rap VOL. XV NEW SERiES NO. 43. NEW BERNEi 'N'; a FRIt)AYMORNINO. JULY 10. 1896. ESTABLISHED 1882- ttv "Si.-1,"-: :.' ,:- ' ..' ' 3i.lL Addition. THE THIRD DAY. ,,JtfOBlLY .SPENT ON piSCUSS ', ONG PLATFORM. ' ' I H.,. .Xlllasaa mm Bin rrtaiml ffaaah. era. anM (MMMtntlm with Vaa)'iiaV- latarraitUaa af .. i HpankaM. Namlisatlaa. ira. -7 1 , - wlta Land .. Special. !. : Chicmo, July 8. Convention hall, 10:46 a. m. . Olcar and warm, delegates coming In slowly; sometime yot before convention comes 'to order. From'neot s' jnrsniia. cheered u tliey enter. ..." i -j--tCtataaaWtre OB plairorm hate added, V A unLA.' ft A, IMauk nfl 3 Yesljnin. : s uririling civil ami religious liberty lo every ' '. clten. . " : . . . . t V Convention called to order with only - apart of the delfts In their teats at ' ,10:53 a.m. " ... Senator Jones announced that there ' .wilt be one hoar and twenty minutes . given (ich side for debits, m . t -.' The minority report wb'clr was read - advoealltig tlint oil money bo kept "at - parity with gold was loudly cheer-1. 1 ' Wank endorsing present . Administra linn was loudly cheered, mny nf the . delegates 'ami a large part ot the Rurlence ! were on the'r feot. - Senator Til'man, of South Cnrolirn, i OtTirered an amendment. ' 1 In bis speech Tillaisn taid: "We Hare : been powers of wind andctnerR of wntor f! 't tb States ot Now York, Conntc'lcnt ? - "and Row Jersey. This it a sectional iasue. v"r (hissing with a few cheer.-.; The' facts .'.u.muMtot he changed by hissing. The South has no angry frclingj or resentment for .I , the wrang it has endured. . (the galiet'es ' cried time on HI' man caused inter: uptioo j to his speech.) r . ., Tillman said, eect'onnl'sja is between .,- the peoplo and the money ob!'gation of the East. Whore is the New York Leader now, (cries of Hi the soap" from ' galleries) (cries from gallrr.oa "Hon ' llosw" Laughter and h'rf) , ,'' "- TUlman spoke against the Jleforenrts to certain lying newspapers (Loud cries of '- "BUI, Hill" from gal lories). The Senator said I will bate my say if I stay till sun- .-, ; . down. k . . " Convention proceedlniu were at a shnd- - .. ..- Tillman resnmina; said tho Senator Irom ' Hew York w'U follow me, we tii' l yes- ' terday, to got him r th front, but bo r "woaldnt do it.not that be teav 1 to do ' -so, bat It is left to him to rplii If h e so -desires.' Sen. Hill bas foretvl the promt Issue i 1 nd ' I Ic w K to tn to tell why. Tillman's reference to "Cleveland was . loodlyobeertd. -. .. 'jf flea. Tillman said that radorse Cleve - land's Admlnistratiool wonld be to pstourselre) dowars aosas and l!ons. 1 His reference ta the bond syndicate was ncajved with cbesis and biases. I. ' 'V..k.. I.. ..IJ Ik.. ('!.!.. Kurther he said that Cleveland had the courage to deride his oath and .Invade the , Btaate of Illloois with government oops, , (cbeer' and hisses). , 'v Jones of Arkansas, ' addressed the j conventkw in favor of the majority ijpott Said this la not a rot'onal quts.'on. .(Cher) vi"---'..:, ,: -y . f Senator Hill aearndeJ the platform and ' " Kreat cheering all over the hall, be stood -. ; calmly on the platform, while the denaor stmtion goes on. The Chaii.aan endeav " " , 6md to restore order. (Chtnu broke out ' ..afreshj Three chtars for Bill . ;' : . , ,. ' ' la bis speech, Senator Hill sad,if Ian , to JollowSontb Carolina I would say "I .:'.am Democrat but I am nota 'mng : wump." My mission ia to unite, not .. ' divide. In view ot the great prodaction of silver at small explore, we m'ght as , ; well f-y copper is'tqnal to gold ' He pointed out the danger io business and to the party, if the platform Is endorsed on I' ,. the final question. Be also denounced . I ahenlaak lavorlncthe income tax saviaa it vas unwise, and also unwise to assail! the -dfciMon of tlie Btrpreme court of your : - country., (Cheers.) lie would not follow aasch aevelnUonary. steps. , ' j .-...Benalnr Hill vkeA wbajrould hei the oooditloo of the conntry today f U tiad ' not been for the issue ef VooVl f J ,Tlia ' platform la run or absurd Bropost tions and Is calcnlated lo ibjure (he party, Ha opposed the pktiora) beotuMt made the difficulties of the Eastern fjjsrnocrats 1 trrta n! piN s)mu4 'rdggj&j It Would make it more calamitous to the Want and South as U might prevent them from wlnntng the light. - He flusheil and p reat cheering and demonstrations. - Buo. Yi's bejyin his speech In Civor of ths minority report but was Interrupted hy chwrs- He said the mnjoiity' report h -s c .nrc '. J liie right' to the minority t priKMititisr their case and no more. I ' j warrmt them to betd the solemn pro t l t,t --.-iHirliy or the tonsc'ineoces'l t i. . lit pointed out '. ii :o In gea wort: men u 'ury eyahru. in the lt 1 f ' 1 1." that system was to i "j with. For every a :',tor must be ln ! in t'-e niontiy Bjslom. 1 r ' a the two po9ed sction of the convention would be followed by universal . distress, asked them not to launch the grand democratic party on tb's Ud carer. He eloquently ippealed not td put Ibis burdeu on the democuts of the 2Ioilh. . T Kuessll, of Has., took the plalfjrm. He was given tbreecheera, , i- , 'i' ' Bussell s'd, I am painfully concioua that the minds of this convention are not open to argument, fherrfure I will Say bat little,' aa nppeala will full on deaf ears. He referred to th" wicrllf-d'MwarJtUseilsbad made hadnnde . Sir liberty "an afrtot- ism above individuals and party "gtm Ust is asked to do something that Invites peril to her industries, and In bis opinion ajwrt to the De'iiocrite partjr. He could see-nothing! but deff .t and -disaster in this movement W. 3, Bijaa of Nebrcik. took the platform and seceittd an ovattoo.'. He be gan hit speah itiAvor of the ttajerrty K port and ws Iroquently ch'erei. He said there wai not a State here today in favor of gold, that was not In outrol of the Bipub'icBTi party. Wtfitor Hill's mofioalBat minoiltvre- pOil fe subs'Hu'eo for ftrianeliU pWk of m .J-rity. Ay?s. 80S; noe818. Tlie vote oa t?jn: Hill's motion florg- ing lite AdnS'nistratioa as rnnoniCid by the secretary was ayes, 857, noes 5CL Not voting 9. The annonrcexont of the vote was hissed v'gorouely. : Beni'HIU s fcmlon, that if free coinage was (omd a '.fa'lure at enl of one yes it should be d'aconOnued'wrs lost by large viva voce vols. The vota on the adoption of 'ie p'nt mini as prwent:-.! by msjnrity was ayes. 628 noes 301, nltsi ?l 1. Convention took recrea pnf 8 p. m. The New Yoik dcie.jal'on decided to slay in Convent'nn but not to vote and appointed a coitmi;u-e of s'x to V'sit other gold delegates and urge on jlhem same action. Tne delerttM elowly aaen bkl. . At ("A p. m.,-ihr delfjs'w 'began to fill 'Vj sei's. The gnjies were trowdrd with people, The Blind marching club en'er. 1 and was cheered. At 8:28 p. m. the convcj"ou wasea'led t l order. The roll of the 81 was ordered for the p-eseot -lion of nndidtss. The nominating spcr;Ues were conBned to thiiiy minutes. Arkansas yielded her t'me to Esnafor Vest, of M'ssouii. He took the pluttorm to nominate Blend. The mem on of Bland's name caused great curwirg. The-e was so much conijioa that it ims hard for the delegaM to bear lliesprikf, The chairman rappe 1 for (.-for, and the BerseanUal-Arms threatened to clear the galleries. Sriatir Yes; bad to stop speakiw;. The si ps to the platform were crowded and every inch of the platform w-" ocin p'. At8:47V t lesnmed b's sp'w'i and said: "The rsvolu!on la favor of s-'var baa come tt smy., We w-ot no unknown nor uncei'aid cand dato. We want so 'a convo't to the t'ver cauw." There was so much commotion that it was bard even for Oe reporlots to bear 'ie speaker, most ot the delega' . fc?mei to baye given up trying to beer b!m. ' Vest's ret erenrt to Silver Dick and Silver Quick routed storms of njlm. The Bland banner cxtried In Kietvcd great clie?tlog. The lM:'V)Dri delegtt moved and the audience rose to theli feet A number, of B'aod banneia were raised in the galleries. Tbe band struck up "Battle .Ory of ;FctW and grtat chc;r'ng. The waving of Digs haudkfehiefs, bati sad the loud cheers, drowned 'the bsnd. About oue tb'rd of the delegates were landing on their chairs and chewing. The applatr s eonl'n- usd with v'gor. At 9 p. to., (lie chairman Med to get order, A banner bf 11 Ing tlie Inscription, ''Eland, Silver Chatrplon'' wrs carried around the vta. The applaud quieted donna little and then broke cuts ireh and loud as ever.' .j 'The band playea "Red, Whitj and Blue," ., but Could ' tear sly be heard. Bland banners were raifsd Jn the galleiiea and bind struck up "Battle Cry of Frrt- dom," and there was great ch. sring. t Tbe ehsirroan rapped vigorously for operand th tfelegat'S. resumed', their seita ' Tiofeudifnc quieted dowvsume What, the commotion having' lasted twelve ramntet.1' ' 'J ; 'Yess resumed bte- speech amid some confusion imj orlosofordervt r Obermeyer, of Kansas, took the plat form to Second the toon1aallon of Bland. ' It is said that Massachusetts has agrrcd to act with New York and not . to vote, Ooorala presented the name" of W, 3. Bryan of Nehroaka, for -noailnatton. Oreat demonstrations, deleft a marched aronnd, with continued ehmlng. " Chair man uimb' ' tQ restore , order. Demon strations lasted twelve minutes, . North Carolina, KI0U1 making spsecb, M:Miar.huelta add Louisiana, sueobded Eryatfsnouimi 1:1111, Cliecrs and confus r Turple onmii 1 Matlhswa, Indiana. Cheera rom IndiB, a d, l'3ai;o0( California, seconued minlnaliott ' of Matthews.',. Motion to sdjourn on aeconnt of con Imion was tutti om 01 or nor. lM'f'ntoa .' If t ronvmitoii ! In wl Senator Martin, of Kansas,- appealed: to have tbe floor oleared of strajera. - Chair man appeals for politeness Ko basiaess for ten minutes, - " v"-i t 'Z'Tfv: White, of Iowa , presents name of Boles tor, nomination. Mention Boies name fatwly chf jred. Gi'leiies aid Iowa dele gates cbtefeherTa of Boies. : ; ' A banner few Borate Boles was liaaded to a girl dfesWd in white who, was very vigltaljf applauded She atactsd aatarknthaa frotu the delegates and fts amity escorted t ) the Iowa Aelaga lionaritkht rousi'ig ch :ra and thundering appfcoseV 'v:".-. .... Two girhrorried a banner for Horace Boies .around rha aiglea, followed by Iowa delegation, and tbe bsid played. The girls took their feats wlth'lowa dele gation. A. B. Smith, of Minnesota, seconded the nomination of Buies, - . ; MiOneso i, seconded! Boies nom'na'on. Kentucky, previa Blackburn, br nom. ioation. CaliloraiH . 'onded Blnckburn's nomination Masstchusetts reruses to present candi date and ask to be bass? j. Jons, of A ' kanni, took platform to (endorse Bland. He relerrod to tin) "Fearlew Alteld " Cheers pod bistes. At call 01 New Jersey, delegate a'ose and and New Jarsey does not desire to nominate any roan on the platiorm of this convention. Cheers and hisses, Col. Patrick, of Ohio, presented tbe name of J R. McLean, of Ohio. Speak er said with MaLean, Democrats could eary Ohio. Pennsylvania had no candidal? to pre. scat at the time. Tew, lltah and Wash!nton, secondcl Biands nonunion. . Wisconsin calletl, fiid could not nom:- nate candidate to stand upon platroun of this convention. Docke-y, ot Wiscons' nid the Silts would diet her vote for nominee of this convention, end ff iond Bryan's noni'netlcn. Confusion a'nong Wiwinsin delf.itrs. Roll of States b!ng completed, motion to adjouin at 12.34 a. m. wrs earned, to meet 10 a. n. Fildoy. THE ARBITRATION OilE. Ctderitkle C01 r.-jpondenee Tes Between Knclnnil nndljils Con Srjr. Tea Dnjr Berre Hade Pnh He. Speclrt. Washington, D. C, July 9 It wi'l be Ha days ;fc afore the corre'pondewe t itwe?3 the Unitstl 8 il3f nod Qrct BritVn in re'ation to the Venezuelan treaty of arbiliat'on wi" be made put He.' Agreeably to the understanding be twesn 'Lord 8xllsbory and ?sctry OIney, th's will Ci cor simultaneously H both counties. It will not be followed itnmeiliatsly by the preps. it:on 'eaty, as there aia other letters yet to be exenang-1, bat it is not doub'sd tFal i'p'i a treaty wH 1 .1 sg.'r i to bsfors the re-s'?Tjb'iog of Connie's in n.t Deiember. Loadew NS AWeeled. Special. London, JalyJ The f.tion of Clilcs"0 onvent'on, today, hss tho not affi-c'-'d the stiek inisrkct, wh'ch cloas b'ghe. leaaderWIaa, Specla'. ; HvatnT-ON-THAme. July 9 lew der won tbe Grand challenge eup, to day. - T3M BATXWAT OOMMIS3IOK. D: '1 rived rr Baartna; Caatal.tata 'atvaardlaa' Afat-me A. 8paolal. ' B AiFiaH, N. C. July 9. The State Railway C )mttision gives Jnly U'.h and 17th asdat 'Sforbesvug comp'.a'nM regard. rn tne incuased t'W neats of railway.). . Thtrelsanlncraew on uve-.tl of the roe 1s. ' '" .. BASHBAU. allaaal Leaava lira Plar4 , ; sarday. -, 1 Special, 1 PmsBrJao, July V-Plttsbbrg! T, Brooklyn 5. ' ; - LoDismxa, Joly 9 Louisville, 10; PbilsdelpMa t v I CaiOAao,JuIy 9s-Chicago, 19; New Yoik 1. ',5 -. - ,. CuvtLafip.'sIaly a-Clevelaad, 1; Bal"ore0L ,-' ' ' , - V Bt. Loci, July 9St, Loots 9; Boston Cincinnati snd Washington Bttne post poned 00 rcouot of ra'q. . . t Waara Taer Play Taar. Baltimore at Cleveland. Pbiladelpbla at Lonlsvllle. C Brooklya at Pittsburg. V Washington at Cincinnati, - New Yoik at Chicago. - - - Boston at St, Loais. VOW til OLUBS STAND.. OLoaa. ' T Cleveland, ' r Cincinnati, ' Baltimore, Booton, Plttsbnrg, 1iicRO, - -'hMf,tes), ' Vliiii,ilil)lila, Hrnoklva, w York, U I, . ps, , 'w. t. P. 0. 4a so 4 14. U 2 8 ,27 M It 88 84 , 80 ' 81 ' 88 85 S2 5 T' 87 .14 53 14 48 .677 .657 .684 .5IV4 .628 .492 ,484 .478 .423 ..tS .28 ; ... ' TIUnwMH A-UB-a4mwt. Senator Ti'lmso of South Carolina is to' oiler tbe 'foltowiog as an amendment to the DernOcMt' platform at Chicago. When tbe report of the committee on resolutions is made lo the convuntion to- inoiow a minoiily report will bo also presented, endorsing the financial policy of tbe Cleveland administration.; To that Senator Tillman, of South Carolina, will offer an ameidnieht and address the con vention for fifty rui'iiil'ii. SEWATOJl TIIiTiMAN's AMENDMENT is in these words Wo denounce the iT'c'sUalion of PrcTident Clevelanl ns on Democratic aAdtyratrotealandaa a departure rom those principle which s-e cheinhedby all libeiiy-loviig Ame'ksis, Tlie veto power bas been used 1 3 thwnit the will ot tbe people as exp vised by their repre sentatives In Congress.-The appointive power bss been ns'1 to sub'dic9 the press, to deliiuch Congics and to overawe and con rol r!Maons iathofr-e exercise of their cwstitu.'onnl rights as votrr. A. plutooiat'c despotism is ius Munht to estaM'eh on the ru'ns ol the repuhl'c. We ispud'at( the consfuc- on p'acd on the fnnir'nt pleik ot the the 'is. Retncrratx Na, 'onal plttform by Prcidnt Clevelaid and Secretary CarT'sle as conti Jiy to the p'in meii"i"g of Enpr- h wov an'l 8s hning an art of bad 'tb, drw.vinr the severest c?nsnre. The ssue of hoars' i ''me of p--o with which to buy gold redeem certain bligai'ons payable ia s'lver or gold at the option 0" tlie Gove jmcnt, and the use of the pro' 'cds to de'Vay t'ie ori'!naij expiofss of tho fiovernnent s"o both I'l- kwlul and nsiirf itoiy of nu'ho.ily, dr serving imp?mlm.ent," PI in ArrrpttA. Spoclnl. Rai.eigh, N. C , July 9. Thn Imild ig comir't.'cs of ''ic Agri-juUiiul Col'.tc today accepted plans for complete quar ters, and for hot houses for the bnr'icul- ( iial c'spartoient. Invoice of Choice Teas STow in our Ntore. More tli tin verify onr claim of them being the finest importa- tion of FORMOSA TEAS In this Market. Tbeyar very Fragrant as for draw. Tbev are more - than choice. Prices vary from SO to 75 cents. Our Special Bargain is a Blend of Tea which we sell with 3 pounds of Granulated Sugar for only 60 cents. Also a line of COFFEE Chase and Sanbons Extra Fine. -;: Dunn's Fresh Roasted Mocha and Java only 30c. Maricabo 25c. JOHN DDHN 55 & 57 Pollock St SPECIAL ! -,.1 - "-' , - ,i 1 cases raii 811 ver faking Powder For Stle'tt Keiall. - . ONf 7EII SILVERS?00ir J GIVEN WITH liCH.CAN. t F ilLRICB, Grcccr 1 M Light will be mlvaiiciHl in price on and after Jnly 1st. All other fliinflriflfl romatn nt Hamo i VT PKIKN previously advortisoU. Send for price list. I have several second-hand nieycles which will be sold at ouce RKUAKU LK88 OF COST. A'noastock ol New Wheels on easy payment). One Prire to All. WM. T. HILL, 61 S. Front Street 'Phone 80. Dr. Worth in gtoii'N Soutlierii BemtMly, COLIO, CRAMPS, DIARROCT3A, DISENTEBY, CnOLBBA MORBUS, 25 Cm. A. BOTTI.E. PURCELL, LADD & CO., Richmond, Va., Mannfaetnrers. For Sale by Iavls' l"harm'j', NKW BERNE, N. C. Reward. Reward. Reward. We will ray 825.00 to the person Who will bring as a stove, that will omparo In quality, finish and point ol excellence with the P WE NOW HAVE ; ON OUR FLOOR. We will have as Judges three disinterested Persons. We want you to see these stoves and Ranges whether you wish to buy or not. They are the handsomest stoves ever shown In North Carolina, and each Is warranted by BUCK'H ' STOVE & JtANGR CO., and by . Slover Hardware Company to give perfect satisfaction or we will re fund your money. t?TCall and let ns show you anything In onr lino you may need. We guarantee o Ult ruiuisn on an; tiling we sen. Yours Eespeotfully, TO LilDIES.: kMT B. P. REED'S OXVORDS. HAVE arrived the finest line In the city In M stylos and colors. 'A TULI. LINE OF CHILDRErlli ' Duck Hat. and TOM O'SIIANTBB f Cap.. 0AL8O A FULL LINE OF CHEAPER O Grade, of Oxford'.. o- 7. J"- Baxter Great Mid-summer Be ductions. Ncvir before have we offered Stntrie Drv tJoww, summer Press Woods, wun- mer Clothlnir. Shoes, Notions snd Vtllin erj si mku winning prices for buyers a now. 1 e lowest prices quoico in yonra. RrBArdlessofenmpIamU tt dnll times. oar store bss been crowded everyday this season. No other House in 1IM City uectiis to nitkef .aelt sweeping redocuoos on iron Hnwunauis gwui. . , . . Zttr special reductions on all Bum- merDrsM- (Mods. - - -- 1 , Tours to Serve, " V, '"'',, 1 . A. IMRFOOT, $25 $25 M BBS Barplise! Shoes That Wear! There isn't any "guess work about our Shoes they are made "upon honor" by manu facturers whose reputation are not for sale. Drew, Selby & Co., are the manufacturers and we have faith enough ia these Shoes to guarantee every single pair to wear sat isfactory. The prices are not as high as others ask for an inferior Shoe. July 5. 189G 53rl. IVIDEN1 The National Rank of Xew Rf me, X. C. .Tone 23, 1890. The Rounl of Directors of iliis Bank, liavn this luy declared u somi-anniinl ilivi(lnnl nf 5 pnr ra-nt. frno of lax, pny ablo on and niter July lOtli, 1890. T-" G. II. ItUBKRTS, Cashier. PRESCRIPTIONS 1 Receive Prompt ami Careful Attention nt Bavis'JHB;,,mey- Reasonable mid Satisfactory Prices IJnaranteed. DRINK orter't Punch, The liocst in the World. Milwaukee Reer, Tho (in&st on tlio Mftrkot, Wotox, An invigornting drink for nil, especixlly poihI lor Indies nndchild- ron. Put up in bottle9 for 10 and 25 cents, iSSSs: J. F. TAYLOR, No. 19 Middle fltrcet. J, Dealer in The finest L.ine of Staple and Fancy Groceries lJo.75RrondNt. Fresh goods received daily. J. I. UA SKINS, School Books and School Supplies STATIONERY, Books and Booklets, Engraved Cards and Invitations, Sheet Music and Mnsical Instru ments. fif Mail orders receive prompt stten Uoo, J. I. ASKIXS, ;.d The hot dan are onmlng with all their fu w. Hwood gling- anpleasantnms only on piaaMnt tin among them and that's the Hod. WaUir, the eoolv refresnlng, healMifnl diinlr. Folks are Inarntna to drill l soda water all th year round. The fae-ltf If I a good stomach ton let and soothing In tlie nerves, to say noUjUig ot tbe delicious flavor, of Uie syrup. .. . I S.- 1 All Nice Drink, at - BRADHArV'3 PHARMACY. SHARP-st POI Throughout; THE Entire Stock 6 g o o OF T1TI1 LITE FIRM OF o D o D o D o a o D o o o D o a o D o a o a o o o a o o a o o a o D o o D o a o a o D O D O a O AND ,11, vl V'l '.. . Successor to M:MW nu 8 8 8 ,8 o 8 o, p o o o ,o ,o o o a n a o o o o . o r. n iv.-i cm aci " ,.0-i.w'.0 ".a-'O -.O ,-,(:, -O .:;,. ..ijO. O O t C) , C) v, ' ,?.' nit'! Ul 111 IlilVMU'V l 1. l: t I J, 5 i::-:xa trz.zT.

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