f JORTH CAROLINA, NEW BERNE, A Clly of UUOO Population and Steadily til-owing on a holiil Business Basis. Great Trucking Center of the Bontli; Larve Lumbering & Flaliina LnteruU. Mubucrlbe to Tbe JOIK1AI, ntl Keep Pouted. mem . In the variety tuiU extent ul Imrnaleir. al resources is tinsurpagauel; and- lu hur climate, unequalled by any State In tlio Union. VOL. XIV-NO. 106. : NEW BERNE, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING. AUGUST 3, 1895. PRICE FIVE CENTS u 5 .Fresh' Gooils Constantly Arrivi 'am FROM THE FACTORIES FOR H. & W. Gc:i!3 C:::t Aray-From tli3 Fir: .OF- XL HEW ADVKBT1SEMENTN. Sir. McCel'c Bails fruui Baltimore BE8IB7EHS LOCAM STB. W. R. MeCABK will ba in Balti more Monduy August 5th lust, ami vill receive frieght for Newborn at No. 110ft and No. 1111 Block stroet. , . FRESH Kutabagu and Turnip Seed, just received. tJlieap tor cam . tit n . a. DuFifY's-Drug Store. r..i ; . SIX Nice Rooms iiml Kitchen for rent. Apply to I S. Duffy. SMALL Ham just rceM. W. B. Ci.x. AT John Dunn's Tlio Hncst Jenny Lind !nnlelonpe8 of the pcas"U, from Geo. N. Ives & Son's Newport truck liirin. j81 4t MI.-S Hate h;e Harrison will resume her music class in the early full. Those wish ing to slndy with her will pleate make application during this wock, between live mid six o'clock dui!y ut her home. 17 New St. v ,1y30 lw. WAN TJSIJ: All Honest, nctivcg'niien)an or Indy to travel for. reliable established house. Salary $780, payable $15 weekly unl expeiiFes. Situation permanent, lict-en-nies. Enclose 8ilf-iidilief8cdstiimvied envelope. Tiie Dominion Company, 310 Uiimhu liuikiing, tjiiicago. , ynim. JUST Iteeeiveil Time thcusnnxl fine calt watoi ni Ions and will he sold cheap at wholesale or retail today. Como unit see thera lcforo you bay at J. F. Taylors snre, Market Dock. J. II. Sladb & Co. II KADQUAltrEUS lor flour, snuff, su- iir, Innl, butter and tolmecn. Wo are Miller's agents for the sale of flour. Don't forge; the p'nee. Roberts & Bito. TIIE very lst and cnEAPBST Blick in town. 1 will sell them cheapen, than anybody elto will sell I he same gmde, See me before you buy. . C. KEIZEKSTKIN. SICK and debilitated persons that need a tonic will do well to try Mimrva beer, the finest table beer in tlie world, bold at J. F. Taylor's, tf. FOR RENT. Large House and lot, 188 Middle stieet. Apply to JIU tt. CHARLES JJUFFY. FLRNITNRE Repaired, Cleaned, Pol ished or Varnished. Also Upholstering in all its branches. Baby carriages paint ed, Trunks repaired, or anything that is out ot order, Cull on u. u. ureen, ia Middle stieet. . ju Inv GRATED Pineapple, best qualiiy, for ice cre.iiu,pies, cake, preserves and othor purposes al J. F. Taylor's. ju7tl. DON'T forget that Old Papers enn 1)0 bought cheap at the .louitNAL olllce and in any quantities. tf -'. F. M. CHADWICK, Merchant Tailor 103 Middle St I am now in receipt of spring and glimmer Bumples nqil am prepared to show a large line nl now torejgn ami domestic styles. The new Tariff on woolens went in effect, Jan. first and the goods which I can show have all been regulated by that schedule as to values. .NCW BERNE.... INSTI Opens Sept. 2, 1895. IttJSlA.'XO&rZ- BOHOOL. This school offeis the verv best Advan tages to piepiru f r advanod classes in college or lor business Hie. The standing of BtudenU who have been educated in this Institution attest the thorough scharship and beuelicial re sults i.f the work. There are men and women who wore educated in this school, occupying promi nent positions in this and other StaUs. It is the first chartered school in North Car- lina, being chartered in 1700, and it is the only endowed preparatory school in the State. ' The building is commodious and con veniently arranged fir school work. The rooms are large una well vcnuia!ci,wiiicu means a great deal to a student's beullh. Good patent deans are placed in each. There aro eight nicely arranged recita tion rooms. This year there will be department in Bcriaurozi, ; , I.ITBB1 A 'X' u JTTI, HI8TOBT, - , ' LANO-UAOK8, BNOLISH, ' MATHHIW A MOB, . .A Tt OSOJO. 2CVLatO The l'rincirnl has boon making meth ods n study u( the the University Sum mer school, oesules reviewing ine l.ilin and reach Lnnguags ihis summer, the tch')! will be muilu lietler lu every par ticular than it has ton heretororo. Wo solicit your natronace. For fur- titer inform itiou tidilrcts tbe prineipul ut New Berne. E. P. MENPENHALL, Prin Juy23tf. " : . . . Closing Out Sale Owins to the larire stmk of E. P, REED'S OXFORDS on hand, I will close them out at cost fur tho next Thirty days) Tho 1275 13.2.1, , . The 3 50 3.10, A.. The 2,2? (M 85, " The 12.00 .1.00. Clll early and and get your lit while they are going. , A NICE MNE OF nii VM ani Fipi Lams Going chenp, and everything in the Burn nior Lino will be sold way down. '"'Moncy saved is Money nmile."J jon t lorget the place. NEWS ADRIFT. In tlio Clly ot1 Kluw aud Vicinity, Unthcred In and Briefly Told. The street sprinkler now extends over a pretty good territory in allaying the dust, much to the delight of thise who share iu its benefits. , .; . s All the memliors of the Silver Cross Chapter, f King's Daughters are reques ted to meet at the Yacht Club this morn ing at 9:80 o'clock. The much needed improvements to the two school buildings on the Academy Grein ure being continued, hut tho grounds still remain very uninviting. They should be mndo more presentable at the earliest possible moment, before school opetn-. There was a good audience present t hear tin phonograph last night. Some of the pieces renueieu wire laminar, some new. They were, in the main, distinct and the audience was pleased, Mrs. II ill also sang sevoral Solos which was highly enjoyed and encored. : ' The Trilby base ball club will go up to Kington on tho 14th of this month on which date they 'will ptiy off" the tic existing between them and tho Kinstnn second nine. dipt. - Williams of the Trilby s. says he will have his team in fine condition when they meet their conipeti tots. Accident Will Happen. The mayor has instructed Chief Taylor to stretch .a rope across Georgo street where tho Firemen arc having their prac tice runs for the Tournament. This is a very wise move. When the signal is given to "go'' the Are horses know nothing else but logo, and it is very dangerous for vehicles that may be by- standing. I lion tore we would udvise all owners and dtivers of vohicles to keep ut a good distance during the hours of prac tice. . . The Hook A Ladder Trnch Arrived. The hook and ladder truck which we slated some time ago had been ordered, arrived yesterday on the steamer Neuso. It is a beautiful track will all of the atest impiovcmcnts. Tliorc are also two convenient fire extinguishers attached to the truck. This is a long-looked-for nnd needed addition to tho New Item liro de partment. Uu tho ladders is t.iename, "iNew Kern Hook & LaJder Co. No. 1." Wo have hover seen a biico of fire apparatus more beautifully decorated by tho touch of a brush in tho hands of a skillful painter before. The truck will piny a prominent part iu the parade next Wednesday. . Coming and Going;. Messrs. J. II. Fields and G. F. Dunbar of Grifton, were in the city Friday on a liusiness trip. Mr. Fiikls subscribed for Tiib Journai, before leuviug. Mr. U. C. Ilolton, after having spent a few days in the city on business, left for hia home at Vaiideniero. Mrs. William Iluntor and Miss Hattio Hunter, of Columkus, Ga., urn visiting ut Dr. N. U. Street's. . Mr. C. V. McGellee and wife roturned from Madison, where they sponk of hav ing had a very pleasant visit, M sars. James Redmond and C. E. Foy returned from a business trip to Goldsboro. Mr. G. W. Sumrell. traveling salesman for Mr. C S. llollister, returned from a business trip but not 1 10m Vandemere thistimo. Rev. 0. G. Varilell returned home last night from S. S. Conference at Tarlioro. Mr, Ralph Gray and family and Mrs. I C. Luoitdcn returned from Ocraeokc. Tho Gon'l Thorn relumed from Ocin- coko with Mr. W. 1L Chudbourno and Mr. Ried Whitford. Mis Fannie Pritchett, of Wilmiqgton is visiting at Mr. Geo. Bishop's. . ftntmcribem, "Pay I'p and Have Coal," The collector for tho Fireman's Tonr- nament fund will call on a l today who have not paid the amount they subscribed in full. It is hoped that everybody will have thoir subscription ready und waiting the collector, for this money should have all been in licfore I lie first of tlie present month, but is better late than novcr.'' Every cent subscrtliod will bo needed. The firemen all over the Slate are an ticipating ono of tlie finest timet and more fun than they have yet had at any qf the Statu tournaments, nnd our local firemen say they shall not lie disappointed. Let all pay promptly today. ' The Moonlight Drive. About forty weio In tho driving paity last night. Thoy went to ' Tho Oaks" played some old time games in the moon light, thon'eng'iged in quiet strolls until time for stalling home. They went out on the macadamized road and returned bv Nouse road. Thus making n complete circuit, and concluded tho event by dri ving around the town oeiore dispersing. It was ono ot the jolliest parties of the kind ever held hero. The following couples participated In the driva . Miss Hattio Lane, John Stanly Thomas; Miss Emma Katie Jones, Jns. Carruwny; Miss Clarita Clark, Geo. Waters; Miss Hart, (Durham.) Alex Justice; Miss Hen dien, II. R. Biyan, Jr.; Miss Agnes Foy, 11. L. l'aj lor; Hiss tclnliclper, Al. 11. Howard; Miss Eaton, Harris Lanci Miss Street, Jim Gasklnsj Miliary Gulon; Leo Dunns: Ml.-s Hi ndersoti, A. U. l'owelli Miss Addie Claypool, Rom Nunn; Miss Ives. Geo. Itcuntrco. (IS. i.:i Hiss f ul- yham, (Goldsboro) C. Disosway; Miss Dail, Juo. Daniels; Miss Arondell, JJ. IS. Neal. The chnnornnes wore Mr. and Mm J. 0. Wnlkins, Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Ilblllster, Mr. W. M. iiountreo ami Mrs. jamis lirinson.' The success of this, tho most enjoyable occasion of tho season, is largely due to Hie untiring (Hurts ot Mr. John siuniy Thomas, who never fails on such occasions, as woll as to, the ladies who fprcad moat elegant eupper, x. Destructive r'lre at Durham. Reames' large tobnceo warehouse, Stokes' opera I oueo. R. Blacknalls' drug slore, A. Max, and Ellis & Stone's large dry-goods stores, boaidos foveral small business honses, wore totally destroyed by fire in Durham Thursday. The los will agsrejate $100,000. The fire was plainly visible in luiUjiyli. RED, WHITE AND BLUE. Alain Dwellings aud BiiNiueiw Ilouacn or Our Beautiful City to Wear These Color Tournament Week. Our city will resemble a "Flag-ship" next week the Red, White mid Blue nnd other colors will be used abundantly on the main dwellings and business houses. A number of stores tnd saloons huve already been decorated beautifully & taste ful by Mr. Leroy Mitlildoifer, n profes sional decorator who citmo from Rich mond lor the purpose The buntinirs, nag-', shields, streamers etc., are all of handsome design, and nro furnished by the decorator for tho occa sion. All who possibly can should beautify their build ngs for the evoat next week. Our streets will bo lined with volunteer firemen tho bravest human of this ago who will consider, if this bo done, that they are welcome, and that their presence within our gates is appreciated by our citizens, as is sign i lit d by tho decorations on their building fronts. On the annual parndo you will well see that your decorating for tlio liiemeii is appreciated by the throwing up of caps nnd the deafening cheers that will greet every decorated building. A tiennino Artcsinn Well. At tho faun of Mr. Thos. Dawson, five miles from LaGrungc and near Nouse river, a real artesian well has been dis covered. A four inch well filty-six feet deep was bored and the wnU-r gushed up iu j rent volumes, aud there has been a steady flow ever since. An effort is being considere d to link I he water nnd apply a motor lor niillinu pur pose s. Pamlico county also has one of tin so ceaseless flowing wells, tho water fioin which rises to u consider thle dis tance above the surface ol tho earth. fitorlh Carolinian, aa Dear nnd Dumb lutttrnctoi'H. North Carolina is pretty well represen ted among the educators in Hil1 Deaf and Dumb Institutions of the country: At the convention of Hum roontly hold it was formed that five Presidents of such Sintu schools were from Wako county N. C. There was also ono formerly of New Berne. That was Preif. T. A Clarke I'rosi.le lit of the Michigan's Deaf and Dumb .Institute, located at iMicigan. There W;i rivalry ngaii al Mr. Clnrko in tho election for next term but he was unanimously rc-elccleel at an increased salary a compliment of the highest kind to his ability nu l titucss lor the place. . A lith fteuool For Morclicnil. Morchcid City U now about complet ing arrangements to have a high school to open up ab ut the middlo of SepUin ber. The school is expected to 1 taught in tho N. C. Teachers Assembly Hull for tho first year, or until thoy can builel a good house for a first class permanent ecliool. Several teachers havo already made applications for tho position to tench, but uo one tins been engaged yet. J lie l est talent in the State accessible will no doubt be secured. Morehcad is a pleasant place and its natural advuntnges are unsurpassed, for a boarding tchool. Besides the many natu ral advantages, I lie good cmzoiis say they will give boaid for the small sum ot $0 to 97 per montli. Hem From Hie Bennfort Herald. Carteret conntv is allowed ta send ono person to the Colored A. & M. Ceillego. A protracted ineetinu is 111 progress 111 Banks. Rev. W. V. Everett is loudiug it. A very barel rain the hardest wo have had tor some time struck us Tuesilny. Information has reached us that a hail storm did a great dotil of damage 111 the upper part of tho county Sunday. Kcv. ut. Bwituieii, jura, owinooii. nnd Mrs. C. P. D.-y wore subject to n strange experijuce last Tuesday. Dur ing tho prevailcnce of an electric storm all three experienced nil the tingling sen sations of persons iindorgoing 11 shuck from an elejlric battery. These sensations lasted lor a lull Halt hour, ami passed away without leaving any sense of discom iort. Mr. Matthew V. Guthrio, of Capo Lookout, tells us of an ennimniisclam that was found near Wreck Point last week bv William Hancock. Tlio clam weiglicu 3 pounds nnd 0 outlets; was 7 inehes long, 0 inches wide anil 4 inches thick. Judg ing Iroui the thickness 1 1' I ho shell it was est hunted that the clam must have been at least 17 yours old. This ii what wo would call a good siza clam. Tho finest flavoro l clams found on our const ni'a found at Cape Lookout, nnd they always bring a bigger price than others. Vehicle Drivers, Take Notice. By authority from the Mayor there will lie a rono stretched across George street, nt each end of race course of the Fireman's Tournament, net ween the hours of 6:30 a. m. and 8 o'clock p. 111., und no parsing of vehicles will be allowed, as it ia dangerons. - L. J. Taylor, Chief Fira Department. , XF.WH IN BRIEF. , The goldites are commending tho Mor gan-Belmont syndicate: tor depositing .2,000,000 nfgo'ld in tho Tnnsury and taking in exehungo $2,000,000 in green Itacks. That was a transaction that in volved neither loss nor risk, for all tho syndicate has to do when it wants its 2 000,000 of gold is 10 send back' tho greenbacks and draw it. Star. The "mother country" Spain is stated to bo represented by 54.000 men and the Cuban inturgeutB by 11,000 and yet the small force is continuing to hold out against tho largo one. It is said that tlio Spanish General Campos, only jiinis to hold the rebellion Ut cheek until Oetoltor nod then determined eflorts will be made to overcome tho Insurgents hr good anil nil.' Ia the meantime it is costing Spain 4,SOO,000 per month. The, intilnslo value of gold Is not so much talked about as tt wan. The fact Is beginning to l understood that tho value ol gold is fixed by the law which makes it convertible into money at 'lie option of tho lioldor. What tlio statute law does for gold, a statute law can do lor silver and did do for it until tho legis'alion of 1873 took awny from it that right which up to that time it shared equally with guld, ' HATTERAeS SHOAL L, H. Its Transcendent Importance. Few, If Any Klrncf ure. Ever Erected for file Protection of Marlnem, More Called for by I lie Dangcrou. Charac ter of the NurroundinffM -than this Beacon A Itcvicw of What llm Been Done Townrdtt Its Erccllou. Few, if any structure, ever built for tho aid ami protection of mariners wore over watched inure caiol'ul.y in tho beginning of the woik of construction than is the projected light nt Capo Hattcras which is now being strivou so earnestly to estab lish. Though. -tlio light is to be upon the North Caiolina const, it U ueit nlon nor even primarily, lor Ninth Carolina's benefit. More vessels belonging to other States, to say nothing of the passim; feir- eign vessels would be warned by its bright iu.! fur piercing Deams ot tho lurking dangers null bo einibleel to koep in ways of safely. Col. Croccy, in his paper, tlio Eliza beth City Falcon-Econoinist has the fol- lowin!! to say of this dangerous const and the past efforts at establishing the light: "ibcoutor shore ot the slioal ol Cape Hattcras, nine miles out at se i, lias been tho dread of mariners from the earliest ages, and though it was the grave of tho mariliino nations, its terrors will be luiiiuatcd by uur ennntry, which maybe justly sty ltd the "Uooil Samaritan' ot mil ions. "In 1890 Congrossautliorized an appro priation of $500,000 to erect a light-bouse on the outer 'Diamond Shoal'' of Cape llatteias, mid the contract to build tho light-house was awarded to Anderson fc Burr, of Jersey City, to do tho work for $485,000. After nn expenditure of $75,000 they nl aiieloncel 1I10 job as inipiaclica blc. 'The work rotnuiued in abatomont until the summer nl 'Oil, when the lighthouse hoaril renewed the woik ami erected a temporary structure on the shoal. Iron niles were sunk in the sand ton sufficient depth to give tlieiu hohling power, niiel upon these a plntlorm was built I10111 which the experiment was conducted. "When the borings hull been completed the temporary stuiclure was lei'i on tliu slmal, as it was of no luflher use but it was left in place to determine its power of resistance to the winter storms. It w;:S bmlly damaged but sonic parts ol it with stood the hurricanes ol the past year, and the fact that the trail structure was not entirely destroyed indicated that u strong er smicUire if similar type might prove sale ami secure. The new iilea is that the structure should bo built ol open pile woik, lighter ami not so massive as the structure which liiileel in 1801. "The lighthouse board will soon renew tho attempt to builel a lighthouse oi outer Diamond Shoal, anil they eonlieleutly ex pect, with tho experience of last summer's work ami its withstanding the storm ex perience ol last winter, to succeed iu the undertaking. A valued contemporary thus describes t'uo outer tlioal ut Ilat- loras: "Outor Diamoml Shoal probably pre sents inoro (lilutullics to tlio lighthouse builder than any situ upon which cuch a structure has ever been erected. JLying in the open so i, nine miles out from Capo Hattcras, 1110 most ttitanca point on me const, it is exposed to tho terrific galos which have fillei! Hie surrounding sands with wiOe'ks. Tlie swift currents shift the sindsso rapidly that the depth of water at any given point rarely remains the same for any considerable period of timo. On Cape Ilutteras itsolt there has been a ligbthouso for generations; but as tlio greatest elangers 110 tar oil elioro. the Dea con iuteiided to warn mariners has often led them directly upon the lutal shonls. II it shall be found possible to placo a per manent lighthouse upon the shilling snuds ot tho Outer. Jtamontl Shoal llioro will have been conferred up jn tho mariners of the Atlantic const a blessing the vuluo ol which cannot be reckoned iu monoy." THE HERALD'S COMMENT. On tlio Nliirlllug- Beaufort Insurance Ncnsation'." Tho Herald is tight when it says that men should not he cnndt'iuiicil by public sentiment till they havo been fairly tried. As dark as the cases may appear, ii is un just to create public sentiment against thoin before they have an opportuniiy to defend thetnselvos. If found guilty ihey shoulil 1)6 made to sutler 411c lull penally of the law regardless of all influence and sociul standing. We trust that tho olia ge-s have been inngniliod, but if not, let nil concerned bo niiyle nn exnmplo of in the undciivor to crush out such vile corrup tion. Here it what tho Herald has to say about it: "The Ilerabl docs not propose to give 11 verdict before I he case is tried. These men are, most of them, lif-- long citizens and havo hitherto helel the oeuifielcncc ami respect of our people and Tbe Herald does not propose to join 111 tiie line and cry against' them until they are fairly and honestly convicted of some crime. "But it has this to say, boldly and fear. Ics9.lv about the matter that some of tho newspaper rep irti-rs huve beon neither lair nor iruioeeu in our low 11 iu iieanujj with this case. 'For instunco tho News & Observer re porter insinuated III it some of the brut citizens ot Jientilort made inoir money .in ihis business; he leaves tho impression that it has been a ge uor.d bininasi here, yet tho truth is that most of tho moniod mon ol our town mmie lorttines My braving tho dntigerous deep lung before the News Observer reporter cvor wore pinafores or swaddling clothe!1. No town has a cleaner record as Inr as its husiness intejirity to concerned." Ntrona-Testimonial For . I.e. New Bern, N. C. July 29, lb95. Mossrs. Merritt & Clark, , Oentlomen: For years my wife has been a gre it suitotvr troin JNmousTioft ana the accompanying immenis; teinpor ary relief hns been obtiiinoet from timo to time from the use of various medicines: bnt your remedy which she has boon using for some timo has accomplished more good and given greater satistactton than uny sue tins ever used. v . Jito. S. M.vkix. '. tif S. I. C, ia a sure cure lor lndigos- lion and joysiMnsio, augl Sin RAININU BROOM CORN, A Prolitable Crop Even for Nhipineut Broom Factorie. Easily Estab lished aud Operated . It has not been long since we made an nouncement that to young men, practi cd workmen, who wore in the canning aud broom manufacturing business were seeking to move to New Birno putting about a thousand dollars themselves in the busiuess anil desiring citizens to put somo money into it with them. There was uo tangiDo response to their inquiry, wc are snrrv to say, but wo hnvo come across somo facts in the Wilmington Mes tengor worth knowing in rcfeieuce to the raising ol the broom corn, und whether any iinmediato results come from it or not we copy it in thu hope that it may bear fruit eventually. The broom corn could be shipped to factories elsewhere or, better still a factory might bu shirlod winch woulu use it ri"lilnt I101110. Such a factory would not be a costly utl'air either to equip or operate, nnd us lor rais ing the corn ncrii is wh it tho Messenger says of that: "jiiX-l'ongressinan C w. McClammv. ofScotts Hill, Pender couinv. was ill the city und brought with him several line sudxs ot broom corn that he raise I on his farm. We were shown tlio specimen and it was as line as wo havo over seen, being fourteen feet in height, including a heavily developed brush. It was also shown to an expert in tho broom factory lu re ami 11c pronounced it ot very supe rior qtlniuy. wMn. McClammy and Mr. II. K. Bon- ifz. of this city, who has a farm iu Wayne county, near Uohlsboio, are both making experiments 111 raising broom corn anil luy aro highly pleased Willi the result. They planted Ion acres each iu broom corn Ibis season, and we are intbrmcd that US avemgo hoighth is ten feet. There is emit domainl for the straw of broom corn, nnd as it sells from $75 to $100 per ton wo see no reason why the farmers of North Carolina should ik.i make It a profitably crop If properly cultivated nudcureel it can be made to re turn a hantlseime profit. "Broom cemi is grown largely in Can ada, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Tennessee, Georgia and other S ates, anil it has he-en demonstrated long ago that the South is peculiarly adapted to its culture. In t'an- aila, Ohio, Illinois anil Indiana wheru it is Inrg.'ly grown, only one crop can lie raise I, as the early frosts in tho region iiieiitioneil cuts oil the second growth. In Georgia an'l othor Southern States, .how ever, wo have seen a splendid second crop cut lifter the first crop had beou harvested. 1110 second crop was in every resp3i:t as gooel as the first mid early frost is the prin cipal th'ng that woulel prevent one crop being as good as the other." A Business Opportunity. Au established business of Oight years. the slock consisting of Crockery, Home- rurnisliing (.roods, stationary, etc., is offered for Fnle. A goo'l paying trade but (he proprietor is physically unable to uttend to it. Any one desiring to secure 1 woll established, paying business in New Berne will do woll to uilelress Pro prietor, Beix 504, Now Berne, N. C. Just Received. A Nice Lot of Fresh Corned Portsmouth Mullets. I also handle a complete lino of Family Groceries. TomyCouulrv Friends I woulel sny my stablos nro FUE15. Give me a tiinl mid bo convinced that I will Sell you goods us cheap for tho ensli 11s any house in the City. iOUILLAUD AND GAIL & AX SNUFF A SPECIALTY. . Thanking my many Friends for their past favors, anil Trusting to share a por tion of your future patronage, 1 am lours Truly, 3"- rwi, in NO. 77 BUOAD ST. "Long exporlunco mivlo him wise." hay. That is tho only way somo of us loam wisdom by experioncc. Now our Gxpcrionco litis taught tts that the best is always tlio cheapest. When you need a jptir of shoes try our line ot them, they do not cost much moro than inferior shoes and w:.!l do twico the sorvioe. Prices throe to (ivo dollars. New lot Handkerchiefs Just in. J. M. HOWARD. Summer : : Comforts! HAMMOCK HOOKS, HAMMOCKS, RECLINING CHAIRS, RHINE & CLARET WINE for cool and delicious summer Drinks, AT J. F. TAYLOR'S. 111a m r 1 inmnn iIuhii run u wiikf vsa Cigar ... Soli! only at BIIADIIAM'S PHARMACY, " Corner Middle & Pollock Sts. tETHavo you tried BbomO, "Vicby or that lleadacne FOR THE NEXT 30 Days I have decided to sell my stock OF Can. UTr-ULits at greatly reduced prices to make room for the new pack of 1895. It is an opportunity to lay in a supply which no housekeeper can afford to neglect. Dried Fruits Will also bo reduced and our stock ia very complete, all nice goods. Call and see them. -000-000- Imported Direct From tho Far East describes our stock to a T. WE CARRY ONLY THE CHOICEST PRODUCTIONS OF THE FL0WE11Y KINGDOM AND JAPAN. Good Tea is half the meai. Nothing can supply the want of it. The market is flooded with the spurious goods, but there's no need of buying thera mere ly because they're offered. We give our customers their choice only from the choicest grades. Our Teas are such that a Mandarin would drink with satisfac tion. Our Special Brand MiM Tea We still sell ONE lb of this TEA and 3 lb.G Sugar for 50c. Our Coffees are the cream of tbe Ara bian and Java plantations and so always high grade JNO; DUNN1 6& and 57 Pollock itmt, -T-j 'j - swa