Ifl HOliTH CAROLINA,-.,. In tlio variety tiucl extent ot hur natur al resources is unsurpassed; and in her ollnmto, nnuqiinllod by any State iu tho Union. ttnt NEW BERNE.see: A City of mm Population hiiiI BUiailily Urowlnif on u Soliil IliisinuM Basii. bruatlruckliiK Outer ot thu Houtii: Larva LiimbcrlnK ft KishiuK interest. NnbarribPloTlir JMH.AI. , "U Kfi Pontrd. VOL. XIV---N0. 164. NEW. BERNE, ' N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 9, 1 95. PRICE FIVE CENTS FRESH ARRIVALS ! -ooo:-:ooo Ijvisli to call the attention of my patrons to the arrival of some seasonable goods, anil invite them to call and examine my very com plete stock. For Breakfast, We Have, Old Fashion Buckwheat Prepared Packatto Buckweat, Pure Vermont Maple Syrup, New Orleans Molasses. Oat Meal, Wheat Flakes, Hecker'u Flap Jack Flour, Ferris Boneless Strips.' Breakfast Coca-r ' All Makes, Perfect Brands of Tea anil Coffee alwavs fresh. For Dinner We Have Franco Amorican Soups very fine. Delicious Forris Hams, a little high in price, But Imported Macaroni and Cream Cheese. Cold Packed Jersay Tomatoes. French Peas, Early June Peas. Sunbeam Sugar Corn. Boston Baked Beans. ' White Potatoes. Queen Olives, Heinz's Pickles. Bluo Point Catsup. - Richardson's and Bobbin's .. Plum Pudding. FRUITS, Oranges, Bananas, Apples and Pears FOR TEA, WE HAVE Perfect Blend Mocha and Java Coffee, i 'Mixed lea and Huyler's Coca. Canned Salmon and Lobster. Lunch Tongue. - -.. Whole Ox Tongue. Deviled and Potted Meats. Jockyey Club Sardines and Chip Beef. Delicious Oroem Cheese. Plain, Salted and Graham Waff ers. ' Fresh Assortment of Cakes. To make all these meals a suc ess you must have our Elgin Creamery Butter on the tablo.- IT IS THE FINEST. S3 'I 57 : FOLLQCK STREET. NEW AltVKllTINEMEKTN. Sir. W. It. McOafic Freight. W. B. Cox-Kino liulfur. ; 0. Marks Co. Cntitiumd Rale. Mrs. llurriettc Lane Millinery Display Mrs. 8. II. Line Millinery O)oiiin. N. Nimn & Co. For Kvcryliody. II. U Duffy Millinery Oponiuj. EXflt.Y Fine Bultet just leceived. W, H. Cox . . THE simmer -W. It. MeCaoe will he'in Biltimore Hnturday the lOlli mid will re- cciyo freight lor Newborn at II so Hlock street. . - . oOlt FOR Sale 100 t-nucs Mountain Apples, niCB unit tleticioua, if I zo per time. , W. Willis. . . 08 hv. NEW York State White Benus just re ceived ut McLWtel & Hamuli's. SMALL HAMS unit Shoulders just re ceived.: - W. 15. Cox. JUST rectived, u ficidi lot ol Sliafei'a niMil curiu linn is, smull size. aii-Dantcl & Gat-kill. . f'blt RICNT 8 llooms villi or Without hoard. Apply No. 40, Corner Etlou unci Pollock Sis. . : if. LOOSE Oi.l M.al an.l Oat F.akes 5c. lb. at J. H. Parker, jr. WE keep n fuU line of Ilia very best Tea ami Coffee. McD.mtd & Cnskill. Iir.CKKirS prepiiicil nnil oi l la-h on iJiicKwhml at J. I!. Parker, jr. BUTTER Milk Toilet So-.ip 15c. per box ut J- -It. Parker, jr; OYSTERS ut Luptou's Coffee Houpo 20 cents per quart. sepSStni ; CO rTOLENE, NicooilwnJiviikfast Iiucon nnd N. C Hams just received. ' top 291 w K. It. Jonus. A GOOD Stove Cheap. Nearly new. . Eowaru Dur.i.. GRATED l'ineipple, list quality, t lor ico creim, pies, cuke, preserve;) nnil other purposes at J. F. Tayloh'b. ju7H. FLOWERS for Xnms and Ea ter ll'ooui- ;. Plant Roman lly;icinl(n uiul hustor 1illilB now. 13ulln lit liEKRY'S. KOLI-MHTI'A at liniinv's foimlain. A bulb of Fiwia Refiaetn Alba given with every glims. si 5 lni HOUSE To Kenton Melcalf Street. Now occupied by T. J. Mitchell. Possession a 1 ven Oct. 1st. Contains Six Rooms nnd Kitchen. J. I). Dinkins. UKAl)QUAUTl':nS lor flour, snuff, ru ear, 1-ird, butter and toiiaoeo. Wo ure Mdler'n n"eiits lor the snleof flour. Don't forge; the p'ace. Roberts & lino SICK nnd debilitated persons that need a tome will do well to try itlinerva net r, 1 he HiKst tnlile beer in the world. -Sold ut .1. F. Taylob's. r " If. A FCLI, line ol Full nnd Winter Sam ples just arrival. ' Call nnd examine be low ifiviug your order. F. JI. C'iiaij wieK, Merchant Tailor, 103 Middle St. H. B. DUFFY , HAS Hid " OpeuiM To-day. ino tjatues 111 o ltiviioti to Call -nnd Inspect tlio llANtwoMiiST Goods in tho city. ' . ' HISS - DAWSON ' lias cliai-go; of thiB Departmont and will be glad to geo all lior friendn. - For Everybody. :- PIPES, PIPES, PIPES. Meer ' schaum, : Briar and Clay. Mouth "piocea for nil kind of t Pipesj come and get your Pipe fitted before they are all gono. New lot just received; if yon want a Pipe or' Mouth Piece bring your mptioji. - 1 TRUST IS DRAB : BAD PAY KILLED HIM. . ........... .;, j N. Nunn & Co. New Fall Goods NOW ARRIVING mi T J 1 1 " . New Shoes, New Clothing, , New Hats,, , . Neckwear; , Collars, cuffs. He sn ro to. call on ..uh forJ any tiling in Clothing . nnd lau'S b'tiniislinig Goods. . - ? i , Suits to order from $16-00 up5. - ' Full Line of Samples. . J. M. HOWARD. TEE UILLIUm ESTABLISHUSNT . of UBS. JAKIS BESET,- ' : No. 73 Pollock Straet, Wodnecdtvr,? Oct., .9, to which tho Ladies of tho oity and S. surrounding country are most Cor-; : n . dially invited, r ;v ; . "ViVThft slock-viiil nicos llib lalest and most f.odiionahlc good. andVas selected ptrsonaljv bv Miss Vihoir Waidrop from tin- millinery centers ol ihe country. Miss Wjildiop will remain for the sea son wlih ibis esiatdialunent, and her well known nrtislic Work is a (tliniliug warrant that custoincis will i o picas: d iu dealing itb her. , .' " .' i SI. WW ADBIFT. In the CUT of Kims nud Vlclnlly Vnllifircd In and Briefly Told. A very good number went up to Golds boio vestorday . to attend Bull'ulo Bill's show. To-dav is the time for the Atlantic hose reel team to start for Atlnutn, (ia. to slrivo for the world's championship. Mr. Thos. Bnwden has purchased some vacant lots on Main street in 1'avie town on which he intends to build tenement houses. The weather bureau yesterday predic ted, showors followed by fair to-day with coolness and fiost in the iuierior this morning. : . , - ,. , We nro informed that the steamer Trent brought up live or six tons of risli Irom the fishing grounds Monday, besides what cauie up on the Gertie May. Tuesday mornins before day a good shower came, the first since the niiddh of September. Moderate rain kept up through the d'iv Tuesday and all rejoiced in it. It was decided yesterday not to have (he uasquei'ude party and cake walk. Numbers came down to attend it, and we doubt not it would have been a success it held. Messrs. Itiggins Bros., who starter; a crab shipping business tit Murshallberg lust season, intend to operate now on an increased scale. They liand'e both haul and soft crabs. The former are picked out of their shells before shipping. We are glad to see that low freights on apples from Mt. Airy have been secured. Oil the last lot roceive l by Mr. Samuel Willis it w(i8 only twenty-one cents per crate, almost a third of what the trans portation of the first ones cost. This is reasonable enough and the apples are coming dowu in good quantities and bacouiing mora abundant than northern appks. (Tomliijrnnd Going. Mr. F. E. Ilega spent Monday in Wil mington on business anil lift yesterday on a trip to Ciruhuiii on business. l)on Manwcll, the young son of our late townsman, Mr. James Manwell, who has been living with his aunt, Mrs. White, left, yesterday lor Colorado Springs to live ith his aunt, Mrs. liuldetonl, nee Miss Cottie Hanks of New Berne. - Miss Eva Ward of Verona, came tip and made a briif visit to Mrs. E. II. Itanium and left ou Tuesday tore-enter Ivintey Seminary. , , Miss Lucy Puffy of Catharine Lake, Is visiting at Dr. C'has. IXill'j's. Messrs. M. DeW. Sicvenson, O. II. Guipn, W. 1). Mclvtr, W. W. Clark and 1). L. Ward are attending Supreme court at llaleiyh. Thero nro several cases from Now Berne before the court, tlio main one being the water Works ens';. Col. A. C. Uudgins, Gineral Freight and Passenger Agiut of the Norfolk & Southern Itailroad nnd the E. C. D. line, came in on the steamer Ncuso to spend the day nn business, lie was accom panied by his wiie and son, tuking the round trip on pleasure. They registered at the Challawka. Mr. ami Mrs. N. B. Broughlon led Tuesday for their home in Kaleigh. Mr. Hroughton has made nu impression for trood during the meeting ho has been con ducting in the Tabernacle llaptist church. Mr. Burgess, the pastor is continuing the work., Mis. II. R. Drynn returned from a visit to New York and points iu the Western part of the st de. - Mr. A.' M. TSakerkft by Hie steamer Neusc lor Suffolk, Va., ami Baltimore 011 business. . Mis S E. Sterling and son returned from Washington and other points. Mrs. W. M. Robinson returned lo Kin ston. . ' Hon. F. M., Simmons returned to Ral eigh, nnd U. S. District Attorney C. B. Aycotik to Goldsboio Tuesday. - ' The Orirton Dlsfclple netting. ; Rev. I). A. Brindle, of New Berne, who is Assisting the pastor of the Grifton church in a protracted meeting writes that they are having a Rood meeting. There is much .interest and the attendance is large. ; There 'Were five confessions Sunduy night. Up to that time there had been eleven ip iill .trad the church itself is taking on new me. ' Blcjrele to the BiKht. The New Berne Bicycle Club has passed the following resolutions: In view ot the fact nf its being danger mis to ride promiscuously on the public highways, he u uutleistood: That it snail lie the dm y ot every member of the N. B. B. Club lo ride on tin right hand side of the road when possible, nnd to turn to the rwlit to pass any object traveling in the opposite direction. y . . , ir in case or an aeciuent found bv the club committee to be Caused by failure to observe the foregoing rules (he member or members of this club at fault may lie lined one dollar or suspended from the club for a period of thirty days. Criminal Court, . . - -- TUKSIlAY'S PflOCKEDlNOS. i Argument in Ihe ease of J, F. Hoalh, malicious injury to property, was con cluded and the case given to the jury. It resulted in a inisirhil. The jury stood eleven to one. .: ' '.'..-, r.'," State vs. Willis & Fletcher; F. and A. Not guilty. . ( ., . ... . J as. Davis, col ,, Larceuy.. Guilty. Twelve months in tho peniteuiiary. " Tl e grand jury found a tine bill against CWlts White, col , lor rape. The trial was set for , Thursday morning and a special venire of filly ordered. ," . . J. E. O'llara, ool., Wm. E. Clarke and II.. B. Nironv fuiling to pay city, license tax..' Judgment ol Mayor eoaliinied. " W. tl.-Soepard, col.. -abaudoDBieut of wife and children. , Guilty.' , Alfred Perry, col ', Inrciny, Motion for now trial. Motion allowwl and 'defend ant ordered to; giye bond in sum of tme bund red dollars for appearance at next tenn of court. ... ; , ' EnconrnKement t. Workers. Chief Justice Fuller of the Uuited Slates Supreme cnuit, said the oilier day in the course of aii interview: "If, vie Want to live to a green old ago- we thould stay in harness, the 'dry rot of aimlessness eats out existence.'' . - i THE COST LESS THAN $30,000. For the Construction Bridges. of Both The Bid or Mr. M. H. Kenl, or Scot land BTclt ror Flint CIamh One. Only $29,0711. ' The lowest bid for the construction of the proposed bridges across Neute and Trent rivers was that of Mr. H. S. Neal, civil engincor and contractor, of Scotland Neck. His bid for both bridges was only 2y,075. The location of the bridges, if built is to be as tollows: The Trent river bridge will "run from Craven street in New Berne to the foot of the street in James Citv by the A. & N. C. R. It. bridge. It will" b.i 8,- 575 feet (a little under half a mile hngth. 1 he point decided upon for the .Ncuse river bridge is tho narrowest in Neusc river except wheie it is too far away from tho city to be deemed suitable. The site selected is a point in Wm. Dunn's Hold, just a little ways outside of the city limits fur the terminus on the New Berne side. and the Miller place for the terminus op posite toe city.. This bridge will be 5,110 feet or fifteen-sixteenths of a mile in length. The brakes are to be built good and strong,of first class material, all heart tim ber lor the woodwork, nnd steel draws ot the very latest and most approved pat terns. The draws are toLe4 feet in the clear. The road ways are to be 18 feet with high side railings, aud the plank covering is to be 1 1-2 mclies thick. Mr. Neal built the bridg; at Washing ton N. C. last year and has had much experience at the work and was with the Atlantic Coast Line for a long tiine lie is equipped with tin- very best ap pliances .to work cheaply, well ami with dispatch and propose to give a goud bond and n ''turnkey job." The general impression has been tiiat the cost of the bridges would bs much above these figure. The dread of the largo cost has bnen oneol the main things against thorn. Now it is seen that they can be built so cheaply, moro even than hereto fore will probably favor building them. Mnte of the Nlemnrr Commodore. Mr. Geo. II. Marlin tame up Tuesday from Wilmington nud left in the afternoon on tho steamer Mouse for his homo in New York. Mr. Martin is mate of the steamer Commotlore which was seized in Wilmington mi the c.'iarge of being a Cuban fillibustcrcr, and the arms found on board held. The general sentiment is that at the most thciM is nothing more than suspicion against the Commodore and men. II the charges prove true, gen eral sympathy is with tlio boat because it is witli the cause she was trying to aid, if sue is reaiiy a ntnoiistcrer. it the united Mates Mad received uo aid from France and other countries at the lime of. our Revolutionary war we might possibly have been today still sub ject lo England as Cuba, is to Spain. Edenton Fnlr Neeil EVcwHkiiir Edi tion. Jtiiientons annual tair will commence Tuesday Oct. 22, nnd hold four days. Like the New Berno Fair tho Edenton Fair is doing some liberal newspaper ad vertising. A special eight page fair illustrated edition of the Fisherman and Farmer has been issued to advertise il. Counting large and small there tiro over a hundivd aud fifty cms in tho pnper. It is prin ted in colors, red and bl'u.i and is alto gether a very good issue for its special iUf)OS0. EXCl'ltftlOX TO ATLANTA Via the W. ST. A ST. K. n.-l.envcs Tuc ' d.jr, Oct; 39 Ticket. Oood to Return Any Time Within Ten llnji. The officials of the W. N. & N. R. R., ever anxious to please their patrons, have decided to mu an excursion to the Atlanta Exposition very much ns Tub Jotjknal recently suggested, ihe elate has been definitely fixed. It will leave at a reason able early hour on Tuefday, October S2d., aud arrive in Atlanta early the next morn ing. The tickets are good lor ten days, Any one going can stay the full time out or return any day he pleases. The return connection is also excellent. The visitors will loave Atlanta any day tuey please at l o'clock and he back in New Berne the next day at 12. Moreover, Mr. John S. Manix, the affa ble and businci-s-like ngmt ut ev lie i no or the W. N. & N. R. K will himself be a member of the party be in charge ol it, looking out for the comfort aud con venience of all. This will mnko it one of the most desirable opportunities that will be offered for going. Another great advantage is that the ex cursionists will get there ou the morning of the President's day. Cleveland and his cabinet will get their thu very day the ex cursion arrives. : - The round trip tickets will be fourteen dollars and it t an be arranged so that the expenses while there will be very light. Mr. Manix wishes all who are gjinglo furnish him their names at the earliest moment so that ho can make iu advance the best arrungeineuls for their accommo dation. ',;,. BOKKD WEI.I.N IN THE COUNTRY. A Lurg-e Number of People Pnlllna Them Down A Wie Move Tor Henlthrnlnru. The people of Onslow county seem to be aliye to the need of having pure whole some water fiom a depth, that cannot be conlaminnled. Mr. F. J. Ilurdison in forms u he has orders for boring about two dozen wells in that county, from 1 J lo 3 bch one9. All nro foi citizens ex cept one at the court house. ? Mr. lianlison is also doing some boring near New Berne nnd has more still to do on the north side of Neu e river. As cheap as such wells can now be put down, there Is ro reason why any one should adhere to the old style dug Well liable at any lime to become impiegnatod with disease perms from surface impurities and to effect its harmful, possibly deadly results beloie the pretence of the deleter .i Ui influences are suspected. COUNTY COMM. PROCEEDING. The Bridge Quentlon Submitted to the People Other Bn.lnem. The Board of Commissioners of Craven county met at the court house in New Berne on the first Monday in October, 1895, it being the 7th, day of said month when the following was had and done. Present Commissioners, J. A. Bryan, ch'mE. VV. Hmallwood, J. A. Meaa ows, W. C. Brewer, and M. II. Carr. The following Order was passed, Whereas a proposition has been made to the Commissioners to construct bridges across Ncuse and Trent rivers at New Berne at a cost not to exceed $30,000 and whereas the Commissioners ot Craven county are desirious of obtaining a free expression ot the views of the people of the county upon the said question of buil ding said bridges. Ordered, That the said question for said purpose be submitted to the volun tary vote of the qualified voters of said counly on Tuesday after the first Monday in November next the sime nol to affect the discretionary powers of the Commis sioners tn the matter. Mr. J. E. Everingtou, No 2, Town ship in response to summons to show cause way he hud not listed for taxation lor 189a, the same amount otliud.tnat was listed bv him for 1894, 'appeared and stated that he had sold to his James Everington, 25 acres of said land which the said James Everington bad listed in his name, and tnat the taxable value of both parcels, was equal to the taxable value ol the tract as listed by him in 1694. - Tuesday, Oct. 8, 1895. The Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present Commissioners James A. Bryan, E. W. Smallwood, M. II. Carr, W. C. ASrewcr and J. A. Meadows. Oidered, That E. W. Bryan, be allowed to remove his place of business as retail liquor dealer from No. 4, Pasteur street, city of New Berne, to the place, to wit : Small wood building, corner Craven and South Front streets. Whereas, W. M. Watson, has tendered bis resignation as a member of the school committee cf8ih School District of Cra ven county, it is Ordered, That said resignation oe accepted and that Edward K. Bryan, be and liireby is appointed to fill vacancy caused oy said resignation. Ordered, That upon payment ot the full amount ot back taxes and all cost due tlie county on the deeds and tax ceititi catcs executed by the sher lf to ihe county lor the property ol Ksther bimmons, on New South Front street, that the chair man and clerk ot the Hoard be authorized lo transfer to U. W. Willinmso'in, all ibc right, tilie and intent nf the couuty in said deeds and certificates. Ordered, That a voucher of 1.50 be issued to George Fillingamo for his sup port, for next three months. The petition for continiintbn of Butler's Ford Hoad acioss Greenville road to the Washington road, signed by John II. Butler and other citizens of Township No. 1 was duly considered and the appli cation tnereior denied. Bills allowed. Boa I'd adjourned. Japanese T.iver l'ellels are the best family medicine tor biliousness indigestion and constipation. Fifty doses, 2cts. at I''. S. Uull'y s. The Wenther Record. The following i3 tho weather record since the month of October came in for the 24 hours beginning at 8 n.m.of ihe date mentioned: TEMfKUATCUK. llAINFAT.fi Dale Max. Min. Range. Itainl'll 1 71.0 51.0 20.0 2 78.0 54.0 84.0 3 80.0 51.0 29.0 4 80.5 54.5 20.0 5 70.5 48.0 28.5 0 "7.5 55.5 22 0 7 80.5 C1.5 23.0 0.52 flam Jones on Pl.tol Carrying-. The nigger that lakes a razor to a ball is a philosopher and a gentleman beside the utile fellow that goes around wdh a pistol and a bottle of whiskey to have a good time. l ou've got no character, you dirty dog. you, or you wouldn't carry a pistol. A little fellow with a pistol in his hip pocket. It's a wonder the thing don't go off and blow ins brains out. Twin-City Daily Sentinel. MISS HARRIETTE LANE Will Display a Very Attractive Stock of floe Millinery Goods ON OCT., I0TH Pricesto suit the Times 8STA1I are cordially invited whether oct8 2t thoy wish to buy or not. OUR STOCK OF -Dress Grod.s Is immense and must be sold. Bar gain seekers will And somtlitiiK worth looklnx for now In tills Department. tVOur stock of BLACK DRESS U00DS Is complote In Plain and Fancy effects. We will Kuarantee to any person doalrlntr a lllaek Dress satisfaction In this goods both lu the wear and price. rTKoo our Hue of NAVY BLUE and BLACK Sorites anil DtaKonals, at all prices. f9uur stock or Lao lea, MlHsea and Child ren's Hboos are of the best makes. Notwith standing the advance In the pi-lee of Shoes we will offer our shoes at the old low prices. WWe handle the gonulne Foster Kid Lacing U loves. VAIso all the Popular makes ol Corsets anil a lull line ol sizes always in slocK. tarWe offer a very superior line ol Ladtca Misses anil Children's Flannel Undeiwear In all weights. tWOur stock of BRUSSELS and Ingrain Carpets, Art Squares and Rugs, you will find to bo ol the highest Grades, the newest and prettiest designs and the cheapest In Price. Yon will fliul It to your advantage to see us before buying yoar Carpets. ffrWe will make our prices the LOWEST and flimrantee you strictly nrst-clasi Goods In allot our grades. . D. F. JARVIS, 6J Pollock St., - New Berne, N.C. HEWN IN BRIEF. Ex-Senator Jarvis lias been selected as the Executive committeemen for North Carolina for tho National Silver Demo cratic League. It is stated in Madrid that the Govern ment at Washington will not recognize the Cuban rebels as belligerents, nor will il inter!' :re in the Cuban question unless the war is prolonged. In ofBciul circles in Madrid it is rn. ported that relations between Spain and the United States are friendly and cor dial, notwithstandin2 rumors to tin- contrary published in Paris and Lou don. The alarm'ms snread of dinhthoria in Hammond, Ind . lias comnellcd the au thorities to close all the schools in order to cheek the dieease. From one to three deaths have occurred daily for several days. AtGreenbav. Wis., fire destroyed the doeks of the Murphy Lumber Company, logeincr witn minions ot leet ot loss and lumber a number of buildinL's. Loss $100,000; insurance 87,000. The tire was caused by a spark from a tug. The North Atlantic Souadron ot Evo lution, uow nt Hamilton Roads, ha.- completed the programme arranged at the beginning ol the summer, but it is probable that the movements will be con tinued through the winter, the fleet re maining intact. Tho New York Post savs: A considera ble part of the deliciencv in the u-veuue of the general government has been caused by the decreased income ot the poslollice Under our system the post is regularly operated at a loss, nndduring the last two years of bad business this loss became a very heavy one, auiouiitiny; to about 9,000,000 during the year just closed. It therefore, vcrv nratnvin" to sec that the postal revenue is now materially in creasing. During the quarter ending with July the receipts of the twenty largest postollices rose to 86,794,000, a onin oi about $,'500,000 over last viar, or more than 7 per cent. MiinoiiIc Xollcc. A regular communication of St John's be held evening Lodge No. 3 A. F. & A. M. will in Masonic Hall, this Wednesday at o'clock. Work in the F. C. Desree. Visitin brothers fraternally invitid. II. IIymax, S.-i-'t. An Opportunity That is not Likely to ever be offered again. J-Thc(lreatSale of l'.F.D I.INI'.N will be continued l-:r to-day nnd Inmor. row. Better be iu a hurry if you waul any for tlio lot is fast disappearing. OOx'.M) lll-mslitlllill Sill'els. Fruit Muslin, site 90x00 Plain SI I.s, Fruit .Mus lin,.. o'.lr 90x911 90x90 90x90 45x72 45x72 45x30 45x30 45x30 45x30 Utioa Sheets.., oSr 1). I .......Or Aiulrosoo'rili limn n I'm- nmvi n... I'tii-u... Bolster Cases, V. Mil ,.. 1 1-..to,- . l'v'J . Km; ..Mr Pillow Cas O. MARKS CO. October 9, 189s. OUR : OPENING -OF- Pattern Hats and Bonnets WILL PAKE PLACE Thursday Oct., 10th, To which we respectlully call the atten lion of the Ladies nn extenel an invi tation to all. Mrs S. H. Lane. 63 Pollock street. Big Values Draw The Trade. Every Day Is a Bargain Day . . With us. AVo have just received an 1MMKNSH link of Cloaks and . Capes In th 060 Goods wo Iihvh thorn in all tlio Latest Styles and Colors, nnil in Price, tho moat important part we can suit yon. Wo would be jileiiseil to show those Goods to all the La dies before they purchase their Full Wrap. , As a Special Bargain wo offer a pair of Ladies' or Gent's Kid Gloves, all shades at 88 els. O. A. BABFOOT, Mgr. Hankin's Specific FOR RHEUMATISM. Bradham's Pharmacy, Middle & Pollock Sts. UA C'h'JJ URJf $ 7) 11LETT HARD WEAR What's Better THAN WE HAVE 'EM In 3S in. All Wool Surahs At 25c. Yd. 10 in. Ail Wool Storm s At 35g Yd Something Rare in 46 inch Storms Blue & Black At 50c Yard. EThe prices of Black Dress Goods in both fancy and plain will astonish you. To mention some specials would mean to men tion all; wc prefer to show them to you. I LICK 11 UJIjY WILLETT A TTtv a