I'sw Eeshe, N. D. Sept. 19, 1896 iiw uniimuiiiTs, -Take to Davis' raucy. Republican Senatorial Convention. -C. E. Nelson-Fine Btt J: ... ; .A Lodge Directory: K'REKA LODGBr KO. T. I.O. O. F. : OM-ccrs:-T. 6. Hvuian.N.G.; B. . GhIom, V- G.j n. H. Hall, B'e'd. Sec'tyj K. J. IHsoeway, Ftn'l See'tjr; J. L. Cooper, Trees. Regular meut tr.gs, ererv Monday nly Mats o'clock. OA LDMET BNCA MPMENT DOl t, 1. O. a f. (.micfr.--w. i. l'i(t,C. P.; B.S. Guton, H. I: J. L. Cooper. 8. W.: C H. Hall, J. W.; H. H. Street, Moribe; B. B. Neal. Treaa. Keg ular Encampment, IK, W, and ttb (It any) Thursday nig til In each month at eight !tNTnNCT.CkilOtrTN0.1. P. M. I. O. O. P. mcer. Geo. Green, Captain: t. O. Hy- Bian, Lieut.: w. if. uonen, kmirdi n. o. Uuloa, Clerk ; W. J. Pitta, Accountant. Beff olar Cantonmenta, M and 4th I liuniday a wo to In aaou moou atao'ciocx. t'KAVKN tODOB NO. 1, KNIGHTS OF HAR MONY: Meeta tad and 4th Wednesday nights in each month In Rountree's Hall. Offlcera.-T. A. Green, W. it.; R. 8. PHmroee, HT JOHN'S liltMiK NO. S. A. F. AND A. U ' 8. W.i i. B. Clark, i. w.; Jfts. neainonu, Treaa.;T. Q. Hyman, Hec'ty. Regular Com- munleauona su w eanesaay eaou moron. al KW BBRNV CHAPTER NO. 46, R. A. M. ,unnn I. c. uiml H. P.. N. Case. Kinir H. J. .ovtck. Scribe: T. A. Green. Tres.: Jar. Redmond, Sec'ty. Regular 4.onyoca- tioas aa Jionaay eaen mootu. fcT. JOHN'S COMMANDERT NO. 10. K. T. Officers 5-r. Ulrich, K. C. : H.J. Lovlck. G.; r.R. Street, O.G.;l. A. Green, Treas.; B. II. Meal, Reeorder. Kegnlat Conclaves called on onui 1st Frraay mgnt in ucwuw. jieri sags la Maaonlc Bait a THEM A LODGB NO. 8, K. of P. Meets every Tnesday night In K. 01 P. Hall, Middle nueev. w. M- Hennery, v. a, n. diuiiuiii V. C; W. 8. Parson. K. R. 8. mi am locals Weather forecast for today : Gen erally faif. The fine residence of T. J. Tar ner on Hancock street, is being re painted. . ' The' interior of J. R. Pigott's . residence on Hancock street, is being greatly improTed. Maximum temperature yesterday at Brad ham's drag store 92 degrees, Minimum 84 degrees. There is a new building being erected on the North side of Phil lips' harness shop on Middle street The Bryan speaking yesterday, at . Goldsboro, took away a good many - from here. There was a noticeable abscense of politicians during the day. Sam B. Waters has completed the ' improvements and painting about his store and is now ready for the regular customers, loafers and political "argufiers again. A good sized snake, species un known, was seen yesterday near Hancock and Johnson streets. It came out from nnder a house in that vicinity and returned to its hiding place without being dis turbed. Several of the sailors from one of the large schooners now in port, kept New Berne alive to the fact of their existence until a Into hour last evening by the ringing of the bells of the bicycles they were riding, as well as by their characteristic songs. The fallowing are registered at Hotel Chattawka: J. L. Lincoln, Mobile, Ala.; S. C. McCatler, N, Y.j Clarence Flower, N. &; Sam'l P. Morton, Jr., Baltimore; W. P. AnJerson, Richmond; R. F. Brod das, N. C; Chas. A. High, Balti more; R. L. Woodard, N. G.; Clif ford 0. Anderson, Jr. Atlanta; M. . Manley and Bosie Manly, City, BIRD. At the residence of Mrs. E. M. Smith, at C p. m., 18th inst, Mrs. Alsie Williams in the 85th year of her age. Funeral at Centenary M, E. Church this afternoon at 3 o'clock. ' Mrs. W. A. Palmer died at ber home on Change street Friday even ing at 9:45 p. m., age seventy-fonr years and ten months. The funeral service will be held from Centenary M. E. Church, this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances invited to attend. - . Shlpa-ia The schooner A. L Ponder, Capt. Davidson, arrived in New Berne yesterday and is to be loaded with lumber at Congdon's mills. The schooner. Nettie W. Capt, Thos Elizon, arrived yestetday with a large cargo of cotton. eMUCrf t Owen Bryan, a colored man, brought to the JoubvIl office Fri day, a sprout which he had fonnd inside pumpkin, which he had cut open to cook. - v . The sprout wu seven inches in length, with the pumpkin seed at one end, at the other was two small 1 sves. . ' Eryan claimed to have found sev- 1 of theseusproots inside of the rpkin, which he said was per ' l!y whole when he cut it up. 1'ow did these sprouts grow inside ; pnmpkinf Is this another dry or phenomenon? i RawThejr Bearl It, Tha Journal, knowing the in terest felt in the Republican "county convention, which was held in '.his city, Thursday, called npop a riqm beaof the. leading Republicans in this city yesterday to get their views on the situation, and what they thought of the convention. . , The following were interviewed and expressed themselves. R. 0. Kehoe--Everything Waal stttisfactory.. I bare no complaints. Was glad to see no friction in the party.' . '.. ''' Robt. Hancock One of the best conventions. ever held in this county Being a candidate, myself, I feel modest about saying anything re garding the, nominees of the con vention- : ' ..-of vk yA:ii ':: J. L. Hahn As the result of Thursday's convention, the RepubH can party of Craven county stands united in solid phalanx. No fac tions. 'No bickerings, a No strife. This means an increased Republican majority at the coming election. J. E. O'Hara. The result of Monday's convention will be an in creased vote for the Republicans. All factional strife has been healed. The nominations of good business men in the main on, the ; tick et will gain the confidence of the people as the election draws near, and the opposition cannot be as great as it otherwise would have been. Allot the defeated candi dates will work for the ticket. The Republicans of the county feel thank ful to the New Berne Journal for its fair and impartial report of the convention. Ex-Sheriff Hahn. I am happy and contented, but am sorry that my friends feel so disappointed in my defeat. I believe Russell and McEinley will be elected. R. W. Williamson. One of the quietest conventions ever held in Craven county. - PERSONAL. Mrs. Henderson Cole, who has been ont of the city, returned home last night. Mr. P. M. Pearsall returned last evening-frcm a trip to the mountains of North Carolina. Mr. James Simmons, of Raleigh, came down last night to spend a few days in the city. Mrs. T. M. N. Geoige and chil dren have returned from Durham, N. O., where they were visiting relatives. Rev. Henderson Cole left for Hubert lact night where he begins a series of meetings, to last through next week. Mrs. W. E. Clarke, who naa been away on a visit, returned to this city yesterday. She came on the steamer Neuse. . Mr. Charles Roberts, with J. II. Hackburn, returned yesterdayfrom the North, where he has been on business. Mrs. U. S. Mace, and children, who have been away on a pleasure trip, returned home yesterday on the steamer Nense. Mr. J. D. Bangert who has been visiting his brother-in-law, Mr, W. M. Watson, left for his home on the steamer Nense yesterday after noon. . .. . . . , Maj. D. T. Carraway, who has been spending the summer at Black Mountain, returned home last night Master Goelett Carraway returned with the Major. Miss Rosa A. Dail, who has been North for several weeks, will retnrn tomorrow, and be prepared to meet her music classes in the New Berne Academy, on Monday Mrs. Hollister, Mrs. Neta 9 Manley and two boys, Miss Slover, the Misses Hollister and Miss Mary Giliam returned home last evening after a two months tour through the Lakes, Springs, Ores and other resorts in the mountains of Virginia. Mr.Barney Chadwick who attended at the Hon. W. J. Bryan's speaking at Goldsboro retu rned to his home last evening by way of New Berne, and expressed himself as being very much pleased with Mr. Bryan and his speech. Miss Mabel Chadwiok wu also at Goldsboro. , . Vew Berae Marabala. The following gentleman have been appointed to act as Marshals at the Democratic Rally, whioh will take ' place at Kington, N. 0. on September 24th. , XL R. Bryan, jr., C B. Foy, Joe McSorley, Thos. W. Waters, F. S. Duffy, Howard PaUr, D. L. Roberts, jr., ,G. A. Barfoot, B. .B. Neal, Percy Cox. NERVOUS Troubles are due to inipoveriahed blood. Hood's Bar aaparilla is tha One True Blood furlfler and riCn VETO NIC. : ' Baralait BIwe Blarf.' ,s ' The story which has been going the rounds concerning the man wh c urged his Maker, and 'was turned into a burnjng man, beinralive and on fire but never bing (Consumed, has served its purpose as a warning, and it seems a pity to say ft was un true, but' to deal justly,": however necessary the moral may be, which snch a story seeks to impress, the Journal is compelled to publish the following, from its correspond ent.- The reader can pass his or her own opinion upon it. V; ; Pine Bluff, Ark., September 13. I have answered not less than SO letters containing inquiry concern ing the story of the "Burning Man." There is ho truth in the story, but is simply a sensational fake written by a negro preacher, who lives here, to some- one at Wilmington, N. C. I am surprised at an enlightened and sensible people even noticing snch a preposterous story, I Perhaps yon had, better have this card published, it may satisfy peo-i pie. . J. II Hudson. Ti n1 lit VttAa nnnn mi ra - It V1a7i RDd you vi uot bt nervous ; Pure KtnJ . U- t.. I. !. TT If. 43 rilla which is lima the greatest and list Hood's Pillt cure nuU8' a. sick headache indigi slioo, biliousness. All druggists, 23c MAKBIAGE. . . Mr. Geo. P. Hatsell was married to Miss Ida Ballance at Ocracote September 16 at the M. E. Church at 7 o'clock p. m. A reception was given aboard , the "Lay Boat" Thursday the 17th. A large crowd of ladies and gentlemen from Ocra coke attended and pronounced it one of the grandest and most suc cessful affairs ever witnessed aronnd Ocracoke. ' The evening was passed away by dancing singing and sailing, every one went home fejoioing and wish ing the couple a happy and prosper ous journey through life. W. C. M. THE MARKETS. Chicago, September 18. OPENING. CLOXB. December Wheat, 61 ' 61 J January Pork, 8.75 6.92 January Ribs, 8.35 3.43 Tha Diac ovary Saved Bis Lift. Mr. C ' Caillouette, TJruggist, Beavers. tille, III., says: "To Dr. King's New -Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physicians for milts about, but ot no avail and was sjven up and told I could not live. Having; Dr King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to Ret better, and afar uiing three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We don't keep store or bouse without If Get a free trial at F. 8. Duffy's Drug Store. - ' Electoral Tata By Btatea. Alabama ... Arkansas California..; Colorado . Connecticut, Delaware Florida Georgia, Idaho, lUinola, Indiana Iowa, , Kansas......... Kentucky,...,...,.,.. Louisiana, ... Maine Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan Minnesota, Mississippi Missouri, Montana,.,. Nebraska,.... Nevada, New Ham shire, New Jersey,,.,. ..... New York North Dakota....... North Carolina, Ohio Oregon,.....,..,,,,... Pennsylvania, Rhode Island South Carolina....... South Dakota........ Tennessee, Texas,., Utah, Vermont , Virginia Washington West Virginia, Wisconsin ,. Wyoming Total, ... ........ Necesiiary to elect,.. 4 e 8 4 l'l s 4 IS IS 10 18 8 8 5 14 9 14 9 t 8 S 4 Iff as : 8 11 S3 4 81 4 4 19 15 8 4 11 4 8 It - 8 447 914 Republican Senatorial Convention. "A: The Republican Senatorial Convention oftbe 8tb District will be held In King ton, N. C, on Wednesday, September am, at 11 o'ciock a. m., tor ins purpoae ol nominating: Senators, lor this District. and attending to such otber business as may come before tue convention. , . Bv order of tha Chairman of the Exccu tire Como-ittee of the Couatles compos ing the 8th Dittrict. Baltimore, Md. I The Paper of the People, Far tbe People and with the People. Honest in Motive, Fearless in Expression, Bound in Principle, Unswerving: in its Allegiance to Bight Theories V. - and Bight Practices. Tbe Srm publishes all tlie news all the time, but it dors not allow its columns to lie degraded bj unclean, immoral or purely sensational matter. Editorially. The Son Is the consistent and nnchaouioa cliamoion and delender of popular riilits and interests araiiiKfv political machines and monopolies ol every character. Independtnt in all things, extreme in none. It is for pood laws, good government and good order. Br mail Fifty ita a mouth, Six Dol lars a year. EUERYDODYI Is asking us how it is we can sell so AHEAP! With Five Large Stores to buy Tor and One price to all Cash, is the secret. ' - A-A'"'-- Immence Fall Arrivals It is an endless variety of Dress Goods we are showing this week. Two special attmctioua, . One l"t of Bine and Black Serge at 18c, per yard that we sold last season at 2oc. Una line 0 inch silk warp Black Henrietta that rgular. price wsa $1.25 per yard our price Ti. Millinery Dep't.f 1 We will have the laruest stock to" Tie carried in New Berne this fall, and with Mrs. Bcitio Whalev as manager of this Department, it is needless to eny that it Will be more than a success in all its branches.- We are very busy opening, but we will lake pleasure in showing you our new arrivals. . ; . THE BIG Dry Goods Mm V .. . . U , ;. G. A. Barfoot, Mgr. Silver or Gold ! . It matters not 1 , What we want ; . is vour order for that Fall Suit. THAT you must have. Our " " Fail and Winter Samples are ready for your inspection. A'so - a line ot CassimeroS and .' Worsteds in stock if you do r.ot . . wish to wait. We guarantee Fit : , and Prices. ; Goods were never , so good or prices t low as now. F. M. Chadwick. 101 Middle Street. . . If a four wheel 'machine tis a Quad ricycle, and tnree wheel machine la a Tricycle and a two wheel machine is a Bicycle, what would you call a one wheel machine 1 Wh, a Wheel BarrowJo besure. . Very Good. , ' . , , ;HTo-w .Pat ! , If you wanted the beet, Bicycle what would you do T ' " Why I would go to- J.C WHITTY & CO'S. ' AND OCT : "VICTOR J" Take Notice t The best thing for New Berne that bos ever nappeneo. An enterprise that will be ever a success. We are now sawing cook wood, stovs or range lengths, me very ; nicest kind, r- and stonng it away under large slied houses keeps dry aiwavs In raiur weath er, and never gets wet . , we keep a large stock of this kind on hand. Wo cut the prices on sawing, as wears petier prepaied to riojt cheaper than heretofore, and we now deliver it in your wood houses or anywhere yoOi want n, wunout any tronole to you, only givo jour orders to BIG HILL, the ouingie Man. , You can also do Big Hill a favor,, by reporting to him, if his own earts don't deliver tbe wood anywhere the customer may want it put.-. We have polite dray men ai'il tike luains n-mly to serve the good citizens of New Berne, if they will only take hol'lor an euterprite like this, one that has never la-en oilered to New Berne like this lfore. , Hesnet-rfullv, -- BIG HILL. The Shioglo Msn. - FOB RENT ! - FDfiNISHED OR DNFUBNISHED Tlie Residence now oceupieil by Miss Emma Disosway Posset tlon given Octolr 15, 1898. Apply to - . Mk Disosway. If you had A Rose Bush and esch'rose kept its perfume in a little bottle in the centre, it would be no sue t er, purer, or more lasting than the Per fumes we otter for sale. .. Your luvorite Odor Is sure to be here tor our stock embraces almost every known good per fume, domestic and imported at popular prices. , ' - BKAUnAffrS KrlAIlYlAWT, - For Kent. ' House on South Front Bt For sale, one light InifU'V Rood as new. not a scratch onjit, will be sold cheap tor cosh. Apply to P. M. Daky. I vj boutti r ron di. Dreaa GssSi Uepartmeat. We art showing an enrtUe vnrtrty of cottons, wollens tnj silks this wick, don't walk out of eur atore before p i! ; our eleSant line of silks from 25 ci. ! i l.r.8 per yard. I' :'s. FAT Bl'SISEi5 LIM'IIA FAT stall fedBef, Lamb, Mutton and Vteni3on, for steak or roast, tins morning. Chas. E. Nelson.. OHOrnR miAlitv Prnrv1 Anrir ol. 10 cents per pmind, and a new lot of nice frpit Jeuy, o cents per pnuno, nt . AIcDaniex 4 Gaskill's FKESH Grits and a new lot- of those nice Enslish Cured Shoulders which we cut, just received, ar SIcUanibl & Gas kiix's. . - r , ? .- . PICKLED Piz Pork, tbe best meat for seasoning vegetables there is. 6 centaroer pound., , , JUCUANIBI, UABKIU, 10.000' pounds of Pale Cream Chiese at James F. Taylors. Jut received and in cold storage For sale at New York JUST Beeeived a fresh lot of Bologna sausaga 10 eta, lb. fivsb corned Ports mouth mullets, 40 cK perdoc at - , Phoney v ' J. R. Pakksb, Jr. GOOD Boasted Coffee 20cts. lb. Very finest butter 23 cts. lb, cut bam 12cts. lb. Fulton Market corned beef 8 cts. lb. full cream cheese 15 cts lb. at . : - Phone 69 r : J. K. Pabreb, Jr. FRESH Fat flakei 10 cts. pk'ff. and a full and Somp'.ete line of choice lamily Groceries at the very lowest cash prices. Give me a - trial and I will sell you our goods or make come one else sell you very cueap. ' uespecuuiiy. Phone 09. ; J. B. Parker. Jr. JUST received 25 bushels bolted . water mill meal, 15c,, peck. Try my sliced Usui and bboulder. a, E. Allkgood. 78 Middle street. 5 . . . - CALL at 85 Middle street and buy a new suit of Clothes. I have a fine lot of Fall aud Winter Samples in, and will be glad to show them at any time. Give mo a trial. 8. D. Pahrkh, Merchant Taylor, No. 5 Middle Street 1 v. v : . . BE8T Creameiy Butter, Ireeh from the dairy, 25c. per pound; best refined -pure Lard, 8c. Railroad Baking Powders best cheap powders in the market. J. J. TolSOK. SEWING Machine Supplies. Needles keut in stock for all kindo of Sawinn Ma chines. Sewing Machine Oil, Belts, Screw drivets, uiiers. Also tlie various at- tachmenU for Sewing M.chinis. J. C. Whitty & Co., egenU lor tbe Wheeler & Wikoo Utf Ball-lx-aring tealng Ma chine. NICE l. r nt Kin H'crV lln.i.V jut in. Best Ham in ihe'roarket. A i, 1 p. tn.ds. : J. J. To- son. FRESH bit of Polled Hmi) ltd Yi'ngue, ,lb. can Sc., t lit. eini lite. J . I. I oi.bon 'Phone 4G.S DO 'KOT KAIL and send to our mark, t in tlio morn ing. We have a tine display of MEATS of all kinds. FRESH SAUSAGES lOo. Sam'l Cbhn & Son A FINE IDT OF KOUrvTDKKOB APPLES. JUST WY THEM LEMOWS' 23 CTS. PER DOS. - Reward. Reward. 'Reward. We win par t20.oe to the person Who wlU bring ns a stove that will ompare In quality, Snlia and point ol zoellenoe with to. J""' :'A: A I WE. NOW HAVE ' ON OUR FLOOR. , W. will have aa Jadgas three dlalataraated Persooa. ' We 'want yon to sea these stove, fsmd Ranges whether joa wish to boy or not.' :. They an the handeomest stoves ; , ever shown in North Carolina, and : each la warranted by BUCK'S ' . STOVB EANQB CO, and by Slover Hardware Company to give perteot satittaonon or w. wlU re ' land your money. - . - - rWCall and let ns show vod anvthlne In our line you may need. We guarantee OCR rtuuiuron aoyuiing weaeii. Yours XespeeMuUy, BROAD STREET Fruit - Store ! A NEW DEPARTURE. I with M Inform my friends nd patrons thut I have opened a wholefa'e depart ment in connection wiji my rvtall store, and sra receiving a fresh lot of goods by each steamer. " , M stock consists of the very best qual ity of Apil, Bannnie, lemons, Pears, Peaches and Confectioneries; also Cab bages, Irish Potatoes and Onions. In connection with this I will carry a lull lino ol Family Groceries which I will sell cheap for cash. 'llianklng you lor past favors, and hoping to merit the continuance of same, I am yours Oltedient. J. D. I i... "ID, Ne. 63 Breal Street. 1 am buying ny goods in Hie North. era Markets tor canli, and will sull as cheap at any house in tlie city. This will inform r v rn ' A t' t I We opened my I ... s 'it the same old stand, on t ) 1 : l, op posite 1). (1. t - nw's lis . i ik- vvrrrv.VA-v n n s v -v,vv::.va: IPvepe Yoqi Bqllots. The JouenAL will pay to the person, who comes the nearest to giving the correct number of Electoral votes cast for the National Presidential Ticket, . " A $20 Gold Piece, . A $20 Currency Note, " ;; or $20 in Silver, .. . as the successful predicter may choose. , The conditions attaching to this voting Contest are lliat all votes cast must be upon this blank, and the - voters jnnst be subscribers to the Journal, Daily or Weekly. - Every subscriber will be entitled fo vote on the blank . taken from each issue of the Journal. " , Saturday, October 31st, will be the last voting day " ; in this cdntost. Each vote received will be dated, tour and day it comes to this office, and will be so recorded and filed. The successful voter will receive notification , ' v as soon as official returns come in. . ... , ., i BRYAN, SEW ALL or WATSON jj? - r s McKINLEY AND HOBART , M PALMER AND BTJCKNEB . . I: VOTERS NAME - Subscribers eut around Border.and send to JOTJENAL. . S MATS, ;; HATSI Perforated, Embossed, Corrugated and Pyramid Hatting. . " Corrugated' Stair Tremls, any -size. Why wear out your carpet and make noise on your stairs ? when it can be prevented by using our STAIR TREADS. AH our goods are manu factured by the N. Y. B. & P. Co., acknowledged pioneers and leaden for half century. . IIYMAJT SUPPL.Y C Successors to J. 3. BISOSWAT CO. . - ' E. W. SUALLWOOD, Under Gaston House, South Front Sttcct, New Berne, S. 0. PULL Vj-jIIVB OJP General Hardware. Stoves, Carpenters Tools, Cutlery, Table Ware, Darbed Wire, ' GALVANIZED PIPE. PUMPS, Lime, Plaster and Cement, ' DEVOES PURE READY MIXED PAINT8. Personal attention to the prompt and correct filling ol all orders mg3aiw,dow FOIS - LOWEST PBICE ! ':fyAAA:A JO TJUWhile people all'ovr the country are" agitating the money ques-tion-some!sonndmoney (meaning gold), others free coinage of silver notjknowing which they want we are now,' asj always, pre- pareu uuujwuiiug w buu iue oesi Adapted to Horses & Mule That hare ever been put on theJNew BerneJMarket for casb, either UULU,;aiL.VJfiK, UliKKBAUKS, OB NBQOTIABLB PAPER. A full and complete Hoe of Buesles. Wtcrons md Hirnnu always on hand. Medicines and ailments of the Horse. Wn'a 11ft. 120A IIEV7 - BERME ACADEMY, ' : . -.- ' -. - $:z2 of IGC3 and 1097, : Under tho plun of reorganization, Classical ana Jingiinn Uourses by a corps or eminent Educators, from the University of N. C, Horner's School, and other r notod Educational Institutions. . ' , -v . Tuitioa Tees monthly not exceed, PRIMARY DEPARTMENT INTERMEDIATE " CJtASSKJAL " J7cxtC:ic:i Op for Further IiifoNmiJion, A I I MATS. BEST -. car ioaa 01 eacn, or all Purposes. ' "' Liniments -of all kinds and for til ' , . Iftft UTiHHlo offers thorough Instruction, in the in advunco. ci: 11 .$1.25 IVrluHi. J 2.;r, 3.00 f 4 '