v- r Advertising now and then, Of course, is beneficial; I! ut advertising all the time Bespeaks a mind judicial. 0WCU The truest, surest, quickest way To make a srand success, Is by advertising every day, The public do the rest. VOL. XIII-NO. 281. NEW BERNE, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 5, 1895. PRICEFIVE CENTS r STAPLES Come Food First on the List, and our btaples Sta,r ITirst, Best, Cli.eapGst, WHOLESOMESr. MOST INVITING, AND APPETIZING In the Grocery Trade. FAILURE TO DRAW ON OUR Stock for your tabic simply prevents you from realiz ing the highest attain able possibilities of sjonil li ving -00- Just as an athletic congress brings all the champions togetn er, we gather all the Champion Brands Oi every Article and Proiict Fool into our stock. of k foo eosi-riM enn't boat us in the matter of Q"d.alit37"- 0-0 We are always ahead in bw prices, too, just as A is al ways before B. r 55 & 57 NEW AUVERTISEMEMTN. K. It. .Tones Fur Sale. W. B Lane Tax Sole. W. B. Lane Sheriff's Sale. W. B. Cox: Vino Bulter. BUSINESS LOCALS THE Finest BUTTEll in the City. W. B. Cox. F. M. CIIADWICK Merchant Tailor 103 Middle St. 1 am now in receipt of spring and summer samples and am prepared to show a large line of both foreign and domestic styles. The ncwTatilf on woolens went i'i effect, .laa. lirst and the goods which 1 ran show h;ve all been regulated by that schedule as to values. TltY a Bbl. Swan Down Flour lor sale by A. II. Harrington, 78 Middle St. FIVE Thousand pounds of those dcli elious 10 cent Hams just arrived, nice and fresh. Come, and see thorn. A pood supply oi the line While Bliss Seed Po ntiles at J. F. Taylor's. j25tf DRESSED Poultry at A. II. Bamung TON' S, 78 Middle street. DON'T foiget that Old l'npcrscan lie bought cheap at I ho .lot'RN'Al, office and in any (piantities. II' DON't Forget the French Cafe when you want a lunch 1U Middle St. WANTED Live. Iluslliny Agents to represent the largest tailoring establish ment in the world. Suits $12 up. Pants f!) up. The Royal Tailors Ilaymaiket Theatre Bid" Chieigo. MUST Be 1 tan led Out. Six nice new, no 1 brick stores, first class and in the best location in the city tor any kind of business. Apply to W. F. Hill. WHEN Boraxiue is used according to directions, a third of the labor and the cost of soap in ordinary washing is saved. Samples free at J. F. Taylor's. ART DISPLAY. To the ladies of New iierne: The honor of your company is most respect fully reauesled nt the Ex dilution of the Vitcst novelties in Art Needle Work mul Home Decoration now open in the Singer Ollice, No. 8fl Middle St., opposite Hotel Albert. We w ill be happy to have the pleasure of giving 'ady visitois Iree instruction in the methods of producing this beautiful work. We have iho honor to be your obedient servants. The Singer M'f'o. Co., New Berne, N. C. For Sale. Two Building Lots on Metcalf Street, be tween Hew and Johnson. SO feet front by 103 feet deep. tf K. R. JONES. THE CORNER PHARMACY," BRAD II AM & BROCK'S Prescription Drug Store. Toilet Articles, Perfumes anil Medicines. Assignee's Sale. On Thursday, the 7th DAY OF MARCH, 189.5, ut the hour of 12 o'clock, I will ex pose to sale for Cash to the higncst bidder, all the Goods, Wares, Merchandise, togtlb cr with the store fixtures then in the place of business formerly occupied by Sol. Cohen. This sale is made without reserve. P. II. PELLETIEIl, March 2; 00. Assignee of Sol Cohen. Geo. Henderson, INSURANCE AGENCY. ESTABLISHED OFFICE: HO. Craven St. 1870. Represents tfie following First-class Companies: Insurance Company of North America. Home Isurnnco Company of New York. Hartford Fire Insuraucc Company of Hurl lord. Queen Insurance Company of Americi. Phoenix Insurance Company of Brook lyn, N. Y. JNortn Carolina Home insurance com pany of Raleigh. Royal Insurance Company of Liver pool, England. . Boston Marine insurance company ot Boston. BSThis Agency lias been in existence for the past 25 years, during which time alt losses have been promptly settled without a single contest. All classes of desirable Insurance solicited. i.i lm VA00LEN N OVELTIES vv HAVE JUST RECEIVED the most complete and handsom est assortment of Woolens I have ever been able to place before my customers, The lot includes Iboth Scotch and Eng lish Novelties, and are to be obtained ex cluslvely of me. Ynu will be profited by an examination ot these goons. There now being no Tariff on Imported Wool ens, I am enabled to make exceptionally low prices on tue Dest goods. rcim N. M. CASKILL. "Small sands the mountains And trifles life. Youkg. ' :' . - :,i It is not the big , things that make up life, bnt the trifles So it is in dress. There " are some trifles that are iodispensible, they consist of Ties, Scarfs, Collars and Cuffs, Shirts, Handkerchiefs and Gloves. . We have just received new lot of Dress Gloves in Kid, Dog Skin, Cloth and Jersey. Al so received a new lot of Collars. Caffs and Shirts. ' - A , J. M. HOWARD. NEWS ADRIFT lu I ho 'lly of Elm and Vlflnily, tinlliertMl in nnal Briefly Told. The I'rie l'ri ss favors valer works for Kinston. Mrs. J. A. Paris left to visit at her for- ( mer home near Wilson. Mrs. L. L. Purnell who has been visit ing her parents in Soath Carolina return ed home. The weather bureau yeslerday predicted a cold "wave. The telegram said the themometer would fall 15 to 20 degrees by to-night. The Earnest Workers will have a festi val at the residence of Mrs. S. E. Credit's No. I!7 South Front street, Wednesday evening from 7 until 10 for the benefit of the pour. The Kins! on committee on the purchase of a Hie engine arrived and were in con sultation with a fun department commit tee of the New Board of cily council last nig'.it. At (lic'nuclion sale for division, Monday of the Tippett land below New Berne our young townsman, Mr. Geo. Dail, pur chas'd. It is a tract of 840 acres finely adapted co stock raising, and Mr. Dail contemplates go ng into that business. The salvation army captain,' Stevens, who has been spending about a month in the city, and who conducted several meet ings while here, left yesterday for Balti more. .Miss r-annic Manly lelt with her for a protracted visir. Extending I lie time of holding our Fair to two weeks meets with f.ivor among sonic of our business men. The scheme is a new cue ol cunse, and not attended without som.i risk, but what business is there that can he enlarged and expanded upon without sonic risk. We must reach out, and there is uo more inviting held tln.n is oflereil through the Fair. One of the losses from the Kinston fire is tlie injury to the handsome monument in memory of Gov. Cuswell, the first Gov ernor ot the iate alter the sepemtion from Great Biitaiu and who was re-elect ed several limes, and who was also a member of the convcition which formed the Federal constitution in 1787. The monument is badly ctacked and is con sidered ruined. IIcrIIi ol'.Hr. Jam. Appleby. Mr. .las. Appleby of Stonewall died Sunday after a protracted illness, leaving a wife and several children. He was near fitly yen's of ag; Mr. Appleby was a good man and a immler of the Kpisbopal church. He was superintendent of the Lukins saw mill. An Evening Willi Living; Books. The Epwoitli Leigue entertainment in tbe Y. M. C. A. Hall tonight will begin at S o'clock. There will be aboiitthiiiy young ladies and gentlemen, each representing some book. The talent is to keep your book secret as long as possible. For ihe best representation there will be iven a prizi; to be decided by the vole ot the crowd present. Also to the one the hardest to ucss will he given a prize. Admission 15 cents. Refreshments will be served at slight cost. Chicken Thieves nt Work. Chicken thieves have begun to ply their calling lately with renewed activity, They seem lo have been operating near the depot with more frequency than else where. Two places in tl&'. neighborhood have each been raided twice within a week and there have been some thefts in some other parts ol the city. A little over a year noo clnckon thieves became mute troublesome and did not cease their operations until shot at by some of our watchful citizens as they were in the act ol committing their depreda tions. These Lawyers Had Manhood. At Tampa, J) la.. C. G. Woodall, a merch. nt of Baltimore, came near being Ivnched for insult ing three prominent dies. Woodall addressed them on the street, and followed them home, where he was arrested. A crowd gathered and wanted to lynch him, but the officers prevented. No law yer would defend Woo bill, and he gave a cash bond and lelt town to escape Hie rela tives ol the Indies. NEWS l. BRIEF. The 3crHiin flag was fired on at New Orleans by white laborers who were an tagouistic to colored laborers who were employed in loading a German ship. The steamer Australia arrived at San Francisco Saturday from Honolulu. She had on board thirteen exiles from the Hawaiian Islands. The London Central News dispatch from Pekin savs that the prospects that peace with Japan will be speedily con cluded are exceedingly good. Tho Einpi-ror telegraphed to tho Pope along message of congratulation upon the occasion ol tho eighty-nlth annivers ary of the birth of his holiness Saturday The 17th of next May has been fixed for the raising ot the American nag over all the public school buildings in Petersburg, Va..bytlie Junior Order of American Mechanics. An explosion of flour dust in a flour mill at iieiuaito, ill., yesterday caused the destruction of 9300,000 worth ot pro perty. A bill Dentlincr liefore Congress offers a reward of $100,000 to any inventor of any nation, who shall before tbe yesr 1900 construct an serial vessel capable ot going thirty miles an Hour tnrougti tbe air ana carrying passengers and freight. The Hawaiian council has fixed the ex- queen's punishment it five years imprison and $3,000 fine;, E'evcn other conspira tors have been sentenced. The majority of them are imprisoned for thirty years or '.upward ' and ' fined 410,000 each. The aggregate of tk fines is a hundred thousand dollars, . ' A fpecial from Raleigh to the' Norfolk Virginian says; - "The Populists are still talking about the Fred Dounliss resolu tion. One of them says that it will cost luBiomsts 80,000 votes. Another says That resolution brings the color line for ward in the next campaign end that will beat any argument we can use." THE GREAT KINSTON FIRE. Damage About ?225,000; Insur ance About $90,000. Mat of tbe Losers, With Tbelr Amounts and Insurance. Look, lug lo (he Future. From the account of the terrible Kins ton tire published in the Free Press extra of Saturday we taKe the following ex-tiact-: About 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon, Fib. 28th, fire broke out in the stables in the rear of Mess. Oettinger Bros, stores and Loftin's opera house. The fire spread very rapidly, and in a few minutes the great mass of wooden warehouses and the large stables of B. N. Fields, S. H. Lof tin, Oettmger Bros, and Pridgen & Cox were a solid flame of fire. The heat was intense, making it utterly impossible for anyone to attempt to extinguish it. The fire is thought to have originated in the stables of Oettinger Bros, or B. N. Fields. How, jo one seems to know. It was reported that small boys with cignr etis ciueil this terrible loss. LOSSES AND INSI:rANCK. The following are estimated losses and insurance: 5. E. Booil, drug store, damaged $800; insured. Einstein Bros, loss, buildings $8,500. insurance $4,800; slock $22,000, insur ance $8,000. J. T. Skinner $300; no insurance. S. H. Loltin loss on buildings, stock and furniture $40,000; about $12,000 in surance. Oettinger Bros, buildinos $7,200, in surance $4,600; stock $25,000, insurance $11,000. About 55,000 worth ol stock saved. Dr. II. T). Harper, dental chair and in struments $2,500 insurance $o00. Fieu Press omce $2,500 insurance $1,500. II. U. Harrison's bar $9,000; no iusur ai.ee. He saved part of his stock. A. J. Phillips billiard room, cash and furniture, about $3,000; no insurance. The safe ol II. C. Harrisoh was left open and over $1,000 was burned. W. II. Whitelield lost $650 worth ol roods no insurance. Building owned by U H. Archbell valued nt $1,200; Insur ance $000. Pridgen iV Cox lost $8,000; insurance $4,000. Building owned by J. A. Prid gen, who lost on r. s dence and stores $7,000; insuraucc $5,500; his loss on fur niture $1,500, insurance $500. M. Marks $2,200, insurance $t,000. B. N. Fields, on slabtes, storehouse, office aud residence $4,450; insurance $2,- 250. B. W. Canady on buddings and stock $20,000 lo $25,000; only $3,000 insur ance. J. C. Wagner on buildings and stcck $4,500; insurance $2,150. W. K. Bond on building and stock f 1,- 200; insurance $700. W. C. Fields on buildings f 2,600; in surance $1,200. Dawson Bros, on slock $950 no insurance, fut J. L. Nelson on buildings $6,000, insur ance $3,000. C. W. Crabtrec on stock ?2,O0(i; no insurance. II. C. Brewer on stock $2,500; insur ance $ 1,000. I. B. Perry cash and furniture $000 no insurance. J. F. Taylor on ollice fixtures $500 in surance $225. II. Rouulree, Jr., office fixtures and flour $t50; insurance $100. Alex Fields on building $1,000; no in surance. S, II. Abbott on building $6,000 no insurance; Abbott and bumrelt $d,eOO insurance 1,500, Masonic lodge $200; no insurance. Odd Fellows $150; no insurance. The Hay makers their entire paraphernalia. J. 1. Ball on building and slock 43,- 500 insurance $1,000. His hands were b .dly burned by rolling his hot safe. J.'.W. Collins on store ana siock so,zaii; uo insurance; on dwelling occupied by S. Einstein $2,500. no insurance. L. J. Whaley on stock $1,000; uo in surance. J. G. Tilgham. $3,500; no insurance, Dr. II. Tull, hotel, barber shop, office, residence and stables, $22,000 insurance $6,700. A. S. Padrick. under Hotel lull, on stock, $1,500 insurance $800. I. Stevenson, turnilure, etc., in Hotel Tull, $2,500. insurance $1,000. S. Einstein, lnrmture, $4,500; insurance S1.500. II. II. Wilson, on lurniture $501' no insurance. Dr. W. A. J. Pollock, buildings and furniture about $3,000; insurance, $1,- 250. A. J. Loflin, residence about $2,000; no insurance. Heber Mi Coy, residence, luildings and furniture about $1,900; insurance $1,- 050. Mrs. B McCullcn, dwelling, occupied by 8. M. Harrell, $3,000; insurance $800. W. D. LnRooue's stables, about $600, Chas. F. Harvey, dwelling occupied bv A Harvev. 81,800: insurance ii.oou. Part ot A. Harvey's lurniture eavcci; damage covered by insurant. J. D Sutton, resideuce, 84,uou; insur ance X2.500; lurniture, fl.nuu; no insurance. Frank Green, dwellings, $1,230 no insurance. Eliza Patrick, dwelling, 8150; no insurance. The d welling aud furniture of J. C, Hargett was damaged about f 500. Cov ered bv insurance. There was much damage to lurniture moved out of dwellings in other portions of town. WHAT WILL BB DONE I Some lost all they bad and were with out any insurance at all. it is a Heavy Diow to our dcjuiuui town the heaviest it has ever received in fact no worse fire, in proportion to the size of the place, has ever occurred in the State, wo believe But,tnougn our Busi ness men are bound to feel very bad (we feel that way. too.) there is no wisdom In desnairina. Our town must be rebuilt we belleva that it will be the natural ad vantages surrounding the town are too ereat tor it not to "rise iron toe asues.' Some of oar business men will rebuild at once; others do not contemplate . rebuild ing, but to a tew years we none to most of the burned district again covered with buildings, ( AM EXClRSIOM'IO KI.NTO.. By Regular Train at ftl.uu. I or the Round Trlu To-inorroH. To-morrow the A. &. N. C. It. It. will have round trip excursion rates to Kins ton for the benefit of these who wMi to visit the town to view the effects of the great fire. The regular Irani will lie used as it runs just right lor it. It leaves New Bertie at 8:50; arrives in Kinston at 0:U8 and starts back at 4;30, airiving in New Berne at 5:o0. This gives nearly six hours in i he to wn at small cost. There will he arrangements on the train to take care of all lunch baskets that any one may want to carry. THE PREMH'MS AWARDED. At tbe Enst 4'nroliua Fair. Tnkrn in Order by DepnrlmeiilH. (t'ONTlNUKl) ) t'htf (': Meiliterroimiit. WHITE FACED BLACK SPANISH. 1st on cockerel 02 1-2, 1st on pullet 93, 2d on pullet 92 1-2, all bv J. 1: Halm. I.KOHORNS. 2d on rose comb brown S!) 1-2, Ii. M. Thomas, Camden, Del ; 1st on single comb brown cock 99, W. II. Bray; 1st on Ii. C. brown lien 00, l. M Tnomas, Camden, Del.; 1st. S. C. brown hen 115, W. II. Bniy; 2d S. C. brown hen 9:1, W. II. Bray; 1st on S. C. brown cockerel 93 W. II. Br.iy; 2d on S. C. brown cockerel 80. .1. S. Carr, Durham; lsc on single comb brown pullet 93 1-2, tie between J. S. Cuir, Durham and W. II. Bray, New Berne 2d S. C. browr, pullet 93, tie be tween J. S. Carr, Durham and F. E. Hegc & Co., New Berne; 2 1 S. C. white cock 87 1-2, F. E. Hege & Co; 1st single comb black cock 91, H. M. Thomas, Camden, Del.; 1st single comb black hen 92 1 2, II. M. Thomas, Camden, Del.; 1st single comb white hen 91, F. E. liege & Co.; 2d single comb white lieu 90 1-2. F. E. Hee & Co.; 1st single comb white cocKerei y., ,i. o. iarr, imriiam; 1st sin gle comb white pullet 91, F. E. liege & Co.; 2-1 single com') white pullet 87 12, F. E. Hegc & Co. Cln I): Milium!. 2d wnite cock 89 1-2, M. Thomas, Camden, Del.; 1st black cock, 94, .1. S. Carr, Durham; 1st black hen 94. .1. S. Carr, Durham; 1st while hen 94, . M. Thomas, Camden, Del.; 1st black pullet 94, J. S. Carr, Durham; 2d black pullet 88 1 2, F. E. Bege & Co. Class E: Polish, White Cresteil Hhirk: 1st on cock 90; 1st on hen 90, both by F. E. fegc & Co. Class F: Ifumhuiys. 1st on Golden Spangled cock 91 ! II. M. Thomas, Camden, Del; 1st on silver spangled hen 92 1-2, . M. Thomas; 2d silver spangled hen 89, A .1. Finch; M golden spiui'jled hen, H, M. Thomas; 1st silver spangled pullet 94, II. M. Thomas; 1st golden spangled pullet 93 1-2, II. M. Thomas. Class II: French. Houdans: 1st cock 92, F. K. Hegc A: Co.; 2d cock 82 1-2, u. M. Thomas; 1st hen 94, n. M, Thomas; 21 hen 93, F. E. Hege & C' i. Class II: Games. The following premiums on Indian gainis were taken by F. E. Hege ec Co: 2d on cock 89 1-2; 1st on lieu 94; 2d on hen 92 1-2; 1st on cockerel 94 1-2; 2d on cockerel 92 1-2; 1st on pullet 95; 2d on pullet 93 1-2. llie 1st on cock 91 1-2, was a tie be tween J. S. Carr, Durham and F. E. Hege, New feme. Ihe following on Pitt games were awarded to J. S. Can': 1st on cock, 2d on cock, 1st on lien, 2d on hen, 1st on cockerel, 2d on cockerel, 1st on pullet aud 2d on pullet. Class I: Ganif Ktiitam. Black breasted red, 2d on cock S9 1-2, L. Hahn; black breasted red, 1st on hen 91 1-2, J. L. iialm; black breastid id, 1st on cockerel 95 1-2, F. E. ncge & Co,; black breasted re I. 1st on pullet 95 1-2, F. E. Heve & Co; 2d on pulht 94 f-2 F. E. Hege & Co. Class J: Bantams, other than Came. J L ii ihu took the following pre- miums: Golden seabrights, 1st cockerel 94; gol den seabrigbts, 1st pullet 90; Black cochin, 1st on cock, 95 1-2; black cochin 1st on hen 95 1-2; black cochin 2d on hen 95; White cochin 1st on hen. 95; white cochin 21 on hen 94 1-2; white cochin 1st on cock 91 1-2; black tail Japanese, 2d on hen 83; single comb white, 2d on hen 88 1-2; Buff cochin, 2d on cock 88, F. E. Hege & Co; buff cochin, 1st on pullet, 94, F. E. nege & Co.; buff ccchin, 2d on pullet 90, F. E. Hege & Co. Class K: Vorlcinys. 1st silver gray hen 92, h. M. Thomas; 2d colored hens 90 1-2, h. M. Thomas. Class L: Turkeys. 1st best pair bronze and 2d do., J. S. Carr, Durham; 1st and 2d white, J. S Carr, Durham. Class M: Duds. 1st Muscovv. W. H. Brav; 2d Muscovv. W, h. Bray: 1st puddle, J. L. hiIiu. Class Ii: Geese. 1st Toulose, W. h. Biay; 2d do., W. ir. Bray; 1st China, J. L. iiaha; 2d China, J. J j. Uuho. Best exhibit wild getse. Wm. Dunn. Miscellaneous. 1st on pea fowl and 1st on white guineas, J. S. Carr, Durham. Pets. F. E. flecre took 1st nremiuins on the following: guinea pigs, English labbits, angora rabbits, German hares, Abyssinian guinea pig?, Himalayan rabbits, lop-eared rabbits and colored rats. (To be Continued. Tbe Chicago Timet baa been purchased by the Chicago Herald. It will appear as the Times-Herald now. Meeting Benevolent Society. The monthly mcetfcg of the Female Benrolent Society will be held at the house of Miss Melts, on Tuesday after noon, March 5th, at half past three o'clock; jn. l beymour, sec y. lit A Tt French Cnfo. Go to lbs French Cafe, 114 Middle St, and get anything lo tbe line ot eatables Open vmtlU, midnight LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDfNGS No Mnrr Slalc 1'nraiiijHiit'iils. Protection AtftiiiiMt Fraudulent Am. lK"im'iils -17..-00 for Sew Iluild liiKHat Colored IiiNime Asyluin--tood Appropriations lor lli(;h Ediieatlon. Soecial lo Tm: .lor irv i ! II m. i-;n: ii, N. ('.. March I. -Bills weie introduced to prohibit boycotting by railway.-; lo make State Geologist ex-offici-i t '-unnii-sioiier of Immigration: to reduce the bond of sheritl's; to abolish Ihe ollice of tn-a-iuvr in (cr'aiii eoiinlii:-; 10 iiolect cii-dilul's limn I'imii lull nt ,iv sigumeiiK A bill passed llie Senate :ih.ilisliing ihe trustees of ihe A. and M. ( 'ol'ep and making the In '.in 1 i.l'egrii -nil ire 1 1 uti es. The bill jelled le-lucing Ihe Slate Guard appropriation to sjl.lO for each company and striking out lliu encamp ment npiti'opi iation. A bill passed the Senate creating i lie ollice of Lumber in-poctor and iiupoing a tax ill lea ci nl- on each bundle I Ii el el round logs. Tlie bill to create 1'ie olliee ol commis sioner of insurance wi. tabled, also llie bill lo apjiropi iate lice thousand dollars lor a women's ebil'il al Atlai.la. The mii cession tax bill was delcnled. Tbe bill to create a new I 'lMiiind cir cuit passed third rending in the Senate. An effort to strike nut New Hanover connly faile-l. The bill making an .appropia' i"ii for llie G.il lslioro insane asylum pas-t-d w ith $17. :O0 additional lor new build'iij An anic idineiit to tlie niacliu.ci ,(!", act building was adopted n-ouiriiig foreign and loan associations to list lor taxalion their sl-.ck he'd bv people ol'this Stale. lvlueal ion d c miliums this evening (hcidicl lo favorably i port :i bill making a $20,000 :.ppropriali m lo the State University. Tlieanproprialion to the Normal aud Itlilllstr.ul school will probably be in- Cla-ed. RESTORENE WALL CLEANER WILL CLEAN WALL 1'Al'EK', W ALLS OIL l'UNTINGS AND WINDOW- SIIAKKS, AM) MAKK THEM LOOK GOOD AS NEW. 1:2 only perfect Cbsr on tk Market. Being a dry povder will keep fresh lor ages. Any one can use it. Retails for 50c per Box. A package will do two ordinary rooms. Dil'iciions on cac Ii. for Sa'e by SI over Hardware Co. R, N. DUFFY'S CROUP SYRUP. I'UKI A itt :i AKl lati: lilt. Kit a iti-xiri-: oi- w A I.TKIl III'KKV. At tl.i- season iliildren are liable lo at lacks ol' llie Coup, and parciiN should always be prepared by having a bottle nt I!. X. Diiflj's Croup Syrup on hand, pre pared from the recipe of llie late Dr. Waller Dully can lie hadol the Druggis-K and ol It. N. Dally, proprietor. New Berne. N. ('. Certificates of its etlieaev can be seen ol the proprietor. :!," cents per bottle. See that the wrapper leads. R. N. DUFFY'S CROUP SYRUP, ajj-P.c-wiirt' ol I'llse: iltMilcrs who :uv selling tin iiniliit'nm ci'oup syrup lm '2- units. Hartford. LIFE ii ANN I IT V INSl . It ANTE COMPANY. Completion of the Safety Fund! Policy Holders Jubilant !! Call, No. lit! ol Ibis justly popular Life Insurance Canipinv shows a DECREASE OF OVER 30 PERCENT, in llie Cost of Insurance. This result. Is attained by the Comple tion of the Safety fund, peculiar lo this Company. All deposils herealler lo the Safely Fund by new members, bulb principal and interest gees to the 'aedit of members who have held Policies for live veils to further reduce cost of Insurance. fil-S-Ageiits Wanted. Address, W . M. WATtsorv, General Agent, New Berne, X. C TA5TELESS TOKO IS JUST AS COOO FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE BO cts. G1LATI1, ItiS., NOV. M, 1883. Paris MacHctoe Co., St. Louta, Mo. Gentleman: We cold laM mr. 600 bottle of OROVB'S TA8TKLB88 CHILL TON 10 mod have hiuilrtrt three Kroi already thl rear. In all our ei BVrieooa of M yean, lu the drag tnntnem, kT D.rsr told an article tau gave nen nalvnaal w fluiilan aa vour ITonlo. xoufatnilv. - HACKBUEH - WILLETT FAIR - DEALING IS (INK Of Ot K Mottoes ! OF OUR- Competitors (AN WITHSTAND OI K' STEADY i FIRE. -oooooooo . nnt M MI NITIDN IS Low Prices -AD- high Quality. -oooooooo . TlejlRelrtal Mm it, artlpe People A chance to Reap the Benefit. -oooooooo AND -SEE FOR YOURSELVES. 0000000 All The 47 and 49 Pollock Ct.