fa path) 'The constant drop of water Wears away the hardest stone; The constant gnaw of Towser Masticates the toughest bone; etnt The constant cooing !m lurries nil' l!ie liliisliin maid; Ami the constant advertiser Is the one who sets the trade.'' VOL. XIII---NO. 288. NEW BERNE, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 13, 1895. UCE -FIVE CENTS STAPLES Come First on the Food List, and our Staples Best, CIh-ea,pest, WHOLESOMEST. - MOST INVITING, AND APPETIZING In tin Grocery Trade. FAlLUltE TO DHAW OX OUR Stock for your table simply prevents you from realiz ing the highest attain able possibilities of good living -OO- Just as au athletic congress brings all the champions togetn er, wo gather all the Of every Article anil Intact of Fooi into our stock. can't beat us in the matter of Q-b.ali.t3r- ' v" '.-.: 0--0 We are always ahead in low.prices, too, just as a is ai- " . ways befoie B. ChampionBrands IrJ U V 1 I . LI NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Sale. Personal iflVcts. ft. Wallnau. Pianos and Organ". Bl'SINESS LOCALS PIANOS And Organs tuned and repairrd. Satisf-.ciion guaranteed, first class testi monials to hand. nit.) tin. E. Wai.lnac, Bus 5.' 4. THE Sale of the pe.sonul eft" els of the lite Mra Mary IS. Havens will be contin ued to-day, lginning at 11 o'clix k.. Tlie library kitchen furniture an I much household furniture remains to be sold. DESIRABLE House torrent on Metcalf strett. Apply to U. S. Mack. TALCUM POWDEU, borutrd, carbida tedsmd perfumed only lOcts per box, rcg ular price 25 cis. Cream C nrplcxion S..np only 5 els. per cake at F. S. Dukfy'b. If. SCH AFERS beat Breakfast Snips 12c. W. B. C ox. THE FINEST Lunch Milk Bi-cuit in the city at A. II. B.nRiN(iTo:v. F. M. CHADWICK, Merchant Taih.r 103 Middle St. 1 am now in receipt nf spring aud summer samples aud am prepared to show a large I i c of both lion ig i and domestic styles. The new Twin' on woolens went iu fleet. Ja.i. fust and the goods which 1 nn show have all been regu 'atcd by tnat se bedule as to values. TliV a Hbl. Swan Down Flour lor tale by A. II. Bahriniiton. 78 Middle St. FIVE Thousand pounds of those deli clious 10 cent 7inis just anived, nice and fresh. Come and see them. ,i23tf J. F. Tayi.oh. DON't Forget the French Cafe when you want a lunch. 114 Middle St. WANTED Live Hustling Agents to represent the largest tailoring establish ment in the world. Suits f 12 up. Pants $3 up. The Royal Tailors 7ayniaiket Theatre Bl.lg, Chicago. MUST Be Itented Out. Six nice new, no 1 brick stores, first class and in the best location in the city for any kind of business. Apply to VV. F. Hill. WHEN Boraxiue is used according to direction, a third of the labor and the cost of soap in ordinaiy washing is saved. Samples free at J. F. Taylor's. "THE CORNER PHARMACY," BRAD HAM & BROOK'S Prescription Drug Store. Toilet Articles, Perfumes and Medicines. H. W. SIMPSON, ARCHITECT Undertaker & Embalmer. Orders filled on Short Notice. Office : 130 Broad Street. 12 dm Geo. Henderson, INSURANCE AGENCY. ESTABLISHED OFFICE: NO. 4 Craven St. 1870. Represents the following First-class Companies: Insurance Company of North America. Home Isurance Compauy of New York. .Hartford Fire Insurance Company of Bart ford. Queen Insurance Company of America. Phoenix Insurance Company of Brook lyn, K. Y. North Carolina zjms lusurance com pany of Raleigh. Royal Insurance Company of Liver pool, England. Boston Marine insurance company oi Boston. 8"This Agency lias been in existence for the past 25 years' during which lime all losses have been promptly settled without a single contest. All classes of desirable Insurance solicited. j3 lm HERE WE ARE! At 97 Middle St. With the largest and best Se lected Stock of Diamonds, Watches. Gold Ritigs.Sleeve C23 Buttons, Studs, scait l'ins, Solid Silver and Tlated - Ware, Silver Novelties of all kind and in tact a lull line of all kinds of goods to ke found in a FIRST-CLASS JEWfLRY STORE -CALL AND SEE ME -r Don't forget the Number, 97, Opposite Baptist cuurcn. Sam l(. Eaton. Man wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long. -Goldsmith. You may want bnt little, little sickness, and yon may not want it long, bat if yon, want any Cloth ing you want it good and ; at -the same time you want to et it at a reasonable figure. : The "place to fulfill all these requirements is at Coward's. What winter Clothing and Overcoats we have left will be sold at a close price and if yon want to save mony now on your purchases, bring- your ; pouket book along and see how well you cpu do At nOWAED'S. NEWS ADRIFT In the 'lty of Elms and Vicinity, Gathered In and Briefly Told. The auction sale of the late Mrs. Havens effects was begun yesterday and will be couclu led to-day. How is this? "The Macon, Gn., News suggests that the widow ol Fred Douglass nvght find another husl and in the North Candina legislature. The steamer Neuse brought in a large cargo Tuesday. A portion of it consisted of Hyde county corn, bound to Wilming ton. The Gounod Fortnightly Club will meet this (Wednesday) evening at the resi dence of Mis. W. II. Chadbourn. Mem bers are requested to meet promptly at 8 o'clock. The amendment to Kinston's charier allowing the town to issue bonds to the amount ol $4, 000 and purchase a lire en gine bus passed and the purchase of the engine has now been legally made. It w ill bi named The Caswell No. 1, a very appropriate one. Miss Lata En-ell who tins been teaching the public school at Cherry Point lor four mouths 'jp ist came up to her home, the school having c'. scd last week. A roselte pnny at the home of Mr. B. T. Borden was the concluding feature. Miss Ora Borden c cine up with Misi Lab to visit her. Cr.pt. Ambrose I'uisons of the steam tug Francis is up to the city for slight repairs to the tug. He came from within ten miles of the sound Monday hut did not have the pleasure of meeting the Picsiden tial paily or gelt ng a sight of the Violet which he would have known he coins within distinguishing disiance of her. Died nt Murine!. On Monday, Mch. lllb, Mrs. Brittie Armstrong, w ili; of Mr. A B. Armstrong and sister of Mrs. J. S. Ba-night of this city. Mrs. Arnistroii; was a cous'steit mem ber of I be M. E. ( bun h, and an earnest woiker. A christian woman that was beloved by all who knew her has gone from e n th. One ol' the tiintlawka's Guests. Dr. Jclin (J. Cutter, of Worcester, Mass.. is registered at the Chattawka. He is en route to Florida and Cuba and came to New Berne as he has a sister buried in the National cemeleiy here, who died on liranoke Island during the war. We will give the true account of her services in the northern army and death to-morrow. Mr. Cutter has spent nine yeais in Japan as a medical instructor and is one ol the few nu n who have been presented with iusigniaby the Japanese Emperor making him a member of the Older of the Hisiug Sun. News Around Maysville. A coin spondent writes us from Mays vibc that the farmers around there have finished planting their potatoes. Ilo also expiessiS the gratifkalion felt at seeing Mr. J. It. Kennedy tho nil road mail agent b.'.ck at his post and at the decision of Mr. P. II. Joyner, the railroad, ticket, freight and express agent to remain as he makes a splendid official. His family have just moved, though he lias bven in charge of the office a few months. Coming and Uolng- Mrs. Hill Humphrey left to visit rela- from t'ves at Jacksonville. Mrs W. B. Goodwin came up Glenoe Stock Farm where she has been visiting. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hynian have rc- turnod from Gold-bnro where they went to attend tlie luneral ol Mrs. uzzie Robinson, wile ol Dr. Geo. IC. Robinson, of Sniithfield, who died at her homo aud wus taken to Goldsboro, formerly her home, for interment. The funeral was held Saturday. She was a sis'.er of Mr. llymau. Mr. Robert Wallace, of Morehead City came up lo JNew jsmie to spend ine spr ng flshing season here buying lor Mr. S. J. Royal. Mr. Royal wi(l continue at Jacksonville. Mrs Bettie Whnlcy lias left for the North after her soring slock of millinery. Mr. J. S. Basnight returned from Mari- bel, Pilinlico county, Among those leaving on the steamer Neuss yesterday were the following: II. B. Duffy, going North to purchase his spring stock; Miss Mamie Dawson who has charge of the milliuery department of hiss. ore to thoroughly acquaint her self with the latest ideas pertaining to the busiueis; A. M. Baker to spend same time in Baltimore on building and loan business: Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Rogers, of Denver, tol who have Lean visiting Mrs. Rogers' sister," Mrs. , Emily Thomas, re turning to their home; Mrs. A. L. Mohler und daughters, Misses Marie and Ruth, who have been spending the winter at the Chattawkn, aud J. E. Twing and family wife and childien who have been spending a couple of months at the Chat tawk.i, returning to their homes in Minneapolis; J. E. Kearney special meteorological observer, and wile, return- ins to their homo id Perth Anibny, M. J ; A. Teignier, of New Orleans, La , going to Norfolk on business he intends to re turn and establish a writing school here in about two weeks time. True QUI Against Hhemwell- A true bill for murder was foaud against Bhemweil, but Judge Brown would not try tbe case because he found his wire and Shemwelt were related : The Charlotte Observer ays that Bax ter Sheniwell, who shot and killed the elder Dr. Tayne in Lexington recently was taken to Charlotte on the 10th, io company with Bheriff Leonard, of David sou county, the Lexington jailer, and some of Shem well's friends, to ba Incar cerated in jail there. He was uot in irons. Tbe wason assigned by the party Irom Lexington as to why bhemweil was or dered tin re by Judge Brown whs that threats of both lynching and release were bang made,Nnd it was in the abundance of caution thaho change was made. He will nrotwblT remain in Mecklenberg tail until tbe next term of Davidson Superior Court. jVc-i-; -. ;:( At the residence of Mr. J. B. Thomas in JNew uerne re. u. murcn ntn, at b p. m. Mr. J. R. Reuses and Mr. Elisabeth V. Thomas, Rev. L. L. Nash olflcia- I ting. :-.. -; : " IMMENSE SHAD SHIPMENTS. Extraordinary Catehen ai Roanoke Inland-Four II and red Barrel Boxen at a Time Being Sent Off by Steamer. Shipments of shad were quite large from New Berno last week and the steam er Neuse took out still another good shipment yesterday and large number of packages of clams. The foinier were from the city, the latter from Carteret countv. The shipments will be still larthcr in creased when Roanoke Island is reached. Great quantities of the shad aie being caught there now, so that the stenme.-s which make lour regular trips a week do imt stop with them, but run down from Hoanoke on other days to get the shad that are taken. Three or four huudred barrel boxes ol the shad were at the whaif Monday night aw-ailiDS the arrival ol the steamer New Berne; the steamer Neuse took off about a hundred boxes Sunday and four hundred und ten boxes Friday night. These boxes are billed as freight at 350 pounds each. so it can readily he seen wliat an immense amount of fish 400 boxes amount to. The net weight of the fish in each box is 2X0 pounds. Thus it will be seen by calculation that a shipmet of 400 boxes means 11U.0U0 pounds net ot lull titty six tons ! In packing these large boxes ol shad it is found that they run 53 roes or 100 bucks to the box an average of i.bout 75, so by calculation it will be seen that the size shipment spoken of consists of about 30,000 ol these elegant fish. MAY 20TH THE DATE CHOSEN. Mon lent to the Confederate Dead to Be I'uveiled on That Historic Day. Great interest is frit in everything con cerning the beautiful monument to the Confederate d ad now b.-ing encted in Capitol Square. Its stately proportions aregradualiy becoming realities and the design will soon be a symphony iu stone. The die stone has been in place several days, and Monday the handsome column that is to support the bronze statue ora Confederate private was taken off the car and placed on rollers. Col. Coonan is superintending the work of carrying it to Capitol square, by no means mi easy un dertaking. Many inquiries have been received ask ing on what day the monument will be unveiled. The commander of ihe local camp of Confederate Veterans Monday received a letter from J. A. Turner, Commando-, an I J. F. GouUlman, Secretin y ol the If. S. Chew Camp No. 2, of Sons of Confederate Veterans, Fredericks burg, Va iuquiiing when the monu ment will be unveiled and stating that tho camp desires to ntteml the unvoiliii!: and witness the attendant ceremonies. Mrs. Aiinistead Jones, Piesidcnt of the Monumental Association, announces Mav 20th, ono f the most notable anniver saries in the history of Noith Carolina ns the (lute for Ihe unveiling. On May 20th, w (o, the patriots ot Meek en burg county assembled at Charlotte an I declared their independence of the English crown, more than a year before tho Decimation of In dependence was signed in 1 liil.-welplua On May 20ih, 1801, North Ciroliua joined her sister States of the South and seceded from tlie L nion. The announcement says: "Our grand old Slate extends a '.ordial welcome lo sister Stab s to join her in honoring tho memory other noble dead.'' Appropriate ceremonies for the unveil ing will be arranged in d;e time, and the day will be made an event in the history ol tliebtate. News Ai Observer. Frozen Fish in Texas. Mr. E. F. Meyers, a Texas correspond ent ol the Chicago Sportsmens Review, notices the same phenomena of chilled fish beiuj caught ut Rock port Buy as w as ob- servod here in New River during the February cold snap. Uneler the date of Feb. 18, he writes: "It was so cold, and frozen so hard here that from thieo to four thousand line weak fish or trout -fore picked up in the Bay of Rockport by men and boys, and I pi'csume tons of them could have been gathered in this way. The fish were so numb that they floated on the surface of the water, and they picked them up in boat loads." THE NEGROES ARE EMIGRATISU From Alabama to Mexico Their Places Belli- Filled by Emigrants from Northwestern States. A special to the Birmingham Age Herald, Irom Eulah, Ala., says: Within about forty days some live hundred ne groes have emigrated from Green county to Mexico, and several hundred arc now awaiting arrival of trains to take them away. They are sacrificing their mules, horses, cattle, etc., to enable them to gn, and renters are leaving plaulntions they have leased lor tl is year. Owing to the lute dale other renters cannot bo obtained to make the crop. This means much loss to the laud owners and to the rai roads, as the corn and cot ton will not be grown to freight away. Much excitement exists among land owners over the negro exodus, but it is probable that a great deal of the lands will be taken by emigrants lroin OW, Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana -and ether states, and about sixty home- seekers Irom Tippecanoe county, Indiana, are shortly coming to Eulah to select and purchase plantations for their future homes. Masonic Notice. A suited Communication of St. John's Lodae No. 8 A. F. &. A. M. will lie held in Masonic Hall Wednesday Feb. 13th at 7:30 o'clock Vis'ttng brethren trater invited. By order W. M. ' J. 11. HACKBURX, Bec'y. The House passed tlie bill appropria ting 12,000 lor repairs and improvement at the white Institution lor the blind at Raleigh and 97,000 for new builuings at the colored Institution. Bills passed to estaD'lsii a whiskey dispensary at Hickory. Xo amend tne charter ot Kaleigh. To allow oniocorpoia'.ed insarance compan ies to do business upon depositing 20r 000 ulth the Sta e. . To appropriate 48,500 annually to the Soldiers' Home, To annroDriate 47.500 annaallv to the Agricultural and Mechanical Oollegr for new aormitorics ana uroung apparatus. Go to the French Cale, U4 Middle St. and gat anything in the line or tatablej open until ta, mia-nigut. . ; ; LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS Williams of Craven (lets Furious. And Has Rnilroad Vote Recorded sa the People '-Will Know Who Ihe Thieves A re" Bonds of County Olll eers Lowered- Protest Filed Agninst Fusionists Falsifying the Dongl'iift Affair Other Mailers. Special to Journal. RALEiein, N. C, March 12. The Senate pas.-ed the bill to abolish ihe office ol Cjunty Superintendent ol Public Instruction and County Beards id' Educa tion. Superior Court Clerks are to up point County Examiners lo take the place of Supi rintendent. A bill to appoint seven Directors and State Proxy for the Noitli Carolina Kail way was attacked by Democrats as well as by Populists and He pu' licans as a had bill and was tabled. It proposed to give the Slate's proxy remarkably great! powers. There is a bill of the same ti nor iv aiding Ihe Atlantic and N. C. Kiilwav, and prominent Populists and Republican assure me tonight that this too will never pass final reading. The Senate puswd the bill raising the age ot consent. The House tabled the bill to legalize cock fighting, and passed a bill tlxii u bonds ol county officers, Sheriff's at not over $5,00(1; Register ol Deeds $1(1,000; Superior Court Clerk $15,000; Tr. usurer 25 per cent of the tuxes. The bill to amend the charter of the Atlantic and X. ('. Railway pasd its second re idiug. Mr. Williams of Craven attache 1 it furiously, saying it was an attempt to steal the road, lie demanded the yeas and nays so the people could mo who the thieves were. Governor Carr sent a sp cial ire-soje announcing that the appropriation made for the penitentiary of $115,000 for tlii year and next year was totally inad -rii:iio and that without further aid the institu tion must meet a crisis within a voir. In, the House the Democrats filed a protest against the action of the lu-sion majority in denying the truth as to the Fred Douglass resolution, and lli-s, alter desperate opposition by Fusionists, was ordered spread on Journal. The Fusion caucus bill to abolish the present Board of Agriculture and the Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechani cal college and create a board of Agricult ure!, to be also trustees, passeel by a paily vote. Tlie caucus bill to take control of il.c penitentiary from Democrats was also passed. NEWS IN II It Iff. A ciodit of $1,000,000, to be used in suppressing ihe Cuban iiis-.irieciion. Ins lxxin cubloel lo Ihu captain-general in lla vann. ltain prevented the opening game Tin duy beiween the Wusbingtoii and Brook lyn baseball teams at Savauah, tin. (ireat Biilain will send In r channel squadron to the Keil naval parado, with which the North iscu and Baltic canal will be opened in June., dispatch from liatporlagc, Manitolia, ays that the Sullanu mine there is on lire. Twenty miners are imprisoned and it is feared that all will bo lost. Ex-Presielent Harrison was able to be up Monday. He is entirely out ot danger and his physiciau says he will be able to be oat in a tew days. The Daily Caucasian, Senator Marion Butler's Populist paper, makes its lu .t appearance today. Cardinal uibiions lias received a sum mons from the Holy Father to proceed to Koine early in Mav. His Eminence will be accompanied by the Rev. C. V. TliQ-nas, rector of the Cuthcdcral in Baltimore. Kaleigh printers are greatly wrought up by the action of the Legislature in transferring tho public printing to Wins ton. Edwards it Broughton, who have for two vcars done h ill the printing, dis charged Alteon compositors. Both tho Republican and Populist caucuses hive decided that the Legisla ture shall not adjourn until the calendars are cleared. This can baldly be d ine before Wednesday night. The fusionist caucus has decided that a farm in the East and one iu the West shall bo provided for the convict-., of whom there are now some 1,300 able- bodied. Gieat Britain w ill send her Channel squadron to the Kiel naval parade, with which the North Sea and lialiic (.anal will lie opened in June. A dispatch from Lima, Peru, says that the iusurgents deleated tlie Peruvian troops in a battle near Cabana. Three hun dred government soldiers were killed. The official bulletin from Hot Springs, Ark., Monday shows one death and three new cases of smallpox. Up to date there have been 92 cases and 21 deaths. Pensacola, Fla., is building a $10,000 cotton mill on the co-operative plan. There isn't a town in the cotton belt which couldn't have one or more mills in this place if an active effo-t were made. Fire broke out in the Old Abe mine. Socorso, New Mexico, Saturday. The tire was gotten noder control Sunday afternoon, ond the imprisonetl miners were brought out, five ot whom were dead. Saturday nient at a late hour reore- sentutive D. K. Juliar, of Rowan, made a stronz speech in the House against the fusion bill to amend the charter of Salis bury. When, he returned ta his hotel he did n"t f-et well and Monday morning be nail an. apoplectic attack. It was tor some time thought he would die. Rea; restntatlvt Ethendge bas pneumonia. Thos. W. Mason is retired as R. R. Commissioner to make, room for S. Otho Wilson. A wnole column would not so well depict the difference between the two parties as tbe personnel of the men chosen for this important position. News and i ti:i;i,Aiiiin aim: hai-i-ek as. He Has a Sprained lincc In ;ol Health Illll 1 1 as Ilntl Onl.v One l)ti 's Sport. I.ikcl.v to flEctiiru. The I.iidit lh u-c tender Violet with President Cleveland and paily aboard, ar rived at Washington, N. (,'., lit half pn.-l seven Niudav iiionmi'r and Mint hn'l past nine. The Pn."ioss .-ays he was : uf leiing from a sprained knee bu. uives no pailiculars. A lelegr nn sei.t bom Cape llenr , Va.. peaks as lollnws alamt I tie IV -id' Ills icovrn.enK lioin alu day to ,M. nch,: 'Tho lighthouse iriHrr Violet, dipt. Donni ll in in nil! :nd. on which Mr. Cleveland. 1 )r. Kiii'cv. an I two of ihe lighlllou-c bo.iid officials, have In i n cmi - mg in i 'ainnco and other s aim s m l.a--tern Noitli Carolina sinie the Itilli in-l no. isaiicliond ahreist ol Cape: Malic !'... Hi. lies in what is call, d ( ' ipe c'hatiiH I. a pa-sag.- tlii-.riili a long .-'i'.ril or ice! m allcl to the co i-l and m'icii alii 'j tin- ,iici wfater or M.uiid pmpor from the h , harbors and hays imlciili.ig tin; .-!,o:c line. "On accoiiiil of h id weather -ii.ee his departure ihe 1 'roc lent ha- hail ouiy one dav's hunting v-l. Thai wa-li-1 I'n.in,-, when lie killed s:tci brant anil one l&rn o()ii-e. S ituiila.v wa- loo .-toriiiv lor sport and ihe parly rcmaine I a uai.l all day. Sunday w ,s -pi n; in ciiii-iicj d iwn to ;)cracoke Ijo,i an 1 ivlm-ning. The V loh I on '.his t ri p envoi id part of I he course that Sir Waiter Kihiu'o i- u; posed to have sailed when l.eel tr'eil what is now culled Ocrac founded his ilMiihil coVnv Island. 'President Clrvchu d wa la-t ni jbt wall hing the in The sky w as olocnn d I '' and hae so tlie po -jr. -s i was d tliciilt to i'.llov,. I. ui i lor this i hen wa- a br lliai Tne eeliiise and halo I. I nicl It..: upon cli l 111: OllMi I -ale b a o. i! Inn r II el a va! ion, ill I M plicnimi ion u i rile Cleveland l.,ol,. health. "I'npropiliou- w.al the I'le-uleiil'-: ''Hale -le hour.--' .-purl ti.i- in nen linic, bnwcvi-r. Mr. ( !c UOIld llllk. Sloilll -i lcj'c iinlicat'iig a norliu prevent I'i" I'r.'iilcei li Ilionow. in w iri h i c tint the Vio'e will b I'cturii ti ii to i-hi-u b a l- p;;t tin.', j. In cl..nd ; f.er i .- .i.d,.ii, . iii.ii ii I iv .nss i.iiiiii Hty. it r.ctccls Tinlolli.v ii'i Aii'i-ico 1 1 n E perllill'iils mid 11. let ic-nl IAi icllre Slum tiooil I'rolit in 13 : Vtw orillilc lo lluirj ill;; . In spile nltho prevailing inipr.--'. and the- reputed iter .lion n i ihe pari even intelligent funics ihd gi . s- :r .1 hay c iiiiiol lie grown or mule viih in- li: at I be S.jiiih, f.uera'.le te--' inionv c nm -and alino-t daily. For rvunpl . in li February is-ue 'I Ihe S.utliern Sal, magazine we real that Dr. X. I. Cu. ii. of Aite-i-i. Mi--., is engage I I irucl.v '11 rnising hav and icu'es lor n,a;k. I. F t iii'ti'lt f, h :tr ill mind ! lie -as hi-gra--land.s i. el linn from .Si to I5 p,-r acr -. or an avo age ol 10; his i-or.i it per acre end coitoii lis. ihan " per acr.-. If declari s th it I'.ei n.ii.la ha y i- siiiiei ior ; .. Timothy in mill Hive and la'h ning ipi i; ties, ami that le-ls inaile d the agrii-i..-t uml experimental .-ta'iou sit Staikv il.c Ik' ii' him out in ibis sial.-.n. id. No i.b ; -ol bis in ighbors have ab neloii.-d cicinn and are de ailing lime and nth lit ion U to i lie bay and slnc-iai-ing bu-iin . the result of w h'ch i-a rapid d. cline in il.c sale of Wi stern hay ill that part of M i sipi. Six large and improve. 1 hav ire--o-iire in opcialion in the vicinity of Aricia now, and the indu-tiy is go.wing i ach year. Tins informal! ill is cerlainlv ino-t en couraging In our newly organized Mate Dairy Association, and to tho-e who are advocating grass culture in this Tidi-walcr section of North Caroliii.i. There is no doubt that grass is an indigenous pro duct here, else Ihe thirty-live va'ictiis ihown by Miss Mary Koberi- at our February Fair would not have l-e n possible. Some ol our local farnieis near .New li'Tiic are aire id v beginning to put 111) bay lor niaiket, an.l ol hers have ih - clured their intention io plant I!-rum. la ;rass this season lor a crop. I lie only deficiency about M is Hi it it ilo-s not keep green all winter, (lur Udeigli I'.xp. n- men ill l.nin enioins (hat 1 exas gi.i ihoiihl be mixed with it, and indeed, in nil cases where grass is -own a milun' i- 1 vised a mixture of long staple wiih short, so to speik. ami of-pe ies that root at ditfercnt depths, und liiriniiliis ere specified which indicate which mixtures are niosl suitable lor iusliinige ;iuil w inch for hav. I am convinced that any one wli w ill follow the lead of Pr. (iuerry, of Mi s - sippi, and plant right hcie for n Inv ci oa this year and buy a Whin:. an baling p.'. ss for uso ou bis own and neighboring faniis. will discount the best lay-out of eolloii or corn at the coming harvest. Ciias. 1 1 a Li, or K, Agent lor Special IndiMries in Tidewater North Carolina. THE I'HEMU'MH A V A i! l 111. At the I'nst Cnroliiiti Fair, Tiikcii in Order by l)ciirtilicnt. Department 11. Machinery and Mecliau io. Arls. Best exhibit railway and machinists supplies, J. J. Disoiway 10. Vhm 'i. Tlie following preiiiiums were awarded to the Walter A. Wood Manufacturing Co., ot Hoosic Falls, N. Y. Best , com bined mower and leaner, gold medal; walking cultivator, diploma: best burrow, diploma; clod-cruslier, diploma; broad casting teeders, bronze medals; self-dump. ing rake, diploma; best mower, diploma Best colleciion vehie'es lor pleasure and use, J. W. Stewart, f 5; best churn, Wal tor A. Wood & Co , bronze medal; best display agricultural machinery, L. II. Cut ler e Co., f 10; second do., Jno. C. Whil'y, $5; colleciion berry boxes, Lewis F. Brewer, Kaleigh, diploma; hist collec tion fmit crates and packages, diploma. Best collccdon of native wood0, Rev. Edward Bull, 110, DON'T forget that Old Papers can be bought cheap at tbe Journal office and n any qoautities. ; . ; ; ; ' tf v CESS Such as Ours is Only Attained BY- rases. -U w- WE HAVE TO ol'.TAIN Oik l'RKSHXT r,llM:v., AX!) I NT l'ND, TO NOT ONLY HOLD IT. IU I' TO NCREASE IT. The way we to do it, propose is to lontinue to ive the People the Best Goods that can be bought in the city tor the Money. WV know Miry appreciate it from the increase in our busi ness. Our Stock is COMPLETE Only examine it and be convinced, Yours Vert Truly, Hackburn & Willett. 47 & 49 Pollock Ct