Irate VOL. XV-EW SERIES NO. 65. . NEW BERNE, N. a WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 5. 1896., ESTABLISHED 1882- ) FAILURE OF, TRUST CO. MOORE BROTHERS MATCH sjpJCQMPANY, FAIL, if i . .- Bfo Panic Likely M 'BcanlS. - Banks ( Protect rrle of SHoeka at Oiher Companies. President Moore . ;V- ' ' ' Arrives Too Lute. ' Special. . - - Chicaoo, August I: There will be no j pauic as a reeult of Hie failure ol Moore Bios. Mutch'Conipany. .. Both I he Diamond Malrli Company, of '' New York, and the Biscuit Company, "are -, in good condition. The interest 0( the bauka In the Moore Bros, failure lies in keeping the price of Diamond Match aud. Biscuit Company stock above the pri;e on which ibey lnan- ed money on the stock. '; - 1 :; President Moore, cf the Biscuit Trust was n route i to Chicago when -the firm -Hf (announced it failure. ; -. 'r" 1 JoncalaJnbllant. Special.- .v - Washington, D. C , August 4 Sen ator Jones was especially juliiUnl onr the returns from Alabama, and still he suid be felt no surprise at the victory, because he knew the Democrats would win. ALABAMA ELECTIONS. Democrat Carry Fifty oat or Sixty Voantlea. Mains All Alone; the Line. Special. .-vSL. ..- " '-.t':? ').; Birmingham, Ala , AuguU 4.-- 0111 cial reports nnd (-stimulus received on .. " jesterdaj's election from, fifty out of sixty - counties, hi this State, show Hint the Dem 2 ccruis have pot lost a single county which thi-y carried- tw years ng", aud they have r gaincjl eigli', proliably thine-.-a c unties , Sixtwu couuties yit lo rrport will prot. ably (how 1 he same rctuhs of Deuiocritiu gain.r The State legislature will proliubly show a majority ot twelve " 1 Bank pnielale Indicted. ,' Bi-eclal. !.'!ir.; ;K ' 1 Nfwport. Pu. August 4. The Grand Jury, jo-iluy "fourid true bills agaiust Thus. II, Milligan, President, Cushier ;.' Holmes, aud. the lavnk. dkectota, of the ' defunct Deposit Bank,, for receiving do posits after the bank had fuled. . ' !" Crop Rntned by Balna. v . Whkklinq, West Va. August 4 'Reports from the interior of this State tell - ofthVTnmost complete destruction of crops by Incessant raius. . " Afmocrate att Popnll'eta Toeetuir. Special. ." HoTCHiNsvt. Kansat.' Autr- 4. The Demb(mfic SrrfteCoflreotion emljrees the Bryauaod &WitU.f(csideqti4 ticket , . The Populists will be given - placet on ' tuu diuib euioeruLiu iieKcu '- To loin the Insurgent. Richmond, Yi'.,' Aug.; 4. A ' purty of young meo, headed by John W. Slarke, who ha served in the local militia, left ' today tor Cuba to join the Insurgents. ,', Varderedj In Cold Blood. FinblkyI Ohio George Miles, aged ' nineteen, was shot and killed-, by Amo9 Dicker, aged eighteen, in this' city,' and . as a result a large, posse ot offlcers and '' .. excited citizens are pursuing the mur derer who-' escaped to the country on a . - horse ". .'V?"-i"'"Y-J-- . The crime was so deliberate that Decker will hardly escape the fullest penalty If captured by the pursuing officers. He stands no chance of getting away though he may elude the offlcers for some time. 1 . Decker and Miles quarreled over a calf and at they were rivali for the band of a joun lady the feeling between them was ' Terr bitter. They finally came to blow 'and Decker, alter ftolng home and secur ing a revolver, returned and allot Miles in the side, inflicting a wound (row which he died in a few hours. ' x Potaonetf by lee Cream. St. Louis, A special from Cionx City la., says: Nine galloos of Ice cream, man ufactured by Dominick Count!, an Italian -vender of confections, were eaten.' Shortly all those who ate the cream were taken. -violently Jll, and although there have -been ojo deaths -at yet, teveral of the -worst cases will doubtless result fatally. , The moat critical are Mrs. A. J. Johnson .and her children, Allen and Elsie; Jessie Sherman, Anita and Julia Santi, and two -children of J. P. Anderson and Robert Blauk. Conti his been arrested, but was -released on bond. Over fifty people were mote or lees affected. v Bpaalah Force Lost Heavy. Havana. A hot engagement is re ported to have octurred , between Guy. auuis and Mclouet In the district of Man z iiiillo, in (he province of Santiago de Cuki, la which tho preceotage of loss ' ri d by Sptuish troops was excecdin ly lionvy. The offlciul report gives the I, ' r of Spaniards as 100 pilled against 1 ' ') iiittirgrnts. The official report ft that Llcutt. Gonzales and of the 3jianieh forces, were tln r with fifty privates. iic has had .fight with the J ii ly on the plantation of of Mimtanras. The "i killed nnd took I .f, troops had two S WiMiililed. I I v i, splendid BASE BALL Xalloaal Leaf no flames Played Tea ' ;. : terdar. Special, . ' ,,. , :, .. , " Lodisvillb, Aug., 4. Pittsburg, 9; Louisville, 6. " " ' Chicago, Aug., 4. Cleveland, 6; Chi cago, 4. - Nbw York, Aug., 4. New York, 8; Washington, 5. Where They Play To-day. Ken York at Baltimore. Philadelphia at.Brooklyn. Pittsburg at Louisville. . Washington at Boston,' SOW TnK CLUBS BTAND. CIiDBS. W. L. P. 0. 62 29 681 57 27 .679 57 31 .648 63 40 .570 48 39 .552 46 89 .541 89 47 .458 89 47 .453 36 50 .419 34 40 .410 28 60 .819 22 63 .259 Cincinnati, lUltio-.ore, Cleveland, Chicago.' I'lttsourg, Boston, Philadelphia, lirooklvo. New York, Washington, St. Louis, Louisville, Florida Mold Men. Jacksonville, Fla. A meeting of the gold men of Florida was held in this city at which about fifty advocates of a single gold standard were present. Only ssven of the forty-five counties of the Slato were represented in person, but eight others were reprisented by proxies, eld by I snk fflcials. Dr. John L. Gaskin, of Bradford county, x -speaker of the home of representatives of Florida, was elec'ed delegate to the nrllftnnpolis meeting and D. C. Ambler, of Jacksonville, a natioal bank president, was eleetod alternate. Btsolutioi s endorsing and agreeing to suppoit the Democratic State ticket were adn,ittd. The mj irity of candidates on the ticket are for free silver. A committee wus appointed to cull a State gold convention to notniaate Prcsi- enttal electors and delegates to a nation al convention if the Indiauapolis meeting decides to put up Presidential Candidate The sentiment of the meeting was for McEinley in preference to Bryan. Ship Burned at Sea. Manilla. The British ship Flora P. Stafford, Capt. Smith, Irora Newcastle, N. S. W., April 22, for this port, caught fire at sea and was abandoned on June 8 In attitude 6 north, bt.gitude 130 east Four of her crew are missing. The Flora Stafford was a Nova Scotia ship, her hailing port being Windsor, where she was owned by C. S. Smith.- She was 189 feet loug,-40 feet beam and 24 feet deep.; She was of 1,2 oO Ions burden. ' Fonud Dead In Bed. t PiTTSBURQ, Pa. Walter Crafts, sged about thirty-five years, president of the Commercial National Bank, of Columbus, guest 'ol the Monongabela House, was found dead in his room. After partaking of breakfast Mr. Crafts retired to his room,, leaving instructions that he was not to be disturbed. 'All efforts to rouse him proving una vailing, the, door ol the .room was forced and the lifeless body found on the bed. - .- Carries a Republican Slronnhold. Brunswick, Md. The first election in Maryland on the lines laid down in the St. Louis and Chicago platforms wss held here, and resulted in a big victory, for the silver Democrats. They elected the Mat or and three out of four Councilmen. They are Jubi'ant over -t lie-retalt. as Bi unswick is. One of tbo Republican strongliolds of Frederick County. , Each shot the Other. Hartshorn, Fla. A slioojing affray occurred hero Let ween John Fields, white, and George Adams, colored. " According to Fields statement, the difficulty begsu between W. F. Gaines snd himself. George Adams came between them and said there was a better way to fettle Hi dsfflculty as Fields bod apologized for what he had said. Fields started sway when Gaines marie an at empt to dra whit pistol at which lime Fields raised his shotgun. .There was a short conference between Oaioes and the colored man, whi wus In Gaines' employ. While this was going on Fields had sal down on a stump, Adams suddenly fired, using Gaines' 44-calihre Smith & Wesson pistol. The ball passed through Fields' body. He fell, scrambled to his knees and fired both barrels of buckshot into Adams' body kill ing him almost instantly. Fields i not expected to live. " ' ' ratal Umm Explosion , BowLiifo Grkbn, Ky. Another cal amity occurred at the roller oil farm near Cowling Green which will probably result lo the death of two men, James Corbett and Elmor ' Farrlug,; who were engaged In drilling'. They struck the sand during (he sight ind,'ftbiiut dojliglit the wU caved in, The men extinguished ti,e d lamps and lbs fire under the b order to avoid an aceident fiom u luted gin. After the well hud q down Corbett filtered tho tioiru prrpared to revtiine work. Suddmily t.a y S l;;niled OuJ a terrillc txplos- I i :' l , abet H la Helnhber. - ' Belaib, . Md. Churlis Whitakcr, a well-to-ilo-farmer and influential citiz n of Barlord county, was shot by William DowlinK and di d .Dowliog surrendered surrendered to the authorities. Dowling's farm was recently purchased by Whitaker at a trustees sate, but Dowl ing has condoned to reside upon it. Wiiitsker, his son and a hired man were sliollins about the place when Dowliug came from his house and said they had no right there. Without further adtf Dowlir.g fired two shots from his duck gun, both loads tak ing effect in Mr. Whilaker's body. The two men had theretofore been iriondly, but it is supposed that Dowllng harbored a grudge because Whitaker had bought his farm. Mr. Whitaker was sixty-five years of age. PIANO, ORGAN TUNING AND REPAIRING SHOP Under Hotel Albert. Those having Pianos and Organs out of order will find it to their advantage to call or address WEBER PIANO AND ORGAN REPAIRING CO, Hotel Albert, as their stay in New Berne entire ly depends upon tho amount of work they may have on their present visit, and should it be satisfactory, they will make regular visits to New Berne yearly, and will keep all work done by them in per tect order fo one year free of further cost, City Treasurer's Report No. 2. Veorg-e mover, Treaa., In Account With City or New Berne, N V. 1896. July 7. Balance, ft 3,268 16 July 11, ain't from Marshal, 47 40 July ll.ani't from Tax Coll'r, 140 00 July 18, aoi't from Tax Coll'r, 150 00 Ju'y 25, am't ftom Tux Coll'r, 125 00 Amr. l.amttri'mTaxU.-Il'r. 183 00 Aug. I, From uounty tor work done by street hands on Court Hi-use, 69 08 $3,829 64 CnKMT by Vouchers. New Bern Gas Lhiht Co. 95 Sam'l Cbudwick, 1 60 W H Rtcliardson, 75 Walter Walker, 75 Isonc Webb, 75 New Berne Jotjbnal, 5 00 Stepney White, 75 Gainewell Fire Alarm Sys tem, 25 25 J J Lassiter. 2 40 Wo, Ellis. Mavor, 50 00 George Slover, Treas., 16 67 O II Guion, 25 00 J T Lesis, 65 00 J K Lnd, 85 00 HTBrii.sOD. 35 00 J B Dixon, 85 00 R P Montague, 35 00 E i Elliott, 85 00 J E Gaskill, 35 00 T J Toler, . 19 83 J It Brown, 20 00 Dorsev Davis. 20 00 New Bern Gas Light Co, 95 BP Williams, 10 00 R P Williams, 257 64 Sanil Chadwtck, 1 50 Virgil Wiodley. 75 W 11 Richardson, 75 Walter Walker. 75 Oliver Fonville, 75 Thomas Chapman, 5 New Berne JOURNAL, 10 00 R A Richardson, 15 00 Geo. 8iover,Treas., (street nana orders paid in JunO 810 44 Water Co. of New Bern, 967 50 C C Jordan, 18 90 J D Gaskins, ' 2 20 C L Spencer, 17 58 8 W Willis, . 75 00 S W Willis, 4 25 J T Lewis, 2 30 N d Richardson Son, 29 50 Slover Hardware Co., 84 50 Slover Hard ware Co., 7 15 New Berne Gas Co., 75 i B Watson, . 15 70 J K Land. ,85 00 J B Dixon. 85 00 R P Montague, 85 00 Kil Elliott ' ; m OO J E Gnkkill. : 1: 83 00 TJTohr, , . 83 00 New Berne Gas Co., f.5 Claudius Pa-k r, 1 00 CbasRoz-iiririn, 0 00 C ull n hand, 1,406 58 $3,929 64 . GEORGE SLOVER, Tieas. Sworn to and tubtribed before ir.e this 4th day ol August, 1890. . - i . T. 1 ATTKftSOft, J. P, AdiitiiiistrntorM Notice The anderslcned, Tho;. F. McCarthy, Public Administrator having duly quali fied as administrator of the estate of Jno. D. Dixon, deceased, hereby gives notice that all persons having claims against the estate of said Jno. D. Dixon, deceased. to present them to said Admlnistiatur duly authenticated for payment on or lie fore the 15th day of July, 1897, Of site this notice will be pleaded iu bar ot re covery. ; Persons Indebted to the (state must psy Without Delay. Tills 15th dor of July. 1806. . I Thob. F. McCabthy, Pub. Adm. j Wm T, McCarthy, Alt y. . A Second-hand, ; , - , Refrigerator, ! ' r in Confootionorica.Tobaucoa, W ! C" u s and ripos. : -or to rwt jn;,;o. LI OUT SALE In order to make room for my fall slock, for 30 days I will close out my entire stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies' Oxfords, Clothing, etc , at prime, cost. Respectfully, J. J. BAXTER, Invoice of Choice Teas ow lit our Store. More than verify our claim of them being the finest importa, tion of FOIUIONA TEAS In this Market. They are very Fragrant as for draw. They are more than choice. Prices vary from 50 to 75 cents. Our Special Bargain s a Blend of Tea which we sell with 3 pounds of Granulated Sugar or only 50 cents. Also a line oi OOFFEE Chase and Sanbons Extra Fine. Dunn's Fresh Roasted Mocha and Java only 30c. Maricabo 25 c. JOHN DUNN 55 & 57 Pollock St The Filling of Prescriptions is the most Important work of a good ding store. ' ihe very lives or a commun ity depends upon ihe care and ii.tegritj ol the man who Oils its p'evriptions. We nse only tbe very best and In-ahest drugs. and cxtrcise roost painstaking cars to pre vent me possibility o' error. - BRADHAIYS PHARflACY. North Carolina Populists State Con ventloa, Balelgh, N. C, Angast Utb, 1896. . , At'antio ft Nortb'Carolina R. R. ) New Berne, C., July 29, 1896. ( To Agents A. snd N. C. R. R: Ton will sell tickets to the above from voor station to Goldtboro and return Tariff No. 2. Tickets to be sold Ans, lUh. 12th and 18lh; final limit to return Atigust ' 10th, restricted to continuous rwssasa in both directions. - S. L. DILL.G. P. A. ' for vot SO Teams Mrs. Wlaslow's Soothing Syrup has bees nsed by Millions of Mothers for their Children fcbile Uethlnjr, wilh perfect hcitsj. - It soothes the child,' soften the funs, allays ail pain, cures wind colic, " I is the bent remedy tor Jiarrha mm Stationery Department ! t we are tbe i Onr inunence arrivals, bought way down below their values, enables us to quote prices never before heard of. 24 sheets good quality writing paper,8c. Note and L-tter Paper at 5, 8, 10 cents, d up per quire 24 Envelopes, good quality at 3c. Fine Uaromal shaped JLavclopcs at He. package. Writing Tablets at lc, 3c, oc, 8c, and Delia Fox Tablet, wortu loc, our price, 8c. each. Leid and Sla'e pencils, Pen and Inks, at give away prices. Beautilul line of box paper and enve lopes at 5, 7; 15. 18 cenls and up. lion ton liox Faper, would be cheap at 35 cents, our price 18c., box. THE BIG Goods Bargain House. G. A. Barfoot,Mgr. i If a four wheel machine is al Quad- ricycle, and n three wheel mucliinc is a Tricycle and a two wheel nia:hiue is a Bicycle, what would you call a oue wheel machiue ? Why, a Wheel Bartow, to besure. Vory Good. 3STotx7" -Pat I If you wanted the best Bicycle what would you do ? Why I would go to . C. WHITTY & CO'S AND GET "VIOTOfj!" Received Direct rom tho Mills a Carol the well known, BEST ON EARTH, & GOLD MEDAL FLOUR I also have the largest Zand best elected stock of Plug Tobacco In town; bought cheap and will be sold al Koclx Bottom Prices. My stock Is complete; my prices are as ow as the lowest. TO MY COUNTRY FRIENDS My staDles are tree, ana yoar narnoss and team taken caro ot while you ai e In the elty. Ton will do well to see me before buying clsowhcre. Thanking my many trienils tor their past favors and trusting to receive your future patronage I am Ttry Boapecifully, J. R. Parker, 77 BROAD STREET. FIT JARS ! Mason's Improved Fruit Jars and Porcelain Lined Kettles AT L. H. Cutler & Co's. Merchants save money by placing orders for . Bread Preparation. Sole Agents, ' FY ULRIOH, Grocer. 40 JAIDDLB BTRSST. . WELL m ii. w. sinrsour, Funeral Director and Umbalmer. ; . 1S Broad BtrMt THOSE M IWBurtat ous Bjwolaity.; i. W. Smalwooi Dealer in The finest Ldue ol Staple and Fancy Groceries Ko. 75 ISroiuI St. Fresh goods received aily. We have Some NICE STYLES LKKT IN Zeigler's Low Shoes, Oxford's anil Strap Sandals, aud ajfull line of bis MISSKS AND CIIlLDliKN'S SHOES. 53fLatc style Ladies Collais a Spec ialty. We will close out our l.-iro line ol Men's, Boys and Youth's Clothing at a rent reduction. A full line ol Trunks aud !.e'?. Uol- r Trays a Specialty. Give us a cull. Very Ti nly, ' W. B. Swindell & Co. Reward. Reward. 1 Reward. We will imy $2.1.00 to Ihe person vVlio will brin us it stove lint will omparc in inulily, linish and point ul excellfiiee with llio elebrated Bud's Stoves WE NOW HAVE ON OUR FLOOR. We will havo as Judges three disinterested rerbons. We ;want yon to see theso stoves and angeB whether you wish to buy or not. They are the handsomest stoves ever shown in North Carnliim, ami each is warranted by Itl'CK'rt STOVE & UANtiH CO., and by Slover lliinlware Company to give perfect satisfaction or we will re lund your money. tVCall and let ns show you nnvthinfl- in our line you may need. - guuraiitoo UL'H KILU.S on iinyxiung w e sen. Your? Respectfully, L' J. . - ASK I S. School Books and School Supplies. STATIONERY, Books aud Booklets, Engraved (Jards sind invitations, Sheet Music and Musical Instru ments. Js?JIttil orders receive prompt ntlen. UOD. T. D. - ASK I s. What do we moan wlien we ctiiplmsize Loliimum uu ility f Here nte two Wittclic. I hey seem alike, hviinune the worki. I hey look alike. What is llio diflereuce belnoen tliem? One is nn oroinniy Swiss watch and the other is a Jorsensen or l'rod sham. They certainly look til ike, yet if you wnnt a TIMK-1'IKL'K ihe Jurgcusen IS wi rtii a nuuureuoi uie ouier. What the name of JOROENSEN is t a watnh, what the Dttine WOUI'Il is to Garment, what the nmnu 1 I 1J.MAN to a Railroad Car, the name COLUMBIA is to a Bicycle. It represents tho most advanced idtas of Bicvcle couslruction of today, bieked up ly two decades oi prac tical experience. It is a maxim of all nntion : YOU CANNOT HAVE OUALITV WITH OUT .COST. But to this should be joined (lis other maxim of all aura, the Uoi j to mnajn vtii;afv-,-ii. iu quu, COLUMBIA QUALITY is tho most inexpensive tor any wueclmaii to buy. WM. T. HILL, .Agon 'for Columbia and llartfsrd Bicycles. Tkaas 80. 018. rront Btrsst "Anti-Skeet" -sSon sale it,'; ,. , One wafer burntln 4 room will destroy netj mosqnilo jOo; por bO, ' ',(-;;l',l ! K','. IV Box fresh Insect-Dowder just ar rived. 1 ' .'.' .'. $25 $25 Columbia Hies Stock Taking" Time Approaches And the Knife Is Again Applied to Values ! All Departments Share in the C UT:I Sincerely hoping to receive the same liber al patronage extended my predecessors, and promising to use every effort to make it ad vantageous to all who" buy of me. Jill;- ll. r Successor to mi "V.-4 .. ! lilt' ' e ,..., 1 ' Yt -i'i i' ,' - ''y live emits a bottle.