SWT HORTH CAROLINA, NEW BERNE.ee . A City ol WKH) Po)ulatioii unci Htvaclily Growing on a Solid llusineas Uasii Great Trucking Center ot the South; Imtko Lumbering 4 Flshinsr Interests nnbacribe (a The Journal MdJKeep Posted. ffl In the variety and extent ot lieruutua. al re sou roes is unsurpassed; and in her climate, unequalled by any State J in tho Union. j NEW 6ERNE, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 3, 1895. VOL XIV-NO. .159. PRICE -FIVE CENTS pitw i Rl ENABLED fOr iag Prices. ft Ask You To CAREFULLY ' IMWrOTIPATT mVLOIIUttlL Seriously . . CONSIDER rices. . '- finiMIAIIH WE STIR TRADE nil ACS? J ,... I I II ..-. I UK NEW ADVERTISEMENT. W. B. Cox -r Buckwheat &c. , . J. B. Parker, jr. Toilet Soap. . , For Rent-s-Tliree Rooms. J. It. Parker, jr. Oat Meal Ac. J, R. Parker, jr. Buckwheat.' J. R. Parker, jr. Corned Be.f. : Edward Bull Stove For Salt'. " .'', ; (X Murk Co Embroidering. A & N. C It. R Buffjlo Bill's Show McXniiii:I & GaskillCulifomin Prunes elc, . : BlINIISESS I.OCAI.M FOR RENT '8 Rooms with or without board. Apply No. 40, Corner Eden and Pollock Sib. tf. I.OOSH Out Meal and Oat Fiakes Sc. II). at J. R. Purkcr, jr. CALIFORNIA Primes, new crop just leceived 10 ciot per II'. ut McDanicl & Oasfcili's. IlECKEH'S prepared nnd old fashion BuCKwluat at J. li. Parker, jr. NEW Buckwhent nnil the very best But ter just received. McD.micl mid (Inskill. BUTTER Milk Toilet Soup 15c. per box at J R Parker, jr; GOOD Pi Peaches 10 onts'per 3 lb. can and good Table Peaches 15 cents per!! lb. can al JlcLViniel iSs GasUill's. , FULTON Market Corned Beef,., Scotch herring and corned mullets just received at J. R. Parker, jr. BUCKWHEAT and Oat flukes ju.it re ceived. W. B Cox. A OOOLV Stove Cheap. Nearly new. Edward Bum.. OYSTERS at Luplon's Coffee Honso 20 cento per quart aep25 1m COfTOLENE, Nice Boneless Breakfast Bacon and N. C, limns just received, sep 2(11 w K. Ii. Jones. I have sold out my busmen to Mis. R. IT, Berry, but ran still be fouud at the store. Those owing mo will please onme forward ailU SCttlO. 41HR. liiOTTIK VVHALKV. (sep 28 lw TWO Rooms for Rmt one or both each has tire phce. 38 llrnarl St. s351w GRATED I'inomole, best finality, lor leo cream, pies, cake, preservos and other purposes at J. jr. Taylor's, juyu. S I). PARKER, Mkkchant Tailor. Up in Winstead's Picture Uallery, corner Middle uud Pollock Streets. I havca line lot rd Full nnd Winiflr Kimtdn-t in. n.ttd am prepared In show a cheap mid nice IIUUWl 1' UL lU .,1111 JI'llllTSIIl. VJLJ icn, nnvt can eoinpet" with nny Tailor in town. utu uni ijivo ntu trial. FLOWERS for Xmas and Ea-ter B!oom injr. l'laut Roman Hyacinths and Easter Lillies now. Bulbs at Dkkry's. KOLf-METVA at Bkury's fountain. A bulb of Freesia Refmcla Alba given with every gluss. slS lm HOUSE To Rent on Metcalf Street. Now occupied by T. J. Mitchell. Possession given Oct. 1st. Contains Six Rooms and Kitchen. . J. D. Dwkins. SICK and debilitated persons that need a tonic will do well to try Minerva beer, tho thirst table beer in the -world. Sold at J. F. Taylor's. - s ; tf. A FULL dne of Fall and Winter Sam ples just arrived. Call uud examine be fore Riving your order. F. . M. Chad wick, Mereliant.Tailor, 103 Middle St. f HEADQUARTERS lor flour, snuff, su aar, lard, butter nnd tobacco. We1 are Millet's nueuts for the sale of flour. Don't forget the place. Roberts 8 Bro. , OUR STOCK OF LDress G-oods Is Immense ana: must be sold, llai Kaln seekers will find somthliiK wortli lookliiK for now In this Department. pr-Oui- stock of BLACK DRESS (10ODS la corfrplete fn Plain and Fancy eltocts. Wo will Kuarantee to any person desiring a Mock Dress satisfaction in this floods both In the wour anil price. tTSoe our line or NAVY BLUE and BLACK Surges uiul DlaKOnuls, at all prise. tWOur stock of Ladles, Mlse and Child ren Hhoes are ol: ttie host makes. Notwith standing the advance In the price of Shoes wo will offer our shoes at the old low prices. "a-We handle, tho KOimino Foster Kid l.aelnK Gloves.. v a-Also all the Popular makes nf CoiseXs and a full Una ol sixes always intoak. frv offer a very superior line ot Ladles Missus and Children's Flannal Undniwear In all weights. '' ' "'.':; ''' , tironr atook ot UliUSSKI. and Ingrain Carputs, Art Squares nnd Hugs, you will And to ho ol the highest Grades, Ilia newest and prettiest dustgns and tho eheapest in t'rhpe. You will Hud it to you,- oilvantage to see us before buying your Carpets.' MTWe will mako our prices the LOWEST and Guarantee you strictly nrst-olast Goods in all ot our grades. . D. F. JARVIS,- 6j Pollack St., . New Berne, N.C. Coal ! :: Coal ! Coal ! Wo desire to announce that we have t'stabliHhod a COAL YARD iu the rear of Ilat-kburu & Wil lett's store where we carry a large stock of only tho very bast quali ty of ANTHRACITE COAL in all sizes. ' ; . Orders loft nt our ofQeo No. 53 Bonth Front st eet, will receive prompt and personal attention. Very Respect fully, j!OLLisri:u & cox. Oct., 1,1 H05. lm - NEWS ADRIFT. In the City of Elma stud Vicinity, nhred In and Briefly Told. -The weather bureau predicts that to-day will be fair. ' ' Advertisement is to business what stuin is to machinery the grand motive power. Macuulcy. r ; We heard last night of a colored woman dropping dead, but were unable to get particulars. . The commit state Fair promises to be a (treat one for exhibits and the low rate of only one cent a mile will no doubt cause a very large attendance. In the mention of the musical portion of the flieuian's festival we tailed to men tion the concluding solo by Miss Stella Roberts. It was charmingly rendered. The A. and N. C Railroad will give excursion rates to Goldsboro on the day r.ullalo Bill shows there. The charge tor the round trip will be only $1.25. One of the dutch net i near tho mouth of Neuse river causht half a dozen young sword nsh two or three leet lonjr Tuesday, They were vicwd with" considerable in tcrest when brought up to tho city. rri,n' railrnnds nivn n ra.tA nfonlvrtne - ' " " 1 J - i i u..l C .... rnAtu1n.T Wednesday and. Thursday of Fair week. The Fair holds October 22, 23, 84 and 2,1. Dr. Frank Duflv returned Oct. 2nd from Onslow county where he had been in consultation with Dr. Nicholson. They performed an operation near Jacksonville tor pppendicates on the 1st. ;? v Mrs. A.: M. Shoearaft," who came up from Atlanta, where she had been visit ing her sister and attending the Exposi tion, to' SDend a few days visiting Airs. J. II. Benton left yesterday morning for her-home in Rochester, .New Xork. Mr. W. H. Hervey, formerly night clerk of the Chattawka, is now back Irom Raleish and at Ins old place. Mr. J Howard Paylor, who has been night clerk recently, has been promoted to head clerk. : Mrs. Elizabeth Wood of Baltimore is visiting relatives in the city. She is a stster of Mr. Benjamin H. , Brinson and Mr.. John Collins, of New Berne. This is the first tunc in twenty-one years jtirs, Wood has been back to her old home, She left hero in 1874. Rev. J. T. Jenkins in passing 'through informed us that fishing at Morehead is now splendid. lie and some friends went out a few nights ago and three of them eanghtflfty large trout. He did not count this as any special luck. Numbers ot lovers ot the sport surpass it. The Evangelist now published at Mon roe of which Rev. J. T. Jenkins of More- head is editor will bo doubled in size chanced from lour prses to eight pages, A good job office will bo connected with it. Mr. II. A. Brown. Sr.. is improving the sidewalk around his residenro by build ing it up several inches higher and putting down n brick ciiruitier. The improve ment will extend as far as the lot touches each street, from the Presbvtcrian parson. age on Johnson street to the Opera House on Hancock street. , The Jacksonville Times has completed one year of its existence. Mr. A. H. Whitely, editor and proprietor, is making a cood naper of it. lie is not only alert after news but he works Industriously for the material development ot the county and region around, in every way possible. His efforts should receive hearty encour agement. A Maoeinerade Cke Walk. : A scheme is on foot to have a masquer ade rake walk to-morrow night for the benefit of the Atlantic Reel team to help out the expenses of the Atlanta trip. This entertainment is ot a new Charac ter and ought to lake well. The time is short but so is the time for the trip. The boys Will have to leave here next Wed nesday if they go, and it wovrkl be too bsd for them to miss the contest. We hope to see the cake walk held, and to see it well patronized., ; E, J. Mooren New Onlce. f The building work which Mr. L J. Moore has had in progress opposite Hotel Chnitawka, of uniting two small one story buildings and adding anotner story to the building thus formed is nearly fin ished. Tho building contains eight good rooms, intenced for four two room offi ces. - Mr. . S. R. Street who has been occu nvins one ol the original front floor offi ces continues in it. Mr. Moore, who has been occupying lite other, will uereaner be in one of the upper, diieclly over Mr. Street's. He moved yesterday. C'oralnarnnd Value;. Rev, D, McLeod who has been spend ing a short-tiino at Beuulort, where he was' lonnerly Baptist nastor, passed through leturning to his home ut Wash ington, .. . Riv. J.T.Jenkins of Morehead city, passed through en route to Wallace, Sampson county, to many a couple. Mr. C. H. Fowler and sister, of Pamli co county, who have been visiting relatives in Beaufort, came up Wednesday morn ing eu route to their home. Mr. B. L Paylor left tor Goldsboro to becomo head clerk of Hotel Kennon. The following young ladies went up to Greensboro to enter the Normal & Indus trial College: Misses (Jtrtie Willis and HesMe Tucki r of New Berne, Miss Ltdie Ward of Oliver, Jones county; Misses Com and Annie ripruill of Stonewall, and Miss Kiltie Dees ot Urantsboro. ,v : Mr. Vance Bubbit, who has been spend ing a few weeks at Seven Springs came down en route to hie home, ' Mr. C, R. Speight, Superintendent of the Parmelet-Eccleson Lumber Co's mill at Jacksonville passed through; a room pa nicd by his wife. They have left to Visit relatives in (rates and Pitt counties. Mr. N, n. Taylor, Mr. O. G. Bell and Mrs. C. N. Muso'u, of Uarlowe, spent yes terday in tho city, i .... Si Mr. T. B. Tysonj the well known buft gy ami carriage manufacturer of Cartilage is registered at the Chattawka. . Johnson's Magnetic Oil if the prcalest internal remedy for ciini ,. culw I nil internal aches and pains I ' " or I d Large bottles, ssa and ; csu. ui t . a. Dutly'l. TWENTY NEW CITIZENS, Move Down From Homer City Pennsylvania. Fear or the Mnmber Compose the Cherry Point Lumber Co The Mill Will Start Very Soon One Capital ist Seeking Investments ia in the Party.'.",- We recently noticed the purchase by Mr. John R. Henry, of Homer City Penn sylvania, of the saw mill at Cherry point, Nense river, this county. ' The mill will be owned and operated by a company of C ur of which Mr. Hen ry is one. it win oe Known as ine unerry Point Lumber Co. Those composing the company are: S. Sicken I lei-ger, President; Milton Peddi corde, Secretary C. W. .Tuck, Foreman, and J. R. Henry, General Manager. The above gentiemen and others moved down last night. The families of Messrs. Henry and Peddecorde came with them. The remaining rnembeis of the party are: Ad. Mikeeell, LaFayelle Tuck, William Seckenbcrser. Norman Repine, and J. R. Fleming. The entire number' makes a party ot twenty. All are direct from Homer City except Mr. Fleming. He is irom l lie same coun ty, near the city. All come with the intenlion of becom. ing permauent citizens except Mr. Mike- aal JJa iu a nonitnliai" fiOAL-lniy invoat- ments. There is pleuty of room around us for ail such good citizens as inese, ami a warm welcome awaits them. THE REEL TEAM'S SITUATION. One of the Members Talks Freely on the Subject. While the amount realized at the festi val Tuesday night for the benefit of the Reel Team wag v.ery satisfactory, yet it is not near enough to defray the expenses of the team to Atlanta. In conversation with a member of the team yesterday in regard to the Atlanta irip. he said : The majority of our team aro not real ly financially able to bear their expenses in lull to Atlanta, ana win not ue asKeu to; but yet, to save the loundation and truth of the articles that have been pub lished in the newspapers in and out ol the State ol our going to Atlanta, we are willing to bear all other expenses save the railroad fare, which expenses will be no small amount iu a city like Atlanta especially when an exposition is in pro gress as there now is there. "The citizens ot New Berne 'should not submit to any such thing; they should ally to the aid of the team as other cities have done and send them to Atlanta. We are not going for mere individual pleasurr; we are going to struggle against numer ous teams with the inteution ol winning honors for New Berne. Indeed it is no pleasure to run; it is work and hard work at that. . For the amount realized from the festi val, the ladies, who are ever' r ady to lend us a helping hand, have our heart felt and ardent thanks. . "There are some of our buincss nun ready at all times do their part and more on such occasions as this, and I trust that others when approached on this subject will make it so that 16 firemen frjm New Berne can line-up on the track in Atlanta for the hose reel races." Bicycle Accident. As Mr. B. L. Susman and Miss Miaolia Cohen were bicycle riding yesterday, coming down Middle street, Miss Cohen's bicycle and a double team accidentally came into collision. ' Miss Cohen was sliehtly hurt about the foot and hand, but we are glad to say neither inlury is at all serious, but the bicycle was broken. Weekly Weather Crop Bulletin. The reports of correspondents of the Weekly Weather Crop Bulletin, issued by the North Carolina State Weather Ser vice, for the week ending Saturday, Sept. 28th, 1895, continue to be unfavorable. Tho extreme beat and dryness continued until cooler weather set iu on Friday and Saturday. The mean temperature for the first five days averaged 13 degrees per day above the normal. Drought continues unbroken and is greatly damaging all fall crops. Streams and wells are very low. Peanut digging has commence,!, and com is being garnered in. Very line aud large crops of fodder and hay have been saved. r an plowing still at a standstill tor lack of rain. Eastern District. Extremely hoi. dry wealher continued until the very end of the week, when cooler wealher set in. The drought is unbroken, no rain having fallen anywhere except near the extreme eastern coast. All late crops are suffering from drought, especially peas, potatoes, turnips and young rice. Cotton ripened prematurely and many leaves and young bolls fell off. Cotton is being rapidly picked out now. Corn is-dry enough to gather and Js being housed. More fodder and hay have been saved than for years. NO tall plowing done. BAPTIST MISSIONARY MEETING. At Middle Street Church To-night Subject "Brazil And Ita Need," Pram Personal Obserration. The prayer meeting service at Middle street Baptist church this evening at 7:30 o'clock, will be devoted to an address on missions, in which the pastor will apeak from personal observation and experience while engaged in mission work in Bra zil. -; v ' - At the close of the meeting a collection will be taken for foreign missions. All are cordially Invited all to come out and learn something ot the great South American republic ana tne great need ot me gospel among its peopie. We hope to have a good congrvgarion. , England has driven China to submis sion by her prompt display of naval force. China's compliance was unconditional. The Imperial decree declares the respon sibility for the riots rests with theofflcials. The Viceroy has been deprived of his office forever. Other officials will bo pun ished for permitting the massacres. ROUGH AND READY FIRE CO. COL. The Building Being; Fitted Up for their Meeting; Room and for Keeping; or Horses and Apparatus. The brick building opposite J, J, Disos way & Co's., recently leased by the city, is undergoing changes to adapt it lo its new uses. - It will be used for the newly purchased hook and ladder truck, lor tue headquar ters of the Rough & Ready Hook & Ladder Co., coi., in whose charge the truck is, and in the rear part will be the street- cart and horse, the pair of mules which the city is about to purchase for the book and ladder truck, and sleeping apartments tor the drivers. , The noi thern side of the front part of the building 18 being partitioned oil tor the meeting room of the company. The truck will stay in the wide passage left, and the rear part will be used as stables, etc., as stated above. THE REVIVAL MEETINGS. In Tabernacle Baptist Cliurch-.Clood Sermons aud Attendance Wnrm Interest. The scries of meetings inaugurated at the Tabernacle Baptist church by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Burgess, last week, are being led this week by Mr. W. B. Broughton of Raleigh with success, and the ircreasing attendance at the able dis courses ol this remarkably magnetic gen tleman attest the influence of his pleasing personality and the work of the Holy Spirit. His talks are invigoiating to the christian and cause the dinner to ask him self some plain questions as to the way of his life. The evening service commonces at 7:30 o'clock and the morning service at 10:30 o'clock. Everybody is invited to attend both services. Yesterday morning the attendance wns not great nor small. A unmoor ot mer chants found time to attend aud quite a crowd of ladies were present Mr. Broughton drew his lessons from tho 35th verse of the 8th chapter of Aels: "And the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise, and go toward the south unto ihe way that gooih down from Jerusalem imto Cazn, which is desert." Phillip obeyed the command, said the speaker. He did not walk, but lie run to the ennuch. If he had walked the eunuch would have passed him by. The Spirit says to lay ''Do this work." We should not wait. We should do the work this day. We are told by the Spirit lo do a thousand thiuss today, We may nut do them all. We may die before our work is finished. But we should not wait. If we should work lor the master always we could not do all we should. There are people waiting for some one to talk to them aliout their soul's salvation. You must lead lliem to Jem? now. It m oltimes no light struggle to listen to the promptings of the Spirit ; so wo shou'd be patient. Christ fell in conversation with the woman at Jacob's well. The conversion of tiie woman resulted. It was sudden; and that woman has been leading people to salvation ever since. Some people do not like for women to do too mucli work in the church. They can't. I am only afraid they will not do enough. ' There was a good deal of interest last night aud several requests for prayers. SPANISH DISASTERS. Two Fine War Boats Lost Gloom Among OHIclals at Havann. The Spanisli warship Cristobcl Colon has been wrecked off the Cuban coast. She was driven ashoie in a fierce gale and is a total loss. Tin crew, counting offi cers and men, numbered two hundred. They wa all saved. Immigrants claim that tile loss is due to a torpedo they had sunk, but this is dis credited in view of the official announce ment from tho Colon. On the 18th the Spanish cruiser Barcas tequi was sunk by a collisioj; that resul ted in the drowning of the Commander in chief of the Spanish Naval lorees in Cuban waters and forty-six meu. The two disasters has cast a feeling of intense gloom over the Spanish officials ut Havana. Their loss at this crisis will be keenly felt. They have none too many tor their purpose. The Hew Ocrncoke Channel Nearly Finished. Twenty-one thousand eight hundred aud sixty eight cubic yards of sand was removed from tho cut being dredged by the Government, at Ocracoke acros Royal Shoal during September. 71,301 cubic yard have been removed altogther so liir. A cuanuei iou iuui wiuu is now muuiy through the shoal. By the end of this month it is expected to have a channel 150 feet wide entirely through. NEWS IN BRIEF. Twenty-two hundred volunteers iu Madrid have offered themselves to the Spanish government for services in sup pressing the rebellion in Cuba. The frost of Monday night did ureal damage to the tobacco crop in Virginia. All standing tobicco wns destroyed. It is estimated that about one-third of the crop in Virginia was uncut. , . General Mahono at midnight Tuesday was better thau at any time since his col lapse. He is, however, in a precarious condition, and his physicians tfive no hope of any possibility beyond a short pro longation ot ins lite. , The Paris Figaro says that M. Lebon, Minister of Commerce, announces that a contract has been signed for laying a submarine cable between Brest and New York and for a link between the French cable system and the Antilles, The Weather Record. The following is the weather record since the month of Octobor came hi for the 34 hours beginning 8 a.m.ol the dale mentioned: . TBMPKRATUnE. Date Max. ' Min. RAINFALL. Range, Rain 1'il 20.0 . 171.0 51.0 WANTEDA reliable, active gentleman or lady travel for a, reliable established bouse. Salary $ 780, payable 13 Weekly, and money advanced for expenses. Situa tion steady. Rclerences. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. II. E. Ilmsa, rrcsiueut, vmcuu. oepi, a nu, A VALUABLE COTTON BOOK. "Cotton Movement and Fluctuations" The Annual Publication ol I.nthnm, Alexander A Co. Messrs. Latham, Alexander & Co., have now issued their' twenty-second an nual edition of their annual book on "Coltou Movements and Fluctuations." It is a valuable publication a recognized standard book of reference among cotton men. It reviews the cotton trade of the world; contains au interesting article on the cot ton trade of India, which was written es pecially for this edition by the distinguish ed statistician, Mr. Thomas Ellison of Liverpool. There is also an interesting communication, "Cotton Manufacturing Interests of tho South,'' by Mr. Richard H. Edmonds, editor of the Manufacturer's Record, Baltimore, and a biographical sketch of the Hon. J. Steiiiug Morton, Secretary of Agriculture. Besides the usual tables of receipts, stocks, expoits, consumption, acreage, total visible supply and fluctuations, there is much interesting original matter that cannot Ue found elsewhere in such a con cise form, The book also contains their annual re view of the cotton Undo for the past season. ' The mechanical get-up of the book is in line with the contents. It is strong aud elepant It is in every way a credit to the firm which issues it. SPEND THE EMBROIDERING. EVENINGS These October nights are growing longer and a most agreeable way to pass the time is embroid ering, anil to carry out this idea we have select ed a line of Stamped Lin ens that should appeal to every lady. AVE QUOTE: StaiiipiMl Doylies on thick fn- Hume, lHxIK : liixlu, Lini'ii Dmlii's, Hi- x. " 10c 7x7, IhMUMtitclic.l Linen 10c laxi ; 5c HntttT Doyllos, :iariil 4 each I 'iirvinir clnf hs IHxlN, ('.'oj.tvr 1'it s 25t? ::tx;;-i, iiPinstitciitMi.riO uud ikx- :ilx:il, ' " Drawn Work 7.rK' Lh ion Splashers .1,V I fentMi h'li Itiirfiiii Mi m .mil- Canvass Shoo itu tirusiiantl Kns, 10 anil l;.c liurniiii; Itas :je IJntton Hatfs tie All similes wash silk jnit in ounvoii lent hulilers, 4c Skein 4Hi Do-. All sizes hoops for hoMini; work,. .... .fie. nr. o. MARKS CO. October 2, I8O5. Carpets and Rugs! That lino of Carpets and lings we have been telling our friends about ltavo just been opened up. They are Lovely! We cau sell you a Carpet from the cheapest Hemp to the very finest Body Brussels. Iu Bugs, we bavo a very lino assortment. They range in price from 68 cents for a very large one up, and are from tlio very best Manufacture and can be relied upon as to qual ity. Dress Goods! That lot of Black and Colored Serges tbat wo bavo been selling so much of at 18 cents per yard aro out but will bavo more in a lew days at the same price. Shoe Department! A nice pa;r Ladies Dogola But ton Shoes at !W cents per pair as a Special Bargain. h New Berne Bargain Bouse. O. BAHTOOT, lvrerrv A. & North Carolina R.R. Cheap Excursion to GOLDSBORO nnd Return October 8th, 1 805. BUFFALO BILL'S WILS WEST SHOW ' and Congress of Rough Riders. Col. W. F. Cody, BUFFALO BILL, will be present at each exhibition. ' Travels in its own Railway Train of 53 cars. Employs 1,300 people ami 80C Horses. , ONLY $ 1.2s FOR ROUND TRIP When tickets are purchased, from New ; Berne to Goldsboro aud return. You have about four hours and thirty minutes in Goldsboro to witness the show. BSPTrain to leave New Berne 9:0 A M., arrive at Goldsboro 11:35 A. M Returning, train to leave Goldsboro at 4:00 P. M. Alt's t YOU GOING? .YOU BET. S. L, Dill, Sup't Han kin's Specific FOR RHEUriATiSM. . Bradfiam's Pharmacy, Middle & Pollock Sts. ATTENTION! If you are looking for an honest and good smoke, cail and try our -FAMOUS- La Flor de Teller Cigars. The best 10 cents smoke to be obtained, AND" Tellers ...Royal Blue.., For a NICKLE, will please the most fasti Jums Cigarettes and CHtWINC 10UCC0 AT- JNO.DUNN'S 55 and 57 - - Pollockstreet, IN MY Candy Dep't Will be found a'greaterj varu ty of Jthe best makes. ney FOB- FINE CANDIES Fresh Each Week. CFAtour SODA FOUNTAIN will bo dispensed, Cool and Be freshing Drinks. Give ua a call. JOHN -:- DU.UJ. 65 &S7, --rolloct Street -

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