VOL XV NEW SERIES NO. 14.'. NEW BERNE, N. C. WEDNESDAY, MORNING, JUNE 10. 3896. ESTABLISHED 1882. KILLED BY A BON. THE xPOPULACE THREATENS BARCELONA ANARCHISTS. S3 llitva ! Arrested. Ho Season Known For The Hndilen Onl lrenk of Anotner Beln of . ; .i". Terror.' Bakobloiia As tho result of the ex. plosion or the bntub thrown into the street while a religious. procession was puRS-ng, eleven persons were .killed ' and fortj woundid- v ' Tire man who committed the ogtrnge ms not yet heen ideutiliod, but the police Authorities are . cbuthlent - that the mis- tut is among the number ol men who under arrest s suspects. :r ' 'The excitement Cnusod by Die explosion shows no sgi of dmimulum. nu.d the people vigorously demand that no i Hurt he spared by lhe authorities to punish the authors of tlio outrage and to guard aqniuat a repetition ol tlio dastardly act. - , TT Ul'll It IJUUIllllU JJUIIClllUjT H1KIWU lllitl the killed numhorod eleven, instead of six; as wai stated in the lirst reports, the imliyimlion ot'tlio populuce wis very violent. lu diet, So ihivnteiiinjj was the outlook that tlio authorities s u measure, of prccaulioir' pri'cliiiiue.1 mmliiil law, mid the city is now under military govern ment, . . Two more arrests ol suspects were mmie today, making a lot it of ihiny-two men who. have been takou into custody suspicion of having lieeu oouccru jd in the perpetration of the outrage. The prisoners are confined in the prefecture., To lay an Hiiynpiiob galluiel around that building and demanded the sum mary, punishment ol everj ouu of the prisoneii), whether hie uuilt he proven- or not. Occadonally it lookod as though the mob would attempt to storm the profee ture in order to wreak voiixraiuco on tlie suspected men. . " The civil guards on duty at the pl ice were speedily reiufirced and were ire quality ' Compelled to charge upon the crowd to make them keep thoir distance. The mob would scatter temporarily, but would soon gather sgtin, threatening to lyiico me prisoners. ' Barcelona is not alone in its attompt to repress with a stern hand tho recrudes cence of anarchy: The royal lioveruiueul and the municipal authorities of Madrid . are taking measures to prevent the coin- : mission of outrages in the capital. One of the leading auarchisli of tho cily was arreslod todr.y. It is thought that lie was in soma way concerned Willi the outrage here. mi i ii. . , xiie curies sou me government nave promised to assist the relatives of those who were killed or wounded here, and this action met with hetrly approval. ' Speculation Is rife as to the anarchists, Bom attribute it to thoauiniosity of tire anarchists towards everything pertaining to religion and believe that they took ad. . vantage of the Corpus Christ! processions to give vent to their hatred. But there have befn many religious processions since anarchy was rampant in Spain, which were in no Wiso iutarferred with and it is generally believed that some motive deeper than hatred of religion lies at the bottom of the last outrages com milled here at Orendain. r- All the people killed belonged to the working classes. . A. majority ot them vera women and chilrlren nml this fact has musli to do with the bitterness dis played toward tlie siiarchisla. Track Msrkels Jnolstions. . Hpeelal. -.. i , , -PuiLADKLfHiA, June 8. The follow' ing aro the latest prices on truck, quoted by J. F, llobson & Co : : Potatoes, primes 3.80 to 13.25: seconds fl.SO to $2.00. . ' ' Rpeeial. f . : Nkw York, June 9. The following are the latest prices on potatoes quoted by Pape and Deyo: primes $2.75 to $3.50; seconds $1.60 to $U5. . Big- Firo In. Toronto. Toronto,Oit.-A conflagutlon which at one time threatened to eclipse any for mer experience of Toronto in that line broke ont in McKendry & Co'l big de- parlinent store, on Younge street, at o'clock. . .. The whole place was quickly ablaze, and the entire block, inclttiliog the large department stores of Eston & Co., adjoin- itig,' were in imminent danger, "By prompt work on tin? part of the firemen the lire was ' eooflucd to McKendry's & Cos store. Tlio whole interior' of the huihliug was badly gutted Slid their slm-lc. valued at $70,000 Is nearly a total Ions. ' The stock of Eaton, Co. and Gulnane lire, shoe store suffered considerable diiin!'e from water and-smoke. The total loss on the builiiing and stock Is ca lm, ..led at 1200,000; imurnucc, $150,000. ..nvonllnn llnll Dedication. Sli'.ii.l. . S t. r.ot is. Mo.. June 9 The CoifTen- li ii i .11 will he dedicated tomorrow ii l. IV ''0 person aie expected to be I i t. t;, exetciae will bs of a patrio. t i rutir, iiuiong , the features there v ; ' a n-idn Ikiiui of sevcniy-flvo. i :! ift U-coiiMiJund. Tickets of f. - 11 our dollar (Hi h. . Hleniner BermndM Seised. ' Special. . ." .j- - Pinr,ADBi,pniA, June 9 The steamer Bermuda, recently deprived of her British registry, has b.en seized for the pay of sailors.' - - : - It is believed the object is to sell her here and bring tho steamer under the American lug. The Bond Investigation. Special. Washington, D. C, June 9 The bond investigation will be conliuued in pen cession after Ihu adjournment of Congress. On to St. Lonls. Special. . . L'oi.umdus, Ohio, June 9 lion. M. A. H'lnna and parly left this afternoon on a special cur for SI. Louis. Senator ,'roel'ir, of Vermont, accompanied the party. Vleo President Aspirants. pcslal. ' Hi: louis,' Mo. Juno 911. Clay Evaus, of Teuncsstw, Governor Bradley, of Kentucky, General McA'pin, of New York, Garrett Hobait, of Now Jersey, aro spoken 4f most frequently in connec tion witli the vice presidency Ahead of Hears la. Special. IUlkwu, N. C A carload of peaches from Southern Pines passed through hero to day, bound for tho North. They aie aliaad of tlio Georgia peaches. InKlliillon For tlie mind. iipH'Irtl. UAi.Kion, N. C. June 9 The trustees if the Iiis.ilution fir the Blind, elected to-tlay, as Principal, Mr. Fred Place, of Illinois, at a salary of $1,800. and w Vice Principal, Mr. VV. J. Young, salary, $1,000. Til roc Hlnte Tickets. P30ill. ItAi.Kiaii, Juno 9 Prominent Popu. Ii;ts here to-n'lit say, it seems reasonably erlain that thero will be three Slate tickeis in the Held this year. Ool. UrecklnrldBels In the Field. Lexinoton, Ky. In reply to a di rect question Irom a reporter for the Lexington "A-rgouaut, Col. W. C. 1 Cnsekiuridge is quoted as follows: "Well' sir, I do not mlend to say much on thai point, but vou may just simply say for me that I intend to be tlie next Demi crutic Congressman from tlo Ashland district. That is all I have to say just now." Heavy Ntorin In Mlehtjrnn. Lansing, Mich. A tornado struck this city from the west shortly alter 11 o'clock and a terrible winil nnd rain-storm fol lowed. It was tho worst experienced here in years. Trees were uprooted and scores if them wu'.'o broken oif Numerous out buildings were overturned. The rain fell in torrents. LocallnsT Hnnrters at Chicago. Special. CniCAGO, Juno 9. The delegations to tho Democratic Natiou il Convention are euguging quarters. The New York delegation will be at tho Palmer House, also the National Couimitlen will be there. Tammauy, Mississippi, South Carolina, West Virginia and Washington dtlegu lions will be at the Auditorium. Telrg-rnphle Hews. Milwaukee strmeis have voted to con. linue their strike to the bitter end. They will solicit aid lrom other cities for its continuance. Bill Gay was hanged at Helena, Mont for the murder of Bill , Mnck.'.in 1893, Gay declared his innocence. A scheme was afoot to rescue him, but was frustrated by the vigilance of the authorities. Andrew Smith accidentally shot and killed .luims Mickey, who was a spectator of a fight at St, Louis between Smith and Peter Petersnu, a prizefighter known as the "Terrible Swede.' Smith lias been arrested. -' . ' Eugene Burnett and Joseph Wenar, railroad ticket speculators doing business at Mew Orleans, were convicted In General Sessions st New YrfK of lurging tickets ot the Boiithern PuciUc Kail way Com pany. .They will be scutencid Friday. Dr. J. H. Dailey, of Bird's Station, 111, was murdered by Surpton T. Micky. The flair was the result o a quarrel over girl. Dr. Dallrv was ono of the most prominent citizens In Southern Illinois. Mickey is a prominent educator. John W. Hay, assistant editor of the Journal of Commerce, of San Francisco, was shot and killed by Mrs. Nina Muc- Dougali, who is said to be the wile of a drummer for a Chicago baibed wire com- psnv. The women then shot hecself through the htart. ' " Thomas H. Svope, of Kaunas City SIon hot presented that eity with a park containing 1,914 acre. It is situated four miles southeast of tho cily. Tlie only conditions are that it be pamed Bwope Park, aud that the city spend $5,000 year for ten years in Improving It. ' Henrietta CroHSinnn,tho well-known aclres, who hat been a member of the Frohman Companies for some years past, was granted a dlvorcs from William H. Sodley Brown, of New York, by Judge Johnston, at Yonng-tlown, Ohio, and given the custody of thoir child. TO BE SOUND MONEY. HE REPUBLICAN MONEY PLANK AT ST. LOIS. Important Persons Arriving;. BrI. mice ot Week on Contestants. Fair, hanks for Chairman of Vonven tlon. McKlnlejr on First Ballot Special. St. Louib, Mo., June 9. The National delegation has been floating in during the past two days, but tho first important ones came this evening, among them being Chairman Carter, Secretary Manly, and Hark Hanna. The meeting of the Natioial Committee to pass upon prima fuie election delegates will be tomorrow nolJn, anil will extend inrougiioui me wecK, tut no anxiety is felt however us to what the temporary roll will consist of as honesty of purpose will govern the National Committee beyond all question. Charles V. Fairbanks, of Indiana, will be chairmau of the Convention, and some Eastern man temporary chairman, proba bly Cornelius N. Bliss, of New York. S'mee Win. MoKinley will he nominated upon lirst Daunt, without needing tlie contested delcgntec, the contetts will not be hard fought.. The money plank will favor Sound Money, meaning gold, hut it will treat silver with "rent respect. BASE BALL. National lencne tinmen Plnyed Yen- trday. Sseelal, Boston, Juno 9. St. Louis 5, Bos ton 0. Puiladklmia, June. 9. Cleveland , Philadelphia 1. New Yokk, Juno 9. New York Cincinuti 4. Brooklyn, June 9. Brooklyn Piltshurg 1. Washington, 1). C , June 9. Wash ington-Chicago game postponed on nc count of rain. Hai.timoke, June !). DaltiiuoroLouis- ville gaino called end third inning ou nc. couut of ruin. nOW THE CliUUB STAND. CLCIIB. W. I,. p. c. 25 13 .058 20 15 .034 27 17 .014 20 is .not 23 18 .501 21 19 .525 21 21 .500 21 23 .417 19 21 .475 19 24 .442 13 2ft .310 9 32 .230 Cleveland, Baltimore, Cincinnati. Philadelphia, Boston, Washington, Brooklyn, Chicago, 1 ittslmrg. New York, St. Louis, Louisville, Typos Co Ont on a Ntrtke. St. Paul, Minn. The daily pipers o al. l aul una Minneapolis are involved in llie biggest strike of iluir lives. Evory linotype opciator ol the Globe, Pioueer Press, Dispatch, Tribune, Journal and Times has lelt his place. Willi them went the advertising compositors, tlie proot readers mid uieir Helpers 140 men in all. The newspapers have maimed their type-setting machines with typewriters, stenographers and reporters aud have nr raiigid a temporary exchange of their news nnd matrixes. At 11 o'clock it was evidont that the papers would all print although they will set only about half as much matter at usual. Tlie trouble lias been brewing tor several weeks. I lie proprietors asked that tlie piece scale, IS 1-2 cents for nonpareil and 14 cents for minion, be abolished and that all men work for $23 per week of filly hours. The printvrs asked for $31 and week of forty nine hours. No agreement was reached and tlie printers ot tlio two cities resolved to quit work. Texas Primaries For Mllver HOC8TOH, Tbxas. The State pn. marlca went almost solidly for free silver, and the preicut Slate government was indorsed for re-election with only one exception Baker, land commissioner- Sound money, running Ut behind. Gold standard men parllclputed quite generally and the threatened split araouuls nothing. to CranhMU Is nominated for Congress in Culberson's district against Dudley, chairman ol tlie Slate Democmtio exec. live committee. Cooper is re-nomioalcd in the second and Winchester Keltoe in tlie eleventh represented by Noonan, the only Repub lican from Texas. panlsh Brntallly n.w AHA. That the work ol extermi nation of Doo-corahalauli nr "psciflcos,'' as they are styled litre, continues to greater or lets extent, is evhleaced by the reports which are received from the conn try. Not a day passes without some shocking story Is told of brutal assassina tions committed by the troops on defense, less people, whose solo- crime is being witnesses of tlie war raging all over the island, without taking any part in it. Hero are a few facts selected from the many that are told: " On the 2nd Instant a column of Span ish troops commaniled by . Col, Ochoa, operating around Jaruco, Havana pro. vince, captured A poor, miserable boy of IS years of age, named Juan Rodrlguer, suffering from nervous pros'.ration aniljso weak that he could haidly move without assistance. This unhappy cuature was dragged from his home, a little larm near Casiguas, and without any compassion for big pitiable stale, he was butcher ed on the road way to Tampsstc for the sole crime of being a cousin of a leader in the rebel army, named Victor s.mon. - On Juno 1st, Simon Yruri, member of one of the best families of .laiuco. was arrested on cuspicion of being ii rebel sympathizer, by orders of Gen. Melguizo. tie was too well known to lie taken out ot the town and shot in the field, as this would create a scandal, so they made a semblance of a court martial, and witli all the apparent formalities of llie law he was publicly shot in the square of the to-vn. The deed created general indigna tion when it was known Hint Melgizo had ordeied the execution on liis own authori ty without consulting tho ('upturn Geuer al, who is the only one empowered to order such proceedings. On June 4th last, Mr. Loroiizo Medina. a native of the Canary islands. 4ii years of age, atd a cnttlo dc iler of some mean'1, and Jusn Toledo, a Cuban of 30 years of age, owner of a cart shop, both well known and esteemed in the town of Jpr- uco, were arrested on no charges known They were lodged in the civil guards' barracks anil the next morning they weie taken out ot the town under promise of prompt releaMi and treacherously shot behind the slaughter house. THIS WEEK ! Bigger Values Than Ever ! h Tiniest of Tiny Prices ! Over 1,000 diflcrent Articles in Sample Notions ou our counters this week at absolute wholesale cost. No room to name articles. Come down nnd oneo ami get what you want before they aru picked over. Samples go liist. Itemember nt absolute wholesale Cost. G. A. Barfoot, Mgr. - THE BIG : : Dry Goods Bargain House. BELONGS TO JOHN DUNN Grocer AND Confectioner. Pollock St. IS SPACE 18o6 HARTFORD BICYCLES RKDUCTION IX mCK: Patterns Mos. 1 A- 2,. rrom s)so to 8U3 Patterns Nob. 3 A t., Irom (0 to srio Patterns Mos. It A- O , f rom 30 to 8 13 This is decidedly the lust value tor the money ottered in medium grade machines. Col"ULoCL"bIas, Tin.- Standard of the world acknowl edge no competitor, and the price is absolutely lixed for I he season of "Jli at 100.00. I'lf you can't hoy ;i Columbia, then buy a Hartford next l-st. raltcrns 1 and 2 Hartford? are cipii) d with Columbia Tins C'lniins, Pedals and Saddles, nnd nr--, the einial of any machine on the market except the Coluiu hia linen nailed, unapproached. SOLO ON EAST TERMS. WM. T. HILL, 61 S. Front Street. Use It the HAIR BRUSH. IT HAS: Solid Wood lUirli.no vuiieer In ronus oil", nml no holds t alis jrl) .lirt, Coinpoxi Lion IliHhllt! .Sotting, ubsolulcly imiill'rct-i-"l ly wiitcr; pure mm liii'iiithin Alu minum Kurc. ni ityx "KiTtrltati" , piui llri-trjos llrmtv iiuulionMl hi wsitcr proof compusition. SOLD AT Davis' Pharmacy, WELL, fir. "Newbegin" 1 see the Wheel fever has struck you. Ves, 1 have couchulod that I must be up to dale nlld-rido with the "boys. ' Well, what wheel have you decided to lo hiiy ? You know you want to Keep Your Eye on Tla-e "Victor' Yes, I have heard a great deal of late ibout that wheel; I understand that on llie !iHrd of M:iy, in the great Coiistinu' Mutch, held iin-lcr llie allspices ol the New York Athletic Club, where there were tit) hich "rude wheels in the contest that the VICTOIfS won 1st an-1 -Jn,l places and only two ' "Victor's" in the contest. Mr. "Blow-Hard," Mr. "Talk-em-dcnf" Hid Mr. "llard-to-ilown'' have been try ing to couviuee me that they lia-l the best wheel, but I shall take 1-Vnl Halm's ad vice and buy a VICTOR from J. C. WHITTY & CO. SO O(iOl) liYE. WM. H. OLIVER, LIFE, FIHK, MAItINK, ACCllll-'.NT, FIDBLITV, HTKAM IIOII.KIl Insurance.... NKWIIKitN, A numlier of Time-Tried and Fire tented ixniianleH reoroHeiitwi. ever sizf,uiu,(Mi aHHew repreKenu-u. NOTOAHY l'UIILIC. Commissioner of Deeds for New York, Con neetlcut and I'ennsylvanla. tWKcnt National Hoard Marino Under writers. PAY ENOUGH! Jii '.I " Low Priced Things nra not nlwnjs clwnn. Low Prices are sometimes ilenrlj IkhikIiL - There's such a thing as "cxtrav sannt economy'' That meuns saviug on tho price st the com of the quality. We sell GOOD, PURE DRUGfJ just as low s it Is possible to sell thero. We won't sell the other kiud at so price. BRADHAMS PHARflACY. LHAl Tl I . TTy I r mm Do Have Some TEA! WC HAVE THE BEST IN THE Market, made from fresh, fragrant ami lender leaves. Its tenderness lias milch to dn with its quality. Physicians say the ritfht kind is lienelicial. We pre fer to have it, TEA IS ONE, AMONti MANV lliiiiics, which you'll lind at our stores, when it can lie had. When yon want an tiling in Fancy Groceries And ini lind it riht hard to iind it- -vh just send to our slore and jon'll lie apt Id lind il y This Week TN Ol!R (ilK)IIS DEP'T L we oiler special Reductions on all Parasols We have left, consisting of Black and While China Silk am! Dresden ellecls. The $2.00 one's are now down to $1.50. The $2.50 and $2.75 to $2.00. The $3.50 to $2.75. HAMMOCKS ! from 85c, to $3.00. LINEN LAP ROBES ! from 50c. to $1.25 47 & 49 YOU WILL FIND Ivery Water Proof Shoo Dressing French lilacking, Ladies' Bicycle Leggings in all colors, At Pratt's Shoe Store, 95 Middle St. SPECIAL ! 1 OH LASES FREE SIL' ver Baking Powder For Sale at Retail. ONE FREE SILVER SPOON GIVEN WITH EACH CAN. UE Grocer. 1o MIDDLE STREET. c aimm HEFIMti KUATOUS, K.'K CKKAM FUIOEZKliS, WATKK COOLKliS, SOliKEN 1)001:' ami WINDOWS AT L. H. Cutler & Co's. Just Received ! A full Line of i IK s (HI Hi IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES ! Thi'so wo will soil nt very clone lru:cM. Another "Job" in Wliito India Linon at 15 cts. SAME QUALIIY that proved no popular hisl year. Call em ly anil .supply yourself us wo only have a limited supply. 3D. 3T. TarTTis. TO TtE o o o o o MY I. 1. iillKhs oFoltIS, HAVi: Jirnv4'il tlx-ihit-M line in 'lty -hi nil Mylr-t jui'l i-filois. tasooak Shoo A HI. I. LINK ill' Ullll.llUKN'.-t n.ick ll:il :m,l To.M ll'SHANTRIl Cups. ALSO A VVU. LINK OF 1,'IIKAl'Kll (InuU-N at oxltml's. 8 T- J". Baxter Received Dirwl Irom tho Mlllfl a Car(ol tho well kuuwn, BEST ON EARTH, & COLD MEDAL FLOUR 1 rt)n have ilw. lurwt) tvnt1Ltont lotl utiM-k of Plug Tobacco In Uwu; boiiKlit clit'np aiuI will be mU at at Kork Jtdttnm 1'ricon. My ntwk 1h complete; my prici'H aro an Uvr as Urn In went. TO MY COUNTRY FRIENDS My Stiihlt' lira trvt and your hnrmMt iind U'am tiikni cant ol whtln ynu aro In tho city. You will do well to ten mo helort buying clacwlioro. Tlianklnjr my many Irlonda for tl lr pa si lavorM and tnistltift t4t ivoelve your tuluiit palronaito I am Vtry BotpoctfuUya J. R. Parker, 77 BUUAD 8TKEET. fine of the nicest thluiis ahout nailing la that fnu lmKlh wlailnm whit fflvithr younwlf plcasarr. We have ll the latent puDlleatlons.' Whenevrr you eome nenv you'll lind low prices, courteous treat ment, and perlect mtllafactloo. J. D. OASKIN5, MMtokH talMMr. Like h OwLi-M

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