lout) fJORTH CAROLINA, ncm. NEW BERNE.eeese A Cily of 0000 Population and Steadily Growing on a Solid Buain8fi KasiB. Great Trucking Center ol tbe South; Larpe Lumbering & Klsliiim interest. BubMcribe to 't he JOI'RNAL ; au4 Keep PomIxI. In tho variety und extcntol uernatur. al resources la unsurpassed; and In her elltnale, unequalled by any State In the Union. . . VOL XIV-NO. 1U. NEW BERNE, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 11, 1895. PRICEFIVE CENTS Fresli GooQs Constantly Arrivina est FROM THE FACTORIES FOR H. Sd W. 0) H 0 i t o PI (1) H (!) M t c r "3 Pi C- C-!r At FivJ D Fd 0F- NEW ADVCHTISEMKNTN.H fcD. Haesoll To hit. : VisUing Cards W. L Smith. Wanted Thos. A. P. Champhn. QoldeborO Lumber Co. Wanted. BUHINKMS LOCALS I, D. 1IASSELL propose to hit tlie light weight U.tler ol the world, , i, ami a. D. Hasski.l. FOR Sale Cheap Ticket to Gol.lsboro, Ituh-igh and ureensnoro. ltotot wiattawKa, CHANCE to Learn Shmt Hand and Type Writing Mies Jonnio Steinhclpcr win organize a ciass in pirnogrupuy miu Typo Writing. Fur furiher particulars, end bu seonat Miss M. estovers, between tl und 1 o'clock. Those widliin" to ioin will tilcinw aimlv at once. Terms rens- onible. alO 2w TfJE Finest bcttkk in tlie City. - : . W. . COX. U'ANTOIA irrntlomnn nf standbier to represent Combined Contract comprising two 01 me largest investment uuu mo in surance companies in America. Address A 1 dummlm. Siin't First Floor . ! . . . ii-i. ii. 'i.i' ,,.. (KoOlllS Vi t' 10J, JttCUUl 11UIKIII1K my tmi, l) v. ICV. firtFAM mndu to order at short notice at 61.3! and $1.7S per gallon. By the quart 10 anu J" cis. airs, uinry j. Whiiohuret. No. 1. cor. Queen and Graves streets. 41w. FRESH Rutabaga ami Turnip Seed, just lereivcd.. Cheap for cash nt F, 8. Duffy's Drag Store. WANTED: An honest, active gentleman .ir Imlv to travel for reliable tstablished house. Salary $780, payable $15 weekly und expenses. Situation pormaucut. Ref- erciices. Enclose st'lf-nddroKScl stamped euvelope. The Dominion Company, jib Omaha Building, Chicago. : j271m. FIIUNITNHE Reiwircd. Cleaned, Pol- i8her or Yaraished. Also' Upholstering in all its branches. Baby camuecs paint ed, Trunks repaired, or anything that is nut or oiw. uuii on u. u. uraen, io Middle stieet. jO lm' HEADQUABTEU8 for flour, snuff, su- ar, lnrii, Duucr ana ioobcuo. m are Millnr's AL'enU for the saleofilnur. Don't forge; tlie p'aee. KOBEBf s oko THE very best und pnEAPEST Btick iu nn,n T will oeU them f-nH A 1W.R tlllin anybody else will sell the same grade, bee me before you buy. C. Reibknstbik, SICK and debilitated persons that need a tonic will do well to' try Jlinerva lwr, the Unfit table beer iu the world. Sold at J. F. Taymb'h. tf. FOH RENT. Large House and lot, 188 Middle street. Apply m jiotr. (JIIARI.ISS wvvx. . nflM'T f.irT..( tlint. Old Pniiurd can lm bought cheap at 'the Jocrnal oflico and in any quantities. ' tf GltATED Piueipple, best quality, (or ice cretin), pics, cake, preserves and other t T L T i ... ni.1. 1 1 1 7 1 ! F. M. CnADWICK, Merchant Tailor 103 Middle St I am now in receipt of spring aud summer samples and am prepared to show a large line of both foreign and domestic styles. Tho new Tariff on woolons wont in ell'cct, Jan. first and tho goods which I ran show have nil boon regulated by that schedule as to values. IN Order to close UV UM1 UUO Ul Straw Matting, it will bo sold at COST. 10 Rolls left. J. M. HOWARD. .....NEW BERNE.... 30LLEGI ATE INSTITUT Opens Sept. 2, 1895. . hicks jsKissaiasw' jPOTUPAJEl-a.XORTr BOHOOL. This school offyrs tlio Vory best advaut ICS to Drop ire: fir advnuiod classes in college or lor business lilo. . The standing f students who have been educated in thU Institution attest the thornuali seholuralnp and benellcial results nf the work. Thein are men and women who were educated In this school, occupying promi nent positions in this and other Stab s. It is the nm chartered school in norm uar lipa, beiiig charlpred Ip 17flii,ond i is tlie nnlV erKtowetJ preparatory School in the Biaia; . . '' The buildiniz is commodious and eon voniontly arranged fir scliiml work. The rooms are large and well venlilaicd, which means a (treat deal to a student's health. Good patent desKs ara placed in each. Thero are eight nicely arranged recita tion rooms. This year there will be departments to The Principal has been making mctli. ods a study at the the University Bum- met School, oesides reviewing the Lntm and French Languages this summor. The scliiol will be made uctter in every par. ticular than it has been heretofore. We solicit your patronage. For fur ther lnlbrnntiuu adilats the principal at riow Berne, , E. P. MENDESnALL. Prln. . i J. ' NEW AWRIFT. In the City of KIhim nntl Vicinity, Untnered iu sail Brlclly Told. Tlie weather bureau predicts fair weather today. Mossrs. "Bill" Smith and Charles Ed wards ell for a throe nooks sojourn ut Ociocoke on tho commodious sail yacht ' George K. Conner." 'They took their Sunday cluthos." All persons having bills against the Fire Department on nccount rf tho Tour, nament will please present thorn on Mon day, (to-morrow) to it. W. Simpson, ec y Fire Department, accompanied by orders for sanio. Wo are reinested to State that St. John's Baptist church, col., will have one ot its northern ministers, Kcv. J. A. liar, ris, to preach a semion there to uiilit, He may remain and conduct other meet ings. CoiiiIiin; anl Oolna;. Misses. Rosa anil Loonti Cox hit to visit relatives at Coblitowu. Mr. Isaac Cohen returned to his home at Ooklsboro. Mr. J. R. B. Carraway wont up to Ral eigh on a plO'ismo trip. Miss Grace Pomeroy of Graham who has been visiting Miss Lulu Ives returned to her home. Mr. G. H. Waters went up to Klnston to vUit his daughter Mrs. C. T. Ran dolph. Mr. Goo. W. Gaskill loft for Lexington to make, that plaeo his home. He will manage tho Lexington Drug Co's busi udss. Mrs. E. P. Carraway left to visit rela tives in Edonton. From there she expects to go N.'rtli in a few days. Mr. Claud Ga9kins who has been visi ting in New Beinc during the Firemen's Convention and tournament left for his home in Gritlon. Mrs. Price and Miss Macme J) Wallace of Wilmington who havo boon visiting Mm. J. Ji. Ives lull returning homo. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Taylor who have been visitim? at Mrs. I-aiah Wood's re turned to Kmston, Miss Jennie Watson left to spend a day or two as Beaufort Tuesday, she will leavj Beaufort for the mountains. Mr. John E. Stanly pi Goldsboro and family lift returning homo. Mr. Stanly will return Monday to lurnisli lus work of getting up a lodge of Knights of Dixie here. Father P. F. Quiun returned last nizht from St. Mary's where he has been spend ing a week in retreat, . Mr. J. D. Swindell and dauuhtcr. Mis. Silverthoru, Mrs. U. S. Mace and children )elt on a sailboat lor Hyde county. Rev. Edward Bull left to fill a counlo of appointments for Rev. Henderson Cole near Verona. fine Hoarse Work, ' Mr. II. W. Simpson's hearso which has been in Meters. Cummings & Blalock's shop for repainting and to receive new trimmings cauio out of the shop yesterday with the work finished.' Tho hearse cannot be told from one iust out of the factory, aud moieover it is handsomer now than ever it was bctorr, the now plumes and curtain and silvor rails are elegant, and tho panning is oi tho vory best materials and of the very finest mirror finish. Ji is as protty a piece of work of its kind as could have boon oxecuted anywhero and being woll dnno it is expected to hold good lor over a dozen years. Fr Will Hnptlat Work. Elders W. W. Lewis and W. II. Frost, who have baen conducting meetings through last week in tho Free Will Bap tist church at Croatnn camo up to New Berne Saturday. Elder Lewis kept on to continue his woik elsewhere' and Mr. Frost stopped over in New Berne. He will proach tonight in tho church here. and on Tuesday will go np to Kinston to work mere. The result of the meeting nt Croatnn was a glorious revival. There were eleven conversions Ten of the number were baptized in Ncuse river Friday. KnlicbtB or Dixie. Mr. John E. Stanly who' recently spent a few days iq die city aoking to .organize a lodge of Knights .of Dixie here, sc oured about 80 names of parties,' who sigmlleu their willingness to join. lio returned tlio hist purt ot this week. and attended the . Firemen's Tourna ment, that being over he now proposes to proceed and organize the Lodge. Good Iteporla from tho Naval Reserve Crniae. A corre-'pondent of the Wilruirgtoa Meestingeft writing from on 'board the monitor .Nnnturket, has this to say of the Naval Reserves on their cruiso 1 "All hands were piped on devk at 0:30 o'cloek and after hammocks wore rolled up and p'aced In thoir boxes und every body had had a wash down, moss was piped, after which the cutter and whale Ixxit were filled with tteu bound for the Amphitrite. The men whan they go aboard this modern monitor are divided into different gnu crews B,ii4 shown uo.w' to work every gun from the smallest up to the- large 10-iii; h turret guus. The crewa are changed nround every (lay so that all the men will undorstaud each ono of the eUI. Thoy aro making great progress and before the cruise is over they will have them down to fins point." ' The Star's correspondent pays the re serves this compliment i "The fifth day ot tlio, crulo opened, with a, good stiff, blow from tlu southeast ap.il a drenching rain, which did not by any moans dampen the ardor of North Caro lina's lolly tars, The praise ahqwereoj on them from all shies, will not allow a little thing lik rain to phase them j their sense Qf duty to do as they are ordered, will not permit them to flinch. They have the assurance that thty have been tried and found true. Tlie ability of the reserves to cope with emergencies brought forth in their line of duty Is not an experiment; it is a fact. If at any time old Nur'h Carolin t shall be called on to face sn enemy on sea, her lair name will be waft ed across ocjans to all foreign lands, Hor resorves will look after, her rk)utatio,ir oft sea,, ris, did her troops attend, to it at (iottysburg.'1 DEPARTURE OP THE FIREMEN. Amid Hearty EKireftNion or Appro elation From Them nnd by Our Peo ple to Them . Upon the Pleasure Their Visit Afforded Cheers From Both sides for the Others. Mr. J. W. Griffith, Secretary of North Curoliua Slute Fireiueu's Asjociutiou de sires us to state that when the firemen started to New Beino thoy expected much, but that they got more than they expec ted. They enjoyed themselves in tlie highest degros anil tho beauty of New Borne's fitir maidens is it pliasant recol lection, that will long linger with them. We can see from Mr. Griffith's stay that ho is a diligent Socrelury, 'foregoing pleas ure himself and working day and night for the pleasure of others while duty calls for it, though when duties are done he joins in the merriment with the jolliest, President McNeil and the other officers also show elevotion to tho good of the Association. Mr. McNeil evidenced this among thinas by good work he did hist winter before the Legislature in se curing such legislation its the Association ueeded, for which good services ho wits warmly thanked by the firomi'n's couvou tion. Jndging from thoir expessions firemen never enjoyed themselves butter than they have this time ami Now Jicrnuins enjoyed having thorn hero as well as they enjoyed coming. As the .trains rolled out taking them away there was hearty chtoring by the visitors lor New Bcrna and its people and counter cheering on tho part of our citizens, of whom there wure many at the depot, lor tho departing firemen.. The best of cheer provailod on every side and no body on either side was "sorry it occur red.'" THE ATI.ANTICN "IX IT.' What the Roys Won During- Tourna ment Week--Nciv Iterne Company Nniashes tho Ntnte Record in. the Horse Reel Rnce. The Atlantic Sleara Firo Engino Co. No. 1 was in its glory last week, under the colors of "Pink and White." The compauv's semi-centennial will be an event loiii! to bo remembered by all. The State papers have spoke in high terms of this Mid tlie JNcw liciue company on this occasion. When wo were urging tho Allantics to come out and practice for the Tuuriia ment, it will lie remembered that wo Stated that they might crown themselves with glory during the occasion, and wo aro glad to say that they did. Tho Company now holds tho ''Cham pionship" in two contests: the hand hoso reel ot the State, and the Quick Stoamor of the world. The following is a list of prizes won by tho Champions last week: 1. Nickle plated Lantern, for best de portment on parade. 8. Second money in Hand Rocl race, 23. 8. Grab Reel rnco, f 50. 4. Gold Championship Belt. 5. Gold Modal, special prize with Grab Reel raeo. 6. Five dollar gold d'iocc, special prize, with Grab Reel race also. The Championship belt is now on exhi bition at tho jowolry stoio of A. E. Uib bard. Everybody should sco it before it is put away for snfo keeping. It is a beauty. It cost $75.00. j Tho New Berne S. F. E. Co. No. 1, smashed the record in tlie horse hoso reel I race, and it was too had that tho trace broke on the Btart ot tuoir turn. But nev ertheless they got tho honors if not the "cash." We are glad that thoy maao (.no exhibition run, for they showed tlia visi tors in this rim, what they would Itave dot e, had the accident not happened. Church Nervlces. Christ Church: Rev. T. M. N. George, rector. 9th Sunday after Triuity, Holy Communion 7:45 a. m. Service and ser mon 11 a. m. Services at the new cbapel, Pollock street G:15 p. m. Sunday school at tho church 5 p. m., and at the chapel 9:30 a. m. The public is cordially in vited. ' Centenary M. E, Church, South: Rev. L. L. Nasi), D,' VL, pastor. Preaching at H i: m and 8 P. m. Prayer meetiug 0:30 . m, Suuday school 4:30 p. m., J. M. Howard, mip't. rue puunc coruiauy in vited to all services. The pastor will leave the city next Tuesday, and will be absent for two weeks. lie desires a lull atten dance oa the services to-day. Midd'.e Street Baptist Church.' Samuel J. Porter, pastor. Services 11 a. m., and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 4 p. no. A cordial invitation extended to all. Visi tors and strangers are Specially invIto.il to attend tho preaching vertices, PjesVytfVwn' Chutch:-C. G. Vardell, pastor. Services 11 a. m., and 8 p. m. Sabbath school 5 p. m, The public are eordiajly invited. nancock Street M. E. Church: A. D. Butts, pastor. Prayer meeting K:30 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. Sunday fcliool 4 p. m. Punching and Lord's Supper. Tabernacle Baptist Church, Berno St! Sunday School 9:80 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. in., and 8 p. in., by Rov. W, F. Fry. Song service at S p. m. IVaycr meetings Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 p. ni. You aVu coidially luvitod to attend these ser vices. .'..-', Be Paul's Church: Mass at 11 a, m. Devotions and Bonediction at 8 p. in. Rev. Father Quiun, YE DAHEBAI.I. MAN. From own, to, town ail o'er the land ' He treads a more than royal routo. M,en run and stare and shout and bet, ' Bocnuw the baseball man la out ' Though times be hard and weather hot They drop their dollars at the gate, And sit lor hours upon a plank, And keep their oyes upon thu piste. No sons of Mars, no president W j Ere hod so hot following. , Look how they -Watch ' the growing score! Hark bow they make the welkin rino'- - Tlie grip my mire, k,Iii"ga live or die, Crops fail aud revolutions flop, " ; What caret he? As tho mercury oliniUs, The baseball man, he stays on top. Yankee Blade. REASONS' FOR NEUSE 1! RIDGE Taken up and Squarely Refuted By Another Citizen of Pamlico Coun tyThe BrlriKC Will be a Monument to the Wisdom and Oood Souse of Those Who llullil it. ' Editor .Touhnal: I see on article in The Daily Journal of August 1st, uuder the heading "Will it Pay?" Tlio writer starts out iu his discussion of tlio Bridge question by saying: "Is it right to lax a man nt Cove, Craven county, 50 per annum to build and keep a bridge because a miin in Pamlico county pays, iu forriugo $30 per annum ?" Ho immediately fol lows by saying that "There are ouly two men in Pamlico county wliosu ferriage exceeds ten dollars per year.'' Hence it follows as no man in Pamlico county pays 50 ferriage, that tho man at Cove, Craven county, will not havo to pay $50 bridge tax, so bore tho question ouds. Pamlico then adds if "L'mven, Pamlico and Beaufort counties aro taxed to build this bndgo there is not n man owning $100 worth of property whoso tax for tho bridge wotilil not be moro than his ferriage (per annum )" In answer to this extravagant calculation I have yet to luain that Pamlico and Beaufort counties are part io in the enterprise, and if thoy wore it would fall far short of Pamlico h calculation as every thinking man in the counties know. Again. "If there was ft free bridge at Lewis's ferry, it would not tako from Fowler's ferry 30 per cent of the patronage from Pamlico.'' And bore again our writer uuder tlie title of Pamlico acorns to betray a want of minuteness in calcu lation, for 1 presumo that Lewis' leny has 30 per eont of Pamlico's patronage alriady, and if there was a free bridge at or between either of the ferries it would take all of the patronage except sucli men as our Pamlico man, that might rather balance, tho com with u ttono because his father did it. Yes ! it might empty into Pamlico and Beaufort counties some of Craven's labor ers, aud it might empty into Craven, some of Pamlico and Ucaulort's laborers. This I think would depend largely upon tho prices paid on each sido of tho hue, and not the mere fun of crossing the bridge-. At this point in tho article Pamlico's mind scorns to soar to mutters of greater importance. He rays Unit Pamlico net ds a Railroad and would tike stock in it, but uot in a 1 ridge. Pamlico don't seom to have counted tho cost of Railroad build ing, For my part I think that Pamlico county has had enough of Railroad build ing, for it is known to tho tax payers of the county that she has paid enough Rail road taxes to build an iron bridge over 111" Ncusa River. Pamlico further cays, "Thore is no need of a brielge, with the present condition of our roads." 1 am a little puzzled at this point to know what the writer niems, but as it is prosuivod that ho knows what ho is talking about to be truo. Why! il would certainly follow that wo have no need for the ferries, for tho same Roads that leid to tho ferries, wiil certainly lead to the bridge. I am a little doubtful, Mr. Editor, that your correspondent is a C'oxeyito. The writer of the article in question claims a whole county for his litlo, but wo think he fails to voice the sentiments of the more thinking part of the people. Pamlico thinks that tlio bridge will hcln the retail trade of New Borne, but not the wholesale trade. Now, how it could help the one without helping tho other, is some thing that a jjnntl business man would fail to understand. U may injure country grab-.aho.ps, as the people will bu able to gci luiiuw jmuuu iiiucil cuc-apor, 1101. only saving ferriage, but the extra por centuge charged by country stores. I agree with Pamlico that the Commis sioners of Craven county ara wiso aud honest men, too wiso and honest to be driven off of their course by anything that the Patnli-x) writer can say to intimidate them, Tlie people aao taxed too high taxed at the lorries twico as much no doubt in each year 03 thoir bridge lax could pos sibly ever bo. The writer of this article paid at Nelson s ferrv, rear beloro last. a'xmt $30.00. Loss of time, exposure, and other iticonvcnioncos, come in for their share Iu this tax. As for tho individual referred to in the close of Pamlico's aiticlo, if what ho says oe true, it speaks welt tor the goutlumiin, whoever he may be, for it shows us that be was not actuated by any selfish motive. seems that ho was provided for without tuo briugo. ho. push Ilia Prulgo matter, gentlemen, one aud ail. nnd you will not noco, any monuments to perpetuate your memory when you nro gone, for tho bridgo will ho monument enough to show your wisdom and goodness in helping a tax rideu and opprossod people. II. To The Public We, tho undorsigned, having associated ourselves under the firm name of McI.uiiol Sn Gaskill for tho purpose of carrying on a first class Grocery business, do rcspect lully ask for a share of tlio public patron age. Wo propose to carry tho very Inst goods that tho markois afioril in our lino. 'o buy our goods direct and in largo quantities, nnd are lully prcpnied to com pete with the trade Wo proposo to givo full value in every transaction, be it large or small. And hope by honest dealing to merit a liberal share of the public pat ronagn. Vory respectfully, John L. McDanirl, , Joa. GaskU'U No, 71 Broad strcot, opposite: J. W. Stewart's livery stables, Now Berne, N. C. ' ' -T ' ' . The Weather Reeord. The following is tho weather record since August came in: . TEMPER ATUBR. Max. Min. Range. 1-83.8 68.0 81.6 8 8t. ' 600 84.5 8-88 0 , 61.0 87.0 4 -82 0 ' ' 7.0 15.0 5-87.0 65.0 88.0 0-89.0 70.0 19 0 7 99 0 74 0 10 8 90 0 75,0 15.0 989.5 73.S . 15.0 1,093.0 : 79.5 80.5 ' Visiting-card. c One dozen best quality visiting oartla with namo written in any style desired, 20 cents, uotei Allien. W. L. Smith. TEAM. ENGINE CHALLENGES. Between Wilmington nnd New Berno WllinluKtou Withdraws Hers and Accepts New Berne's. Tho Silsby slcira lire engine loaned by New Berno to WiluiiuSton to cuablo the latter city to si ud two engines to the con tests, was returned safely yesterday. A telegram ofthauks from Chief Nowmuu was also received. When oureugine, the quickist steam iug one in the word, made so by the talent of New Berne machinists, was received at Wilmington, the firemen there sent a tele gram to New Berno challenging the world to a quick steaming contest. New Borne replied by challenging Wilmington to a distance throwing contest Wilmington's engino is much more poworful than New Berne's, hence it will be seen tlio relative prowess of the two cities was for the time, reversed. Each engine was gotten back home yes terday and the last telegram from Mr. Purmelee withdrew their quick steaming challenge and directed Mayor Ellis to tell Assistant Chief W. 1). Barriugtou that tlie distance challenge was accopted. Tho general seutinicut, ns voiced by Ihc press of the country, about tho propi scd bull lights at Atlanta sjerus to bu nearly all one way against them against them whether they are real or shams in the one case it considered a fraud, in the other brutal and the public do not waut either the one or the other. tied In Now Berno on Saturday morning at 3 o'clock, Matthias Manly, infant son of Charles E. aud Cora A. Nelson, age 10 days. Tho Raleigh Recorder says that 44.32 per cent of the people of North Carolina are chinch members. This is far above the average, which is about 27 per cent. Masonic Notice. A stated convocation of New Berno Chapter No 40, It. A. M., will be held in Masonic Hall Monday evening Aug. 12lli, 1893 nt 8 o'clock. By or.lor High Priest. J. H. Uackburn, Soc'y, Wholesale Market. Country Produce. Beet, 4afic. Beeswax, 25c. Corn, 45c. Chickens, grown 40a45c pr.; young, 30a35c. Ducks, Eng. S5a40c; Muscovy SOafiOc. Egga, 7 iac. Field pons, l 50. Geese, 80e. a 90c. per pair. Hides Dry flint, G i7c ash nnd dry salt 3c; green 4c, decr-'iiidea 15a20c.; otter fla7. Lambs, $1.00a$t -25. , Oats, 28c. Old Sheep unshonred $1.00 a $2.00; sheareJ, $1.00nf 1.75. Peanuts, C5 a 75c, Sheep, $1.00a$3 00. Turkeys, $1.25 a $1.75 por pair. Loiing Soperintenflent Wanted ! BafWANTED. A man competent to have charge of 30 or 40 head of team, and thoroughly understands working them to advantage in logging. Must be sober, Rtfiuly and a good worker. Apply to GOLDSBORO LUMBER CO. olldeod w2t Dover N. C. New Groceries ! New Stock I! No. 40 Middlo Street, Music's old stand. J. L. Fentress, Prop. JST'Oity and Country patronage so licited. Free city delivery. Best ol uoods and Lowest Prices. Givo us a call. augl 3m JUAN PORT UONDO..... .Ci3r ..... Sold only at BllADIIAM'S PHARMACY, Comer Middle & Pollock Sis. rT"Havo ynu triod Bkomo Vichy ovihat Headache 1 Summer : : Comforts! HAMMOCK IIOOKS, HAMMOCKS, KEOLININOCIIAIUS, RHINE & CLARET WINE for cool aud dulicious summer Drinks, AT.. J. F. TAYLOR'S. Closing Out Sale Owing to the large stock of E. P. REED'S OXFORDS on hand. I will close them out at cost for the next Thirty days: Tho $275 $9.25, Tho $8.50 $8.10, The (2.25 $1.85; The $2,00 0 $1.C0. Ctll early and and get your fit while thoy am going. A NICE LINE OF , White , Blac. anOimreu Lams Going cheap, and everything In the Sam, iner Line will be sold way down. 2T"Money saved is Money Don't forget the place. J. J. BAH-TEn. If you arc looking for an honest and good smoke, call and try our -FAMOUS- La Flor de Teller Cigars. Tho best 10 cents mnoke to bo obtained. AND" Tellers ...Royal Blue... For a NICKLE, will please tun most Fiinlidious Cigarettes and AT JNO. DUNN'S 55 and 57 - - Pollock street, ""IN MY Candy Dep't Will I mi found a greater vari ty of the best makes. FOR FINE CANDIES Fresh Each Week. C"TAfc our SODA FOUNTAI5 will be dispensed, Cool and Re freshing Drinks. Qive as a call. JOHN -:- DUrii!. 65 & 57, - - Tollook Street.