VOL XV NEW SERIES NO. 96. NEW BERNE, N. C. SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 12. 1896 ESTABLISHED 18S2. S HOLTON TALKS. NO IDEA OF ELECTORAL FUSION. Belweea Demterali ana Popnllsts. Bepublleaas and Populists Wall Organised. Heerel raderatand Idk Long Ago. Special. Raleigh. September 11. Cliairman Holton says be has no idea that there will be electoral fusion of Populists aDd Demo crats in this State, as tbe Populists he- be lieves will never Tote for Sewall under any circumstances. Mr. IIultoQ insists tli at the Republicans are better organized now than at any time within two J ears, and that the Populist organization is well in hand. He does not think the State ticket will be lurther in teilerrcd with, tbnugb of course there will be hi tempts made to secure changes :io it lie laughed he rtily when told tbe Populists were saying they had done a .grevt stroke of buainiss in getting live Congressmen. Be says he dictated yesterday's f.ision contract, as be terms it,and that Hal Ajer wrote it. He say i: tbe Populists lollbw this instructions and take bis advice, they will certainly beat the Democrats. There has been an understanding be tween the two parties for some time, he oiffuits. Weekly Trade Bevlew. Special. .New YoflK, September 11. Brad street's lkview of tbe State of trade, says the feeling noted among jobbers and man nl'ncturers last week that an improvement in demand was in tight, waf entirely real iz d, for in a dozen trade centers West and SvUtU tbe demand is more active nd tbe volume of sales lias increased. The outlook lor business is more fav orable. Charleston und, Augusta report a marked improvement. There is a more encouraging look to the pries at wheat, which has advanced. B airoa 1 earoingi an 1 b.mk clearings bow a decrease, also failures. LMkl f.rl.rn Attempt. Special. WAjtiuptaTos, D. C. September 11 JMtetilrer men will make a vigorous cam ptlgn in Main anil Massachusetts, and are bop'ng to carry those States. Mara tjald Cooling, Special. Vbw Youk, Saptembsr 11 It is re ported hero this afternoon that tvyeoty. live millions more gold will be imported, ia addition to that already en route. CMtlylFIre la Blehnt.nd. BtCBKOMD, Va , Fire destroyed the big tobacco factory of Gordon, Cambell ft Co. Low, $54,000; inturunce, 50,000, Much of the tobacco in the building be longed to others than the firm, Tbe cause nf the fire is supposed to bare been spontaneous combustion. N. BlaST Ab.at Fltaslmmona. Haw Tork, R'tlK-rt Fittsiuimons and his manager, Martin Jullau, gave a ban quet to Mends at the Union Square Hotel During the evening Julino produced a roll or bills aid handed 15,000 to James . Holland, as a foi fit holder, for Fitzsim moot to Unlit Corbelt for a stake of $5,(00 jnr 110,000 sUe. . -. . Waal a Jalnt Dsbate.t CfllOAQO. Acting on the report that "Major JKinley is to take the. slump, a 'petition it (being circulaud among local orgaainlioni, asking. Messrs. McKinley od Bryan to inwt in int ds'iate upon - the financial question ia the Coliseum on the evening of October 17, or thereabouts. - Letters will accompany the petition; - muring the candidates oft (air and im partial hearlou and urging them to grant organised labor an opportunity to hear . Loth aide of tbe financial qucllloa rive Veasau Wracked. PaotrDBMia, E. I. -Five vessel were wrecked at: Point Judiih during the '' Worm, but it la believed that all hands , vra taved. Tbe ' name of the boats m M not be learned. One was a v dou V nd fls,,ln8 "P081 ll!lInB fto; Porta tnotfth, N. B.; two were cat-boats, one w wl rigged sharpie, and the other . ihWlter Doat. All (tfthe bvat weia wrecked a mi!e from ah ore. Tb, .wow or , the Hsu, ,. .ra narnea by another craft while four or five men were Pked up by tbe bark John Bartey, which to connection with the coMUQctlonot thefoint jnaitn break-water. - V - " The Crew of the Hfe-aaving alatloa went lo John Uartey to learn particulars. The wind atone time: reached a nilociijof eighty miles an boor at Point Judith. . . 4kaeer laTamaa. Foat Worth, Te. The BepeWlcaa Bute convention iwuwembled with a full attendance of delegate. Credentials con 'tests were.tatitlactor'ily adjusted, Insuring .pertect harmony in the ranks of the party. , Tbe resolution commltlee recommended the appointment o( a plenary commltlee to confer with, similar committees ap pointed by'.tho gold Democrats and Top alltta, looking to fution on Presidential electors and on Congressmen from the tarloui Texas districts. COMPLXSTB. FUSION LATER. Republicans aad Papal lata will Valla Completely. Impossible to tell wba will Come otTTIeket. 8pclal, Kaleigh, N. C, September 11. It is stated on high authority that au under standing wag reached, yesterday, between I ho Republican and Populist State Com tnittees, that theie ehould.be complete fusion later on the State Ticket. The members of both committees took a pledge to keep thir-sscret, and it is im possible for any one to ascertain who it is agreed to keep or drop from the ticket, whether Russell or Guthrie. Mot Beady to Hall. Special. Brooklyn, N. Y., September 11. Tbe cruiser Bancroft will be unable to sail for tbe Bosphorus, tomorrow, on ac count of her repairs not being com pitted, and site will probably be detained for another week. Nllver Wave Increasing-. Special. New York, September 11. Senator Faulkner said today, tbe silver wave is growing everywhere, except in Muiue and Vermont. This is indicated by his mail. Tbe sentinicnt is especinlly stiODg in New York. Chairman Jones denied the reports of Treasurer St. John's retirement. STATE CROP REPORT. Makes Potion Seven Points Lower Than Government Report. 8poelal. U A Leigh, N, C, September 11. The State crop report for September puts tbe percentage of the cotton at 63, which is seven points lower than fn Government estimate. Commissioner Patterson says he is con fident bis figures are more correct than the Government's, they are also one week later. Tillman Willing-lo Debate. Cuioago. Some time ago Rudolph M. Patterson, a young Republican of this city, challenged Senator Tillman, of South Carolina to n joint debate on the money question. He received reply from the Senator, accepting the challenge and agreeing to meet him at either Chica. go or New York, the latter city preferred Gorman at the Helm. Bai.timoub. Unitel States Senator Gorman took charge of the Democratic; free silver campaign in Maryland, and was the central figure at the .mectin;; of me oiaie ceuirai coimuiiiec, nt lue ar rollton Hotel. Every county and leg's lalivc districts nas reprtscntid. Killed Wire aad ffeir. Rici mond, Mo. Charles Maidment.'a prominent citizen of this place, shot and killed his wi'e at their home in this city and then ki.led himself. There have been small domestic difficulties betwetn the two for some time. The double tragedy caused great excitement. Popecratie Tlokel la Iowa Das Moinks, Iowa. Tlie Populist Si Mo conventipa with 300 delegates Irom all districit unanimously Indorsed tbe fusion ticket, named by the Democrats at Ottouiwa, a month ago, Geo. J. B. Wta ver had control or the convention and there was not apartl.le oi objection or contention. The platform indorse Bryan and Eewnll. Telegraphic Items. Five hundred reserve mechanics of various trades are on a strike at the large store building of Slrgel, Cooper & Co., in New York, on account cf the employment of non-union marbleworker Tlie L. Candee Company, manufactur er of rubbtr shoes, at New naven. Conn. and one of tho largest member of the Doited State Rubber Company, reeunud operations In nearly sll of the t epuit- meats, employing 1,300 men. - Fire destroyed part of tho plant of the McGuiu Manuac-tarfog Company, Chi cago. The company manufactures electri cal appliance and railroad supplies. The lost Is estimated variously fron $230,000 to $750,000, laid to bs fully insured. , uo Obermartu. a dock dealer and member of tbe wholesale firm of Loeweu tela ft Obermartb, New : York, wt found dead In a room in the Vanderbllt Uutel, at Forty-second street and Lexing ton avenue. lie bad committed suicide by inhaling gas. Mental worry was tbe Cause. Warren D. Whitehead sod Mrs. Pat rick Kearney, of Denver, Col. died under clrcumilancej which caused iho arrest ol Whitehead's wife on su'plclon of murder. They were drinking beer at Whitehead's houiev Mr. Whitehead declined to im bibe, and soon afterward tbe other be gan to show sign of poisoning, and died In great agony. . . , One man fatally and four others teri ouily injured I tbe result of n explosloi cautid by the careless handling of gaso lino In the lull .ting occupied by the Mound City Cleaning and Dyeing Com pany, at St. L-a'. j"nEAT SALES prove Uio great itnrit ol JlootH rjarsfiparllla. Hood' SArsapaHllA lls bnraiiae it accoinpUiihc C" EAT CUT.;?, WASHINGTON IfflE SENATOR BUTLER'S VIEWS ON CO-OPERATIVE TICKET Wagera on Bewail Dropping 4nt. Boa lb Carolina Election. Honey for Campaign Purposes. Gov ernment Employees Stirred. Journal Bureau, Washington, D. C. Sep'., lltb. Senator Marion Butler, the shrewd chairman of tbe Populist National com mittee, uses more diplomatic language when discussing the subject than Tom Watson does, but he makes it plain to all who talk with him about it that to lar as the Vice Presidential nomination is con cerned be and Tom Watson are working towards a common end the substitution of Watson's name for that of Sewall on the regular Democratic ticket. Senator Butler said on the subject: There is a stroDg feeling in the South that there should be a co-operat ivc ticket. one composed of men who fully share each other's views on the great issues of the clay, and stand together in every way as lepresenting tlie masses ol the people. In Bryan and Watson there is a co-oper ative ticket. It is'tt belter silver ticket than Bryan and Sewall. I believe that hull the Demociats are satisfied that a mistake was made in nominating Sewall. It will be admitted on every e:de that the Popu list parly is entitled lo the Vice Presi dency.'' When it comes down to expressing un opinion as to whether Sewall will be withdrawn Senator Butler declines, with u smile which leaves little doubt ol bis be lief that he will bo. There are also plenty of Democrats in Washington who believe that Mr. Sewall will be withdrawn, not withstanding the continued assertions ot bis intention lo stick. The Republicans say it isn't a question of what tlie Demo cratic managers want to do, hut of what they must do, or give up all hope of car rying several states which the single ticket of Bryan and Watson would be reasonably certain of carrying. Nothing is ever certain io politic, but at this time a maj iri.y of the politicians in Washington, regardless of party, are ol tbe opinion that Mr. Sewall will not be toted for in November, and that Tom Watson wijl be; a number of wagers have been made on the dropping of Sewall. Seuator Tillman isn't the first person nho has devoted so much time to outside missionary work that they have lost con trol of their own household. It was until a short lime ag3 supposed that Senator Tillman's word nas law with a majority of the voters of South Carolina,' at least so tar as political mallei were concerned.. The def. ut of Gov. Evans for the s at in the U. S. Senate now held by Mr. Irby has excited much comment in Washing- tou. because it was known that Gov. Evans was supported by Senator Till man, who is now making silver speeches among the Pennsylvania cool miners. The politic;aus do not seem to under stand the mutter at all, and are in doubt whether it means Tillmnn's overthrow as a politic d boss it merely oi e of these knockdowns which are occasionally ad minUterei! to the bosses of ihe people. Money is in great demand at tlm Bryan headquarters. This week, in addition to the appeals which have b eu made by the DemicraU, the Populist National committee issued one, asking Populists for subscriptions of tl.UO nud upwards to help pay the expenses ol the campaign. Tbe Issuing of Bryan's letter of accept ance and bit coming second ir'p East, have served to enthuse tbe D. mo. rats to n coosideruble extent. The Arkunsas elec tion, tr.o, although tbe result was txpic- ted, has played an active part in restoring ihe Democrat io confidence nbivb wus considerably dampened by the political happenings of last week. If the Eaiplojees of the Qoveiumml depart m ntt at Washington had Ihe election of President in their hu.ds thai cluu-ef Mr. Ilriati's letter which do's with tlie ilvil service wuld clve ids friends much uneasiness, for Mr. Bryan makes It very plain that he thinks the "oula' might be given a chance at these offices without impairipg the efficiency of the public service. . No milter how bit' ter a parti-uu the aver ige small-fry otllce holder may b.-4 when lie first comes to Washington bis tlesjru to continue lo of fice very soon fur outs. eh, In his partisan ship and his parly intarcit becomes swallowed up In bis nK-intcrest. This U especially liua under 111 civil service reforn law, whUh it supposed to keep a man in olfne niter lie once uels in. Tim hint ol ifr. Bryau's that they won't be kept lo oillca If he win, lias stirred up a regular boru' t's ne4 in. the depart uisut, sod b i i. questionably added to tht ou.nl er of those lo office who don't want hlra to be elected; but, Inasmuch at lb fnrao hint bat probably been effica cious In making him new friends among tho who would like to All government ppiltloos, he has on the whole most like been largely the gainer by putting It is kit letter of acceptance. , ' It was reported early this week, and generally believed, Hint tcveial prominent official! lad been askel by President Ulevelsod for their resignation, because they bad been niaklD; speeches for Bryan and freo silver, but up to thl writing tbe report hat not beta officially confirmed. Poisoned al a Wedding. De8 Moines, Iowa, At the wedding of J. C. Tombs and Miss Emma Bender son at Bondurante wholesale poisoning occurred. Immediately alter the wedding a din ner was served to about seventy five guesU. Nearly all of them were poisoned by something they had eaten, supposed to have been chicken p:e, cooked in coar vessels. A number quickly recovered, but about twenty were in u dangerous condi tion till Most of Ihe-e are now out of danger, Physicians" Were sent for from Des Moines and It is reported that all will recover, with the posiible exceptions ol Mrs. Rothrock, James O'Brien and Mrs. H; ad Henderson. Claims For llryan. Chicago. J. Q. Johnson of Kansas, a member of the Democratic national exe- cative committee relurnel to Chicago headquarters from a two weeks' lour throughout Minnesota, the Dakota", Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Kansas, and other Western States, He sail'; "Minne sota will go lor Bryan, beyond doubt. Even the leading Republicans of that Stale privately concede the election of Mr. Lind, the silver fusion candidate for Goviinor." J Mr. Johnson added that the Bryan (an tiiutnt in l he D.ikotas, Nebraska, Uiab, and Colorado was so strong that it was only a question nf majorities. He made the sweeping assertion that tlie Democrats would carry every Wtstern State by over whelming majoriliis. Chairman Campau, t't the campaign committee, said the private advices wMeh he bad received from Michigan indicated the free silver tide was risiug in that State at a tremendous rate, and poiutcd lo a big majority for Biyan. A letter from John S. Bronck, chair man of the Democratic county committee, of Rochester, N- Y., states the silver sen liuient among farmers andvotkinginen in that section of the State was simply amazing. A German department has been added to the headquailers, l'clix Send', a local German newspaper mao, being placed ia charge. Clubs are being oi'i;oized in Chicago and throughout the West by Theodore Gastefeldt, a former Republi can, ami ex cily clerk. BASE BALL. National League Games Played Yes terday. Special, Halt i moke, September 11 Baltimore 5; Brooklyn, 1. Waswnoton, September 11. Wash ington, 5; Philadelphia, G. PiTTSljURU, September 11. Chicago, 4; Pittsburg, 3. L.OUI8VIU.E, September 11. Louis ville, 3; Cincinnati, 2. Where They Play To-dny St. Louis at Cleveland. Brooklyn at Baltimore. Philadelphia ut Washington. Chicago nt I'ittsburg. Boston at New York. Cincinnati ut L nisvill.'. flOW THE CLUHS STAND. CLCBS. W. I.. P. C. Baltimore, Wo I B4 I .714 Cleveliiud, ?:l 45 (ill) Ciocmuaii, 72 I 4li I .014 Chicago. I'll I 51) .SGG Boston, 07 I S5 I .554 Pittsburg, 02 I 50 .525 New York, 61) 02 I .488 Philadelphia, 58 j 02 .4'il Brooklyn, 54 05 I .454 Washington, 51 8 .429 St. Louis, SO 1 85 I .208 Louiaville, 31 88 .260 THE MARKETS. Chicago, September 11. ol'KMNO. CLOSE. Deceii' er WheA', ftfj 59 .1 inuary Pork, 0 02 fl.Ol) J.iLUiry (libs, o. 31) Z.60 THE COTTON MARKETS. September II til. Liverpool market seemed to wholly disrrgnid the viry bullish government report which Was published jesterday. The spqt sales there were 8.00 '. The New York nisskct has been nervous, with great weakness. "January closed 8 40, October 8 2t against 8.72 and 8 57 jesteiday. At the present time any opinion of the future course of prices is of no villus. It I a fact however that it speculative tupport Is withdrawn from the niaiket it will likelr so lower be cause spinners uncertainly not alarn ed over lh prosoect ot a short crop Spinners are currying large slock of Iihkii wnivn cuunot be sold at any where near the present patity of cotton New Bkbni market ba been unsettled wltb sales 7.55 lo 8c most of the cot ton sold about 7.79 7.80. Your Truly, .. . v ' SJ. 2. Latham. mimr .1 t TELLER'S NEW CIGAR, Sold only at - - - T 7k M 1 c' Pharmacy, aarw a aw ftcDaniel Si Qaskill, WHOLESALE AMI RETAIL DEALERS IX Choice - Family Groceries. A FULL stock of everything in the Grocery line. CANNKI) o poils of all kinds. THE very best Butter received I'rosh from the Dairy eviry week. THE best Roislc'd C llee in the city. LORILLAHD'S CntiH' ut man ufacturer's prices. 3 Everything First-class Prices as Low ns the Lowest. GOODS uot found as represent ed taken back aud money re funded. Call and examine oi'r stock and get prices. L i MILL, Wholesale anil lictail (irocers, 71 Broad St., New Kerne, N. C. 17 !1 j.fM1 cotton reus ! We have left about 12 Linen Skirts, made of Crash that sold for 25c. a yard. To get rid of them in a hurry we have mark ed them 75c, each. That's a great big Bargain. Septemdeh 9. J. 1. ' ASK I VS, School Books and School Supplies STATIONERY, Books anil Hook-lots, Kiijiavol Lards anil Invitations, Sheet Music anil Musical lust i n. meuts. UrS?"Mail orders receive prompt' atten tion. J. 1. ' ASli I S. If you had A Rose Bush and each rose kept Us perfume in a litth bottle in the centre, it would he no sne t er, purer, or more lasting than the Per fume we oner tor sale, lour tavoiite odor is lure to be here tor our stock embraces almost every known unod tier fume, domestic and imported at popular prioes. BRADHAM'S PHARMACY. Silver or Gold ! It matters not 1 What we want l your order for that Pall Suit. T11A.T you must have. Our Fa'l and Winter Samples are ready for your inspection. Also a line ot Cassimeroi and Worsteds In stock if you do r.ot wish to wait. We guarantee Fit and Prices. Goods were neier so good or prices u low as now. F. 91. Chad w ick 101 Middle Street. (Second-hand Dray and a first-class BET of HARNESS for Bale at a Bargain. TJarneis good as new I Apply at A. J. Q askins, Ioot of Marad emtica woaa. ITS WJki4 And now fori lie Biggest Season WE EVER HAD SINCE OUR FIRST OPENING IN NEW BERNE, Fall and Winter '96-7. WY me filling nut' mammoth store on I'ullix-k street lo oveillowing Willi ni'-h iioods mid lit prices you never muv la icire. We list v.- iust returned from New York nud ollnr Xorllurii markets wlu ro c liouyht our inimenco Kail iiiid'Winti r Sloi-k, nml never before have we bem able to place our money to such n advaiitiiu as in our buy ing 1 1 1 1 s inn. With our larsre buying for live Imsy : stuns in North L'urolin i, we are ln-t-ter )i'c)and to yive the right piiccs than suiiilier dealcis. Kvirylbin bu-tiiii in our stora this wei k. THE BIG Dry Goods Bargain House. G. A. Barfoot,Mgr. Notice I Wholesale Trade. IOO small Full Cream Cheese. 250 boxes Tobacco from 15 to 30 cents. IOO cases Pie Peach es. 75 cases table Peach es. 100 cases Baking Powders. 100 cases Soap, 50 cases Starch. 75 tubs pure Lard. IOO cases Brandy Fruit. Lorillard and Gail'& AxJSnuff, Al And other thingstoo numerous to mention, as cheap as the cheap est. JOHN DUNN 55 & 57 Pollock St BARGAINS q Bicycles. In order to make' room for my new stock of whee-ln. 1 will soil lor tho next 30 days tlie following suroml hand wheels, good as new, at prices named liolow : Ouo 34 Inoli Missus wheel, new, $20 00 One 24 Inch Gntlinin,toyH,second hand, 30 Ofl One iS Inch Hoyer, lients, soeonil hand SO 00 One 3(1 Inch liotham, llissoi, soeond Hand ij oo One 29 Inch Bollls, Genu, good as new, 43 on One 3H Inch Fentnn. Uents, second hand 80 oo One 38 lnoh Hoyer, Uents, good as new, M 00 one m Inch slHlestlo; Oonts, good as new ss oo One 18 Inch Oalos, Uents, second hand 90 oo One 34 Inert Westminister, Misses, sec. ond hand, so 00 One ft Inch Koyer,Ladles,second hand, 39 00 These are all In good order and are high grade wheels. We also have soms cheapsr second hand wheels whloh we are ortorlng I'lilTS. at great Dargalns. A tall line ol Novelties will be sold at greatly reduced prloaa. Mr. Plttman who ha baea unwell lor the past tew weeks Is at his post again ami anx ious to eerr those who daslra repairing ot any kind dona. . , F. H. DUFFY."-'.' Sew Stock Fearful Depres Remarkah le Children. Well, you certainly should when you con sider such offers as these. THREE Styles or "Little S lients" l.nec Shoes, sizes J at $1, $1.25 and 81.30 pair. k I SPECIAL thiiiir in a "Kan- irola l alf" Misses Shoes, sizes 1 1 to 2, 2 a(SI.2. pr. A Shoe with weitrht and beauty com hilled. tjj FIVE Styles of li?ht weight 3 siilislniitinl soles, Misses 'A Donirolu Shoes, sizes 11 to v 2. at H S l.2. pair. J S These are nine styles In a 0 line that bus the quality of K norltiiianship and the beau- $ ty of fit louibiiieil. We have a full line ol everything in shoes. We want your busi ness. If prices and stock will talk, we'll have it. We ask an inspec tion. Nuccewtor to Prices ! W HE School X I. J. lLllidii. IEackbnrn A lllci