VOL. XV NEW SERIES NO. 120. NEW BERNE, - N. C. SATURDAY MORNING OCTOBER 10. 1896 ESTABLISH EDU J. a: 4 .jl : WASHIETON LETTER. H TO THE PRESIDENTIAL CHANCES. - .-' TBM WINSTON RBOUTHABS. O0tfla tfttatniMit Alarned Cob r arralnar Bryu'f Electlaa, Seaaw. - tar Hill ItwTtrk. Eara eaa Meney tr Bri-aa. . JoUBNAIj BUREAU, ' WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 9. The political pcodulum look a awing . Bryao wards tbii week, but It did not puss ; the central point and still Inclines slight ly to tbo McKinley side. ' taotbcr words. , a careful tilling and compilation of opin ion! of all the politicians who "visit or write to titder tlie Brao or McKinlej headquarters in Washington, makes it ' apparent to the nnn-partlan scek-r after truth, which your correspondent endeav- on to lie, that Mr. Bryan's chances have aligbtly improved, hut that lie is not yet 00 an equal footing, ns to his chances for ' winning, with Mr. McKinley.,.' Utit It is ' notdooied by wll-inloroied men of all . parties, when they are not talking for . publication, that the battle is still uncle -' cided in the pivotal States, and those who have good political memories cannot have lorgotten several Presidential elections whlcn were won and lost during tbe last ten days, or less, ot . tbe campaign All that the best posted observer can do is to .. keep up to date with the situation, so as not to get left when it changes. ,- There is no mistaking the scare which Mr.. Bryan's improved . chances i has drought atHiut amunzthe 'minor officials : in the go ernnient service, fh-y have an . idea. ad if 'tie can believe the Chicago . nlntlonn and Sir. Bryan's own words it it proibly not far wrong, that if Mr. Brviui incomes President there will be one of those "clean sweeps'' to the hot . ernment renr.ee which were once striking - features of every change of administration This si'are w beinji played upon 10 a cer tain extent by both sides. Tbe Bryan v men tblok it a g od thing to spread be - oaqse the probability of an office ahead of him never lessens the enthusiasm of a '. practical political worker,' and the TU- v publicans are so confident that It will re : suit In enriching ibeir campaign fund that a National Committeeman hss been ' designated to remain in Washington and - receive the contributions, sod he has told the clerks that McKinlej 'selection It their only sslviitioo. ' 1 , Tbe Bryan manageis are about cop vine . t-d that liiey will get nohelo from Sena: or 0111 in thin ramp dgn. rto far as New York in conoriie'i He 'ior Hal's su ktnv - will make un 'iff r .n' , is -iht stair is Conceded Ik VIcK i- y. bui 'i U ' arcd by tbe Bryan peupte itiai 8 uu ..r Utll's ex- - ample may be fo lowed y oilier Dsumh crate in S'uteg where a few liun i.ed votes may decide not nntv the political complex ion of a Stale but uvtn the election , of ' President ' Some Democrats do not besi ' late to say that they wou'd lather . have Hill declare for the ludianapjlls ticket than to continue sulking during tbe ft- mainder of the campaign. ' But na jpne who knows Senator Hill expects him to take that coarse. He has during all hii political career been a stickler for regu . larity and it U relieved that his dread of becomioi a bolter would be enough if . there were no other considerations to pre vent hit openly declaring against tbe reg alar nomioee of bis party. . Ordinarily the return of tbe President to Washington after his summer; vacation excites no attention from the. politicians, but this year It is different, and the pollti- " - clans are quite aoxlons to know whether President Cleveland, now that he Is aaln in Waskington,intenda to attempt to take a band in tbe campaign. With several of the members of his Cabinet making gold v speeches aod minor officials being Com pel led to resign for working for silver, It becomes a difficult task to say what Mr. Cleveland will or will not do.i ; ' i Representatlve Richardson, of Tonnes see, who has been In charge of the Bryan literary bureau at the Chicago headquar ters, and who Is said to have lift there be cause of a disagreement wiib Senator Jones, Just as he bad previously' left tbe Washington headquarters because of simi lar trouble with Senator Butler,- parsed through. Washington this- week on hla way borne. lie wouldn't talk about the reported disagreement, bnt inasmuch as he sal' he expected to spend the remainder of tbe campaign in Tenneesxe, ll is fklr to infer that th'-re is truth in bis repotted uixgreement with uunirman Jours. It it staled in Wnshinsilon that Mr, Mornton Frewir, tbe Enulish bimetal list bo ha len conh-rrini! with Senator Jones and other silver leader, brought substantial fiumcial aid for tbe Hrjan rninpaixn luoil fro n lb Uimetallic iik ii" ot Europe, and ibat more muaef can le h id Irmu the same lourr ll Mr i'n'W er i. convlnifl that it can bibig alout t o eli-ction of Bryan. , tin n itor Cannon of Utah, who WhS at ! time reported to have Coucln itvl to t on ,VicKinh y, pa'seil throuali Wash i n tins we- k ou his way to Cliiiigo t i l: k 1 1 n r t in a Coherence of Silver I ' n at the 15rv'in"brao(uarUTS. i linn of Iwroit ferdoien which t r n nid of the courts to prevent it eubnna into contracts nfi-ed for Iree ilintnbu- i l don I'T tin- refusal of i ; ut. ti.e injunction a.kcd i t u. ii up li e I'iht, as ( . ; i m i v . j-ivi n by lis coun Jadate attramarjr'a Order ea Betrla- trat'laa. atafBMia3aaaHalltCam. palan Dceaawat. SpeclaL - . .. : ,' . Balbioii, N. C., Octolw 9. Judge Montgomery's order to registrars Reed aod Curtis, of Winston, to appear befoie him Tuesday, is being sent out by Chairman Holton as a sort of campaign document. He has had three thousand printed. " . The order says that under section foar- teen of tbe election law. : It is allnwid to TOWARDS COMPLETE FUSION. SUCH SEEMS r DEMOCRATIC 1 COMMITTEE SENTIMENT. Ontario Prepared Matter In Haasta Cantmltlee, With BUCkwlieat, ran nam Java acidhi to ' ' Beveal PrapaMltlaa. Bald to ;i ' be.Ilberal. " Special Raleigh N. C. October 9. The Dem nnrnticCnmrniUee wag in session nntil any bystander who supposes temoval has j 0,clock tUis mornil)g the best An the maikct in 2 and 8 pound package?, 10 and 15 cents per package. been maae tor mere purpose ol being a voter, or that residence of the elector, Is not actual, and bona fide, to request the registrator judge of election, to swear aoy person ottering to vote at to his resi dence, and to have placed in writing op posite bis name, the word sworn. - It is not the duty of registrars to try to deter mine such matters, when an elector pre sents himself for registration. Their duty is upon answer of elector to questions propounded to record his name, and per sons who have been convicted and sen tenced for participating in riot, have not been adjudged guilty of felony or any crime inlamous by laws of Slate and tre entitled to registration. ; - Befatea ta Print Them. Special. . . Raleigh, NrC., October 9 Senator Butler's paper docs not print Pearson's name on its Congressional ticket, nor does it print names of WuUer and Robert M. Douglass' on State ticket. This was dis covered today, " . ; OOU MEN RSOO0N1ZED. Wna. Calder Added to Committee. Ha , tloaal Demoerala aad Popallala npeakera to Divide Time. SdooUI. ' Raieiqh, N. C, Octolier V. William Calder, of Wilmington, is" added to the Executive .Committee of the National Democratic party. ' . rm.. . . 1. .. I ..1.1 1 I ' .uwp.ri,. v,.a,BaU, A,,ey, mercUnt8 adhere to a hand to uuairman Ayer ior a division or tbe time Kuv;n ..u .l. i in , ' be is willing. V , JL resolution looking to complete fusion with the Populists was introduced, but was withdrawn and the entire matter placed in the hands of the campaign com mittee which is given plenary powers. There was a wide discussion of the I status of the party in tbe State. It is alleged that the reports were taken altogether better than expected. The central, or campaign committee was in session nearly five hours today, and late this afternoon formulated and sent a proposition to Populist chairman Ayer. He and Manly dic'ine to re veal it. Populist committeeman Otho Wilson declares the Democrats are ready to make almost any concessions. It is asserted that the Democratic proposition is liberal as to congressional fusion, Senator Butler is expected here tomor row. Bradetroei's Weekly Bevlew. Special New York, October 9. Bradstreets tomorrow will say Colder weather with continue I hsavy receipts ol cotton and wheat, with other influences has stimula ted trade, with demand for staple goods at various points, but the volume of trade remains moderate, without material change. . The general tendency is tor an im proved dcound alter election. Interior mouth Very Finest Elgin Butter, Fresh from the Dairy, 25 ctF. per pound. FRESH OYSTER CRACKERS, Finest (Jnallty. NICE FRESH CAKES, 10 and 15 cents per pound. NICE FRESH OAT FLAKES, Loose aud In packages. The very finest full Cream Cheese, and the best Imported Mac aroni, 15 cents per pound; and a full line of everything in the Grocery line. (JIVE US A CALL. L & Wholesale and Retail Grocers. 71 Broad St.. New Berne. N. C. Silver or Gold ! It matters notl What we want is your order lorthat Fall Suit. THAT you must have. Our Fa1 1 and Winter Samples are ready for your inspection. Also a line - of Cassimeres and Worsteds in stock if you do (not wish to wait. We guarantee Fit and Prices. Goods were never so good or prices sj low as now. F. M. Cliatlwick. 101 MiddlerStrect. Worts lewesl AIlioii ! TIIES WEIL PAT New Model, Qivus What Creelmaa Think. Special. , Raleigh, N. C October 9 The New York World correspondent, Creeluian, who left here today, says lie thinks North Carolina will be divided between McKin ley and Bryan. TBS BICYCLE BOBBERS. One. Killed by Deputy the Sheriff, Other Likely la be. Special, . .' ..- Fairmocnt, Miun. Octona-r 9 One ot th Mieibuine Bank robbers, who kitleo the Marshall ami a citlsv o at that pUce while Mliiiing the bank on last Wednea day, was killed by a deputy sheriff, at Baucroit, Iowa The other robber it surrounded and will likely be killed. The BMelfB TMtlmoalal. Special. IUisiari, N. C, October 9. The cruiser Raleigh's gift Is to be presented Wtdnesday, October J4th. at Bouihport. rablle Printer ta Sieve. Special. ;'. Ralsigh, N. 0., October . Public printers will put in a completejplaot here and say they will eventually do all the work here, instead of at Winston. Special. Raleigh, N. 0., October 9. Jo aepbus Daniels sajt National Chairman Jones says that Congressional fusion with Populists It the proper thing to do. Cabinet Meeting. Ipaelal. -''-; Wasbihotoh, D. 0. October 9 -The Cabinet officers called on the President ibis alternoon. Tbe Venezuelan ques tion was informally discussed.' Craned By Bellmoa. Special. ..,.'..' . Noblesyillb, Ind., Octeber 9. Al bert Bray, a prosperous farmer, who was religiously Inclioed, killed hi wife, two children and himself.- ". THE COTTON MARKETS, A trade improvement is reported at Atlanta, Augusta, Charleston, Birming ham, New Oi leans and Texas, also in the wheat districts. The advance in wheat, iron, wool. corn, pork and lard was held. Bauk clear ings are uiucn increased. J) ailurei many less. Destroyed by Fire. Special. Cmntoh, Iowa,October 8 Reports are leccived here from Corning, tbat that place was almost destroyed by fire, and one man lost his life. We Have Been OI VPECTING TO GIVE OUR Cus tomers the advantage of some prices through the Journal, I ut an unusually early season coupled with an active trane canning us to work day and night has prevented our doing so thus fur. This announcement is made simply to let our friends and competitors know we are in the race to stay until the finish, and tbat our store is loaded wilh bargains from cellar to garret. Our Milliners are ready with the new things in their I department to show tbe ladies. As we expect to make tome changes in our business we will have from time to time bargains of ticeptional value. Very Respectfully, Bulbs I Bulbs !! Just Received, a full assortment of the following Flower Bulbs: Ubinete Barrea LUV iiulits. Hyacinth, all colors,double and single. - Crocus, all colors,' double and tingle. Tulip, all colon, double and single. Easter Lily, all colors,' double and single. . Apples, Candles, Cigars, Etc. CM. COOK. WE WILL Have in To-day, via steamer Newbern, a full liue of new Pipes, Briar and Meerschaum. Tobacco Pouches. Cigarette and Cifjnr holders aud cases. Also lull line of fre-h Chocolates and Bon Rons. We will also havo two invoices ol Fruit consisting of Piars, Oranges, Apples, Gammas, Cocoannts, Lemons, etc. You will get a bargain by calling Saturday, 10th inst. tgjPTIcafe return, immediately, copy of Mrs. Heoun's Poems taken from stole. nr. jruiffBr & co. If a four wheel machine is a Quad- ricycle, and ttuee wheel machine is Tricycle and a two wheel machine is a Bicycle, what would yon call a one wheel machine ? Why, a Wiicel Barrow, 'to besure. Very Good. If you wanted tbe bestj 3icyclc what would you do ? Why I would go to JVC. WHITTY & CO'S. AND GET A "VICTOR!" Cor rect fleYchaiiU are authorized Refund ak M '. J V r mm Form. MWr' 4 Styles. I money niumiwJif f "''iplflfl tour Short 'h; tuf'w " vveekt' Lengths. i f , trial If not BtttMi-f0 Satlsfac- torlals. !Jsftory HAVE YOU TRIED J. R. Parker Jr. For What You Want in Ibe GROCERY LINE He I.cik's Vlnle 0:,ris Fol'nw. I carry a complete Inn- i'l (iuioe Family and Heavy Groceries. Am also Anient for Diamond Mutch Co's Goods., Lorillard aud Gail & Ax snuff at J!;inu- tacturer s pines. I am headquarters lor Flour boutbt dU reel fiom tbe Mills. I can save you money if you see me belore buying elsenheie. To my Country Friends, my slabln are free nud your team and harness tnkcn care of while in the city. Thanking my many fiimds for past lavors, and to share your future patron age, 1 am Yours Respectfully, J. It. Parker Jt r.KOAU street. 'Phono f.O. I orn:i: BICYCLE At Trin's fJ(. I i' lVf M !i.v nut V l.NT! K E STOCK OF SUNDRIES r i ti "i cvi-r Before, I I he. I?aatliul,ai fm,,i. aO Sol Manuiaotur.!., KALAMAZOO, MICHIOAN. ron sals nv J. V. ASKMTS, HrVirnl Rrftlra a n A w m-m mm. 1 . school supPue8. j. h, MCKDurn. STATIONERY, : Search Light Lanterns! Ttiat ei jov i lie - rue mtik a-ooni; I'.icycle Lantern tb .t tl Co'uoi in' ! I'nong Bicycles wliieii I wii! ml! w uiiu my pres ent stock lubts at THE- Books and Booklets, Engraved Cards and Invitations, Sheet Music and Musical Instruments. Sg?JIoil ordet;rectivc prompt J atten- lllg IOr, n. T. I. G ASKIWS. We have ever offered in Bicycle Lamps ! F.; tbeif Nt TK.r diivs we ill sell thebaUiceofour NIC'IvFX LAMPS at the extremely low price of . . . d 1 OR ejeb. A1 so, a few more liill grade wheels at big reduction in price. Call and buy be fore they are all sold. Iiemeinl'er wo are willing to wuit upon you in tbe repair business. All kinds o work done. F. S. DUFFY, Proprietor. A. E. PITTMAN, Manage!. ggg A Corset j 'SS, I To FIT ! .75 AS1I OX IEL.ITET. Also a few second band and new Bicvcles You have been look- hw for ciis or n casy tcrm8- EYERYTHIN& for the CYCLIST. WM. T. HILL, District Agent for Columbia and Hartford Bicycles. 'Phone 80. 61 S. Front Stroet WHAT ELSE ? KINGS ETNNGS WHETHEB OYER HEN or STOVES, So if too want the best Stove on the market buy the King Heater. Also a fine line of Coal Stoves. It. II. Cutler Co. AGENCY re the , I.e. , ' OctolierOtb. HvaRPOOL Pally sympathized wpu onr decline of yet'erday by declining '8-82 on tpots and 6 64 on futures. The tales were 13,000 baler, 10,800 of which were American. ' Nbw York opened at 7.83 for Janur? shade higher than yesterday's, etose but quickly (lecilrjeai to 7.74 for Janua ry. It was steady around this fiunie till the alternoon wuen soma meiixiti was tnown Januiry closing at 7.88 a net edvanc.i nf 7 points for tbeday. October delivery tbowt great weakness there Is now 80 points between Jannaiy and Octoht r, which tbowt how anxious L - 1 . 1 n 1 Tomohhow the bureu report will be ao- nouncnl and maj nave tm edict on preci s thonih the naily rccelp's seem to sui'te investors nearer tnan any rP'p esitmotes. .. EvERvnom expecls lb bureau report to conlirm toe previous short crop reports and if it should Indicate better yield than expected. It nmy result In a gener al telling movement and bring low piiren. Nkw liitnNg markot lias been firm and active at 6 to C lor low Rrnl.s and C( lo 7-13 lor n hue cotton l'ours truly. J. . I.ATnAM. To the : Ladies: Hazard VThatever the demand, we are equal to it, with an article that's the A of the As, at a price that's the Z of the Zs. We carry quality in Groceries to its bighe&t point, just as electricity, with a speed of 288,000 miles a second, exem plifies the limit of velocity. Lightning beats everything, and so do we with tbe variety aud superiority of our food products. Music is for the ear, food for the stomach, and our groceries are for food. It's ' living on the summit of Satis faction Mountain to bave yonr tab'e supplied by ns, because we shut the door to every thing but first-class products. H525e5H52S25H52S25i2 Which has everr advantage or a heavy one, light as a feather and yet there's more durability In it, say nothing; of the comfort. We ven ture to say Its Just what yon want. So many people eannot wear heavy, stiff CORSET, We remind yon of the "Feather- I bone." Three Prices: 50c. 75c, quel $1.00 We assure yon we have what yon want In CORSETS. W ii; I VV' :Wvt Avrnthflr 100 of those Glib Powder. FuU Cream Cheese just received, which we are ttti;uANr,,sAV t:au?iEi - ..n in i BTj LEAVING! TOUBIOE- H" vwy.Ww. rxRs with me. - Lorillard and Gail & F. ULRICH, Grocer. snuff at manufac- Guarantee ! See Display of FIFTY-CENT ones In onr show window. Notice par ticularly the Manufacturers 1 43 HIDTJLS RTSB8T. aTatMlcumeajt rckecM. ' J. F. Taylor hut just returned from Now York, aad has the largest consign meet of cluese ever shipped to New Berne, and will sell tbe tame for lest' than I it can be bought for in New York today. Call soon before it is sll gone, Tax Notice ! I TO (In K a oil. IV our. T M It4iive I'.o.i-o (,'o'uine T.ibli-ia : r ' r i.iu 1 tl.e ii'i y if.d fi. '.t IUVE JUST RECKTVED A NEW ttoek 'f Fancy Willow and Rattan R.xkers, and will sell for the next TEN days at Rock Bottom Figure. Call and examine our stock before purchasing else, collection. Tour Taxes are now where. Your Respct., Please come iorwai d and pay, i - ' I T. T . Office of City Tai Collector, ' t October Tib, 189. ( The City Tax List for Toiet of 1808 has been ' placed la my handa for due, turer's prices. Be sure to get our prices before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN DUNN 55& 57 Pollock St ww- r BTM'iBn,v Funeral Director and I?mbalmcr. - 1M Broad Street ..'PHONS U "The Nimble Sixpence faiast The Slow Shilling," Is still any motto, an applies to all Gooii. J. H. Hackburn, SaccetMor to ; ; Ilackbarn & Wlllett. BROAD STREET Fruit - Store ! A NEW DEPARTURE. I wish to ihfurm m Irb-ndsHnd pulrons that I have opened n wholesa'e ilepirt- ment m conneciMn null my nt .il s ore, nnd am leceivin" a fresh lot of goodi by each steamer. Ms stock consists of the very best qual ity of Apples, Uannnas Lemons, P. ami, readies and t nnlectionenes; also L.U- bages, Irish Potatoes and Ouions. In connection with this I will carry n lull line ol Family Groceries which I will sell cheap for cash. Thankui" you lor past tavors, nna hoping to merit the continuance of sane. 1 am yours unement. J. D. BARFIELD, No. S3 Broad Street. I am buying my goods in the North. era Markets tor cash, and will sell as cheap as any house in the city. Only for To-day, It Save You Trouble and Time. Hoi Just rcoiivcd One Hundred tons nf Marl to be sold by tbe bushel, barrel or ton. Any way you want il It is nice to improve your sidewalks or yarda and many other places. And aiu't it nice to have a friend to keep this murl in town, so that every man, womin or child can get it, ly the retail or wholesale. IIol WeM now, wu keep BAWflU STOVE WOOD, stove, range, and lire. place wood, all ready under large sheds and never gets wet in rainy weather oak, ash, and pine. 200 OUt) ISIUUK FUU SALE. Laths, hand made and sawed shingles, always on band. Besure ann 'phono Ullr til LL toi any thing you want. Thonu No. 10. Brick, shingles, marl, laths and wood. Boarders Wanted. Call at MRS. 8. . STERLING'S I No. 87 Craven street. GENTLEMEN PREFERRED. Send Your Prescriptions Davis' Pharmacy. 4,- , '. Pure Drugs t Satisfactory Prices t 'Phone 46. DO NOT FAIL , and lend to onr market in the morn log. We have a line display of MEATS of all kinds. ; '. FRESH SAUSAGES 10c . Saml .Colin & Son ! 1 iJIv11LaSv . s . City Tax Collector. 47 49 PottocK Stkxw. tVBuilal Kobe a Bnlacalty.

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