irnBEiiJQUiMi. CHARLES L. STBTBMS. . EDITOB AND PBOPBIKTOB. Kew BKKHSV August 26. 1896c , , Entered at tne tost TJfSce at Hew Berne, N. C. as second olaaa matter. : . ' ' ran Dailt Jookhal (exoept Monday) to delivered by carrier to tola city, at seoant. Mr month. : ' .. ' Tuskb Xoam Invariably In advance, $t-00 OHB YA . " S " A'ebklt Jodbmal mi year, to advanee, tl.eo Advertising Kates given oa applieatlonat tbe onVa. - ,. '' rive eenta per line wUt be ouarged lor ards ot Thanks. Resolutions oi Respect and Obituary Postal also for Obituary Notices . other Una those which the editor himself shall give as a matter ot news. Notloee of Church and Society and all other entertainments from which revenue Is to oe derived will be charged for at tue rate of five eenuallne. J', jf ' Tha Jocrkal will not under any oirou in stances be responsible for the return or tbe ate keeping of any rejected manuscript. No exception will be made to this rule with re- ard vo either letters or toolosures. Nor win ; Editor enter Into correspondence con cerning releoted manuscript. BETTER OITB IT OP. ' The efforts of , the Chairman of the Democratic and Populist parties to get Judge Russell, Republican : nominee for Governor, to engage in a joint canvass, which means a joint political trip with discussions, : has proved a failure, the Republican not being anxious to take part in any canvass. But of what benefit could a joint discussion have been to the Demo cratic cause, any way ? A joint canvass of the three gn bernatorial candidates would result in nothing but ill feeling, the d is cussions might have brought to- gether larger crowds but those same crowds would have come together, not to learn, but to hear tho candi dates engage in a war of personal! ties, thereby bringing the candidates into disrepute and lowering them selves before the people of the State. Candidate 0. B. Watson, is good and true enough Democrat to go forth and talk for his party and himself, he needs no Populistio or Republican stimulent at his side to inspjre him for the fight. The people will listen to him and be profited, and he can do the Demo cratic cause infinite good. ' Now that the attempted guber natorial merry-go-rour,d has failed, let the Democratic Executive get down to bnsiness, and cease trying for fusion, even a joint canvass fu sioo. Bamin's New Shla. If the latest experiment in marine architecture should prove to be a success, the popular song will have to be changed to "Rolling, rolling, over the deep blue sea," for sailing will become a lost art. The meaning of all this is that Bazin's curious craft, which does not cot through, but rolls over, the water, has just been launched on the Seine and is on its way to London. The inven tor claims that his boat will make from fifty to sixty miles an hour, and that, although it is a roller, it is going to be more steady-going than the largest ocean grey-honnd afloat. So far as the strange contri vance has been experimented with, it has justified all the claims made for it by M. Bazin. If trails on a larger scale further demonstrate these claims to be well founded, a revolution will be wrought in all marine transporta tion. . The time of passage will be materially cartailed, consumption of coal immensely lessened, and the expense of transporting passen gers and freight greatly reduced, M. Bazin calculates that the large steamer which he has designed will make the trip from Havre to New York, which now consumes not less than six days, in four, and possibly even less. When it is considered that the fastest steamers now do not average over twenty-two miles an hour, it would seem that the Frenoh inventor may possibly underestimate the speed capacity of his boat. ' The trip of his craft across the English Channel and np to London will be watched with great interest. Wash, Times. Pa Tsere InrlfaUea la Mars? ' I would seem that the planet Mars Is now in condition to whioh the earth must come. It is struggling against tbe giadual disappearance of water on its surface and in its at mosphere. There ! is no" weather there, for there is no rain and there are no winds.;' Dew in Winters de posited on its poles in the form of sjow. The rest of the planet con sists of deserts with very slight ele rations. The inhabitants have met this state of things by a gigantic system of irrigation. What we call canals are irrigated districts about thirty mile wide, with a canal run ring through ; them, from which waef is distributed. Hera and there are large oases ot i irrigation, iad thess oases are conneoted with each other bj means of the canals. When the snows at tho .poles molt, s the melted water if distributed over the planet, and thus croys a:e produced The inhabitants store up food 'and water for that part of the year when there is neithor water or vegetation. So rarefied is the atmosphere ; that one of those inhabitants can work at one-twentieth the exertion that it cost us, or, in other words, per form with the same expenditure or of strength twenty times tho toss. London Truth. flOO Reward S1Q0. Tbe readers of this paper will be pleased In learn that there is at leiist one dreader! disease that science bus been able to cure- in all its stages anl that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the ouly positive cure known to the medical friiteruily. Catarrh being a constitutional ai ase, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catairb Cure Is taken internally, acting directly upon tlie blood and mocous surfaces oi tbe system thereby desLov.rif Hit foundation of the disease, and yiving liis DMieot strength by building V,p tfj constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. Tbe proprietors have so much fuiih in its curative powers, that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any cose that it fails to cure. Send for Hat of testimonials. Address, P J.CUENKY&CO, Sold by Druggists, 75c. Toledo, O. Hull's Family Pills are tbe best. Tbe South African Halfcasto . The social position of the South African halfcaste has been peculiar. He has originated in almost all cases not from the union of average indi viduals of the two races nniiing under avorage conditions, but as the result of a sexual union between the most helpless and enslaved females of the dark race and the most reck leBsly dominant males of the white. He has risen from a sympathy and kinship betweon man and woman which translates tho relation of sex from the sphere of the crudely plijs ical to that of the aesthetic and in telligent lectual, but even that lower ntilitarian element was wanting to this union, which exists wherever men and womon of the sauio race, and moderately respecting each other, united permanently for the purpose of producing offspring and sharing the material burdens of life The halfcaste came into the world as the result of the most undiffer entiated sex instinct. He saw the first light usually in the back room of the slaves' compound or in the hut across the yard, and entered a world in which there was no place prepared for him. To bis father he was the brokeu wineglass left from last night's feast; or as the remem brance of last year's sin a thing one would rather forget or at best be was a useful tool. To his master's wife, if there were one, he was an object of loathing, for that carious loathing, knovn perhaps only to the Arian woman, who sees the blood that flows in ' her children's veins, flow, also beneath the dark skin of an alien race; unless, indeed it be shared by the dark man, when he sees on his wife's arm a child that is hot of his color !) bis mother had often a black husband or lover of her own, and the halfcaste crept about the back yard of its father's house and in and out of the slave cells, and as it grew it learned that it belonged neither wholly to the blaok group who ate their food in the kitchen doorway, nor to the white in the great dining hall. When full consciousness came to him, half he despised tho black flesh about him with the instinct of a white man's son, and half he bated with the passion of the black wom an's child the folk in the large house. Fortnightly Review. The Writing Woman. Women are just emerging from the egg of suppression; it is natural that, like newly hatched chickens, they should chirp a little just at first. "There are so few of us who have distinguished ourselves; why should we not give ourselves serious and responsible airs?" Women are terribly selfeonscious; direotly one of them attains to celebrity she feels the eyes of all the world npon her, and she at once ceases to be natural. She thinks that the small applause of her coterie "is the great wave that rushes round the world," and forthwith she must needs wish to found a society or a religion, or at any rate talk of her work as if it be gan with a capital letter. Hence arise all of the crnel jokes and An. chivalrous gibes that had been level ed ai her, and which we havo only to look at the pages of Punch of thirty years back to appreciate theJ full force of. To fully understand woman's arrogance now, we must recall the injustices from which she hal suffered. '.",.' - ' Only little more than a century , BLACKWELLS -Hi: f ... aw Ml M 1 Tow will find one coupon Inside each two ounce bag, and two eovpans inside each four oauaee bag mt Block well's Durban. Bay a bag of . tblfl celebrated tobacco and read tbe eoupon which gives a list of Talnable pres envs uu how tex gee mem. . ago. Dr. Johnson, in allusion to women and pnblio speaking, de livered himself of a scathing infec tive. No doubt ho would have said equally, "Sir, a woman's, writing is like a dog's walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all." Edward Fitzgerald, nearly a centu ry later, though he goes so far as to allow "taste to bo the feminine 'of genius," says of - a literary ladyj "She and her sex had better mind the kitchen and their children, and perhaps the poor;- except in such things as novels, they" only devoto themselves to .what men do much better, leaving that which men do worse, or not at all.'' Could Philis tinism go further than this? ' And the sting is, one would have expect ed something bettor from the trans lator of "Omar Khayyam." or did his Persian studies demoralize him ? Temple Bar." righting; Editors. In the eighteenth century the ed itor of The Daily Courant was delic iously amusing when he wrote: "I will give no comments of my own in this paper, as I assume tlut other people have sense enough to make reflections for themselvesl " Henry Pute, the editor of The Morning Post, never picked his words with care. His savage onslaughts raised smiles in coffee house and club and also brought him face to face with peril. He was composed of stern stuff. He lived up to the motto, "I never appologize. I never re trtct. ' -' Capt. Stoney a buck oC the time, demanded satisfaction for a personal paragraph that appeared in Bate's paper, but he got little. "The ed itor's choice lay between a horse whipping and a duel, and he chose the duel. The two gentlemen, meeting in the Adelphia Tavern, in the Strand, called for a room, shut the door, and being furnished with pistols, fired at each other without effect. They then drew thoir swords and continued to fight till the door was burst open by the police."- Bate was not the only London editor call ed upon to nee sword and pistol as well as pen, and at a latter date an editor in the north, bravely focusing pnblio opinion on the instigators of a dastardly trade outrage, sat night after night with a revolver on his desk, prepared for a surprise visit. Gentleman's Magazine. "l FINANCIAL. J. A. mLB. . EOS. SAHISLS, President, . Vies Prss. B. Jt, WtSOXi, CtaUits' The NATIONAL BANK, Or KKW BKBNK, M. tt xxs;oox4xoxLa.xxnQ lees. Capital,.,........;..'.... $100,000 Surplus Profits,... .....98,I68 DIBBCTORS: Jas. A. Brtah, , Thou. Dahicls. Chas. 8. Bkiaic, J. H. HAOKBuaa Jso, Duns, I Hiuvar ; . . ": 0. H. Kobbbts. K. K. Bishop - Farmers & Merchants BANK... Begrsux Bosiaess liar, 1B&1. Caettal Stock, paid la S7S.OO0.rxi Surplus 8,0)10.00 unoiv Uvkted Profits,., J.SO0.00 , '. ' OFFICERS: '" L. H. President. " W. 8. Chadwiok, Vice Pres. - T. W. Dswar, Cashier. ' - " ' A. H. Powsi.u Teller, F. F. Matxubwb, Oolleetor. ' -With well established connections this Rank Is prepared to offer all aooommofla. Uons consistent with conserratlre banldng. Prompt and careful attention given to col lections. We will be pleased to correspond with those who may contemplate making obanres or onenlna now aflflountaw. . Taos. A. Ossss.Pres. -Wm.DtTit,Vlce-Pre , , 11. at. ttBoras, Cashier. - CITIZEN BANK '.. cxa- Jsrarw-BaatN-ai, r.o. ; 00 A OENERAt, BASK1N0 BUSINESS The Aooonnu of Banks, Bankers, Corpot attons, Farmers. Bferohants anl others re oelTed od favorable terms. Prompt ann ear ful attention given to the Intel est of oar oa tomers. Collections a apcolallr. , . OABDOVOIBIOTOK. Perdlnand Ulrloh, 4. A. slesdows, ftaronel W. Ipook, Chas. H. fowler, William Dunn. K. 11. Meailows, Chajf. Diinv, Jr. James Heimon(l, Chss Helzensteia, Mayer llahn, Thomas A. Ureen, V.K.sov. . K. W.Smallwood, Oeo.X.lves, W.F. Crockett. SEE? - r i EDUCATIONAL. TRINITY-COLLEGE, . . . . Durham, !Bf . C. Ti- nlty offers worses ' In ' Mathematics, Philosophy, Latin, Greek, German, French, Kngllsh History, PoUtloal Solenoe, Political Economy, Social Science. Chemistry, Astron. omy, Mineralogy, Geology, Physios, Biology and Bible. . . . . Boantifol Location, Beit Edncational ,- . Environments -and Thorough -Instruction. SIT1 to 8200 pays all Colleges per year. Next Session opens September 9th, 1SUA. For Catalogue, address. . JOHN C. KILQO, President The University, 80 Teachers, 634 Students, j Tuition 60 a year. Board $8. (eight dollars) a month 8 full College Courses, 3 Brii;f Courses, Law School, Medical School, Summer School for Teacbers, . , Scliolarsliips and Loans for tho need;. Address, President Wihston," Cbapel Hill, N. C. Miss Leah Jones wilt re-open her school, at her residence, Monday, Sept, 7lb. Full English course, Lotiu, Ger intin ftad Frcocli. Terms: $3 per Month. NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECIIANIC ARTS. This College offers thorough courses In Agriculture, Mechanical, Civil and Electri cal Engineering, and in Science. General academio studies supplement all these tech nical courses. Expenses per Session, Including Board: For County Students, .1 M For all other Btndenls, 131 00 Apply tor Catalogues to ALEXANDER Q. HOLLADAT. Balelgh, N. C. - President. PEIVATE t. Day and Boarding School. ! XOS-SECTABIAS ...... Mrs. A. B. Fcrebee will open a first class Fchool on Sept. 7. I'Amary, intermediate nnd Highest Brandies. Having conoectrd interest with Miss Patrick of Kinston. who has taught 8uc:essfully for yearn, we will establish a school equipped fully for most thorough cducution and cullivution; pupils fitted for college. , . Mathematics aud English specialties langusges if desired, . - Board secured for pupils at ten dollars a month. - :V . Primary Department . 1.85 Iotermediato ' ' , " 2.25 Classical - .:"..' ' 8.00 For Girls, . ; - The Advent Term of the Fifty-fifth School Year will begin Sept., 24, 1896. tSpecial attention paid to thorough instruction on the Violin. Certificate admits to Vsssar. . BET. B. 8MEDES, A.M. AduiinLstrator's Notice The nndersigned, Thos. F. McCsrth, Public Administrator, harine duly ouall- Bed as Administrator ol tha estate of Edward Dickerson, dee'd. hereby gives notice thai all persons ' having claims against the estate of said Edward Dicker. son,' dee'd, to presens them to said Administrator duly authenticated for pay a.ent on or befiire the 4th day of August, 1897, or else this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. - Persons indebted to the estate mast pay without delay.', ' This 4th day of August, 1808. ' r ' Thos. W. McCarthy, Pubi Adm. W.T. McCarthy, Att'y v':. , I.OS.T ! CerUOcate No. 108, dated August 23, 1803, of tho Commercial Building' and Loaa Association, Itichmocd, Va. Issued to It V. Hill, of New Berne, N. C. If re- turned to the undersigned a reward will be paid. ' n. V. HILI ' ' Box 465, New Berne, K. C, . F.r Over SO Tear. Mrs. Wlnslow . Soothlnir 8vrar has been usidly Millions of Mothers (or their Children while teethinp, with perfect suocesa. It soothes the child, foftoo the gums, allays ail pain, enre. wnul colic, and is tlie best remedy for l; ;inlis. Twenty-flve cents a bottle. PROFESSIONAL. F. M. Simmons, r A. . Ward. v Klmmoiis & Ward, r ATTORN ETS, and COUNSELORS at LAW. NEYf BERNE, N. C. , Practice In Craven. Carteret, Jones,I.enolr and Onslow and 1'smlloo oounties, and the Supreme Court Ullce at No. 3 South Front street, opposite Hole chat taka. - . Dr. XL II. Goldberg, SUB0E0 0BAL DENTIST, ;fwf; Offlce: Bnghcs Bnllding, : 3. E. Corner Middle and Pollock Btreets,over t . i ' Bradham's fbarmacy. , NEW BERNB, N. C. " "'' 1.H. Pelletier, - ATTOBNET AT LAW, Middle Street, Lawyers Brick :. : - .5-Building;. Will "practice In the Counties ol Craven, Carteret, Joner, Onslow and Pamlico. U. S. ourt at New Berne and Supremo Court of the State. : , ' INSURANCE. The Connecticut . Matual Is now olTering to Insurers the very best forms of insurance that can be writ ten, providing as they do both protection and investment upon tbe best and lowest possible terms. , Attention is respectfully called to its .v " LOW RATE ENDOWMENTS " nt GO, 65, 70 and 75 witb Cash Surrender Values in 10, 15, etc, years, the best and most durable Endowment Insurance ever itsucd, Lite and Limited Life Policies also contain large Cosh Surrender Values, stipulated in the policies ana forming e part of tbe contract .! !, . , It maintains a hicher standard of sol-, veocy than is employed ' by any other Company or any State Department in this country, having in 1883 voluntarily adopted a . ' ,3 Per Cent, Reserve lbu making its contracts tho fofeU and most valnable ever ofirird. All policies are by tlrt-ir terms' nonfor feitable iiAi-r two nr three puymeots, not even requiring Miriendi-r in ease ot lapse, and nich policies- participato in annual rHvileud The Cash Surrender and Paid Up Values are plainly slated In each pol icy, thus avoulint! all misunderstanding or disappointment. The stents of the Company respectt'ully solicit correspon dence with anyone desiring further infor mation. , S. D. WAIT, Gen. Agt., RAI.EIOH. N. C. P. S. COX, Agent, NEW BERNE, N. 0. One Thousand for One (TEA OB MARK.) . ' " ACCIDENT TXCELTS. The Inter-State Casualty Company, of New York, gives THKEE MONTH'S Insurance $1,000 for $1.00, to men or women, .. between IS and ft3 years nt ag-a, avaln t fatal street A'-ciaonte n-roac, or ou Buyeies, Hor88,Wiins, Horse ars, Kittlroad Curs, Klevated, Hrlde, Trolley and Cable Cars, BteamshtpsteumboaU and SttMni t'e ries. H. H. Street. WM. H. OLIVER, LIFE, FIRB, MAKINB, V . ; ACCIDENT. F1DBLITT. .' i , . r , fTTKAH BOILBB Insurance...... , -i " ' NKWDEBN. , .. A nnniher of Time-Tried and Fire-tested Companies represented. wer u,un,um ausssa represeniea . t . NOTOAET PUBLIC , Commissioner of tleeds for New York. Con necticut and Pennsylvania. : EVA gent National Hoard Mvlne Under writers. ... . . . . N. C. HUGHES, Gen'l Insurance Agent. Fire, Live Block, Boiler, Plate Glass, Cotton Gli'S and Accident Insurance. Office over Bradbam's Pbannacj. ' Execution Sale. ' NOBTH CaBOUKA, I Craven County, ) Alfred May and IdaE.pMay, ) v ' TheStlmson Lumber Co. - J - ' -By virtue if an execution in my;handa from the Superior court of Pitt county, N. C, and docketed In Craves couoti, N, C. In the above entitled action, tor the sum or 1500.00 and cost, I bsva this day levied upoe all that certain lot or parcel of land Ulna and being In the city of New Bo or, l-'mven county. N. C. be; inning t Hie ft. E. cuner f the Gwiiiiog Ur tuuuinif Noilhwnrdly with add line to the light-ofwiiy of tbe A. & N. C. H. It- Coi.pu" y. an tbence with Said ri(iht-i-f ay Easiwardly to tbe l,.HK.I..rU.H....,. II. n - ...ik m:j chaonel to lite line of W. N. A N. R, H. Uonipanv; thence with aid line to lb bi- liinnmfr, lainit the same land owned and aberu the udll ol theeliirson Lumbar Co, urns S'SO'tf, together wi.h all die bulld- in;s, ii acbluerv, lninir ani all material now upon Hii premisi s To stl(fjr said Exeintt iti 1 aill sx II nl luMic auction, to tbe highett binder tr cah, at tbe court bouse door In tha City of New Berne, at 12 o'clock U on Mooday, the 7tli day of September, 181)6, all the right, title anil inlerest of the said Stimson Lumber Co., to and to the property above oscrliu. W. B. LANE, BhenfT, ' Craven Conoty, N. C. New Berne, N. 0., Aug., 7ih, 18.- Lookbasit, Texas, Oct., 19, 1889. Messrs. Parts Sledicine (X, 1 Paris, Teno. Dear Sire: Sliip ns as soon as poimihle 2 gross Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. My customers want Grove's TaMelene Chill Touic anil will not have any oilier. lo our experience of over "0 ymrs In the dra? bui-iiH'fi, we Imve m ver sU any mmikine wbk ll pare t 'i imivniwil iat kfautioa yme i tiilly, J. V: - -MC & CO. Commissioners Sale. " Pnrfuant to ihe judgment, rtndered in the Supeiior Court of Craven County in itn action where J. H. Craldree unit others are pluintlft and C J. Sclnelky and ntbeis are defendants, I aill cell at public suction at the Ci-urt lmo9e ilor in the city of New Berne, at 12 o'clock M. on Monday, (Sep. tecul-er 71h, 1S06, for, the lollowin-r defcrilieU property situated in the city ol New Berne, to ail: . , - MOT MO. 1. ' ' , : Begionin;; ut a Etone in the At more mil nollister line where the Eastern rialit of way cf the A. & N. C. R. It. intirstc s the un,e and mnuinx theiiee " Kaktwardly along the AtiLore and Hollister hue fify fix't (50) thence Norlbwardly and paral lel lo Griffith st net one hundred and eighteen feet, five and one-half inches (118'- s 12') lo William Dunns tHiuinermosi line, tbence S. M 1-4 W. from a true Me ridinn forty-nine feet elevcu in- hes (49' 11') to tlm Si'Utlinesternnioet lOiiwi of William Dunn's Fair Ground rani I, thence Sonibirardlf and parallel tu Griffith street one bundled and fourteen feet U4) lo the first station, the above defcribul lot oi land including the first tenement Louse tigetlier with the land Inclosed around said huuse and the street imuiidiulely in front i-f said enclosure up to the Atmore and Hollister line. . - LOT NO. 2. . ' , ; Be lining at the second corner of Cot Number one, a point in the Atmoie end Ilollieter line fifty feet distant Mom s sioi.e at ihe inli-rse;lion ot the Eustim right of way id Ihe A. & N. C. K. 15. nnd the said Atmore nnd Hollister line, run ning tlietiee Knstwardly along.said Atmore and tiollistor line .filly feet (50'), theme Northwiin'ly and parallel to Griffith Hn-et one hundre-' and twenty two feet, eleven ibctir. to William Dunn's Southemiost line, the nee &oth 54 1-4 W. from irue Meridiun slunu said line fi.i'ty-ii'iietW t, eleven inches to the thud corner ol'lot N, 1,: ilienee Suthwutdly and 'parallel to Griffith ftreet nlon the line of Lot No. 1, one hundred and eifrliir n lie' ai d tiv- RU'i one halfinehes 118-6) lo ibe li giiiuiiit, the above described loiuflimd IncUiilirjy the second tern merit, together with tie eu cloture around it and the street known as Atmore street immediately in front ot said enclosure up to the Atmore and Hollisier line. . - LOT WO. 3. . -Beginning at a point in tbo Atmore and Hollister line ttie second corner of Lot No. 2 and 100 feet distant from a stone at tbe intersection ol the Eastern right of way of the A. & N. C. B. li. with Ilia Aliuoroand Hollister line and lun- ninij tbence Eustttardly along the Atmore and Hollister line fi'ty feit (SO), tneure Northwardly parallel to Griffith street one hundred and twenty seven feet four and three quarter Inches U27'-4") to Wil liam Dunn's Souihermost Hue, thence S. 34 W. along said Dunn's line loity nine feet eleven inches (19 -11' ) to the third corner ol Lot No. 3, thence gouthwardly and parallel to Griffith street along the line of lot No. 2 one hundred and twenty two feet aod eleven inches ;122-Il') to the first corner of tho above described lot of land, includiugf the third tenement house, together with the inclosuie around it and the street known as Atmore street lying immediately in front of said enclos ure up to the Atmore and Holliclcr line. ':-''. " BOTN0.4." '.'.';'.''!'-Bt-ginuin'g at a point In the Atmore and Hollister line one liundrcil and tifiy feet distant from a stone at the In'erstetion of the Eastern right of way uf the A. & N. C. R. U. with the Atmore and Ilollisii r line nnd rnnning thence Kaslwardly aloug said Atmore and Holiieler line f riy -iwo feet six inches .(42-6) to a s'i n--at tlie intersection of the Western sides of Griffith street with said line, tbeui-e Northwarilly along the Western side of Griffith street one hundred aod thirty one feel two inches (131-2) to the Southermostjine of William Dunn, theme 8. SI W, from a tiua Meri dian, along said line forty two, feet five inches 42-5 to tbe third corner of Lot No, 8 thence Southwardly and parallel to Griffith street along the line of Lot No.. 3 to the beginning, the above deserlbed lot ot land including tbe fouitb tenement house, together witb tbe enclosure around it and that part ot Atmore street lmmed; atcly to the Southward of said enclosure up to tbe Atmore and Hollister line. , ) . LOT KO. 5. : - Beginning at the Intersection of the Atmore and Hnlliater line with the East ern line of Griffith street and running thence Eastwardly along the said Atmore and Hnlligtcr line twenty five feet (2A) thence Northwardly aod parallel to Qrit fith street one hundred and thirty seven leet (137) to Willlom Dunn's Soutbermost line, theoce 8. 041 W. from a Irue Meri dian twenty four leet eleven and one half inches (24-11) to the Eastern line of (in tthu street, tbence Southwardly along the said Eastern line ol Griffith stieet one hundred aod thirty four feet' eight and three quarter inches (134-81) to ibe be ginning above lot of land including the store house and stables where C. J. Scheelky now does business together with tbe street known as Atmore street Immedi ately to the Southward of said store, .. LOT HO. .6. .',..- ';"''-' Beginning in t lie Atmore and Hoi litter line twenty-five feet Eastwaid y Irora the intersect'.ou of the East ede of Griffith Street wilb ihe Atmore and Ilohitter line aod running theuee Eastwanily along ihe said Atmore aod Doliialer line lifty four feet, theoce Northwardly add parallel lo Griffith street t-ne hundred and foily ot.e feet, nine and one quarter inches to Wil liam Dunu's Sootbermost line, then South 64 1-4 West Irom a 'true mere dian along Dunn's line fifij three Jeet ten and three qu.nter imncs to d,e third corner of Lot No. ft, thence Boutli wardiy and parallel to Griffith fciinet along the line of Lot No. 8 one hundred and thirty seven leet (187). to the hegln elng, the above described lot of land including one tenement bouse and the grounds around said house together " with ibe street to the Houtbermost uf said grounds known as Atmore Street to tbe Atmore and uoilistcr line. ; -". ,:. LOTH0T7.'.'-'' - Beginning In the Atmore and Holllsler line seveotj-Dino leet (7V.) Eastwardly from the intersection of the Eastern side ol Griffith stieet with tbe said Almnte and Hollister line and running thouce Eastwardly fifty-seven feet six inch. (57' '') along the Atmore and UollUtoi line, thence Northwardly end parallel to Grillith Street sixty three feet (08') thence N. 87 1-9 w. Irom s Hue Meridso forty four (41') thence North 8 West from a true Meridian teventy feet six Jnchis (70' 6") to William Dunn's Soutbermost line, tbence 8. 54 1-4 W. from a true merridlan along Dunn's lino fifty sex en feetsixand three quarter indus to the third corner Of Lot No, 6, thence Komh wanlly along the Hoe of Lot No. 8, ami parallel to Orifflih 8treet one hundnd and lorty-one fi-et nine and orro qnnriiif ii dm (141' 1-4) to Die bepjiiiiing, tho almve lot of land including w 0 l. m,,,, r,t iK,i and lot at bounded hy Lot P. 'Ail lism Dunu'S limd, 11, a p'uuii m l. i'.i d and Atmore l-ni '-t t'"" r v 1 i.-,ii known 111 A I-mki ., He f t . ..... Atmore and Hollister line. ; : , LOT HO. 8. Be sinning at a point in the Atmore and Hollister line, one hundretland thirty-six leet six Inches (1366) Eastwardly from tle intersection of the East side of Griffith stiott with the Atmore and Hollister line, and ruoniog thence along the Atmore and Hollister. line isastwaraiy aooui uvo hoodied leet (500) to tue chantel of Neuse river, ihence Norlbwardly: along said . channel to Willijin Dunn's Souihermost iin. ihi-nen 8. 541 W. from a true uierid- : ian ah ng said Dunn's lipe to the fifth cor ner of lot No. 7, tbence 8. 3, E. seventy net six inches attwg said lot thtnee with another line of said lot 8. 87 E. forty tmr feel (44), ihence with another line of said lot Si-uthwardly anil parallel to Giif Oth stieet sixty three feet (08) lo the beinning including all tne isnu wuicu the planing mil), storage sheds, boilers, roaclilutrv. drv kHte. wharf, sre situated, . and that putt ol Atmore fctnet immediate-. ly to tbe Souiuwaru oi eaiu tunu up 10 the Atmore and Hollisier line. ' Eoehof the above deeciibeil lots or natcels ot land will be sold separate aod V distinct from each other. WM. W. CLAKK., . Couimissioner. Commissioners Sale. OF CITY PROPERTY. . Pursuant to a Judgment of tbe Super ior Court of Craven county at Spring Teim 1896 in a certain action therein nendins wherein W. M. Watson. Receiver of the Estate ot I. B. Abbott, dee'd. it plaintiff and Cambridge Cnrmer and wile Caroline Carrrter. et als. ore defendants; I, as Coromifsionerof said Court, will sell atT public Auction, for rash,' at the Court H ue dour in -the eiiyi of New Berne on -.Vlo'iilay the 7th day v of Sept. 1806 It Leiiig the first Mcnday.of taia month, all that eettidn piece or parcel of land lying, - iH-ing anu etiuiiien in lie ensieiuTiua iu tlie said City of New BcrneJ ou the west ; -., i I a ... ,!. a..ll.un Brit ui vuiuier oireei, v inwjuunMjaoi - . ernmost point of Lot, No.e- 98 and , mnnirg ; thenre West aloW ' , the ; S mtliern lino of Lots No, 08 and'Ht to ' the Soulbensternmost Point of Lot vNo. 90 thence South and parallel to said -Carmcr street to the Northwestern line of lot No. 104 thence along the Northern i line ol lot No. 104 to Cormer Street thence North along the Wi stern line ot said Carmer street to the beginning; being the two cenain lots as laid . out in that portion of tbe city of New Berne ' which is known as Reizsnsieinville and described on plan or map of tbe same duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County in book No. 105, pages 56 and 67, Said lots are numlie'ied KO and 102 in said plan. Together with theiinprovemcnts thereon. V. W. M. WATSON, ; . Commissioner. . . M. DeW. STEVENSON, Att'j. for Plaintiff. -Aug. 6th, 1896. Administrator's JTotice The nndersigned, Thos. P. McCarthy, Public Administrator having duly quali fied as admiuittrator of the estate of J no. D. Dixon, deceased,' hereby gives notice that all persons having claims against the . i slate of said Juo. D. Dixon, deceased, to present them to said Aduiin etrator duly authenticated for payment on or lie fore tbe 15th day of July, 1897, or else Ibis notice will be pleaded in bar ol re covery. Persons indebted to the estnle must pay without delay. ' " This 18th day of July, 1890. Thos. F. McCAnTHT, Pub. Adm. ' .Wm. X. McCarthy. Att'y. Guardian Sale ot Heal Estate. On Monday the 7th day of September, ' 1896, at 12 o'clock M., I will sell at pub lie suction at tbe court house, in the City of New Berne, tbe following described Real Estate in the City of New Berne a ' certain tract of land on the South side of Stanly street, running 40 feet front on Stanly street and 100 leet deep, adjoining the propertv of D. Oongdoo & Co., known ; in the plan of the City as lot No. 103. ' Terms ot Salo Cash. . CnAS. Reizbmstein, Guardian, - Allred Eugene Briggs. Dissolution Notice. The firm of J. J. Disoawsy ft Compa ny has this day by mutual consent been dissolved. The said J.J. Disoswav havinz sold his iotereet In the business to T. G. Hytnan, who will conduct the business under the firm name of flyman Supply Company. All bills due by the fira of J. J. Disosway ft Company will be paid by T. G. Hyroan, and all hills and ac counts due the firm pf J. J. Disosway ft Company will be collected by the said T, G Hyinan. This August 1st, 1896. ' " v ; J. J. DisoewAT, ); 1 . T. G. Htkax, - I beg to thank the public for their pa Iroiianeln the past aod respectfully solicit the oontinuancd of the same to the new firm, I will conduct the business as form erly conducted by J. J. Disosway ft Com pany at the same place of business as heretofore, under the firm name of Hyman 8upply Company. T. G. Hyman. TTLOGDpnmn: iioin. rurmrne prlianmlor Kim. cu:,rua- T.I J oa prornr to ami. Ii wo w 1 1 1 an.h. . 1 . 'a" rar.ncl Dotal bili.,ii eurjr, v.,l,le notn.h, and mil b. . i,,., . a.plas, , to,p.r Colored Hpnta, I .,UulrorI-i.hrVr i out. It U 11,11 8eoonlry lii.l.l,,) J,, 5 snarantmti,our.. W.oliruu,.mo.( ,..,1 nate eases and clmlleni-. tu. wun, l, a eaawoannotaiir. iii,n Hi.-... k... ,. " balllao the .1:111 of the i.,. t .S.,!, ,,1 Uans. sf.oo,ooo oiui b. hi,,a . infliction. Addm. :o4 . . Q tul atiuoni. awnpiccuicilu . Executrix Tit:tlix ITavIng duly quallflod as the Executrix ol Julia L. Jordan, iereasd, Into of Craven Conntv N. (!.. Ihi i to nniir. nil persons having claims apniuat the eslnio of snid Julia L. Jordan, deeeused, to ex i hi bit them to the omleraiuned on or be fore the lOih day of Auimt, 18U7, or Ili a notice will lie pleaded In bar uf Uieir ictovBrj. All rHimms indebted to laid eslnle will please mnk imim-dinte payniont. I. M II I R ,1. HwlNIiKI.I,, Enernlrix, r.ew i.-:fne, .N. u, Aug 8ib, la (i.

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