SKETCHES BTM.QUAD How Mr. Perkins Did It. Ha was ft young man abont 85 yonrs of age, and he wore a broad brim hat, long bai and bnukskin leggings, In fail belt be had two guns and a knife, and from tho buttonholes at hie vest dangled bear claws. He itood thus on the plut form ai tbe train rolled iir, and he was showing off at a great rate when one of the passengers walked up to him with pencil and notebook in bind and said: . "Name, please." . : "-" , ''My name? I am called Sioux Bill,' air." . -. . . v : ' "Sionx Bill, eh? Didn't know but what it waa Baby Bill or Sweet Wil liam. Occupation, if you please. ' "Indian fighter, iir." ..;T : " ' "Oh, ohl I wouldn't have believed ... it. . Thought yon run a greenhouse or dairy? - What.'" your object in wearing uch clothes and carrying those guns?" " Who In are yonf ' demanded the awfnl Indian fighter aa he turned on the other. ' ' - "Perkins Mietah Perkins," was the reply. r "And what do yon want of me?" "Just to look yon over. Let's seel !!.. Tlill THJi.n Ai.k ... 1 ujwu villi uuiui uuwi guia uiu bear claws and loggings. Does not ran a greenhouse or dairy. . Urn I 0m I Have you ever fired a pistol, sir?" - .. "W-whatf'V shouted the other. w .never iooi min i pisroi, - saia jar. Perkins. "Lots of people have been hurt , that way. Do-you wish to sell those bear claws?. IX so, I will buy , them for my baby brother. Those leg gings might ccme in handy when I go hunting for frogs. My dear fellow, how mnoh for the, whole outfit?" : "You--yon blamed flshworm! But do yon know how near death yon are?'' howled Sionx Bill as he danced around. "Don't don't do it," replied Mr. Perkins. J 'It'a bad for ' the health. There, now, sit down on this track and calm yourself. That's tbe way. There's a lot of passengers admiring yon, and : yon have an excellent pose. Keep it up. I knew the sort of a man you were at a glance, but I won't give yon away. Dungle the bear claws and hi ton your gun around. That's it that's the style. I'll see you later when I'vo had a bite to eat Tata, William I Don't disturb the pose." . -r'j .--., --. : .. : -Bnt William did. He got up and van ished down tbe platform, and as tbe ; train palled ont we saw him hiding be tween two salt barrels. It Waa Hl Brother Baa. . - One day a mild mannered man came long to our camp at Cedar Bend, and after looking, around for awhile he said to Jim Taylor, who was then the recog- sized boss of the camp: - "I suppose yon hang a man here now and then?" . "Oh. certainly," replied Jim. "Yes, . we take pleasure ia hangin a man at . intervals." ; - . ' - .:. V-; - - "Ion hung one about the middle of last June, I believe?" -: "Let's see. Middle of last Jane? Yes, ix, ire oung uriiuir at iuub wuio - 4 . had (he honor of kickin the bar'l ont from under him myself. Was he a friend of yours?" - , " "Mobbe he was. Did he resemble me "Waal, now, come to take a straight squint At you, I should say he did. He bod your eyes and hair, and I should say his nose was a brother to yours. I don't ' wont to press things, bnt if he was a re- ; lashun of yours yon needn't feel at all delikit about sayin so." "Did he give his first name as Sam?" xea, no uui. y "And the last name as Baker?" ; "That's it I've got it writ down, on a book in my shanty. " , ' 'Then he was a brother of mine my only brother," said the stranger in a voice which shook a little. "Would It "be agin custom' to ask what you hung him for?" : , "Oh, no, no I He picked up baok load of property belongin to one of the boys and was makin off when we cotch ed him." , "Give him a trial?" : "Fnrsnre." ' ' "Did he say mnoh?" ' "Not very much. . Jest observed he was mighty glad he was goin to git skat olthiskontry." . "And he died happy?" v "Reasonably so, stranger reasonably happy. Yes, we all remarked that he seemed to look upon it. as a change fur the better and. that be felt, tolerable sartin of reachia a climate whar it . wouldn't make any . difference if he went outdoors somo mornin and forgot ' his overcoat. So it was your brother?" "Yes." jl.. v.-..-. 1 ., "Kin 1 say anythin to comfort you, stranger?" - -y "N-o, I don't know as you kin, "slow- ly replied the man, "I was jest passin on my way to White Hill, and I thonght I'd stop and see if it really was Sam. might take a drink if you bev a bottle handy." "8artiny. Hero she is. ' Don't stint yersalf." . t i ' "Thanks; (hat's good. And in the m Mat of life we are in death. Kinder - sorry you hung Sam, but I reckon it had to be, and you can nay to tbe boys that I ain't kickin, I take the road to the loft, don't I? Waal, so long." i . JL.Qcad. Hot Worth Any Mora. "A baby was sold in New Jersey the otlmr day for 00 cents." "Well, I suppose the mosquito bad been puawmg on it all summer. " Chi' cago Kooord. A Versatile Mil Wanted. . In a Sydney newspnper lately there was tins advertisement:. "Wanted A nmu able to teaoli French and the piano and to look after tho bull." Tit-Bits. Would Tell II Im later. First Boy (to second boy, who has U' n fieililiiKV Catch anything? ttorond Hoy I haven't been homo yet. iiultiuiore Lifo. r id Too Ever Try ' :dilc tillers si a reniwly for vour i If not, g'it a bottle now and got I. T! Tliis omilicine 1' been found to 'y xliiptcj to Ilia roliuf and I 1'. iimle Complaints, exortitig a In p'vii'fr strength and a- m ' If v"H Imvo l.n""i of I ."i.lm Im, l'M'lit- ' I -- I vu.ii 1 7,- SHE WANTED TO KICK. - r:, : Bat BhhIkv tlu Geatla Clerk Jgaaaged ' - to Bmlh Hw BcImbm. - ' . e . "Is this the water office?" she asked as sb entered, with fire in. her eye and fight in her voice, y , 6 ' : . "It is, madam"-. replied the gentle clerk at tbe desk. "Is there -anything I can do for you this fine- morning?" - There may be, and., there may not be," she replied, with much asperity, but I came in to say that while I was drawing water to make coffee for break fast a great fish came out of the fanojat, and" :.i-"V . yi? .l'. -. "Oh, I see,'! tbe clerk interrupted, with an j ingratiating smile. "You oame in to pay the city for the fish. That was very honest' and good of yon,. I'm sure, bnt the -city - will not accept 1 any money lor a single fish. - It is true- the city charges for water only and doe 4 not guarantee to furnish fish as wen, and I'm bound to say that most ladies would have taken the fish and said noth ing about it However, the city will not take advantage of your unequaled gen erosity. It will make no charge for it " With a magnanimous wave of his hand the clerk tried to dismiss the sub ject, bnt the caller resumed: "But this fiBh was" ; : "Oh, yes, I know what yon would say. . The am was a fine large one and mode an agreeable addition to your morning meal, but still the city would not think of charging you for it. If you are so very conscientious about it, however, you might keep count of the fish that the city supplies in that way, and after you nave had, say, a dozen we may make somo sort of a charge, but we could not think of accepting pay for one or two, not for a moment" . "Young man," glared the woman, do yon think it is the proper thing to get your fish by way of your water faucets?" ' , 'To be frank with you. madam, I do not think it is, and for that reason I would advise you to say nothing about it, especially among neighbor If tbo people generally got to know that tho oity was favoring yon by sending you rresn Dsn lor breakfast in your water pipes, why, we should have streams of people coming in here to kick because the city does not provide them with fresh fish also. Yon can easily see that the city cannot undertake to do that. Fine morning, bnt I think we shall have more rain before night" i . The clerk resumed his sear, and the complaiuer departed, muttering some thing which no one could hear. Town Topics. -i-W- Ab Awful Strain. .-' The four champion prizefighters of the world oamo out on the stage, bow ed to the audience as they were Intro duced, took their seats, and the great battle was on. , ' - .- - ;, The silence was awful. At the end of one minute one champion had fallen. to rise no more. Then dropped another and another, and at the expiration of six minutes more but one remained. There was a light of triumph in his eyes, bnt the sweat was pouring down his face and every limb was trembling. But he had won.' He had remained silent for seven minutes, Indianapolis Journal. . ; . - , "This is a great year for idle theories on the financial question," said the oracular boarder. "Idle theories?" echoed As bury Pep pers., "Never. Every theory in exist ence is -working overtime. ' Cincin nati Enquirer. . A Xatnral Death. "What does it mean, pop, when the papers say a person died a natural death?" . - -, v ' "When a man dies a natural death, Bobbie, it means that he died without medical assistance.'' Brooklyn Life. IdsntJfriDf Him. , Theophilus, what "tJncle -is an egotist?" "He is a fellow that listens intently when he is talking to you and never listens at all when you are talking to him. "Detroit Jtfree Press. Doltm. .:;'.' , ,- "Thereupon his designs were disclos ed. They were awfnl. " Tho heroine shuddered. :.: ' " "The poster movement, X fancy,'; she remarked. Dotroit Tribune; - , " Who Caa Tall. Blade-Well, I am kind of sorry 11 was a girl , ..-'.-.y, ., . Grasse Nonsense. She may be prcsl dent of the United States some day. Truth. " ,..- Now Vartlon. t . Governess (finishing the story) And so they lived happily ever afterward. Precocious Chicago Child Then they must have got their divorce. Up To uata. - -- ' r i- TrMa of a Twin.. la form anil featon, faoa and limb, - I stow Bo him my brother , - Thai folks got taking mo (or hua And each for one another. 'J : It pnttltd all onr kith and kin. r - y It roaehed a fuerful pitch, v r For one of .na wu born a twin, V Aad not a eool knew which. . v One Any, to make tbe matter worae, Before our names were fixed, 1 . Aa we were being waahod by anna, We got eompleUirr mlxod, . And thus you aee by fate'a deorea, Or rather nnraa'a whim, ' Vy brother Jim got ohriatened S9 .-. f - r And I got ohrlatened hint. -- ' Thli fatal likeaeee ever doggod ; - . My footat4!pa when at aehool, " , And I waa alwayi getting flogaed, ".-i- For John turned out a tool, f I put thle qneetlon f ruitleaaly . iTo erery one I knew, What wonld yon do if yon were me . To nroro thai yon Were yonf ; Onr eloae reaemblanod tamed tbe tide , ' -Of my domeetle life. For eomrhow my Intended bride Bename my brotber'a wife.. In fact, year after year the aame , Abtnird mltaki wunt on. t And hen I diud the nti(huora , And turled brother John. ' Uoaton Globe. Por Male. Tureiunt In a judgment of the Super ior court ot Cmvoa cooaty, in a' special proceeding to nmke aiiets, I will sell at pulilic auction, at the court liouae door in the city of Xcw Kurne, t 12 o'clock M., Monday, Octoler 5ili, WMl, the i!'iity of m iniitio i of W. (5. l!iinin, ii ! I, in the hoo-e and t H.lm.'r.l , o mi Hie nm-Mi side of H'Milli J rm.t t'rii-t, t)i(Wi'(-n IV' ;i!'Mn Rlld Iilir'ii-H ; li i;i-i,nn w (r rl'Jilikl !y U IS. I 11. TiT'i-a l.f Kali-, i- i,. h. il it:' :, r cr ol , , a, 1 n, (. !. ; - ; ELECTION LAW. Aa Cmstral Iky DrniMrnile, Stepab lieu nnd PmallrtStasrtChalrnien." y Ealkigh, N;. 0., -Stato Chair men Manly, Holton and Aver agree to tbe following as tlie proper, con struction of the election law and re quest member? of respective . parties tO follow it. " ' . , That all persons are entitled to register September 26, : October,- 3, October 10, October 17, and these days only, between 9am and 4 p. m. save in incorporated towns and cities. ' ' - October 24, no act shall be done regarding registration nave right to challenge between hours of 9 a m And 4pm any elector whose name may appear on the books. October 31 no act shall be done regarding registration save to hear and determine all challenges made on October 24, Hearing shall be had between the hours of 9 a m and 4pm in all pre cincts save those in oorporate towns and cities where hearing shall be had nntu 9 p. m. That any person who comes of age between October 17 and Elec tion day, or who is entitled to regis ter by reason of his residence in the State or County being of sufficient time required by law, which time ripened after October 17, shall be entitled to register on election day and vote; and such persons who offer to register and vote on election day may be challenged, and ""said chal lenge heard on election day. Appointmeat ol Keaiatrara. Office Cu:bk Stjperiob Court. ) North Carolioa, Craven County.' ( Under and by virtue of authority vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court by sec tion seven of tbe Constituted Election Law 1895, and upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the State Executive Com mittee of the Republican, Democratic and People's parties, in North Carolina, who are by Law Constituted Commissioners of Elections, the following named Registrars of Elections, are hereby appointed for tbe vaiious election Precincts of Crnveo County fur the general election to be held Tuesday next after the first Monday in November4 1890. No 1, township, Vanceboro precinct; Stephen F Hill, d; Joseph Jackson, r; BW Smith, p. Nj 1, township. Maple Cvnrcss ore- cirjet; Alonza Phillips, d; 0 B Stubbs, p; nenry ti .uawson, r. No 2. townshin. Truitts orecinct: S W Latham, d; Thus Moore, r; Lewis Cntor. No 8, township, Fort Barnwell pucinct: Joseph Kinsey, d; Jno W Taylor, r, I B uuuse, p. No 2, township, Dover precinct; Joe E Eornefray, d; Primus Khem, r; M C No 8, township, Core Creek precinct: Sam HoDinson, d; Utliro Becton, r; I a GritBD, p. No 0, township, Temples precinct; W (i Temple, d; Jessie P Godett, Jr, r; Josh Adams, p. No 5, townsliif, Stanton precirct; Ifaa rnvior, a; jNero u-nom, r;ug tJell, p. jno o, township, lee s iarm precinct; W B Planner, d; Jno R Holland, r: B Williams, p. No 7, township, ast James City pre cinct, wm HMiiy, d; raul Williams, r; J M uobloson, p. No 7, township. West James City pre ciacl; Henry B Lane, d; Kobt K Davis, r; x i Jjee, n. No 7, township, ltivordule precinct; is W I vis, d; Seymore Pelham, r; G A Con ner, p. No 8, township, Neuse Trent precinct; H Tisdalc, d; It JJndley, r; (J Itichard- SOB, P. No 8, township. Rocky Run precinct; C R Ball, d; Amos B Koonce, r: J . L Wethenoaton, p. No 8, township. Pleasant BUI precinct; jno a frencn, a; L w mm, r; u k wu llams.D. ... ., ..,. :. . No 9, township, Jasper precinct; M W Carmen, d; James A Lawton, r: J C Moore,p. rtl:t ; ,., i OITT OF KXW BKBKB. 1st Ward. E H Green, d; J F ITardison, rjJT Lincoln, p. " ' -' - nd Ward, F T Patterson, d; It C Kehoe.-rj E V Dickinson, n. : 3rd Ward. Thomas Stanley, d: John U 4th ward, J Jf Ives, a; Ueo f JJudiey, r, V A Crswtord, p. 1 ' " '' " 5th Ward. McCarthy's, Jno H ll.rgctt, (1; Raphael O'Hara. r; S V Hunt, p. 6tU Ward, St Phillip's, Wallace Rose, d; Peter Fisber, r; Isanc Powell, p. 6lh Ward, Pavie Town, Funk Tisddle. (f; J Calvin Bryan, r; 0 R Robbins, p. . w. m. WAiauiX, u . u. Beptember 7, 1898. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. THlta. Unlla Km TOT ttfuiur. , SI tan Children Cry for Pitcher's Castortai Children Co' for Pitchers Castoria. Children Cry for Pitchers Castoria. Children Cry fo- Pitcher's Castoria. rinoDpnison 'IVV l'r'wrr,Hi I I onriftrrorTer. v . ' . iil txmnanentlf i ' i i! in li.i.mdfiT.. MUr-nntM,tr.ntMlat uniii fnrwimn nrMMnniloruuil.KDaraa V. If Tnpn'f.irtotnnihHr w.wlllona l rt u, ivif mnniail fm tMl hut. I hill, titfl i mii 1.1,1, H i, v. !,,.; ui r.o. in. m ,m ..., ), , i'l M I i- l.'i.lniiw -. s .tr i ,,r)m, ll-tilr., I ii,iiir i nl.irl ; ., i, " I'.rvof tl. 1. nir or - .vs. , 1.72 H ti, h... ,.r . . , ,.., J arw el . i W IT' . ' I I i 1 .n lit lor -.. r .1 , j. i. u id iVno cur no p'lV. Tlmrs ar Hiiuiia. To gi i Uie ipi'iii'o a.-l i. Callcel Stalee Civil Jrvlee Iiamiaa. . Horn. The United States Oivil Service Commission has ordered thaUn ex amination be held by its local board in this city 'on Saturday, October 10th, 18U6, commencing nt U o'clock a. m., for the grades of "Olerk-Day Inspector," Assistant Weigher-Messenger" and "Watchman Inspcc trcss" in tho OlasiBed Custom ser vice. Only citizens of the United States can be examined. The age limitations lor tins examination are as follows: Minimum Clerk-day In spector 20, Messenger 20, Watch man Inspectress 21. No application will be accepted for this examina tion unless filed with the undesigned in complete form, the proper blank, beforetbe hour of closing business on September 21, 189G. Applications should be filed promptly, therefore, in order that time may remain for correction if necessary. The Commission takes this op portunity of stating that the exam inations ai'o open to ail reputable citizens of the United States who may desire to enter the service, without regard to race or to their political or religious affiliations. All such citizens are invited to apply They shall be examined, graded, and certified with entire impartial! ty, and wholly without regard to any consideration save their effi ciency, as shown by the grades they obtain in the examination. ior application blanks, lull in structions and information relative to the duties and salaries of the different positions, apply to B. G. Credle, Secretary Board of Exam iners, Civil Service, Post-Offlce address New Berne, N. C. Blood la essential to perfect health. This Is a Bclentifio fact. Every organ, nerve and mnsele mast be ted and nourished. It is the function ot the blood to furnish this nourishment, and the quality ot nourishment these organs receive depends on the quality ot the blood. It the blood is Pore and full of vitality it will properly feed and support the whole mechanism ot the body. It it ia poor and thin disease and suffering will be inevitable. The great success ot Hood's Barsaparilla In curing stubborn cases ol scrofula, eczema, rheumatism, neuralgia and many other similar troubles, is baaed upon its power to enrich and purify the This is also the reason for the great popu larity of Hood's Baraaparilla as a building np medicine. By making pure, rich blood, it gives vigor and vitality even in try ing seasons, when, owing to Impover ished blood, thousands are complaining of Weakness and weariness, lock of energy and ambition, and that tired feeling. Sarsaparilla$R Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier, u j, cure Liver Ills; easy to MOOa S PUIS take, easy to operate. iiDo. OITT MARKET REPORT. CrretexlDallj by Kobcrla ertBro., Wboleaale and Hetall Herenants. WtaolMleiPrl.. Rib Sides, 4Jf, Short Backs 4 Mess Pork (new) $tf 00. Kump S9.60. Short Clear $9.25. o-T Hams, sugar cured, Hie N, C. Hams 10c. Fieah Pork 4 to 4J. Lard Compounds, In Tubs, 5 to 5. nest Leaf Lard in Tuba. Oo. Flour, licet patent, tl.20 to,4.80. Flour, Fancy 8traiht. $3.00 to 13.95". : Straight, $3.00 to S3.75. Extra Flour $3.25. , . . .:, Granulated Sugar 3c A Bugar 4f. . , . ; C Sugai 4 2-5oi' " Mnlasfes 15 to 25c Bjrup 15 to 23c. Cheese 9 to lOJc. . . . . ; Butter, Boquet Creamy, 20 to 21c. 4 Butter, Dairy, 17 to 18c . Rio Coffee 14 to 18c. . La Ouara Coffee 18 to 20c Ground Alum Suit 55c. Vim 50 to 63. , Chickens, grown, 45c, . , . . Spring Chickens 20 to 33c fcfgs BO. , . . .- Beeswax 20c ' - , ',- . Peanuts GO to 70c ; ' Hides, dry, 8 to Co. Hides, green, 2c - , - ' ' i . Beerouroot4 toBe. 1 . ' 1 Ooro40Vv ' ' , . "i . ,': ' Meal ;3o. r: Lookdakt. Tbxas, Oc (t, 15, 1889. Messrs, raris Jledicine Co., ,i. , , -1 Paris, Ten a. ' Dear 8irs:' Slilp ns as so ta as possible 2 gross Grove's Tasteleaa f iil Tonic. My customers raot GrnTe' TasklrM Ctilll Tonlo ted will not lisrf any other. Id onr f xporlcnci of ovor ; Ui years In tUc draft bu.ineai, w Iravo ntt t sold MPuire SloodI InlOOOS anyl nienicine wiiton rv.o w jch Bniverml tat- isMlosj . Y-nnrs llepectlidly,. , J. ft. 13llWB & CO. II cgetablePrcparalionforAs- i i toguSttinaxlisaislBowSQf OF PromotesTMgcsUort,Checrful ness and Rcst.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor MintraL Not Nahcotic. Ktafle efOldlk-SmCILBrCBm JoJUlUSJtr 4nuted fipfiemunt -Jil Carbonate Saia, Him Sad -darilud Sugtr . hwuyrtat t'iaran ApcrfectRemcdY for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions, Feverish' ness and Loss OF Sleep. facsimile Signature of ' NEW YORK. 2113 EXACT COPT OF WRAPPER. Manhood Restored.; DR. C. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT THE ORIGINAL, ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS, Issoldnndor positive Written fin Aran tee, bynnthorizod agenUi only, to cure Weak Memory, Dizziness, WakefuJnGfia, If'its, Hysteria, Quiclc- nefw, JNifeht LKisenri, Uvu Dreftms, Jjacic of tlonh- dence. wervouHiiess, i-rfiHsunde, an urains, loath ful Krrors, or Kzcetwive Upe of Tobacco, Opium, or Liquor, which leads to Misery, Consumption, Insanity and Death. At utore or by mail. SI a box; six for $5; with written ffnarniitee to age containing ljve dnye "treatment, wittkjull v ui iciuuu cis.-.v. rfituiuic ai;ia' each pnrson. At store or by mail. 3TRcd Ubel Special Extra Strength. Por Imiiotcncv. Lose of Power. Loet MuDhood, til H Iioy; MX for ri, wittit Dfl'PT, N. 0. Solo Agent, A B IBs! S ECIP,a-Ctlt. Splonrliil c"rnttv acont, for Nerrooi. or Sick iittuiitouo, iirum j-AiiHusticn, oieeuiennsjsn, uii:iUf or gtmrrnl Nouralgiu; nlsolor Itneu- mutism, iioui, tviantjy iiiMiruen, aciq pepsin, in;riniit. jntilote for Alooholio ittid olW etcttbMtt. irico, 10, 2&&iulGiiosaU. .fcirervcucaut, THE IU0L3 CHEMICAL CO. 1 51 S. Woslc-n Avenue, CHICAGO. F. Duffy, Sole Agent, New Berne. N. C. LADIES DOTOOMOI OK. FELIX LI BRUM'S StBfillPennpjal Pills are Alie orlsinal and only FK!iCH, rate and reliable our on the market. Price, $1.00; eeot or mam, uenuine eoia only ay F. S. Dcfet, .Sole Aeent. New Berne, N. 0. I P BBHM'e I'OB F.ITIir.B BEX. .'hla ranrdr belnc t JeeUsd clireetly to the GAG; H OK XI www wiBemv of the VcBtto-urinary Omna. reaairti no change of diet. Core j-uaranteed ! I to I jlava. Mmall Dlain pack. nTTTDTiMe, by mall, Ml.VO, Hold Only by F. S. Doffy, Sole Agent, Berae, N. 0. ifew lie 1 u I TmJU.,1. nhHiwil anil all Pat. . Camta, aad Trade-Mark obtained and all fat mtMUineataonductedior MODcn.TC Ftte. OuaOrFictiaOoeiTi;U( .faTii(TOrri; andwe canaecure eauat u Icje Uaw taaa tnoec; , Send model, drawins or phota, Willi Jeattip.; ilea. We aariae, 11 oatenuble or Dot, Iree of; ,tahi Paunta," with iron oi aaua in v. wm - - .. . , eat free. Addnna, C.A.SNOW&COJ opo. nartNT Omot, WaeMinaTeH. D. O Thousands olWomen SUFFER UNTOLD MI5EttlE5. BRADFIELD'S v FEALE -' REGULATOR, ACTS AS A SPECIFIC ! Bj Ar outing to Heallhj AoIIm aS herOrpnt. It causes licalth to bloom, anl Joy to reign throughout the frame. ) .It Never Falls to Rcrjulate. M v t re ha. eean itmler tree tment of leas S r Ina iiliritoleiia llirae r.ara. without tietiellt. S ' a ner uhiiui mi re emu, or nitAuriKi.u a ' KKMAL.K KKIIU i.A roll .he oaa da bar own f eouaiua,aiiiKMiaaiifi washing." t n. o. o in A n, Mill. m. ' BHiDFTEU BKUVUTOB CO., lUaata, Ua. i Sola kr draniiuai 11.03 per bottle. , TOltlStl COLD INOajB 0AT Take Laxative Brnmo Quinine Tablets. AA1 dius-L'Istt refund.tht money I fie --or y. s. Ppme. New fails Co .euro. 23c, ; SEE THAT THE FAC-S1MILE SIGNATURE IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEEY BOTTLE OP emA Oeitorla Is pit op la on-il bottbs only. It is aot sell ia bilk. Don't allow airono to sell yon anything alu on the plea or premise that it Is "jut as rood" and "w!ll aatwer erery nor- pOM. TtafM ilala " Bo that yon get O-A-B-T-0-B-I-A. i. 4UtnM n Atlantic U C, Rsilrosf lUME TABLE NO. 2. In, effect ,7;?0 M. Wednesdav, N 2f?th 895. Goino J&jist I fJcfircrJtn.K Goino Wesi No. 3 Pansmger 'Jraint, No. 4. Lv.Jp. ID, Stitions. Ar. a. m, ,2oldsloro, 11 25 LnGrnye 10 52 tCiuston, 1 32 Ar. New Bern, Lv. 9 30 Lv, Ar. 19 17 S 49 i 12 S 15 5 25 6 37fJlAr, No. 1. , Moreliead City, Lv. 8 07 No. 2. Mixed Frt.& Pam. Train, Stations. Mu'ul Frt.& Pas, Trail,. Lt. a. ui. AT. p. a.. 7 20 Goldsbjro, liesfs, LaOeange, Falling Creek, iKinatoo, Cuawell. .8 OOJ. 7 53 8 16 7 3tt il I 7 ') t 50 6 20 G 00 5 18 8 00 19 24 fJ'J 38 u aa Ar. jjover. uv. 10 15. c Lv. " Ar.'sl4 20 00 JlO 40 ,Uore Creek, 4 11 15 Tu9caroia, 3 38 11 ill Clark's, 8 20 B2 50 10 17 10 12 10 00 9 40 9 06 12 053 Ar. New Bern, Lv. i 30 ll-v, " Ar, 2 12 i "nu Riverdale 2 20 .. . Croatun, 2 43 Haverlock, 3 12 Newport, Lv, 3 35 713 Wildwood, 3 31 AtlaaUc, 8 47 t 8 38 Q3 4(1 Ar. Moreliead Cily. Lv. 8 20fl ;3 51 Ar. M. City Depot, Lv. 80 00 fi r. M. a. ii. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. CJ Tuesday, Thursday .and Saturday. S. L. DILL, Sup't. i Wilminiiton, Newtcni & Moll MM TIME TABLE NO. 1. To take eflect Sunday,May 17th, 1C98, at 12:00 M. SuDersedinz Time Table No. 14. Baled uctooer 2 1 in, loua.j Goino South, bchkddli. Goino Nortb No. 7. Pauenaar Traint. 'No. 8. Lve. A. M. Stations. Ar. P. U. 9 20 New Bene 5 20 0 55 Pollockavilla 4 44 10 09 Maysville 4 80 10 42 Jacksonville 8 58 12 40 ar. Wilminkn Lve. 2 00 V. M. P. M. No. 6 Pasbbnobb amd Fasionx No, Ijeava Wilmington Monday, Wednesda) an t Friday. Leave ew Bern lucaciay Tliiimlay andBatarday. L. A. M. Ar. P. il ?00 Lt Wilminiiton Arr 8 25 7 W W. Sea-Coast P. K. Croe'g 8 15 Baymead, Kirk'and St-rsr- Hill, .iimp nd, Cypreaa Lake, AnDau'liile WoodSKle, Rlgecomria Uollyri Folkatooe Dixon 8 56 7 91 7 4a 7 51 2 46 9 40 2 II 8 05 8 11 818 8 33 8 52 21-6 155 1 41 1 )'i 106 12 55 9 19 12 42 934 Verona 12 2-'. 9 50 Arr. Jacksonville Lv. --2C U 10 Lt. ' A.r. 11 19 Northeast il 38 Whik-Oak 11 58 ; Itaysril'.e 12 18 iRaveoswiiod 10 15 10 Ut 986 9 IS 8 01; 13 30 . Pollocksvtlle 8S( 12 53 Debrobis 8 28 180 Arr. NewWrns Lt. 8 00 P.M. A.M. PhllyExeevtSia'ay. H.A.WmTINO. General Manager. J. W. MAHTJCEUH, OenXFrUwdPasa. Kg . 1 1X)R Cotton Bagging and Tics, Bags ' and Barrel Covers, Builders Ume aod Cement, Ten a Colt Pipe aod Shell Lime, gallon ... J-'H.' Ti A TIT A If. Alsol. No.lN.wl Uarrlages fo, mi. Storage for 10 Bales at Lew Rales. 11. w. BiJirsox, Funeral Director and Embaliner. IM Broad Street FHOXKst BTBurtal stobM.aSpleoelt.. . LOW HATES ' TO ' BALTIMORE! VIA BALTIMORE, CHESAPEAKE & RICHMOND STEAM BOAT COMPANY. From Norfolk an J Old Point $1.00 One Way. $1.50 Round Trip. First-Class'Jickets. First-Class Ships. First-t lass Accommodat'os Everything First-Class. THESE RATES EFFECTIVE AnQ, 24TH, 1896. Leave Norfolk daily, except Sunday, 5 ou p. m. Leave Oli Point daily, except Bunilay, p. in. Arrive Baltimore, 7:00 a. in. Kr'Noil'olk wharf, Toot or Fnydte I slriet, ue block t'roiu Atlantic IloU-1. Now b the time to go to Itulli more. Take advantage of the low rates. State rooms reservid in ailvunce. For tickets aDd information, apply to WM. IIENltY TAYLOE, District I'usseiiKer and Ticket Aaent No. 58 Main street, Noilolk, Va. . N. S MITH, Ticket Agt. Old I'oiui, V bb AND O- ZD. XjXHSTE. FREIGHT & PASSENGER. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE The Steamer NEUSE Is scheduled to Bail from .New born as follows: MONDAYS, - WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Sailing hour 5:30 p. m. Sharp. Freight received up to 5 o'clock For further Information apply to, GEO. HENDERSON, Agent. June 23. 1890. Thousands bless the day tin y heard o Dr. E. C West's Nerve and Brain Treat ment. It has brought happiness and health 10 replace misery and discourage ment, thirty days treatment lor Ifl.uo. For sale by F. S. Duffy. m If some people were half as lug as they think they are, the world would have to be enlarged. Successful for years. Dr. Le Brim's G. & G. Cure; three days. No bad effects. Cue Ddllui'; at store or ly mini. For sale by F. d. Duffy. egj; What Bomo people know would fill a book and what they don't know would fill a library. Get genuine Dr. Le Brun's S. & P. Pills lor ladies. Sold only by authorized agent". One Dollar, st store or rr.y mail. For 83 p by F. S. Duffy. Half the people in the world are working the other half for chumps. and making it pay. Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Bwiu Treatment is guarantetd to cure any case of nervous debility of whatever cause. Six months course with guarantee, $3. A t store or by mail. For side by F. IS. Duffy. .. ;. . .! Egotism makes a man believe the world thinks as much of him as he thinks of himself. Wanted The unfortunate to know that Dr. Le Brun's G. &. G. Cure will cure in tluee days. One Dollar at store uc by mail. JTor sale by k. S. Dully. The man who never forgets any thing, naver forgets to boast of it to every one he meets. Ladies, despair not. Dr. 'Lc Brun's S. & P. Pills sure cure. One Dollar; at store or by mail. For sale at F. 8. Dut- ly s. The reason most people give ad vice so ireely is because they are anxious to get rid of it. For seventeen vears Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment has worked iann,llu fur flip Bice nal ni-rvnna Hi. bilitaled men aod women of this country It per box; six for f.i. For sale by F. K Duffy. The man who is willing to do as he would be done by, always rants to be done by first. Yoc will not be disappointed In Dr. Le Brun'i G. & G. Cure. No bid rflecls, do diet: three days, pne Dollar, at store or by mail. Fui sale at F. S. Duf fy's. Nothing hurts a man like pinning faith to a wrong idea and being scratch by the pin. D.illcate laniM take anal restorative. Dr. Le Brun's a & P: Pills. One Dollar. at s'ore or by mail. For sale I F. in Duffy. I We never know what wo can do till we try, and thon we frequently ond that we can t. Baa man. Take Dr. K. U. West's Nerve ud Brain Treatment It restores manly vigor. Guaranteed to cure. 1 per box, six for ft. For sale at F. 8 Duf. tjt. - . Nine ont of ton men who becomes Aoronghly contented, have outlived their nsefulness. No publicity. Bend your dollar by mall and set a box of Dr. Le Brno's G. A G. Cure. Cures in threw days. Never falls. For srle by F, 8. Duffy, . , . When a man knows his duty; lie aToids doing it by asking advice. Dr. Le Bran's 8, P. Pills, the etilv French; frtr ladies. One Dollar, at stiwr ot by mall. For sale by F. & Dufly

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