RUFE EISELE'S BILLIARD BALLS. they War Not Ivory or Celluloid and - Were NeTer Turned. . . "How does it coroo that yon havered. white and blue billiard . balls?" asked the whip salesman of Rufe Eieclo, who keeps the Brant House at Sloop Creek. '"Tis kinder extraordinary, ain't it?" aid Rufo. "Bat somehow or another . extraordinary things happen down here. . You wouldn't believe" it if I told yon . that I had" them balls afore I had the table. I bought the table for $40 from Bart Greenleaf, and he won-it at a raffle up to Asbory. That table's wnth plum 1 250, and the balls is just a gift of na ture come by a special act of Provi dence, yon might say. You never see balls just like them before. They ain't ivory, and they ain't celluloid..' If they was celluloid, they wouldn't be here iiiow. They ain't this patent putty com--position that they make cheap pool balls of either. Just what they are I ain't prepared to say, and I 'spect that the mature of the material these were made from iS changed from what it was at .first. . '-V.:-:: ; "I'll tell you how I come by 'em, and jou'll learn what' extraordinary things .can happen down hereaways. A year ago the 18th of June there was a party of Brooklyn follows down here, and :they set out for a good time. They .fetched cards and chips with them and 'lowed to play poker until 4 o'clock in . 1he morning and then go fishing. I sot top with them and took a hand in the game. Wo were setting at that round table, and it was pushed over in the cor- : uer ' between them windows. 1iong about 13 o'clock I was mixing drinks for the crowd, when I heard thunder and mutterin and see flashes of lightning. I told them fellows they'd better move away from . the -windows, but they laughed at me. , '. "One fellow had been winning right straight along. Ho had a big pile of chips in front of him, and they was in ' bis way. Bo he began stacking them up .according to color and laid 25 of each kind in stacks side by side on the win dow ilL Meanwhile the storm broke and the lightning played hob around the house. The party got kinder scared hnd jumped np promptly when I pro nosed to all to go to the bar and have a drink. I was just setting out the glasses when there was a swish of lightning that turned the whole air blue. I didn't hoar any thunder, but I see big balls of fire dancing round the room, and one of them hit me right on the breast and knocked me down behind the bar. Ev ery man in the room was hit plumb in tho gizzard with a ball of fire and knocked flat I don't know how long it was before we all come to and took our drinks, but I do know that the storm hod passed. I looked round and was surprised to find that nothing had been hurt After the fellowB all took their ; drinks they wanted to play poker again and started for the table There the fel low that had won most of the chips put up a holler about them. He said some body had got 'cm. "I didn't b'lieve that possible, and I told him that the lightning had prob ably knocked them offen the window silL Then he looked on the floor under the table and said, 'I don't see no chips, but here's a billiard ball,' and he picked up a red balL Now I never hod a bil liard ball in my house before, and I -thought that he was playing a trick on -mo until one of the other fellows moved his feet and rolled a white ball out on the floor. I picked it up and found it tras hot A minute later Ike Hicks gave nwbotm and held up a blue billiard ball, saying it was the first ho ever seen in his life. Then it come to us all at once that the lightning had struck them poker chips and melted 'em into solid fcalls. P'raps they ain't quite as regular as some, but they answer all our. pur poses." New York Sun. . ART AMONG THE ESKIMOS. Clam Outran In lrory and Bom Who Can Sfcatata. We did much entertaining, as we were continually visited by different members of the tribe of 200 or more. They were .content to 'sit and share the ' warmth and shelter of our house and gaxe on the curious things it contained. They would turn the pages of a maga- aine by the hour, and, holding the book upside down, ask questions about pic tures. What particularly pleased them Was anything in the shape of gn, knife or ammunition. Of eating they never ' tired. ' The amount of . food Way con sumed was astonishing, and they par- tioularly reveled in- our coffee, biscuit and pemmican. This love was mani fested by a little ditty that they sang 'quite of ton t ; - : TJh-bUM-.ken, " ' V Uh-pam-a-kem. " The women are very clever with the needle, and as most of us bad adopted the Innnit boot of sealskin . Which re quired frequent mending, they were al ways in demand. In mechanioal inge nuity they are remarkable. Both men and women are carvers in ivory,- and the tiny figures human as well as ani malthat they fashion in this material, aJthmurh somewhat crude, show no mean ability.- This skill is also to be re marked In regard to tho use ol tne pen' oil One of them. As-sey-e-yeh, drew .: from toetrirjry a steamer in perspective, -with the reflections in the water, and ;that,do, in a suggejitive and artistio way. Frank WUbert b tones in uenrary, , , la tha Corumaal At. . ' Jin. Claude Wright How do you like those biscuits, dear? . 5 41 f, J .love. But, theni to are somewhat out . of practice. Mrs. Claude WriahtIf you'll be. lieve me, pot, 1 haven't mode a mess of bisriti before sinoe my first reincarna tion, fi.QPO years ago. .Buffalo Time. The Voiaht of ability consists in thorough knowledge of the real value of things and of the geniul of the age we Jive in. Boohefoucauld. The Princess of Wales has an annual allowance of 10,000 for pin money. Cure for Headache, . ' ' ' As remedy fur all forms of Headache ElectilciBitler has proved to be the very best. It etfecls a permanent euro and the most dreaded habitual sick beadaelie yields Kn Ht influence. We urge all who are fC'id.::! to procure a bottle, and give this fcni'ily a fiiir trial. Incases of IftMtuu! em. ,. ;..n r.Iirtric Killers cures by Rivin;; !. i "1 tone to the bowels and cur ' "i 1 f u o of tliia mcdl- . ' u 1 . . i ') Seeing by Telegraph.' To. the maiix,disooveries of this amov ing' nineteenth oentury there bids fair to be added that o? a method whereby we nioy seo around the" world by elec tricity.' Apparently it would not be im possible. Science has proved that sound, light, heat and electricity are produced successively by waves or vibrations that gradually increase in rapidity. What It is that vibrates scientists are not yet agreed on, but they are sure that the theory of vibrations is oorrect The telephone is an instrument which enables us to talk at a long distance. A wire is electrically charged. Thus charged it transmits the vibrations of sound produced by the voice of the man who talks at one end of the wire and reproduces them at the other end of the wire where the listener is stationed. With perfected apparatus it will be pos sible to talk around the world. The next question is this: If electric ity con send sound vibrations over a wire from Chicago to San Francisco, why can it not also send light vibra tions? Tho proper answer is that it can and will. One of the men who make this answer is Dr. Frank M. Close of Oakland, Cal. Ho has invented a ma chine which be believes will enable an operator to telegraph a man's face as effectually as the sound of the voice is now telegraphed. ' A Swedish scientist has invented a similar apparatus. Undoubtedly one or tho other of these, or some other one that is better still, will be perfected be- fore, the end of the century. Then when by telephone with our mend in Lon- ....fcn v .m. to him, but also to see him at tho same time. - I Vd to Date Farmers. Every great manufacturing plant has now its chemist Every mining com- take the oath prescribed oy law De pany has its expert who is expected tor fore his name can bo enrolled. If know whether it will pay to work this or that lead and what the cost will bo. Avery rauroaa company nos its inecnan- ,- , . -i. m j ical ("nffinepra. its rnms of liivrntnra and ... ... I smieriiiteridcnts of construction. Only tho farmers of this aud other countries havo supposed they could slump along haphazard, anyhow and every how, and work just as their an- cestors did 100 years ago. xne consequence is tnat tno agricni- turistsof this country and of Europe have been left They ore down in the mouth; they are abandoning their farms. Tho raason is not far to find. They have not improved on the old slow and laborious methods and peasant ig norance of a century ago. If agriculturists will wake up from their Kip Van Winkle sleep they will find mechanical and chemical invention will do as much for tbom as for any- body else. The government has taken their case in hand. The bulletins peri odically issued from the United States department of agriculture many of them contain knowledge priceless to the fanner, knowledge that is distributed free. The agricultural colleges now give him really practical information how to improve fata condition. Let him avail himself of such sources of improvement Let him know that in these days it is no more necessary for the monufactur- er of breadstuffs, meat and dairy prod ucts to be a drudge and a serf than it is for the manufacturer of soap or silks or railroad cars. It is a sorrowful comment on our nineteenth century civilization that very large per cent of city publio school children have never looked on a sheep, a pig or a calf and would not know one if they saw it Many have, never even seen a cow. . To enlighten . this deplor able ignorance it has been proposed that teachers give the children easy and i miliar lessons on ,the appearance and habits of common domestio animals. This would- be an excellent plan where the teachers themselves knew anything of the subject, but iu the largest cities many of them are almost as ignorant as the pupils themselves. Tho most inter- estingway to impart the instruction TTrtfTi. VTL :Z r. pig into the schoolhonse at the time of the lesson and exhibit it to the voung ones. These would be the jolliost object lessons of the year to benighted city children. It would not be difficult to pass the little animals from one school to another and keep them going. It is true that with the great number of heavy lessons now in the schools it would be difficult to find time for fa miliar talks on animals, birds, insects, etc Still, when we remember how little of the heavy school instruction sticks to the child, it does not seem as 'though skipping some of it now and then could do much harm, v :. The Philadelphia Press sighs lor a return of the reasonable fashion that permitted tbe summer negligee shirt to be built with a soft collar and soft cuffs that fitted loosely and permitted the air to slip freely through and cool off the heated, perspiring skin. A summer neg- Uigee shirt with stiff starched collar and ouffs is even more inartistic than UB' comfortable, and that is saying much. This is how Colonel Ingersoll would bring abont the millennium: "Every child should be taught to be sell sup porting aud everyone shonldQo taught to avoid batng burden on others as it would shun death.". . Tnore has been weather this summer thut makes the weary mortal yearn for a summer hotel at the north pole. For Sale. - Pureiuut to a judgment of the Super ior Court of Craven county, in a special proceeding to make nasets, I will tell at public auclion, at the court Iioum door in tlie city of Kew Derne, t 12 o'clock M.. Momlay, October Sth, 18fl, the fnnilv of re Umptio i of V.. G. Iirinaorj, deciiinoil, in the lioun and lot fitimtnrl on on tlio norlh side of 8'iulli Kront atiot. bolwefn Middle and liuncx k occunio.l bv O. U. I i.l). Ti-rms of mlc. r:-li. S. M. ri:i T ataajtatran, Gierk's Office.New Berne, N.C, ; , September 7th, 1890. Tbe Election Law provides (Sec tion 9) that whenever, a Precinct, as laid off by tbe Clerk, shall not be identical in bound ries with any ex isting Precinct at tho' election of 1894, then there shall be in snch Precinct a new Registration. This provision necessitates a new Regis tration in tho following named Pre cincts ," in Craven County where boundaries have been changed towit: Maple Cypress, Vanceboro. Fort.88 Barnwell, Core Creek, Dover, lem- plo's Stanton's, East James City, West James City, Riverdale, Rocky Run, Plesant Hill, Ncuso Trent, St. Phillips' and Pavietown, - It is f urther provide that where the Registration Book shall be mu tilated or lost in any Precinct that there shall be a new Registration in that Precinct. Therefore if in the following Pre cincts in which the boundries have not been changed the Registration book is lost or so mutilated as to render the. names unintelligible, then and in that case Registrars are directed to cause a now registration of the qualified voters of the Pre cinct to wit: Truetts, Lee's Farm, Jagper, the First, Second, Third and , , i, , , j: . , Berne, and McCarthy s Precinct of the Fifth Ward of the City. In each and every Precinct where a new registration is had each quali I . .1 i . r a ! i. ., i nea V0Msr wiring to rosier wu.t (,nere Brjan be no now registration in l, n, t0,. ,;mnl 11 io uimjiiibu b ii u iuiu wu u i . i. , , . . , , . have his namo transferred to 1 " " the new book as heretofore wichout be ing reqnirod to take the oath Before entering uoon the dis- charge of their duties Registrars must taje aIK 8UbEcribe the oath of iifit; hfra H, f-lort a , , ,, Ju6t.ce of tho 1 eace or other person authorized to administer oaths, which oath must be Died in tho of fice of tho Clerk of the Superior Court. Tho time at which tho registration of voters shall begin is construed to be Saturday September 26th and continue for three consecutive Sat urdays thereafter being October 3rd 10th and 17th. That October 24th shall be the challenge day or day of entonng challenges, and October 31st the day upon whicn tho challenges are heard and decided bv the Precinct n , , .". , ., , Board and Pon whlc.h. the booka are to bo closed, at 4 o clock p. m. except in (Jittes-and incorporated Towns whore they are to remain open until 9 o'clock p. m. of that dav. Registrars are not required under the New Law to record the place of birth and occupation of voters. W. M. Watson. Clork Superior Court. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Aifu- llalli It 01 ttfutuf tvtrf Viqpai Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria! Children CrV for Pitcher's Castork Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ,. , r d-j. l j r . miuren wy lor ruwiers iMUwno. Naw Compaulaa In Kngland. There seems to be no end of new com panies in the old country, especially in England, where each week several are floated. It is noticeable that Simpson chain shares have fallen in price, owing to the number of shares offered for sale. The Simpson people evidently forced tho market to some extent through the viotorie8f the chain in tho recent con tests at Tfie Catford track, which were, however, so close as to leave the ques tion of merit is to the plain aud Simp son chains somewhat in doubt .When It will have been shown that the plain chain ie quite as fast as the Simpson, there is apt to be a reaction of no small satcre. Beferee. ;. ? MOTHERS' FRIEIID" Shorten lnbor. lessens n&in. dlmtnlt.hcs danser to life of both mother ami ciiini and leaven her iu conai tinn more tavonibla to sneedv recovery. btroiifter After than ocfore conflaement" eaya uiomiuent midwifo. 1m Lho beat romedjr FQH OISIHG BREAST Known and worth the price for that Alone. Eiutorsfd and ruuouiuie tided bv mldw lvea and an latue wno nave uhihi il , Ucwara 01 auuatiwies ana uniwuoai. J .aes Gft::a-C:rth Easy. Srnt bf Expreng or mall on recefnt of price, tl.OO per bottle. Book "TO MOTHERS'1 mailed (r,cou(alQlug voluntary UntlmouiaUk BBADFIELB BKGUUTOB CO., ATURTi, Oi. OLD T ALU DBTJOOXtTa, Mftlurial produce Wwknew, General DebllitJ, BilUonsnew, Low of Appcl.K I Indication and CoosUpatlon. OrovcV Tusteleaa Chili Tonic, remove Ilia cause which produces these trouble. Try U md you will be di:llhtod. 50 ccuU. To ' t o ' oulne R k for Grove 'i. United Statao Civil Harvlee Kxamlaa- (ion. The United States Civil Sewice Commission has ordered thatan ex amination be held by its local board in this city on Saturday, October 10th, 1806, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m., for the grades of rt01erk-Day Inspector," Assistant Weigher-Messenger", and "Watchman Inspec- trcss in the (Jlasiued Custom ser vice. - Only citizens of the United States can be examined. The limitations for this examination age are iMova: Minimum Clerk-day In- I annntor 20. Messenger 20. Watch- r . --. man Inspectress 21. No application will be accepted lor this examina tion unless filed with the undesigned in completo form, tlio proper blank, before the hour of closing business on September 21, 180G. Applications shouIB be filed promptly, therefore, in order that time may remain for correction if necessary. The Commission takes this op portunity of stating that tho exam inations are open to all reputable citizens of the United States who may desire to enter the service, without regard to race or to their political or religions affiliations. All such citizens uro invited to apply. They shall be examined, graded, and ocrtified vith ontiro impartiali ty, and wholly without regard to any consideration save their effi ciency, as shown by tho grades they obtain in the examination. For application blanks, full in structions and information relative to the duties and salaries of the different positions, apply to B. C. Credlo, Secretary Board of Exam iners, Civil Service, Post-Office address New Berne, N. C. Biliousness Is caud by torpid liver, which prevents dlges- -tion and permits food to ferment and putrlfy In the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, Hloods lusomlna. nervousness, and, Pills it not relieved, bilious fever or blood poisoning. Hood's Fills stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con stipation, etc. zo cents. oin oy an uruggisis. QJS cents. The only Pills to take with 1's SarsaparlUtu CITY MARKET REPORT. Corrected Dally by Boberla Hro., Wboleaale and Retail Merchants. Wholcaalo2Irl . Bib Sides, 41c Short Bucks 4 Jo, Mess Pork (new) ( 00. Rump $0.50. Short Clear 9.2i. llan:s, sugar cured, lljc. N, C. Hums 10JC. Fresh Pork 4 to 4 J. Lard Compound, in Tubs, 5 to 01.1 Best Lenf Lard in Tubn. 0c. Flour, beat palent, H20 to $4.30. Flour, Fancy Straight, t3.90;to.$3.05. Straight, $3.60 to S3.75. Extra Flour $3.25. Granulated Sugar 5c. A Sugar 4Jii. C Sugat 4 2-5c. Atnlasscs 15 to 25c. Syrup 15 to 25c. Cheese 9 to lOJc. Butter, Boquet Creamy, 20 to 2!c. Bulter, Datrv, 17 to 18c. ltio Coffee 14 to 18c. La Guam Coffee 18 to 20c. Ground Alum Salt 55c. Peas 60 to 5. Chickens, (rown, 45c. Spring Cliickcns 20 to 35c. B.eswx 20c. Peanuts 60 to 70c. Hides, dry, 2 to 6c. Ilidi'S,- creen, 2f IWf m f.-t 4 tolc Turn 40c. Oat?. Meal I3c. IQISDN A SPEGlALXYondarTOrToiN imrj klwu uiHurt pormancntlt cured i a la u85 dara. Tou can be treated A I homoforanmeprlceuDilcraUimoa'aaraii t Jty. lfyouprcrcrtooooioherewewUloooi """ tract to af railroad faroandhotalbllls.and. nooharee, 1 1 wo f oil to euro. I f you have taken mr fllnrv. 'ftUtltt nnt.ttmU. anrl Ml ill hnwsa arhna . ..t ,inr 'luooua l uccnea in mouin, (ore i nroa 'lolea. Conner Colored Httnta. Ill Mr a. anypartottnebodr. tiuirorKyonrowa falling out, It ta tliia SecoQdnry BLOOD POISON we run nice wj cure, wo aoiioitueiBOStoiwu Data caaea and chullena tbe world for pane wa oaonot cure Thla dlseaaa hoa a)aya ba 111 ad the alt til of the moat emlnnnt Clana- 9500.000 oapttal behind our crwiKlW ttonal ffnaraaty. Abaolutaproofaeentaeikied on ftppltcatson. Addreaa COOK HKMKDY iAiZ Sale of Ileal Estate. Bv virtue of nn order iued, on the 28ih tti ofAuaoit 1890, by W. II Wntaon. Clerk ot tne superior Court In the special procet dina emitted Tlios. F. McCarthy. Adminisirntnr vs. John 8. Dixon. 1 1 alt.. I will tell at public auction at ti e Court 11. -use door, on tne oin nay f October, 1896, in the city of New Bcinc. tor emit tbe follonlng described Kcal Eiitiile. A certain parcel of land situated In the city of New Berne, connly of Craven, known aa i tie ronu uau oi 101 nnnioer 8. accnrdinK to the plan of the division ni the real estate of Tin Jenkins, deceased; said lot No. 8 being oo the Wert aide of GriflKu at., in the triangle; heeinninif at the North Eaat cornel of lot No. V oi Griffith street, und running northward alonir tald atreet to tlia corner of lot No, Ihcnca with tha lineol lot No. 7, parallel with Qiueo sr., vtetardly to the back line; thence- wlih a row of atorea on II.. h..1r lln Iha Una nt lot Nn. thence with the lino i.fH No. , taat wardlv and naralUl with Queen atrett, tol the beginninj;, ao 4 to contain in ate one-third nt'lhe piece called the trlnn?le Mtirl property being recorded io Book No. 118, FolloeBl and 68. , Thos. F. McCarthy, Adm'r. Wm. T. McUabtht, .vtt'y. 9 4 IT A 7 Urtl I'lHtimmmwiHtWMwmttnr'iittiiTi Vegetable Preparalionfor As similating ihcroodandRegula ttng the Stoaachs and Bowels of PromotesDigcslioaCheerful ncssandRcst.ContainsnciUier Opium.Morphine norJlincraL kot Narcotic. Oxtfe oOldlkSAMCELEnxma Pompkm See& Jlx.Smnm Jnutecd Jhaierrmnt - ffamSced -CleriudSumr . VMuyron. Hmnr. AncrfectHemedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Fevcnsrf ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile -Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Henhood Postered. DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT THE ORIGINAL, ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS, In sold under poeitivo Written Guarantee. bynuthonziMi fluent a only, to cure W euk Memory, DizzinpHH, WnkefulntfMs, Vila, Unteria, Uuick- nesH, Micht Ikjbpoh, Kvil Dnvims, ljfick of Conu dpiico, NorvoufiiioeB. Lnssitudo, nil DrainB, Yooth fu! Krrors, or Kxfwuive Uko of Tobuoco, Opium, or Liquor, whinh iadn in Misery, Consumption, Innanity end Uiith. At storo or by mail, $1 a box: sis for $r; with written enaruntee to cure or refund mnnev. Mumnie naek- ase, containing five duyB 'treatment, wiUkJull instructions. z.t cents, Une pamnlo only boiu to each person. At storo or by mail. tarried Label Special For Impotoncy, Losa ofW Power. Lost Manhood. ,$1 a box; hU for $ri, witiiaS- wriiteu ciiarumeesd tn nnrain ftflflHv.i At atnrn Jl BEFOREorbymail. AFTER F. S. Duffy, Sole Agent, New Berne. N. 0. A B ifl'8 Splendid en rati vo npent for Nenroafi or Slok Iltuulachn. linmi Kill mint inn . HlaADlflHBneflL Upeciii) or peneni! fiuralfriiti aluo for ltheu Gout. Kidney liisnrderA. Acid Dys pepsia, Ano'iuiiu Antidote for Alcoholic nnd other exceuuea, lJrice, ID, 26andfi0oeaU. Effervotsccnt, THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 1 St S. Western Avenuo, CHICAGO. F. S. Duffy, Sole Agent. New Berne. N. C. LADIES DO YOD KNOW OR. FELIX LI BRUN'S Steele Pennyroyal Pills nrn tho original and only l''KRNCH, Hale and reliable care on tuo market. Price, $1.U; Beat by mail. Gonuine auld only by P. S. DUFEY. Sole Agent, New Berne. N. C. I r BBIIU'O I'OR F.ITIlF.It SEX, LC Bnun O This remedy belna; In Jeoted directly to the Beat or moae aiMBawi of the denito-Urlnaj-y Ors-ana. reaalrca bo chance of diet. Cnre arnarantecd in t tt I days. Hmall plain nark CURB I ase.. by mall, a oo. itraia only Dy F. S. Dcffy, Sole Agent, New Berne, N. 0. BOTANIC- BLOOD BALM. A household remedy for all Blood and Bliln diseases. Curtu without (nil, twrof. ala.l'lren, llheamitlare.ralirra. Salt llbf aa and every form of blood Diseitae from the simplest pimple to thefoulest Ulcer. Fifty years' use with unvarvinir success, dem n ni onstratea Its paramount healinK, purify- Ing and building up virtues. One bottle baa more curative virtue than a doten of any other Id ml. It builds up the health ana atrengtn rrom tne nrst aoae. Mr-1FIT for Book of Won derful cure, tout fret on appli cation. If not kept by your local drufrgist, send 1.00 (or a large bottle, or 16.00 for U nov ties, ana lclne will be sent, Ireigni paid, by B BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. - For Sale bv F. S. Dtjfft. Camata, and Trada-Marks obtained aad all Pat entbuiineas conducted for MoDtnaTI irtca. ooaomeiiaOvaoaiTXU.a. PaTcHTOrriet Sand wacaaaecure patent la kas time tuaa UMc itmonuvm n hbhuix ium. ... . ' rfn Vim advlaa. If aateatabls er anC free of i charge. Onr fea oot dua till patent la aecared I a aaaieltT. now m voiain raivun, wiin. coat ol aama In the U. a. and Kmupt eaaainei eat Iraa. Aaarea, If A GNOVtfa. CO. i T ' ' " .7 " . . - TOCIIIK1 COLD 191 ORE DAT Take Lnxatlve Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drugjjislB refund the money if (It fails w euro. oo. 11 BRAU4 ' WW- mm SEE THAT THE FAOSIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEEY BOTIXiE OF GASTQE1IA Oaitorla Is pit up la niacin ltottles oely. It li not sold in bilk. Don't allow anyou to soil yoi inythlng tiro on tho plea or pronlM that It it "Just good" and "vlll answer vmj pir pou.'1 49- Be that you get 0-A-B-T-O-R-I-A. Bheamattani Cared. After emlnentpli;sicians and all other known remedies fail, Botanic Blood Balm, (B. B. B.) will quickly cure. Thousands of testimonials attest this fact. No case of Rheumatism can stand before its mii!ic healiiiR power. Send stamp for book of particulars. It contains evidence that will convince you that B. B. B. is the best cum for all Blood and Skin Diseases ever discovered. Beware of sub Ititutes said to be "just as good.'' f 1.00 per Barge Dottle. For sale by Druggists. Atlantic & N. C. Railroar TIME TABLE NO. 2, In, effect 7:50 M. Wetlneadav, N 27th 1895. Going East Scoedulu Ucino Was No. 3. Pansenger 'Ira int. No. 4. Lv. p. m. SUtious. Goldstoro, LaGrange Kinston, Ar. New Bern, Lv. Ar. a. in. 3 20 11 25 10 92 1 32 9 30 S 49 4 12 5 15 5 25 Lv, " Ar. .9 17 6 37 Ar. Morehead City, Lv. 8 0? No. 1. t No. 2. MUedFrt.& Patt. Train. Stations. I Mixid Frl.& Pan. Train Lv. a. m. Ar. p. u. 7 20 Goldsboro, 7 58 Best's, 8 16 -T LaOeange, 7 30 falling Creek, 9 24 23B . (Kinston, 8 00 7 2) ' 6 50 6 20 0 00 5 18 5 00 4 20 4 00 3 88 S3 20 9 38 ; Caswell. 9 53 Ar. Dover, Lv. jLv. " Ar, .Core Creek, I Tuscaroia, Clark's, 10 15 10 40 11 15 11 31 12 05 Ar. New Bern, Lv. 2 50 10 17 10 13 10 00 1 30 2 13 2 20 2 43 3 13 3 25 3 31 3 40 3 51 P. M Ar. Riverdale Croatan, Haverlock, Newport, t 9 40 Lv. 9 06 8 47 8 38 Wild wood, Atlantic, Ar. Morehead City, lv. 8 20 Ar. M. City Depot, Lv 80 00 A. H. 'Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday, Thursday .and Saturday. S. L. DILL, Sup't. Milton, Mem & Moll TIME TABLE NO. I. To take effect Sunday.JMay 17lh, 11 DO, at ' 12:00 M. Superseding Time Table No. 4, Dated uctober a.m, ibiu.j Going South, scuedulb. Goino North No. 7. Pamenger Traint. No. 8, Lvc. A M Stations. Ar. P. M 5 20 I tl 30 9 20 0 5 i 10 09 10 43 New Berne PolliK-ksville ' Mayaville Jacksonville Wilmintou Lve, 3 68 300 I'. M. 12 40 r. M, ar, No 6 Pasbknosr amd Fkkioui No. ft lave Wllniinirton Mondy,W(lii'dav an Friday. Leuve New .Bern Tuutvluy Tm naj.iv and Saturday. . Lv. A. M. Ai. I. M. 7 00 Lv Wilmington An 3 25 7 10 1 W. Sea-Coat P. R. C-oa'g 8 IS 7 S'l Bayniead, 3 66 7 31 Kirk'and 3 4fl 7 4ii ScoilN Bill, S 40 7 68 altnpaiftid, 2 11 8 05 Cypreaa Lake, a OS 8 11 Anoandak 1 61 818 WoodwOe, 147 8 83 Edgecombe iK 8 63 Hollyril(,f 1)7 9 06 Folkalone ' 13 55 S19- Dixon 13 12 9 84 Vera - 13 SS 9 50 Arr. Jacksonville Lr. '.SC. U 10 Lt. " A-.r. 101ft 1119 Nortbeaat 10 (X! 1188 ' Whiteoak . Vi 11 58 Kayaville 18 1318 Bavenawind 8 88 IS SO ' Pollocktvilla 8 12 58 Del)rub; 8 28 180 Arr. NewWra Lt. 8 00 P. M. A U, Dkllj Except Siaiay. H. A WHITINO, ' Qcrjarai Uanacac. J. W. MABTBKI8, Crenl. Frt. aad I'aaa. KtA . Tou ran no risk.' "AH dnnriita cuar antee Qrora'l Taatalaaa Chill Tonie to do all that the manufacturer claim lot it, JLOW KATES - TO BALTIMORE! VIA BALTIMORE, CHESAPEAKE & RICHMOND STEAM-, BOAT COMPANY. From Norfolk and Old Point $1.00 One Way. $1.50 Itound Trip. First-Class Tickets. First-Class Ships. First-Class Accommodat'ns Everything First-Class. THESE RATES EFFECTIVE Ana. 24TB, 1899. Leave Norfolk daily, except Sunday, 5.30 p. m. Lenve Old Point daily, except Sunday, C:30 p. m. Arrive Baltimore, 7:00 a. m. "Norfolk wharf, Boot of Fayette street, one block from Atlantic Hotel. . Now is the time to go to Balii more. Take advantage of the liw tatea. State rooms reserved in advaui'e. For tickets and information, apply to WM. IIENKY TAYLOE, District Passenger and Ticket Aconl No. 58 Main street, Norlolk, Va. . N. SHtTU, Ticket Ast. Old IVint, V O. ID- LXafcTIE. FREIGHT & PASSENGER. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE The Steamer NEUSE la scheduled to sail from New born as follows: MONDAYS, . WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Sailing hour s:30 p. m. Sharp. Freight received up to s o'clock For iurtlier Information apply to, GEO. .HENDERSON, Agent. June 23. 1890. Sleeplessness, mental depression, loss ol memory and all nervous diseases cured ny Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Trout rnent. $1.00 per box; six for $5.00. Cure guaranteed. For sale by F. 8. Do By. The only thing a man wants after he gets all the money he needs, is more. Ladies uce Dr. Le Brun's French 8. & r. Pills for health. One Dollar by mail or at store. For sale by F. S. DuftvC Riches have wings, and green backs might as well be printed or fly paper. 'Truly, the centlcman's friend, is Dr. Le Brun's U. &, (r. Cum. At Rtnra nr aanl bv mail. One Dollar. For sale hv P. K. Dufly. - I Take care of the pennies, anu .he dollars will be blown in by your netri. Hysteria,! convulsion. Lints, nery.iui prostration, wskelulnesH, loss of memory. cured by Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment. At store or by mai. 81.00 per box or cix lor $5.00. Guaran teed. For sale by F. S. Dufly. lt is no trouble to see that wealth is a crrse, as long as tho other 1 al low has it. Cure in three iluys, nn worry, no diet never fail. Dr. Le Brvu's O. & G. Cure, At store or by mail; uo publicity. 81.00. For sale by F. S. Duffy. A great financier is a thief who is successful. A thief is a great finan cier who fails. Wanted Ladies to know that. Dr.TLe Brun's S. & P. Pills are for sale tt our stora, $1.00, or will be Sent by mail. Cot sale by F. S. Dntly. Somo old-fashioned folks, like bal let girls, keep their fortune in their stockings. We have the sole agency for the aaie ot Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treat ment. Written gurantee given to cure or the money will be refunded. $1.00 per box or aix lor 85.00. For sulo by e. a Duffy. Some people have more money than brains, and are not considered wealthy either. Excel all others io quickness." no bad effect, no publicity at aiore or by mail. One Dollar, Dr. Le Brun's a. t. O. Cure. tortile by r . B. Uutty. The business in which you know yon could make money, is always monopolized by others. , If health is desired, ladies try Dr. Le Brun'aH. & 1'. Pills, tho only French One Dollar at store or by mall. For aaie by F. 8. Duffy. When a man disputes with a too!, the fool ii doing the same thing. .Heel lice a new man and life Is worth living since I took a course of Dr. K. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment, For aaie by F. a Duffy. After a man's iaw begins to swell, he rStlizes that silence is golden. . Delays are dangerous, Uat of Dr. Le Brun's G. & G. Cure at one. One Dollar, at store or mjjruall. at F. H. Duffy's. . . , Warranted no cure no'pay. There 'am many Imitations. To get the gen'iioe a ' lor Grove's,