i ' 1 - .,.-.. " ' .- 1 j Vr- aingand t TProDt 'atree&rua'j xnHHTfrO. July T5u715!WTine side oi her hpnsftopeneo: J K'REKA I.ODOH Ka.vi Or Ou w.;,oa , k.u.j b. s unitai; Y, :'tv: R. J. Disoawar. Fin'l .at. B. a UBKBW iu; I . H. Hall, KVd. Sec't: lISOSWaj Brralar Iuki. every Monday night at 8 o'clock. c-cty; j. i,. cooper, Treaa. iiuccr: w. J. Pitts, C. P.; B.8. Colon, H. iilHr Kiicsm.omenta.'lst.&i. said 6t2i (It any) v a nton clbbmont mo. iF.n,i.ftaF, ui)k:trv-Tt.fryn, Captain; T. ,e, ,H-.,M Union, Clerk ; W.4. Pitts. Aooountaiit, nuiii Hen. Easlrfuf law, aea; iffuonday uiar CanlonraMittM 1 'and stall nights In each month at 8 o'clock. miim: lieets tna an. id 4th Wednesday. uiKlit-iMiMir,itMnqu B. H. Ball, President; J. B. Smith. Secretary. in Jaaunu-ee a nan. HY. JOHN'S LODGE NO. 8, A. IN AND A. kt OflleeiJi'-TH K. tfcewt,W.;H4:lfaiS. nttaroae, w i. B. Clark, J. W.j Jas. Bedmond, Trena niauleatlons T.u. Hyman, Becty., , Jusirumr. v id Wednesday each month NKW BKBNB CHAPTEB NO. M, R. i. M.: Ofllcerw-J. C. Hreen, M. P.; N. Case, King; II. J. lovlck. Scribe; T. A. Green, IVeas.; Jar. BedmmdrBecyr!llra Caaaaea tiom li Mojxlac eaqfi jfif uu. -v. ST. JOHN'S COMMASDKBT NO. W, K.T. jB lmci:-r.Ulrleh, K.C.; H.J. bovlck. 6. o. u. street, u,h.;t. a. Uraen, Treaa.; B. Koal. Beeordr.,aeiifulat Conclkvee icalli oil st(lKlMVrMay nlbhtid'Octokelt.l Jlwl iuk in Maaonlo uau. , ATIIKM1A LODGE MO. S, K. avu.w Tuarfaw alaht In IT nt D of P.-Meeti .pallj.llldale V.C.; IT. g. Parson, K. B. 8. WiUn paea; fllJt III Hlll.Mlll J Illil-U-tl NEW KKK'UOCALS : No sinners wore arraigned before Ilia Jlonor, Mayor Ellis, , yesterday. : The temperature was 98 degrees at liradham's Pharmacy yesterday. At ilie 'Western 'Union Telegraph Company's office the mercury stood at 96 dejrees. ;0 , ; ' ' :: An unusually large crowd, at least two or three hundred poraona, were nut in aaa tha rAAl bam Trf.iii loaf. evening, on Pollock atreet. The crowd consisted mainly of ladies who came out to cheer the boys on. Mr. E. T. Berry painted the sign "Bradham's Pharmacy," in large letters on the side of Mr. 0. D. Bradham's drug store yesterday evening.. Between the two words a larcp'jmortar; was painted. , The eiggfojsentaj. very attractive ap pearance, y, n i The remains of Edward Dickerson we.re, interred at the burying ground on 'the upper plantation of Mr. J. L. Bhera yesterday afternoon about six o'clock- in the afternoon. Rev. A. D.'Wt officiated at the funeral which waa attended by a number of New Berniana, who were friends of the deceased. - U. & Customs Collector Lane re . tnjned. jlrppv. Ocracoke : yesterday morfiiBg. v)8 misaion there waa to e4l)liqh a ftepnty Collector'! office at that poit, pd to enforce the quarantine regulation. Hereafter all vessoU entering Ocracoke will be boar dMW Deputy Collector at thetfiblei m iTbi keuvsionf. train to Ocean viB.4i'lnMpgjton waB ma3 nP of Qve packed passenger cars yester day. The ezcurlonists went to Ocean View and after a dip in the mi. and a afcrnll nn f ha beach, ran nnetoWjjHiingtoa tMpend an hour orJjylajplulijthe city be foy iarpiBg 4iotoe.vThey arrived tl'fi time. jigi' the Mac ' aamiWCroW, ate rtbueated to drive Wind New li4 iU'lUlt'lH jMut it 1" hi - rl ett4Wwty''eacaped being seriously injured yesterday even fhS faPflird apeCourt HowJ ScCCfljing oneof iM MdlsfheOonrt lXoeji "iKttl'i jlj ar ranxeiVw'eWeafirsiP imMwd- jft (.to mlWWWlM-yM Anockethe Tpif.,KW ", T.:,.. Uzk nil. . niflT.. rt&al'Cetnee' DeDartment ---i". .wT;,aifn iUHelStiM JtUjfcW ftreeti this afterno6;T116'Ccl&t,X the'-ctty firemen at aiz o'clock irtfitint'otthe City hall and late part" in the parade which wiofcJl&f o'clock sharp. , .WIttlfifi2uM alawn party nmicr tneaas 5 fen will be h'eld'ki ficauemy urcen for cnefTtrufrgl feugT. Pi AMI KB. UmUmrM.fil4 Church I'laaU. ajyef fltogiatigftt te'clooUijiiltev. iFm:A bistrfelneMb''bf the fcharch. SilaVlfKiMs'' gemiemen wero me nsners: -nie&ira. JanWir. Uabkina, John W. Timherr T.l'firrftesD. SeUraarijnd Will- TV i tr itoe.1' Mf. 'ff."'W II eTHtait V VHrs'HJwhwa. ecoratejd terj I'iuvhij iw uiv.BVUaiusj.iiA MTgB crowd Attended the ceremony. t ,i;l. it- .i 'V'-V'.'. ..(! ur.'i' 1 ehy and iecnred a good auppir,f Pop about two 'yeaWMrsV ing! baa noticed fitbJaAheellgciing through akaot hale. KrHr.weatfier, boarding of the house, but has not 'diet orbed them, nnti yeaWdaj, :f ;l. iTThe beee laid their honey between I the 'plastering and theweather boards nng oitna. nonse, Bu,yeqi.vua.y forty or flu v Donna WM taken on tj 1" a " V r ..ji -j. . . . a. J 'rcaalakixiaa lleetlaiay,1 V Tha' Arcadian Club ' met' aV'th f nighty ahd in spite of the exceeding wramtli of the wea)he,r,rwaa- a agj liehtM (ccosionj jiumqitM'Pi- W. FMkV'and otSnjfi of cardi LTwere played, and" 'those! wno weje not of 'the card play tag character foan'! ejoymet in chattfpg in se questered oornor,and on.tbe porche. 0iiK;; to the abaenco' bf a great pany,, nvemoera jrpBiwjae 9iy, ine attendance was not so large M usual bnjt those who were present declared it o be lone of tW?a.a pleaawi ineetinga they had wer attended. AttleTen o'clock! cool and de lightful refreshments were- served, which were donbly enjoyed on ac- count of the warm weather, and at midnight the happy party separated and took their way homeward. Ualel Mralalratlea. At the Nenseo A. Gallup, J. VT. Wooten, Jones; A. Whiteley Jack sonville; W. H. Greenfield, N. C; Howard Winfield, Chocowinity. At the Albert Father Qninn, W. G. Forlong, city; P. Odenthal, 'Norfolk; W.E.L Sperry, K. . Y.V At the Chattawka-r-J W. Mason, N. C; T. W. Grimes, Winston; W. H. Cohen, H. 11. Bryan, Jr., city; W. Hirscher, Norfolk; Mao Nusbanm, S. G. Waters, Bait.; W. T. Hayden, Phila; R. M. Walker, F, M. Mansfield, Atlanta Ga,; W. K L. Sperry, N. Y.; H. S. Nnlton, Richmond. , anlpplBg- Jlewa. The schooner Annie, Capt. Truitt, arrived yesterday with a mixed cargo from Adam'a Creek. The schooner Agnes, Capt. Jarvis, arrived with a load of watermelons and sweet potatoes from dowa the river yesterday. The schooner Essex, Capt. Ewell, brought up a load of corn,eggs,chick ena and a general cargo of farm pro duce from Bay river yesterday. , The schooner Carrie Reel, arrived yesterday with a load of eggs, chick ns and cattle from Broad creek. The schooner Flash brought np a general cargo from Bay river. Bel Fire. Tuesday morning, at 9 o'clock, the barn and stable, with supply of feed, of Ci R. McCleese, at Pamlico, was deatroyed by fire, unquestion ably the work of an incendiary. i Two plows, and the horses, which were at work in the field at the time of the fire, escaped, which was all that was saved. It Is a Fact that Hood's Sanaparllla, the One True Blood Purifiei, has proved, over and over a'ain, that it lias power to cure, even wben other medicines fail to do any good. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and do not purge, pain or gripe. All Drue; gists 25c A Bet QaestUa). "la it not enou 'b tor you, seems to be the fool question of these hor rid or torrid Ju ly days. . And do yon answer it gently and calmly, or does it make you hotter? Well, never mind answering; now, wait until November when the days are really cool and nothing eici tea one. But there ia plenty of comfort and good times in New Berne daring these warm, well, call them hot daya, if yon so desire. ' Of course the fortunatea, we stay-at-homes, call them unfortunates, who can go up to Black Mountain, or to Ocracoke to bathe in the aalt wavea, look towards New Berne when they read the Journal and and see what it says about the tem perature being 95, 100 or 105 de grees, and exclaim, "oh, how those poor-atay-at-homca are Buffering," and then they take a drink, at their own expenae. - 'i.a- Bnt aeriously, New Berne during these hot July daya is not ao fear fully uncomfortable, as our friends ia the mountains or by the aea waves, may-thiuk it is. . '", v. The Doctor, AUie or Tom atill j deal wufc '.'cold stuff" for us, and we it f?1b-Vh,ldo 01 tbe balld rg',ljoj''gold bag" owner ; fur nishea-cUaira for the weary, and again and again discuss "16 to V wfiometimea we tire of this discus sion, J and. then we discnaa a cold melon, at some other fellow'a ex- .. .ntA' ' . ,,.'... -. ,. ,i pense. Then 4he delightful cool of the evening, we ride our bikes, or watch the flrluu"iiXnriugf: SUte toitBnamoutv-Tliciirwc.jitJ aroand fke- f Uj' W JUUU iiJ.tl.lsyC," At th- re: ofcie not fiiAm, th loint, Ihc'i ,irj ' ' . 4 ' I . r SteTTa 3ob;rd6l:.y3 itim f f- S fkK H gtnng to ( o hojie Ue j Jet feay fare Wia-1 I (j $ W UXttVO uuim Thank yon, yea." .t191t.,nO V.I 1o Tjn?!??'? rfli-a- tti Capt.'Tqler.. of . Washinetopi.la In nUl ? Mr. janrWTurner-hgonim a JNortnernrasinessiriDr: (1 evjui amiTltud Jr,il it -.t, Mra.J JOrul-iti Vj.ii:irti m. 7, .y 7 J"" Eev F. A, Bishop and Mrs. Bish opJ came up from moroheaa yester- dajK; Misses Ridie and Melisstf &Sy5!TO676 return Jasper, spent Wednesday inirtTtlrJttorelfiai;ievihi weeks i t Mr. StWisetfenewL Waird' mete, wafelelBwh,WeteedhjjfJEtejrt Oeds. talbwod? hag dnmotn pdt Mr. M. H. Carr, of Kinston, arsived last night. He ia on his way to Ocracoke. Mrs. W. G. Vardell arrived from James Island, S. C, to visit her son, Rov. C. O. Vardell. Mr. J. Leo Burrus who. has been spending Sometime in Uyde, return ed home yesterday morning. Mrs. Bates and Misses Clara Green and Sarah Meadows returned from Morehead yesterday morning. Misa Addie Thomas,' of Beanfort, who has been visiting her; aunt, Mrs.P. H. Pelletier, left for her home liyBt night. - Miss Ida Ellison, of Harrisonburg, Va., who had been visiting Mrs. A. Oettinger, left yesterday for New Berne. Kinston Free Press.. ; Miss Agnes Gates Foy who has been visiting in Hertford and Eliza beth City, returned home yesterday morning on the steamer Neuse. Seoretary Geo. Allen, of Raleigh, who has been in the city in the in terest of the Mechanic's and Inves tor's Union, left yesterday morning. . Mr. W. D. Mclver went to Raleigh yesterday morning to a.tend the meeting of the State Democratic Ex ecutive Committee, of which he is a member. "" ; Mr. C. G. Blades, who haa been to Maryland and rmladelphia on a business and pleasure trip combined returned on tbe steamer JNeuse yes terday morning. ' Mr. Arthur Whitoley, Editor of Jacksonville Times, was in the city, last night, enjoying the cool breezea which he appreciates and which are peculiar to this city daring the hot months. Mr. A. T. Davenport, of Stone wall, waa in the city Wednesday. He said that the crops looked well and were very good in I'amuco, ex cept in places where the rain . had damaged the corn and cotton. " Col. John D. Whitford arrived on last night a train, lie waa ac companied by his grandson, John D. Whitford, Jr., who has been in the Government service, at George town, for several years. John D, Jr., has trany friends in New Berne but they will searcely be able to rec ognize him as long as he wears the ponderous eye-brow on his upper lip, which he has developed in the rice country. BATBORO CORRESPONDENCE. The beautilul and well accomp'ish.l Uiss Florence Kennedy, of Wilmington, re turned bomo Monday. Mrs. Alice Hlilerand Mrs. Feicb 3, of Stonewall, were In town Wednesday visit ing friends. ; : - V . Mrs. Alexander and sons, of Aurora, have been tbe guest of Mr, and Mrs. Hough for several days. . Mr. Albin Daniels returned from Washington Monday vuite ill. Hope be will aeon recover. Mini Mamie 8lilley and Etta Fowler are contemplating liarine Aueutt 'lor Washington and Ocrocoka by the way of Aurora, Our telephone has been sleeping but Is awaxe once more. t ; i The Filling of Prescriptions ia tba mott Important work of a good drug store. Tbe very live of a commun ity depeada upon the care and Integrity of the mn who fllli Us nreacriDtiooa. We use only tbe very best and fn-eheat drogs, and exercne moat painstaking can to pre vent me uosuuimy oi error. BRADHA1T3 PHARflACY. ' flit Death of In. Jordan. the, lata Colonel Jotitf.y Jordan, anaalCalrijteadie; and relatives lo appreuead 'a ' fidflOha result, but tyfEa'cohttnhefftSplJS rtMfffAtfertl tr'hBBgH' airoiiaiii (jj eipeetiOiaB 46,,,, of might beneut ber. in .dome It had algp-peen pTftiiliud that during ne Bhottta-seeK renewea vu(ri.imi4, , 8treiHnMr4Hmig?hi a trip r..i.. ci- -m. PntitohW-alfcielativea of BgO il)ecam4) evidenli-tihuiD a fatal diarmei:tW,Ki8t fatal in .the Uatioxjbof medicine, had insidiously, and slowly, bnt pone the less surely, undermined a constitution broken by griefs almost beyond endurance to ber. cansed by . tbe death oi a beloved and promising ? aon some yeare ago under peculiarity distress ing circumstances, and by therecontj death of Colonol Jordan, her lato hnsband. , . t . ' All that the forethought and th care of a loving family, a host of friends and relatives, and medical skill conld do, proved unavailing, to arrest the progress of that dread dis ease; and so, snrronndod by her loved ones Julia Lane Jordan passed from the griefs, and the suffering of this transitory life into the peaceful rest and happiness of the life eternal." Mrs. Jordan waa the daughter of Hardy B. Line, and Harriet Benson Lane, and therefore a member of one of the cost prominent, and best and most favorably known families of Craven County; ai . family whose members are recognized in Craven County and the city of New Berne as among its most substantial and highly esteemed citizenn. Among the members of that family atill surviving are Mrs. Jordan's sister Miss Harriet Lane, and her brothers John B. Lane, Esq., and Depnty Sheriff Hardy B. Lane of . New Berne, and B. B, Lane, now of Chapel Hill. : ; 7 V ! Julia Lane Jordan was born in New. Berne on the 25th., of January, 1839 and waa 57 years old therefore upon her last birthday. J She was married on the 3rd,' day of June 1857 to John V. Jordan. ; The early years of her married life were spent amid the stirring, the exciting, and. the dangerous scenes of the Civil War, in which from the first to the last her hns band played a prominent part, among the "bravest of the brave," and gallant soldiers of the South Many of the comrades and the old soldiers of Colonel Jordan, who were pained to hear of his death less than a year ago, in August 1895, will bo saddened now to receive the news, that the wife he loved above all else npon earth haa too pass into the great beyond to join her husband and aloved son; If tbe inevitable waa to come it seems meet and appropriate to those, who recognized the ailectios exis ting during nearly forty yeara of married life between Colonel Jordan and Mrs. Jordan, that they ahould not long be separated by death. ' No wife waa more devoted to her huaband, and " no mother - to children, than waa Mn. Jordan to her husband and her children. ' She was a woman, too, of the largest and kindliest heart, chari table and kind to the orphaned, tbe poor and distressed, true to ber frienda and loved by them; for many yeara a oonaiatent member of the Church she loved, the Presby terian Church of New Berne, it ia enough to eay of her, that ahe waa a representative of the noblest typeof Christian womanhood, and tliat her influence for good, will long be felt not only by her immediate friends and family, but by the community in which she lived and died, in the home of her childhood and young girihooj, ber aobooi days, and ber mature married life. .Mrs. Jordan leaves one daughter surviving her, Emilie, wife of Mr. W. B. Swin dell. -J-:. A' Vl:;i- :: ; The funeral services will be held at the Presbyterian Church this, Thursday afternoon, at 5 o'clock p.m. v.;-':' Vv HOO D't Sarsaparilla has over and ovor again proved by ita cures, wben all other preparations failed, tliat it is the One True CLOO D Purifier. Great ajldaammer Redactions. , Never t store have we offered ataple dry goods, dress goods, Clothing, Notiont Shots, and Millinery at such winnicg prices for buyers aanow. Jod door P. O, ' JJabvoot's. "iJ'HK - AiMf .Kims ltdtit mMh S. iiFr- ki'ptj Ttf ttclt tot all Kinda of Sewing- tMa-; cliiuiS- 'Bcwwe Machine Oil,' Belts, Sotew: dmoiaUwtolarMoii Also the hfvarious .atr tnchhieDts forSewintr Mt-bio..,M J.i &, WHiTTT.iSr.Oamrenlfl tor jtha Wfeeelefi ftliinko h'li'Xiai Jiiiivflfl ,hu ,08: e iafiattn JU das 5 a. tti'" -.I ' M' lrr J " a Is'lSdi W'tlie Hai diiWersT 6" to 15 tbiSMut iter an VAftl -TUtflfcrW, m"arW"TtU '111 eityFtt MdoaA'MitMle sTWtA.U I era tu uiiiJiii Tv i-jii h-iolJ,imii $10) to $18 per week lor Men and Women for IfcoViseiwrla rtbnb1arni imp van WBAUvexperUBttJii tlOMnM Wt Mo :atib. Send stamp for .wnrfejMdi par iculam. K.-Hhbuaxn,-31 fl Sixth elwjt, Philadelplriil Ink V"a;, I at taovr itnimi-nln' iiinulnWJihtla'jgA 4''4ifyeif3Prbnea 10c ""'MCBaoiel ft Gaakill, A CHOICK lot breaktast 8triii (SuRar cored) 10c. per lb., jnet received at -f V ?5- W ? -t-McDaaiai & Gaakill a. MASON'S improved JTruit Jars all sizes at McDanlel & Gaskill's, 71 Broad atreet New. Berne, N. C f.-rv -- PRtDE of the South Cigarros,best smoke f.-r the money in town. Try my 8O0 butter, none totter, in ,; market. Full cream cheese- 15o, choii.-etoble peaches m can J.8C1 ,1 J, roison. NICE lot of Similar's IIiiiD'a lust in. Beat Ham in the market. 6 to' lu pounds. ; - J. .1. Tolbon. FEESH lot ofrollo'ttlum aud Tongue, I Hi, can 5c, lh. ca'11 10c. J. J. Tolbon EXTRA fine Vml. Beet, Lio.b, Veal, Fork and fine Corned Beef at Sab'L Cobn & Sow, 88 Middle street. 'Phone 8PIUXQ SAMPLES: Suitloir and trousering, ,hv sWit your nrdt-rs out of town Suits $13 up at ' F, U. Uhadwick 103 Middle Htreet ' A HANDSOME PRIZE! Offered to tbe Man, -Woman or Child ! who sends us the first and most, com 1 ' plele list of names and Post office - addresses of residents of tbia - . ! : town and county. - - CONTEST CLOSES UUGUST 15TH, 1896; Address, T THE HUB, ?, Mail Ordar Dent.. : 207-209, Main St., Norfolk, Va. l J. RED t SON'S. v PIANO, ORGAN TUNING AND BEPAIBIN6 SHOP Under Hotel Albe'rC ' We are fUlly equipped With every ma terial aeed in P1&00 and Organ Repairing so tirat (Doss uaving instruroeots out or order, will Sod it to their advantage to call on, or address aa aa we do not make culls, Soliciting piano toning; we will then rail and examine the instrument. and advise jou in regard to Its conditio!? whether you desire to bave it repaired or noC ,- ,., .-.,..: r7ttavllle TMtlsnealala. . Piano and Organ Tuning, Repairing and Throuzn uemoaeiina: done dt the Wtber Company. May be relied npon to give perfect satistactlon. Thev nave cer tainly proved by their work to tufa great acanUition to our city, and aVerve the patronage of those deairooa of having their fianos properfy attended to. i bey nave tbornujzbly remodeled my Piano to tbe entire saliitacuon of my family, and friends who bave tried It , C. W. BBOADFQOT. Thls'Is to certify that my sister . Piano has been coropletelr remodeled by tbe Weber Piano li-pairing Company, of this city, and 1 cannot rxit express my aston isbment at tbe complete work which baa been accomplished. An instrument many vears in use, very much out of order, and to add to tbia bet, ita b aving been dragged almost to pieces in order to rave it from being bunud with my house a few weeks ago, I now can but acknowledge my delight at seeing the old instrument brought to such perfection. So that in justice and confidence I caa assure those needing similar work done, that by calling at the Weber Piano Repairing Establishment, see and bear the Instrument referred to, they will be convinced that this announcement 00 my part is but an act of justice and well desetyed merit aone uie aoove nrra. vy. W.HUSKE. This is !o Certify that tbe Ht-paira and thorongb Remodeling of the Pipe Organ in our cburcb by tbe Weoer risoo and Organ Repairing- Company has restored to ui a Tamable instrument which waa a long felt loss to tba church. - We bow look upon it with pride, being fully convinced that its grand tones gives pleasure and ileliuht tu the mem trs of the choir as well as to the organist. - . . i--oil KS. W. A. ROBINSON. Onanist.. . . Ilay St. M. E. (Jlinivli, Kajeikville. , HelUMe anal Pf'rttyp. . Ai orsaiiUt ol St. Murj'a church I de sire to express my satisfaction at the ex cellent work done by the Welr Piano and Union Tuning and Repairing Uouipany In repairing the Innte cbuit-h organ. If any. thing, It ia better under their work than when new and it certainly in better tone and tonch. This company also repaired and tuned a piano lor me and one for my mother, giving the behest satislactioo. I take p'euauro In onuimendinz tliem a competent and reliable in their work. ' Rupnninillv! MRS. A.B. t iil-EMAN. Goldaboro, N C, July 3, 'to. Oreal at laaaaainer SIrtlaeaaiia. Big Reductions In t ' ' 'e Vy foods, dma goods, Honmcr lni:'V t ;k, Notions, and Millinery, very early but they are dow iiud door I'. (). . ....; . ....... i.AKIOOT a. .Biicii n 10 ft. lii l-jind V.. . m . a A a t- . n j toy uguik-t, ni .,,.,..v.i ? , !..,. 'Ut ..'"' -M'i :i wli Jui TJtader brAtom tbe, Lawereity of Ji. il, itiA atom wjawejsirLjijjj Hl3 mx exceed, M I MSSibam nwi u "mad JBRIMARYtEPATiTHWt..., INTERMEMATEjufita ,11 ja.V(o4. iGLASSIGAiLrt O.ett as Jkuinimvi .i!l I,.-; ,;, r .',; a. ui rui ludi Aiiairi j snaii 1 1. in. niisiiv lis " ' JNO. S. LONG, L.L.D. V 1 ' '' ' !":.f "' 1 m -' a a 1 . 11 Pin aFOSS LOWEST PICE 1 :'' While people all over the country are agitating the money qncs-A tion some sound money (meaning gold), others free coinage of silver not knowing whtob. they want we are now, aa always, pre- .i . pared and willing to sell tne best Horses 'Adapted to allfPurposes, That hare erer beerb put on the GOLD, SILVER, GREENBACKS, OR NEGOTIABLE PAPER. , 'A fall and complete line of always on hand. M. Hahn & Co., s No's 118, 120 & E. 17. Sr.lALLWE), . Under Gaston House, South Jfrout Sticct, New Berne, N. C ; , i - jFUI-iIL. l-iiIVJS OP i;eiieiTalHa,rdwapo3S Stoves, Carpenters Tools. Cutlery, Table Ware, Carbed Wire, . '7:1 v I GALVANIZED PIPE, PUMPS, ..rv't ;" .,- Lime, Plaster and Cement. - . . i r : DEVOE8 PURE READY MIXED PAINT?. ty Personal attention to the prompt and correct filling o! all orders, - . mtfm w,4ow ; . , s,AttaSc HoU norchead City, i' EVERYTHING NEW J ' Accommodations better , than ; ever before? offered to tbe ? pnblictj . trXOIAI, BATES TO rAMUJSS '; :; AND PASTIES. .' Oerresaanieaca f remptly answered. W. P. Campbell, gr. , From the H' SEA-SIIOIIE . T " ' To the ' Select Exclusion from KTewbern and, . Wilmington to Tlie entire trip mle by diylight, BienkfiiHt on the ooast and supper in tlie inouulnina. -' Two daya to anend at Mt. A'ry, at the foot of the Blue Ridge. Bu su e you don't miss Jt. ' rARE: Only 3.50 from Nebem and Jacksonville. IHHIT J. v. " ' f S Anyone needing 8w lin 1 fr ;ta! 'if ly or any other purpwo, can v t it paying the cartno to Mil l Slilngto and Dryfn 1 .... -1 1 1 kkJi A4 4 " r i i 1 SJJUT " MAtOiaYH4 A mi I uoraws ueuooijantt aimeRJo OT mvii oil; ouw TiUiinKil'-ou Jco.'fr xuditlaxit I .... . ...r . 1 Sit V UatiII, auiii twn --' -,,-:t . .- - .', j - --j ' - . - - 111 r 11 11. 1 j a hdii ii iii lu-vrjuiai car load or each, & Mules New Berne. Market for cash, either Baggies, Wagons and Harness ; ' -HV. 122 Middle Street.' $25 BICYCLES I , Caa be bought la '97, hot at - present we desire t call year .. attention to the following VV. Bicycle Noveltlea Jnst yee'4, " v Ladles' Cotton Sweaters, Ladles' Woole sweaters. Uetita olf Hoae, woolen, latest patterns: ' Oenta UoU Hose, cotton leet (or summer wear; uenu uoii Hose, an cotton. Bicycle grata In the following slanilanl alalestlc, aofrer.PnenmaUc, Uartord, Bloycle stands, three varleUesi lucyela er. Automata), (two vaiiutlea . (two var iranie polishers, three varieties; tae aew and popular wooden handle bare, two stylee; UlL'yvie lacinR coru. iwu coiura; tyyciomeiera, bulla, wrenches, ollera, lanterne all atylea- bleyele locks, combination kef and eliatn . locvs ln'alluiulnum, nlokel and brass, handle gripe, In all styles. We also hae constantly on hand a lull Una of Bloycle nttlngs, tlrea, rlins, valves', ebalna, spokos, etc., and we are well equlped to do hnj kind Of Bloycle re pairing. Also a full Una bt spoHlug goS, Baae ball bats, et.. 1 avAt considerable expense we Kae fwrw chaw (1 a fumona Bureka Maoger A BerRur'a Celebrated Knaraelllng Oven, and we guar antee to do work with these machines eijual to any that can ba done elsewhere, lio not send your work North bnt call on us and save time and money. Besneettully, F. S. Duffy, Prop.',':' A. E. Plttman, Ilnr. PRIVATE Day and rjoartling -" School. : ;; :.; . ' v.-.v . ; :, ' N0N SECTARIAN . .,s.. Mrs. A. B, Ferebee will open a first class icliool on Sept. J. 1'rtmarr, inh-rmeuiale nnd Illlic t Branclf. Ilavii g conrjccUd inlereal with. Mist Pmrkk "I Kiiia i n, wlm'h .s tuuifht auc.-e-fefuMy t'.ir tear, we will etttUi,-h a m hool tquii el lulTy lorn. oft ilir..iu h ednoiliou and cuIut .lion; pupils IllUd fur colli go , ; . . , ' ' , V JdViiliiiiiiiik's-aiKl Ei clisli rpciiilliii luoi;n g if .eslruC . - l.oi, id s- in mi lor l.upiUhlun dollars a noi.l'i. ; Prin ary D. mrlmcnt , fin Inienii'-- inlo- . Cla-:cl 53.1,.. Iii.i.lJabWil. will re-0in l.er s;hnn, at her r si hrcc, Monday, tV-pt,, 7th. Full Etu',; h course, Jalin, Ger. mun ami i rnich. Tern:-; . . . U j Ph. ? v v 1 s r I i- Mo t' -i . ; r's I ' i 1 , , I nit a i II 1: O I -nT-f7n7iXT i 1 - v v ,,. .'-' hua

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