HOKTH CAROLINA NEW BERNE.eeeee A Oily of W)l)U ronululiun and (steadily GrijwiiiH on 11 Soll.l business Jiatos. Great lriicluiif; Center ul the hontli; l.lli'l!.) l.uitiUmini; iSd Pishinx iuttil'6Htif. Sabitcrlbe to Tli JOURNAL and Keep Posted. Iil the vurloty tmfl extent of her ntttttr al resourced Is unsuvpaaaed ; and In her climate, uuequolled by any State in the Union. , TOL.-XIV-NO. 10L NEW. BERNE, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING. AUGUST 8,' 1895. PRICE FIVE CENTS Ires! Ms Constantly ArrMni FROM THE FACTORIES FOR H. & W. 0 I fi" H Q n 0 -P (1) D H (1) t C 0 Pi 0) B! 2 (5 GciGsirjifajfto kTm . OF - mi - HEW ADVEUTlNEJtKVrN. For Sale Railroad tichct. BCSUVBHS I.OC1AL.S KAILHOAD Ticket to Grecttfboio for sale . cbenp. Cull at JonitN.u. Othe. Good till tlio 12tli. ' It. THE Finest Cioahs in tho Citv ju t re ceived. W. D."(:'OX. FRESH arrivals of Widermolbns tvoiy day tins week, finest on tho nniriiut, ml prices, nil sizes, ail j4iianintci.il, all rieiiv ered fiei. None scut out for wile. T. 11. Carmine, Watson ;. building, market wharf. .. . ICE CREAM made to ordor at shoit nolitto at 41.33 nml $1.73 p-r gallon.- By the quart 40 and 50 eta. Mr. Henry C. VVhiielitirst, No. 19, cor. Jnii mul Graves streets. ' ivUw. 3TB. W. It. Mi'CAISK will bo i:i Bu'ti- moro Monday Aiiint S'.li ir.st. ned v. ,i receive Irin-xhl for No liorn at No. HO'.i nml No. 1111 Block street. FRBS1I Rutabaga anil Turnip Seed, j.ist loeoived. Cheap . for carti ut 1Y S. Duffy's Drug Store. SMALL Hums juat rccl. W. B. Cx. MttSS Halcliio Hui iwui v lil ic-tmu! hei music class in the mrlv fill, 'i'liose wiii- ingto Btudy with her will pte-ito lniilc. nppliciitlon during this week, bet .w ell live mid six o'clock daily at hir hnii'. 17 New St. Iv3u lw. WANTKDt An honest, active stem taittan r lady to travel for reliable tscibiisltod house-, Salnry ?7o, payable- i.lj weclc y and expenses. Situation porniiiueiit. Ki- erences. Jtaictose scimkkiihsscU stainncii envelope. The Dominion Conijsuiy, 3Uj Uniaiui Jitiiiuing, uiucago. l.)i im." FURN1TNRK Repaired, Ciwtr.ed.- Pol ished or Varnished. Alio Upholstering in all its brunches. Itaby carriages paint ed. Trunks repaired, or anyt'iing thati-- out oi order. VJuil on w. u. biw-n, nv Middle street. j! liu" HEADQUARTERS tor fl.mr, snffrsn ar, lard, butter and tobiic o. Vn an, Miller's nirinU for (he sideol'il rjv. Don't forgej the place. Roukht .' oi lino. THE very best and cnr.Ai'iss'r Jiii;:k iu town. 1 will sell ilioia ci-ijat'KU t!iin anybody elto will stll the seine trtuk', Bee me be'ore you buy. V. iIEiy.ENSTT.I:. 81UK and dobilitaled persons tlist mid a tonic will do well to try Mim rva l o:r, the finrst table beer iu ILu world. Sold at J. F. Taylor's. - ' " if. FOR RENT.. LniKB IIuc and lut, 188 Middle street. Apply to ; jit) U. t'HAni.KS iJUFFV. DON'T forget that Old l'apors ran Iks bought cheap at the .Iolunal ollice and in any quantities, 'C GRATED Pineapple, liest quiilily, Uv ice cream, pies, cake, preserve uud oilier purposes at J. F. Taylor's. ..iu7ii. F. M. CHADWICK, Merchant Vnilnr 103 Middle St. I aui now in receipt ofspiiM" and summer samples and am prepared to show a large line ol both loivin ami domestic styles. Tlio now Tarilf on woolens went in clloct, Jan. tlrst ana too Roods, which I cun show have all been regulated by that schedule as to values. - ....NEW BERNE... COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Opens Sept. 2, 1395. A. SIGHT cm.TDJ3"i r.5s;-,V' PEHPAKA.TOBV 8OHOOI1. This school off.;rg tlio vsvv best advan- lasea to propiuo for iidvatiLOii classes- in college or for business lile. The staudiiiir of. students who liuve been educated in this Institution attest the thorough echoltuilnp and bci!e!icial results of the work. There are men and women who were educated in this school, occupying promi nent positions in this ami other titns. It is the Hint chartered school m North Car- ling, being chartered in 1700, and it is the only endowed preparatory sohcol iu the Stale. The building; is commodious find Con veniently arranged for school work. The rooms are large and well ventilated, which means a great deal to a stuiUuit'g IiohIIIi. Good patent dosKs am placed in each. There are eight nicely arranged recita tion rtoms. . This year there will bo departments m eoxzusrojs, " HISTOBY, - MATIIJIMATIOa, A.rt and 2-aslo The Principal lias been making inetli ods a study at the the University Sum. nier. School, hesidos reviening llm Lutm aud French Languages this sutnmor. The (clu.ol will bo mado better in every pur. tieular than It has hocn liviotoloi'o. We solicit your pntromige. For fur ther inl'omulion address the principal ut Mew llerne. E. 1 MEXDENHALL, Prln, juy?3tf. , - Odd Fellown-NoHeo. There will bo a reeulivr nieeiinir of Cal timet Encampment,) I. O, 0. F. ut Odd Fellows Hall on Middle Ht. this evening at 8 p. m, work tn the Guidon ifulo de gree. Visiting 1'atriaa'lM are cordially in vited to jittoud. - M. IIaixn, 'Sec';. ' VIMilBR CcirUl. " Name noally written in plain or profef. sional style on 1 dor.. Crane's extra super, floe, thin viaiLug curds (tlio latest.) SSr, aug 8-lw. W. L. Smitb, 1 I ! fiV.WH A ! Rl FT. Iu (lie t'liy ol' Elms aud Vtrlutly, . UaUicrcd In mid lirivlly Toll. i The postolllco will be closed t lay from 1 to 5 p. m. ' See the merits of the Ball Nozzle tc niorruw motuiD. .Representattve R. 1'. Williums is re pair.Ung hi3 resh me, puio white with green blinds. Never before in its hi.'tory has New Dernu been so gaily ikxioi'iited. Iot iier oucv decide to do a thing and il is going to bu done Willi no hallway about it. The delay wlien the river was reached bfl'uiu the content communoid yeslunlay was rallior trying to tlio nSfCinUicd speeta- tM'Pjtiut qtiTlcsr n raco begins when the tuno nrrivcH the better. Tue-'ilay night fnrnc miilhight prowlers tried tho old mid ;i!:ipid tiiok ct tearing away portions offences on the upper pnit or roliotlv niroet. Wo hope it iln-re is any rtioiu tuch n nuis.iiice Shut, the otlendcis will bo cnuulit. An exlubiiion of the nau nozzle, a re- 'c;:l ni.fl most won it'll r.s mvantmu, will akc place at tlio f.ot of Craven street to morrow momm. ut naie o clock. Uur oitiens are iuvued to a pieseut mid wit- lief;; its marvelous pertotiuanre. Mr. S. U. Scott who for ornc tillii! has lud ll.rco two I iri:!i.jt'trs i".U'.n'l!g on the itreot, bus a.ldwl anotticr, a very pretty uid strong ore. it wa Imilt expressly on mm ut toe i,.'W lieirii) Carriage WOllc:- o! Mc-W O. II. WtU.'-rs it Son. in fl.ltuiioa to me I'o.ir tie owns Mr. Scot'. :s ids-) tuninis a hir I Uaastbr du :'.!; to'.i.i: .inerii wrt'v,' niailr,.-; live in all. The pile driver and engine being used it isi..king ii,e ft'tiitd'itiou f"T the govcrn- KunlUUuUmr i. 'UcxTiud to keep up with tho re.l of tlio city. Mr. Inrdclliir thoiitht it would mt do to lavo the rest of tlio oily' en witli decoration anil not hiive any about thu puiilic liuil.ling, even if tins u is noiiiiiig lliore yt-t Ian the bn- iliiiirg ol' i::o i' :i:ul.it.oii. The open .lir conceit given by the ICtng's Jj.i'li-hU'i:' lnht iiiidit at iho yacht 3.ub was a big s'.sciHss. Delicious re i'resh iiijiils were i'.. ! by pretty young ludio?. Tiiu suoply ire', with u ready iloinand and Was noon exheus.-i'il ' 'i'o aiid to tho p'oifuro of the otcni-ioii a numljer of beau- r.ui aiHactions weto tvndi ntd. iilso the 'iavi lUitio bioul was pic-tint mid gave some "I thou-Us. plieje?. (h! Atl.'v!) Vo:a tii.t -rir -tiiiul The Atlantic Steam Fire Enginu Com, pariy, Ka. 1, covcr.nl itself with glory oo tho piirudo ycbtercUy. They wets awarded the handsome nick. le plated oiiiijis lau'.ern, ottered by tlie Fabric FiialloeCoiupauy, ofXew York, lor tiouig loo best uintoi nicd company m the paiiulo. and iit.bt m doportmeut, mini' bers mid sncral bulling considered. Wo must s iy that ihe boys never looked better. They wow hitrhly complimented by tlio viators. Mr. Geo. G. dimming, Secretary of tlio Virginia State Firemen's Association, v. iio hits licen present at the Touriiainenr, sta'od that tlio boys were alt mat eouiti wave ixkii i-kcxl tor ported in btp, IieadJ erect, and luutilul!y dresseil, 'Ihe juilgo? v.'ire: IJovor Cook, Fay- ettcvillt; Mavor Xetson, Greensboro; iV:i)01' J'uis, AowUoiue. ncioeeHsfnl Kxilirt!!t:licrTet. The test of tho Stemwell Fire cxtin guiihor xvns very satisfactory. The tcm- poniry li.mso of thoroughly kiln-dried luniU'r was uitiimti-d with tro gallons of levrosono, iirod,"snd liio llames permitted to Iiecomu neico. Tiien t a distance of about forty feet, tl'iO rcprescritativo iu charga turned a stream of the gas liom tiio oxiingiiislier upon it and 1:1 about liuil a aunutu had it undi'i control. 1 ha dispatoii with which the fire was extihouishoil surprised the spectutnrs anil yet the contents of tho extiuguislicr was not exhaust ext. The Knll So.to to bo ExJitblted. The rocontly invenlod and lolebilited Bull Ncaa'c, tinil is creating so iiiueh at to.'.tion amoii;' itt'emou, will ba exhibited tom.iii'inv morning ut too steanior dock, loot ol CiTiven Si. It is a round bill with a bell-slinpod aozz'a This stmplo combination roverscs i.ccepte.d naiuial iaws and bullies scientists. Tho Uill placed le.O30;y in tho bull defies tlio strongest pressnrc; ono hundred, two hundrcti poumls oi pressure ot oillior air or water behind it will not -dislodge it, and yot ii icsistance is so gentle that no pressure is siveii o:ck to uie pipe or nose. It i ioprcsctitw) by air. J. A. Lambert ot Atlanta. Kcxt ftiuivGUtion fit Mrtltsbury. The closieg meeting of tlio Sovcnlh Annual Cotircutiou ol the Noith Carolina Firemen's Associalioti was held last night. The meeting was a brief one and but litllo businem wa3 Irinsacted of public interest beyond selecting the next place of mooting. Sttlikliury was chosen without opposition. . Tho business meetings of the convention havo been will attended and much genuine interest manifested.'' They havo throughout been , p.o.ifant, harmonious anu wo ix'iiovo piouiatjio to ail who a; tended. ' Ctumlitq: and Golnjr Mi :s Annio Fields of Kiuston, is visit ing at Sliss Agnes t oy's. Mr. 0. M. Gilpin returnod from Wush. ingtoa City. His family will arrive Tues day by steamer. Miss Celesft Dillon of LaGrange, is vint- Ulg &US9 JWlliy liUll'U. . ; Jlisfes Mary and OIlio Bell ol More hend, are visiting Miss Lulu Ivos, Jliss Mary" Swoenoy of Wilmington, is visitinj: Miss Mary MuSnrley. and Misses Knto Sweeney and Isabella Torpin of Wilmington, are visiting Miss iMisy Swert. Col. Wm. 8. Carter and bride of Fair field, If yi'd" county, alter a short stay at the ChatmwKa, went down to Moreliena A littie lutcr they will visit tho nioun tains. Mmk Not the Red Liquid Flame But FircMEN of tho Good - Old North Stilts, FAIR SEW RE 15 Silt AM. AllOGI Her Ntreefft IUlHlft;itt.r Arrnyeil In titty Ilttiilin ttS '; Irci Slo.-irnoriid' S.drit'O iiuit l:ntrtsitUii,;it: A!.i'ilai,'e !!' FlrVIHOll Sllt't'Cr. il'lSt C.utt voittioit . Tho oiitlimiisiii which was ma.'U- fo. toil at tlia coming of o; :' v.sitor", tlui liromen of the Slate, by too pitp.sr:itio:.. made in advance for the event tuts been well maintained during t&cir :iy. It was cvider.ced by lioi ,'oyil g.-t eli.r; .vliieii was given tliittn as tin'V stey'.-rl "If t'u ears i.t the il't;:ot by our own lircmen. Hi'. Xew Berne Silver Oi-iutt Isnuil hi a :US- leringiy large conemtrs t of r citizcus. young and old of noli: six tj. Interested tlir-.-ngs viewed w;!li dt-.:g!it die long proces-iou of ;;:i'.:(l;;o:na mul taliant vilu.itfer proiec'.ors f tl:o jiiojK'i' ly and iivos oi'utlii-'H, a;; tlicy were eo eortetl th.'i ugh She rtrutx, jjayly ike- rated iu their .iionor. Tin) we'eomu wiii'.'h ra- ii':corJln: litem upi'ii their arriva. wumi fufiiig ; iv- ueie to tie interest tlttit coi.isnuj-l i.t both liio convi'i'tinit iiiiii tro:'i..iiu'jiit con- Uvi s. A the pr-'gransmc i-.iY. ii t-1 fi.t 'rirn.liig :, -.i:y 1: li :o ttoo "lOt'i" 'be t.iat'.i a o: lb: to begin t 9 o'clock, tie proctM.oi a.j b-gu;. as : was of ui.u.e.'ii; leiii-tii lieing niton t 1i;l!!':i doasoL. The men in t'lui; uc i' uniiortiv: ot .1:1!. rent :i;l uhOH V engines iv.)d . la '.11. . 1:1.1;:' the gay IV'iils 'in-l Cs-j ;tvt tvilli which t !u;y ove.e lui'iici'o'i.' i-arr'SjW il,! tors and loi.'.'.ri):! o'U jwr' it: iresking cp xiu.i be the ;;.'iiio'e.-! 'i. . ,: ' ecu in tlio State oi ;w The- busiiiW hcil-es I-' .ioitg t'le lit..- '' iio-cl. ii ko -lou w.i'i '.'a i - They wore rt .'p:';i: lent Is tun's nu:. on.) ng witicli i'.nf)St covv.re,i tlieoi. plniv wcro k:.;or;it:.l, r.iit.ily. Tits' CitV Ha'! I'.C.d oil 'loll, ti.ej'ottiiiv.t. 0:11. (the i';v:i:e'i' s ioi:.;o'i nfiicc', tii. i CM I'M National Eauk, the Fu I. li.eo lit 'Hi, ltd:-), ills' SVi .v.i Levi.;, l.te itin r.i u.io il.".' s li.iLtk, li'iie'-', o.-nsev. i ho busi chants bun!;, ttvj Cttit'.eii C'baltttwka, A'berl and ness places of 11. II. and '. A. " to.::1, v, ;, E. B. Kills, IltH-kbura ii V';I!. t, John Dunn, II. 1!. Duffy, JD. F. J:i via, irad ham's riiarnnicy, O'jiLnk-t, Aln bci.ulix, (iipt S. B. Vate;s, T. .t. Dnxter, U. Borry, J. W. Moore, Shiver Hardware Co. L.1I Cutle, W.15. Swindell & Co. J. 1). Dinkins, Globe-Saloon, J. Suier, B. W. Smallwood, ' D.iwilfle's Boarding llouso, Now Berne Candy Facloiy, Nut.ia Xunu, Warner's Bakery iu.il Cn.e, (retu Saloon, M. Halm & Co, h. Ii iti Sclili, ii. W. Bryan, W. II. Oliver. Sol Cohen, A. M. RlwnriU', T. A. Henry "O n- Eitlw Shop" John Stewart, Thos liowiltn, B. Fisher, col , C. E. Nc'snnl J. VV. So all- wood, .1. It. Parker, Jr., I'oyel Urea. Gem I'hotugiapa Gail.ry, c.uct l. J. Taylor's store and residener, Mayor Ellis' residence and the residences of ivicssrs. L. H. Culler, Thos. Danbl-i, J. W. Stcwuil, .11. G. Civdle, Edward Li wis, Mrs. Bad dine. G. II. Roberts and Unit oi the As sociation Treasurer, T, A. Green. nitriEJi a ostAXBUtt tj:ak ev::k. Tho XcKt ISxhliiitiosi ! the El.t .t IV.rs linn t'..lr IVesaraliitim S:i:1j Ilor TStnn Eerorc .-.mi on S'zh;:2:ioiit ISxjM'etctl lTiie"iTi.itSe'.l hy n:ty e::;ie:' 1'oir In (Sis HJaJSi. The Chai'lotlo Obocrvcr iu :i icccnt eell toriul nolo ctiilixl nttcation to tho ii.ct '.hot the South Carolina Slnto Fmr hud been iibandoncd find tliaf tlioro was n 'record of failures in this lino in North Carolina which gave little encouragement of the slatting of new cntetpvis:.- of tiw kind; in its list of present ex'hung Fairs, the New Heme Fair was over 'oo;,l. list was given as composed of oi.iy tho State Fair and those at Morganton aud Uurling ton. Secrolary Reizeiistcin noticing the mission culled the attention of the Obser ver to 'it nnl correetion was promptly made. Tho Observe.;-says: "We are admoiiisliod by Suerolary Heiz- enetoin, of tho East Carolina Pisli, Oyster, Game and Industrial A-Hociiilion, of Now Berne, that we did it iinustscc on tno 20:u of July, in snyiiig tbat the Slide Fair and those at Morgituton and lJurliiigton nro tho only fairs in Norih Carolina which have survived, it is a tact wo lorgni the Now Berne fair, which is said to bo very much tlio best ot theui ' nil! The dates tor the nrxt one have been iixcd lb February 24-29; 1300. and Secretary Ruiaonstoin writes that it will not lo only the bost ever held tn the State, but tuo best ever held iu the South." Yos..dhb New Borna Fair is forging ahead and though, so good in tho piut it is improving ovory year. '.- The lust exhibition was held during that roruorably severe and long continued spell ol bad weather lust winter which many would have thought would havukrul the gates from being opened at all, bat tho managers of tho Fast Carolina Fair nro not made of metal which will pivo way Itolore difficulties and thoy went right iihend. The result wag, people ri'sp'oitdi'd wilh zeal and apprcc atilig the difficulties, each seemingly uoaiirrod himself wilh the idea that ho might have to make up tfor tho lack of somebody elsa and the refalt was an exhibit that in many ilepai tniputs had uevor been tquallcej kt'ure, Und tboio was a pretty good at tendanco notwith standing the unfiivorabla wealher nnil ail expouses of the Fair and premium!), in fi.ct all its outUtmdrug obligations wore iin t in full arid arrangements set in . motion to make the next Fair betlor, linger and grander tbau tv lw'ota. l.Ijet everybody boar this iu mind and bo ready to take tbeir duo part lu the Fair uct Feb ruary. ' ; : Fi;lii THE RACES WEDNESDAY. Largely Attended and Very Interesting. Sr:uuloiN lut on ctniele Mleoitilu-.-V.'liiiliSiJ'la I;it o:i 3SKt.'ti!!f. li i:t illicit Mloo):ilitfr.Si3'eot,y!...ll't WSrs fret 2t:c?r, eiv ilerit-.. Secon-.t. Tho F,rt.'mcii' par.id.' cit.ie 1 j'lwteidn)' .it 11 o'clock tt the loot of Brwul -t.xcr. .iccoidiug to progruiiiiiie. 1'ioparat'ti.ns for. the quick iteming ami ills; unci! tbwwiiig coi.iext wt-i'ti at iwc nade by rittigin,; tlio live engines that Lad !.'in eio.oretl lor tiu'io u otig Llio rock .vol! on Jiii-t Fr.snt .lorn tl.o foot, of Ml'i'lld up to '.le' ! i: lo-.i;'. of Jttdgo U Ii. I'r-ittt's res! ! itec. It companies v.i..;-S ot'it-'i! for ihe 'Otttflits lia'i ll:0'i.' ill .tO. I j.e "1 lll'Ol) V.I.',) :is Ii) low.-'. ,iii.i t'iey woie .ilo i'.iog.)l tn ihe oi.i.r named: (.. jYibolo - ii -1 JJ-ie ::lc;;i" "'irc I'lMgille Co.. N.). J. ;:;:" . "M.i".' .'..l.:e," S:'ul)' .;in':e, i''.i...i L, V. .1 - h: .. ec-'i.ne.. 'iV.;iK::i:o:i --.lovv mi !'. !. - S :-lie.i:ti Ptre Kugiiis C. i. 1, oi-sistf "Athan," KSttlOSl OiilliC, ('.!!: W. A. I'o.'ll'llg, i nit i ir or. Wilniir.v-l'-'n - V,'t!;i::::gton U: s.;-n l-'iie I.. c.rc--S-.a;:i- 11 ' 1 1:0 io''..:- '.:. e.i.;..' e-o.-te. S ! 'vvo t:,-:' j. 'ivr :-;:.; :s, y.r. i-e.. T. Am.i.'-.:-:i, V.'.:,:, C.i.i' .T..i. il.:- :.;;i-;).)!,i' l-.-li.-ti. ;.'ew ;S ::"e. I'll: Ho..' !.y.:j'i w.-io, C-.'l. il.ol. o P. CV'. x.o, 1,'otv Vio'a, .1. .. iioi'lurt. Ail. 1..)., :.n.t Ai...'i;i.t C'..:.-s W. 1). Bo lo.ioo, Mi w Ik :.. .0 .1 'VO'l in tl.o p,,.,e... 'i'tK' d -'' 1 "'' ! v--y -o n a live i'IV to K :i:"So 11.' i :i :' : : 1:1 . '.: : . 1 '; iui.:).t:o, ll.: v.- liio i-o . -i I .tic .-i-; I. .. Hi.Wat.1 R-..ici'S'si!!i i'o': rio.ii u Co. : iV iliMiiiri... 2.-1 li e', ,i oi ilk- Wv'iiiiig Ijn SiUioi L-'ii'o ii.tjoio Co., o ':oiii-!-io i, 33 Sett .1:1.1'.' i . !-!. The IutSr ee-iirtimv, it v.'il'l be r-c.j), w.ni bv Ul 1'j. I. 7 inches. The Ilrii n. was CoU; sicond tJ'A''. This ended ths s'o imici' conuvt for tl.c lourn mient ami aio ended tho couht for ilio uioi Liiug. iiaxd nisr.i. itAcu. .... la rie uerr...:s the linn. rM ruSMrioK p'.i.cu oo ti c ini'.c'o'.'.iii r ;iu lov.r til l .iir groui.ii, 'i'licr.) v...e four untie in ill;.-! r.iee. The feat to h.-! m;.Vs!w.l t-:.. ' per. form the quiel.-ea': the fmiowiiig: Hun 150 )? Is, My ioJ .ujt oi .10 o a.id show wit or. Ttiaaitr'os and tim3 mi'le v.;.: fol lows: Too Jt'outlieib ilo.-.t Kcol Co., INo, 4, Grectc-boro, lime 81, Atiaiitic Hon R;cl Co., Xew Berne, limn 8lJ. v.y ti II,sc ooel C.) , No. 7, Okods. horo, t.me, oii. Ch'cosu Host' Co., riiyelt-.viii.-. 'bit 351. il will tilUS 1)0 W t't Ot the Soudl-iile. now K. ol Co. of C - nr.! plizc fool il.: A:!:);'. (' 1 1 io (:! il ). . i ;-lc'.vi::iTesic.'.li-l p. ::. Ti.j I:..' ;.-.'.-isa- v?i. .lie ij e-on.l --15. New li.ri.0 nui 'i..' Ii'ii: .r .f l.:,.i.: the O'.'.'o'iet t ro'i ( i tin' i yii.vnt -.f aoy uouip.diy. b.;:. ti.e:.; tli.y lo:t llnij nil ;): count ( i' lii'vi'ig a- ol.., ;i:tu:i iviio h:l:i tl-'-t pi':',e !.'.'.' I lor ill. i i'.,c.' :l Cin.'lj '.ioio, iosioiu of to on.:: who bud pnto- titvl Will) 'o!l.'Ul 8 r bsc rot . . Those were l..s.;e eonv.iti out 1) 'ill JUi'S'-llllg "I'i Iliicrl.O-ol, il.td 1)0.1 We'.C Well Ol'i.VT'!. Tiio ai'.eriioo i raw .leo -.c-i (i t.v.-lU even mote iulei'.'st ii-i l c-,jo. meot llutn li.o '.iloiii'ng. iVi.g(i M as :oi .T.incii.cro'.Yu out, it is c-ii.i.i'.tul to li.iv.j boon vjfawud by between two and ilnej tliousuu.lNpo.) pie. Tiie judde3 in 'lie race were: Co!. II. P. Christie, New York, F. If. Vogo'tr, 3aloiit, lien. T, Atiivrsiin, Wilson, N. C. Von Gleliu, '.Wilniiimto-i. Tlio s'arlers wen: Seeio'iules.!. v. t'rilIiil),i)fGrn)iis- hot'o, and Uu ,i, fr. Cttiiioi'.ng, ot .1 oris ir.oni.il, 'a. Time Keepers: Muyo.r Wm. Elli-s How Berne; lJ. il. LvhrO'k, Wii.slon, and E. O. rurmuie, Wii- m;ugtou. TO-DAY'S RACES AND PRIZES. Exciting Contests on Macadamized Road Morning and Afternoon, Grill nml .lE9?no Stexi't Kaeos llnntt nnel llortto Ioi.k ait.l I.ntl.ler KneCN- Etocl Stnco for (:Simtilo:iihls Itoll. Tho tournsiniiiit events begin today on the Macadamized road in front of the Fair grounds at 9 o'clock and hut until iiljout noon; then centos an intermission lor (tinner and rest, and tlio:i tho races will bo resumed nt three o'clock and con tinued until ended. A day of pleasure is in store for all win attend. Following is the list of prizes, regular and special, for all tlio contorts of the tournament, yesterday's as well as today's, anil also tho program for to-day, and the rulos that will govern: OK,B BACH CONTEST. Company to run fifty van's crab reel and ruu fihy yards lo plug, unreel uot loss than toriy-cight feet of bose, attach same to plugur.d throw water drag rope to lie up or down (optional with company). Couplings to be mcda with two liul threads. Plug tnw Lb closed when Ooro- at fl o'eloolFobt of Craven Street. pany stnrts on run, same as in Rod contest. The company running first in Reel con. t.Kt will luu iu the glut) content mi me. lonely ultor second company in the Heel contest makes their ruu, and all companies running n Heel contest must run in urn i) contest. This nilo must bo toliowod until ail companies contesting have miule runs. HAM! Tl.'JCK HOOK AM) I.A11DKII HACK. Companies' allowed one man to every ft venty-iive pound, exclusive ot lad.lcr- iii'in an.! er. Uiin. Musi run one hundred y:i.'i'.: iiiistrup olid take oil' throe LiMcr, n.is the tliiid ladder, (which muirt not. be .e-i. i.luin tliirty feet long) mini to acend n-i.i! tiiiii li Ion piece or r rnud of ladder and descend; repi.ee all ladders und truti ilo'.vn. I.iulilers mu-it bo raised by i iiol. No hooks or poles allows I. I. ad I- i'niiiii must, start liom boltiun i.oie.-'.. i.'i.i ie-:s tiiim two entiies allow-nl. o ;;.,-( ei.iuprtiiy allowed lo form or sii .-i n Tni.-k company. ..:;;St-. TltlTK HOOK AND I.AilDKIl CON-Ti:!-. TWO TO llNTtlll. C im.ii'.nioc itllowed one or two Ilornc iu-:,, 'f r.wiw to be weighed. Weight oi ..e-li ir.M ii.ii !c:-s than 1,200 pounds, xcru.i'.'.u oi elriver and nun; for two s:i., uot ,0:i- than 2.000 pounds. Hun i. .o.i hundred yards; mist rap and lake (ill i.u.i: o... .!;;;::, I'oiae! tlio third 'ladder, '. 1.1: h iim-i not be less tlulti thirty feet u..:, iv. .il to "iNperxl and touch lop iioce o noon! ol ladder and discern!; replace :i ... Mors and strap down. Ladder must s misert "y lo.iiil. No hooks or polos ..ietwod. I. 'i.'! lei nun niii-t lnrt from b.iStoiii roiii'il. Not tess than two enlrios lloiv.d. X Itosc company allowed to ir.t: or iis-ist a Truck conipiuiv. Only .'.St' on men u'iot.od, exclusive of drivel an t .;.oV...-n,.iu. HO!::;;: hem. ;: . c i: to two kxteii. Couip.niien ulioweii tiie u.-u of any four vl.e -i lio.o carriage or wagon, cither one or two i.o;:,e; to c.u'rv not less than 850 J i 1 1 st iii'Jaro two and one-half inch hose; o.oi.ige or wayoti to Ik: weighed; tt'oigbi i one horse not less than 1.200 pounds, s oi-.vo ut' ciilvee and men; lor two - -o! h.- than 2,lif)0 podin's. ex- ..:-:-. eol d.ivr.r and men.- the d,lvor. . ..si.fi and c; up itig breaker shall ride t :: e c t '.-. e or wuoii. Run two hundred y.tvd i by .'.rant, ill. reel not less than two :'. !.'-',! in i ei.jhiy-.- g; j 1.1 ,,;' hose, j'c.il-. ei '.io'.li.g and nltiicli 'i.o (did s.iiow .v.i'.i.:; vcLr uiii.-.t show wdliin lifty ti.t . , t v i i.'iv'red iiiii. eighly-ei:;!,. tool line; 1. oil : . eoicu on carriage or placed in w ,- :.. mi . t '.cd '.villi three tin iiii";i.h. .'.:.' p'y.: urt b, .!o:.'l at toe timo ol li .oii.;..i .y fhi.-tiug. an., cannol be :':!..; tiiilii iiose is lirst suited to lie .:.i.'.;cieii. Coinpauiea allowed tivo mon . i ;.ild;i.oii to ihose who ride., aud can be plsiied :n -ueti posilion as desired. Time laia.'.i bom rin-t sianl tinlil water shows. If butt or pipe blows off company shall bo ui! :d out. STATK CHAMl'lOXSUIP llliKI. CONTEST. Section 1. Any cait capable of carry ing 500 feet of regulation hose may lm iked, uiiiHucr not to exceed sixteen men and a foreman. Curls must start with -W-U list ol hose, all coupling) made. See. 12. Hose race, wet or dry, (lis '.mice to hydrant 200 yards, lay tfUO feet o. ii.-sc, uucoupic, put on n.oe, tunc to be c.lia.l when pipe is dropped lo ground in dry ran, mid when water leaves the pipe ii. we: run; curls not to carry less than 350 feet ol hose', reeled into one continu ous lino. Companies not to exceed six- oen rneti and a loromau. See. 3 Center of reel of hose cart or cur:i,e.;o to be on the starting lino. Sou. i. I'ipo to be carried on curt or by p.peiiuin from the start.. Pipe shall lie oi .sueli style or pattern as tennis iiiii v so'uet, ptv.vhlod always, they are suitable tor active seivice. Ao couplings other tl ;i'j .-l.'.'.nlur.t screw coujilings atuill be ..llov.ed. Svc. '). Sixteen men nml n foreman jlliiwo.l in all lb)so metis; no tiiaii ti . i.i-t iiiicn'l of loaders or to fail in and us s a i.i dragjiiug the itppnratus alter the Still .. See. 0. No profe,.;s:Oiial runner will be alioo'o .. to uuiipeto in any contest. The ioi'ai, "iiniicosional runner, ' is appiicd to one who has or is following racing as a profession or means of livelihood, and comii'.ou reputation shall be deemed con-c-uaivu evidenco ot such urolcssion, which iiiiiii be determined bv the executive eoni- i.'.ittee. t-:. 7. Ail couplings used must lw .'liiinfiiirii screw couplings, eight threads !o tiie inch and adapted to two and one hiuf inch lire hose; the hose on each coupling uot to be shorter than lifty icet. Sec. 8. All work must be doue by hands or span nor. Sec. 9. Snap, spring and unproportioned couplings, or any attachment to couplings to assist; in breaking or making hnriod. Sec. 10. When time is called com positors must step back for Judges to examine. Judges must chalk pipe ami couplings before moving, then turn pipe off to see that it takes tho required throe turns to disconnect. j Sec. 11. That the Association, at its meeting previous to tho lime such cliiitn-l pioiu-liip rnco shall como oil", shall elect three Judgos, one Tiino-Kocper and one whose duty it shall be to tako charge of Iho race unilor tho abovo rules and report the result to the Secretary as soon as such ttico is over. LIST OF PRIZIiS., 1. Qaick Steaming, 1st prim, 100 (in which no steamer of New lierno depart ment nntorcd.) 2. ( jmcK Steaming, 2nd prize 1)25.00. 8. Distance, 1st prize 50.00. 4. Distance, 2d prize 25.00. 5. Hand Rod B ice, 1st prize 75 00, 6. Hand Reel Race, 2d prize 25.00. 7. Grab Reel Race, 1st prize 50 00. ; 8. Grub Reel Race, 21 prizo 25.00. 9. Homo Reel Race, 1st prize 50.00. 10. Horn Reel Race, 2d prize 25.00. 11. Hand Hook and Ladder Race, 1st prizo 50.00. - 13. Horse- Hook and Lnddor linen. 50.00. 14. IIoso Rod for Championship Bolt. In addition to Hie abovo prizes offered to tho different contests, the Association for '.he second timo will oner the hand some Gold Bolt known 'as the "North Carolina Stain (Slnmt.ion.it. In R.li" tn ko contested lor by Hand Hose Champa- Itcrelvrr' Appointed. In the suit of Stockholders against the Carolina Inter Suite Building and Ixiun Associutiou ol Wilmington N. C. Judge Graham on yesterday at Keuan villo, continued Mr. Iredell Meares, of Wilmington as Iteoeiv.,,. nnnAinli,,,. nl.. as Receiver 3!r. J. li.' Maiming of the siiim: coy. n niutiuer ot sncw Uenies citlz- ns he'd stock in this Association. Mr. Clins It. Thomas was one of the attor ney's for the Stockholders asking lteceiv. ei-. (ill. V. oil. lor (tin rules frnvom'mtr Cliaiiipioie-inii liifei Uncos. -iso tin; toliowing: A handsome Gold lliulge olferud bv the Mni-cltn leim ll..u (lo of Now York, to llm Iti,...l ll.u.ir and Biidde: Comimiiv inakim II,.. I, est iiino, to be contested lor under rules gov- iiiung liaiif, nook ami .Ladder contests. f!)C Bai!'r l) lie tllP ll.Vl .... lie .f tin fn pany iintil won tluue limes in succession, out huh. ,y w inning coumnnv till within 10 dii'.s of next iissociatiou nioelinc 'Sllllll. l.s i:iiiii)ior,-h:p llnsc Race.) Also ti liiuiduoilie Cold badge oftert'd by The Gutlu I'orclia and Hiihl.i.r Ml'.r fn ot Xew Yo;k. for Iho Hnsn initklng best time in Cntb Kate. . Also a handsome nielVIn ,il,.in.l rio;.., Liiiitarsi otfeied by The Fabric Firo Hose Co., of New York, to lie presont(l to the Fniemnn of the company Ijtst uuifnrmad Ideportnient, number mid gontlemauly lieaiing coiisidoied) in the naradc. If you are looking for an honest and good smoke, call and try our -FAMOUS- La Flor tie Teller Cigars. The best () cents smoke to be oblainoti. AND"" Tellers ...Royal Blue... For n NICKLK, will please the? most Faxiilums Cigarettes and CHtWINC TOBACCO AT JNO.DUNN'S 55 and 57 - - Pollock Btreet, IM MY Candy Dep't Will bo found a, greater vari ty of the best makes. Agency -FOU FINE-CANDIES Fresh Each Week. Atour SODA. F0UNTAI5 will bo dispensed, Coot sad Re freshing Drinks. Qivo nsacall. JOHN -: Dunn. 65 & 57, - - Tollock Street,

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