its' WW' VOL. XV-NEW SERIES NO. 71.- NEW . BERNE, N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 12. 1896. ESTABLISHED 1882- 3 X r -a MON OFFERED BUTLER. DEMOCRATIC STATE COMMIT TEE ADHERES TO SHYER. Hnmnai Kfpabllenas. Gnthtrlaf. SHtnatUa Is Paining. Division of : Electors OSTrrcd Popnllstsby . -Democrats. Special. r - - Raleigh, N. Cn August 11 Today " the Democratic Slat Committee met again. " 1 - . - It was (be atnae of the Committee that . while Ihe party to not going to proscribe any man for bis opinions,; yet tbe allg tnent is on gold or silver,' and that tbe titver men control tbe party. ' This makes adherence to silver the test r oi party fealty. Great numbers of Republicans arc here, . trying to get places as wet nurses for tbe " Populists. " W. S Hysms, Pearson, Zsb Wslzer, : Bob Hancock, E. C. Duncan are among these, judge Russell spent several honrs tarre, today. He seems very nervous. , It wassaid yesterday' the Republicans ' were not anxious Tor State fusion with the Fopu!ists, tbeir ,- sctions, " today, i rather gainsay this. The situation is such as ti - puzzle them a3 well as' every body else. " This oftuinOiD, Chairman Mauly sub mitted in writing, to .Senator But'er ; proposition for electoral f.ision on tbe electoral, ticket," the Populists taking electors, the Democrats 6 electors. Up to eight o'clock he has bad no reply. The Populists Central Committee was in session nearly all this afternoon.' . The Populist State Committee meets tomorrow morning. There are reasons for belief that Sena- ' tor . Butler will not accept Chairman ilanlj'f proposition, 1 and will not agree to recommend anything less than (.'on gressional and electoral: fusion, holding both to be iqually Important, and that either is incomplete without the other. It is ruuvoitd thai the Populists would be willing, tn give tbe Democrats the Fifth, Sixth, Eighth and Ninth Districts, tking for themselves the First, Third, - Fourth and Seventh,' acd let the. second r district be fiaghl for. - ' . The Republicans In the Second Dis trict, to-day absolutely prostrated them . selves before the Populis t, by declining to make Congressional nominations'. The Republican district chairman says that all Ibis is really an attempt i to torce the Pupulis's to fuse on Uio State ticket, by telling them, if tiny do not arec, the .Republicans wilt not support Srroo 1, ' The Populists, today, asked the Repub lican committee to endorse Stroud., -- . '- italiitOnrBiiieji. ' . Toronto, Out. 1 'combined eflort is . about to be made by the city banks to decrease tbe clrculatigu of American silver certificates. ; The following notice is post- . ed in the Standard Bank.; r -: " ; 'On and alter Saturday, August 151b, American I bills will only be received for 0 cents.'' ',.'.."' - s:'-";--:: . . It Is understood that other banks wfll follow the example of the Standard Bank This action will probably re-ult in much .- decreased circulation of American bills in this city.'-? -CXs?iVjC''-- . In regard to American silver, most of tbejeity banks are not accepting it at all, . ' Borne will accept American silver only from customers, but only in small amounts, Tbe railway companies refuse to handle H, and tbe departmental stores are dis . cussing tbe advisability of refusing it as money. . - Hamilton, OoL Following, the x ample of tbe Toronto bank, the Merchants1 ' and other looal bjnka here have decided to refuse to accept American ' si'.rerj and ' . silver ceitiflcatis- -For years American bills and currency have been accepted pir by many merchants. United States silver or silver ccrtlfioates will not be o . eented in payment ol city taxes. This - action is not due entirely to the silver agi tation In the United Stales but to the fact that at present there is too much' American silver io circulation lu Canada. ' Tho "BJatloal Democrats." Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. W. D. By- num. chairman of the Executive 'Com millet of the National Democratic party is receiving a large number of communi cations from Democrats in every part of the country regarding tbe Selection of delegates to the convention at Indiana' giolls on September 2d. Many of them .coins from States which were not repre- . seated at the recent conference, and tbe , l -elief ol the leaders of the party and - the 'hotel peOple'of Indianapolis is that the .ntli'ndjnce at the national gathering will ibe much larger than Jliey originally snti- cipatcd. Tho Denison? Hotel has received ,Mveral additional requests for .rooms, .'Vua'i delegation asks for la rooms; 'MichuRclU for 10; Wttconsin wants do . ins for 21 delegate; MichiSJin, for 10, mid the Now Yoik Sun sends a nqucst i t for its stnfT. TI.e call for the national convention 1 u,;il'i l to thecliuirincn and delegates TI.e address to the P". and will pro . 'y I'o nrpi ji u aliuo about ll leiary, WiUon 1 , of I.ulinnanidis, as i f r l!:e DISASTROUS FIRE," number ol Uvea Lost. Scores Saved by Jumping- From Windows. Firo Woo - In Lienor - Establish mcala. .. j -"- Special. ; ,5 , . Kkw York, August 11. Between Ave and fifteen lives were lost in a fire on Grccnwick and Wall str.eK this after noon. - . The fire burst forth suddeuly. A score or more savjj themselves by jumping from windows and fire ' escapes io the Ninth Avenue Elevated railroad tracks. Three hundred barrels of liquor were burned.' The fire started on .the ground floor oi the New York Electrical repair shop. It spread to Philip" Klinkerstern's liolfsale liquor establishment, . I.. A. W, Hooting. Special, t -. '' Louisville, Ky., August 11. Crowds of cyclers attended the meeting'o the L. A W. herfl today. , ' The intense heat did not interfere with the training for the races. Hot Spell Broken. Special. ;' ' ? ;...' , Chioaoo, August 11. Tho- hot spell was broken this afternoon." The mortality has been unprecedented. Wants More Attentloo. Special. . . London, August 11 Ll Huns; Chang is deeply grieved over tbe lack oi atten tion shown towards his proposed visit vis the United States. To-day he accepted sn invitation to travel to the Pacific cr.ast, over the Can adian Pacific Railway., . Bryan as New York. - Special. New York,' August 11 W. J. Bryan arrived here this evening, and was given a warm reception by a multitude of cnlhusi sstic admirers. . Bank Failure. SDeelal - ". - ' - Chicago, August 11 The private banking house of L. D. Taylor & Co, failed hero" to-day. . , . The Nun's Eclipse. London. Mucu interest exists in as- tronomoal circles as to the success ol the several expeditions sent out to various parts o( the world to study the total eclipse of the sun. A special dispatch from Vad soe, Norway, says that tbe members of the expedition sent Varaoger Fjord, near Vadsoe, by Mr. Downing, of tbe British Nautical Almanac, were uoablo to take any observations that will be' of value. The early phase or tbe eclipse was clearly seen, .but its totality, wus obscured by thick clouds, which rendered the taking ot observations impossible. The tcmper- aturefat tbe begianing oi the eclipse was 44 degrees. . During the eclipse it fell to 43 and then rose again to 44, when the shadow passed from tbe sun. Among the observers atVamngcr Fjord was Sir Robert Starwell Ball. Lown dean Professor of Astronomy sud Geom etry in the University of Cambridge Ob scrvstory. . . - News from the other stations, some Of which are Sir from civilization, is anxious ly awaited. It is hoped that tbe American expedition at the Island of Yezo, Japan, and tbe expeditions at Nova ZemMa ind in Eastern Siberia will obtain results that will be of great benefi t to science. ' THE COTTON CROP. Better Than East Tear la Worse . Condition Thaa la July, Washington. The August returns to the S atisticiar of the Departmeut of Agriculture show a reduction In the condition of cotton durins the mooth of July from 92.5 to 80.1, or 12.4 points. Tha condition the fcrnie time last year was 77.S, w bleli was the lowest average for August ever iven. Tbe averages ol tbe States are: Virginia, 80; North Carolina 93: iSjuth:. Carolina. 83; Georgia, 8 Florida, 84; Alabama, 98; -Mississippi, 78; Louisiana, 70; Texas, 69; Arkansas, 05; Tennessee, 89. ,' - Heavy rains In July damiged tbe crop, especially on bottom lands, in Virginia, North andJSoutb, Carolina, Florida, aud some portions of Georgia. , Over a . large area in Georgia the crop is in fine condi tion and promises a full .yield. The drought which extended over Alabama Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texts lor several, weeks produced more or less damage, and io- many counties complaints are mado of shedding and premature ripening and blooming at tbe top. . ' ' "-. Some counties in Mississippi and Ar kansas report . the crop as irreparably damsged from drought and excessive heat Some counties in Texas report the crop in good condition, fruiting well and prom- wing an average yield, but over droulitsstrlcken district where rata has fallen they have come' too late to be of benefit. ' . .- " .- . . Conlincicd drought, and hot dry winds have done considerable damage in some counties. There is complaint of too much dry weather in Tcimeswjo, other wise the crop is fairly well. The crop uvor almoHt the entire cotton b 't is maturing rapidly, and is ii!i-r l! in for many yarn, partly fom (ar'y ' i 1 "y fiom j' vi"' .Una rpn'v " Hoatst Money League. Speelal, Chicaoo, August 11. Two hundred Republicans met bis afternoon and form ed the "American Honest Honey League.' BEAT AND DEATHS CONTINUE Thirty: nix Bealbs, Oaa Hundred Prostrations. Hospitals Filled. Special. New York, August 11 Thirty six deaths Irom heat were reported, today, and one hundred prostrutions. The hospitals are glutted with patients. The doctors are almost dropping at their posts. The thermometer again reached nearly one hundred degrees. BASE BALL. National ILeag-ne dnmes Flayed Tea- terdar. Special, New York, August 11. New York, 8; Brooklyn, 2. Baltimore, August 11. Baltimore, 17; Washington, 3. Chicaoo, August 11. Chicago, 6; Cincinnati, 0. Cleveland, August 11. Cleveland, 6; Louisville, 6. Game culled on account of darkness at tbe eleventh inning. PlTTsnnRG, August It. Pittsburg, 9; St. Louis, 1. Where They Play To-day. Louisville at Cleveland. Baltimore at Brooklyn. Washington at Philadelphia. St. Louis at Pittsburg. New York at Boston. Cincinnati at Chicago, OW THE CLUBS 8TAND. CLCBS. p. O. .700 .684 .633 .588 .565 .644 .451 .444 .424 .863 .304 .250 Baltimore, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Chicago. rittsuurg, Boston, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, New York, Washington, St. Louis, Louisville, TREASURY OFFICIALS SURPRISED Ttaed. With tho Receipts Despite She Depression. Washington, D. C The Treasury receipts have, been running during the present month at a rule which has rather agreeably surprised the department otti emit in view or ihe g neral depression in business. Tbe receipts for July were larger tbnn for many preceding months, but the increase w as attributed in part to the payment of annual licenses, under -the Internal Revenue law. The customs re, ceipts for July lost fell $1,000,000 short of those for July, 1895, while the internal revenue receipts wero $1,400,000 larger. Tbe figures for August are of a different character. The first eight days of tbe month have shown receipts of $7,388,129, of which $3,474,402 has been from customs, $3,. 475,784 from internal revenue and $437,- 943 from miscellaneous sources. The cor responding figures fur the first eight days of August a year ago were $4,303,414 from customs, $3,815,802 from internal revenue and $489,245 from miscellaneous sources, making a total of $8,119,461. The fignres show a loss In custom snd in tbe total receipts this year, as compar ed with last, but the proportion in favor of Internal revenue receipts Is perhaps a little .than in July of the preset year ' The Increase in internal revenue re ceipts have taken place, In spite of dull trade, because of the exhaustion of tbe supplies of whisky withdrawn from bond before the new law took effect Tbe cut turns rtceipts are stl'd small, but are likely 1 1 be maintained at a higher rate during the remainder of Ihe month than tbeywtr timing the closing days of August a year agi. The expenditures for July were so large, on scvount of the beginning of the uew rise il year, thut no accurate deductions o.n yut bo made as to their average for the year. "' ", j. Tbe deficit for the fiscal vest has reached ab rilt $21,000,003 of whiob $18, 000,000 was in July and $4,000,000 dur- ing August This Is no Indication of a deficit at (he end of August, becauso tbe interest and pension payments have been largely anticipated during tbe first Week It Is expected that August will show a surplus, u receipts continue at their pres ent rate, wnicn would anora total receipt of $28,000,000. . - v A surplus in August would sot indicate that tbe Treasury was on a self-supporting basis, because August Is not one of Ihe months when the big quarterly Interest ) payments ate due; but it would Indicate a favorable condition of sffidrs, and the probable reduction of the deficit nt the end of the yen!. I" t ' - , ; L- There Is some doubt whether tbe large appropriations made by the last Congress could be met, even if receipts rote to f 30,000,000 per month, bnt receipts ot that amount would reduce the deficit to a small fignre, and would Indicate the success oi the existing tariff in providing revenue for the scale of expenditures existing when it wis enacted It is be lieved that the revival of business, conse quent upon a sound--money victory tn Nuveutber, Would do much to eliminate e revenue problem from practical 1, w. L. 68 27 65 80 S7 83 57 40 52 40 49 41 41 50 40 50 39 53 35 54 38 64 23 6G Invoice of Choice Teas Now in our Store. More than them being tion of verify our claim of the finest importa- FORMOSA TEAS In this Market. They are very Fragrant as for draw. They are more than choice. Prices vary from SO to 75 cents. Our Special Bargain is a Blend of Tea which we sell with 3 pounds of Granulated Sugar for only 50 cents. Also a line ot . COFFEE Chase and Sanbons Extra Fine. KDunn's Fresh Roasted Mocha and Java only 30c. Maricabo 25c JOHN DUNN 55 sSIPollock St A Second-hand, Refrigerator. nr. wunriir & co. Dealer in Confectioneries, Tobaccos Cigars and Pipes. EifNext door to Post Office. FOR RENT. Six room house (new) on West side Hancock street; cook room attached, water on lot, good neighborhood, healthy location. Apply to GEO. BISHOP, The Filling of Prescriptions is tho most Important work of a good drug ajo're. The very lives of a commun itv denends uoon the carer and inteuritv of tbe man who fills its piescripdons. We use only the vory best sod freshest drugs, and exercise most psinsiaaingcare to pre vent me possibility oi error. : BRADHAiTS PHARflACY, .- In order to make room' for ' my Ml stock, for 30 days I , will close out my entire ' stock of Drv Goods, Notions, - Ladies' Oxfords, Clothing, ' etc , at prime; cost. ' Respectfully, - J. J. BAXTER Wanted I m Watch for the Date Genuine 15 Day Clearing Sale ! We are now preparing for our semi-annual clearing sale. During this aale (as heretofore; every article in our immense establishment will be hammered down at cost and less than cost. Remember .this will not be an ordinary mark down sale but an out and out money losing sale, the equal of which will not be seen again "this Beason. Every article from a paper of pins, dress pattern, pair of shoes to a suit of clothes, will be in this sale. The date of commencement will be given in Friday's Jot'itXAL. Watch for date and come before the rush. THE BIG Dry Goods Bap House, G. A. Barfoot.Mgr. WELL PAT ! If a four wheal machine is a Quad- icycle, and a three wheel machine is a TricycleSind a two wbel machine is a Bicycle, what would you call a one wheel machine ? Why, a Wheel Barrow, to besure. Very Good. If you wanted the best Bicycle what would you do ? Why I would go to J. C. WHITTY & CO'S. AND QET A "VICTOI Received ! Direct -Torn tho Mills a Car ol tho well known, BEST ON EARTH, & GOLD MEDAL FLOUR I also have the largest ?and boat ..elected stock of Plug Tobacco In town; bomrht cheap ami will be sold at Hoc a Bottom 1'rlces. My stock Is complete; my prices are as ow jt as the lowosl. TO MY COUNTRY FRIENDS My Stables are tree, ana your namess and team taken care ol while you ai c In the city. You will tlo well to see me before buying elsewhere. Thanking my many friends ior their past lavors and trusting to receive your future patronage I am Tsry Respectfully, J. R. Parker, 77 BROAD STREET. F Mason's Improved Fruit Jars, and Porcelain Lined Kettles. AT L. H. Cutler & Co's. Merchants save money by placing orders for Bread Preparation. Sole Agents,- .... P; ULRICH, Grocer. 48 MIOOLB STREET. Funeral Director and , EmbaJImcr. 1SS Broad 8ti-Mt .......... .THOSE M 9"BurUi Bobs a Specialty.: - , IT MS J. W. Smallwood, Dealer in The finest lane of Staple and Fancy Groceries o.7. ISroad S. jFreali goods received daily. We have Some NICE STYLES LEFT IN Zeigler's Low Shoes, Oxford's and Strap Sandals, and aji'u 1 1 line of his MISSKS AND. CIIILDUKN'S SHOES. tif Late style Ladies Collars a Spec ially. Wc will close out our larue Hue ol Men's, Hoys and Youth's Clotliiiiir at a great reduction. A full line of Trunks and Hugs. Itol ler Trays a Specialty. Give us a call. Very Tiuly," W. B. Swindell & Co. Reward. Reward. Reward. We will pay $5.00 to the pfrson (Vho will brln jr. us :i stuvu tlitit will omparo in ' utility, Hiiish uml point ot oxcHlrnco with tlio 1 WE NOW HAVE ON OUR FLOOR. Wo will have h Jmlos three disinterested Persons. We want you to see these stoves ami llanges whether you wish to buy or not. They are Ihe handsomest stoves ever shown In North Carolina, ami each Is warranted by lUXK'S 8TOVK A KANUK CO., ami by Slovi-r Hardware Company to give perleut satUtactiou or we will re fund your money. Call and let ns show yon anything in onr line you may need. We guarantee UL'H ruiCiiW on anything we sell. Yours Respectfully, J. 1. UASKIXS, School Books and School Supplies. STATIONERY, Books and Booklets, Engraved Cards and Invitations, Sheet Music and Musical Instru ments. J"Mail orders rect-ivo prompt atten- tiou. J. I. CiJ ASKIXS. What do wc mean wlien wc eniplmsize uoiuniDiii umiiy : ii-ro me two viiii-iie. I hey stem alika Exiunine llm works. Tliey look iiliko. Wlmt is the ilitlcrcuce butwret liem ? Onu is nn nrilimiry Swiss wiitch and the other is n Joreiiscii or Froil mm. Tlu-y look alike, vi t you wnnt a TIME-l'IKCK the Jurgvnsrn is wi nil a luindrc-il ol the other. What the name ol JOlMSKNSKN ia to a wnt'tli, wlmt t lie name WOK I'll is to Uuruieut, what the name PI U,MAN tn a KailrotMl Cur, the name COLUMBIA is tn a Bicycle. It n-iiri-sculs the most advanced ideas of Itii-vclc construction ol today, backed up by two decades t prae- ticni experiunce. It is a maxim nt all nnttons : YOU CANNOT HAVE QUA MTV WITH OUT i COST. But to this should lw joined the other maxinr or all sees, the I is always clienprst ill the end. COLUMBIA QUALITY is the most inexpensive for any wheelman to bur. WM. T. HILL, Agen for Cohiroliia and Hartford Bicycles. Phono 80. 61 I. Front ttroot "Anti-Skeet" -Sfson sale at i ' . . -. ' . One wafer burnt. in a room will destroy every mosqnito. v l0o. per box. --'-':... ' ';' - -. Box fresa Insect Powdor just r rifed. ' ' -' $25 $25 Columbia Qua Stock Taking" Time Approaches And the Knife Is Again Applied to Values ! All Departments Share ni the CUT ! Sincerely hoping to " receive the same liber al patronage extended my predecessors, and promising to use every effort to make it ad vantageous to all who buy of me. J. II. I Successor to MB UlnilU

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