H0RT1I CAROLINA, NEW BERNE.eseee A City of 90(10 Population and Hteaillly . mowing on il Soli. I Business Basis. Ontat Truck imt Center ol the South i Laruo Luuibui iliK & KlshiiiK lntrebU. So baerlbe to 1 u u 3 O V K Si A t, unU Keej, Posted. In the rarlcty and extent of hor natur al resources in luisurpatisod ; anil iu heroliinatu, uu equalled by uuy Statu in the Uuiuu. VOL XIV-NO. 91. NEW BERNE, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING. JULY 17, 1805. PRICE FIVE CENTS Fresh Ms Constantly Arrivini mm " ViCir Ml''" tl&4 FROM THE FACTORIES FOR h. mm H 0 I It 0 ( H 0 D H 10 H o o ft: 0) 4 IE I! 1-1 n n "3 Goiei Aroj Fats Fin? . ' QH-r NEW ADVEKTINENKNTN. J. B. rigott Brick. Found A Flat Key. ; W. IJ. Cox Just received. C' L. Spencer Watermelon, BUBlINESOg LOCAIM FLAT Key found at Postofiioe. Apply at 1,100 LARGE ioe rind talkjvnter water melons, 10 lo 20c. V . L. frpKNCEn. tl. IMPORTED Swiss Cheese And Imported Uologua just rccuveil. w. is. uujv. MUSIC Booka misplaced t Collegiate Institute. Any lntiiimiiiDii about tbcm lctl at this omce will ue .duly ajiprccia led. , tC .SAMPLE BOOKS, 500 pairs Ladies, Gents nnd Childrcna Sample Shoes just received to be Will at wholesale cost nt the Now Heine Bargain Hotisa, .3 I door from 1. 0. .,, jl2if.. TUE very liest and oiieapkst Brick in town. 1 will sell them ciiKAi'En tlmn anybody else will sell the same grade, See me iie:ore you uuy. C. Reizehstki.v, SICK and debilitated iersouB that need a tomn will do well lo try .Minerva lie-r, the finist table beer iu the world. Sold at J. F. Taylor's. ; If. KOU KENT. Largo House and lot. 188 Miildlc street. Apply to jlOtf. CuAliLKS Du''Y. FUUNITNRE Repaired, Cleaned,' . Pol. mho. I or Vamishid Also Upholstering in all its branches. Baby carriages puint- e1, Trunks repaired, or atiytniug that is out ot ore lor. lull on u. u. uretn, isb Middle street. j9 lm WE will Fell our stock of all grades Pipes at Cost, and give extra a bng of Smoking Tobacco. - ' MKW llEItNK CANDY FACTORY. BEEF, Wine andiron, aline nutrient anil tonic only (!0j. per pint bottle; Mbtb Halls 4li8 tor iju. we Keep JMititese Cro8 Inect Powder, the best on the market and sell it as cheap as any one. Jr. . DUVFY. ICR (!UEAM Sodn. Pinconnle. Rusnlwr- rv. Strawberry and Pouch Sheibcrt, Scents each ut New Berne Cimdy Factory. TO B ACCO. Large Slock, a Job Let at a very low price. Also all grades ot Flour ut mill prices. Kobeiits & imos. GKATED Pineipple, Iwst quality, lor ice cream, pies, cuke, preserves and other purposes at J. F. TAYLOR'S. JUtl. DESIRAULE Store for. Rent, west side Middle street, near i:iurket dock. ill U. S. Mace. HAVE! ton tiiiri nol)V' Milk Sli.ikotS Specinl flavor. 1 hey am simply out of' HANDSOMEST Assortment Fine Choco lates in the City. Everything ac a bargain. KEW IJERNK CANDY FACTORY. DON'T forget that Old Tapers can bo bought ehrap at the JounNAL ollice and in any quantities. tf F. If. CHADWICK, Merchant Tailor 103 Middle St, 1 am now in riceipt of spring and summer samples and am prepared to snow a large line ot oom lorcign ana domestic styles. The new Tariff on woolens went in ellect, Jan. nrst and llio goods which I ran show hare all been regulated by that schedulo us to values. WHY Do people complain of hard times, when any worn in or mun can make from $5 to 1)10 a day easily. All have heird of the wonderful success of ;ho Climax Dish Washer; yet many arc npt to think they can't iiinke n:oney wdling i; but anyone can make money, I" cause every family wants ono. Une agent lias made f 47S.S6 iu the last three mpuths, after p iying all expenses nnd attending to regular business besides. You don't have to canvass; as soon as people know you have it for sale they send tor a uieu washer. Address the Climax Mfg. Co., 45 Stnrr Ave., Col umbus, Ohio, for particulars. jne8 d 6m. HARDEST BRICK Hard Times Prices and Salmon ones for aery small amount of money. No matter what kind you wan), come and see mo; I have every grade, ani my prices will suit you. J.RPIGOTT. NORTH CAROLINA; Collcgs of Agricultura & Meclianic Arts. The next sesion of this College will begin September 5th. Ex aminations at county scats first Saturday in August. Young men desiring a technical education at an unusually low cost will do well to apply for catalogue to A. Q. 1IOLLADA.Y, Pres., Jy7dw lm Raleigh, N. O. Our Zciglor's Shoes so a new' line of Beautiful Dress Goods. 20 pieces that Sea Island Percale " at lO etc- !". a STINDM' fi CO. KEWK ADRIFT In the CUj or Klmn nnd Vlclnlljr, Onlhered In nnd Briefly Told. We have the pleasure of presenting to our readers this morning another of the poetic goms by Mr. T. C. Badhain, of Edenlou. It Is ou "lucLilua Musiou." Kev. T. J. Gattis, of Durham, is in the city, the guest of Rev. L. L Nush, D. D. lie preached lust nylit at Hancoc'i Street SI. E. church. . The meeting of tho North Carolina Press Association begins nt Groonsboro to-day. - Friday tho editors are to take a trip to Morohoad. a special car win De put on for theui. All officers and inui,agers of the "Fe male Betievoleut Society" are earnestly requested to meet ut the home of Miss Mctts thi3 afternoon at 5:30 o'clock, as business of much importance to tho So ciety is to be transacted. Yesterday Mr. Marvin W. Nush, Son of Rev. Dr. Nah, bought out the book store of Mr. II. L. hall nnd will contin ue the business at the sumo stand. We hope lo see him make a good thing of the business. The Slide Agricultural nnd Mechanical College is rapidly growing in public favor. Last year, though only six years old, the Collegu enrolled two hundred and forty gnidcn'. This is, we bolieve, a more rnpid growthlhun any oilier institution in the State bus ever madp. Its tinnouncc ment appeals in this issue. ' S.inday as little Itosa Dancnberg was passing along Hie street with some com panions about her own age, on'i ot them culled out to a dog in a yard where they wcie passing. The dog sprung nut alter them and overtook Rosa who was run ning from him and bit her three times s. badly that she is kept Iu the house, though not confined to her bed. Col. Ried Whiford, Major W II. Chadbourn, jr., aud Capt. E. K.. Bryan have' gone up the Neuse river on U. S. steamer Gen 'I Thorn. They expect to visit Pitch Kettle, Middle's Landing nnd other watering-places on the rivers. They have been there before and know the at tractions well. We are told that chape rons have beeu secured for tho party at each place. Euirinoer MrNorley Renlfrnii. Much to the regret of the Company,Mr. C. J. McSorlcy has tendered his resigna tion as Knginter of the Atlantic Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 1, which was ac cepted. Mr. McSorloy's reason for tendering lus resignation was ins removal Irotn the city. On receipt of the resignation, the At lantics held a meeting last night and diet ed Mr. Waller D. Ikniniilon to (ill the vacancy. Mr. Harrington, it wilt he re membered, was Chief of the Department Inst year, and he made a faithful and ap preciated Caief .Engineer. Mr. Burrington being liermoled to Engipcer made chaug'-s in some of the other offices. The ol&cers ol tho Compa ny will now be known as: Waltor D. Burrington, Enginoer. Jacob L Ilartslield, Foreman. GeD. C. Jones, Ass't. Foremnu. Thos. D. Carruwuy, Capt. Hose. Geo. D. Roberts, Secretary. Herbert B. Smith, Treasurer. W. T. McCarthy, was also elected Caplaiu of the hand . hose reel team at this meeting, and the boys will now go to work and practice for championship hose reel nice. We understand that they will have their flist practice this evening lit 7 o'clock. . ; No Failure. Oilier proposed excursions from New Bjrne this summer have failed, but the excursion to Mt. Airy which is advertised to leave here by the W. N. and N. Road, at 7 o'clock next Tuesday morning, 23d inst., will positively go, ana those tortu nates who participate may count on hav ing a deliiihtful trip, nnd a recuperative. health-civing sojourn among the moun tains o the west. The tired and worn out person in need of healthful recreation cannot select a let ter opportunity tor toning up the system and obtaining u well merited and ucexlo J rest. At this season of the year, everyone re quires a change ot scene and air, and for owners of limited bank accounts this four dollar trip is the very thing. Mr. I. IV. Hug-neV Funeral. The remains of Mr. I. W. Hughes ar rived yesterday evening and the funeral services were held from the depot, Rov. Jno. S. Long, officiating. Many friends were iu attendance, Mr. Hughes, us we stated, was coming home Irani St. Louis to visit his parents. He registered nt the Benbnw House Satur day night, partaok of breakfast Sunday morning seemingly iu his usual health, remained in the office until ubout 11 o'clock and that was the last seen of him until a servant found liiui in his room dead. One HourattiuWerd Dnttle U'round. Have you scon tho big red poster giv ing the details of the Mt. Airy excursion? If not, procure a copy and road it. It Is in its way a literary trout in which the most interesting and salient features of this delightful trip aro portrayed, and while necessarily limited iu its enumera tion, nevertheless presents a picture of prospective enjoyment that cannot be rivaled.. We'll arn of vry ninny of the who people ol New Berne, and vicinity good intend to take the trip. We take the fol lowing from the Wil. Messenger. ' The indications in Wilmington aro that the largest and nicest cjnwd ol folks that ever went on a mountain Jaunt will lake in this excursion. There will be no crowding, as tho management has arran ged lor the vddition ol coaches along the lino. The train will be stopped an hour at the battle tiehl of Gu.lrorrt Court Ion; in order (q give llu excursionists an ortporlqniiy to go over this historic pot, made famous by North Carolluiuns in the struggle for Araenoan indeien dencc. This will bJ worth the trip " Maone NoMve. ' A special communication of St John's Lodge No. 8 A. F. So. A. M. will be held in Masonic Hull Wednesday Toning July 17th, at 8 o'clock sharp for the pur pose of bibtnlling olllceiS, reception of communications and work in F. C. De gree. By or 'er W. M, J. II. Uackburn, Socl'y. THE PAMIC0 MURDER CASE. The Woman's Body Recovered and : Inquest Held. Her Neck Found lirokeu lu two Flu e. Vrdlet Tliut Her IIhnImihiI Com mitted tu Deed-Pliiln Proof II and ' Two 1 BurfrlorM . Attempt to Break JailNow Keeurrly Sliat klul Tho body of Lnura Thomas, llio colored womin of Stonewall, Pamlico county who was murdered Friday by her hus band, (an account of which we published in Sunday's Daily Jocknal.) was- recov ered Saturday, atior several hours work by dragging. Coivuer Hooker summoned a jury with the Inflowing c.itizeus on it: 8.' W. Ferrebee, .1. T. Riggs, Win. Harris, Alvin Daniels and Prof. W. K Nelson. Dr. J. P. Redding was also summoned to make a postmortem examination. The woman's head and nock were badly bruised and her neck was found to have been broken in two places. The verdict of the jury was that she was murdered by her husband, Oiibe Thomas. " After Thomas bad been arrested ami placed iu jail it was found that he and two butglara confined with him had in some way come into posession of a tile and had nearly filed one of tho bars of the cell through. The jil is a brick ono with steel cells. This occurred Suudiiy night. Since that time the pn caution has been taken of hand cutfiugTbomiisund tastcning him in addition by a chain to the tl ior; Tiic two burglars have also been shack led. A correspondent writes t:s an account ol the murder, it shows the evidence against Thomas to bo direct and conclu sive.' We tako the following cxinu-ts from it: CIIICUMSTANCES OF THE KILLI.N'o. "On Friday ovoning, Galw Thomas and wife went to Mason Point, lUhing grnmid. Alter they had been tishing awhile they began quurre'.ing. Several fishing boats were tishing some d stance from theui but ncur t-uougli to hear them quarreling md sec him hit her, after u while ihe wilness es saw Gabe throw his wile oveib' aid; his father living near the lauding, Gabe went to his house. " The news soon spread and the consta ble of Stonewall sununoi.ed u possee of men and went to the house ot murderers father and captured him. He denied all and said his wife fell overboard." "They have lived a very disagreeable life, be several limes leaving her and site him and rkhtiuir like cats and dogs. He is a very noisy negro. I understand this morning that Oabe and Ihe two burglars that broke into J no. Keel s store sonic time ago, oame near gelling out ol Jail on Sunday night. Somo ol their friends had got nllle into tlicjad to them nnd they were Uling their way out. 1 understand the sheriff has them well shackled in the cells and also on the hot track of I he ones that carried them the tile." B. Since the above upon the Pamlico mur der arlair wa put iu type we learn that the man who furnished the prisoners the file by the means of which they came so near escaping has been caught and that tho one who cone to New Borne and purchased the file is known but could not be found. Both aro colored, ('Olillnir and Goliiff. Mr. C. C. Jordan loft for Washington City as x visitor to the Young People's Baptist Union which is about lo meet there. , . Kev. Mr. Farrios of Ooldsboro, who has been spending somo time at the sea side, enmo up yesterday moiuing return ing home. Miss Mary Harvey of LnGningo, who has been visiting at Mr. W. II. Oliver's, left lor her home. Mrs. Wm. Marshall nni Mrs. C. S. Hill left to visit at LnGrungo and Sovcn Spiitigs. Dr. Blncknull passed through on roulc to Raleigh from the Atlantic Hotel. Mr. Sam'l W. Forcliee of Pamlico came op from Morchend nnd went on through try the A. nnd w. v. Kuilioiid on a pleasure trip. He looked ns if lie was anticipating some important business in the tobacco belt region ot our stale. Col. John D. Whitford left for another southern trip. Mrs. Ralph Gray and children, Mrs. II. L, Gibbi and children nnd Mrs. II. C. Lumsdcn, left 1 uesday by schooner for Ocracoke. Mr. P. IL Pellelior and family are back from Beaulort. Mrs. C. E. Foy relumed from More, heod. Miss Puttie May of Greono rouutv, who attended the district conlorenco at New port, is now visiting Mrs. J. A. Paris. Mr. nnd Mrs. B. B. Cox left lor a so journ at Seven Springs which Is growing in tavor ouch year. Air. f nnviciio who conducted it with much satisfaction last yenr is still in charge. Jlisa Mapgio Tucker is back irom Kins ton where she has been visiting friends. Miss Jennie Hughes cainu up from Beaulort. - Mr. B. E. Harper, accompanied by his wife left t attend ths North Carolina Press Association nt Greensboro. : '( MAitniEn. '.', At tho residence of the bride's parents in Richluncls, nt ar Allum Springs, lust Wednesday morning the 10th inst., Mr. Charles E. Palmer of the Swansboro Lumber Company, and Miss Lizzie Bar ber, tho accomplished and beautilul daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Barrier, were hunt) I v married. Rov. Daniel Keid. our crcuit prcauho'', officiating. wo wisn uiinrno ana Lizzie a tons nio and a happy one. Thoy arrived here, wansboro, about 0 o clock, p. in., look ing tB pleasing as laskctof chips. They will make ihis place their home for the present Two more souls made happy and two hearts ma le to he.it one. May the Lord bless them forever. G. W.. W, At T. H. Carmine', Walnoa Building. Bray, Lncky Si Co.'s extra fine melons. Amy Jordan, Florida Favorite aud Dark ice Rind. Also rggs .nnd flue spring chickens plenty tit them nnd South Biver cubbige raised without fertilizer, JlClw. '' ru EHTABLIMII A COLLEOF.. Inveatieatlns to Heloct a Nlte for Northern" MelioIint t'olleifc Co. liiiiilii. Folk County Necks it Tho I'lau-Slreiigtli of the Uenoiul- u-.ttiou. Presiding Eider W. Q. A. Uruhuiu, Principal of Gmliiiiu Acadoniy, Marshall berg, paused through Tuesday en route to Columbus, Polk county. The denomination to which Mr. Graham belongs, is locally commonly e:ll!o! "Northern" Mothodist to d'Stin gulsh it from the prevailing "Metho dic Ep's..-opid cliiuvl:, South." .They, however, do n it ae.ept for themselvis jny distinguishing appellalion except Meilio.list Episcopal." They have considerable foothold, us we huve shown before, ti the immediate coast region of tids Staie ami in the moun tain region. They have an annual conference witli 01 in veiling and 75 local preachers and a membership of marly tin thousand as a basis for their work. They are now taking steps to establish a college of hiuh grade at some point in this Stale. They "now have live good good schools of academic grade, and it is planned to consolidate them under one incorporation with t'ie proposed central school of high grade. Tire plan is unique. It is to lie a regular system ol'attiiiutcd schools and one college. Mr. Graham goes to Columbus for the purpose of investigating some induce ments ollV-red at that' place for tho college. Mr. I!. F. Stearns ol Cleveland. Ohio, proposes ti) donate $ 10,000 and others have pledtreil large amounts to locate the central college at that place. Spw hii.1 Old Sweet I'otntoeft nt Once. It is now a little past the middle of July and sweet poiuloos of last year's crops are still for sale on the maiket. It is so lalo in the season that sonic farmers are already latins' from the new crops of ihe early varieties, ft is remark able for one tiill crop of tutor to lap over nilo aiiolhcr ma- tins. THE I.1I.II.S .HI.SNIUN. thos. a n a mi am. (io hide my secret lilies, in her glossy nu- uurn trosses Imprisoned ia the fullness and tho rich ness of her hair And let thy lowest whisper full of perfume nnd caresses Be the sweotest word offoudncss that ever rested there. Oh, let it be a symphony of music to the ear Like the meeting, ol the waters, or the rinnlv to sirenm. And say it, oh, f-o softly, that the angels cannoi near, Or tin. footfall ot a faiiy break the sweet ness of the dream. Oil, nestle, nestle lilies, fondly to each auburn curl And fill them nith thv kisses, thv fra grance unto death For the favor that you bear mc, like tho castle to in pearl Is the vigil of its safety in the sweetness ol thy breath. Aud tell her that nil idol through the purity of love Though tho heart is lixed forever in the tiassion that it hears. Is ns innocent a longing, as tho wooing of t he dove Or the glnnob of sweet confession, that u gentle maiden wears. Thou with deep and tender feeling, my pager lovo impart -Through tho sweetness of thy pleading, indelibly impressed That the tremulous emotion may awaken in her heart. Tho delicate attention of her ever present guest. University Catalogue. Thu University catalogue for 18M-!I5 shows 171 students; as follows, 317 in the college, 78 in the Law School, 20 in tho Medical SkmooI and 59 in the Bummer School for Teachers. The faculty em braces 35 professors and instructors. The catnlO"Ue contains 114 nuges, is carelullv indexed and gives full information about the University. Write lor copy to Frear dent Winston, Chapel Hill, N. C. Ailvertiucr'a Handy dulde. Cnmnilntl anil Pnhtitthml lie ltntAa A-. Morse Advertising Ascncy, New York, 700 im., 4 x Oi. Floxible'eovors. Price. $2.(l. llio tenth issiin nf the Advertiser's llaudy Guide is indeed a book of the cen tury progressive, uji-to-the-times, oppor tune. All fh'Kimhio fi'lltni'i-A of nrcvluOK issues, of arrangement, statistics of cireu- iitriim i.rtiii m'limiiii.tu iiaiiir nmi wimifiv journals, tl.e grouping of special publiea lions, are reproouceo hi ine prcscm volume. Tito nrincinnl elintiire ia in tin, ciueful revision which establishes the (in tlioriry of llio handy volume. Journal oi I'.uucacon, uosiou. The Weather Heeord. The went hor record for this month shows as follows: TEMPRRATURB. Mill. 75.0 Ofl.O on.o 5H0 07.5 oti.o 71.5. HO W 725 0K.5 08.5 09.8 63.0 " 69 8 72.5 ' Max. 1-H0 5 3 81.5 8-77 5 4 80.5 (i-83.0 80.0 7- 87.5 8- 85.p 9- 88.0 io -mo 11-83.0 ia 7'j.o 1881.0 14 87.0 15 86.8 16 87.0 Range. 14.5 13.5 14.5 23 5 15.5 20.0 16.0 11.0 14.5 13 5 14.5 10 5 15.0 25.0 17.0 14.5 Notice to Mikjtlntrat. Magistrates of Craven county in bind ing ovor persons to court, will be careful to bind to ths Circuit Criminal Court which convenes the first Monday in Ucto. ber next. All npponU in Criminal oase from a magistrates court aro recognizable to the sftmc term of said court. W. M. Watson, Cleric. jyUd&wlra PIIESIIYTF.KIAI. CONVENTION orthcNnndny Nchoola or Albemarle Presbytery at lleuderaou, N.C., July ItOth to AllKUKl Int. This Presliytery, Albemarle, will bold v Sunday school convent ion at Heudersou, JM. U., July oUth to August 1st, .1895. luterestini' soeakerM. eleric.il n,l l.,,r from various parts of tlie State lmve been secure I and th tunics iliiiitti,nQ ami speeches will be interesting lo Sundnv ...i i t - - - .. -. .--cnooi nurikoia. vne oi ine piaetical questions for discussion is: "The Prog ress of the Westminster Lengtio move meut, and the formation of an nsBociale league in Albomarie Presbytery. Rev. C. (i. Vurdell, ol New Berne is the Sun. day school agent of the Piosbytery. Fverv Sunduv school in tin, Pi'mIiu. tery is requested to appoint aud send for ward its delegates and to inform the com miiteeof entertainment by July 25ih of ther coming. The conimitte) consists of It. A. Bullock, Richard Whitfield, and Rolen Bunn, Henderson, N, C. Mat of Letters, Remaining in the Post Office at New Berne, Craven county, N. C, July 13, 181)5. A Mr, Geo. Avery, Mr. Geo. Arnold. H Mr. Jus. Barber, Mrs. Nancv Booues, Mrs. Susan Bowens, Mr. W. M. livon. C Mr. E. Cowvu, Mr. Edwd. Cobb. Mr. E. D. Conner. D Mr. Smith Dozier. F Mr. JimFairlery, Mr. Frank Furrn Mis. Mary Foauinud, Mi-s. Martha Fisher. G Mr. Richd Garner. Mr. Jamint Gray, Mr. A. W. Goldiii. 11 Miss C. Hill, Miss Jennie Hill. Mr. Godfrey Hill care Alonzn Davis, Mr. Uruiker Hondavs, Miss Sarah West Holmes, Miss E. I). Hunt, Miss Carolina i iv man. J Mr. Johnson Jones, Mr. Henry Jordan. L Mr. K. B. Lane, Miss Lilly Law rence, Mrs. Josopheno Lucas. M Mrs. N. L. Masv. Miss Charitv Mcllwaine, Miss Susan Moore. lJ Miss J.. 1). Palmer, Mrs. Delia Parker, Mrs. Eliza Perame in. R Miss Elina Rouse care Josua Rowo. S Mr. Frank Sauter, Mrs. M. E. Shen- henl, Sally Ann Spencer, Mr. Jno. Mimn. T Miss Mary Toler, Mr. Bill Thomas. W-Miss Mary Warfield, Mr. Elijah A. Willis, .Miss Seney Willikius. Persons calling for above letters will please say advertised ami give date of list. The regulations now require that one cent shall be collected on the delivery of ten advertised letter. M. Manly. P. M. The Doll.Bride. The new paper doll, ismed by llio J. C. Aver Co,, Lowell, Mass., is certainly a locality, lis pretty face, and many change s of fashionable clothing ami hats, make it a favorite in every doll family to which it goes. The small sum ot twelve cents, iu stamps, brings this doll-bride to any little girl who wants the very prettiest and sweetest of dolls. It NEWBERNR OPERA HOUSE, WEDNESDAY EVEMNfJ. 'I JI'I.Y 2 1 til. U) w... ' n LilVlliVllU I UU WVi UUJllilllVllUl For Benefit of ....Tournament Fund. PAET I. A Vmifcihlo L'at'iiiviii of Itrllliuiit Pictures, Tuneful Music, Fun find Wil. Assist ml by tho best Female find Mule talent of tho city. PAET II. SurpriHhifr anil Astonishing Fentn in Mil Air Ity Mnna. Jawbone an I his Little Hoy. DrtzziinR ImporHonntioiiH, Cute Com ic all t ios. UeeltatintiH and Htuiup SpoectMts, IiiHti'iimentat DuetUby tho Mandolin Club. THE PHANTOM DRILL, A Weird Rpoctaelo of tlhoullsh Ma nouuvors, under tho poraonal dl root ion of Ills Satanic Majesty Meplilsto. iTlie Public who nppreciato tho nntlr lnfc IuIku s of the Fire Department, year In and year nut, will take advantage or IIiIh i:iiuin;o hi i-iijci v LiuiiiiBcivun iiiiu inn niiinu time voutvibutu to the Tournament Fund. .r)2CXSSI03ST GO OOaxts. BosGrvod Sotata witli-o-u.t; xix-tx-n. olxcix''e. eofEvta oax scilo Mon day m.ox'ri.ljasr nt 0 o'olook: at T. XTmm 4b Oo. N. 11. Thu tiallery will bo put In elcan con dition. T. C- Stancil QARRIES IN STOCK QTANDARD Brands of LIQUORS, rOBACCO, Cigars, Cigaretto?, &c. jJQ TI1E BEST BEER. qpASII COUNTY .Applo Brandy. ORN WHISKEY, made at home. J- M PORTED GOODS, AND ALL T , IQUORS usually kept in a First '' class SaliMm. RrciiKMnBR tub Plack, J. C. STANCIL, (Successor to D. W. Patterson) No. 27 Middlo St., Market Dock. The Renowned I Mlood I'urifler. WITH IODIDE POTASH & BURDOCK." mm mmsEitxL FOR THE NEXT 30 Days STinJ tJ 'JVC 1 I have decided to sell my stock OF Can Fx-o-its at greatly reduced prices to make room for the new pack of 1805. It is an opportunity to lav in a supply which no housekeeper can attorn to neglect. Dried Fruits Will also be reduced and our stock in very complete, all nice gooda. Call and soo them. -ooo-ooo- Imported Direct , .Mi From the Far East describes our stock to a T, WE CARRY ONLY THE CHOICEST PRODUCTIONS OF THE FLOWEUY KINGDOM AND JAPAN. Good Tea is haif the meal. Nothing can supply the want of it. Tho market is flooded with the spurious goods, but there's no noed of buying them mere ly because they're offered. Wo give our customers their choice only from the choicest grades. Our Teas are such that a Mandarin would drink with satisfac tion. Oar Special Eranrl Mixed Tfea. Wc still sell ONE It) of this TEA and 3 lb.G Sugar for 50c. Our Coffees are the cream of the Ara bian and Java plantations and so always high grade JNO. DUNN. 65 and 67 - Pbltock itmt, vex- .

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