Mln f JORTH CAROLINA, 1 In the variety and extent 01 flernatur al resonroes 1. unsurpassed; and fn her climate, unequalled by any 8tate in the Union. NEW BERNE.eeeeee A City of DOOO Population and Steadily Growing on a Solid Business Basis. Ureal Trucking Center ot the South! Lame Lumbering A Pishlnic Interest. Subscribe to Tne JUUKNAl, nd K ep J'oaled. VOL XIV-NO. 226. NEW BERNE, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, 1895. PRICEFIVE CENTS liiiiiiiiriit'rtt t - Ml RI3STG- OUT THE BELLS MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Make" Christmas Merry ! Goto JS ohn unns Everything New! A. Haven for those who buy well and buy cheaply. "A complete stock of Toys and Holiday Goods, from which you can select j list what you want and at Hard Times Prices. have ilnrprminnil Mmr. m v XMAS goods must go, and to do ' this, prices Lave been cut to meet XI. S . mis ena. t"Call early, as the stock is being sold very fast. GROCERY DEPARTMENT ! Why, it is jost up-lo-date in x every thing from A luscious bunch of Malaga Grapes to a Ferris Ham. You can give ns a call and make tip your Menu for Xmas Dinner without goiug another step. ho a CrJI. P. Ulrtch Special Pric. Sam'l Cohn & Son Notice. Marviu W. Nash Bibles. National Bank 'Statement C. E. Nelson-Veol,Poik,&c. V.T. J. Baxter Christmas Goods.' " R, E. Alligood Best butter, etc. T.J. Buxler Novelties, Special Price, McDaniel & Gaskill Flour and Leu 0D9. ' - .' HWa ADBIFT. ' BUSINESS LOCALS NOTICE We have a . very fine lot of (Irtssed Turkeys, Veal, Pork, - LamD, Pork BausHge, Corned beef and Stall fed beet tiMisy - cam i uonn x son. WE will sell vou cood sweet flour for 2C, bettor for 2Jc. and the very best for 3o, per lb. '' r- Mcimmei e uasKiti Wc have all the necesstry ingredients to mnke good edibles tor Uhrutinna, And our prices? w ell, iney ore all ngnt too. McDaniel & Gaskill. WE have a Tew good, but bdirII Lemons at 10c. wr doz. and t lie viry finest Lenv oos t 20c. per doz. McDaniel & Gaskill. VEAL, Pig Pork, Stall-leil beef and Fiesh Sausage to-day. - J. JS. hklbn. GOLD Breast Pin Lost in the City, Finder will please return to this office. 2t FINE Oysters 13c. per quart at Davis' saloon. 29 irniket dock. Stews and fries in best of style. - TOWING SHARPIE for sale. Walter Taft, Wilmington. dw d!8 lw, JITSr iwaivitI lAn hitrrnln Ann lirmnrs at the Palace Saloon. No. 18. Middle St Call urnl examine before purchasing. SOME f the finest Cakes you ever taw; also a fresh lot of Apples. Bananas, Coca- nuts uad-Mixed Nuts. Baker & Itich- ardson. It. BOLOGNA and Franklord Sausages, SoiiFed tfia lreet and Tripe at J. 11 bar ker's, Jr. . ORANGES, Apples, Nuts, Malaga Grapes and a full line of Dried Fruits lor the holiday trade. Get my prices before buying, elsewhere. J. R. Parker, Jr. A FULL line of Full and Wiuler Sam. pies hist arrived. Call and examine be fore giving your order. F. M. Chad- wick, Merchant Tailor, 103 Middle St, SICK and debilitated persons that need a tonic will do well to try Minerva lieur. the finest table beer in the world. Sold at J. F. Taylor's. tf. A SUPPLY of the Celebrated Hagey's King Heaters; just received at J. U. Wmrrr a Co'b. Corner Craven and So, Front, Sts. FINE N. C Cranberries un'nrpassed, 10 cents, per quart. J. It Pigott, i)21 lm. HOLIDAY THOUGHTS ii Cuspidores, 25c the pair. Talking Dolls, 50c. : . Decorated Cake Plates 10c. Decorated Cups and Saucers, 10c. Majolica Plates, 10c. Pickle Dishes, 10c. Cream Pitchers. 10c Vases, 10c. the pair. Majolica Jardinieres, 10c. " ; Tiles, 10c. Glass Baskets, 25c, Better hare yours laid aside at once if. you lave not already done so. December 20, 1895. V Cj j. 'ff i?' O-o-r -:- Stock OF..... Ladies, Misses and..... -..-T; Children Shoes have been carefully selected and we can guarantee them to bo of a CUPISlIOn QUALITY, ami our prices remain . tho same, notwith standing the recent advance in the whole- -sale prices. 1 r Sr.71 In lh City of Elm. and. Vicinity. Gathered in and Briefly Hated Some local matter is necessarily crow, ded ou the tourth page. ' The weather bureau predicts local showers for today followed by fair weather. Rev. Father Thos. F. Price of Raleigh, is expected here this evening and will preach tomorrow at 11 o'clock Mass. Mr. J. W. Smnllwood has a very good residence in course of erection on Metcalf street adjoining Can'. K. R. Jones', on the lot which he recently purchased from the captain. " , ; .n During Miss Nellie Oubb's absence at tlie Atlanta Exposition and elsewhere. Miss Nellie Ho I lister is acceptably filling the place at the Collegiate institute. Miss Nettie is well fitted lor the work having had some experience thereat and being naturally a good disciplinarian, "' Mr. Nace Brock has another of his fine paintings on exhibition in Mr. Marvin W Nash's window, a country scene where iKiy is starting to feed hounds while they stand in eager "expectation ' around, I lie expressions are well orougnt out, Rev. G. D. Bernheim, D. D of Wit mington, arrived to nil ms regular ap nointment here as pastor or St. .Luke Evangelical Lutheran church. He will nlso hold a preparatory service tonight at 7:sU o'clock in tueir place ot worsnip Kounlree Hail. Mr. J. W. Stewart is making things hustle in his busii.ess. Still another car load of males, twenty-eight in number, have ariived fir his stables, and buggies ire coming in lively lor mat department. They go last as well as come fast. Several good sales were made yesteiday. . Monday night tho Presbyterians will pack their second Christmas box at tbe chmcn lor tlie Barium springs urpnanage, There will be accompanying exercises sinning of carols, an address, &c, after wnicb there will De an entertainment in tbe lecture room for the children of the Sunday school. It is desired . to start the work of the American Bible Society in this city again as quickly as possible, but the collection lor the purpose last Sunday night was quite small too small to operate witn to advantage. Any nno willing to contribute more is requested to hand whatever they wish to give to Mr. James Gaskin's at Mr, James M. Howard s. There Is a rumor that a colored man named John Briit, formerly the Jour nal's pressman, but who shipped ou the schooner Sltlvin When she lust lett Jew Berne, had been drowned, Mr. John Ellis informs us that tbe Melvin is still at Beaufort and that he has heard nothing of any drowning from her but that he would bave done so bid tnera been such an occurrence. Mr. S. S. Buchalor ol Raleiib, repre- the Imperial Insurance Co.; Mr. Geo. C. MTGilvrey of Raleigh, representing the tlauover CO.; Mr. Milan Howard ot JNew Heine, representing notn companies; Mr. P. A. Willis, expert machinist, and Mr. C. 1). Dockluru one ot tbe owners, went down to tbe ruins of the burned m:ll ot the Siimson Lumber Co., at Whiteoak, to adjust the loss which was found to be practically a total one. They returned at night. There was 3,5uo insurance. ' ' ,. Comma- and Going. Miss Lizzie Oliver left ou the steamer May Bella Friday to spend Christmas witn relatives at jolly uid Held. Rev. R. E. Knowles, of Ottowa. Cann da, is visaing friends in tbe city. Mr. Edwin R. Guy, assistant fditor of tbe New York Hon, and Mr. T. U. Bad ham, of Edenton aro registered at the Albert. . Revs. W. L. and James L, Cunningim. who Have been visiting at Mr. JN. S. Kicu ardson's left for their home yesterday. Miss Mary Slover returned from Ral eigh where she has been visiting. Dr. Chas. Duffy, the President of the Board of Public Chartities went up to Raleigh to attend a meeting of the Board Miss lladdie Davis returned from Eliz abeth city where she has been visiting and attending conference. , Mrs. Edward K. Bryan, Jr.. of Savan nah, and child Is visiting the of sir. a, a., uryan, sr. his uustmntl win also come in a few days. .- Mrs. Fred Hunter, of Henderson, is visiting his father, Mr. N. S. Richardson. Mr. T. H. Thomas and wife and the four chi'dren. of Wyoming, Del., came in on tbe s: earner Newbeme, en route to Jacksonville to spend the winter. Mr. Duffy, who has been making a pro. tracted visit to her daughter Mrs. W. R, Cnppedge, of Rockingham, came home last night to lemain Tor some time with her son, Mr. H. Q Duffy. Our former townsman. Mr. S. C. Hamil ton, now of the Greenville Lumber Co., was in the city Thursday and Friday on business. He stopped with Mr. P, II. Pelletier. Mr. Hamilton informs us that Greenville is to be electric-lighted and his company has the franchise for it The plant will be in operation in about sixty days. Mr. Thos Broaden of Trenton. ' snent tne day in the city Friday and returned in ins aitcrnoon. - Mrs. S. Hudson and daughter. Miss Ada, ot Pollocksville, came in yesterday to do their. Xmas trading. Mist Patrick of Kinston arrived to visit the Misses Ferrebee. Cnpt. Thos. Gates, took the round trio to Goldbboro to meet his grand-daughter, Mis Gert e Willis coming home from school. Miss Bessie Williams also took the lound trip to mi el young lady friends retuiuiiiE iioiiic iruin suuooi. Oy.ler PlralM. Deputy Inspector of Shell Fish, J. B. Parsons, is in receipt of a letter rom Chief Inspector Hon. Theo. White, that Virginian oyster vessel manned and armed, is in Pamlico sound deryiog tho lawsot the State." Chief White is after the pirate and will undoubtedly bring him to justice. Deputy Parsons lias ust closed a case Lfor the btiiio whero a purchaser failed to roport. i he party submitted and paid coat of prosecution. TUG Finest Butter ever in the city 80 cts per pou nil. W. B, Cox. Home Tor the Holiday.. College students, male and female, ire coming home for the holidays. A oood number arrived last night. The follow ing were from Greensboro Female Col lege: Misses Maggie and Louise Lane. Miss Lilian Fowler, Miss Zinkie Swindell and Miss Mamie Daniels and Mssa Came Holton. ' A Miss Gtirtio Willis returned from the Statu Normal anil Industrial College, Miss Mary Guioo from Peace Institute, stopped to visit friends at La Grange; she will oe Homo tomgnr. Mr. Rom Nunn came down from the State University. - Mr, Harry Roberts returned from Davis Military BCIlOJl. Mr. Harry Marks is hack from Horner's Military (school, Uxlord. Misses Day and Sanders Irom Kinscy Seminary came in en route to Catharine Laku to spend the holidays visiting Miss boggs, they are at mis. m. h. uoito well's. Miss Ethel McMullen ot Hertford, the room mate of Miss Lizzie Hancock at Greensboro Female College, arrived to visit her and Miss Carrie Holton and other friends. Miss Meta Holder came down with Miss Swindell to visit ber. Popularity of'Th. Stowaway." ' Tom Craven's famous London play, "The Stowaway'' which will be rendered here next Wednesday night, is one of the most successful melodramas, ever giveu in this country. It leads all those that bave been brought over from England within tbe past ten years both in popu larity and profit. The following are the figures which the leading impoited plays have been repu ted to have made: "The LiglitB O'Lon don," $100,000; "The Silver King" $125,- 000; "Itomeny Rye," 75,000; '-The Stowaway,'$200,000,nd the .latter is still on the road coining money for its owners, while the others have been withdrawn. 64 Against SOI. We give this morning in another col umn a compilation taken Irom the New York Advertiser, showing the exact strength of England and the United States, notn on land and sei. A great disparity to tlie advantage of England exists in the navy. The United Slates has a total ot only 04 war vessels of all descriptions, while England has S01 eight times as many. Of course there is a like disproposition in tho number of gnus and men. Tbe New Paalor Arrive. Rev. F. A. Bishop, the new pastor ol Centenary M. E Church arrived by the steamer New Berne Friday morning here irom iieruord. liiev are at prisml visit- .ing at Mrs. S. H. Scott's. Mrs. Sent and Mrs. Bishop aro relatives. Mr UisUoi) will pnacii his fi'st sermon here Sunday morning. Rev. L. L. Nash, u, u., tbe retiring pastor will nreacb Sua- day night Ur. riash expects to leave lor his new charge next Tuesday. HnMCribera-Oeracoke Hteamer Her. vice Proponed. Mr. 8. D. Bragg, ne of Ocracoke's pilot's was up to the city Friday. While here he called at The Journal olllce and added his name to our list of sub. scribcrs lor the year 1896. Mr. W. II. Wuitehurst from the JNortu side of Neuse river; Mr. John Simmons of Pollocksville. and Mr. W. O. Pollard, old subscribers. likewise remembered ns. We are glad to leim from Mr. Bmmr that Mr. M. K. King of the Norfolk and Southern Railroad and E. C. D. Steam- ship Co , has bee,) there inrestigutieg witb a view to making arrangements for tho stopping ol steamers there as they do at Roanoke Islaud. S.ich connection with the cities at either end of this excel lent line would be a good thing for Ocracoke. REPORT OF THE CONDITION ' OP THE ' NATIONAL BANS OF EH BERNE, at New Berne, in tho Slate of North f It.... ... 1 . ! l ; & tur'iuuu, lit me i-ioro .i uusini'SS, Dec. 13th, 1895. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts f Overdrafts, secured and un secured U. 8. Bonds to secure cii culation (fours) ' Stocks, securities, etc Banking-house, furniture, and fixtures . Other real estate and mort gages owned Due "from National Banks (not Reserve Agent?) Due from Statu Banks and bankers Due from approved reserve agents Checks and other cash items Notes of other National Banks Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents Lawful Mosey Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie 118,255.90 Legal-tender notes 9.000 00 Redemption fund wiili U. 8. Treasurer (5 per cone of circulation) Due from tj. S. Treas'r, other than 5 pel cent re demption fund Total LIABILITIES, Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid National Bank notes out standing Due to other National Banks Duo to State Banks and bankers Individual de posits subject to chock, $118,843.37 Time certificates oi deposit, 40,739.45 Cashier's checks outstanding 3,578.07 Deposits ol U, S. disbursing oncers 183,770.23 2,959.35 25,000,00 37,075.99 15,000 00 40,902.56 23,425.33 13,728.51 10,063.30 4,586.44 2,830.00 2,000.09 27,255.90 1,250.00 55.00 Christmas Goods ! Silk Mufflebs, AND Silk Handkerchiefs. Gents Ties, " new style Coli.abs and Cuffs a fine line Silk Umbrellas and Silk Suspenders. Shoes AND Clothing all will be sold very cheap J. J. BAXTER Special .-To the Trade. 500 Bags all size Shot. . 200 Kegs Powder, all Sizes. 100 Boxes choice Pale Cream Cheese. 100 Boxes Cakes aud Crackers. Also full line Nuts and Caudies. 395,908.70 100,000.00 70,000.00 21,307.40 22,500 00 6,048.04 1,831.77 109,161.49 5,000.00 Tbe Farmer. Alliance Barbeene, Mr. ii. Li. uardison ol Tburman was uptothScityFiiday. He informs us that they have the promise of a good crowd from Pamlico county on New Year's day to tbe Farmer's Alliance barbecue amf speaking which will be held at Rivenlale that nay, and tint there are also Indies. tions that a good crowd will come from tha upper part of Craven county and some from Carteret. The speaking by Dr. Cyrus Thompson. president of the State Farmers Alliance will begin at ten o'clock and dinner will be served at its conclusion. While Dr. Thompson will be the orator of thi dav. thereill p ssibly be a few remarks by local speaKt-rs. 1 he exercises will be beld at Alliance Hall. All are invited to come, bring tueir basnets nnuenvv mo social reuuioo and the discussion of topics pertaining to tne nruer py us president. Cotton. The price of cotton is filling. January futures opened in New York at 8.06 and closed at 7.99. 853,800 bales were sold. The sales in New Berne were at 7 to 7. Movelttea at Hpecial Price. Novelties in Silverware, Cull' Buttons, Neck Chains, Silver Bracelets, Rings, &c. SPECIAL PRICES. . N T.J.BAXTER, ' The Jeweler. ' Bible., Bible.. I received last night by express the lar gest assortment of l ihlos ever seen in New Berne. Call to-day and look at tbem. Marvin W. Nasii. 2t. Bookseller. 103 Middle, st. - All Important. To know that you can buy more lor your money at Duffy's Candy Btorc, 49 Middle St., than any place in the city. r me uanu-mnue uream do.i lions aud Chocolate Drops packed in beautiful 1 lb. boxes for only 20c per box. Marshinallows 20o per In. Beautiful mixture 10c per lb. " Fire works yery cheap. Yours truly. jlsto R.L. Duffy. BEST butter in the city only 28cta. best cream cheese lScts, breakfast strips lOcta. lemons lScts, No. 1 hams 12c per lb at It. i. Alllgoods, 78 Middle Bt. TO all suffering humanity with coughs, colds or throat troubles. Don't forgot that James' Expectorant is the best tiling in me woriu ror sucu trouDios. tot sale at J. F. Tayloi's. ti Total 395,908.70 State op North Carolina ) County ot Craven. I, G. II Roberts, cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to tlie best of ac knowledge and belief. G. H. RonKRTs, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before uie this 20th day of Dec., 1895. J. It. 11. t'ARRAWAY, N. P. ConKECT Attest: Jamf.s A. Brvan, J. H. II ACKHUKN, E. K. Bishop, . Dunn, Directors. F.UIrich, Wholesale Acres . of Choice Holiday Goods Ready c for the Bargain Reapers. "Good words are better than bad strokes.'' Shakespeare. Now when you go into a Cloth ing shop and buy a ready made suit, which the salesman sells you by much talk, and its turns out badly, and you feel you have been "taken in" you have had both "good words" and a "bad stroke." That's not the way wo treat you, (if wo know it). Our idea is to give you your money's worth every time. When you need your Fall Suit don't for got us give us a trial at you. New Cioods constantly arriving. J. M. HOWARD. Gala Xmas Eve SUCH AS line of Colgate's best Perfumery. oz. oz. oz. oz. BOTTLE 25c BOTTLE 3.JC BOTTLE GOc BOTTLE 1.00 There's none better buy it. ..ATTRACTION. -DEC. 24. BARFOOT'S ! , BARFOOT'S! Santa Glaus Is h-Ere in all His iniiG-lDry IT IS A KNOWN FACT THAT wo have sold more XMAS Goods, Toys,fto.,than any store In the eity and at prices that no one else eould reach. Our Sales have doubled what we expected ;ana It was neceaary tor us to duplicate our flret order for Xmas Goods, and now we are now oponlng the largest as aortment we have yet had, and at the same stunning low figures, Toys, ; Gaines, Toilet Sets, k WOnly ouo plaoe to get our prices. HEW BEKNE'ft BIG DRT UODS BAEHAIK MOUSE To All Whom It Hay Concern: I will call your special attention to the Largest and best selected stock ot flue Wines, Whiskies, Brandies, Rums, Cordials. 4o ever kept in the city or State, at prices to suit the timet. TUB following la a list of somo ol the uooua . tiooda: BYE WHISKIES, O. Y. C. Oriole, Tammany Club, Upiwi- Crust, Premier, Old Pepper, Old Taylor, Giickeuheluias, Old Honry, Old Crow, . Mult. Old Thommon. Went Morelnud Club Old cabinet, Muihattau XXX Y, Gorden, old Forester, Monogram, Old GlbHon, Old Bourbon, Nations l'rlile, Old Monongocla, Maryland AAAA Diamond Kve and lota of other brands, Pure Mountain Corn Whiskey, Pure North Carolina Applo and Peach uruuuies. Jamaica, St. Croix and N.E. Bums for KggNOg, Sherry, Port, Cataw ba, Black Kerry, Mederla, Scupper nnng. Mime a (el, Clarut, Hhlno, anil last but not least, 8CHAMPAGNE and a full line of CORDIALS .at THE: PALACE SALOON IS MIDDLE STREET, M-Don't tall to aea It wlmn von want thn above goods. . S. D. rARKER. Merchant Tailor. No. 41 Pollock street. . I have a lot oi Fall and Wluter Samples in. and am prepared to show a cheap and nice line of Foreign and Domesilo Styles, and can compete with any Tailor in town. Call and give mo a trial, . BUST SHOW of tbe Season Thn Q'oKinn'o TJiir Qruinntinn lilb UuUuUllu Dig UuuuullUU. TltlUMI'HANT BVKItYWIIEKE! ImiH-mlnu and linnresalve Prodnc tlnn of tin Great liitcrmitionl Aii'io-orauiatic success : The Stowaway. FAMOUS NEW YOHK CAST! a-l'AU WMlS OK WKXUY-9 AMAZINti MKCH AMCAL EFFECT terpen tho Hitf Whi'p Yucht, witli ItVal Slants mill Hulls, ana lull -rixgeri every pur tlcular. NOTE. Incidental to Act II, ''Spike" Hon in't-Kt'y mid "KM' ,ky, the Eminent iti'iormed Ci'iu'ksnii'ti, win Mow open a braiiiiiuw Iron Sale, hi lull view oi the Uiuliemie. REALISTIC and SCIENTIFIC! PRICES: 75. 50, 25c. 47'Kesorved Scats ou Sale at Waters'. Concentrated Extracts, ' Lemon, Lemon, Vanilla, Ac, at prices or Toilet Articles, It run lies, Combs, Cut Glass. Perf u mery - - Evervthlntr sold at this week at reduced prices Bradham's Drugstore. CHRISTMAS - JUST RECEIVED. To. i INE Cut Glnas Bottles, each in liandHome oox, nuea witngcAUKiJi'i.K juttracta ootiiea. at 40. ou. ui ana 7a cent, x oz. 70 cents to tl.20. 4 oz. (I.a6 to $3.10. 8 oc fZ.iU. SAME GOODS IV PLAIN BOTTLES I oz. 113 and 40 cents, i oz. 75 cunts. 7 OtTNCB TKIPLE EXTRACTS, 34 cent.; : i m uuik, J ceuia. F NICE Cologne, 10 cents per ounce; half pint lu gluaa stoppered bottle only, 76c. TTJAY RUM In Hprinkler top bottle pints 1(U. P111U. O.JU. Uuttl iOHIDA WATER 40o. per half-pint bot tie. Cut llott es 26 to 7joouU. rreHOMd ottles 15 to as eentH. Curling Irons, S, 10 and IS onts. Boxen Paner. Puff Bozos. Talcum Powder. at rem. etui prices uuriug cue iioiuiaya. ir"A sain mo ot Sweet Chimes Extract friven to every lady caning to examine theae gooua F. S. Duffy, Druggist. deo!52w Fair Warning ! PAY YOUR CITY TAXES. After Dec, 10th, I shall pro ceed to collect all unpaid Taxes due the City of Newborn for 1895, bo DISTRESS. Come forward, pay np and save cost. - H.J. Lovick, CITY TAX COLLECTOR. Tlien there is our TOILET SOAPS Cashmere tyoquet, 25c cake. Kirks Juvenile 25c cake. Jocky Club, 25c cake. Laua Oil, 10c 3 for 25c. A splendid imitation of Laua Oil at 15c per box 3 cakes. EF"To cap the climax we offer for 10c. A box of Cotton States tion Soap, consisting of cakes. Exposi 3 long Do 7011 need a box of WE SELL, La Tossa, at Peacemaker, at Antique, at Savoy, at We mention these because we consider them Exceptionally time Ooods for the quoted. 30c BOX 2jC BOX 20C BOX 10c BOX prices Come take a look at the Case of Trinklets consisting of Pin Trays. Barometers. Blotters. Children's Sets, Ash Receivers, Card Re ceivers, Cups, Nap kin Rings, &c. Your Choice from this Case 25c. REMEMBER, we still have some Choice Frames, Looking Glasses neat designs, Albums, Collar and Cuff Boxes, &c. PBETTY DECORATED CHINA GLASS VASES, Handsomely mounted in gold trimming. Several 5 o'clock Teas left, prices $3.00, 93.50 and $4.00 each. EyNow bear in mind, we have what you Wishdon't think be- cause we don't mention it haven't got it. we REMEMBER, . , The grateful chink of saved dollars is the pleasing strain we play for our customers. Respectfully, Hackburn 47-49 Pollock Street.