trawl. 'The constant drop of water Wears away the hardest stone; The constant gnaw of Towser Masticates the toughest bone; The constant cooing lover Carries on" the blushing maid; And the constant advertiser Is the one who gets the trade." VOL X1II-NO. 291. NEW BERNE, N. 0., SATURDAY MORNING. MARCH 16, 1895. PRICE -FIVE CENTS 3mm putiltt mm STAPLES Come First on the Food List, and our Staples Stand First, Best, CEa-esupest, WEOLESOMESr, MOST INVITING, AND APPETIZING In tin Grocery Trade. FA1LURH TO DRAW ON OUIW Stock for your tablo simply prevents yon from realiz ing 1 ho highest attain able possibilities of good living -00- Just as an athletic congress brings all the champions togeth er, we gather all the CtampionBrands Of every Article "anil Pro4nct of Fill into ir stoct A f 00V SMSIf ION can't beat us in the matter of Q"CLa,lit3T- -0-0- We are always ahead in low prices, too, , just as A is al , J . ways before v 55 4 57: 'FotokS NEW ADVERTISEMENT. Wanted A good Barber. Oil Delivery Listen for the horn. P. I. Kimball Scaled proposals. R. E. Barringlon. Choice beef, &c. BUSINESS LOCALS WANTED A goo.1 Barber, apply or write lo "Many Citizens,1' P. O. H-x No. , Grfton, N. C. mv 10 lw CHOICE Beef, nice pork aud all pork usage, my specialty, tins morning. ft. E. Harrington. TRY V. B. Cox for the finest cignrs tiie city. N. C. HAMS, Sides, an.l Shoulders. Hams 10 cents a poundi K. It. Jones, tf. JUST RECEIVED - -A rice lot of S!m fl'er'rt Hmis. Shoulders and Strips at II. 15AK1UNGTON K, 78 Middle St. DESIRABLE House for rent ou Metcalf treet. Apply to U. S. Mac. TALCUM POWDER, bor.itcd, C:irila- led and perfumed only 10 cts per box, rcg- lar price 25 cts. Cream C'mph-xion ap only a cts. per cake at t . &. Duffy's. tf. F. M. ClIADWICK, Merchant Tailor 103 Middle St. 1 am now in receipt of sprint' and summer sample and am prepared to how a large line ol iiotli loivign and domestic styl. The new Tariff on woolens went ro cltect. Jan. nrst and me goous which I can show have all been regulated by teat schedule as to values. 1'UY a 15bl. Swan Down Flour lor tale by A. II. Barrinoton, 78 Middle St. DON't Forget the French Cafe when you want a luuch, 114 Middle St. FIVE Thousand pounds of those dcli- clious 10 cent Hums just arrived, nice and fresh. Come and see them. j25if J. F. Taylor. WANTED Live Hustling Agents to cpresent the largest tailoring establish ment in the world. Suits $12 up. Pants $3 up. The Royal Tailors aymaiket Theatre Bldg, Chicago. MUST Re Rented Out. Six nice new. no 1 brick stores, first class and in the nest location in the city lor any kind of business. Apply lo W. F. Hill. WHEN Boraxiue is used according to lireetions, a third of the labor and the cost of soap in ordinary washing is saved. Samples free at J. F. Taylor's. LISTEN for Hie HORN ! o o 0 00 o 0 O 0 0 The Oil Delivery Wagon has changed hands and will make its rounds regularly, starting this morning with a full supply of Canadian, Pratt's Astral and Red illuminating Oils, o o o oo o o o o o 50 bus. Landreth's Improved "Extra Early" Valentine Beans. CHAR. TJ. HILL, East side Market Dock. mv 15 lw THE KINSTON FIRE IS A III TO ALL Merchants lost valuable papers worth thousands ol dollars all could have been saved by a email investment in an IRON SAFE say Filly or Sixty Dollars. Mv brother merchant, your insurance is no good without an Iron Safe I have EIGUT for sale, all bought at 50 cents on the dollar. Call and see BIG IKE. You can purchas $80, 40 and $50 less than tuetory prices. JNew Heme, N. C. March 15, 1M5, Geo. Henderson, INSUBAM AGENCY. ESTABLISHED OFFICE: NO. Craven St. 1870. Represents the following First-class Companies: Insurance Company of North America. llama Isurance Company of New York. .Hartford Fire Insurance Company oi .Marl lorq. Queen Insurance Company of Amend Fhosnix Insurance Company of Brook lvn. N. Y. North Carolina Boxab Insurance Com. nanv of Raleigh. Royal Insurance Company of Liver- nool. England. .Boston Marine insurance company oi , a r f T f t Boston. j6?Thi8 Agency lias been in eiistencc for the past 25 years, daring which time all losses have been promptly settled without a single contest All classes of desirable Insurance solicited. -. . j Jim Assignee's SALE! On the 19th Day op March, 1895, I will dispose of the entire Stock of Goods, Wares and Mer chandise in the; stores at .Kew Berne and Einston, ;N. C, assign ed to me by L. ShulU & Co., at private sale to the highest 'bidder for cash. All bids to be Bent to my office at O. Marks & Son on or before Tuesday the ' 19th day of March, at noon.'-- '; M. M. MAKES, Assignee. NEWS ADRIFT i tbe City ol' Elm. anil Vicinity, Cnlhered in and Briefly Told. Mr Joe K. Willis is preparing a band monument to be erected to the some memory of Mrs. W. M. Watson. The present is the most prosperous ear in the history of the University. It now has 463 students. Representative Williams says that he is prepoied to give a full account of him self on all questions pertaining to the iCgislatuio just closed. Mr. W. F. Rountree received a letter last night from Oen'l C. A. Battle stating tint Mrs. Rattle was considerably better. We are very lad to bo able lo eive this pleasing inlormation. Disbanded. The Frod. Douglass Me morial Association closed". That is the way the Wilmington Messenger headed its notice of the adjournment of the Legis lature. Mr. S. R. Phillips has secured the con- tracl for tho improvements to be made in the Marks store recently vacated by Mr. R. Duffy, the plans for which drawn by Architect Simpson were recently given in the Journal. The Free Press says-: "We understand that Messrs. E. II. 15. F. Perry, L W. Dawson, Janus F. l'urrolt and Jno. F. Mewb .rnc, while, and Joe Hargett, Chas. Dunn and Star Ilicks, colored, have beea elected magistrates for Kiuston " Mr. Wm. Colliiian has purchased the two lots, and smali dwellings thereon, on (ueen street immediately back of his resi dence. He intends to tear both build ings down, enlarge tbe lot to his residence y adding the nearest lot and build a ood dwelling on the other. Mr. Chas. Van Lear, of Sealord, Del., who formerly had charge ot one of tthc oyster canneries here, is io the city in the interests ot removing t lie canning machin ery back lo Delaware. We were (very much in hopes that Air. V an Lear had come to remain with us again, The Beaufort Herald of the 14th, inst. nnounces that the tire engine recently ordered by that town had been ship ped and was expected to arrive on the lOih, Upon arrival a lost was to take place a house sixteen leet square to be tilled with combustible material and then tired to test the engine. It is to be accep ted ii it stands Hie test satisfactorily and rejected if it does not. I'omiiiur mid (.oliiff- Mr, M. De.W. Stevenson returned from Raleigh last night. lfev. S. J. Porter of Xiorchcad citv who has been assisting his brother Rev. A. II. Porter ot PullocUsvillc returned home yesterday after a shor- visit ut Rev. Rul'us Ford s, ol the city. Mis. G. M. Crapon returned from Wil- niiiigtcujind her sister Mrs. (ienill came u also to visit her. Miss Otelia Harrow of Durham who has been visiting Mrs. A. E Burgess lett re turning home. Miss Henry Metis left to visit Mrs. Nash of Goldsboro. Mrs. Lula Short ofBdtimnre is visiting her father Mr. A. P. Warner. Mr. J. A. Jones left tor Wichita Kan sas after a new supply ol horses for his livery stables. Miss Carrie Watson left to spend some time at her father's, Mr. John B. Watson. Mr. J. Atkius Robertson and wife of Scraulon, Pa., is in the city on a pleasure trip and regidered at the Albert. Major II. II. Rogers who is so well known in the city and pleasantly remeni bered by his many friends, is at the Al bert. Mr John D. Bangert of Baltimore who has been visiting relatives in the city left yesterday on the steamer Neuse returning home; his niece Miss Jennie Watson went with him tor a protracted visit. Dcnth of Mrs. John N. Long. A telegram received 3'esterday morning announced the death at Raleigh of Mrs. Annie Marsh Long, wife of Hon. Jno. S. Long, LL D., of New Berne. Mrs. Long had been slightly ill a few day9 but no danger had boen apprehended. Dr. Long was in ltaitiinore visiting his daughter Mrs. Frank Yost. He was tel egraphed, and arrangements made also for bringing the remains to New Berne lor interment. They are to arrive today. Odd Fellows Nuppcr. The Odd Fellows gave a supper Thurs day night in honor of members newly in tinted into the Royal purple degree, tho highest in the slate. The new ones were, Mr. Jas. Redmond, Dr. R S. Primrose, Messrs. J. II. Hackburn, II. R. Holland, J. L. Cooper and Ferd Hnhn. These and all the old members at the meeting par ticipated. The supper was elegantly served by Mr. A. P. Warner, and the occasion cu- hvened by a number ol toasts. - High P. O. Box Rent. Ed. Journal: Why is it that P.O. box rent in New Berne U 1.00 per quar ter, while at Goldsboro it is only SO cents and at Kinston 25 cents ? We are aware that our Postmaster gets no benefit Irom said rents, therefore it can be of no per sonal interest to him lor this additional charge. Enquirer, The Massachusetts Committee In Charlotte. The committee on mercantile affairs of the Massachusetts Legislature was in Charlotte on tho 13th. Representative Tramoh is a colored man. Re was taken possession of by prominent colored people and. besides viei'ing factories, he visited churches, schools autl other institutions tor colored people. The committee visited in Charlotte eight cotton mills, one trouser factory and some other smaller eulcrnrite. The men of the committee expressed them-r selves as not only being well impressed with i what tbey saw, but they are most luvorauie lmpressea. . - . Tbe committee left that night for Ral eigh, N. C, where they were to spend Thursday. Friday they planned to be Id Richmond, . Saturday and Sunday Id Washington, ana then home. Not one of the toven Italians lynched In Colorado was naturalized. ' Italy has THE A. Ji. C. RAILROAD BILL. It. Ad venture, in the Late Legislature A False Entry About Its Passace Struck Out by Williams The Facts Intention, or the Bill. A Raleigh special to the Wilmington Messenger gives the following in reference to tho attempted action of the Legisla ture against the A. & N. C. R. R. Representative Williams, Republican, ol Craven, tells me some history. He says the House journal actually showed that a bill to amend the charter ol the Atlantic and North Carolina railway had passed the Ilous3 and been ordered en rolled; the tact is, it passed its second reading and that Williams, cooperating with the Democrats, prevented its third reading. He discovered the entry regard ing the bill in the clerk's ollice and struck it off. He tells me that two weeks ago the fusionists made their plan to grab this road and Senator Grant was to be State proxy and he, Rice, Abbott and Duncan were to be directors. The arrangement fur the grab of the North Carolina railway was that Senator Moody was to be State proxy. After wards George Sinathers' Dame was put in. This bill was tabled in the Senate. IIOBBERM CAl'UIIT AT BEAUFORT. All Organized Band That Has Been Terrorizing Our Neighbor Town. Special to Journal. Beaufout, N. C, March 15. For the past six months an organized gang of thieves have been terrorizing our town to such an extent that no one felt safe. All the principal stores and many dwellings have been robbed. We employed a detctive who planned and joined them iu breaking into Jones' and Forlaw's store last night. Four of tho gang were captured and are now iu jail. Tiios. Duscan. 1.300 DOZEN EUUS. Anil Oilier Produce Made Up Hie far. go ol' the NeiiMe Yesterday. The steamer Neuse took out four thousand and live hundred dozen ci yesterday. The steamers take out shipments of eggs by almost every trip made, especially in the spring ol the year, but this s lar ger than usual. Generally it is at this season from about a thousand to fif teen hundred dozeu. The es" business looks H'te a small affair, but iu the ng. gregate it counts up greatly, reaching into hundreds of thousands of dozens annually and helping to swell the money m circu lation here. Poultry is olso regularly shipped Some was on yeilerday was to go as far s Philadelphia. There was also very good supply o'liish potatoes. They were fall grown ones which the truckors are now shipping away. There were aho five hundred bales ot cotton and a quantity of fresh fish lesidcs other exports. More tish shipments were to be added when Roanoke Island was reached. The Neuse took three hundred and nine large boxes, about twenty-three thousand shad from there on her last trip. With such a diversity of profitable in. terests it can be readily seen that New Berne s advantages are not small by any means. HINNTOM !iOW REBUILDING. Finer Structures Than the Old Ones Will Noon be in the Place or the Ruins. From the Free Press we clip what follows: In speaking of Kinston's great fire the New Berne Journal says: "Notwith standing the extent of the disaster, Kin ston's brave business men will rise to the occasion and rallying from their trouble will bestir themselves and make the burned district rise phoenix-like from its ashes and become again a flourishing busi ness locality." That is true. Our busi ness men have already commenced worn. The town will be more beautiful than ever. Tho brick are nearly all cleaned off from the burned district and our people will commence rebuilding at once. Hotel Tull will bu rebuilt better than it was before. Messrs. B. W. Canady, W. C. Fields. Jno. L. Nelton, S. II. Abbott, J. W. Collins, Einstein Bros , 8. II. Loftin, Oettinger Bros., J. A. Pndgen, perhaps other losers bv the first fire, are going right ahead with preparations for re building. Chas. F. Dunn, colored, has purchased the lot and walls where Mr. Kornegav used to keep, from Mrs. W. L. Kennedy, and will build on it. The walls of this building are pronounced good. The walls ot Mr. J. A. Pndgen s store are the only ones that stood the test in the first fire. 1 he Free Press is glad to observe the promptness with which Kinston's people have gone to work to rebuild. It shows the great confidence they have in the town. In one or two years the only ap parent result from the fire will be finer buildings, upon the whole, where now stand only broken walls and piles of bnck. A few of our citizens who lost by the fires are having trouble in coming to terms with the insurance adjusters, most of whom are very sharp and look closely into technicalities with which to beat down the amount to be paid, though the loss may be sever il times the insurance. One or two law-suits may be the outcome of some disagreements. The News and Observer says that the ladies of the Confederate - Monument As sociation have conceived a new idea. This Is to suspend a large star of incandescent lights just above tin brass statue ou the monument, a shining emblem that will mark by night the memorial to the Con federate dead. ; The star is to be five feet In diameter, every tip being a cluster of sbinipg lights with a larger cluster a the centre, there being some fifty lights iq the star. :Stewnrt Brothers, who secured, the Sute" printing by a notorious job, pro- Sose to have part ; of the work done la .ichmond, Va., while North Carolina printers io Raleigh are discharged. .' This is the Fusion way nf "building up home THE FUSIONISTS CLIMAX. A Committee Appointed Still Left. Time Unlimited Expense Unlimited 94.00 per Day For Members 5. OO per Day For Clerks One Member Lying Across Two Trunks Druuk Character or the Others. Of all the acts of the late mongrel legis lature the creation of a commission to in vestigate the case of Mi's. Pattie B. Ar lington tukes the rag off the bush. I he House appointed a committee ol three to take the matter in hand, look into i he case and see if she had leeii mis treateel by thj lawyers antl the courts. This triangular commission is subject only to the Supreme court, and lias the right to summon witnesses, call for persons and paper?, travel any wheio in tbe Stale, and ;iave all the assistance needed. 1 lie time is not limited at four dollars each per diem, and all expenses paid by the Stnte. The three corners ol this triangle are Campbell (Rep.) Bryan (Pop) aud Phil- Hps (Pop ) of Pitt. Lhd the members who voted lor these men know who they are? Campbell, Republican, ol Cherokee, has become a State character, the more mention ot whose name raises u smile. He is a treak of the first order anil takes his anti-prohibition three times a day. Campbell is a vast joke with a stove-pipe hat and false teeth. Rev. Phillips Populist, of Pitt, is a line specimen ol the genus fusionist. He is now said to he n seventh Day Adventist, hav ing left the Baptist chuich (in which he- was a minister.) Last night ho lay across two trunks deael druuk in the b aggage room of the Yarborough House. Yesterday Phillips went to the ollice of the Stale Auditor and dicw his pay for the two days this triangular commission has been silting. Then came his little ''expense" account. He had a valise full of books, which he told the chief clerk was included in the "expenses. lie had been compelled to b.iy them, he slated, for the me of the committee, which cou'd not get along w ithout them. In laet the tomes iu that valise were essential to the well-being and happiness of the members of that committee. The valise was opened. Iu it were a few old law books; and copies of nets of formir legislatures the latter old books that any one might have picked up on the floor of the house. The valise w.vs ruled "out of order.'' Bryan of Chatham on the stump in the last campaign, did not deny that he had passed spurious coin :i crime under the laws of the United Stales; he did not deny that he had been guilty of stealing a will, of which crime he was accused by the Chatham Record. This is the trio that h is lieen selected by the late Fusion Legislature to investi gate and inaks report to the Supreme Court. Yesterday and the day betore they spent a greater portion of the time at Mrs. Arrington's room getting her speci fication of the charges aud mapping out the line of investigation. They will hold their session in the Court House hereafter Mr. E. P. Hanser, a well-known Fu sionist iu Lenoir county, who hanging about the capital much of the time since the Legisla:ure met, is the clerk to the committee. He gets $3.00 per day. Attorney General Osborne yesterday decided that, while no limit to the expense or time, was named in the bill, the com mittee must finish their work so as to hand in their report by the close of the present term of the Supreme court about six weeks. The committee, in order to save the expense ol mileage in examining many witnesses, will visit Nashville, and probably other places during the investigation- News & Observer 15th inst. The case which this committee is ap pointed to investigate is that of Mrs. Ar- rington, of Railegh, who was divorced from her husband some years ago, and who was very weathly, but claims that her husband got her maiden property and that justice was not done her in the courts. The committee was appointed upon her petition to the Legislature to investigate and take evidence in the case and report it to the Supreme court at this session winch holds sixty days longer. As we understand it, the State will have to loot all the board bills und travelling expenses of the committee, and its momliers can separate in the securing of evidence if they cliocse and each oue have his live dollar a day clerk. NEWS IN BRIEF. There will be a grand biblical assembly held at Asheville this summer, beginning the 18th of August. L. It. Wyatt of Raleigh hai assigned. His assetts and liabilities are both large. Mr. O. J. Carroll has been chosen chii f marshal at the unveiling ofthc Confeder ate monument in Raleigh on the 20th of May. An admirable selection. The Piussian Government lias ordered that all schools be closed on April 1st, B'smark's birthday. Speaial prayers will be offered in all the Evangelical churches for Bismarck on Sunday, March 81. A Havana dispatch says nothing is known there of the Spanish cruiser tiring upon the American steamer Allianca on tli6 Cuban coast last week. Tho LVpart ment of Marine Aflairs telegraphed to Gibrara for details. Captain Leonard G. Shepherd, Chief of the Revenue Marine Division, U. . Treasury Department, died Thursday afternoon of pneumonia after an illness of ten days. Holr, Schotfer & Co., large tobacco dealers, Lynchburg, Vs., have made an assignment. Liabilities represented to be about (450,000, mostly due in foreign countries. 4 (J The Central News correspondent in Madrid says; ''Private telegrams from Cuba do not confirm the official state ment that the rebellion has been virtually crushed. They declare that the insur gents gain strength daily. Tbe ship May Flint, formerly the steamer Persian Monarch, which has been rebuilt at Newport News, and is now the largest sailing vessel afloat, passed Fort Monroe Thursday for Baltimore, to load coal fot San Francisco. - The i Spanish Government bas begun exercising strict censorship over all dis patches to and irom Cuba, .Nothing unfavorable to to the Government is per mitted to pass, no cipner messages are sent unlosHthe key be given tq the; Gov THE CRIMINAL COURT JIDUEN Both Nets Will Uunliiy-Oorge Meares Authority lor Appointing. We have given the news of Gov. Can's appointing Hon. O. P. Meares of New Hanover county as Judge for the Eastern Criminal Court the circuit of which is composed of the counties of Craven, New Hanover, Mecklenburg, Vance. Warren, Robeson, Edgecombe and Halifax, and of his appointing Hon, Thomas A. Jones of Buncombe county as Judge of the Crimi nal Court composed ot the counties of Buucombe, Madison, Haywood and Ileu derson. both of which circuits were cre ated by an actoflhu General Assembly, ratilied on the 12th day of kit March- The Wilmington Me.-senger of the loih has this to say of the appointments and the provision which the Constitution pro vitles for making them: THE (iOVKRXOK IS 1UOI1T. In discussing the position taken by the Governor in tins matter a prominent Wil mington lawyr, who is an able expositor of the constitution, says it laises a very pretty and interesting constitutional ques tion, lie stated that he had not looked into the question arcful'y enough to de clare himself on it, but he is inclined to think that Governor Curr is correct iu the position lie has taken. Wu understand that the Governor 1ms acted on the advice of eminent counsel and that he is foitiliud by the opinion ol Attorncy-Gi neral Osborne who has ex amined the Constitution very thoroughly and is very positive m his construction ol the instrument. WHAT Til E CONSTITUTION SAYS. Section 2, Article 4 of the Constitution of North Carolina is as follows: "The judicial power of the Stale shall be vested in a court for the tiial of im peachments, a Supreme court, Superior courts, C'oiuts of Justices of the Peace, and such other courts inferior to the Su preme court as may be cstal-li.-licd by law." Section 10, Article of the Constitu tion, is as follow-: "The Governor shall nominate, and bv ana wun me advice and consent ot a ma jority of the Senators elect, appoint all olticers whose olhces are establi-hed by this Constitution and whose appointment is not otherwise provided for.1" From the-section first quoted the Leg islature gels its authority to establish a Criminal court or a Criminal circuit, which is a court ''inferior lo the Supreme court. Linlcr Section 111 it is held that the judges of Criminal courts are ''officers whose oltii-es arc established by this Con stitution and whose appointments are not otherwise provided lor." Clearly the words ''appointments not. otherwise pro vided lor' mo in wit ithi nrix- jiriieihil Jul ia liii- ('tn)xtil titimi and have no reference to their being provided for bv the Legisla ture. Of course, there will l e litigation to (leciitc a., lo whether Look or .Meares is Judge, and the matter will no doubt gel before the Supreme court at once. UO'I'II JL'IKIES WIl.I, TAKE THE OATH OF OFFICE. The Messenger learns that "Judge" Cook proposes to lake the oath of office, and that Judge Meares will do the same, and each will go ahead to assu lie tin judicial functions. Judge Meares could not be seen last night, as he had gone to Lake Waccamaw to visit his daughter, Mrs. II. B. Short. The News & Observer gives a list of the Slate Senators and the offices with winch the Republican and Populist members provided themselves. Il declares that there ought to be an amendment to the Constitution, forbidding m imbers to hold offices either created or lilted by the L islat tire. Hclative to the rumor that got extant that federal interference would be, called for by the Governor of Louisiana to assist in quieting the New Orleans law breakers, he stated most emphatically that he ha t never for a moment considered such proposition and under no circumstances would he call upon the national guard, as the State was sufficiently able to protect the property and lives ol its citizens. The Washington correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch gives tins item. "Mr Grady, of North Carolina, worked nearly two years trying lo have the negro post master ut Faycttcville removed and a white Democrat appointed, but had tj leave Congress without accomplishing the object. Mr. Gia ly went away very much disgusted. (TREASURY DEPARTM KNT. V. S Life-Saving Service, Washington, I), C, March 11, 1895. Scaled proposals will be received at tins office until 2 o clock P. M., ol Tuesday, April 2, 18H5, for the construction ot a ijiie-saving station on Core Bank, about half-way betweeu Beau fort and Portsmouth, North Carolina, Blank proposals, together with plans and specifications and full information, can be obtained upon application to tho Collec tor of Custom.!, Wilmington, N. C, the Superintendent, Clh Life-Saving District Shawboro, N. C., the Superintendents ol Construction, Lifc-Saving Stations, 24 State St., New Yoik City, or to this ollice. S. I. Kimball, General Superintendent. mrlC3t eod "THE CORNER PHARMACY," BRAD HAM & BROCK'S prescription Drug Store. Toilet Articles, Perfumes and Medicines. Man wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long. Goldsmith. You may want but little, little sickness, and you may not want it long, but if you want any Cloth ing you want it good and at the same time you want to get it at a reasonable figure. The place to fulfill all these requirements is at Howard's. What winter Clothing and Overcoats we have left will be sold at a close price and if you want to save money now on your purchases, , bring yout pocket hook along and see how. welL you : SUCCESS '. m Such as Ours is Only Attained BY nerance. -DiW- WE HAVE TO OBTAIN OUR PRESENT INTENT), HOLD 15 US INKS, AND TO NOT ONLY BUT TO INCREASE IT. -IU-V- The way we propose it, is to to do Still Continue to give the People the Best Goods that can be bought in the city tor the Money. -IUW- We know they appreciate it from the increase in our busi ness. Our Stock is COMPLETE Only examine it and be convinced, Youes Veey Teult, Hackburn & Willett. 47 & 49 Pollock Ct. mrC 2w ; -. New Berne, N, O. started an investigation, , : inaufflry.' item a Ubsemr. ; .. .r ernment, - . .. can do . At HOWARD'S.

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