cut rale: Ticket to fiurli&m. T. Hancock. 2t. DON't Forget the French Cafe when . you wuDt a lunch, 114 Middle St. TO ALL who visit the Fair. I will exlii'iit at 1117 store, No. 40 Mid He St , during; Fair week, the largest and most desirable lot of PLuo and Fine Cut Tobacco ever offered in New Berne. Special inducements will be offered to Merchants and Consumers, during Fair week only. Everybody in need of bargains in Tobacco are respectfully in vited to examine my stock ana get my prices before pur-hasing elsowhero I also offer, for Fair week only, a 10c. straight cigar for 5c, a No. 1 nickle cigar. tor 5c. and a good 2 tor 3c. cigar tor ic. -neb. Respectfully, J. W. Meric. SACRIFICE. Handsome Nickle Plale Hickory Bicycle at my store will be sold nt a bargain, limn new. i- , Dcfft. Druggist. I11'. FIVE Thousand pounds of those deli- lious 10 cent Hamsjust arrived, nice and fresh. Come and see them. A good supply ol the fine White Bliss Seed To- aloes at j. . i aylok s. .i-ou RIENZF' Rochester Beer nt all tin leading Bars. Insist upon having it. Il'lw. WANTED Live Hustling Agents to represent the largest tailoring- i-staUUh- meul in the world. Shius st up. 1'ant $3 up. The Royal Tailors Ilaymaiket theatre lihlg, Chicago. BREAKFAST Bacon, Pig Hams. Springfield Hums. Ten Cent Hams, Fine Cheese and Buckwheat and a large lot of those Bliss Seed Potatoes. J. F. Tatloh. FOR Fall and Winter suits sec F. M. CUADWICK, Tailor, 103 Middle St, New Samples just received. it. MUST lie Rented (Jut. Six nice new, n- 1 brick stores, first class and in the best ligation in the city tor any kind of business. Apply to V. 1'. Hill. WHEN Bornxiue is used according to directions, a third of the labor and the cost of goap in ordimuy washing is saved. Samples tree nt J. F. Taylor s. Dressed Poultry. Fine Lot of TUSEEYS and CHICKENS At JOHN DUNN'S f23 2t To-day, Saturday, MERCHANTS AND HOUSEKEEPERS Save money by Buj - ing ol :- CHAS. S. HOLLISTEB, :- WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER. A. E. rtarstcllcr, Practical TUNER & REPAIRER Of Pianos and Oaoans. 5 years experience. Tuning, $2.50. Repairs extra. Leave orders at Eaton's Jewelry Store. 97 Middle Street. tai3t Geo. Henderson, INSURANCE AGENCY. ESTABLISHED OFFICE: NO. i Craven St. 1870. Represents the following Flrst-clats . Companies: Insurance Company of North America. Home Isurnnco Company of New York. Hartford Fire Insuranco Company of Hartford. Queen Insurance Company of Amcricn. Phoenix Insurance Company of Brook Ivn. N. Y. North Carolina Homo Insurance Com pany ot Roleigh. Royal Insurance Company of Livcr dooI. Encland. Boston uanne insurance company oi Boston. . S9Thi8 Agency boa been in eiistence for the past 25 years, during which time all losses have been promptly settled without a single contest. . All clasiet of desirable Insurance soiustea. yum . " 'E.1T. DUFFY'S CROUP SYKUP. PREPARED AFTER A HECIPB OF THE LATE DR. WALTER DUFFY. - At this season-children are liable to at tacks of ihe Coup, stid parents hould always be prepared by having a bottle ot R. N. Duffy's Croup Syrup d band, pre pared troin the reilpo ot ine late jlt. Walter Duffy can be hud ot the Druggist, und of R. ST. Daffv. nrourietor. New Berne, N C. Certificates of its efficacy enn be seen ot the proprietor. 85 cenu per bottle.; Sec that tho wrapper reads. R. fj. DUFFY'S ' CROUP 8YRTJP. f re ot (also dealnm who are telling am.,. , luun croup syrup mr -j.i eum. SEWS ADRIFT In (he City of Elms and Vicinity, Gntnered In and Briefly Told. Half rale to the Fail- today. Free for school children. Seeing sheep with such heavy fleeces as those shown ought to bo nn incentive to improved and ii creased sheep raising. Mr. Jas. A. llryaVs thousand pound Spanish jack is n notcwuithv animal. Mr. L. M. Broom'.' nt Aurora also bud a very good one on exhibition. The first sir i wherries d the season were m market in Tampi, t la., on Wed nesday of last week. ' Two d-ivs lutti at Cartrrville, Ga., a bale of cotton was brought to market on a sleigh. The salmon shown in the Fish building cime from Columbia river, Oregon. For this exhibit the Fair is indebted to Mr. C. H. Cone, ol the N. Y. Fish commis sion. The Fair can be seen today at small cost. All school children will be admit ted perfectly frie. Adulls can enicr for only 20 cents. Other members of the Press that made l heir appearance on the grounds yesterday were Messrs. Stevens of the Southport Leider, Riscowcr of the Gosdsbore Head light, Janie-) of the Wilm-ngton Review, W. (r. Brown of the Soiitbern I'.ntltiy Journal, High Point, X. C, W. A Bonit., a representative of ihe Goldsboro Argus. Will Heiiiage, retire setita.ivc of tbu Asheville Citiz jri, ami A. A. ("amp bell of the Murphy Bulletin. Mr. Campbell is from Ch rokee county and a membir of the present legislature. Coming and joliifr- Mr. A. B. Chapin editor of t lie Aurora Progressive Age came up yesterday to attend the Fair. Mrs. J. P. Moore and Miss Clarioe Browne of Portsmouth, Va.. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. 1. A. Kichardsou. C l. E. N. .-Hid Mrs. Roge-rt, of Denver col., aie visiting Mrs. Emily Thomas. Mrs. Rogers is a s'ster of Mrs. Thomas. Among Hie prominent ariivals ut the Albert are Mr. Geo. L. Morton. Post master of V inington, Col. IS. B. Taylor ami daughter, Miss Lucy of Catharine Like, M'fs Grac - Ran';in of Ashevillc, and Mr. C. A. Fou'er of Foughkeepsie, N. Y. No Harm from Ihclr Cold Plung-e.. Prof. Thompson, the aeronaut was around as usual yesterday with no ill effects from li s chilling bilh in Neuse river where the iaiucluiie laeile t(?) him the previous night. Miss Nolan w-in on Wednesday was in the water longer before licing rescued and who also stiucU ihe water on her back with jarring ctfect as the parachute de scended, was in bsposed Thursday from the combined itlVc.s ot too j.ir and the long continued icy bath but she was O. K yesterday and ready for another ascension and leap. LAST DAY OF THE KACISIi. Connotation Troltin jr Knee mid n Run nailer Race. The consolation trot ling race, purse $200, lor ho sc- which have not won first or second money in any l-.ico look place yesterday. (', ii, black ehlirg. owned hy E. J. Willcl', New YiU city, won first moi e. ; Doiniinon, Hai-kbtirn & Wil lett, seemd, an 1 IJti n iette, Alxinanue farm, third. The iuup'i ig ' -ce was wol- l-y Falcon fe!tc, liay tidy, 1'. AUx iii br, Kicliinoi.d, Va., Myr.i li , I ay lilly, J. VV. Bradshaw. Lyr.chburg, 'n., second. NO ASCENSION'S YESTERDAY. One Balloon Struck n t'olo and lore When IiiIIiiC.I (hi- Other Still Lost in the Woods. The balloon was all inflated at the usual hour Frid y mil M ss Nolan was getting ready for the start, when an acci dent happened, die, first that has oecurred since 1 ol. Hutchison has had charge ot the ascensions at the Fair. The wind blew the balloon sidewise to such an extent as to cause it to strike a pole used in supporting the balloon as it being filled and such a rent was made that the balloon speedily collapsed. I lie tear was so large that it could not be repaired in time to ascend and the other balloon which had been used the day bef re and which fell in the woods ncros3 Neusc river had not been recovered, so the ascension could not take place. The reason the accident occurred was that there were certain ropes on the miss ing balloon which belonged to lie trans ferred from one balloon to the other were missing. The Southern Mutual Fire Inauranc Company. From the Insurance Ileiald: "The Souihern Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of Ailanta, Ga., has issued its semi-tinnual statement for tho last six months of 1894. It had 933,117,738 nt risk, and the premiums were $148,087, wblle the losses amouuted to only 10,183, or ab"Ut .07 per cent. The interest account was $22, 588, which was twice as much as the losses. Its total expenses ot manaeement (execot taxes. H2.419) were $28,829. and during the term it paid back dividends to policy-holders ot tfiua.voz. us aseeiB aie now $947,876, and surplus $089,119. Results luce tiiew are responsioie ir oi her u trcn.pt!, an I ihe Southern -itock Mutual Insurance Company, of Greens boro, N. C, which is now eini; orgnnized by wealthy and leading business men there, is in' ended to follow the plan of the Southern Mutual in North Carolina. It will have a capital of $100,0u0, sulwrilicd by twenty men. whose aggregate wealth is $5,000,000. Tenperceut. ot gross pre miums' willbosetasineaaa reserve, and tbe profits, if any, will be returned to policy-holders. The company has been organized with J. M." Worth as presidem; K. P. Wharton, vice-president, anil A W. McAlister. sec retary und irMonjr.,:?'-:::-S;';j.':-Vv v .. Tbe bark Botnhire,at New York iVom Core. renorU usMIowk On February 11, at ;7 a. m, sighted n wreck, lane dvfwn - noon . it aad took off ten or tbe Tew, including the eiptam an,l wife. It oroved to be the aeiiooner Florence J. A Ilea of Bath. Me , from Apalachlcola, t la., tor rnimajipnia. IN THE FISH DEI'ART.nENT. The Uood Variety The Now Featured and the TnNfe Displayed In F.very-thintc- The unusually bad weal her which im mediately preceded the Fair char dip to the time ol its holding caused the displav to be Ime in getting in and tin re was no! as full a display of varieties us is usually shown, but the improvements that had been made and the spicial utltnliou given cause 1 ibis dep-ntinent, as a whole lo be not one whit behind any pievuun exhib its. Too much cannot be said of the ingenuity Jlisplayed in gelling up the newly constructed j)oil a scene so true t natine. This was a cemented reservoi the bot tom of which had been covered with shell', coral, &c, while water from the water-works was flowiii ' in and out con atanly maintaining its level and keeping it pure anil clear so that a good view ol tho fish and tenapin swimming around in its liquid depths was easy to obtain Klectric lights in Ihe water showed them up even more prettily at night than in the day ti ma. The borders of the pool w.-im likewise covered with sand neatly lined with mosses, elc , giving it Iheappeaiance of a shore with several de.id young alligators of different sizes ranging from a f.iv inches ijp lo about, 3.1 feet in length, a bull-fiog and a snake were in natural po sitions around, as were iiisoataxidermixi'd eagle and while connolan. Two fisher men, oil-cloth dres-cd figures, wire also seen on the land dmgg lit iheir net The whole produce la picium that was a gem ol its kind. The glass tanks also showed off tbe fish in (linn with pcrlect distinctness. These numerous and very hctitlifu! speci mens of gold and silver ti-h inunv ol them came from Was'iingt m City- and such fish as fr,quent the .small slnams, chubs, robins, red-fins, elc, in the larger size showed p:eitier than would have bieu thought. They swam, around freely, seemed perficlly at home and at tracted a great ileal ol attention. In ihe room were kegs of cornel fi-h, while on ihe bibles were the fresh ones. and also .talis in van-ties, conchs, etc. Tcrranins. oysters and clams in the places prepire I for ihem, and ne s of dill' real kinds were also shown. The depa, tmeiH, as it always doc-, Misluincd its lepiualioti ol being one ol llie most attractive and in teiesiing in tho whole Fair- INDIVIDUAL EXIIIRITORS. Some of Those Who Have Specially Lnre or ood Exliiliilsat Hie Fair. luitr a numiier ol imsitiess nouses are repieseided by exnibits at the Fair. Among die luimboi- the di.-pluvs by tin- music hou-i s -it A. Co'in & Co., New Berne ami Aiihh und Burke, Noifolk. occupy a promimnt posiiion. Mr. Cohn's r o is his baby gran I Mchlin piano winch won a god medal and d plonia at the World's Fair Mis sym phony, an organ which gives f.uth its streams of melody Mom simply working the ped-ds and his fine Newby and Kvuns piano all attiarlnl tin ir due metil of .d t i-ii t ion and prais.'. The Aiiie Ihnke compmy hav.: a very hauds-i . piano and orgut display with a inain-o . attac liinciu bi the Kver elt piano, 'i he in-lininents w re in rose wood and oak and were of splendid tone. The mandolm iiiiachnient ;s a leidure not found in i'lstrumeiits of any o'lier make and hicu Messis. Am Burke & Co . conir-il exc 'tisively in North Carolh-n and scvera i other Mates. Miss Ren hi h Wad, the young lady mu sician who is wuh the exhib't is ve-y c ever in sati-fying nil iiiijuiries of vi-i.ors and in performing vciy skillfully on the instrumen'S J. IV, Stewart m ikes a large and no ticeable tli-play, elegant liiling vehicle- on the gron:i(U and of I'm- hnrness, robes, whips, etc , in the main building. In t lie Machinery Hall are several very good diopi.iys by bttsine-w lion s. Tne Sonthsidc Maniilaeluriiig Company havesainplis of the carrying packaes; they manufacture truck boxes -and bas kets, a folding truck barrel, fiuit and berry crates, grape baski-ts and egg craies K. II. & J. A. Me-adows, ol New Berne make a large exhibit, shown in good shape. Samples ol their fertilizers are shown in very large glass jar?, seed for trnck and Ih ld crops are in great variety. In their f rlilizcr exhibit may he si en their special guanos for cotton, for cabbage, for pntotoe) und ail crops; also dissolved Lone and land plaster. J. J. Disoswny & Co., have nn extra oidinarily good exhibit of mill machinery improved saws, belts, linings and imple ments. It is not ouly a large and select display but it is arranged with pleasing effect L, II. Cutler has a largo display of agricultural implement. Walter A. Wood's horse rnkes. reapers and hay tedders and Ashtous Clark's double cul tivator, a grass seeder, spading and smoothing harrow an I a Davis swinging chuin in the lot. The Williird Big Mainracturing Co., have quite a variety of sacks, both cotton and tow. Thos Gaskill's recently patented mat tress etufter. a New Berne invention is shown in a large model. The New Berne Knittins Mill is repre sented not only by specimens of its hos iery, but by I lie inaeluues and operatives actually at woik making the hosiery, In the fish department Mr. Geo. 2. Ives has a la-geand comprehensive dis nlav from tlio streams and the sea. We will notice other lurge exhibitors tomorrow. A special dispatch to tho Manufac turer's Record shows that the biate ol Mississippi has p oduci-d a surplus of corn and that for the first time in its history corn is bung shipped to the Wi st Kansas City Duyrs now Deing in tie fle d. The Deal price is reported to be 00c per bushel. A. London dispatch- snys with tbe close ol business at the St ick Exchange on the 21, the United Slum loan was quoted at 8 1-4 piemiuin The pu refuse of ihe now loan lMtvbnoi ieflyfhr Kw Yi'k account, confirming the belief that nearly sll of tin London sc0b "fill go to the t'ottea states. . ' Oyaters I Oyatera 1 1 (Oyatera ! - r D.vid rhlf morKt t restaurant to 140 Middle sir.et whirr,- hu ia ready lo serve Oysters in all ttyles and meals at all hoius to the Fair t but jai and all other Lfriends, . f!3 m FAIR NOTES OX THE Wl(i, ! Picked l'p ami Tersely Told. What is Thought. Villlll Has IWn Heard, and Cienernl Comment About the OroundN. Yesterday was another beautiful day not too cold nor to warm, not loo d-unp nor to i d i y, but jest rigid. The atlendanc-; was prob iblv larger for Fi'iday. I lion on any previou- (year ol the s m.e d i v. The addition of the pool in the lish and game building is not only a new feature, but it has proven one of ihe pret t'ust and inosL attractive of any at tin Fair. Mr. J. T. Junes, gditor of tin Wil mington lteview, speaks words ol piaise lor our 1-air. with special stress on the poultry display. It may not be mo lest in us Mr. James to second your slnlea.ent but we will ji'-t the s ime. "Tha uma have ye: bai 1 is the givab st nilh ns. ili-lu-ion we The l'cstaiiiant o:i the ground-i k--pt lv our townsman, Mr. Jn-i. IHrin. is a .le lightful relreit and '.veil uiaii ig.-d. The miriy go-ioicid has bud it- full share of patronage an-l does not. lail to please the children, and s-nne of lb ; older ones too il'too many ol then ai-fU.iillla:a-e-ii ro not around f,r ihem to -k-al an oipor tnniiy to "siinpiy see liow Ihe ihingr do ride. All the adjoining (ounties aiv well rcp reicnted in attendance con-'deiiii ; the dis,tgieeable travel ovi r the heavy road-. Taking into cousidi ration di.-tauce and llie iiHonvniii nee of gelling liere, licau f'ortcoiinly :s b-st repi'e-unle I, with Cir teret elo-c on. To view ihe culinary department is only lo realize the wonderlul ingenuity au-l taste th.it wo. mm has. By no minus is it an easy la-k to arrange the artiea - dial compose this cl is so lb it tl.cy will show up prettily, but this lime i1 lias lnvn d ic most alni..abiy. Our ladies lir-l, l.,st anil all the time. No hetli r move could have h. en in de than that of plajing ihe ngneuliural ex hibit on such a high b.sis. It hows what our soil nml enterprising plant r-i are doing. The slock exhibit icgi-t- r well no. There are a numb-jr of line blooded a u ui. ds. The oreh-r e.n the grounds Ins t on most e-xcelle ut and the p dice1 lore-; . r and ever vig liiot to i lie.i' dill ie-as far a Ileal' I Mom. The rave track pnim une as among the prettiest ever ! by in; l. bin large euoiiah lor very fa-t lime-. Where are. the fakir-y Where ar- tie gamblers ? and where ate llie ge ie il "hang mound crowd" dial u-ii.lly I'.il -w up Fairs in praclicc their impo-iiions -n Hie public ? l-.elio an-wi-rs whir.-. In- u ud to the credit :il the r air manage uc t. Thus New li-.-rne is a hying example ib.i Kxpo-ilions can iivc ami prosper withoo. catering to tt'C baser eleine its lor -iciii . 1. Toogrnil prai-e cannot lu hi -level upon the liih and game displays. (-p-r- lally when it is known under what dlli- cullies lish ami oysters coulel b : p-.n ure.i llirough the cold spell. Tin: o-anin.olh glass l ink is bv fir ptettier than it has ver b:-en before w ith its grenler variety of fishes and clear pure wafer from the cily water- wor!;s. In the ladies fancy w.rrk ilepartiui-nl are many articles made by nn logins and young la'bes that speak well lor them. These beautiful specimens of handiwork is not only an honor to Iheir skill and ni dus ry, but they are also doing their part in helping to keep the Fair up to its high standard of art in this line. The home'-maile ine-iibntor ' at work with the new I v hatched chickens tiinnng around gave nil visitors a good oppor tunity of seeing how setting hens can be dispensed with. limiting Bros. open nir trapeze per dav between the races formauce twice a was a new anil greatlyappn-ciateil haline Instead of tiresome waiting it was a vcrv agreeable change from one pica-lire in another. Chick's Company "gels there"' It is n good snow in Used and its i lnuige-ol programme is a b'g thing in its f.voi 'Pl. e- -i.-.ii xiiu leaen vi Meu ladies are wonderful. anil stiength by ihe Dr. Allen scoops in the dimes at a live ly rate. His Kmc of the Fire caters is considerably above the geueral iuu of sach performers, and the gun manipulators are dexterous in a ieui vellous degree. Mr. Sapp, the ossified man is thought by some of the visitors to be the greate st livinjj wonder they ever taw. A poet appeared in the office ofn Charleston paper the other day anil pre. seate d this enunon: "Corn in the cr bs, mt on the ribs. Cotton alone, skin nn I bone." Though this production is not of a high standard, it was recognized as singularly good. The poem was ac cepted with thanks and given a place next day on tnetditorial page. .... r. rr The appropriation for higher whito euu -anon m ssomi uaronna is .ou.euti, while ine tame appropriation in Vir ginia ia $189,500, and $107,500 in South Carolina. Yet our Uoiveisity, State Normal and . Industrial for women at Oieeiwboro and A. & M. Colleg- at Raleigh will compare - favorably with higher educational .- Institutions in any State I ; TEXTILE n-FU. DEVELOPMENT. The ProicreMN it In Making in IheSouth "SpeeinienM of N. C. .Wnke at Ihe Fnlr They Shonl.1 Serve an an Incentive tot.renlcr FroyreiM. At the Fair cau be seen some pretty woo! bhinkcts and some oilier goods, cot ton and woolen, of North Carolina make and there is a kuitiiug factory nt work on the grounds. There is no reason why our suite should not manufacture all ol this ela-s of goods and the incentive that is given lo increasid effort along such lines is one of Ihe good results lb u flow from such exhibitions as that now in progress: Mr. Win. '. hovering, president of ihe Arkwright club, which represents i.ll of the large New Kngland textile inaiiufae tureis was invited Mime months ago, after returning from a visit of investigation In '.liel south, to deliver an address liel'ore lli-i Nl-w Kngland Textile club ui cotton manufacturing in the south. This ad dn.ss, which has never liel'ore been made public, was given out n lew days ago und ptiblishe I in ihe Manufictui-er s lti-cord. In this ndiliess, which is a very lull and conipi ehi n-ive study of the whole subject. Mr. liovi-rdig says: "The time has passed when New Kng land iiinnuf iclnreis need to give but little nitei.tioii to cotton manufacturing in the Sunt li. W'e have c.niie t icabz- that tin. South has entered the race in lamest and to stay, lleneelorlh it mu-t lie the sur vival of the fittest. The old mills in the s -u'h. with the'r anti(uaied machinery, have lieen succeed, d by first class mills with the bet equipment, and we liml niiils in thi: south today that will coin Hare, favorably with our New England mill-, built in every respect to do their woik in the cheapest ami most improved maimer. While it ha" long been conceded Ilia in certain line of course goods 1 1 1 -advantages are in I ivor of the south, northern manufacture is have comforti-el them-clves with the statement that the m iniila'-tiire of the li'test goods woird re'iiiiin with tlicin. mid that Ihe-south could not make- such goods. In this we ate mi-takc'i. There is nn actual incre is, in Ihe pioiluctiou of finer goods in the sni t'u, and w here manufacturing i once firmly establish! d, it is only a matter id a siu-ri tin e vvhea the labor employed will improve" in skill anil aebipt itsel! to the liner we-ik. There seems to be no reas n w hy as liii,.- Minis may not be spun in the sotiih as in any other section ol our count rv." The South is coming rapidly M the Iront as a nia.iiilacluring couutrv; uieot ton niauiil'aelining it is developing fa-le r than any other section and No-ln Caru Iiiii is doing moiv along tin- paiiieu'ar Hue than any otucr stction. Let Ihe goenl wo l continue and manufacturing along oii!" line or other a d along us many line- as possible- be develope I in eveiy co ninu-ii v. NllWS IN BRIEF. A wo-iian's siilfragc bill in- pio-1 be lli Washington Sta'e Seu.-it--. l'i';:-icClor- near Rich 1 1 i j ' , Mo,, -liuek oil it a depih ol 710 feet. Toe i-id ol Morgantiel I and S-ei y. the ir.in robbers, h is lgiui. A hondon syndieate: will pul up tin nvnev to I nilil n.-w railre.nl.- in l'- --,i r.ica.' Ke-enling her liithe-r's brutal tillne k on hi-r moflicr and brolher, Conleli.i Hi I, 1 I "'. i Riip--n, W. Va.. shut li i, ele.d. Ov r :;,oiil' j itket- nake-ts in Xcw '..rk went out on slrike- because of the pi..-.--vvork -y-ie in. Kighty live row cas?s I" --nallpix were reporieil in St. I.-.uis, ami 2'lHill p oi.le- are gcll'ug vai-jinaie! I daily. Charges made by Mayor Seliieren, ol llro, klyn, a"ain-t Police Justice Watson. f..r -iding wilh strikt-is, vvete ilisinio I iy llie Supivi.'.e Court. l'or e-iilering N. S. Wnrner's re-sielence. il Briilge-porl, Conn., "Mig Jim" Trae-ev. me of (tie bullous Manhattan Bunk burg tits, was given fi years in prison. The Legislature refused to honor the memory of cither Leo or Washington bv idjoiirning on their birth days, and yet il idjiiurneil in honor of the ne-gio I' reel Douglass. At The French Cnl'e. (Jo to the French Cafe. 114 Middle St. and get anyihing in the line of eatables t Ipet; all night. COTTON 1 have a limiteel supply of Cotton On. ano that I will sell A TON FOB A FOUR 11UX- Dlil-1) POUND BALK OF COTTON. The cotton lo be delivered on or belbrc November 1st, lg'.ir,. Also a full line of Tuick Fertilizers Kainit, Acid, Phosphate, &c, on haiiel and for sale on re isemable terms. BfSee me lreforo you buy. Yours Truly, I. C. Whitty. "Small sands the mountains And trifles life. Youno. It is not the big things that make up life, but the trifles. So it is in dress. There are some trifles that are indispensible, thoy consist of Tins, Scarf's, Collars ami Call's, Shirts, Handkerchiefs and Gloves. We have just received a new lot of Dress Gloves in Kid, Dog Skin, Cloth and Jersey. Al. so received a new lot of Collars, Cuffs and Shirts. J. M. HOWARD. "THE CORNER PHARMACY " BRADHAM & BROCK'S Prescription Drub Stokb. Toilet Articles, Perfumes and Medicines. UUI - - WTLLETT FAIR - DEALING IS 0XE u- Ol It Mottoes! OF OUR Competitors CAN WITHSTAND 01 R STEADY FIRE. -ilOIKMIINMI - II I! niMi vrrmv IS ? Low Prices t ZHaZCO-ZEH: i III Quality. -(iiielOOOelo Tliey Retreat toforelit, and give AM The People A chance to Reap the Benefit. -oooooooo- AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES, DOOOOOOO - 47; and 49 Pollock Ct.

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