r" YH6 BftOOK WA9 STOCKEti. , tat (ha Fisherman Got Vary Uttla For Ilta S BUI. I luil jnBt got my rod" together and Was hooking ou a worm when the own er of the brook, a sturdy and somewhat ill looking farmer, appeared on the bank besido mo. I offered a short salu tation and received one in return, con- iderably shorter thamny own. "Any trout in this brook?" I asked. "Chock full on 'em." " , . , "Von allow fishing hire, of course?" "Vaas, ef the pay is all right" " "How much?" . . "Vive dollars a trip, now she's stocked," . 11 " "Oh, bIio'b stocked, is she? Woll, I'll give yon $5- in advanoo toa " - Ho pocketed the monoy, and I swashed down tho brook, a basektfnl of half ,. ponndcrs swimming before my dazzled . visioru. In the first three miles the only bite I hod was from my big coat pocket I Bpcnt an hour casting in "the pool," another one through "the cut," and fin ished out" the afternoon skirmishing around the shores of "the pond." Then ' night came on, and I was glad. If ever : I have an evil deed 'to perform, any thing like : murdering an ablobodied farmer, I prefer to do it after dark. On my way to the station I stopped at the house of the farmer and inquired for him. :;.V:. Vv ' '" . ' . "Pa's gone tnr the village, " said the ; boy. ; "He got somo monoy tnrday, so ho'a gone over tur git some groceries. " i "Your father told mo tho brook was , stocked, ' ' I said fiercely, "So 'tis." "I don't believe thero'svu trout in it over an inch long." ' :" "Idon't nothcr," said tho boy. "Pa didn't stock it tell las' summer." Now York World. "What do they call tho microbes that broed diseases, John?" ' "Please, sir, germs." - "Correct. And what do they call the people who know how to handlo germs in a Boiontiuc way? ' , -: ' ' ; . "Please, sir, Germans. "Brooklyn Life. ' -, - II valness Depression." , "Talk about hard times," exolaimed tho man with a big neck and a paper weight diamond in his cravat "talk about hard timosl I never seen anything . like what we've been t rough before. " . "Did you did you notice it?" was the surprised inquiry. " ."Did. I notice it?" W'y, de formers hoi been so poor dcy couldn't iudnlgo in de ordinary luxuries. Look in de newspa pers an see fur ycrself. Dcre'ain't out gold brick sold nowadays where dore nseter be a dozen. "Washington Star. '."' It Motm Tham On. ' A teacher giving lessons on physical foroo, when he hnd finished, asked, "Now, boys, con any of yon tell mt what force it is that moves people along the streets?" He was greatly surprised, and the class highly amused, at receiv - ing from one of the boys the unexpected answer, "Please, sir, the police force.' London Truth. - Cloba Were Trumps. "Whist I" exclaimed the robber leadei as the English tonrist passed their plact of oonoealmont "Here is a suit we cai all follow. "Holed. u . Onided by the mellifluous murmur o the stranger's tweeds, they stole upoi him. New York Press. Annie Carroll. Bwata Annie Carroll, aha blushed an aha arise Whin 1 np an 1 axed her to be my dear bride Till I thought: " 'Tla all ap wld ye, Ulohael, ma boy. It ja want to wis Annie, yo'll hare to bnplojr Manners swater - An looka nator, ' 1 For what are ye, Mtko, hut a big, rough goe aoon. Fit to wristlo and flglit, but for lore talk rt loon, - . " Yo'ro about aa mneh at as a hlppypotaymna.' (Oh, thoee awato etylUh grurls, how theli proclotu teara ahomo as. ) . Thin I aaya: "Annie, darlln, I don't fool like J quar'lln . Wld yer 'canaa ya love doesn't some at me , . llkin. I'm nlvsr at also, euro, ezcipt when I'm etrlkla Borne aort of a blow, -An I know well 1 know Booh a ewate, tinder srature aa ye couldn't lovo ma, Boln mtlllona an millions of mile tar above mo. - 1 But, oh, dunt ye be cry In it hurts me moat cruel, - Thooxh ache tear la 7oor beautiful ejros la a Jewol." . Here I put me rough hand, friendly like, on her suouldthcr, . . An it comforted hur, ao a wee thrlflebouldthur I grew, an In won Uttla jiffy I'd plaoad . ate arm In tho small of hur lligant waist. An thin X was dyln . . : tier lips to be thryln, For I eaw ahe'd clear left oS bor heartbreakin eryln, Whin she lookod np ao oly, Wld a tear In ache pro, , But a doaen lnugbs back of tho teara, aakta why I'm not testis whin rod lips arc poo tin eloae by. Thin I illd 'J full duty hy Annio, mr beauty. An we're euon to -bo wed, for I axed her the day, An the wiliI : "This Is itareh, thin oomos April, tlnn May- Three amnios to be daelnt, an thin, dnaroatW Mike, - Aany day ye may like." Chicago Record. ' stbeamatlein Cared. -, Aflor eminent pliysicisns and 11 ollirr 'known rrmeliM full, ; Botanic Blood T .Int. H. II. B.) will quickly Cifrc. '1 !i. hi hkIs of Unlimnnials attest this fact, 1 '.i o r KlirtimittlHin can stand boforc i' " -:'c lulling power, fciend stamp for i H i,f purlii -itlnra. It con I lii 118 evidence l ' v ;i t:.,iiviiiio jon ll.at B. B, B. Is ' t ruin fir all Blood nml Pkiu rv. i- it; . ovcreil, Bowiirc of suli : ;.!! "j.i t -':'.mmI,'' 11.00 icr ,. -t Dp on Bacteriology, flag Bay. ' Americans sometimes say in connec tion with tho anniversary; of an impor tant event in American history that if they bad only thought of it in time they would have "made somo suitable celebration of the day. We take occasion therefore to remind our readers, that June 1 4 is the one hundred and nine teenth anniversary of the day when tho stars and stripes were formally adopted by the American congress as the national emblem of the weak, poor and strug gling little republic of the United States. The men of that day had few guns and little clothing and no money at all They hod only determination, faith and General - George Washington. With these forces behind them they unfurled to. the breczo and to the eyes of all the world the Bag of the United States of Amerioa, to whioh congress gave its formal sanction Juno 14, 1777. Dobbs Ferry, on the Hudson, claims the honor of being the place where the American flag was first saluted by a British man-of-war, after the peace was proclaimed which made the colonies in dependent forover of Great Britain, to tho infinite regret of American dudes 100 years after. Teachers and parents cannot too strongly impress patriotism in every shape and form en the rising generation of this country. It is always in order. Let flag day then be eclobratcd with pa triotic exercises in every school district in tho country. Lot the story of tho flag be told to old and young by the best or ator the neighborhood can secure. Lot thrilling incidents of the Revolution and pioneer times be told. Lot there bo pro cessions of school children, with fife and drum. Lot the boys of the Young America drill companies appear in their uniforms, with shining faces and spark ling oyos. At these celebrations there is one poem that should always bo recited with a ring and a swing. It is tho one commencing When Freedom from her mountain height Unfurled her standard In the air. During tho exercises lot ' 'The Red, White and Blue" always be sung. At tho close of all lot man, woman and child lift their voices in mighty waves of harmony, which shall roll up to tho very gates of heaven the chorus of the glorious "Star Spangled Banner." Air Motor For Street Cars. Horse cars have been mostly supplant ed by eloctrio and cable cars every whore except in Now York andone or two other old fogy cities. Cable slots, trolley wires and storage battery cars have been put in their plaoo. And Just at this time when all arrangements havo been comploted at largo expenso for .operating street cars by electricity and the cable under ground comes the word that theso de vices are to be supplanted at once by something better, simpler and less ex pensive. The new motive power is as old as the hills und its supply is inexhaustible. It is nothing more than common atmos pheric air, compressed to a force of from 1,000 to 2, 000 pounds to the square inch, stored in a powerful stool tank and gov ernod and ullowod to oscapo regularly and efficaciously by moans of valve, cyl inder and piston rod and lover, precisely as steam is now managed. And again, the only wonder is nobody ever thought of it before. Tho compressed air is put into steel tanks under tho car seats. It is con trolled by lovers such as the motonnan of a cable oar now uses. There will bo no danger from eloctrioity, no slot and no wires overhead or underground re quired. The only steam needed will be that by which tho air is compressed into tho tanks. This invention proves that thero are several ways and excellent ways of do ing almost everything. One thing is to be said of the portraits of tho Boer officials that have appeared. They are the presentments of determin ed, brainy men intellectually every whit the equal of Chamberlain, Rhodes or any Englishman of the lot The Boer leaders may "be a bit Slow in making np their minds, but all tho bettor. They weigh all sides before they speak, and tiioy know Just what is involved in thoir decisions, which was more than the British in South Africa did when they planned tho Jameson raid. The English mado a fatal mistake in underrating the Boers tu connootion with that raid. " If they are wise, thoy will not repeat the mistake. . Things occur occasionally to take the conceit out of John Bull, and that Jamoaon raid was one of them. : Ice should be cheaper this summer in stead of higher, as it is in some of the cities. It docs not now cost so much to cut it as formerly since the invention of the electrical too cutting machine, This is a device somewhat resembling reap ing machine. It propols itself. The op erator sits upon a sled in front of the cutter and guides it lii ono minuto it will cut a groove 100 foot long and a' foot deep upon an ioe pond. , . J ', loo is a necessity of even the poor in tho groat cities, for they havo no col lars, no wells and no cool oaves in the ground. Extortionate prices for lea in summer work as much hardship as ex tortionate prices for cool in winter. - Among all the congratulations offered to Czar Nicholas on his coronation the main one appears not to have been thought of at all. It is that he got through it without being blown up by iynoinite, . ' The Weal Panacea. James L, Francis, Akletmnn, Chicago, says: "I n iTsrd Dr. Kins New D.scor cry us an Ideal Panacea fir Couulu Colils and l.uns Corrmtulnit, having ured it in my family lor the last flvt years, to tbo exclusion of physician's prescrip tions nr nlcr ircpnrntiona.,' Itev. John UniKiis, Kwkuk, Iowa, write: "I have Iw n a Minister of the Methodist Kpiseopnl Church for fiO years or morf, ai.d have never Imind anything bo licnonYlal, or that tjave me mcli tin edy relief na Dr. K'hik's iewr- liiwnvery Try thin l.leiil 'nii'jli Iteim .ly. Trial Il.iltUf Ip o at F, S. bully's Drug Floie. CYCLING HUMOR. She Did yon know I had a new bi cycle suit? He No, I didu't Whom save you been running over nowi fonkcrs Statesman. N,' It should be said that while a man does not have to feed oats to a bicycle he docs not have to carry ten different wrenches to get a horse in order. Wichita Eagle. ' .... Tircr Trixer is a groat cycler export Why, he can sit on his wheel and keep it perfeotly motionless. .: Ryder Maybe he used to be a district messenger boy. New York Press. The Cleveland ministers have decided that Sunday bicycle riding is not sinful, provided a moderate gait is observed. This means that the scorcher is doomed to eternal scorching. Washington Post Branson Old Mr. Garlick completed a oentnry this morning. HyGeer How long did it take him? Brunson Why, 100 years. Hy Goer Great Ixiont What wheel did ho ride? Cleveland Plain Dealer. The bicycle in its wild state is tho most unruly of vehicles. No matter how easily avoided the obstaclo in the road may be, the fiery, untamed bioycle will moke for it with a persistency worthy of a better cause. It is only when the bicycle is thoroughly broken that the rider can trust himself to it with the least assurance that he will not break his neck. Boston Transcript, The Btcyele'a Delicate Mechanism. The manufacture of the modern bicy cle presents one of the most oomplex and delicate problems known to mechanics. The reason is that what scientists term the "factor of safety" is lower in the bicycle than in almost any othor me chanical product In high pressure guns, for instance, thoiactor of safety is even as great as 20 that is, guns are made 20 times as strong as is theoretically necessary for the strain they are to bear. In ordinary guns the factor of safoty is 12, in boilers it is about 0, in bridges usually 5, and in almost every other form of machine it is at least 4. Such wido margins of extra strength ore deemed as an offset to errors in theoret ical computations or defect in material construction. . With the modern light construction in bicycles it is reduced to a very small margin, being as low in instances as 1.25. Such being tbo caso, it can bo understood readily why the makers of standard high grade machines maintain a rigid system of inspection. In fact, every well appointed bicycle factory has a thoroughly equipped test ing department, in order that thero may bo no miscalculations or guesswork in tho material entering tho construction of thoir wheels. Boston Transcript A Car For Bloyoles. ' 'A baggage car exclusively for bley- olos is a novelty -of tho near future, I believe, remarked H. P. Alvord, a traveling salesman of New York. "It is going to bo a necessity for every road running suburban trains from the great oitios. Though the courts have declared that bicycles are vehicles, tho legisla tures of our own and somo other states havo already passed a law compelling the railroads to check them and carry them froo as baggage Tho most impor tant question to tho wheelman, for few of them would mind paying a small fro to have their wheels transported, is whether the company will assume the responsibility for tho safoty of the wheels and deliver them in the somo condition they were when put on the oar. This has never boon fully deter mined. It is hard to prevent an occa sional injury under tho present arrougo- ment, and, as I said before, a special car will have to be built very sooa They have them in France, where tho wheels are hung on racks about tlio cor, and are thus protected, and space is also economized." Washington Times. Wheels For Wldowa. Widows who have given away thoir bicycles and who shrink from wheeling as an impropriety will delight to know that a wheel has boon patterned for their special use. The "mourning wheel" is now thoroughly approved by mourning etiquotto, and tho widow oiui take her morning spin with the comforting as. suranoe that she is doing quite the proper thing. Tho mourning wheel is an appropriately somber affair of solid ebony blackness unrelieved by any gleaming stool or nickel. It is not nearly as conspicuous as the yollow and blue ones which are affected this year by tome women, and surprise is no longer awakened by tho sight of an occasional block wheel The widow who rides does not make any radical ohange in ber costume. She till clings to her crape bonnet and voil, onsnitod as the lattor is for combat with stiff breeie. Her snit is of some soft block material, similar to that in her other gowns, and is mado with a closoly fitting belted waist and short skirt How York World. s . .'' Birds and Blejeles. A curious thing about the English sparrow has often boon notioed by wheelmen. When the cyclists first took to the streets a few years ago, the birds used to bop np in the air and skip away before the wheel was within 15 foot of thorn. The rapidity of tho motion seemed to startle them out of their wits. But now, even with the increased speed of pneumatic tires and high gears, the birds show little or no fear of the wheels, waiting till the last moment before fly ing. Tho wheel is often low than two feet from them before they take to night One sparrow over on Clinton street, Brooklyn, three days ago hopped to one side a few inches and allowed the wheel to pass at about SO inches. Now York Bun. ' , , ' V A Flaw In the Ohio Ofela Law. Tho baggage law recently enacted by the Ohio legislature miscarrloa. The Wheols are accepted as baggage all right," but it has been found that there is no state law oompolling any railroad to aarry baggage freo union it chooses. Wheal. ' ' " - A Valuable Preaeriptien. ' Editor Morrison of Worlhingtim Ind "Sua"' write: "You have a valuable pre crlption in Electric Slitters, nnd I can cheerfully recommend It for Constipation nnd Sfek Ilenduclie, and as pmemt ys tern tonlb It lias no equal," Mrs. Annie Su-hle. 2005 Cottage Grove Are. Chi cari, was all ran rinwn could not cut nor digest lood, bad a backnclie which never h it tier and Iclt tiled nnd wraiy, but six bottles of Eloctrio Hitlers restored lie henilli nod renewed lier streiiuth. Trice !( (wits and Get bottle at F. S. Dully 's Drug Btore. PROFESSIONAL. 5. M. Bhrsor, ATTORNEY '.at, LAW , . '".' OFPlCB AT.. 85 B. rBONT STEEET, (febTtl) P. f. Simmon's, A. I). Ward SIMMONS & WARD, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. New Bern?, N. C. Practice in Craven," Carteret, Jon . Lenoir, Onslow nml l'umlico cointe1. nnd the Supreme court. janS if Office at No. 08 South Front Si opposite Hotel 'Clinttawka. Dr. E. H. GOLDBERG SURGEO-CRAL DENTIST Ofkiok: Uugiiks Duildino, 3. E. Comer Middle and l'ullnck Streets over Bradham's 1'li.innncy. New Berjiei 1ST. DE. G, K BA8BY, SERGEON DENTIST Olllce: 93 Middle street, nd Flour. NEW BEltNE, N. O. J, i benton, M, :: , ; DENTIST, -NEW - BERNE, N. 0-:- Office over F. & M. Bunk, Pollock si jet. Teeth Extracted without Pain by tta use 01 iNiirous uxule (ia. P. H. PELLETIEE. Attorney At I ... v. Middle Stiiukt, Lawyeks ISkick liUII.HIXd. Will ttrilctice in Ihf. Coiintlofi ol t:ravnn Carteret, .tones, Onslow tml Pamlico. ajarUniletlMtates Court at New llento and Suuronio Court o the SUM. RICH DISCOVERIES Or GOLD. At (Jrinnlc Creek. Colo., ntiil else ,1 . - where, aio lieiii!,' made daily, anil the production for 18!K! will lie the largest ever Known, estimated at wo Iliiiidiod .Million Dollars. Initnle Creek alone 18 iro(lucinar over Une Million Dollars :t month, and steadily increasing. Mining Stocks are ailvanninrr in nriee, more rapidly than any other Stocks, anil many pay uivuietKis 01 to ;u per cent. Thev offer the best opportu nity to make a lnreo profit on a small investment. JNO. I. TALLMAX & CO., 45 Uroadwuy, Now York, are the linanoial tisunts for tho iTiidensial Cold Mining Co., and others in the atnous Cnnn o Creek district. Thov will send von free, interestinrr j -- j 9 particulars of tho Mining Compa nies iney represent aiso tncir dook on speculation in Stocks, Grain and Cotton containing manv new and important features bend lor these booKs at onco if you are interested m any form of speculation or investment. Thev may provo proutablc to you. .lH Mvlll Webster's DiGtionary. UNABRIDGED EDITION. IT IE 22. This is not the Obsoleto Edition that was printed from tho original plates of 1843, but the next Keviscd edition compiled 24 yours lator. Noithor is it bound in pasteboard and cloth to imitate leather, but it is genuine leather and substantially bound. Now do vou want this VALUA BLE BOOK FltKK that is almost a Library within itself. If so, send us Ten New SunsciuiiEits to the Weekly Jouhnal at $1.00 Arh. and von can cot a conv at this office FitEE. HUMPHREYS' 'VETERINARY SPECIFI CS lor Sorsei, Cattle, Eisep, Bon, Eogt AND PODLTBT. 000 Pat B'"fJ1,P" Treatnijnt ef Anl evaa(Fevera,revaeet1eas,Tnflaisimat. A. A.I Hploal Alealii(llls,ltlllk fever. B. BMtrataa, Lameaesa, libeasaatlaea, t.CDlMeajer, Nasal lllsrhalfeea .DBeie er (Jrabe, Worms. .ttCoasae, Heaves, Pnraiaeala P.V. Cello er Uripes, Dcllraoae. iniiscarriase. iieajarraavee. Ll.-Si uriaarr aaa maaer iiieeaeea Kraptlve Dlaeaaea, Maaae. -Ulaeaaea ef Uleeetiea. taral Stntl BotUe kmr 90 doMl, . . Blakle Oaae, with SpedSna, Manna, Vstsrluarj Cora Oil ul MnUsMor, $1 Oi. sTarVeierlaarr bare Oil, a a lMt) SsM sransniMMi er vmi anatM saraaMsae Issaf eaaalHy aa nMlat at arica. lapaaswaia. OP., ill Itsayf sl, a. inTJUPnEEYS HOMOPAtoO ft ft SPECIFIC No.&a I'arvous Debility, Vital Weaknew ml ProntrtaUon, from fawr-work or thr wum 1 p TiavC or Halt tutd Uri powdsr, for t0 Sold fay DrnfirtaHa, or muI HWtpM4 oa nrMtut ftimtt ftturuam w. ca.iuiis wum ftm iri. LP DP PD1SDH II v a rtntrrsifii Tvwsm.i in yrtiu I ondarrorTw mrr 11 .wio I'UIHIIN nermsnrnttr i-urodln liUtab days. Vou rain betnntoil4 iiomn for same prtomiuf lor same iruaraa- 1 J if. If yon prelnr loonina hsro wa will ooa ' lrnrAUinnrral)rosilfiirAiiiihr.iBi hin. -. aoiMism.lf we Inll to cure. IfynuhSTeuSiinnar eury. lotllde notnah, and still bsra hns and ruins. M uoonsl'atclins In mouth. More Throat. Inipl-a, Copper tolor.J Spots, Ulcers on any psrtof the iMKlf, llnlror :ynllrn1rs fulllnr out. It Is tills Heoondary Ill.tMlIt fOISOrT ws s;uarantc.e to cure. Wo solicit tee mnnt obstl eatecasne and eiiKllenae tba world inri p we cannot etirn. 1 lili dinrnwa b.isslwsTB bn iltnol t be n k I II of the niiiNt. c iitlnnn t ph THl Cotns. OolMbOtlO ei;ltl rxl.lr.ct our anr.n4 J iifjiiktm. Aklr.'iui t OO i i t t oY COtL. III smmiIjuI i.ra 1 1 ri - i air t ri ir i t Ta mi -iiii iiir aas3 for Infants and Children. THIRTY yearn obgervation of CaBtoria with the patronage of milllona of jwwng, permit na to apeak of it without gpessing. It Is nnqneationahly theheat remedy for InfaBt and Children the world has ever known. It in harmlesa. Children like it. It gives them health. It will wave their lives. n It Mothers have something which Is abaolntely safe and praotioally perfect as a child's medicine. Castorlq destroys Worms. Castorio allays Feverishnews. Castoria prevents vomiting Sonr Curd. Castoria cores Diarrhcaa and Wind Colio. Castoria relieves Teething Tronhles. Castoria onres Constipation and Flatnloney. Castoria nentraliges the effects of c arhonio acid gas or jt oisonons air. Castoria does not contain morphine, opinm, or other jiarcotio property, Castoria assimilates tho food, regulate a tho stomach n.nd lioweU, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria Is pnt np in one-size hottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don't allow any one to sell yon anything else on the plea or promine that It Is Jnst as good" and "will answer every purpose." Seo that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. The fao-simile signature of Children Cry for DELICATE w bhadpibijD'b FEMALE REGULATOR. IT IS ft SUPERB T0NIG exerts a wonderful influence in strengthening her system by driving through the proper chan nel all impurities. Health (111(1 strength are Guaranteed to result from its use. My wife was hrdrljilcn for i.i.-htt-cti monibs. ttftl-r uslup URAUPIKLU'S l-'KMALK HKUU LATOli for tvo iTutntiis. is (r.-uiru.' w.'ll. J. M. JOHNSON, Blaiv. u., All;. linAiinKi.D it::(ii:UTou en., ati.vsia, ua. Sold by all Drujjguu at 121.00 per bottle. DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT THE ORIGINAL. AU OTHERS iM!TATI0fsC. Insolrlnnriw poitivo VriMeii liiiraiif hyatitl.oriz'Hi hk-'Ms nulj, t . i-m Wi-il- M.'i.orj DiziiiinHH, Wnkt'ful ih'hh, Niht IjoKtivr, Kvil Di:mimm, Iiik-Ic "f (':inli (InMcn, Nrvouniici'.H, 1111! - nil lii .ihi!-, Vimi' li ft;! Krniro, tr KxrivM vo Urfni' 1'nhncco ( .'ihih.i. nr LtKjuor, wlinh It'intw tit ul:-ry, 'o'i:iiiiiimn. Infinity liuil Opnflt. At sm- '..- I,v in'iil. rl :i box; fit fur fr, with wriiie.i :Hi.r:i;:? - f ; care or re lit 11 d n:oii',y. Hniiij?Ii jnu-k-ne. oontainini.' 1jv (Jtt;,:. trotf mi'iit, wish I'ull inBirnctions, 25 fciiTH. Oi;' wainpl" iiiy s!il to mirh pnrpoii. At ;s(un or ' y uiuA. Pt'cil label Special jgZZMgl 'mi E'ra Strennili. fCL ijm?r Imi...t,.n,iy, I. ..13 FtfrRcd label Special Ji Hturihty .r Hihhmii ,?! ft iMm; six f.i v;ithft ,f .-s WrillCli SU aj'M HUM" t.x ....m. it. -MtiU, M kl-m. fiEFOREor Lynmil. AF'TtR F. S. Dl i fv, Sole Agent, Now Berne, N. 0. A B !ni(tf Droinc-CEierg. Rplmi'Mtl ciirntivftiiRt iit (or Ntvooh or Kick litendaohu. Hrniii M.v liiiHtiniv. Kltiii'rii(rnn. Lhmw1iiI or tfmtuni! Ntitiruluiit; hIho lor JCIiriu- uatldin, Ociut, KiitiH-y I 'Iminltrn, AvUl lv pIMtin, Antl'liiia. Ai:t jilitltt for Alcnlioliu anil oltinr nsiuhrHW. I'rit,i0, 2tmnJ(j0wuU. Ci luiarvoHOBUU I THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 1 161 S. Westorn Avenue, CHICAGO. F. S. Dituv, Sole Agent, New Borno, N. C. LADIES DO Y00 KNOW DR. FCLIX LB BRUN'ft Steele Pennyroyal Pilla art thw oriatnal and only r'KENCfl, siitu nml ivliublo cure on t .'.n iiuirki.t. Pi ion. (1.IM; Htmt by miiil, (Irmiino R.dil only by F. S. Dufey, Solo Agent, New Borne. N. C. UPDHM'O r.iT!Jt:u hf.x. IVn JN U Tlila remedy being in- 'lected directly to tlie fiat of thnne dlHrtaapH or the Urnlto-l rlnai'V Orcana, reqa IreH no liane;a of diet. Vurr iroaranteed In 1 to It i nmail plain pars MTTT9IH. by mail, Ol.OO. W W JEJUItold ouly by F. S. Pdfpy, Sole Agent, New Berne, N. C. For Over SO Yeara Mrt. Wlnslow's Booth 1 112 Syrup lius leon ;igi'd ly Millions nr Mothcri lor their Chililrin wliilo USelliiufr, Willi perfect success, it eooiiies the cnnn, KOiten 1 lie oums, nllayn ail pain, cure wind colic, nnd ll the beat remedy lor Diarrlici'ii. Twenty Ore cents bottle. CTMin, and Tmd vMarlaobuinedand alt Pat cntbuunMaoonauciMiur woocftATC FCt, rOtm OmoittOpwiiTiU, . paTCNTOPficc nmota front WashingttA imota nvrn wunmtwi . ,.l -AA It as.fsse.t.lUa. m tkrwt IrM nf charges Our lea not doe till patent la aecvrrtL A Pampmlct, ninr toubuun r meows w"n lonu of hum in th u. 5. ud toratga oountnet tant fraa. Addrcaia c.A.cnow&co. i 0. PaTVfrT Orrict. WaaHiNOTon. D. O. manhoQd lesiorei BIO mm iitii' Jlr-f-'- is on every urriippor. Pitcher's Castoria. Sleelles?lip-s. Illilltill (leprussinn, li s-s (it iiiciiini'.v m il nil nei viiiis iliFcusex cim d hy Dr. K. ('. Vir Nerve nml Hniin Ti'eni- lllplll. I HI er l.(i; six tor $5.nn. Cine Uiiai:inlc.it. 1-or t-iilt by r . h. Dully. Tim iiiily tiling it man wunts uf to r he Rets all the money lie nceils, is IIIDIf. Inl'CH ii. e 1M'. I,e Hum's Krencli S. & 1". Tills t,.i lii:ii:tli. (Jim Dollar hy mail er at store. Fur sale by l' S. Dully. Iiielies liiive wings, anil jriTcn liitck.s mi'lit lis well he priiiteil on lly naiier. Truly, the umttWiimnV fritmil, in Dr. I.e lliiiii's (J it, (J. Curr, At store or sent hy n.iiil. One Dollar, l-'or snle hy V. S. Dilliv. Taku rare of tin- ieimii-s, ami tlio 1 ol la i s will lie Ijluwn in by your leii:-. Hysteria, coin nisieiis, lits. iierv-ni prostration, wakeliiiness, loss of meiuory. cine I hy Dr. K. C. West's Nerve anil iiii Tiintiiiiint. At store or hv mail c l.i 10 per ho or si tor is.i.l.u. (Iiiaran- ee.l. r i if sale hy 1 . ts. Jliiliy. It i.s no tinnlile to see that wealth is a ert'sc, as lull"; as the other lel low llilH it. ('lire in lliree ilays, no Hurry, no iliet. never fail. Dr. I.e lirvuV (i, & (J. Cure. Al sloreor hy mail; no publicity. ijl.OO. For .-lie hy F. N Dully. A fjioat linanrier is a thief who is sina'cssl'iil. A thief is a great liiian- cier wlio fiiils. W'aiil.al La.Iic- to know 1 1 at Dr. I.e r.iuii'- S. e: 1. Fills are tor sale i.i our ore. if I. mi. 'or will he s.-nt hy -.nail. For saie l.y F. S. Dmh. Some olil-fa.iliioneil folks, like bal , girls, keep their fortunes in their stoekiiigs. Yc luive tin." sole iieeiicv lor (lie Nile of Dr. K. '. West's Nerve anil lirai.i Treat- nieut. Written eurautH! .'iven to cure or tlieiiiioin y will lie rel'niiile.l. Si. 00 per m or si l..r u.i.dii. Y or sale hy 1 ri Uiill'v. Sonic lieotile liave more money than liriuns, anil are not eutisnleroil wealthy cither. Kxecl all others in ipiickncss, no liinl llect, no iiuhhcilv lit More or hy mall, Duo D illiir, Dr. J.e lirun's ti A. (i. Cure For sale hy F. S. Dull'y. The business in which you know yon I'oulil make money, is always monopolize! by others. If health is ilesiro.l, liul'iis try Dr. Lc lirun's S. A 1'. Fills, the only Krencli. One t Dollar at store or hy miiil. For sale by F. S. Dully. When a man disputes with a fool, the fool is lining the sumo thing. I leel line a new mail nml life is worth living since I look a course, of Dr. E. (.!. West's Nerve ami llrain Treatment. For sale by '. . Duffy. After a man's juw begins to swell, he realizes that silence is golden. D.'l ays nre dangerous. lo of Dr. Le lirun's (i. ei !. Cure at oner. One Dollar, at store or my mail, at F. S. Duffy's. Health and happine s tor Indies. Dr. Lo lirun's S & I' Fills. The only French. Olio Dollar, at store or hy mail. For sale hy r. S. Dully Though Moscow lias nearly five thousand whceiineii only about one half half have permission to riilo in the city limits. Russia asks $12.50 duty on each wheel imported into that country, no matter what tlio price may bo. WiVn 1 ':ny was sick, we (rare her Cantoris. Whcu Stan ra a Clilkl, siio craW for Castoria. When slm hncAme Miss, she cliiujr to Oastnrta. WVsi site bail Cniklmn, she gave them Caatoite Children Cry for Pitcher's Castora Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher' Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's jCastorla. asfisa? TUXVELLF.RM' GClltfe A. &N. C. t'.OAD' J'HKOUGU UtTEM t .- lih H,l)S ' i loin Coupo i . i -. ril ou Hie u . . i. -I lie 1st, IKH i-ue on or lie- trip Tlckuts (sou; n tit Slntluiiii below to p ir. . N. f. It. I. Ticket i inclusive, good for v lore Ofttibtr 3l8l,li . , J........ , I. u i K is ' 'A '-..Vi'lJ.ftO ! i.:r.: i.i an I i. 14 in I. I.'i 211 - : I 1 ' From TO Hickory M"-imiit"ii $11 1111 (III 'i 11 Ki 13 25 II -I n Hi i;i : . Illrl Fort Hlm'k Mountuin,. AsbevlllH, Hot .SpriilKH 13 Hill 14 lljl 16 ml Kitten to nil oilier re or Virginia can bo liiro tion. Cliil.tren iiuili r liv iree. (Jiiiilren ol tin. (' twelve (lii j ours oi use i immcil rates. eastern N. i upon itpniic i ii ' ) ycitrn ol irr e.ll'4 Itllll llllllv'l- liull ol tlic abovd S. L. DILL, Cm. 1 Tasi. Agent. SEASON I SATUaD.a HIGH! TICSETJ THE A. & N. ('. UAILKOAJJ The folio wing Spociil Rates of Fare, Sea son, 1S3S, ronnd trip from stations named bolow tj Uoroheai City. IS AFPS5T ms 1 , 1S9S. STATIONS. M. VSOV. S,T. Nil. NT. Qililsbnru t cmi J 3 1(0 T iscurora - I Ml Bests :l 7 1 Hlv Hern, " i 1 fill j ja (iriuiKe, :l '"' fill itm-nliUe 1 T'i 1 i.'i rallinii-tn-ek, :l --i 2 li'i Croatali 1 1 -ii Kiiiston -I no u i. Ilaveloek I hi l ii ell :l on Newport li'i ...i Hover, J T'i I .Hi Wil.lwooil in :jil Core Creek 1 ,o 1 b., S. L D. I L. G. P. A. Atlantic & H Railroad TIME TAIU.K NO. a, In. effect 7:"iil M. Wednosilav. Nov. UoiNti Fast Si iii:iiit:.i: J Ooiko WRPt iMI, .5 'fl.V.V IHll'l Tntin. No. 4. f.V. l. Ill Siai Ar. a. m. II sr. 10 50 10 : 9 :10 3 '.! 3 40 4 l'J 5 15 (i...:-'i..r i. L '!r uiife Kins-.;,. Ar. New 1!. I.v. Lv. ' Ar. Ar. Morolieiel City, I.v 5 25 :!7 !) 17 s 07 No. I. t m.n,l Fi t ii. No. 2 Mired Frt & Puh Tmi i ("T tTU'NS Push. Twin. C. I.v. a. in. Ar. p. m. 7 ll (h.l.lshoro, 8 00 7 5:1 H.si's,. 7 20 8 16 r itlJi ti .'o 6 50 8 o Falling Creek, I! 20 9 24 Kiiiston, 6 00 9 8 Ctt-tvell 5 18 9 5:1 Ar. Dover, Lv. 5 00 10 15 I.v " Ar. 4 20 10 40 Cue Creek, 4 011 It 15 Ti.siaroni, 3 3S 11 ill (1 i,l, s, 3 20 12 05 Ar N.tv H in L" 2 50 130 I.v " Ar 10 47 2 12 Hive!,! 10 10 2 20 Croit' 'U 10 0(1 2 43 Ifu'loci;. 9 40 3 12 Iv. wp,.,.', I.v 0G 3 25 Vii..rttM..I, 8 47 3 31 Allautie, 8 38 3 Hi "Ar Moroheol Cily, I.v 8 20 :l 51 ' Ar M City Depot, Lv 8 00 r M A M Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday, fTuesilay, TlmrsilayHiid Saturday. S. h. 1)1 LTj, Sup't. WilmiBaiton, Nevbern & Norfolt TIMU TABLE NO. 1. To take ell ct Sundav, May ITtli, 1890, at 12:00 M. Siipersedin" Tune Table No. 4, Dated October 27:!i, IM'.l.i. Going South. KniKDi'i.R. Ooi.viNortii No. 7. I'lissiiiwr Train. No. 8. Lve. A. .M 9 20 II 55 10 (19 10 42 Stations. New licrne I'olliH'ksville Maysville Jaeksonville Wihninotoii Ar. P. M. 5 20 4 44 4 30 !) SK 2 00 I'. M. 12 40 r. m. ar. Lve. NO. 6 PASSIiNUKll AND FnKIOHT No, & Leave Wilmington Mondiiy,Wcdiifsduy nu.l Friday. Iive New Hern Tuesday, lliutxlay anil Saturilny. Railroai Lve. A. M. 7 00 Lv Wilmington 7 10 W. Sea-Coast K. It. i 7 20 ltaymeml, 7 31 Kirk 'ami 7 42 Scott's Hill, 7 58 llampstca.l, 8 05 Cypress Lake, 8 1 1 Annaiulale 8 IS Woodsido, 8 32 Kdeeoiubn 8 52 ' HollyridKC oil Folk'stoue 9 19 Dixon 0 31 Verona 9 50 Arr. Jacksonville II 10 Lv. 11 1!) Northeast 1138 Whiteonk 1158 Mhvsville 12 14 fUvei'swood 12 30 Follockavillu 12 1)3 Dehrnhls 1 30 Arr. NewWni V. M. t Ar, V. M. Arr 3 3' !i 15 2 5i; 2 4H 8 4(1 a ii 2 ().' 1 1 47 1 30 i : 12 55 124j 12 25 ia or. 10 2i 10 (HI 9 30 9 Id 8 fin 8 51 828 '8 00 A. U. Lv. Arr. Lv. Dally Except Snndaj. n.A.wnrnNQ, Uenernl Manager, J. W. MARTENIH, j . Gun'L Fit. and l'au. Itf , , PIGEON THE 0ACATC8 1 s DISCOVCRV Of THC AQt. W.M n mf Cnme In 1 to tiara.' tm 1 1 El mediate in effort i nnlck in I II HOL mrn' tJankeoarriadrnm' I 1 1 ILaiB ponknt, all eomplrte la om small pttulinKa. Hnnt hr mail, tmiuirl, omiit mokatta,ea reeHpt ol price. 1 P"V bus F. S. DUFFIT, Drnggist, Now Borne N. 0., , '