la PUet of the Saloon, ' As a matter of cariosity, if nothing lse, a Harvard professor's views on the beer saloon are worth reading. ': These are to be found in. Professor Peubody 'g "Substitutes For the Saloon." - The learned gentleman is of opinion that the saloon flourishes not so much ' because of the poor man's love of drink m beoaose of his love of sociability, and in this he Is no doubt right The pro , feasor repeats, what has often been sold before, that the drinking saloon is the poor main's club. In it he finds light, ' merriment, games and newspapers. A place therefore that would combine the ooiai features without the intoxicating i . arms, nature wouia constitute tne mouei ' substitute for the saloon. :; This is truej " still it would not stop the evil caused - by too inuohs beer drinking. . It is in - deluging himself with sour, swill-like, - cheap beer, "rushing the growler," as it is called, in the daytime,-during 4 t.t UnnM, M.A4 - nwl ... part of the laboring man's wages is r . spent. Professor Peabody would have to find a substitute for either this beer or the appetite that craves it if he would : save the poor man's money. Perhaps if ,. . the poor man had more nourishing and nalatable food for luncheon it would so r far tQ stop the beer guzzling through , , thedajy,. ';-;K :-5...;;-,t.'; :i,:,.. The professor is of opinion that if '"""somebody could invent aa attractive "Tdrink that would not be intoxicating and if the poor man's social instinct . could be satisfied at the same time . without the accompaniment of intoxi v eating drinks, a long step forward in human progress -would bo 'made. ;'The best sooial substitute for ,the saloon &w.onld be a poor man's club, where be ' could have games, teading, attractive environments, harmless drinks, etc. At- 4amntfl 4 'ttwmiilA ' cm-V isinKaf -S T-nfem mill be failures in every case if the poor man . thinks there is any tang of religion or ' charity about thorn. -. .Exercise For Middle Aged People. '- There are no old people now except ' those who voluntarily slump down and - take a lazy satuaaction in saying tnoy "can no longer exert themselves as they " did SO years ago. They say so because - ' l Jt - i. A ... L il ... 1 " i Too most that the spry, up to date per- ' son past his youth will confess is that he is perhaps woll getting along to be a little middle aged." ' ' . i -.' One priceless piece of knowledge this blessed last quarter of the nineteenth century has brought to the people who . . ata TvtrhfLrifl DAtHnor nlnnc rr rtn a, littlA ' ' middle aged is that they actually need . more physical exercise than young peo- pie do. .Unless they take it and keep it no vear after Tear thev find themselves jtbeeoming fat and heavy and lumbering Mid stiff in the joints. They are less in v olined than ihey were to walk and run and skip about Yet giving up to this insidiously creeping laziness, for it is .nothing else, is exactly what makes them become old, useless and decrepit f Expressly for these persons who feel . themselves slow and stiff and heavy a merciful providence seems to have per , mitted to be designed the bicycle. It ' , limbers the joints "and takes ofifthe ., cumbersome fat as nothing else will, It makes the brain clear, the eye and the band strong and steady and keeps the V. , heart forever young. " After one learns " to oontrol it there is not so much danger in riding it as there is in riding in a carriage. , The bicycle is a horse that ; ,. : never scares and hardly ever runs away. finally no man or woman alive is ' too old to leam to ride the bicvole. - Explorer Borohgrevinck's expedition , to the south pole will leave London next September. ' The party will sail south' , want as xar as may be cm tney are no ., ... ea in at the approaoh of ooid weather. Then they will winter on the edge of " . Ihn armth nolar oontinsnt and rmnfcinnft their explorations next summer. . It is Interesting to know that the expenses of . , the expedition are met. by a rich Eng llshman, Mr. Gilbert Bowick. It is true he expects to reap abundant pecuniary -.- reward from the enterprise in the shape of furs, bird skins, minerals and other '' valuable goods, but this reward is not Bbsohitoly certain." It is greatly to the - credit, therefore, of Mr. Bowick that he has risked $25,000 on an expedition to wtucn uje oniy certainty attaching is . he oertaiuty that it will enrich science. Where is the American millionaire who Wfiuld dP 8 mucM ' . Mr. Richard Watson Gilder, editor of The Century, has been inspecting the tenement houses of London, also those of the great continental cities. He does not hesitate to. say that in the. vilest slums of Europe he finds no tenement . dens as bad as those on the east side of , his own New York. - And jet the 'airs New York puts on over western and other cities! - - 81r Miohael Hioks-Beaoh has been in politics in a quiet way for 80 years, but never did any one thing to attract wide notice until he made his speech on the British budget this year. . That gave him fame ait the age of 00 and put him among the leading financial statesmen of the nations. ? ',,'lnit is called a farm in the eastern t of this country is broadened out in i wost and" called a ranch.' In Aus ionr western ranch is broadened . , h 1 more and called a stations i (J the Australian stations oovor hole C 'lmtiia and more too. . -' . K - "rra PUlsT" Send yonr ndilresi to H. E. Bnckleo Si O-v, C'liicK0, d (p't S free sumbte box f Dr. King's New Life Pills. A triul will ronvinco you of ttielr merits. Theso pllll n ryin oclion and are particularly ' in tno euro or Uonstipation and . i . ii. la -lie. For Malaria and L1t a iluy Imvo len proved iuvaluahle mi! t i'irunlfvj to be porrenlly tree i c c y (I. -li'irinuMibtaure and -iaii ' v ' ii)lu. They do not weaken r :. but by civina totu to ( n I i,n '4 printly invijioni' r ': e i: 'c. Sold by F. THE COLO THROW DOWN. aha Had BtHln4 It, and tha Bntnaaaa Wa at aa Xod. ' " She entered a Third avenue jewelry 1 store with a typical Bowery gait, and walking up to a clerk, she handed out a Iring and brusquely-Queried: . "What's it worth?' -' "Very little," he answered after a brief glance. ... . : i'Do you call it a diamond?" : ""No, it's not a diamond."' J ; ' " .1 "Didn't cost $600, did ltr". " V "Oh. no!" - -."About 78 cents, eh?" 'That would be nearer its value, I think. I hope you didn't buy that for a diamond ring?" - " 'No, I didn't - My feller gave it to me for an engagement ring. " I see, " said the clerk as be turned his head away to smile. . Said it was a $500 proof of his love." "Yes." "I've been a little suspicious all along, but didn't want to raise row. Odly glass, eh? Seventy-five cents buys em anywhere? Well, the engagement is off, the feller has got the cold throw down, and I'm ready for the next See?" New York World. An Orehaatral Inaplratton. - "We have a good many things to oon tend with," remarked the man who managed a theatrical "company on, the roaa last winter, "but the worst or them all is the orchestra." .- 1 "Musicians were never noted as being eminently practical," was the reply. I know that But the worst of it is that they insist on trying to be so. They think they have ideas and fromhead try ing to put them into operation. I was in a small town and gave the leader the music that, goes with our piece. 'We can't learn that, he said. 1 haven't time tooall the men for a rehearsal. I'm too busy. They're busy too. They all work in stores during the day. ' 'Well,' said I, 'there's only one scene that I am very particular about It wants something solemn and shivery.' 'Is it the scene I saw on the billboards, where the villain is running the hero into the sawmill and the girl rescues Eim just in the nick of time?' - 'That's the one.' 'Don't you worry,' said the leader. 'I've got the very thing to fit that piece. Wait till you hear it It'll surprise you.' " "And did it surprise you?" ,; "Thoroughly, i I never was more sur prised in my entire life... The leading man was tied on the carrier that was to shove him into eternity. The machinery was started. The saw began to buzz, and the leading lady began to 'batter down the door. And what do you think that orchestra started in to play?" "I can't guess. What was it?" " 'Just Tell Them That You Saw Me.' "Detroit Free Press. ; .. A Falthral Farter. . t- 'Once when I was stopping at a pio neer hotel at Alamosa, Colo., " said the anoient major,"! asked' the landlord to have a fire made in my room at 6:80 the next morning. He made a note of my request on a book or slate kept for that purpose and told me the porter would attend to the matter. . , ; -"The note road, 'Fire 40 at 6:80.' "The porter was new to the business. He oame at 6 :80, and, having knocked at my door, was admitted. Then he told me to get out . I asked him what sort of a fool be was, and ho said he was all kinds, but he obeyed orders just the same. And, don't you think, that fellow tried to throw me down the stairs, ' He would have succeeded, in fact; had not the landlord appeared in time to save me. ' ' "That was the new porter's interpre tation of 'Fire 40 at 6:80.' "Chicago Times-Herald.. The Point of View. A certain eminent physician went to a concert at bis wife a earnest request, though he has no knowledge of or inter est in music.' He was rather listless until one of the singers, a lad, rose and be gan to sing for the first time. Then he brightened up. ' wno is tnat aito?'.' ne assed. k, "Altol" exclaimed hi ife.$"That 't an alto. She's a high soprano, and isn her name U Jones. . "Hum!',' said the doctor. ' "Why? Do you like her voice?" , "Can't say much for her voice, but she has one of the finest bronchitises that, I ever encountered. "Youth's Companion. ' - . - ' Hot Patented Either. Knicker After all, there is only one sure fire esoape. . , Booker What is that? ' Knioker To lead a blameless life. New York Herald. Bhonld Have Known Better. "Papa, dear I Is Queen Viotoria still living?" ' ' - ' ' , , 1"Oertainly, my boy. Why ask silly .wauuuar uruuiuyu juud. She Oh, Jaok! Do you know, Mr. Gibson punctuated his tire yesterday? , He You mean punctured, my dear. She Well, anyway, he oame to full stop. Sketoh. To the Trade: tft. We are In a position to tell Goods at the very lowest possible prices. We do not travel a salesman, tliercforr, we will save you that expenso. We iro millets agents fur the (ale of 8lvk Nonpurkl Best Patent Diadem nd Charm., W buy our Meals, Lord, Cofl. eand Tolrco and inny other Ooodo In our line from first hands. To convince yoii tlmt we are hwi(lHiarters, call in, examine soo'K and , ' i The Same Thing. . J g'-t our prioes. HUBKUTS & l.o, ' BASEBALL BREVITIES. Bowdoin has won the championship of the Maiqe College league. - . .. Outfielder Stahl of the Buffalos is said to be a comer, resembling Jesse Burkett ;. . Dan, Daub is the Brooklyns' winning pitcher. And he was farmed out early in the season. . No manager in the business worki his pitchers with better judgment than Ed Han Ion of Baltimore. Helny Peitzis again in form and will do the bulk of the catching for the Oin cinnatis the balance of the season. George Davis is playing "in his 1894 form for the New Yorks, fielding clever ly and batting hard and effectively. Anson says that an outfielder, in oxr der to be suooessful, must study bate- men just the same as a pitcher dose. Shorty Fuller has signed with St Louis and is a Brown again, after foul years' absence from the Mound City, Jesse Burkett, who leads the National League in batting, made 80 hits in hit first 48 games, an average of nearly 8 to a game. Joe Mack, better known as Beddy, who was onoe with the Baltimores, ia dossed as the best second baseman of the Atlantio league. No matter how effective Pitcher Theo dore Breitenstein is, his support is so poor ihat he scarcely ever pitches in a Winning game these days. iAvigne and MoAnllffe. Eld Lavigne is now regarded by nine out of ten sporting men as the light weight champion of the world. Tech nically the championship is held by Jack MoAuliffe, and Griffo, the Aus tralian, is another claimant. McAuliffe has had a long and what may be called prosperous career, for he won the championship and has spent more mon ey than any other lightweight chain pion on record. His condition has also been such that he has not been at hie best for a number of years. No great in ducements havo ever been offered him to box Griffo or Lavigne within the last year, and it always requires a big purse to tempt McAuliffe, who is not cheap. , If there is money enough to be made, McAuliffe will probably accom modate Lavigne and try to get in fit condition for a hard match. McAuliffe detests training, and for a long time he has depended on his natural skill as a boxer and his quick wittedness to win bouts. McAuliffe said some time ago that he would enter into a match with Lavigne as soon as the young westerner returned from London. It will be the most notable matoh of MoAuliffe's ca reer, aa it will be of Lavigno's, provided it can be held under Marquis of Queens- berry rules without interruption. New York Bun. Tale's Strongeftt Opponent. The London Sportsman, says that the Leander Boat club's eight, which will contest at Henley for the Grand Chal lenge cup, is made up entirely of mem bers of Oxford crews who have previous ly been victorious over Cambridge crews. The strongest of the other op ponents of the Yale crew will be the eights of New College, Oxford and Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Constipation Causes fully hall the sickness In the world. It retains the digested food too long ia the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, Indl. 3 gestlon, bad taste, coated psav B tongue, sick headache, In- I Ipf 1 1 (omnia, etc. Hood's Pills Ilia cure constipation and all its : J w results, easily and thoroughly. 26c. All druggists. Prepared by O. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pills to take with Hood's SarsaparlUa. CITY MARKET REPORT. Corrected Dally by Roberts c tiro., Wholmale and Retail . JHerehanla. Wkoleaale Prieea. Hlb fidef, 5c. ; Short Backs 4)& Mesa Fork (new) 19.25. 'Rump $9.50. ' Short Clear (0.35. . TJan:s4 sngar cured, lljc. N, C. Hanis 9c. ' Fiesh l'ork 4) to 5. Latd Compound, In Tubs, S to 5. i BeslLcnf ard in Tub, . Flour, best patent, $1 20 to $4.30. Flour, Fancy Straight, (3.00 to (3.95, Straight, 13.00 to 3.75. Extra Flour $3.25. Granulated Sugar 5 Je. A8ugar45. ;C8agai4)c. Mnlaseei 15 to 25&. Syrjip lSto 25c. . , . -Cheese to l0ic.; L Butter BoquatOreamy, 20 to 21c. Unltcr. Dalrv. 17 to 18c. Rle Coff 14 to 18c. La Guara Cofiie 18 to 20c. ., Ground Alum Salt 55c Pia 00 to5. Chickens, grown, 45c. ; BprlrjR Chickens 20 to. S5c. Eggs 8c. .". , Beeawax 20c i TeanaU 60 lo 70c. . Ni lee, $ij,t to 6c Hide, green, SJr- " Beef on fool 4 to 5c. ' "','. Oorn40c,t$ ,. , f OnlS. Meal 60c. ? t , ... j , C '.'" . Mrs. Anna Gap, wife of Ex- ' Cc!ur.but Kin .ays .' . VI wa delivered of TWINS U . leu than SO mln' I uttt. moi . with , ecarcely any pata (7 V after using- only "77 V .fter T i" UT " tf tvr0 bottle of . r - ' l ".'.!3TI!ERS Fr'EuD" SID HOT BUII2B AFTEKWAED. rw-nt hj BrnniMor Msll, Ofl rsnslnt nf nr1(? t oo tr iHttU. ilook "Tl MuTUfctlS'1 aiiujtd iHM, BH lnnT BEGIUTOB CO., ATLANTA, OA, I for Infants and Children. , PnOTHERS, Do You Know that Paregoric, I'y ' Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, and most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine f Do Yon Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons f Do You Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell narcotics without labeling them poisons I Po Ton Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your child unless you or your physician know of what it is composed f Po Yon Know that Castoria Is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of its Ingredients is published with every bottle 1 Po Yon Know that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher. That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold than of all other remedies for children combined t Po Yon Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word " Castoria" and Its formula, and that to Imitate them Is a state prison offense I Po Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless? Po Yon Know that 35 average doses of Castoria are furnished for 35 seats, or one cent a dose f Po Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest f TjTell, these things are worth knowing. They are facts. The foo-almilo signature of Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria Manhood Restored, T DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE-AND BRAIN TREATMENT THE ORIGINAL, ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS, Is Bold under positive Written 4Jnarnntee, byantiiorizednfrentR only, to euro Weak Memory, Dizziness, Wakefulness, Fits, Hysteria, Quick ness, Night Losses, Evil Droams. Lack of Confi dence, NervouHness, Lassitude, all Drains, Youth ful Krrors, or Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium, or Liquor, which leads to Misery, Consumption, Inssmty and Death. At store or by innit, $1 a box; six for with written cnurantee lo cure or refund money. Sample pack a&e, containing ijvo days' treatment, witlufull instructions, 25 cents. One snmplo only sola to eacn person. At store or uy mail. JTRcd Label Special Evlra C rnnnlh For Impotency, LbBs ofWjjF if Wt.Vltu.ll. U Htnrilitv n, Rn mrnu., . W$l a box; six for $5, withfe Jr written euaranter BEFORE or by mail. AFTER F. S. Duffy, Sole Agent, New Berne. N. C. A Brnoiirs Eremo-Ctiets. Splendid cnnitiT ntrent for lServooB or Sick HaiulrUiha. farum E hmiHl.inn . HlnnnlfHinrifaiai B Upeciul or genorsl NourHlgift; albofor Kbeu- matiuni, Gout, Itidnoy Disordeni, Acid Dp pepeia, Aniemia. Antidote for Alcoholic and other exoetutet. rrioo, 10, ffiondfiOceiiM. Gi aervtMoenu THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 1 1 51 8. Western Avenue, CHICAGO. F. S. Dcffy, Sole Asont, Kew Berne, N. C. LADIES D0Y00KK0S OR. FELIX LE DRUM'S Steels Pennyroyal Pills are the orieinnl and only MUNCH, saro and rolinble ear on the market. . Price, $1.00; sent ur mail, uenuino soiu only Dy F. S. Dufey, Solo Agent, New Berne, N. 0. IE DDISai'C FOil BEX, aV Hnwre OThls remedy being In Jceted directly to the seas or inoae aiseanva of the Oenlto-Urlrutry Organs, requires no etaanso of diet. Cure a-aaraKterd in 1 to 8 days. Hnial I plain pack I, iTl TT T8 V " y ma', si oo V w Hold only uy F. S. Duffy, Sole Agent, Berne, N. C. New Whan T:by was sick, we gave hor Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor! Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's CastoriaJ Children Cry for Pitcher's CastoriaJ Webster's ... . V Dictionary. unabridged; edition. IF1 22. This it not the Obsolete Edition that was printed from the original plates of 1843, but the next Revised edition compiled 241 years later. Neither is it bound in pasteboard and cloth to imitate leather, but it is genuine leather and substantially bound. ; v .''. ' I Now do you want this VALUA BLE BOOK FREE that is almost a Library within itself. If so, send us Tbh New SuBaoniDKRa to thi Weekly Jourkai. at $1,00 each, and yon can got a copy at this omoi FjBEE. 4 ia on OTery wrapper. Thousands bless the day tlicy beard o Dr. E. V West's Nerve and Brain Treat ment. It lias brought happiness and health to replace misery and discourage. meat. Thirty days treatmeut for $1.00. For sale by F. S. Dully. If some people were half aa bie as they think they are, the world would have to be enlarged. Successful for years. Dr. Le Brim's (1, & G. Cure; three days. No bad effects. One Dollar; at store or by mail. For sale by F. S. Dully. What Bomo people know would fill a book and what they don't know would fill a library. Get genuine Dr. Le Brun's S. & P. Pills for ladies. Sold only by authorized agents. One Dollar, at store or my mail. For sale by F. S. Dully. Half the people in the world are working the other half for chumps, and making it pay. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment is guaranteed to cure any case of nervous debility ol whatever cause. Six months course with guarantee, $5. At store or by mail. For sale by F. S. Duffy. Egotism makes a man believe the world thinks as much of him as he thinks of himself. Wanted The unfortunate to know that Dr. Lc Brun's G. &. G. Cure will cure in three days. One Dollar at store or by mail. For sale by F. S. Duffy. The man who never forgets any thing, never forgets to boast of it to every one he meets. Ladies, despair not. Dr. ILc Brun's S. & P. Pills sure cure. Oue Dollar; at store or by mail. For sale at F. S. Duf fy's. The reason most people give ad vice so freely is because they are anzions to get rid of it. For seventeen vears Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment has worked wonders for the sick, pale, nervous, de bilitated men and women of this country. $1 per box; six for S3. For sale by F. S. Duffy. lhe man who is willing to do as he would be done by, always wants to be done by first. You will not be disappointed in IV Le Brun's G. & G. Cure. No btuS. effects, no diet; three days. One Dollar, at store or. by mail. Foi sale at F. S. i Duf fy's. Nothing hurts a man like pinning faith to a wrong idea and being scratch by the pin. Dalicote ladies take great restorative. Dr. Le Brun's & & P: Pills. One Dollar, at store or by mail. For sale by F. 8. Duffy. We nevor know what we can do till e try, and then wo frequently hnd that we can t. Be a man. Take Dr. K. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment It restores manly vigor. Guaranteed to Icure. 1 per box, six for 5. For sale at P. S Duf. fj'i. Nino out of ten men who becomes thoroughly contented, have outlived their usefulness. No publicity. Send your dollar Worn1 and get a box of Dr. Le Brno's G. Sc G. Cure. Cures in three days. Never fails, For irle by F. S. Duffy. When a man knows his duty, lie avoids doing it by asking advice. Dr. Le Bran's S. & P. Pills, (bo only French; for ladies. One Dollar, at store or by mail. For sale by F. S. Duffy, Oraatt. and Tradt-Mirlts obtain and all tat-1 eat bimneta conducted lor MooraaTt rcta. OunOmcnaOMoaiTi v,. MTtirTOmer and w canaccura nausat ia, KM lima laaa taeau! nmota Irom Wathinjrtoa. , Stfoo. Wa adviat, II paw nubia or Mt, frea IJ Ccaanra. Ov faa not dua till patant aacvrad. U uv laa not aua iui patant atuiiu. mut, " How la Obtain Pateata," wits i A PAMmixt, How la Obtain Fatal curt ol aamaln tha V. S. and fcmifa (aot in. Addream, , c.A.Gnovco. mm tm i i ti"..i1 inn ifl-lim ?Htfm taayyvwvvwvvajvvvvvvvvvvvyva4 TRAVELERS O0IPE. Atlantic & 17, C. Railroic wmm TIME TABLE NO. 2, In, effect 7:50 M.". N 27th 1895. Goino East Sciiedui.h ! Ucww Wks No. 8 Passenger Trains. Noi 4. Lt. p. Ill, 3 20 849 412 Stations. Ar. a. m GoMsboro, 11 25 LiiGrange, 10 53 Kiuston, 10 33 Ar. New Bern, Lv. 9 30 Lv. " Ar. 0 17 Ar. Morehead City, Lv. 8 07 5 15 5 25 0 37 No. 1. f No. 2 Hutfl frt& Pun J'rain Ar. p. ni 6 00 7 20 6 5C 6 20 6 00 5 18 5 00 4 2(1 4 00 3 38 Mixed Fi t & Puss. Trniu.i Stations. l.v. a. m. 7 20 7 53 8 16 8 36 9 24 9 88 9 53 10 15 10 10 u n 11 si Gnld8boro, Brat's,' LaGrange Fulling Creek, Kiuston, Caswell. Ar Dover, Lv. Lv. " Ar. One Creek, TusciU'ora, Clark's, 3 20 2 no io r: j 40 j oo S47 8 ;i 8 20 HOO A M 12 05 1 30 2 12 2 20 2 43 3 12 :i 25 3 SI 3 40 3 51 P M Ar New Bern Lv At Lv Biwrdiiii C't a!nn Hav.'.cick. Ni-ttjinrt, Wi'.-lwooil, Atlautic, l.v Ar Morelieul City, Lv Ar M City Depot, Lv Morday, Wednesday and Fri'luy. tTutsduy, Thursday and Saturday. S. L. DILL, Sun t. IMgon, Newta & Norfolk TIME TABLE NO. L. To take eilect Sunday, May l'lli, IU'0, M 12:00 M. Superseding Time Table No. 4, Datc October 37tli, li5. Going; South, scjikdli.e. Goino Norm, No. 7. Pussfiner Trains, 'No. 8. Lvc. A. It. Stations. New Berne Pollocksyille Muysvilie Jacksonville Wilmiih, ii P. M 5 20 . 44 4 ;so 3 58 2 00 Al. 9 20 A 55 10 09 10 42 12 40 V. II. Lvc. No. 6 Passknukr AND FUKIOUT No. 5 lieave Wilmington Monday, Wednesday an I Friday. Leave New Bern Tuesday Tliursuiiy ami Saturday. Lve. A. M. Ar. 1'. il. 7 00 Lv Wilmington Arr 3 20 7 10 W. Sea-Coast 11. li. IWg 3 15 7 2' Baymead, 8 50 7 31 Kirk'and 2 4(1 7 411 Sc- i Hill, 2 it 7 53 amusL. ad, 2 11 8 05 Cypress Lake, 2 i'd 8 11 Annaii'lale I 5'1 8 18 Womlsule, 1 4i 8 32 Edgecombe 1 3C 8 52 Hollyri l,c I '' 9 00 Fulksloue 12 05 9 19 Dixon 12 I.' 9 34 ' Wrona 12 35 9 50 Arr. Jacksonville Lv. .2 .'. 11 10 Lv. " A'-r. 10 2.5 1119 Northeast 10 Ot 11 38 Whitcoak 9 30 11 58 Mi.ysvil!e 9 'A 12 18 IBavenew.Kjd 8 Be 12 30 l'olloclisvillo 8 "it 12 53 Dc:lrul s 8 28 1 30 Arr. Newberne Lv. 8 00 P. Al. A. M. Dhlly Except Sunday. H. A. WHITING, General Manager. J. W. MAttTENIS, Gen'l. Frt. and Pass. Agt A. & N. C. UAH U0AD- THKOUOII HATKS i)lf r AliK l!OUN tri Tickets (season ol l -.i I Iron I ".nii SlAtlona bflow to pnlnrit imnml on II111 W N. C. K. lt. Tickets n sal" Junii 1st, I" inclusive, good forr mi r. i 1 ' Mine 011 or ho- lore October 31st, 1H!. TO Hickory Monrttiiton P. tl.'-.Ml n 10 10 St 14 IS 1.1 II 11 Old Fort 11 it 11 2: lllack Mountain,. Ashevtlle Hot KprinKH li:-2o l.'l 'ill; 13 SO 11 :r. 11 4 1:1 a . i 15 1(6 Bates to all oilier res rts In eastern N C nr Vlmliila can lie iitrnl .licil upon npplica tlon. Cliililrou uniler llvu i5) yeum ol njre free, t'lillilren o( Ave (5) yenra ami unilel twelvo (14) yearn Ol bro ono-liail ol tlio above naiueu rates, S. L. DILL, Gen 1 Pats. Agent, season & mm mi: THE A. & N. C. EnlLEOAD 0FFE&S Ths following Special Sates of Fare, Sea ion, 1395, round trip from itationi nuntl belov to Morehead Cuv. IS AFFS5I JUNE let, 1896. STATION". " BKAdOX. SAT. NlOllT. Qolilsbrrro Tuscnrora Bests Mew Bern a (IritiiKC,.... ,Rlverdale, Fftlllnu Croek,. Croahin KJnaton Havelock Cauwell, Nowpnri Daarer WiMwooil Ctanc Creek,.... 4 oo 1 4 (n t IB I HO s ;r 1 7 2 im I rn SKI U 1 "S 1 ','11 9 2A li 1 7S 1 III i IM 1 (Ml . 00 ! m M 1 75 . 40 SO ,t;u , in 8. I,' dill. a. r. A. PIGEON THE ORETI1 DISCOVERY ; O THEG , , Cnraa in 1 tit i day. Im modiala in sffaott qoiok U I'nn t earnac. ia Tea ixtckat, all oomplata in o I pa'uw,B raoaiut at pnoa, , (I pat Do F. iS. DUFPjT. DrnggUt, New TAUfC .utHuv 4.1. C- 30. tS AND FREIGHT & PASSENGER. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE The Steamer NEUSE Is scheduled to sail from New bcru as folio W8: MONDAYS, - WEDNESDAYS ' AND FRIDAYS. Sailing hour 5:30 p. m. Sharp. Freight received up to 5 o'clock. For inrtlier information apply to, GEO. HENDERSON, Afent. June 23, 1890. THE Daily Journal Should be a welcome morning visi tor at the Fireside of every citizen. U3T DELIVERED DAILY, EXCEPT MONDAY, IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY Al $4.00 per Year. ( PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ) Advertising Rates AME LOW Ill both the 1)A1LY;AND WEEK LY edition. If you h.avo au vthing yon wish to sell lot thejpeoplo know it by placing a "catching" ad in the columns of The Journal. The Daily & Weekly Jour nal circulates largely in all the adjoining counties and are real on an average of flvopersons to every subscriber. HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Humphreys Witch Hazel Oil as a curative $nd healing application. It has :been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching nd Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate cure certain. It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Cctraction from Bums. Keliyf instant. It Cures Torn, Cut and Jacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breast and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and Sold bjDrotsU,orint poaHald oa rataiptof prist. iirauir au. cot. Ml a lit WITCH HAZEL OIL filLDDD POISDH I I r"rlnUloUdaTa.Toaaallbatnatodj J JlioiDeforaaaiaprlaaBiKlaraaiiMraaraaZ ty. Irroo prefer toenmabara wa wlllsoa. tract tutayraJlmrifHNMiMihn.Aikii,. wsbarn. If in fall to eon. If yon hava takaa an. cury, t',iUde notaah, and aim tiara achat and .lor iuoouil'atohalnmoutli.8oraThroi atcha In mouth, SoraThroa IliDlea. C7nnni.r l'nlnp.,1 Hm. UBpou, Ulecra ov 1,1 out. It is tblt rieoondary BLUOU POINoft wernaranteetooura. Wa aollctt tha moat obat. wis caaea and rriallcDC;a tha world fcr eaaaweoaanoteure. 1h kj tin wa baa alwata balMedthaaklll of the moat Sat phy? Plana. n00,0OO eapltal aohlnd oar aawnal Uonalnaraoxy. AbwIntapropfaaaDtaajuadaa tPPllaitlim. Addrm '0 K It K M KO YljuZ Wl UmaoBta lampla, AlU4AaVUvi , tUa inSOGDIA "'SLEEPLESSNESS CURED. ; VIGOR OF MEN taally. Quickly. Parmanently ttaataraa MASTIC ERVINEL-'iL- en re won kn mam, .Mrrons Debility uid al) th evils from earl or Utar utwMi, th nanitu nt otsrwiirk. worry. oiokDOM, oto. Vail stfrstiifth ton wid dtTelopmonk f iron to rery onrtui of portion of th botj. Impravmentiinneiiuitolr teen from tho iint box. ThonwiMk of Wumv Jt prmioe on ti in oar offtao. Cut bo Mirnd ia vent pocket. Bent by met I to any exkirt im receipt of price Onn nooth,i troAimtnit in M fi box. 'r.ce liT0, bozee, lAUU, with Wn ttwirnnteoto renina money li not ourea. to w lor toe Ueuuiiio. cuoulore JTn P.; B. DUFFY4 Berne, H. O. jDrngjis ITi. aUL0 Bt ALL DRCGOI8TS. -