Advertising now and then, Of course, is beneficial; But advertising all the time Bespeaks a mind judicial. The truest, surest, quickest way To make a grand success, Is by advertising every day, The public do the rest. VOL XIII-NO. 283. NEW BERNE, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 7, 1895. PRICEFIVE CENTS wttm STAPLES Come First on the Food List, and our Staples Stand HTLx st, " Best, Clieapest, WE0LE30ME3T. MOST INVITING, AND APPETIZING In ths C-rocerv Trade. FA1LUHKTO DHAW ON OUH Stock for your table simply prevents you from realiz ing the highest attain able possibilities of good living -00 Just as an athletic congrons brings all the champions togetn er, we gather all the Champion Brands Of every Article anil Proiut of Fooi into our stuck. A f 00 POSITION can't beat us in the matter of Q"u.a,lit3T- . 0-M- We are always ahead in low prices, too, just as A is al- ; ways before -b. - r n r .k:;j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. n. Cob Wanted. J. Suter Baby Carriages. II. Cole Continue I. Opera House English Swells. S. B. Parker Plumbing Establismcnt. BUSINESS LOCAL HABT CARRIAGES Handsome lot of the Latest Styles just received. .1. Sitter WANTED -An active business man to net as City MaiigT in New Bene for the Singer Machine We will pay tho right man well. II. Cole. I) strict Mgr. it ENGLISH Swell 'Biulesque Company This splendid aggregation of "shape and good looks" will give an entorlanment in the Opera Pouj Saturday night. Per formance will begin at nine o'clock. Re serve seats on sale at Nttnn & McSorlcy p. m73t THE Finest BUTTER in the Citv. W. H. Cox. F. M. CI1 ADWICK, Merchant Tailor 103 Middle St. I niu now in r.ceipt of spring and summer samples and am prepare I to show a large line inf both foivigi and domestic styles. The new Tariff on woolens went h effect, .Tun. first and the grods which I can show have all lieen regulated by that schedule as to values. TltY a Bbl. Swan Down Flour lor sale by A. II. RARniNoTON, 78 Middle St. FIVE Thousand pounds of those dcli clious 10 ceut mis just arrived, nice and fresh. Come and see them. j'25:f ,T. F. Taylor. DRESSED Poultry at A. II. tox s, 78 Middle street. DON't Forget the French Cafe when you want a lunch, 114 Middle St. VVANTED Live Hustling Agents to represent the largest tailoring tstal.lish meul in the world. Suits $12 up. Pants $3 up. The Jloyal Tailors 1aymaiket Theatre Bldg.MCIncago. MUST Be Rented Out. Six nice new, uo 1 brick stores, first class and in the test location in the city tor any kind of business. Apply to W. F. Hill. WHEN Roraxiue is used according to directions, a third of the labor and the cost of soap in ordinaiy washing is saved. Samples free at J. F. Taylor's. TIN & PLUMBING ESTABLISHMENT I have opined a Tin Shop and Plumb ing Establishment at No. 23 Craven Bt. 'adjoining J. C. Wliiity's) and am prepar ed to give first-c'ass work on 'over) thing in my line. I huvo several competent as sistants and give personal attention to all orders. Sale of Valuable Eeal Estate. On Mnndnv March 25. IHfW nt 19 M on the Premises, I slutll offer for sale that VALUABLE HOUSE and LOT..,.. Situated on tho comer of South Front in I Mctcnlf streets in the city of New Berne, now occ.ipied by A. 11. Deunisou. Bar'ieiiHs cash, td E. G. HILL, Agt. For Sale. Two Bail 11ns Lots on Metcalf Street, be tween New and Johnson. 50 feet front ij 108 feet deep. tf K. R. JONES. "THE CORNER PHARMACY' BRADHAM & BROCK'S Prescription Drug Stork. Toilet Articles, Perfumes and Medicines. Geo. Henderson, INSDRAHCE AGENCY. ESTABLISHED 1S70. OFFICE: HO. 1 Craven St. Represents the following First-lass Companies: Insurance Company of North America. Home Isurance Company of New York. .Hartford Firo Insurance Company of .Hartford. Queen Insurance Company of America. '" Phoenix Insurance Company of Brook lyn, N. Y. North Carolina 2fome Insurance Com pany of Raleigh. Royal Insurance Company of Liver pool, England. - Boston Marine Insurance Company of boston. . JjgfTbis Agency has been in existence for the past 25 years, during which time all losses Have been promptly settled without a single contest. All classes of desirable Insurance solicited, . j3 lm R, U. DUFFY'S CROUP SYRUP. PREPARED AFTER A RECIPE OF TBS . -,. LATE DR. WALTKB DUFFY. At ibis season ere liable to at tacks of the Coup, end parents should Always be prepared by daring a bottle of R. N. Duffy's Crotip Syrup on hand, pre pared from the recipo of the late Dr. Walter Duffy can be had ot the Druggists, and of R.2T.' Duffy, proprietor, New Berne, N. C. Certiflcatts nf its efficacy can be seen ot the proprietor. 85 cents per bottle. Eeo (hut the wrapper reads: 17. H. DUFFY'O CROUP SYRUP, nwnre ot (ids flofOors wh(' are lolling nn iat!.. ion croup nyrup lor so cuius. NEW XEWS ADRIFT In the City or Elm and Vicinity, UiMbcrett In and Briefly Told. Miss Mary Wright left on the steamer Neuse to visit friends in Norfolk. Ml ftnill'l t'nl'rnn'ta ndditinn in liia mo. idence, a commodious L and full length piazza is getting well under way. Mr. G. W. Midyette of Oriental was married yesterday to Miss Lucy Taylor of Kinslon. They arrived in the city last night and are registered at the Albert. ' Messrs. Walnau Bro9. have opened a dry goods business at the market dock. Mr. L. Walnau went off on the steamer Neuse to purchase more stock. Two schooner loads of oyster shells from Beaufort ate now beiug distributed on the streets. Mid. lie street has received a good spread, ol the shells as far up as Johnson street. The proceedings of t he legislature which for some failed to come night be fore las', are on another pige. Yester day's proceedings ate in the usual place on the first page. A large number of our citizens took advantage of the cheap rates and visited. Kinslon yesterday. They declaic it is a sad sight, as it must be, to see so much of our neighbor town in nuns. Tho Fair premium of $2 00 for best tea tablecloth was awarded to Miss Emma Katie Jones if New Berne, instead of Miss Deyshcr of Kington as published yester day. Mr. R. W. Pugh, contractor, was up to Kinslon yesterday on business. Archi tect II. W. Simpson and Mr. J. J. Keller have also leen up on professional busi ness. There was a good and pleasant gather ing at the Earnest Workers Festival at Mrs. Credits last night wiih satisfactory financial results. T he refreshments were delicious, and were all sold out. by ten o'clock. The promoters are quite well pleased. The house of Miij. W. A. Blount at Chocowinity was burned Friday, March 1st, with a very valuable library and ele gant furniture. Tlirro was no insurance and the loss is estimated at between two and three thousand dollars. Mr. J M. Moore of Tusc.irora, informs us that the farmers of his neighborhood are not intending to plant any cotton this season. They aie 'now rushing work on truck crops. T hey have planted peas and are now planting potatoes and other truck crops and the regular tie'.d crops will follow in due season. Mr. Ed Matthew sat Mr. S K. Eaton's jewelry store, showed us an unusually large pearl fro n a native oyster yesterday which he found, himself, in an oyster he was eating. It is about the size of a dueK shot and is of a pretty purplish blue color. Mr. Matthews proposes to have the pearl polished ami set for wearing himself. Repainting the Church. The work of repainting the interior wood-work i f the Presbyterian church has been commenced by Mr. Hugh Cum miugs. It will all be in oak, of different ityles. The columns will be in antique oak. These and also the pulpit will have a mirror finish. The changes are niakiii' Ibis a much prettier church on the inside than it ever was before. Sew Tinnlnir and Plnnibiiir IIoiihc Mr. S. B. Parker, of (ioldslioro, who lias bien running a plumbing and tinning business in Goldshoro for 15 or 20 years has opened a bi'arch in New Items also, with hoadqiiarte's on Craven street ad joining Messrs. J C. Wlutty So Los hard ware store. He bungs with him sevcial assistants. Our citizens will welcome them aud hope to see the new house do well. Earthquake Knocks In N. C. and Va. A distinct caetbquaka shock lasting several seconds was le't in Winston Tues day night, March 5. JJuililings were shaken but no damage done. A Wytheville. Va , special to the Rich. mond Dispatch tells of a very perceptible earthquake schock was fblt there. Houses shook, doors, windows aud furniture rutt'ed, and unsteady obicc's quivered perceptibly. The shock there lasted about thirty seconds. Viinderbllt Divorced. Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt has been gran ted a divorce from her husband, the well known millionaiie. She has been granted a liberal allowance and will have the care of her three children. The dicree of cou't allows Mrs. Vanderbilt to marry again but does not permit Mr. Vanderbilt to do so. The divorce is on account of the hus bands illicit intimacy with another wo man. THREE Bl'RULARN CAPTURED In Elixabeth City While Robbing it Store All Krfrea Good Work or a Colored Detective. Elizabeth City has a sensation in the capture of a band of nrgro burglars through tho good work of a colored Richmond detective. Ths head man of the gang was a proprietor o! a fashionable colored boariing house named Win. Lucas, lue detective, Dennis Kowe, stopped at Lucas' bouse and so ingra tiated himself into Lucas' confidence that he was admitted into the lavor ol the crowd und by representing himself as a skilled and expert thief be became one of the party to break ' into the grocery store of Eckenghous Bros ft Co., and rob their safe, wiiioh was considered a fat job. ..- .;- : .'' i'";t'" . "' - Kowe notified the eraoeia at me law and proprietors' of the store and mm were placed in waking, Lucas, the thief", stayed ontsidu to wMch, and the other two thieves and th ctoteotivf went Inside Then the store it'ht ware turned on suddenly by ' those inside, revolvers levelled on the bunrlars aud evetv one Captured. They are now I jail at Elira- hctT Lity awaiting their timi, alter wbico they will no doubt use their muscles for the benefit ot the Mate or North Carolina for a cood term of years. . :-i The Falcon-Economist gives the above facts and speaks in strong pruiM of the services tho detective rendered, -r BOYS CIGARETTES- -STABLES. This Combination Which Proved ho Deatrnctlve in Klnaton Not Entirely Absent from 9few Berne A Warn ing;. Our attention lias been called to the fact that boys of this city play around stables in the nai of business places and smoke cigarettes wh'.le doing so in oppo sition to whatever effort lias been made to break up the practice. They even climb fences and thus tres pass in the rear ol stores though notified to keep away. The Broad street business block, pro bably paitially because it contains one vacant lot is a favorite gathering place for them. Parents should keep au eye on the youngsters. There might uo harm come from tlioir pranks, more thoughtless than otherwise of course, but such as this seems to have been the cause of the Kin slon fire, and while we aie well protected along this line there is no one who wishes to leel, especially after such a near ex perience as has just occurred in Kinston, to feel that he is running even a slight risk in this respect. KINSTON rlKCHANKN A NII.SBY. Through Mayor Ellis of Vew Berne -Thanks Expressed to Him and Other Sew Berninns. Kinston has purchased a third sized Silsby steam fire engine which has just been rebuilt and warranted for ten years, the sjine is a new one. The engine is a size larger than cither of those in New Berne. They also purchased 2.000 feet of Baker Fabric 'cotton hose, the kind pur chased last for tte city ol New Berne. Mayor Ellis of New lterne, representing the American Fire Engine Co.. illeclcd the sale. The Board of City Council passed reso lutions thanking Mayor Ellis1 for bis kindness anu courtesies in assisting them at times of fires and for information fur nished them so freely. At a previous meeting thanks were ex tended to the tireinen and all the people of New Berne and the citizens of Kinston declare their eagerness to assist New Berne in any way should occasion ever offer. Chnnty Commissioners Proceedings. The Boaul of Commissioners of Craven county met on the first Monday in March ltt'Jj, it b. nig the 4th day ot said month when the following was hid and done. Present, Commissioners, .las. A. Bryan, Cbm'n, J. A. Meadows and M. H. L'jirr. The chairman presented for cancellation two Craven County b mds, of the denoni inatiou of $500 numbered 197 and 198 respeciively purchased by him for credit of the sinkinir fand, Maich 1st, 1K95, for the sum ot $500. On motion, commissioner Cart' and Meadows, were appointed a committee ro destoy the same which they did by burning the same in the peeenco of Hie Board and Register ol Deeds. Ordered, that the tax valuation of prop erty listed by V. A. Wetheriugton, town ship No. 1. be reduced from $282 to $200 on account ol e ror. Ordered, That the lands assessed lo W, K 1 ate, lnlant, townslui), ISO. ( De re duced in value from t,500 to $900. Oidered, That the sheriff rclund to llip National B ink of New B-i'nc, the taxes collected by him for tlie year iS9i upon the stock of said bank, standing in the uanic of C P. Loonis, amounting to 2.44; W. J. Jenkins; amounting to $1.63; M. Clark, u nounliiig to $,'1G.59; and C S. Bryan, amounting to $171.18 also the tax collected by him from said b ink, upou he slock of the same parties to wit: C. P. Lcomis 81,81; W.J. Jenkins, $1.21: M. Clark, 421.P2 aud C. S. Bryan $158 67. W. B. Lane presented his official bonds for state anil country taxes tor approval upon motion lo postpone their considera te until next day commissioner Brewer stated that he will be necessarily absent to-morrow, that lie wishes to be recoreled to-day in approving said bond. On motion tho board took a recess until the next day at ten o'clock. Tueslay morniug March 5th, 1895. The lioiird ol commissioners met pur suant to adjournment: Present Commissioners, J. A. Bryan, cbm'n; J. A. Meadows, M. II. Crrr and E. W. Smallwood. Whcrca", by authority of the com-nis sioneis ol Craven county, James A. Bryan, chairman of said Board, has pursuant to former resolution and instructions of the Board executed and made a contract wiih II. A. Tucker & Bros, of Wilming ton, N, C, for the construction ol the court house steps and porches as set out in said contract, It is ordered that said contract be in all respects approved and satisfied and recorded iu the minutes of this meeting of the Board. On motion the chairman was instructed to notify Postmaster M. E. Manly that by reason of injuries thereto and work being performed thereon, the bridge across Bachelar creek at Kelsons Ferry wilt be impassible during the next 8 or 10 days and to request him to notify the mail carriers of said tact. Win. B. Lane appeared before the Board and tendered his bonds for the collection of the school and state and county taxes. The school bond for $14,000 having been examined and the surety thereon found good and snffieient on motiou it was accepted. Commissioners Meadows, Smallwood, Can' and Bryan voting to ac cept the same. The bond for collector of state and county taxes was also examined and the surety thereon being found good and sufficient, on motion it was accepted. Commissioners Smallwood Carr and Bryan voting to accept the same. Com missioner Meadows .voting in the negi- Uve. . Ptaaos Toned and Repaired. A. E. Marateller, practical tuner and repairer of Pianos and Organs, 25 years experience, suiis'acuon guaranteea,. will tune your piano lor $2:50i piano and or gan polish, 25 cents pet bottltj. Prepara tion applied to Keep tuning piaa troat rusting ana strings ivom DreuKing. ou ets. You can have yonr pianos attended to by the year as I live in Wilmington, . Beat, of city reterence. uraers lett at. JSatonis Jewelry store, 07 Middle Street wilt be promptly attended to. ; - mi iw DON'T forget that Old Papers can ) Dougut cheap at toe jocknal otuce and in any quantities. s tf LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS Whiskey Tax on Urussisls. Fifty Cents Tni on Each Bed in Board. Infc Houses Lawyers Taxed HMO Other Matters. Special to Journal.) Raleioii, N. C, March 0. In the Senate today a bill passed providing fjr the redemption by law within 2 yea is al'ler sale under execution. There was a very heated political de bate on the bill to elect nine additional directors of the Penitentiary and abolish (he office of Superintend! nt. Itwasopon ly announced that the purpose was to put Fusionists in control. A Democratic Senator said that as 9'.) per ceut of convicts were Republicans, he thought that paity ought to have con trol. Tho amendment to reduce the salary of Ihe manager to $1,500 wa- de bated. Also one to reduce the )cr diem of directors from $4 to Si. The bill passed 32 to 6, Democrats voting nay. Tonight the names of four republicans and five populists were chosen by can cases to compose nine additional directors. The session of the Houe was devoted to consideration of the revenue act. The drummers' license lax ami the tax of one per cent on tobacco warehouse men were stricken out. Druggists who sell whisky aie taxed fStl annually as license, and are not allowed to sell save upon icgiiL.r physician's prescription. The cigarette lax is made live in-tead often cents a thousand. Boarding houses are taxed fitly cents on e.irli bed. Law yers are taxed $10, and Imnehise lax is imposed on ail corporations s.ive!, railways and insmaticc companies. PKOKREKS AT THEKTIHSOX Mil. I,. Will be lleidv to Resume Kiuming With Xew Onlllt at an Early Itny. The Stiuison Lumber Co., wl ie b is al most in every particular newly equipping, the mill, is pushing the work with all dis patch and aim to resume work in abuut three weeks lime. Mr. Ike Trissell, formeily of Portland Maine, who is in charge of the work, will remain in charge of the mill af'er it starts up again. He declare his intention ol having only first class machinery throughout, and of having no one in responsible posi tions except thoroughly competent meu a very good plan for any business. Mr. W. F. Doubles of Not folk Va, who is to be the tiler at the mill airivcd and be and bis wife are for tlie present regis tered at the Albert. Mr. Henry Khese. who for threj years was head engineer for Greenleaf Johnson it Co., of Noilolk is the new engineer. He also lias arrived and isa asisting in the preparato' y work. THE NT ATE TAKES YOV Wll.l. I'll. Raleol Taxnliou I'ndcrthe i w Iteve ll lie Bill on Polls. Taxes anil Occu pations. I'nder the Keveiiue act the poll lax is $124, the Stale tax is 2i 2- cents, H e schools 16 cents, on incomes and gross profits from property not faxed 5 per cent, and on gross incomes derived from salaries and leas , p;r cent, on excess over $1,000, and 1-4 per cent, on excess over $1,000, to ij5,000, and .', per cent, between $5,000 and ' 1 0,000. The tax on cigars is 5 cents per l,ou0 and on cigarettes 10 cents per 1,000. The sewing machine tax is WOO, piano organ dealers' tax $25(1. The tax on drummers is ijilOO, which shall give exemption from all other liceir tax. The license for insurance companies Is 410C and a ax of 2 p?r cent, on gross re ceipts in thisStatc. State banks are to pay $50 on is25,00O of capital and $2 . for each 41.000 over that amount. Ruilding and loan associations pay tax according to paid-in capital. 1 lie tax on railways is I per cent, ou gross receipts; telegraph and telephone loinpanies, z percent. HEWN IS BRIEF. Five hunndred and seventy-six archi tects have entered the competition for the preparation of plans for the projected fans exhibition of 1,900. A sheet of pen drawings by Michael Angelo was discovered recently in a Lon don auction room. The subjects were sketches for holy families and allegorical groups. The prize brought 1,900 auc tion. The Massachusetts House of Hepresen- latives defeated the Woman's Suffrage bill by a vote of 127 to 87. A revival is in progress iu tbc Presbv- terian church of Winston-Salem. There have already been 'over sixty professions and the meeting contimus to grow in in terest. On his hunting trip in North Carolina waters. President Cleveland is accompa nied by Dr. O'Reilly, his physician, Com mander LrtO. Ue W ilde, Naval Secretary of tho Light House Board, and Commati dar Benj. P. Lamberlon, Inspector of the Light House District. Thev left Wash ington on Tvesday the 5th. 'A negro near Hawthorne. Alachia coun ty, Fla., ravished a sixteen year old white girl and then held her over bumijg iail- roact ties until uer clothing was on fire, after which he threw her unconscious intr. a muddy place near the railroad track and escaped, aad there she was found several hoars later. She can hardlv re cover. Parties are searching for ibe negro and they swear they will burn him if they catch him. ; , t CoaUnaedTturrMay. Owing to the large numbar of visitors to' see our gmnd exhibit of High Art Work, we luve decided to keep, it open till Friday night. Let all who have not done so call and see the work before it closes. - H. Colk, Dist. Mgr. f . V $6 Middle St, opp. Hotel Albert. . 11 " ' ' . .i-r-n At The French Cafe. - , ; Go-to the French Cafe, IU Middle St. and get anything in the Hue of eatable Open until 12, mid-night, THE PKF.IIIIHS AWARDED. At the East Carolina Fair. Taken in Onler by Denrlmenl. (I ONTINl'KIl ) (LASS 1: l'L'1.1 VAUY IlKI'ARTMKNT. .'est 5 lbs cf North Carolina butter, Occoiieechce faun, iiillsboro, N. ('.,$2.00. ( LASS 2: -JKLLIKS. iet apple jelly. Miss. Mamie Wnl fen- den. 25Vts best grape jolly. Miss Mamie Wolfenden, 2.VK CLASS 3: - PKKMBKVKS. Ast preserved icaches. Mrs. Sim Waters, Sliets.; last preserved cherries, Mrs. Sain Waters. .5(1; b-st preserved quinces, Mrs. Sam Waters, .50; best pre served tomatoes, Mrs. Sam Waters, .50: best pieserved piun-app'e, Mrs. Sam Waters. .50; liet pioerveil fjs. Mis. S'Uil Waters, .50; bast strnwlieiiies, Mrs. Enoch W adswoitb, .50; best preserved citron, Mrs. Dr. Street. .50; best pre served grapes and peais, Mrs. I. S Mace, .50 each; best collection display of preserves. 1 i varieties, Mrs. f. S. Maec, $2 OH. class 4 : ( ' a n n !: i Fin ns ani veii:tai!1.ks. flest canmd peaches, Mrs. f. S. Maee. .25; best canned peais. Mrs. I'. S. M ice, .25,- best canned tomatoes, Mrs. Wolfen den. .25; best collection i.f calmed goods. 14 varieties, $:;.d0. Mrs. Wolleiulen. CLASS G: WINK, UIIANDV Flit'lTS. West scuppernong wine, Mi-s Carrie Hancock. .51); U'st brandy peaches, ills. K. li. Junes, .50; best Inamiy ( berrii s, Mrs. Sam Waters, .50; liest collection of brandy Iruil, f variellis. s2.U(i, Mis. (). Marks. t'l ass ', : sWiiKT PICKI.KS. st W'ct ivikle watermelon lind. .(t p . S. Mai .Mis. K di-play i .'.oi. Mis. i peae'hes largest Mace, e, .511; Ijest swec t pickle Iph ( irav, .50: bi st and it the above. Mrs. I . S. ( Lss S : SOI li l'll'Kl.LS. ., -t jar ol euriiiiil ci's. Mis. I'. S. .Vice .50; i, est aitichokcs, ,1rs. Woiliai den .5(1; liest pepp'jis, .1rs. ft.iljiusoii .50; best, tomato catsup, .Vis. Sam Waters .25; hist t how chow, .Vrs. Sim Writers .50. best display of sour pickles. Iis. I . S. .V.icc, 8 kinds, s2.on. CLASS !; (AKI.S AMI Ilia. MiS. .Vs!. pound 'ak.-. .liss Duffy si mi; best j,.-lly cake, .Vrs. (). Jarks, .'75: bast fruit take, .lrs. o. Murks, $2.i'ii; last silver cake, .Vr-. f S In: .75, best chcei. lale take, .Vrs O'.V.nks $l.ut); liau l somest d.cor.dn I take, .Vrs U S .Vice f.i.nii: 2nd best. .i,sl) .l,rl;s, $2.(Hi; b'st mardi mallow, .lrs (I ,V arks, $1,00; b st and l.uyest display of meals, mi's Sain .S'.icet, if). Oil; best loaf of bread, Mrs (.'has Ivis, .50: liest beaten bi-cll Is. Mis John Hughes. .50; best r.scii !ii.-euils. Mis 1'cHeuer, .50. CLASS IU: -('III LDIIIOX'S DKI'AltT.MKXT. West jelly cake. Miss Wyiiian, .25; lar gest display of liiucy dishes, mis () Marks. $:) (h'i. sl'KCIAI. I'UKMU'MS. A-t display of ouats, Mrs Sam Street, 1 line picture framed by Mrs (J Marks; fir the lest mange cake," Mrs O Murks, 1 whim lur rug by D F J.uvis; 1 burr, i of Koval Crown flour lor the best bread and rolls. Mrs. J. W. Moore by Ilack biirn cV Willelt; 1 bandseiine u a si t I i best display ol nkes. .Vrs () Jaiks bv nackhurn eV Willelt,- 1 rug lor best poun.l of butler, li B Dully to Oeeonechee faun llillsboio, N C; by .Vrs. K.if r, bakery, I handsome cake to Mrs John Hughes for fincv dsi and diriil. iv (i: wines; by IIui- lalid eV Co., dry goods, 1 givy lur rug for pound cake, mis () Marks, I biby carriage rug for fruit cake. Mi's O Marks; by Holland A Co.. 1 pair ol slm s, mis Sam Stne-, for display of incus; l pair Ot handsome bisipie ligiires by Johu Dunn to mis Sam Waters for tiuedisphiv of preseives; I silver castor by S K Eaton, .Mrs U S Mate for display of pre serves,- 1 silver salt and pepper, s Iv Eaton, mis F S Mace for line display cf swe,-t and sour pickles; 50 lbs of Hour by I- I Inch lo Mrs. Wollemlen lor display of canned goods and sour pickles; one 5 lb box of candy by Dutfv iv. Hill, New Heme Candy Factory. -Vrs OJarksfur collection of biandy limits and fancy dishes; 1 book of p .ems by 11 Bcri v, druggist, .Vrs Kalph (!rej, collection of preserves; 1 silver thimble by A E Hil.- bard, .lis. .Joe Kinscy lor. elly and pre serves not entered for premium hut worthy of special; 1 botile of line per fume by Biadliaiu & Biock Diug Co.. .Vrs Mirtie Jfurks, for collection of sweet, sour biandy Iruit; 1 iilin in clock bvSK E lton to .lrs ( ) .Varks lor collection ol tine takes; special mention of the -New Berne Candy Factory of the tine display w hich was a gieiil credit to the depart ment and worthy ot premiums, 1 clock by W P. Junes, furniture, 50 lbs of Hour by F Ui ich. (To be Continued. SALE OF TCRPENTINE STILL, COTTON GINS, STEAM ENGINES, GEIST MILL, On Siilurday, March Ifitli, 1S95, at 12 M, I shall oiler for sale the followiii" property, viz: 1 Turpentine Still, 2 Col ton Cms, 1 Steam Engine, 1 Grist Mill. 2 Boilers, all the wood of A. It Dcnnison, situated on lot East of A. & N. C. K. R. fronting on Trent liivcr, to satisfy a mort gage due by A. U. Deunisou to the Na tional Bank. Terms Cash. E. (J. HILL. Agt. Assignee's SALE! On the 19th Day of Mabch, 1895, I will dispose of the entire Stock of Goods, Wares aud Mer chandise in. the stores at New Berne and Kinston, N. C, assign ed to mo by L. Shultz & Co., at private sale to tho highest bidder for cash. All bids to be sent to my office at O.- Marks & Son on or before Tuesday the 19th day of March, at noon. v, M. M. MAEKS, Assignee. - mtQ 2w ' ; New Berne, N. O. Hi - AN - WILLETT FAIR - DEALING IS ONE OF Ol It Mottoes ! :kTo:rsr:E- OF OUR Competitors CAN WITHSTAND Ol'R STEADY FIRF ' mmm m hi mm -llllllllllllllll Ont AM Ml NITIOX IS fi Low Prices Quality. -00(10000(1 TleilBntreat before il,aii jite People I A chance to Reap the Benefit -oooooooo- CCQvdIE ! AND 88EE Vftl vniiPflvi wp J vv J J IAjIJUIJ f MdVJ -oooooooo m All The 47 and 49 PclktJc t