,1 r TTTT1 , TflT"M If charles 1 stevens. ' Edito and Peopbietor. I'EW BEEHI, N. a Spt. 19, 1896. Entered at tb Port Office; at Sew Borne, N. C. M seooad class matter. Th Daili JoraKAfc (except Monday) Is rteliTered by carrier la this city, at to oento per motitk, - - " "' ' " 'I n he a HoKTHa, invariably ta adranoe, $1.00 tba v. :. " v K WubT ouAt one year, In advanee. 11.00 AdrerUsin-Rates given oo application at tin offlr. JIT oants per line will be aliargwd lor ni Tliaoka, Baeotatlene ot Respectaad Obituary Poetry; also 1or Obituary Notloea other tbaa those which the- editor himself ahall aire a a matter at newa. .. .. v: Hotloesof Ctauroh and Kxjloty and all other ntaitalnmenta lrom whloh revenue to to be derived will be obarged lor at the rate of Ave c - aline. : 'f'-l "t '" Tb Jotnuur, will not ander any eircum etanee be mponalble for the return or the ale keeping of any rejected manuscript. lto exception will be made to this rule with re- aid to either letter or lnolotnrea. Kor will - Editor enter Into correspondence eon earning reiectad manuscript. j. - ITATB ORWA1IOM. WHICH? ': If the Democratio party of North Carolina can only choose between aeon ring the State, electing Cyros It. Watson and the rest of the ticket, or the election of electors who shall rote for Bryan and Sewall, which ' shall tt be?., f -: ; V' :J; ': non-action by the Democratic Executive Committee in letting the Totors of their party remain in ig norance as to what they must do is making it more perilous each day for the snecees oft th State and National Democratio ticket, for the speakers and newspapers of , t'.ie party; are kept blundering along without a ray of political light to direct their course by. If this inaction means the sacrifice of the State ticket in order to elect :. the National ticket, why, is not the ; fusion -proposed for this purpose, " namely, the gathering together under one banner of sil verites, Popu lists and Democrats, and those Republicans .who favor free silver, consummated at once, and the fight made on that line? , But on the other hand, if North Carolina is. most l important to ." Democracy, ' why cannot the voters of the Democratio party be given a - free and nnhindered chance, through their speakers and their newspapers - to go forth into the fight, instead of being held,, back, questioning as to the policy 'which the Democratic State Executives may promulgate, and each day through inaction - becoming the less able x successfully cope with their political enemies. The Democratio party in State Convention, declared for its candi dates and principles. Why has the action of this convention been held in abeyance these many weeks, and the party subjected to a prolonged and unnecessary political inaction, when organization and action were so imperative in order to win in November?. ... . , No one seems to be able to answer this question, although the leading Democratio papers of the State have . vainly appealed for some word or hint whereby they might take the cue for an aggressive campaign. Six weeks, or a little more, is now left. Lassitude and inaction still possess the Executives, who offer no sign that anything will be done. The question of saving the State - or National tioket for Democracy in XNonn Loronna will soon be unnec essary to ask. It will be settled for Democracy by Its political foes, and in a way that , will mean sure and positive annihilation for the party. .-. Mf tfcaOfeethea, Now that Hanna has carried Maine, T. E. Watson wilt go insane; hell tear up the earth around every stomp and hurl forth fire at every jump, "Vot how," says ho, "can ' the day be woo when Sewall is at war with gewall's1 son T "Just see what trouble has come about put Wataon on and kick 'em qnt 1 Then would the cart be out of the mire, and we d carry Vermont and New TTampahire; the Populists votes, ten million strong, to T. E. Watson aione, belong; tney lollowe him through thick and thin bring Wat aon out, run Sewall in!" This is the shriek that wiil now be heard, fiery, fierce and' undeterred, from' the swampy banks of the Ogeeohee to the far-off plains of Nebraskee. If this noise, Tom, don't soon conclude they'll put spider in your food. Norfolk Land mark. I ; Btaal Otfeat PaayU't IaTcatiena, . Just why inventive genius and gnillibility sboold go together it is hard to say. Certain it is that in ventors are the most guileless indi vidual! in their dealings with others 1 1 business matters, and fall easy ' s s to the spiders who lie in wait for such flies. The list of clever men who walk today, while those who ride pwfl their luxury to the other man's genjije and their own shrewdness, is n interesting onp. Here are a few cases pipked hap hazard from the chronicle of in ventions that, failed to benefit the inventor, or, at least, produced for him merely a little of what was his duo.- ' It is not necessary to be very old to remembor when hooks were 'find put in men's shoes in place of holes, in ordor to save time in lacing the shoe at the top. This was the bril liant idea of an inventor to whom it should have brought a fortune. It would have done so had he been a shrewd brfaiiiess man;1 Being merely an inventor, ho hadn't sense enough to keep his idea to himself until the patent office padlock had secured it against thefts, In the iunocence of his nuture the inventor confided the idea to a friend while, crossing the North river ferryboat and the friond hardly waited for the boat to tie tip in Jersey City before he excused himself, started back to -New York and went on a dead run for a patent lawyer in order to have the idea secured for his own especial benefit. Another man is known today as the inventor of the lace hooks. He owns a splendid . honse. and is wealthy. The confiding inventor got nothing. , The inveutor of a patent stopper for beer bottles, something that had long been wanted by the trade, sold the invention for 910,000 to a man who recognized its great money- making value. ; I lie purchaser is now worth 5,0d0,0Q0,;all of; which lie made from the sale of the patent stopper. Out of the goodness of his heart he presented the original owner of the patent , with t30,000, so that this man got tl0-,t)00 in all for bis Co,00Q,000 idea. To give some notion oi the'value of patent rights on tbis bottle stopper the price came down from $1 to 6 and 7 cents a gross, and even at this enormous reduction a 'good profit could made. . .. be This last inventor was treated with princely generosity, however, in comparison with the genius who devised a pocketbook clasp in the shape of interlocking bores, with balls at ' the end which . so shut with single pressure. The idea was afterward applied to gloves and became very much in favor. The inventor relinquished his prize for the magnificent reward of a kid ney stew dinner and fifty' cents, the latter having been advanced by the purchaser to pay the inventor's ex penses from Newark to Mew York. The man who secured the idea and patented it, after treating the inven tor in the royal manner mentioned, made a big fortuno by his shrewd ness. What became of the inventor is not known. N. Y. Kecorder. Weyler'i Snnday Sport Fifty-one Cuban insurgents, con fined in the Cabana fortress and Morro Castic at Havana, were shot on Sunday by order of Gen. Weyler. So pleased was he with this observ ance of the Lord's Day that he at once sent the news by cable to the Madrid government. He . has al ways chosen this day for his execn tions, with an apparently strong conviction that "the better the day, the better . the deed." From his arduous labor of issuing orders and manifestoes, all of a more or less appreciative character, these butch eries seem to have been his relaxa tion. Fifty-one insurgents shot ! Fifty-one prisoners of war killed like so many cattle in cold blood 1 It carries one back to the barbarism of the Middle Ages, or to the un speakable outrages of the Turks in Armenia to find a parallel. No wonder that such deeds drive the in surgents to retaliation with dyna mite. ' , " V When Weyler assumed command in Cuba, he boasted, that in a few weeks he wonld have suppressed the rebellion. lie has been there months and the insurrection is, if anything, stronger and more intense than ever, The Spanish victories, so' called, have -been mostly butcheries of pacificos," farm laborers and peo ple generally, men, women and children who were fonnd at their homes peacefully . pursuing their customary avocations. Weylor has proved himself incapable, ' and' as cowardly as he is cruel. But once has he been to the front to inspect his trooha, and even then he hurried back because of an approaching bat tie with the insurgent. He is awai ting 60,000 more troopf from Spain. and with these, he says, he will sweep the island from one end to the other, and thus crush the rebell ion. This, ,of course, will prove as idle a boast as all the rest, but mean while he will wreak his vengeance upon such helpless prisoners as may fall into his bauds. Let it be un derstood that among these may bo American citizens, and that the United States government staudsn calmly by and permits the slaughter to go on without even a word protest. . " Qnly within the last few dy the government has ordered several naval vessels to tbo Levant to pro tect the. interests, ot Americans in the Turkish dominions, and, if ne cessary, protect them from the fury of Moslem fanatics. Yet at our voy doors cruelties and barbarities are enacted every day that call for ro dress, for prompt, cnergetio action, and the government of tlio United States rests supinely and permits the sacrifice to go on. How much longer must the world behold this spectacle ? Wash. Times, State o Ohio Citt of ToLhD1?, i s . ? - Lucas Cocnxt." J . Finns J. C'nEHEV mxkis outh Hint lie is (lie senior partner of Hie firm" of V, J. Ciikney & Co., doing busiiitts in the City of TnliOo, County and Stale tit'cre said, and timt eail firm will pay the tu n Of ONE HUNDRED POLLAR8 for each and every case of Catarrh that can- nut be cured by Ute use of Hall's Catabrh Cpi;b. FbANF J. CUBNEV. S.ttoin to before me and subscribed in my presc nee, ttiis 6ih day ' of December, A. D. 1886. . : ; - i' , A. W. Glea&oh, , . Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is tak(.n interoall; and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the sjsUm'.' Snd for testi monials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO . Toledo, O. Sold bv Druggists, 75e. ; Hull's Family Pills are the best. ELECTION LAW. Aa Construed by Democratic Bcpnb lleaa and PopnllHtStntrCbalriuea. - Ealeioh.N. C, 12 StatoChair- men Manly, Holton and Ayer agree j to the following as the proper con struction of the election law and re quest members of respective parties to follow it. That all persons are entitled to register September 2G, October 3, October 10, October 15, and these days only, between 9am and 4 p. m. save in incorporated towns and cities. ' October 21, no act shall be done regarding registration save right to challenge between hours of 9 a ,jn and 4pm any elector whoso name may appear on the books. . October 31 no act shall 4e done regarding registration save to hear and determine all. challenges made on October 24, Hearing shall be had between the hours of 9 a m and 4pm in all pre cincts save thoso in corporate towns and cities where hearing shall be had until 9 p. m. That any person who comes of age between October 17 and Elec tion day, or who is entitled to regis ter by reason of his residence in the State or County being of sufficient time required by law, which time ripened after October 17, shall be entitled to register on 1 election day and vote; and such persons who offer to register and vote on election day may be challenged, and said chal lenge hoaTd on election day. Backlen'i Anuca Salva. . The Best Salve Id tlia world for Cnts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Bheum. Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, aod all Skin Eruptions, aud posi tively cures Files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to tjv perfect satisiaction or mooe Temnded. He is Alive Yet!. Hot Just received One Hundred tons of Marl to be sold by the bushel, barrel or ton. Any way you want it. It is nice to improve your sidewalks or yardi and many other placet. .And ain't It nice to have a trienrt to keep this marl in town, so that every man, worann or chikl can get it, by the retail or wliolrsale. Hoi Well now. we keen SAWED STOVE WOOD, stove, range, and fire place wood, all ready under large sued nod never gets wet in rainy weather oak. ash, and pine. ZUU OW rSlUUfi. 1VK BALK. Latha, hand made and sawed shinnies. always on band. ... lie sore and 'phone am HILL lot aoy- thiog you want 'Fbone No. 10. - Brick, shingles, mar), laths and wood. THE HtHS. Baltimore. Sid. The Paper of the People, For the People and with the People. Honest In Motive, KearlcM in Expression, Bound in rrioclple. Unswerving to its Allt gianc to Right Theories . and Right Practices. 1 The Btrn publishes all the newt all the time, but It does not allowHs columns to be degraded by Unclean, immoral .or purely sensational natter. Editorially, Tim Sow Is the consistent aod unchanging champion and delender of popular rights and Interests strains! political maoinnes and monopolies ol every character. Independent in all things, extreme in none. It is for good laws, good government aod good order. By mau ifuty Cents a month. Six Dol lars a year. ; TSCIBIlCOLDItOSE OAT, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine 'Tablets All druggists refund the moncr if it fails to cure. 33c. . Blackweirs Too wUl and one coupon taulde eaoa t oaaca baf and tmosapoaa avkt awh 4 a Buy a bag, read the coupon and wa aow to (at your aha 01250,000 la pMvmak 24th Hot sand. ' - ' : The Grand Democratio Bally at Einston, N. C. that was advertised for September 22nd, has been chang ed to the 24th inst. Hon, Ben R. Tillman, of South Carolina, will be orator of the day. A parade of Democrats, Fire Com-j panics and Civil Societies will take place. The ??val Reserves will act as an Escort of Honor to Sena-: tor Tillman. , - For Over SO Teara Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup has been nsol by Mil.ions of Mothers for their Children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, soften the uums, allays ail pain, cures .wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty five cento a bottle. ; v A ppalnlinent mt Stegtatrara, Office Clerk Superior Court. North Carolina, Craven County. ' J Under aid b; virtue of authority vetted in the Clerk of the Superior Court by sec tion soven of the Constituted Election Lav 1895. and upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the State Executive Com mittee of the lie publican, Democratic and PeopVe parlies, ia North Carolina, who i... r rt t' ; e .i, e.iiin.miRui.. i of Elections are hereby appointed for the County for the general election to be held Tuesday next alter the first Monday in November, 1896. - No 1, township, Vanceboro prtcinct; Stephen Y Hill, d; Joseph Jackson, r; B W Smith, p. N.i 1, township, Maple Cypress pre cinct; Alonza Phillips, d; C B Stubbs, p; Henry E Dawson, r. . No 2, townbhip, Truitls precinct; S W Latham, d; Tbos Moore, r; Lewis Caton. No 3, township, Foit Burn well pieciuct; Joseph Kinsey, d; Jno W Taylor, r, I B Itouse, p. ' No 8, township, Dover precinct; Joe E Eomegay, d; Primus lthem, r; M C Daugherty. No 6, township, Core Creek precinct; Sum Robinson, d; Otliro Becton, r, I 11 Grilfin, p. No 5, township, Temples precinct; VV Gr Temple, d; Jessie P Qodett, J-, r; Josh Aainis, p. No 5, township, Stanton precinct; Isaa Taylor, d; Nero Croom, r; C C Bell, p. No 6, township, Lee's Farm precinct; W B Flanner,d; Jno B Holland, i; B E Williams, p. No 7, township, East James City pre cinct. Win H Mav. d: Paul Williams, r: J M Robinson, p. . No 7, township. Went James City nre- cincl; Henry B Lane, d; Robt R Davis, r; r 4 uc, p. . No 7, township, Riverdule precinct; B W.Ivts, d; Seymore Pelham, r; G A Con ner, p. ' No 8, township, Neuse Trent precinct; N Tisdale, d; K It Dudley, r; C Richard son, p. No 8, towrjslilp, Rorky Run priclnct; C B Ball, rt; Amos li Knome, '! J L Weilieiinatun, p. No 8. townihip. Pleasant Hill precinct: Jno U Frmcli, tl; L W Uain, r, D R VVU- lutms, p. No 9, tawnship, Jasper precinct; M W Carmen, d; Jamis A Lawson, r; J Ju Moorf, p. f . CITY OF SEW BERKB. ltt Ward, E M Green, d; J F Hirdisch, r; J T Liic iln, p. 2nd Ward, F T Patterson, dj B C Eehoe, r; E U Dickinson, p. -' 3rd War.l. Thomas Stuuley. d: John U Smith, i; John U Smith, p. ' 4b Ward. J F Ives, d; Geo P Dudley. r; V A Crawlord, p otli ward, ucuarlhy's, Jno 11 Harnett, d; Raphael O'Hara, r; 8 F Hunt, p. 6th Ward, $t Phillip s, Wallace Row, d; Peter Fitber, r, Isaac Powell, p. 6th Ward, Pavie Town, Fiank Tisdale, d; J Calvin Bryan, r; C R Robbins, p. W. M. WATtJUJN, U B. U. j September 7, 1896. To the Trade: We are in a position to sell, Goods at the very lowest possible prices. We do not travel a salesman; therefore, we will save you that expense. ' We are millers agenltTor the tale of Blocks NonparicL Best Patent Dmdem and Charm. We buy our Meats, Lrd. Coffee and Toirco, ami many other Goods in our line from Brat hands. To convince you that we are headquarters, call in, examine goods, add get our prices. ROBERTS & BltO. Sto, Cold or.G;; 1 I I M,aua Will be taken in exchange for Board by MRS. S; E. CREDLE, , , Comer of Middle and Broad Streets. TERMS REASONABLE. Accommodation rirt-Claia. Lockbart, Texas, Oct., IS, 1889. Messrs. Paris Medicine Co., Paris, Tenu. Diar Sirs:--Bhlp us as soon as possible 2 crow Grove's Tnsteli'Sf lull Tonic. My customers want Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic and will not have anj other. In our cxporlencq of over 20 yi ars in the drux business, ws have never sold any medicine which pave nn h in. il eat fefavtion. Yotiis I '. . ' J. ' .. Cu This is tlis very fcsst Smoking Tobacco made. Ccnuino COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF A VALUABLE P.LANTATIOX. Pursuant to a juilgemtnt and order of toe superior court nt uraven county mule and entered nt Spring term, 18116. in n action wnemn Aurora JUare is philutin inn jonn ciaaie ana Miiggie w. uis wue, and the Citizens bank are drfeodnnts, the undersigned commissioner of the tourt, will expose to le at public outcry -at the court bouse in New Berne, North Caro lina, on the Fifth Day of October, 1896, being the first Monday in said month, for cash at the tioufM3 a . the following described land In saiil county, on the South side of Route r.ver, being a part of the Old Fort Barnwell planta tion, beginning at a white oak in the bead of Stony Branch, runnlne thenrewith J. W. Biildle's line 8. B8 E 47 poles to a pice on the lane leading trom the dwelling bouse on the said old plantation to the main road, thence Norihwsrd with aaM lane to the tecond (Tossing of Stony Branch, the ce down suil branch to Half Movn Branch, thenre down said branch to old old crossing no said branch. thence dwn the South eilve ot Half Mo -n nwnmo lo a gum, the f r li t orner ofMrtiy E Bid'HcV imniil ir r , tr"uce withhi r lii e S.47. M lsin pnies to h pine in Old hi line- 1! n.i i'i Itossiel's br n K ibeoce diiuii h d i-rnncli lo Hall Moon Kn.noh, iln-n inwn H-eS high hunk of hmt uii'on lluiii-li i r K.ainp to CHit' Wheel R M'oni, ilifin- up Cart tVlici Kottmii t -. mi- li l ne South a l"!"" " iH..r c-r- to, ' OI'MIV lrH., ItMI'l' HI' I I - II l Ctllf ol m!" itw ch to l-e i"-s: ti'. ii.-. i-oiit.iin-injr lilCJ h rs m- if r r- a Ihe xine "' je ' I !" 1 l e Rosa B. 8mi h an. I other or nniii' n l deed dabd viHich 8 h, 1--8J see-tini 80 acieson the Wee-iurn nit oi the lanu which is i lie South ro p.i t i f l lie Old (jnarli'r Fiell li ch WfS st- t Jas. W. Bidd e. The land i HVrU fur .ile is ulsn the same dm iira-il in the c innlaint and judsiemeut in sij.l a'lion m il also in the mortgage bv Jhu Middle n'ud aifr Mugsie to Aurora Mace, hlb U n ci.-leied In the otfi e ol Hie llfitnu r i f Deeds in said county, in b k 106, lol n 8U. ThisSptiiilr lhl, 1890 II. C. WHITEHTJR3T, CommUaioiK-r. , Annual Meeting. The 42od Annuul Mi l ling of e Stock holders of the Atlantic, aim Nrto C.'ro Una Railroad Company, will be held nt Uoreheiid City on the4Hi Tliu.nd .) (24th dot) in epiembi-r 18C0. F. C. ROBERTS. Srt'atary. New Berne Mails. Notire i glTau-tlut ou .and afier this date mails leave , I For all points In Pamlico Connty and Soutli Ore- k section of Beaufort County close, at 5 am. 1 Fiir Vancelmro and Post OtHixs in Northern part of L'rav.u County close at 13 noon. For BePair sod Lima, 9 a. m. For W jit ford, 11a. m. . All trail for DeBrubl gnes'.to Polloks 7ille, the former office is discontinued. , Vancelioro mail arrives 12 m. Vanceboro mail leaves 1 p. ra. M. MANLY, Postmaster KTOTIC15. ' Thud : Dibtbict Conoressiohal . CoNYKNTIOX.f ' To the delegates snd alternates of Ihe Congressional Convention for the Tblrd district, you are hereby, fotified that the Contention will reassemble at Warsaw, Duplin county, N. C, on Wtduesday, September, 23l, 1896; That for the con venience of said delegates the convention will be called to order at ( o'clock p. m. the rame day. - A. A. Bp van, Chairman nf fhft Third Distilct Congres sional Convention. The Singer Sewing Machine ' ; : Won th EIOHESr AWAUSS at the Worlds; ColumMta Zipoiltlon. Excel lei oo ol Det'KU. . Excelii nee of Constitution. B gulnriiy of Motion. Kase of Motion, - Gr.at8ieil. , . Adjustability. Durabilit). , ' Ease of Learnlnp;. ' - Convenience of Arrangement, ZT1 BOLD OR 1A8T PAVMKMTS. '. C T. HANCOCK, Agent, , Jurvis Store, 3 Pollock 8treet. AlinlnlM(raors laotlce . The undersigned Thos. F. McCarthy, public administrator having duly quali fied as administrator ol ttie ettnte .4 Mr. Mary 8. Dewej, deceased, hereby gives notice that pnrHnns luivn"; cluims gtiint the estate of thesuid A.m. Mary S. Dewey, deceased, to pii - t V. mi to the 'aid administrator, duly nu'l,-il(ir.iite.l, for payment on or bcloro ti e 1.1 li dnj of fieptemlier 18U7, or el e tins ii'iiiie will bs plead in lr of iix-overy. lVr-ng in clplited to the t.' iB p t p y ;:liout drhiv. 'i '. V. ' " ' rn ! or. ac- i FINANCIAL. J. A, EuYAlT. SOS. CAMELS, Preslisnt, Vies Prsi.' : . 0, E. 80EESTS, Cashier. . ,; The NATIONAL DANK, - Of NKW BKKNK, N. O. ? ' Xj!TOOBjPOitA.T3uiJ leers. Capital, .......$100,000 Surplus Profits,....:........... 98,168 DIRECTORS: Jas. A. Brtah, - Titos. Dawikls. Ohas. S. Bkyam, Jno, Dunn, O. tl. kOBUBIS. J. li. Hackbuui 1 liARVKr, K. E. llisiior Farmers & Merchants , ...DANK... Besan.1 BxiaLxa.esa iff&3T, 1 891. Capital Stock, paid In,;.....; I7S.0O0.00 Surplua ,.8,000.00 unatvMca eronti , .j,sou.uo ,M ' OFFICERS; L. H. Con.H,Preaiaent. W. 8. Chadwick, Vice Pres. i -. T. W. Dkwkv, Cashier. A. H. 1'owki.l, Teuer, . F. F. Mathews, Collector. TWlth woU establlsbed connections this Hank, la prepared, to oner all accommoda tions consistent with conservative banking. Prompt and careful attention Klven to col lections. We will be pleased to .correspond with those who may contemplate malting cnanrea or opemujE now aonouuta. Thos. A. GBB!t,Proi. Wm. DUKB,VlcPre ... n. ja.vtauvaa.Wiuauiur. . citizen's bank OB XSTBTVr W. O. DO A GENERAL BANKING RUHINRt-e ThaAeoounta of Banks, banaera. unruu atlons. Farmers, Merclmnts anil other re oelved on tavorable terms. ' rompt and car nil attention aiven to the inw rat ol oar ea tomers. Coll itlons a Specialty. . board or oiavrroES. ' rerdlnand Ulridh. K. U. Meadows, J. A. Hoadows, Samuel W. Ipook, Chas. II. Powier, Chas. Dultv. Jr. Jamna Kedmona, Chss Itetzenstoin, Mayer Hahn, Thomas A. Green, C. K.Pov. miiiam Liuiini E. W. Smallwood, ueo. n.ives. W. . Crockett. Miss Mary Hatch Har rison will oeffin ner Music Class on the first Monday in October, at her residence, 17 New street. St. Mary's School For Girls, - sBaleigli, JT.C. The Advent Term of the Fifty-fifth. School Year will begin Sept., 24, 1896; EifSpecial attention paid to thorough instruction on the Violin. Certlficats admits to Vassar. BET. B. 8MEDES, A.M. THE NEW YORK TIMES FOR THE CAMPAIGN. THE NEW YORK TIMES will 1 mnilcd daily and Sundays to any address in the United S'ates, Canada, or Mexico, postuee free, until November 15th, 1890. coveriug the National campaign sod elec tions, ior ' . $3.00. THE TIMES will print the news of this important Cimpaign, on both sides, It should he read evtrvwherr. THE TIMES cao be read without debasiog your intelligence or morals. , NEW YORK WEEKLY .TIMES $1.00 per Year. The Dally Times will be sent to anv ad. dress in Europe, pottagu included, for fi.ou per montti. ; . Tut add r i-ss of subscribers will be chanijed as often as desired. In ordering clianirv of Address botli tbe old and the new address MUST be given.. Cash in advance always, Bemitiances at the risk of the subscriber, unless made by Kepistered Utter, Check, Money Or der, or Express Order, payable to "The New York Times Pub'isliing Co." Address all communications thus: , THE NEW YORK TIMES, . Printing House bqure, Ne York City, N.'Y. w. h.&r. a TUCKER & CO. .Raleigh, N. C. Dress - LTaking DEPARTMENT. Orders for Fall an. Winu-r Costumes will be accepted by our Drees Mnkmg Department 00 and after Sertsmbcr 15ih. Th's date is lato enough to nblo us to makeup witb rertainty the accepter! for eign styles thai will bo in vogue during ttie season. We have just perfected arrangements by which we will bs put in touch with Paris and Berlin wilhin two weeks of the date of the appeamnc of soy epeciul style or mode. Tliis is quite toterprining for a North Carolina house, and no Drets Uak log Department in America will turn out more creditable or slylitsh work than ours. We bespeak your patronage. Correspondence Solicited. WlfiUTctafiCo. LX)R Cotton Bugging nnd Th s, Brigs and lisrrel Covers, liuildcis l.sine and Cement, TeriaCotta Pipe and Bhtll Lime, Call on , . , w -rf yr ' m r" a - At j. i . j.. - - , . . . . . Alo 8, Ko'l I' v I "; ': ' f'.r PROFESSIONAL. F. M, Simmons, A. D. Ward. fIi:unoi . IVr.r, ATTORNEVfl and COUNSELOrvS at ' LAW. NEW BERNE, N. C. Praetice in Craven, Carteret, Jone,Lenotr and Onslow and famllco counties, and the Supreme Court. Ultloe at No. 63 South Front street, opposite Hotel Cuattawka. Dr E. II. Ooldbers, SUKGEO-OBAL DENTIST, Office: Hnghes Bnlldlng, ' S. E. Corner Mlrtillo and Pollock Btreata,over Uradliam's Vliainiacy. NEW BEBNB, N. C. -1 II. Peljeller, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Middle Street, Lawyers . Brick ', Building. , Will practice In the Connrtes of Craven Carteret, Jones, Onsloir and Pamlico. V. 8. ourt at New Berne (Bid Supreme Court ot theStata. . .. - . . . INSURANCE. . " The CoDDecticut Mutual li now ofleiiog to insurers the very tw,t fnrma nf innnrAnM tlitit ean Ha writ." ten, providing as they do both protection auu luvuHimeui upon ine uess ana luwesc possible terms. ' Attention is respectfully railed to Its :j. , " LOW RATE ENDOWMENTS ot 60, 65, 70 and 75 with Cash Surrender Values in 10, 15, etc., 5 ears, the best aod . most durnWu Endowment Insurance ever fso.d. Life and Limited . Life Foliries . also fontnia.lnrge Cash Surrender Values, . siipulaUd in the policies and forming a pirtof the contract . . .. . It mainlains a hiiber standard of sol- . vruuj imhu ia empiojea ny any otuer Company or any. (slate Di-partment in this couutry, havlb' 1882 voluntarily adopted a ...,.'. :., ; 3 Per Cent Reserve tbu making Its contracts the safest and most valnublo tvcroScrid. All policies are by their terms nonfor. fci table after two or three payments, not even requiring surrender in case of lapse, . and such policies participate in annual' dividends. The Cash Surrender and Paid Up Values are plainly stated in each pol-. icy, thus avoiding all misunderstanding-' or disappointment. .The agents of tlie Compuny respectfully solicit correspon dence witb anyone desiring I urther infor mation. S. D. WAIT, Gen. Agt., BALEIGII, N. C. P. Si COX, Agent, NEW BERNE, N. C. One Thousand, for .One (TRADE MARK.) ACCIDENT TICKETS. . ., The Inter-State Casualty Comnanv. of New York. gives THREE MONTH'S Insurance $1,000 for $1.00, to men or women, between 18 and 60 years of age, attain st fatal Htreet Acoldents a-foot, or on Bicycles, Horsos.Wajfona, Horse Cars, Railroad Cars, -Klevated, Bridge, Trolley and Cable Cars, : Bteamshlpsteamboau aud 8taam Ferries. p.,.!. a, : S.II. (Street. WM. H. OLIVER, LIFK, FIHB, MABINB, ACCIDENT, FIDELITY, , BTKAM BOILBR Insurance : : ... NKWBBEN, , A number or Time-Tried and Flra-tastadi Companies represented. - ever su,uuu,uw assei repreaeniea . " . NOTOABX PUBLIC. , Commissioner of Deeds for New York. Con-.- nectlcut and Pennsylvania. tvaAgent xtauonai uo&ni jttrme under--writers. ' llViUlllflllv WAfikA. B .... a laua.irrT. : Bavlne duly qualified as the Executrix: ot Julia L. Jordan, doccastd, lato of Craven County N. C, this is to notify alii persons having claims against the estate-, of said Julia L. Jordan, deceased, to K-- hitlt inein to the undersigned on or be fore tbe 10th day of August, 1897, or tin notice wiil be pleaded in bar, of their recovery. ' '' - All persons Indebted to (aid estate wilt please make Immediate payment. : ' , Emilis J. Swindell, Executrix. t New Berne, N. C, Aog 8tb, 1896. 11. w. siMPsour Funeral Director and ' XSmbalnter. MS Broad Street ...... .'PnONESt tVDnrial Kobet a Splecalty.; Atlmlnlstrator) Kotlce ' Tlic iinrii mlonail Thos- V.' afof.'arthw ' Public Administiator, huvina duly quafi-. Bed as AduiimMwtor ol the estate of Edward Ditkfrson, deo'd. hereby gives. ooHco that all persons having claims against the estate of said Edward Dicker- son, dee'd, to present Ibem to said Administrator duly authenticated Tor pay. nu-nt on or before the 4th duy of August, 1897, or else this notice will be Dhaded in bar of recovery, V rersons tniicDUd to iheesiatd must pay without delay. , X This 4th nay of Augmt, 18tM);, V Titos. W. U cCartht, Pub. Adm. , W. T. McCarthy, Att'y. - ' ' wit. rtrmr. - ; jas. et-ditoitd, President, Vics-Prest.. B. 8. OJICS.Ceo'y Ireas. Hcv; Bsrno Ice Cc- T.Iannfacturera f From Dirtillcd Water. Out-put 20 Tons Daily. Car Ixiad Lots F. '' Ice delivered daily (except S-.m-ft. m, lo 6 p m. 8itmht (ini'tilonty) 7 a. 1 . iim. i r pin ai-.j i ' r .

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