VOL." XV NEW SERIES NO. 16." - NEW BERNE, N. C. . FRI DAY MORNING, JUNE 12. 1896. ESTABLISHED 1882 TOT ELECTORAL : VOTE. THE POPULISTS MUST HAVE r - NORTH CAROLINA'S. Wtll liwl lnnnllnla to Bxnnh. Itaitn Kaaka. Fopnllatsto Tita rr RomII, Fitrmen Inntllntn. A UIne 14 Trucking Intereetn. ' Special, , - Ralkioh, : June 11. The . political iKDsaiina of today was the news from Wiisliington tliot Senator Marion Butler en I Mia B'pub!icns liud agrofrt lo lu. itul Ayer, the Senators polltirnl licu ttmint Iicnv ftiyg : that tbo report Is absolutely untitle, and that if Republicans bikI Democrats put up Stale tickets, the Populists trill certainly likewise, ' - Lnge" linrris declares that the Bpub Iicans will have to give the electoral votes of North Carolina to the Populists. This is Just what Senator Butler wants, and by doing this the Republicans will Ret the Populists vote For Russell. .. . .The Board of Agriculture has directed the .Commissioner to hold a numler of farmer's Institutes this year. : ' The Trustees of the Agricultural and : Mechanical College has. re-elected its lward of officers and (acuity, and will arrange for the establishing of hot houses and green houses for the study of forcing eanj vegetation, . i ins is 10 tie cione as a special aid to the trucking interests of the State,'. V . " . " GORMAN CONTROLS. - nrjlan ntate JDemoerntle Cenvcn ' , tie Adopt an Oat and Ont Sold Plank. ': ,.-.- Baltimore, '. Md. The Democratic State Convention was called to order ia Ford's Opera Housa, by Hattersley W. Talbot," chairman of. the State Central Committee. He said only a few words before Introducing Hon. Arthur P. Gor. man as teropoiary chairman.! Senator Gorman, who had entered the ball almost unobserved and taken a scat with the Harford connty delegation, was escorted to the stage amid a volley of cheers : and other demonstrations of favor. Gorman again started applause by saying that he felt at home among Democrats, j j' - - He Inveighed against McKinley and his protection ideas, ' urged Democrats . to baraioniae their difference and conclud ed his short address with a statement that the convention should select delegates to tha National Convention with a view of kerplng the financial standing of the State at its high standarJ. This sentiment was understood to be in favor of sound money . men and they applauded it, while the silver sen looked disgusted.'r v s The silver men. offered a resolution with the view ol having open discussion of all resolutions presented to the convention - belore they should be referred to the cora ' raittoe, but it was voted down by their opponents who favored everything going to the Committee on Resolutions without discussion. X''t :' ' Tbo Committee on Credentials and - Resolutions were appointed, and the con vention took a recess for half an hour. ' ; AJfcr recess the Committee on Creden tials and Permanent Organization reported : no contest and recommended the selection ot Senator Gorman as permanent chair- - man. The report ' wts unanimously adopted. Tbo 8enator in( thanking tha convention lor me nonor; eaia tue party . .would have a bard contest In carrying this State next fell, but that he would give his best energies to organize tho .Democratic party of Maryland so well, tbat the State would hereafter be found hi the Deino- cratic column.. . - ' . -. ?; . ; . The chairman or tue Committee on Resolutions reported In fevor of tariff raform as included in the Chicago plat form of 1892,. and endorse President Cleveland. ' . " The financial plank reads: ' Believing that the true Interest of the people require that the earnings of agri culture and trade and the Wages of labor should be paid in money that is intrinsi cally worth ia all tha markets ol the world what it purports to be worth, we - d'-'nand the maintenance fX the existing Hold standard of value, ana, further, that the Government shall keep alt its obliga ttons at all timet redeemable and payable iu money of the greatest lnstnosio value ami of the highest standard adopted by the civilized nations of the world; and we t' .'..re resolutely oppose the free and ui "wited eoinngaof silver at the fatio of " lfltoi. .;, . - 1" i-e were but five votet opposed to t" I 'ank. ' V.'iiiiout replying to the arguments of 1 s'lrer minority, CJ. Btugho', of . n, ei, airman of the Resolutions moved that a silver 'amend i I ' I no the table. This was J to 29J. The platform 1 without division, . ti t!:e National Convention .1 cV-ctors were chosen, 1 I ' ; ired by Iessrs. Oor i coming out without a i r '.- ' 1 as the next ' ' ;i:onid Cm.!, r- BASB BALL. Nntloanl Leaf no Guinea Played T i. "' : terdsy. Special, ' Bbooklyr, June 11. Brooklyn 6, Cleveland 1. - Philadelphia, June 11. Philadel phia 10, Louisville 9. - Boston, June 11. Boston 9, Cincin nati 1. ' . Baltimore, June 11. Chicago 5, Baltimore 3. " Washington, D. C June 11. Wash ington 11, St. Louis 6. " , JJbw York, June It. Pittsburg 12, New York 7. 1 1 . " HOW TEE CLUBS STAND. . ' CLUBS.' Cleveland, Baltimore ' Cincnimti. . Puiladolpuin, Boston, . Washing ton, Chicago, , -Brooklyn, Pittsburg, . New Y"rk, : St. Louis, Louisville, W. . L. P. C. 26 14 650 87 - 16 .638 27 19 .687 27- 19 .587 24 18 .571 22 20 .524 23 23 .500 22 22 .500 21 21 .500 20 25 .444 13 80 .802 9 34 .209 Another Vanderbilt Engagement. New York. Announcement of tho engagement of Ilenry -Payne Whitney, eldest son of William O. Whitney, and Miss Gertrude Vanderbilt, daughter ol Cornelius, Vanderbilt has been made. Mr. Whitney is twenty-two years o'd and Miss Vanderbilt eighteen. MINNESOTA FOR COLD. Gold-bnc Capture Oemeeratle Can. ventlon. Elect Oflleera, and ' Adopt Platform. Special. :. St. Padl, Minn., June 11 The Con vention here today was in control of the gold men, who elected officers aud adopt- ed their platform. . 7 Movement of Warships, Washington, Df C. Movements of naval vessels have been reported to the Navy Department as lollows: The , practice-ships Monongahela and Bancroft passed the Virginia capes, bound outward.' Tbe Marblehead arrived at Corfu Irom Mersine, Syria. Tbhc Indiana went down to-Tompkinsville from the Brooklyn navy yard; The Ampbitrite nailed from Key West for Brunswick, Ga , to take the Georgia naval maiitia on their annual exercise cruise. BOBART STILL LEADS. Bum Endorse the Blew Jerwjr Man : For Vlee Presidency. Special. St. Locis Mo. June ll-rfiarrelt Hobart ol New Jersey, seems still to lead as first choice for the Vice Presidency, largely, it is said, because be is appar ently endorsed by M. A. Henna. ' Truck Market Quotation. Special. '- , Philadelphia, June 11 Tbe follow ing are tbe latest prices on truck, quoted by J. F. Hobson & Co : - Potatoes, $2 50, 13.75, 13.00; Mediums 12.00, $2 23; Cucumbers, $1.00, 1.25; Beans 40c.to 0c. . ' ' Special. '-',. V New York, June 11 The' following are the latest prices On truck quoted by Wm. H. Holmes: Potatoes 93 50 to $3.00; funcy,$3.25, beans twenty to thirty, Cukes (1 85. Cabbage unchanged. ' . . . Chased by a Bpaatah fjunboat. Kingston, Jamaica. Oa Saturday ( May 30, a large steamer appeared off Port Antonio making for the harbor, ' Before the port pilots could get uuder way. the vessel turned swiftly and made seaward. This action was explained by the appear ance of a SpanUh gunboat aroond the headland. . '. - ., '. The steamer was much swifter than tbe gunboat.' As she drew away the ganboat fired a round shpt, whicb psssed to tbe tcewsrd of the chase. For a minute or two the latter was observed to swerve. As tb gunboat ranged nearer a sheet of smoke end' fame broke through the steamers broadtide, accompaniid by tbe rattle of rapid fire guns. ' "-. - It could not he teen whether the fire took effect on the gunboat, or not, tor al most on tbe instant she also vomited i cloud pf smoke, and there was a crash of at Wast three guns. There was another discharge from the steamer, whicb ' was uolnlured, and then the two clouds of smoke sped away rapidly seaward. - The war ship continued firing but the steamer bore 'awty ; rapidly, flying the Cuban flag. .' - iv '- -j V. -, On Monday morning II. M. S. Pelican wat dispatched from Port Biyal to look np the Bpaulsh ganboat. - -' ' ' Demand of the Cretan. .. Athens. It it leaned here that the Cretan Reform Committee have formu lated deuiandt which Include the economic Uideiienilenre of the Island of Crete, the Island to receive half ol the customs reve nues, which are now paid into the Turkish Treaiury, The committee also demands the nomination of a Governor of their own choiee, unilor thu guarantie of the Powers tln.t that official shall hold ollii-e for five yarn. THE AGONY OYER. FIRST SESSION , 54TH GRESS PAST. CON- TheNenate and House Adjourns. Us ual Keaolntlona Passed. Pension 1 BUI Burned Through at Last i , Alter Heated Debate. Special, Washington, D. C The Senate re assembled this afternoon, the galleries be ing filled with visitor. Later, they were cleared for Executive session. Senators Sliermau and Smith were ap pointeel a committee to wait upou the President and notify him that the Senate was about to adjourn. - The President reported to the commit tee tbat he had no further communication to make to Congress. Resolutions were . passed expressing thanks to Speaker pro tern, W. P. Frye. Senate and House adj ourned at 4 p. m . In the House several pension bills were passed near tho close after a heated de bate. STILL FOR McKlNLEY. Contested Case Decided In Favor Mc- Klnley. No silver Bolt Feared. Special. St. Lotus, Mo., June 11. The Nation al Committee decided, this evening in favor of the McKinley contesting dele gates from Florida. The case will be car ried to the committee on credentials by the Morton delegates. Col. Isaitc Trumbo, National Commit teeman and delegate at large, Irom Utah, says the silver men here have decided not to bolt the Convention, but will not sup port a candidate if suitable plank is not adopted. LEE PLEASING THEM. American ereatly Pleased with the Mew Contul-General. Victims of Npaln In Cuba. JNew Iork. Among the passengers on the steamer (Jiiy of Washiuzton, which arrived from Habana, were J. B. Dclgado, and his eon, J. M. Delgado. Both gentlemen have suffered many indig nities at the hands of Spanish officials in Cuba, and are on their way to Washing ton, where tuey will lay their grievances befpre the President and Secretary Olncy. Dr. Dclgado had an interview with Consul-Gcneral Lee previous to leaving Habana. The City ol Washington s passengers in conversation at quarantine, stated that the newly-appointed Consul-General, Fitzhngh Lee, is rapidly familiarizing himself with the rontine duties of his office. Tbo Ainericau residents in Habana are much pleased with tbe aggressive spirit sliown by the Consul-General. There -was also on board the City of Washington, Felix Cabello, an officer in the Spanish service, said to be on an im portant errand to this country. Nevada Democrat Indorae the Pre sident. Reno, Nev. The convention of the so called regular Democratic Party of Nevada met. Tbe platform declares for the freo and unlimited coinage of silver; is against taking religion into politics; favors tbe amenmcnt ot tho naturalization laws, and Indorses Cleveland in every thing except his policy on the money question. Postmaster Will Bolt. Chicago Postmaster Washington Hesing, of this city, aonnounced that il the Democratic Party declares for tree silver and the Republican party declares for a gold standard, he and his paper, the Chicago Stoats Zeltung, will bolt tbe Democratic Party and work for tke Re publican nominee. Telec raphlc Item. All of the suits begun a couple of years since by tbo United Press against the Baltimore newepapor, six in num ber, '.have bees' dismissed at plaintiff's cost.' " ; . : An unknown man left . a valise, con taining sixty slicks of dynamite and a lot of percussion caps in a Chicago saloon on Decoration Day. The police are looking for him, -, ' , ' . s ' George M. Herrick bas been" elected President ot Washburn College at Topeka, Kana. Mr. Herrick was for. mcrly Western 8 icretary ot tho Congre gational Educational Society, Miss Moyne Worrall, the wealthy Eng lish woman who died tuddonly at San Francisco, cam to her death through natural causes.' Bbe ba been buried in a San Francisco cemetery. , . Tbe Grand Raplda and Indiana Rail road system, exclusive of the Muskegon branch' and the land grant was sold at Grand llapidi, uich., at suction on an order of the United State court, as prayed for by the second mortgage bond holders. , The decree was for 13,000,000 end Interest. ' The only bid was by a rep resentative of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, whose slockholilers own the necond mortgage. Toilet Soap DAY! TO-DAY JS TOILET SOAP a dnv ivit.tl llfl and vo mnt-a i-,ii.A on nicely perfumed and well milled soap so as it will pay you to supply yourself liberally. , To those of you who intend leaving the citv, now is your opportunity to lay in your summer supply. Dairy Maid (a butter milk Soap) 5c, cake. Boquet Homme deConr, 5c, cake. Boquet Gardes Francoises, 5c cake. Mexican Skin, 8c... box of 3 cakeB. Latherine,8c.,box of 3 cakes. Heliotrope Boquet, 40c, box of 12 cakes. June 12, 1896. TO TtfE JkHY K. P. REED'S OXFORDS, HAVE arrived the finest line In the city In all stylos anil colors. FULL LINE OF CHILDUEN'S o o o Duck Hats una TOM O'HIIANTEH Caps. Cjalso a-full lise of cheaper Q Grade of Oxford's. o T. tT. Baxter BELONGS TO JOHN DUNN Grocer AND Confectioner. Pollock St. YOU WILL FIND Ivery Water Proof Shoe Dressing, ' French Blacking, .; Ladiot' Bicycle Leggings ' la all colors, .. .' -:- -. - . . ,'. At Pratt'a Shoe Store, ,: 05 Middle St. PI 1 SPACE Big Reductions in the Price of Bicycle Sundries. These Goods are the Best obtainable and are offered, for SFOT CASH, at prices that defy competition. , 1KU6 Pattern "Searcli LJfrtit" Lantern, $3.50 1H9U Pattern "Meteor1 Lanterns 1.J5 Now Dpftvtur C 3 bell, double electric mifr, price yi.sa, lor 70 New Departure M.1 Hell, tloublu electric rintft price 91.00 tor fio New Departure F3 lk'11. double ntrokc. :.s New Departure IV2 Hell, single stroke,. , K. I. Chain Gruphollno.per stick .20 .15 .IIS .117 uneaper u rat in 01 yiiiphnt!, per slick, Lubricating Oil, per 2 oz , bottle Illuminatlux (ill, per pint can OBtem'cn'ti Nick'ed 'J'oiifir Guard 8 .IS .10 3.IHI 1.1m li", f)8tergren'8 Knaineleil Trouser Guards, oanora saiiitr uear spiral (ipnnji) Foot Pumps, VPiy powi iiul, Kalamazoo rari-fers, hteel Case Lock, i:i lucli chain Ilaittord Single Tube Kcpair Kits, Universal Too Clips, tit any pedal H. and S. liestt sieul wrench, 5 hit' lies. uicklcd Star Iamp Brackets, lor axle (besti Star Lain!) Bracket, for head .1". .3.1 1.01 Standard Cyclometers, guaranteed, uunaio Hicycie t-tanti, ik st and most Jouvenlent CO M. and V. Inner lubt-s with valves and 8' ems l.T.'i M.andW. Valves, M. and W. Stems, jyCall or write for prices on anv (roods not mentioned. KVKItVTlIING iu the Snu dry Line proportionately low. WM. T. HILL, 61 S. Front Street. Use HI the HAIR BRUSH. IT HAS: Solid Wood llack.no veneer to come 01F, and no holds to absorb dirt; Coiuposi tion Iirittle Setting, absolutely unaneet ed by water; pure non-tarniHhin Alu minuni Face, alwny a "Keepclean" ; pure Bristles flrmlv anchored In water proof composition. sold at Davis' Pharmacy. WELL, fir. "Newbeg in I see the Wheel fever struck you. has Yes, I hiivc concluded that I must lie up to dutc and ride with the "boys. ' Well, what wheel have you decided to to buy ? You know you want to Keep Your Eye on Tlie "Victor Yee, I have heard a irreat deal of late about that wheel; I understand that on the 23rd of May, in the great Counting Match, held under thu auspices ot the New York Athletic Club, whore there were (10 hish grade wheels in the contest that the VIC roil'S won 1st and 2nd places and only two '00 "Victor's in the contest. Mr. "Blow-Hard," Mr. "Tulk-em-deaf and Mr. "Hard-to-down' have been try ing to conviucc me that they had the besi wheel, but I shall take Fenl Ilahn's ad vice and buy a VICTOll from J. C. WHITTY & CO. SO GOOD BYE. WM. H. OLIVER, LIFE, FIRE, MAKING, ACCIDENT, FIDELITY. STEAM 11(11 LEU Insurance...... NKWIlEIiN, A number ot Time-Tried and Fire-tested Companies represented. wer ii20,(iuu,uuu assets rejiresuuwu. NOTOARY PUBLIC. Commissioner of Deeds for New York, Con nectleut and Pennsylvania. ptTAKent National Board Marine Under writer. . PAY ENOUGH I Low Priced Thinm re not alwejs cheap. Low Prlci are fO'iietime dearly bouchl. There's such a thinii is "exirsv- ajant economy" That means s?lug on the price st the coot ol the quality. We sell GOOD, PURE DRUOi Inst ss low ss it Is possible to sell them. We won't sell the other kind at any price. " BRADHAM'S PHARflACV. I - - , Do Have Some TEA! 'J w E HAVE THE BEST IN THE Market, mailt' from fresh, fragrant and tender leaves. Its tenderness has much t do with its quality. Physicians say the right kind is henelicial. We pre fer to have it. T EA IS ONE, AMONG things, which you'll MANY find at our stores, when il can When you want anything :ie ill tail Fancy Groceries And you to lind il ml il right hard why just send to our store am lind it you II oe apt to This Week I N OUR DRV GOODS DEP'T we oiler special Reductions on all Paiasols We have left, consisting of Black and White China and Dresden effects. Silk The $2.00 one's are now down to $1.50. The $2.50 and $2.75 to $2.00. The $3.50 to $2.75. HAMMOCKS ! from 85c, to $3.00. LINEN LAP ROBES ! from 50c. to $1.25 47 & 49 oHoclc. : St OVER 110 Manufactors Samples, on Sale in our storo this week at absolut wholesale price. Hememlier they an; samples and r. two articles alike, when you get one Ji it get all. And at absolute wholesale ec si. We have Sample Gloves, Mitts, Lodii-4 and (ivnls Bells, Lnliea Shin. Waist-, Windsor Ties, Umbrellas and Parasol , Collets, Fa's, Ladies Vest?, Men' Un derwear, Negligie and While Shin-, Neckwear, Ilmiery for Ladies, Men mi 1 Children, Suspenders, Buggy Itobt-i, Stamped l.inei. Table Cloths, and loisi f other things which we can t mention fuC l ick nl room. It took us a long time to it thesfl .ample", but we've got 'tin and they urn s;--iiig tiist too. Kveiy arliele lit ju-t hall le'ail piice for they are samples. G. A. Barfoot, Mgr. THE BIG Dry Goods Bargain House. SPECIAL ! 100 For Sale at CASES FREE SIL ver Baking Powder lielail. ONE FREE SILVER SPOON , GIVEN WITH EACH CAN. F.JLR1CH, Grocer. 46 MIDDLE STREET. FIT JARS ! Mason's Improved Fruit Jars, and Porcelain Lined Kettles. L. H. Cutler & Co's. A NEW SUPPLY OF Just Arrived. ALL FIRST GRADE GOODS. At 10 to 25 cts. per yard. Also another small lot of the 1 5c, India Linon, which wilt probably be the LAST. C'J Pollock St. Received Direct Irom tho Mills a Car jo I tlm well known, BEST ON EARTH, & COLD MEDAL FLOUR I Also have tha largest) amlUbost iclccttHt stock of Plug Tobacco In town; bought cheap and will be sold ac at Hock Bottom 1'rtcen. My stock in complete; my prices arc as lov as tho lowest. TO MY COUNTRY FRIENDS My Stables are tree, ami your harne and team taken care ot while you ai in the city. You will do well to set me lie fore buying ol sew here. Thanking my many lrtends lor their pau lavors and trusting to receive your mum patronage I am Vtry Respectfully, J. R. Parker, 77 JIUOAD STREET. BE WISE 1 TiVn THE One ofthe nicest IIiIiirs shout reading Is that you. Imbibe wisdom while Riviui yourself pleuure. We hs re all thalaleos publications. Whenever you come here, jou'll And low prices, courteous trait, meut, sad perlect mliinfaction. .; . . J, D. OASKINS, " MkMbraa4 (UtfMer. Mattings V 0wl.L3

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