; mi JOURNAL ENB, N.C. Oct. S, 189C. ADVESVTI".EME1T. , .a & Aliens Circus. . ,. hitford Sausages. - ' 1 M. Cook New Firm. , Marks Co. Kid Glovt. ). C. E. Nelaon Wantd. o N. Ites Son Wauted. . E. 8nelling Green Groceriev iOdsre Directory: s KA LODOB KO. Tf I.O. O. F.J Offl-:-T. G. Hyinan.N.G.; D. .Gulon,V o.; Hull, K'o'd. 8ectB K. J. Disomy, Fm'l v ; 4. h. Cooper. Treaa. Regular meet- ', everv Monday nurni at i:av odium. I I'MFT ENCAMPMENT NO. 4. 1. 0. 0. F, m: W.J. Pitts, C. P.; B.8. tiuion, H. ; J. L. Cooper, 8. W.: C. H. Hall, J. W.i i . r trees, vcrios; n. 0. neai, itww. m-r- r Baoanipmenta, 1st, aa, aua era tu aiij "iay 1 ntgliis in each month at 7 30 NTOS CLKhrfONT NO. , P. M.. I. O. O. F, er: two. ureen, uapiain; J. w. nj 1, Lieut.! W. II. Cohen, KnsiKH B. 8. .n.uiericjw. j. nua, aocouhihii. iusk r oanlonments, M and 4th I liursday .uts in aoa monin 111 jki ookxm h VBK LODGE NO. 1, KNIGHTS Of II A TV NY: Meets Sod and 4th Wednesday lit In each month In Bonnuee's Hull. . Ball, frvwaent; 4. a. Bnutn, oooreiarj i John's tnncK NO. s. A. r. AND A. M t(-ers :-T. A. Green. W. If.; B. 8. Primrose, W.; J. B. Clark, J. W.; Jas. Redmond, tas. ; T. Q. Hyman, MeCty. Keguiar tm uuicaUons M Wednesday each month. " W BERNR CHAPTER NO. 40, R. A. M. icerw J. C. Ureen, H. P., N. Case, King r. Redmond, Hecty. Regular Oonvoca- ns a Monday eacn monw. 1 iil '. JOHK8 COMMANDKRT NO. 10, K. T. ioe!-P.fJlrich.E.C.; H.J. Lovtefc G. 11 U.ma. fl (1 1 A HlVUII IVm, - If It 1 until 1st Friday night In October. Voet- K in Masonic Hall. THENIA LO DOB NO 8, K. ot P Mpetn ry Tuesday night In K. ol P. Hall, Middle i-eet. G. H. Render. C. C; H. W. Simpson, . v.; w. a. raraoa, k. b. et a. ',W&KN LOCALS The quality of the cotton received ore the last few days is not piov g aa good aa it did earlier in the ason. The funeral of the Rev. L. ass will take place this morning 1 10 o'clock from the Presbyterian lurch. ;' ' Mr. T. J. Baxter, the jeweller oved into the new store opposite . J. Baiter's on Middle street yes- rday.f.!,'. There hare been one thousand ght hundred and ninety bales of tton sold on the Jotton exchange f New Berne, np to date. Attention, Sir Knights A regn- r conclave of St. John's Comraan iry No. 10 K. T. will be held to ght at their Asylum at 8 o'clock. Prank Thompson, the Democratic ominee for Congress from thiB dig ict, and D. L. Ward of this city, ill address the people of Vanceboro itnrday October 3rd. Cland M Cook, who has been mnocted with Davis' Pharmacy, id is a progressive young man, has me into business for himself on iddle street. . His advertisement n be found in another column. A team of mules, hitched to a igon, became frightened, yester y afternoon, while in front of J. . Hackburn's store, on Pollock eot, and run only a short distance hen they, were finally gotten nnder ntrol. The regular monthly meeting of e Woman's Foreign Missionary cioty of the Centenary M. E. arch will be held this afternoon 4 o'clock at the resident, of Mrs. . II. Cutler. A full attendance is lired. ',' The Rev. Eugene Daniels, DD., Raleigh, N, C, will preach to ;ht, at 8 o'clock, in the Presby ian church. Mr. Daniels is an Rresting speaker, and is well ken of. The public are cordially ited to attend the service. V number of new scholars were rolled, yesterday, at the New me Academy, and it is expected t more will be added during the t few days. The Academy makes oit gratifying showing thus far 's departments, .e temperature on Wednesday as observed at the Government ion, maximum 74.5 degrees, imam 60.9 'degree, range 14.0. ! maximum temperature Tester- was 76.5 degrees. The rainfall 9 inches. Weather forecast for f is generally fair, slight change nperature. .' " V CANT BOY HAPPINK38, you sre suffering from dyspepsia, i, salt rlwom, impure blood, you cured and made nappy by taking h Parssperills. ( D'9 FILLS are tbe' beat family - and liver medicine. : Harmless W 1 EesinlHna. 3 driving over the Trent ling into this city, report ' o on it, caused by a 'wash- ut three miles outside of the The road supervisor's atten- i.")oct fully called to this h can, it is said, be easily 1 1 , .ir, and which is now a . t vehicles passing over it. sparks AlleM'siaresM. Maybe yon're blase about oirous- es. laavoe it tancs a , snow wun more rings than a barrel has boops, with rjlatforma between the rings, and every thing, from Edison's lat est invention to a thiee-toiled Mex ican dog to aronse your interest. Well, yon know that when a man has been living en canvas-back duck and terrapin and champagne until a French menu card gives him qualms tbe doctors set him down to some good, weird eld roast beef, with maybe stewed tomatoes on tne siao. , Thus as a core for your lost circus habit by all means take a trip to Sparks & Allen's colossal one-ring circus. It'a true there is only one ring, bnt it's big enongh for the big gest show on earth, and the horses do not have to lay out - in the air like cards shot through the wind when they go around. This is said to be as eood a circus as ever you crawled under the canvas to see and as wholesome and refreshing as the Dies mother need to bake. You'll en joy this show more than anything yon ever saw nnder any canvas, and you'll have a chance to compare the talking and singing clowns of long ago with the latter-day ones There are five singing, talking and grotesque clowns with this show, to say notning of a corf a of leapers, tumblers, gymnasts, aerialists and equestrians, besides a big museum of curiosities and one of the greatest schools of trained animals ever ex hibited nnder a circus tent. The admission is only 25 cents for adults and 10 cents for children. A free balloon ascension and. thrill- ! nomnKiiia ininn will Ka trivaii twice daily at 1 and 7 p. m. on date I ol performanci; tnis is rrea ior everybody, whether you attend the circus or not. See ad for days of show. , ' T Owners S)f Does. Mayor Ellis had a number of do owners before him yesterday morn ing for not having paid their dog tax. Several of the offenders wore fined as it was the second time that,cree't- they had been arraigned before him for the offense. If you own a dog, you must pay a tax on him, whether you love him or not, or suffer the consequences. For Over 50 Tear Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup has been used I'j Millions of Mothers for their Children wbile teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, soften tbe gums, allays all pain, cores wind colic, nod is tlie best remedy for Diarrhoea, Twenty five cents a bottle. PERSONAL. Mr. J. M. Reel of Reelsboro, is in the city on business. Miss Gaskill returned from Beau fort yesterday morning. Mr. J. E. Reel from Baird's Creek, is in tbe city selling cotton. Mr. J. H. Paylor returned from Beaufort yesterday morning, Mr. J. C Barring tbn of Baird's Creek is in the city on business. Mr. G. F. Pipkin of Baird's Creek, came to the city yesterday on busi ness. Mrs. Willett, daughter of Dr. J. S. Lone, returned vesterday after noon. Mr. H. L. Gibbs went down on the Wilmington train yesterday morning. Mr. Fred Whitty went down on the Wilmington train yesterday morning. Mr. A. C. Brinson, from Baird's Creek, came to the city' yesterday, on business. Miss Nets Baxter, of Stonewall is spending a day or two' in the city with relatives. . Mr. G. F. Brinson, from ' Baird's Creek, came to the city yesterday to dispose of his cotton. Mr. William R. Guion left yester day morning to represent Oettinger & Co., soap manufacturers, of New York City, through North and South Carolina. ' Bncklsa's Arnica lalT. Tbe Beat Salve in tbe , world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bbeum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, aod all Skin Eruptions, aud posi tively cores Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to Qve perfect sstlsfsction or mow kfunded. - i ' Hatel Bectstrntlnns. Hotel Neueee: n.' B. Jackson, Spencerville, Ind. , : : Hotel Albert:-Rev. S. n. D. Bnrkbeimer, B, C. Clark, .. Vance boro; Miss Smith, Atlanta, Ga.; N. Edwin Peregay, Baltimore; E. G. Rawlings, N. C. Hotel Chattawka: 0. E. Spene- ter, N. Y.; J. Dean, "Pamlico; A. A Goldschmidt, N. Y.; Walker Mears, Polloksville; L. G. Tattle, Balti more; S. S. Bowden, N. Y.; L. D. Thomas, Baltimore; Dr. DeWitt Lawrence, Alabama; G, L. Steven son, Orange, Mass.; Iredell Meares, Wilmington; W. A. Bawldin, Dan ville, Va,; T. T. Bawldin, Danville, Va.; P, M. Canrtney, Va. RICH RED DLOOO I the foun dation of good iu!ltli. That la why Hood's Bnmaparilla, the One True Hood Fuller, gives HEALTH. , Business Demands It. Messrs, M. Halm and Co., the well known liverymen, have given the contract for rebuilding and in creasing in siza all of their presejit stable quarters on Middle street,-except the btick front. The building whioh will soon be erected, will be 43x140 feet, with an upper lloor for hay, the lower part having stall room for fifty horses, with additional space for fifty more, ; f V i In the; front of the stable, the second lloor win no nsod as a repos itory for. buggies, ; harnesses, eto. and the best of these will always be kept in stock. , Ac :s to this- will be reachod by a convenient eleva- tor.,'; o-' 'f'S ; 1'-'',-;." It sneaks well for Messrs. Ilalin & Co. that their business has made it necessary for this enlargement of their already good six-id stable, and it also shown that in New Berne times are prosperous in the livery business, ' which would ; indicate good times among the farmers of this section. ' i -. Mr. T. S. Baxter has the con tract for the above work, and the plans forlhe building were drawn np by Mr. H. Vft Simpson. : Snipping- news. - The Schooner Marietta, Capt. George, came np from Harlow yes terday with a general cargo. The schooner Victoria, Capt. KhoJes. from tore island came in yesterday with a load of oysters.'.. The schooner Carrie Etml, Capt Paul, came in from Bairds Creek yesterday with a cargo of cotton. : The schooner Amity, Capt. Willis came in yesterday with a cargo of cotton. She hails from Baird 1 fk. .nltMua. 17jBA. (!..! XUO HjUWIICI UWA, WOfll. UlTVIIj from Bay river, arrived yesteiday with a cargo of cotton, and left last night. : . TheBteamer Pearl ie May, Capt. David Styron came in yesterday afternoon from points np Neuse river. . ' ,-. - - ' The schooner T. M. Taylor, Capt. Taylor, came in yesterday morning from Gore sound with a load of oysters. -' 'V The steamer May Bell.Capt. Pitt man, arrived yesterday morning from points up Nenso river with a cargo of cotton. ' The steamer Carolina, Capt. Lan caster, from VanceWo, came in yesterday afternoon with a cargo of cotton and cotton seed hulle. October etltyand 7th. Sparks and Allen's circus will give tbree performances in JNew Berne, viz. two on Tuesday, October 6th at and 8 p, m. One on Wed nesday afternoon at 2 p. m. . The admission, is only 25 ot. and 10 cts. for children and a free balloon ascensjon will be given each day. Pnnslle Bolngs. The Middle of the road Populists neld a convention on Tuesday Sep tember 29th at Bayboro, Pamlico county, and put out as their repre sentative lor tne state .Legislature from that county Rev. Isaac Hoi ton. The reason of tbis is tbat they want a straight out and strict silver ma?. Mr. Jnbbitt, it is feared has pledged himself to vote for Sen. Pritchard, and- is possible secure the Republican vote of the county. . The Disciples at Reelsboro are holdine a series of meetings and a great deal of good is being accom plished. The new church is rapidly nearing completion. ' ' Clothing Department, We are opening this week a beautiful line of Boy's School Suits, all wool double breasted cheviots, which we are offering at $2 75 each, all sizes. ' ' Barfoot's. Lemons, 2o cents Per Doz. Oranges, 2s t ' , u , Bananas Is . ' Eggs. 12 . And everything in the line of Green ',v Grocerie. -CHICKENS. A SPECIALTY. Z 1 ; , v. r $t E. Snelling. Claud. M, . Coak, ; NO. 182 KIDDLE STREET. " Fresh Supply of BULBS, FLOWER SEEDS, ETC. f ' 'Also aLine of ; : ' - Clgrars, Cigarettes and Chereots. CIt will pay yon to call. , :; 'Phone 40. DO NOT. FAIL and send to our market in tbe morn ing. We have a fine display of MEATS of all kinds. FRESn SAUSAGES 10v Snni'I Colin C: Con II. w. SIIIPSOBT, Funeral Director and Eiualiiier. 128 Broad Street 'PHONE 8 KSBurlal Robes a Bplecalty. " "; Wanted ! 500 Barrebt Uolcaohed, Hard Wood Ashes. Barrels with covers furnished. Apply to Gko. N. Ives & Son. BVBIMEHa LOCALS WANTED A few young men as table b'tmlrsv Mrs. Chas. K Kelson,. 136 MlHIle Streei; FUBSII All Poik SauiHge this even'iQR, LOST: September 80th one medium tize white and red speckled CO W, has a scar on hip,. The finder will tie rewarded by bringing taid Cow to 23 East Front street, or at J.- H. Cbabtreb's shop. . LEGGETF, Oit flakes, new crop 10c. per 2 lb. package, also loose Ost Hikes 5c pe; lb. nice freoh stock just received at -' MoOanirl & Gaskill's. TBE nicest syrup you ever tatted 10c per quart anil genuine New Orleans molasses 10c quart at UcDambe. & Gaskill's. FRESH imported Macaroni and tbe very best Full Cream Cheese Just received at . McDai!iel& Gaskill's. FOR Renl : "ive room - house . with dining mom and kitchen on.Metcalf St., between New and Johnson. K, It. Jones. FOR SALE CHEAP, Ooe GO Saw Magnolia Cotton Gin. One 00 SiW Fecdir. One CO Saw Condenser. In (f.nU order, J. C. WhITTV & Co. JUST nceived 25 bushels bolted water mill imeal, 15c, peck. Try my sliced Hsm and Sliou'der. U. E. Allkoooo. 78 Middle street. ' CALL at 05 Middle street and buy a new suit (if Clothes. I have a fine lot of Fall aud Winter Samples in, and will 4e glad to show tbem at any time. Give mi trial. S. D. Pahkkr, Merchant Taylor, No. 95 Middle Street. - , rtlRFASUKY ; DBPARTMENT, OFFICE Bunenrlslns: Arohlteot. wasulnirton. D. C Seutember S. 1U6. 8kalkd Pkoposals will be reoelred at this oltloe nntU ! o'clock p. si. on tbeasm ciiy ol uctooer. itnw. anu opened Immediately thereafter, tor all the labor and materials renulreri for the low pressure, return circulation, steam heating ana ventilating apparatus, ior we i. a. ru moe, court nous, ana uusioni iiousennuu inr at NEWBORN. N. C. In accordance with the drawings and specification, copies ot which n,y be bad at this office or tbe office ot the Superintendent at Newborn, N. O Each bid must be aceomnanled hv a certified obeci tor a sura not less than 9 per oent. of the amount ot the proposal. The rlubt is re served to reject any or all bids and to waive any aeieci or lniormamy in any oia Bnonia It be deemed in the interest of the tiorern ment to do so. All proposals received after tne lime stateu win oe returneu ui tne imi- 1 .... 1 a ........ Km ...Lad I, 'nn .'..1 opes, sealed and marked, "Proposal for the Heating and Ventilating- Apparatus lor the U 8. Post Office, Court Rouse and Custom House Building at Newhern, N. C" and ad dressed to WM. MARTIN AIKEN, Super vising Architect. Fall Opening ! LADIES CLOAKS and CAPES . . MADE UP IS ALL AS XERSEY, LEAVER, CIIEV0IT, B0UCLE, ETC. THEY RANGE IN PRICE FROM (JAPK TRIMMED WITH BRAID, UP TO $25,00 v FOR A HIN'DSOME COAT. . WE ARE ALSO OPENING A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF 0STRIDGE COLLARETTES AND 0STHIDGE FEATHER BOAS'. WITH A PRICR ON THEM WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. Ladies Overgaitors at these prices: 23c, $1.00 and $1.38 pair. The Big Dry Goods Bargain House G. A. Barfoot, Manager. MATS, MATS Perforatd, Enilxwsed, Corrugated and Pyramid Hatting;. '. - Ckrrngated Htalr TreadM, any size. Why wear ont yonr carpet and make noise on your stairs f when it can be prevented by using out STAIR TREADS. All oar goods aro manu factured by the N. Y. B. & P. Co., acknowledged pioneers and leaders for half century. ' . HYMAW fllJIri.Y CO., . Saeeessors te J. J. DI909WAT ft CO. Under Gaaton. House, South mrout Street, New Borne, N. 0. '''.';-;VjB,fJLsti UNU OK Ctove8,Carpentcr3Tcc!3, Cutlery, . . Lima, Tinnier r -ri'ioonKi n" " .ft' "None name it but to Praise." . OCT., C. AFTERNOON AND ETENINU I Sv. October 7 ONE PERFORMANCE, ONLY, Beginning: IP.I, - ' . New Colossal Shows. DELIGHTFCLLT ELEGANT AND WHOLLT.BEFINED. Equestrian, Athletic, Acrobatic Gymnastioand Aerial Exhibi- : i ' - it cioos oy Linampiona in - nit Lines. Classic Modern and Up to-Date Displays of every Hind, Charac ter and Description. A TRAINED ANIMAL, , EXPOSITION AND HIPP0DR0MATIC COMBINATION - - of all New, Marvelous, Startling, ; Original and -SiipsrWy Fre soutcd I'erformint oi... " Most Wonderful ever etien, and to - . all of which . - One 25c. Ticket admits. '' Children nnder 19 years 10c. - A THBILLI!a ,'. '- - Balloon Ascension Parachute Descent Will be given to our thousands of : patrons on day ( ; exhibition ; twice daily, "ar 1 and 7 p.m. By PROP, and MME. DE BOB, From the Show Giotiuds. Comfcrtabla Seats for 3,09) People. NO EXTRA CHAttaB. Why suffer with Offlihs, '!, and LaOr'ppe wleii I.asativb Bnouo Qoinins will cute ji'U ia one day. Does not produce llu ringina in the head like Sulphate of Quinine. Put up In tablets convenient fr hikinit. Guirnuteed to cure or niouey reiuniled.. Price 93 Cints. For sale at Bradbam's Plisrniany, and all other Drag SI.T s v THE NEW., MATERIALS, SUCH 98c, FOR h NICE DOUBLI and Bicycle Xeggins 32c, 60c, 68c, 76c, MATS. . " f r a 1' and t mvnt, ' Sparks MIgd s ;r'0 n Our i,eiv arrival of KID GLOVES nre now on S i!p mid we have the prettiest colors and the best quality we have ever shown, . BLACK, TAN,.- PEARL, ( ) This Glove was -especially gotten up for Bicyclists and Drivers, 'mill will be found very durable.- We have also all the colors in both hook and. lacing at the popular price of - - - , , v 65c. Thoso that bny first will got the best selection of this Cheaper grade. . . i - October 2. . .. VALUES BEST . FOE LOWEST PKICE - Whilolpeoplell over the country are agitating the tuon. ques tion some sound money (meaning gold), others free coinage of silver not knowing whioh they wantwe are now,as always, pre pared and willing to sell the best car load of each, - . . - , - Hor ses & Mules Adapted to all Purposes, : . That have ever been put on the uuLb, SILVER, QliKKN'BACKS, OR NlitlOTIABLE PAPER. A. full and complete Jine of always on hand. Medicines and ailments of the Horse. , -t rr i i i ivi. iann sd uo., . No's 118, 120 & 188 Middle Street. ; : NEW - BERNE ACADEMY. Session of 1896 and 1897, Under the plan of reorganization, offers thorough instruction in the Classical and English Courses by a corps of eminent- Educators : . , . from the University of K. U.lrlorner's School, and other -" ' noted Educational Institutions. . . , , Tuition Fees monthly in advance, and shall not exceed, ' : , PMMARY DEPARTMENT,...rt.;.........,.$ 1.25 Ter Month. INTERMEDIATE - , 3.25 - " CLASSICAL " :. 3.00 Next Session Opens September 7th, ; 1896. ForFnrther Information, Apply or Address, . ' ' , , - . ; . . a. - JNtt. 8. LONG, L. L., D. ) 7 - : ' ; E. H. MEADOWS, j Board of Regents . ' T. A. GREEN. j . The Journal will pay to tjie person, who comes the nearest to giving the correct number of Electoral votes ' cast for the National Presidential Ticket, A $20 Gold Piece, A $20 Currency Note, or C0 in Gilver, " 'as the successful predicler may choQBC The conditions attaching to this voting contest are that all votes cast must be upon this blank, and the voters must be subscribers to the Jocrkal, Duily or .Weekly. " . ' " , .: : Every subscriber will be entitled to vote on the Hunk iuken from each iHHiie of the Joukhau ' . ' Saturduy, Odtolior 31.it, will be the" hint voting day in this contost. Each vote received will be dutod, hour and day it comes to this office, and will be so rownled and filed. 'Thesiiceesbful voter will receive notilicut.in as soon an officiul returns come in. I: FRVAN TICKET. r-Kixii!i Tirs rr. Harvard Red in the new Patent Clasp. New Berne Market for oath, either Buggies,' Wagons and Harness liniments of alt kinds and for all . n oi a 6 I fcl

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