ABOUT HURDLE RIDING. - f t-JUqoirM Clear Head, a Steady Band . and a Good Bone , . It is alway wonderful" haw a Wse can accomplish the (eat of taking the hurdle, especially the "high one, so gracefully nd with such ease. t A great deal dc Tends ou the rider, the way ho or she handles the reins; Ibo the way 'one sits the saddle. A firm seat, a good eye, plenty of courage , pud sell reliance are all necessary to be- .gin with. To clear a. high jump well a great deal depends on rising. The rider should avoid leaning forward when the : horse is rising to clear the hurdle, bat should lean book to avoid any weight on the horse's fore limbs., In watohing a horse jnmp a hurdle yon will notice ais lore tegs are Dent up logeiuer uuuur him and his hind leps, just as he leaves the ground, are straightened out and then immediately drawn under his body. It is all don so quickly yon can scarce ly see it If the fence or hurdle be sta tionary and the horse should hit it with his knee, he will fall. If he touches or scrapes it below the knee, he generally gets over, but it is not a perfect jnmp. A well trained horse will draw his knees under him well out of the way of - the fence till just before landing, when he knows all danger is over and after be Bees where he is going to place his feet He will then straighten out his fore legs ready to touch the ground s when he comes down on them. One great danger in hurdling is that ' the horse will catch his hind feet, but there is no danger if the hocks are we'll . j&ent, Usually their hind legs are tucked flrery closely under them while going over. Should the horse be a lazy jumper Jio will sometimes drag his feet and is .- Jiable to trip. If so, then look out for a fall. ' Just as the homo is rising to take the jnmp give him plenty of rein and lean well back, but when landing, if yon want him to get away quickly, he must .have the use of his fore limbs. There fore, after he sees where to place his feet, lean back in the saddle and draw therein -in slightly to lift him. This wiU keep him from stumbling and en Able him to get away more quickly. A Jumper will do better witnont a cvere bit or martingale. It is far better for a horse- to land on his fore legs first, although (Tfcw do touch hind legs first, which is injurious to the animal. . A nervous horse is always very quick in all movements, therefore will moke . a high jumper as well as a good long distance jumper. The thoroughbreds properly trained will make the best of jumpers both over lieight ana lengtn. - THE BASEBALL PENNANT. - " ODD .SPOKES. Too persistent indulgence in the cy clometer habit takes off flesh. : A new tire, made of steel, is being talked about in oyoling circles." Bloomers effectively emancipate wo men from the attention of men. - So long as there are fools in the world there will be reckless wheelmen. ' If wishes wcro horses, beggars would kick because they were not bicycles. Policemen on bicycles are -now to be seen in sotne of the suburbs of Paris. . German riders, as a rule, demand a brake, mud guards and spring saddles. The bicycle becomes a means of grace or disgrace aocprding to its use or abuse. ; In 1888 t-aWwere 88 cycle factories in England. Mow there are nearly 700. .,- Denmark has more cyclists in propor tion to its population jhan any country in-the world. - Prnhnhlv nn mnrfl than one-tenth of the accidents caused by scorching are erytning in a cycling way in urea. " ,v PEN PUNCTURES. Equal parts of bird and biped is the French description of the wheelman, Everybody is cycling except those who are peculiar enough to prefer dodg ing. Safer by far is a lonely scat upon an humble single than is the one on a tan dem when your companion is a scorcher. When the wind in a man's tires van ishes and that in his lungs follows suit, it is time for him to stop riding, and he usually does. The one thing that a man can never understand is how any sensible man can jjliffer with him in opinion regarding a wheel or the riding thereof. It is said that there is trouble in the ORCHIDS GUARDED BY ODORS, Plants Wortn a Fortune That No If a a Waa Abla to Approach. There died about a year ago a famous orchid hunter named Fosterman. But before bo died he told of a wonderful orchid which he said existed in Brazil, and which it hod been the ambition of his lift to secure. Lauding on the coast of Brazil, a fow degrees south of the equator, be met a native chief, who told him of a "village of the demon flowers" to the westward. Further questioning convinced him that the ' 'demon flowers' ' were orchids of the rarest and most wonderful kiud, so he decided to find this village at any ost. He had traveled through forests about yartfflff7iiiiiiini'im"ii":iiii'iWliiMm'iiil'il,ili'''Ht;ii'ii'riMii: in- yjm V- TO nh.4-H-n -,v,tHnr. wan .ui-Uiuuug ui. iu u ' .. ? ., . . . fortnight moro he would be in the neigh' over the bloomer question that is to ,l.u ' , tl .,;- . th A say, there is a division in tho standing of the members. English wheel papers are now sup plied with flnanoial columns, since Cv- reported in the newspapers. Britain nase been, or is going to oe, generally used machine in the world, with the exception of the watch. If England is slow, at least one of her women is not, for Mrs. Grace cov ered 50 miles in the good time of 2 hours 41 minutes 49 seconds, good go ing for anybody. During tho ten months between July, 1895, and April, 1896, the value of bi cycles furnished by tho United States to Europe "and tho rest of mankind" has exceeded $1,000,000. FACTS ABOUT THE WHEEL. Little Black Boar, a Nez Perce chief, not long ago swapped several horses for a safety. France derives about $400,000 a year pensive shortage in tnis orancn oi ine from a tax on bicycles. Tho tax on each ngureneaa inare. wnoei. Time was, and that not very long ago, when the bicycle was a very differ ent affair from what it is today. It was heavy, cumbersome and for from being the vehicle of pleasure tho pneumatio has since made it If the advantages of tho wheel had been understood many years ago as they are today, tho burdens of military life would never have been as irksome they have been. It is clear the wheel is destined to influence military as it has civil life. A new and unexpected danger threat ens the new British stock gamble in cy cle manufacturing shares. Roceut ae- mands for titled directors have been so extensivo that there is a painful and ex Paly Three Teams Considered to Be In Sight of It, . Ibe race for the pennant is daily crowing moro interesting. ,. With the .season moro than half over, Cincinnati nd Cleveland and Baltimore are almost : tied for first place. The coming struggle between these leaders is going to be of the fiercest description. The general public are sometimes led to believe that the players themselves ' do not take the results much- to heart and are equally happy whether, they win or lose, so long as they aro able to maintain their individual standings. ' But while this may be true to an extent in clubs that have fallen ont of the race it certainly is not with the teams above named. On the contrary, the men are to. intensely . interested and anxious that a defeat breaks them up completely, and there are doubtless one or more men in each of these teams who can neither eat nor sleep after a hard game lost ' This disappointment becomes a men ace to good play which a thoughtful and . experienced manager Has to rase posi tire measures to avert He gets the Dlayers to a theater or a roof garden, or on soma short excursion on the river, or machine averages about $2.25 a year. Cycles are used in large numbers in Johannesburg, South Africa. It is said there ore 4,000 in uso by all classes in that place. . A movement is on foot among wheel men in New York to join together in the improvement of towpaths through out the state. Statistics compiled to May 80 show that since Jan. 1 the total value of cy cles exported from tho United States amounts to $515,000. . A dealer in firearms says that where he sold 5,000 guns he now sells 1,000. Young men who used to put their Bpare cash into guns and ammunition now buy bicycles. About Road Hog. The road hog is still abroad in the land and as hoggish and untamed as ever. The worst of it is now that he has taken to wheeling. The term road hog was originally applied by cyclers to the drivers of vehicles that took np too much of the Btreet and made the riding of bicycles dangerous. But now that tho road hog has taken to the bicy cle the sport is all the more dangerous. "I met a drove of road hogs on bi cycles in the pork the other night and was ridden down, by them," said a young man oivthe front porch of his clubhouse. ' 'I was out riding with the young lady and couldn't get out of their way very well. . i haa to protect her, you know. They came on all sides of the road right left and in the mid dle about eight abreast The park laws don't allow them to ride more than two abreast, you know. Well, we crowded close to the right side, where we be longed, but a couple of scorching idiots shouted to us to look out We had to do it to avoid a collision with them, and because we did we had a collision with two other wheels. The young lady was badly frightened, but not hurt. I wasn't DEATH THE PENALTY. Ser- The Wheel Preaches an Excellent mon on Brakes. When, early in the year, we fairly begged cycle manufacturers to equip their tandems, if not their single wheels, with brakes, our urging was born of personal experience. When we remarked that not to so do would be to become accessory to accident and death, and to sooner or later reap a harvest of bitter regrets, we had a koen apprecia tion of what must occur. It is but within tho last fow weeks that manufacturers havo been able to fill long delayed orders for tandems. The result is apparent on city street and country road. Tandems are now numer ous where they were once lew. The reaping, too, has commenced. The recent tragio and horrifying tandem accident near Biughamtou, M. Y, marked the beginning. We are suffi- oiontly familiar with tandems to be lieve that others equally shocking will result The two young men who were so suddenly hurled into eternity were bo plainly viotims of the no brake craze and tho manner of their death was so tragic that we are hopeful, sad as is the lesson, that it will be farreachinr; and effective in spreading tho doctrino of reason and common prudence. Wheel. borhood of tho "village of the demon flowers," when, ono afternoon, three of bis forward guards throw up their arms, and. with a cry, fell senseless to the ground. Ho had noticed a peculiar, sickening odor pervading tho heavy, heated air, and quickly gave tho order for the other men to advance with caution and drag back the three fallen ones from the spot where they lay. They did so, and, returning, reported that they had seen through the forest a little farther on the vast "village of the demon flowers. ' ' Accompanied only by his Portuguese interpreter, tho orchid seeker started forward, their mouths and noses muffled as a safeguard against the awful odor. They managed to reach tho spot where tho three men had been stricken down, but could go no farther. They could see, 100 yards ahead of them, a great mass of . orchids. Trees, undergrowth and everything wero load ed down with them. They were of hues moro brilliant than ho had ever seen or dreamed of seeing. But, like a barrier, tho wall of awful, sickening, overpowering odor rose be tween them. Tho mass of brilliant orchids might havo been a mirage painted on tho clouds so far as reaching them was concerned. Tho "village" was perhaps an aero in extent, and the two made a completo circuit of it, but everywhere roso the awful odor. Tho odor was simply tho pcrfumo of this vast mass of orchids. It is a curious fact that, though many orchids aro al most scentless, the handsomest ones havo a most nnbearablo smell. San Francisco Chronicle. UzurdH Llk- Music. Lizards, it is well known, are attract ed by the notes of music, and the ne groes in the island of Madeira, when catching them for food, accompany the chaso by whistling some tune, which invariably has the effect tf drawing great numbers toward tlnni. Afe8e table Preparation for As similating theTood andRegula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of PromotesDigeslion,Chccrful ness andRestContains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Itaipc afOldHrSAMUELPirCmil FlonJan Stfd ytht.Stiina Jippermint -Si CartanattSadit ftZmSced -Clarified Sugar hbttrynm Ftavvn A perfect Remedy fo-Constipa tion, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions . Feverish' ness and Loss OF Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVESY BOTTLE OF TRAVELER'S UCIDE. SEASON & SATMJI.2. ,JET2 THE A. & N.TTL'aILKOAU om&s The folio iriiig Special Sates of Fart, Sea son, 1836, round trip from Etatiou named islow to Voreheai Cut. Iff AITSCT JUKE let, 1896. i Stations. Hkason. GoMsboro 4 00 Tuseiu-ora, so Beats 3 73 New Bern ' ft dnuiK lliveruale - allliiK Creek,. Croatfin, Kinston HHveUtek, Ca.swell Newport, Dovel', Wildwoocl Core Creek 2 00 3 M 1 75 J 'la 1 75 3 Oil 1 IHI 3 Oil HI 2 7ft 40 2 ',0 L. DILL. SAT. N IOHT. 8 00 1 80 S 76 I 60 210 1 'IS a , l n 2I Mi XKI SO 1 sn g. p. e Cnstoria Is p?.t up in one-siza bottles only, It is not sold in balk. Don't allow anyone to Bell yon anything else cn the plea or promise that it is "just as good1' and "will answer overy pur pose.'' Sue that yon get C-A-S-T-0-R-I-A. Tho tic- A similp 'f n si . s? Is on wrapper. A. & N.C. RAN KOAI). I'llKOUlill KATKN Or fAKK liOlJN trip Tiekets (season ol l.r-t iron C'dr.pon Stations below to pol'ilN Mtimeil on the W. N. C. it. It. Tickets li siite .June 1st, IlK-lusive, (rooil for i- .i v. p hagc on or tio- loie ueioin-r jisi, im-. liTO Hickory, Moi'iinnt.on till r'ort Bliirk Mountain,. Aslieville Hot Spring' 14 ..V, 15 r.-. iti-ai HJ.WSH 10 i:t ;: ti :t! 14 IV, 1 1 X V. 13 80 r. t. it 4- , 10 W: 110 60 11 'S li IS v.rii, 13 H 15 SO Itntes lo all other res rts In eastern N. t: or Virginia ean lie lurni 'lieil upon npplica tion. ( hililrell uniler live (5) years ol o0 tree. I liililren ol live (fi yeiirs anil under twelve (l-.'t yeurs ol age one hull ol the above named rates. -fls9 S. L. .DILL, Gen 1 Pass. Agont. ZG. C. ID O. ID. -LXsjnE,. Restored Interests them in a game of billiards couple of spokes, and the worst of it all in abort, does something or anything to divert their minds front the recollec tions of the defeat The Bostons are almost ont of the race for the flag, though 'with the addi- - tion of Lewis, the pitcher and captain - of thin year' champion Williams college team, they have been considerably strengthened. The Baltimores, Clorolands and Cin cinnati! will fight the battle through. ' gamely to the bitter end, and it U no body's pennant yet as between those three. New xorit journal. Moltlpsclng Unfair. 'From a spectacular point of view, " remarked a courteous racing official today, "tho multipaciug outfit is a suo- cess withont doubt. But the great trou ble with the teams provided by the pro moter of the meet is that they will not ride fairly. It is perfectly natural for the pacing men to pace their friends like demons, get the men they are in terested in 'hooked on to the pacing machine, be it a tandem, quad or quint, and then carry the friends away from the fields for record breaking perform- hurt either, but my front wheel lost a anoes. Quite the reverse is tho riding of No Gripe When you take Hood's Pills. Tho big, old-fashioned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to ieces, are not in it with Hood's. Easy to take food's Pills the pacers if some rider they are not in terested in gets the pole and 'hooks on' to the pacing machine. Then apathetic riding is displayed. It does not give each entrant a fair show at pacing, and to some it gives a decided advantage over others. I am in favor of tho single pacers. Then each rider would have a fair chance at pace help. "Chicago Evening Post Don't Hava Tight Tins. It is a tendency of inexperienced riders to inflate their tires as hard as possible. This is a mistake, for the advantages of the pneumatisvfeatnre are almost en tirely lost, and one might as well re turn to the old fashioned solid tire. By po means, however, is it necessary to go to the other extreme and ride with tircB to soft that they chafe against the rim. Experience has shown that to luflatu the tire hard enough so that one may easily make a slight impression with the thumb is best as the full elasticity of the air can then be obtained. Ex change. " Coasting Without Brakes, How any rider can coast withont a brake passes understanding, "Know nnfhinov fanr nnthinir. " nntlv armlies to finish un on the south coast, probably ternately, dragging the cloth backward eyo iwsiiaKe 0f the kind. Recently a Brighton. The next deposits tail Que on j j"t young woman was nearly ginea ai xar- ui- ku m "" i rvtown. 14. I., wane ooasnng wra p parts, the mud is quickly rubbed off brateiegg bioyolo, and a boy was killed and the enamel left nnscratched. ontrioht lnacountrvtown of Massachn. asst. ta Uwi-v) f mn 1 ov vaelinoaa 4lM AV Against auerm-s an v-i OM u---- h tha n this .! ru.L..j. .4. ki. l "" "i UB urn Uiuo. uuuui-i m I - , II mmi n r.ralt.in nanrl. reoent session at uoviugiou, u aecinea . . wrmrdi-ino their lives? Amer- J- !. ll.w0 i1 lcn arratnat. rrrAA I . r Ulixugll IU- uia nam uu iw aWUMU wuuh " ' Tka rilmmiir-Can field Mill, The contest between Billy Plimmer and George Corflold, who are to fight before the National Sporting club ol London next September far 1,400, seems to be a fixture. The London Sporting Life ays: ."The second de posit of 100 side for this match has been duly lodged Wltn me siaxenoiaer, Mr. James Bennett the well known ex- ohamnion lightweight emmy Carney of Birmingham scored on behalf of PHmmer and Mr. H. Bee of Sheffield oo behalf of Oorfleld. The fatter will leave Sheffield next .week for Spennymoor. Plimmer will train at Leicester and was l couian t tea ine nog wnac i thought of him. "Chicago Times-Her aid. Woes of a Wheelman. The washing of the woolen garments worn is a burning question with wheel men. The average washerwoman will shrink a flannel garment inches at a time. We can hear from time to time rumors of marvelous exponents of the lauudress' art, who wash flannels with out shrinking them, but these legends, when followed up, appear to be varia tions of the snn myth or the stories of Prester John. Possibly -in the by and by the washerwoman who can wash flan nels without shrinking them will burst in a blaze of glory upon a waiting world. We can, at any rate, promise the artist when she does deolare her self, a hearty welcome from the cyclists of the world. To Remore Had From Wheal. Here is an excellent way to remove mud that has gathered on a bioyole. Let the mud dry, then take a clotM with tittle oil on it, pass it around each tube of the frame, and, holding the ends, one in each band, pull them al ug. S, 17 and 81.' - Charaskl Seeks FttaslauBoas. Joe Cboynski, who is now in Califor nia, sayti have chased Corbett for -years and can get no satisfaction from him. As things stand now Corbett will have his hands full to regain his lost epntation, and if luck oomea my way I jun going to fly at higher game, Fitz- -simmoni is the man I am after, and if I am suooessfnl with Maher I will devote .all my energies to getting on a match With gits. "HPW York Hnq - To Tonr the Coantry Afoot, Around the United States on foot is rtbe undertaking Herbert Mason of 1018 ilfeech street and William Reese of 1421 Verona street, Philadelphia, will en deavor to accomplish, starting Aug. 1. They are putting no limitations as to the time it will take them, omy promising not to bog ta their way. . If they soo- ceed in making tho trip, they will win a wager of 500. Philadelphia -Toss. and easy to operate, Is true of Hood's Tills, which aro up to date In every respect. Safe, certain and sure. AH druggists. 25c. C. I. Hood : Co., towell, Mass. The only Fills to take with Hood's SarsapartUa. CITT MARKET REPORT. Corrocleil Daily by RobertsJ Rro., Wholesale and lteail IMercliauls Wholesnle Prices. Rib Sides. Short Hacks 4Jc. Mess Pork(iitw) $9.00. JRump $9.50. Short Clear $9.25. ' Hams, sugar cured, 11 Jc. N, C. ITam. 10c. Ficshl'oik4to4. Lanl Compounds, in Tuba, 5 to 5. Best Leiif LarJ in Tub:i. 0c. Flour, I'i'it patent, $1.20 to $4.30. Flour, Fancy Straight, $3.90 to $3.95. Straight, $3 CO to $3.75. Extra Flour $3.25. Granulated Sugar 5c. A Sugar 4 . C Sugai 4 2 5c. Milages 15 to 25c. Syrup 15 to 25c. Cheese 0 to 10)c. Butt., lnqnet Creamy, 20 lo 21c. nutter. Da'rr, 17 to 18c. ltio CofT-e 14 to ISr. La Guaru Coffee IS to -Or. Ground Alum !Mt 55c. Piaa50tO"5. Chickens, grown, 45c. Spiing Cliii ki iis 20 to 33c fl eswnx 20c. Teanut? 60 in 70c. niilw, !ry,2 lo 6c. Hides, green, 2t Bicf 'U tool 4 lo tf, " 40c. Oats. . iiccl -3c. A -..jj TREATMENT DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BR&iN TREATMENT THE ORIGINAL, ALL 07HEK3 IWiTATIONS. nyntithDrizcu uRfinw o.uy, ti cur" .iit JUt'iimr, Uizzint'Hs, WnkefuliH'HH, Fitn, Iljsforin, (luick ihjhh, Niclit l.(iHtc8, Kvil Ilr-'iini!1, I,;ick (if t -imli-lor.co. N'rv man ws, ljimbii titic, nil !r;iiu., Ytmi li fe! Krrorf", or Kxci'ssiw Usp (f Ttilmmt, Opium, ir Liquor, wlurli Icnustu ?,i if-rry. ( onsiimptn-n, Iiiwinity and l.t;Mii. At storo nr l-y nirul. frl n bus: nix for fr; wuli writiois c-i:iriiiiitN to ftge, containing tivo days irfalnieni, witk i'uli instruct ion a, ZT) t'f'iitH, Otio painplooi.Iy uRl to ouch person. At store or by mail. t"Red Label Special Cvlri Cfrnnn'h tz r '.a or iiiiiiuicucy. luimi in Power, Lost MkiiIhmmI. oiertmy t i-arrcniitrt.1. yj, Vl a hox; six for ., witdj BEFORE or by mail. AF F. S. Duffy, Berne, N. C. 1-lieuiiinliNiii urcil. After cniiuentplisii ians and all oilier known rcneiliis fail, I'otanic Blood llalni, (li. I'.. l!.) iil (piiikly chip. Tiiiiils-uids nf li !-tirntii:ils ultc-sl tliis diet. No cum! l'Kiiciini!Ltiiii ("in l:utl 1 elori ils mnu'ic licalh:;: power. Send stump for book of particulars. It contains eNideiK i Unit will convince yon that li. II. 1!. it lliebii't cure for all lllc-nd tmd Skin Dii-aws evi r ili.-covcn-i!. Hcwnre (iI'miIi Ititulos slid lo be -.iu! a "iio.l.' $l.ll(J per saii;e bottle. Km' -ale by I)ni-e'-t. FREIGHT & PASSENGER. Atlantic & IT C. Pwailroa!5 T1MK 'l'AIH.K NO. 2, In. cdVct ?:"( M. Wi'clnesiluv, N ;iii lMi.j. 1 V GOIN' No. 1'- Sole Agont, New A B C ffl's Be Splfniliil curat ntrpnt fur Kfrvntii or Kick lleinliiclii), ltriiiii liTliiiiiN'.iiiii, KI.'.'i'U'SKiiiiss, ,HHciikl or gent-nil Isniniiuiii: ulno for lihcu matism, Guilt, Kiiliicij li-uiilers, A r i 1 1 H;s Kmi, Atui'iiiin. Atiti'.irt" fur Alcuholic ami ot linr exirufiseB. l'rico, 10, 2-anilu0ctnts. Efforveiscimt. THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 1 61 8. Western Avcnuo, CHICAGO. F. S. Dl'FFY, Berne, N. C. Sole Agent, Now LADIES DO YOU KKQ OR. FELIX LE BRUN'S Steel Pennyroyal Pills nro tho origin n) mid onlv I'liKNCII. onto and reliuhlo cure on tiip niurktit. ri ico, $l.n; i-e by eki.I. (l. uuinosjld only by P. S. DUFBY, Berne. N. C. Sole Agent, New 1 DD!IPC FOR EITHER SEX. LE Dnun OThis remedy being; In tnetod directly' to the eac oi inoiie uibcum-b of the Cientto-t.rinary Orsans, reoniren no ehanse of uiei. t'are rnnranteed In t to 8 dnvn. Mmnllnlalnnaek finnitiue. by mull, ll.uo Jf K MX JL noli only by F. S. Duffy,; Sole Agent, New Berne, N. C. mil mii-niiitm t they are an adonuneut and mtut lie M- chewed Tbo HaaoiUn WUh. Ob, for torn otbur lui thu thU, la ut lorl of Bona, Wbera femsloa itlll ar feaitlMb Whr mew womm ra onknowa : Whm Um atorn-1 fluuaa of all thing! thara'a Bangbttojar; ,-, . Wbar woman wear Do elothaa of man, thalr forma dWlne to mart Vbera ollnglng robaa ara atlU tha trla, aa in tha long ago, . - Till blcjrclM brought pantaloon! and plan gad na into woe. (ay aoma new Moata lead toon to. that tbrloa bleated shore Where the bloomera eaaae from blooming and tha pantlaa pant no more. . 0. 1. Ooltun lo New Orleana Timet-Demoorat. For Sale. : ' EMtrte Bitter-. t. . .... . t..A ,.r i... rwl Aiccinc uuiers a incuiciu buiiwi iui . . I . .M -.-..,.. I.ii. u-.l-nv-m rv. rk a kn-1ilIlV lor court of Craven cou-ly Id a ))cci.l - r T- ,ioceelin lo make 9-l(. I will, ad! 'S"'" - -, .'...l.ll .1 U- enrt .l.naa rW P""Hi WlICO the UVet l torpid ,,uw,i- ..-.,, ..." i.i. . ,, J f . ,n. .,1 ,itr. .-i t!,cilTofNW Derne, at J o'clock "u"" - . .. . M.. Momlav. Ootolief Bill," 1800, the " High Gears liars Pppnlsr. . Ia 119 too high a gear for a gingle? Such a wheel attracted great deal of attention in Prospect park roocnlly, and the rider elaimed that it pushed na easily M he oonld wish except up a' steep hill in a head wind. Gears any-whefe from 1 to 100 are beooniiug oominop. New York Frcar Mrs. Anna Gage, wife of Ex- . Deputy II, S. Marshal, Columbus, Kan., says I Siejralaa la Urerpool, LlTeroool hn a law prohibiting the dUplay of tdTorti-eideiiti ou vdlilclei io j the streets. A aau riding jblcyclff onl wmon mem waa a sign was rwvutijr w i rested on lined. - ,i - ...- CASTORIA ; ' I'or Infant, and' Children. "I waa delivered of TWINS in less than SO min utes and with scarcely any paial 1 after using only I! buVuSS two bottles of "MOTHERS' - pnipun si SID NOT SXTFTEB AFTERWARD. tVRentbr ginraiaof Mali, w racelntof erne, l.eo ri kettle. Book TO MOTUitta'1 mauaaxrae. . BSiDriELD BEOUUTCtl CO., iTUOTl, 01. . SOLD Bt ALL DRCaGISTS. (iuily of reiemptloi of W. O. BilnSoo, (',vi-nn -1, In tlielioumand lot situated OD mi tho norili siilo of R-iulh Front atrect,! I .-m -I V. ill In aii'l naliroek trei,now i 1 I v C. i. I' M. lVrnia or aule. . : r. i ! - :'iN', Mulnrliil produces Wenknes., General DeblUlr. IlUllouenc!., Low of Appetite, uttvc it felt. A nroropt use of this medi cine ha often averied long and p- rhap lutiil Dillons levers, rt'i moiciue win evi i - - .,.( i -' , mora surely In counteracting and freeing Children CfV for Pitcher's Castorfe. Indit,,,0nan'1 C',0!,l,P,lon- Grov . . ...!,.. fr,T 11. . m.iliii4til nniftr-n I w" Mn" . . . I T. ! fllilll Tftntn hrnnni tilt PftllM HID OJBlCtU tivyiM -.,. ........ ww-.-. UeitdHctio, Iudigislion, Coniumptli Diz.imws vlold to KUclrie lliltefs. mid II 00 per bottle Ut F. H. DufVl I'li'jHt.ira. . Jll(i)- Caveat, and Trade-Mark obtained and all Fat nt baeM conducted lor modckatc Fee. ouaorrica iaOrroaiT( U, a. pTiMTOrrm and wocanKcure paicni ia lesa tuna tuaa uum.' remote irom ffumnKi, .,'. Send model, drawing or photo., With detcrlp. j ttoo. We advise, ll pateniauio or nui, w n-.r nnt u till natent is secured. - a uinut " How to Obtain Patents," with coit of same in' the U. S. and foreign counuit sent (res. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Op, p.-nirr omet , whihoto. O. C M III.HIJ'.l. '.SY il'ft ' ' ' -V. 111. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 2-1 1 i'.i 12 5 "i ! 0 :!7 No. 1. t Mil,, 1 1'rt.fi, y'n.N.v. 'ii'im. I.V. 1 l.itn Hue Kiie-ti'ii. New l!i in, r. New lii in, l.v. I.v. " Ar. Ar. .M"iela:ul ','iiy. I.v I N i'atio:;.' No. 4. Ar. ii. Ill II -5 III .12 1 II II ii 3(1 17 rj Oi :i -lii :i ni r. M. .!oiuliiV. W Mu hl Fi t & ''.n. Ti'nir. Ar. p. ii.. no 7 2) (1 .10 ti 20 ; oo ,1 18 5 00 4 20 4 00 i :ss a 20 2 50 10 17 10 12 10 00 9 10 . 00 H 47 H ;i8 . 8 20 80 00 A. JI. lncsdny nncl i-'riOny, in. 7 20 (,'... l-li no, 7 .VI ' !!..,. 8 111 I. .t;t;in;e. 7 :i'i I-'ii I itis Cm k, II 21 Kiuliiii, !i '18 Cuswell. !) -V! fAr. Unver, l.v. 10 15 I.v. ' Ar. 10 40 Core Crc k, 11 11 Tiiseuroin, 11 :;i ciiu'K's, 12 Oi Ar. New lk in, l.v. 1 ;',0 l.v, Ar. 2 12 Kixenliile 2 ':i t ' ri ii i :in. 2 1:1 Haviil.-ck I! 12 N' wjnut. 3 21 Wil.lwi.i-tl, 3 :ll Ail inlie. Ar. Mori lii :;il t'ily, I.v Ar. M. City Depot, I.v Lv. Jl'iienlny, Tlim-siliiy.iiiiil 8alnnlny. S. I.. DILI., Snp't. WiimlnoLton, Newliern & Nuilol! T1MU TABLE NO. 1. To lakeellect Sumlav, May 17tls, lLCO, l 12:00 M. Superseiluifi Time Tulilo No. 4, DnteO Octnl'er 27lli, 18111., Going South, soiii-.ui i.k. Goino North l'tfxtt wit r Trttiitx. Stations. New lierne I'olini ksville Muysville JiieksorvH'e VilininMi Lve. 'No. 8. An P. M 5 20 1 44 4 ;(0 3 58 2 00 M. I'. i . j? ?w S BOTANIC- BLOOD BALM. A hotiaehold remedy for all Hlood ond liln dlMaaR. Chirr, without full. Neruf all.l iren. Khsaai.tlsai.fMarrh. Kll llliruia m and overy form of Blootl Dlaeawi frmn ihc slmploBt pimple tothefotiloatlllcer. Fifty yoara' use with unvarying aucceaa, (lem- onstrates lu paramount healing, purify Ine ana bu din? nn vlrtiw. une notlie has more pumtivo virtue than 0 dozen of i auy other kind. It builds up tho health ana strength from tho nrstaoae. tr WHITE for ninth of H on drrful Cure; ntVeeMnjili- vtsssots. ' tf not kept by your local drumrlst, send I (1.00 for a farce bottle, or H.0U for six bot tles, and medlotne will be sect, freight j paid, by BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, 6a. Kor 8ale bvJE. 8. Duffy. No. 7. Lve. A. JI 9 20 SI 10 09 10 ii 12 40 or r. ji. No. 6 P.88i:xoKR and Fuhiout No. 5 Leave Wilmington Jtomlny.Weilucsday in l Fntlay. Leave New Bern Tuesday I'lu rwluy unil Saturtluy. I.v. A.M. Ar.r.il 7 00 Lv Wilmington Air 3 25 7 io W. Sen-Coast 1' H. Cvos'k 8 15 Baymerttl, Kirk'and HC.-.-I- Hill, ..1111 pBuY'llI, Cypre-a llke, . Aniiuii'liile Wooi iMtle, KilyeeomVis I Ioily ri lj,r Folkstoue Dixon Verona Jaekftonvillc n. ' ., r . . ,... rrs.j, Tasteleo CU1I1 Tonic, remove tl cii in, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. M .)CM lliew lroUblM, , Tr, C:.;!J.-cn Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. &n(J you m be deiinhied. 60 otnt-. To iCry fnf . f .tchcrijur ..3rja. iht genuine uk to Qwn'K TOCUMBACOLD IN ORB DAT Take Lax-tllve Bronol Quinine Tablets. All diugglst refund the money if.it fall to cero. e. . . ". . " 7-'i 7:il 7 42 7 5H 8 0-1 8 II 8 18 8 32 8 52 I) 0(1 9 10 9 il 1 9 .10 11 ID 11 19 Norlhejst 11 88 Wliiteoak 11 R8 M-ytsviHe 1U18 Bavenswind 12 30 Pollocksville 12 53 Dulirub, 1 80 Art. NewMrnt Lv. P. M. Ohlly Except Sunday. fi. A. WHITING, General Manager, J. W. MABTEN1S, Gen'l Frt. and Pas, krt ' Arr. Lv. Lv. A'.r. 2 56 2 40 2 40 2 11 2 ('5 1 51 1 47 l. 1 17 13 55 12 12 12 2. :2 V 10 i 10 la 0 lil 9 16 8.1b 8 51 828 800 A. M, UNTIL FUIiTIiEU NOTICE The Steamer NEUSE Is sclictluk'd to sail from. New born ii8 follows: MONDAYS, - WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Sailing hour s:3() p. m. Sharp. Freight received up to 5 o'clock For lurther information apply to, GEO. .HENDERSON, Agent. June Zi. 1S!W. Thousands ble.s tlie day tin y lieard o Dr. K. (' West's Nerve and Hiain Treat ment. It lias broiiL'lit happiness ar.i lieallli 10 rei'hu e uiim ry ami di?-coura;:e-nnni. Thirty (lays In-atineut lor $1.1)0. Fur sale by V. IS. Duffy. If some people wcro half as big a tlioy think they are, the world would have to be enlarged. Snci essl'irl for years, Dr. Ib Brim's (!. & (i. Cure; three dajs. No bail -fleets. One Dollar; at store r liy mail. For sale by F. Dully. What some people know would till a book and what they don't know would fill a library. Get genuine Dr. Le Brim's S. & P. Pill lor ladies. Sold only by authorized agent?. I One Dollar, at store or rr.y mail. I or so' i y V. S. Dully. Half the peoplo in the world aie working the other half for chumps, iiii'l making it pay. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Bivin Treatiueut is mmank-i.il to cure aoy ci.se of nervous debility of whatever csuie. Six months course with guarantee, $5. A 1 stole or by mail. For sale by F. S. Dully. Egotism makes a man believe tho world thinks as much of him as ho thinks of himself. Wanted The unfortunate lo know 1 hat Dr. Lu Hruu's 0. .V. li. Cure w:;! cure iu thieo days. One D.iuar at store or by mail. For sale by K. S. Dully. The man who never forgets any thing, nover forgets to bouot of u 10 every one lie meets. Ladies, despair not. Dr. Lc Brun'B S. A: P. Pills sure cure. One Dollar; ut store or by mail. For mle at F. 8. Dai ly's. The reason most peoplo givo ad vice so freely is because they are anxious to get rid of it. For scventieo years Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and liraiu 'I icatiin nt has worked wonders for the sick, pale, nervous, d. -Initialed uu n and women of this count, r. tl per box; six for 1. For sale by F. K Dully. Tbo man who is willing to do as he would be done by, always wants to be dono by Grst. Yoc will not be disappointed in Dr. Le Hruu's (i. & U. Cure. No bad eflecls, no diet; lime days. One Dollar, at store or by mail. F01 sale at F. 8., Duf fy's. Nothing hurts a man like pinning faith to a wrong idea and being scratch by tho pin. D.ilicale ladies taku great restorative. Dr. Le limit's S. & P: Pills. One Dollar, at store or by mail. For sale I F. ri. Dully. We never know what we can do till we try, and thon we frequently find that we can t. You iud no risk. Alb druggists guar antes Grove's Tustelets Chill Toulo to .do all that the manufacluier claim for it. Do a man. Tke Dr. E. U. West' Nerve and lirain Treatment. It restores manly vigor. Guaranteed lo cure. 1 per box, iix lor fa. tor sal at i. o mil. Mine ont of ten men who become! thoroughly contented, hare outlived thoir useiulnesa. ': v No publicity. Send your dollar by maU and get a box of Dr. Le Bran' G. A . Cure. Curt in three dij. Never fitli. For rh by F, 8. Doffy. . When a man knows hi duty, he avoid! doing it by aaking advioe. r