' " VOL XV NEW SERIES NO. ,127. NEW BERNE, N. C. SUNDAY ; MORNING OCTOBER. 18 1806 ESTABLISHED 'M . BY WHOSE AUTHORITY?, NEITHER SEWALL OR WAT SON, SAYS THE UNKNOWN.' .-;:.?-. . . ! W. 1 -enisoa ta Bpeak. More Hard . ' Ward for liltehla Mid Walfaker, lata Farm Crops. Stale Fair. , .' eleaeral Haws' lun. . , : Journal Bobs An, J . - y Raleigh, N. C, October 17. : Iii a secret circular issued by the Piipu lUt State Chairman, he asserts "upon ou tliority,''that4n the electoral college neith er Bewail nor Watson will be voted for, . but that the vote will be cast for some man acceptable to both parties. Many persons desire to know the accuracy of this certainly strange statement. ( Who is the authority tor Itf; " - v ; ? : j " Announcement is made to-day that Bon. William L. Wilson will make several ; speeches In this State. , Severe as were the attacks make on - Spier Whitaker and 'Buck" Kitchin in Senator Butler's paper Thursday, they ' were compliments compared to the words Issued regarding them to-day in Otho Wil son's paper, the "Hayseedi-r.'' - Wilson : says Whitaker did' nothing tor the Popa- : lists without pay, and good pa; at that, but will get co more of it. ..Wilson if always so extremist in talk or In typr( . snd bis paper reeks.witu abuse, mainly 01 DVmocrais, of course. It is not in bis line of business to say unpleasant things about the Republicans. - y The address which Democratic State Chairman -Manly issues'1 to tbe voters of 4 (lis State draws tbe "color line" diiectiy A, prominent newspaper asserts that over 10,000 negro voters have been imported Into the State, and that the Republicans are simply determined to elect Russell. - Tbe convicts on tbe State farm on the Roanoke river are now Dearly all employ ed In gathering the large crop of cotton. ' Superintendent Leazar some weeks ago estimated that tbe crop will be over 2.000 hales. He now thinks It will reach 2,500. President Charles D. Mclver of the - State Normal and Industrial School lor girls is ben aiding Superintendent Logan XX Howell of the Raleigh public schools . In arranging tbe educational -exhibit at tlx Stale lair. The Durham public schools contribute tbe largest and best ot this, and it It satd to to highly creditable to that tqwu and to the State. Congressman Harry Skinner is here. Be U very quiet. He feels confident ol reflection. ,,;:;...:,,J : ' . tyum pi tbe papers are publishing J. T. B. Hoover as the PopuUst Congressional nominee In the Second pistnet. Ifext week the chief event here is the State fair, which Gov. Can opens at noon ' Tuesday. Socially tbe week will be s gay ; one. An unusually large number ot yonog ladies will be visitors in Raleigh, The Qapitol' Club gives two germane and - the Marshals' ball will be given Thursday " evening.' Bdward McKissick of the Bat tery Park Hotel, Asheville, is Chiet Mar- , shaL. George Vanderbilt's special exhibit at the fair will naturally attract much . attention. V v - : " The seoretarv of the State board of health says the water supply of six towns In tbe Stale Is impure, i . " Ed. Johnson, Repabllcan chairman ol - this Congressional district, says, he sup Dosses nothing will now be done in the matter of putting up ft regular candidate, . liassey has withdrawn at the imperative - order of the State committee. Hia with drawal Is in favor of Strowd, Populist, alltblaijgh In hit letter of withdrawal be dpa not mention S.trowd's, .name. The taking down of sfassey is a bitter dose to some' of tbe Republicans.1 It is said that In some counties Strowd will get only light Republican vote. ' S t great is the power of the ''machine" that it is hard to say whether this is true. Strowd is abso lutely sure 09 will be elected. : la a roster of North Oarolina troops In the war of 1814 the name of Ccetino de eleacbey if found. Hewasan officer ot . a, company of lu&atry from an eastern pounty, Tbe name' properly spelled - Cosmo de Medipi and is tbat of one of tbe navle Italian families. What became of this officer! ' r " Blanks for returns of election have been sent by tbe Sagretory of btate to the 9,8u0 lection precincts io the Stato, THE COTTON MARKETS. ; October 17tb, Tea cotton market today has been a dull featureless one, closing at yesterday prices though prices early In the duy were lower. This Saturday 12 months ago was one of the most trjimi the cotton trade has ever known. It was tbe collapse ol trcrnopdous bull movement and. prices declined 130 poiols in twp days. Tb s market is free from such interests now nd any decided change in the near future is not probable. A n un election there will be a change, j'nr Errhb market bas been dvll at 61 to 7 1-72. . Tours truly, J. JJ. Latham. A!:XETS. ,iVt 17. 1 1 iie. Highest otsti in Leavening Strength. Latest U, S. Gov't Reporb , s s v ) rri I ' - cv i -.v ivy til im n VwU U ADSOWTELY PURE WHERB 13 IT AT? Tom Wataaa'a Letter r Acceptance Falls to Appear. - Is Batter Trick-lag-WataaaT Special. . , i Wabhingtok, D. C. October 17. A dispatch received from Georgia this after noon, says, that T. E. Watson has de clared.thttt he mailed his letter of accept ance to Senator Marion Butler and that Senator Butler must have it nowj Chairman Butler declares that he has not received the letter and knows nothing it. r -.: It is rumored, however, that the letter bas been received, but that Senator But ler Is withholding it because of its severe strictures upon him and the Populist party. -' 1 ' : . ' The Populist National Committee is hopM of inducing Watson to modify its tone belore making It public Faet Ball flames. Special. . New York, October 17 Tbe foot ball eames as played, today, resulted as follows Harvard, 12; Brown College, 0. Pennsylvania, 31; Lehigh College, 0. Oranfte, vs. Mont Clair, both sides fail ed to score. : Princeton, 11; West roint, 0. William College, 24; Syracuse, 0. Cornell, 18; Tufts, 0. Tale, 42; Dartmouth, 0. Trinity, 6; Rutgers, 0, WBBAT OOXNQ BIOBES. aatner Upward J amp Boams Orain latarest la tbs West. Sak Francisco, Cel. Wheat tool another big upward lump December ad vancing 8 cents per cental and Mnj wheat going up 4i cents. Experts su) ibat bulge was due to many private dis patches from Chicago, saying that an Ens lish syndicate was buying all the wheat offered there. This, it is assumed, is being done under orders from Lndou,where the mly trustworthy information about tbe prubable wheatdemand of India is held If this demand should be larger than ex peeled It will clean up all tbe availablt supply here andawill justify even" highei urea thaothoes quoted. More conser rative brokers declare that the . present prices cannot .be increased materially without danger of a bad break in tbe market. -v"- .jMeaowbile the result,of the - great ad vance bas bean to stimulate business, for many men who were in doubt about leas ing wheat lands have closed contracts,and banks which held mortgages on (arms are more confident over receiving their inter est. . The advance, it is esbmrted, has sd ded $5 sn acre to tbe value of .all wheat lands In California. ; . Tarn Watasa Wlas. Bpeclal.':. "- '"' Toper: A, Kansas, October 17. Th State Election Board has just decided the contest between tbe "Middle-of-the- Readers," Tom E. Watson's party, and tbe fusion party ,in favor ol Tom Watson's party. SEINNEB'S BSTIMATBS. filves MerSk Crllu ta Urjmm mm . k v' KwaMll. ' Balkiok, N. C, October 17 Harrj Skinner says that be -considers tbe State safe for Bryse by ten to fifteen thousand. He considers the negro Tote to be solid, and does not think one per oeuL will fidl to tote Jot RusaelL ; ' Skinner says that Luces, his opponent. is a powerful compalgner. - - WaUoa's Coadlllaa Imareve. Special '. - Raliiqh, N. 0., October 7. A tel egram to Cuairmaa Manly this alternoon announces an improvement In tbe condl. tioe ofOvrus B. Watson. He still has fever. ; DOLLARS AT tBTENTTv CBNTS Twa B sad real Tbaaaaad OsTara4 Bryaa la ElecUia. ' Helksa, MouU Ob October 1, tt. Q. Kleinscbmldt received a letter from W. J. Booker, ot Memphis, Tenn., saving that C. T. Scliutle and J. T. Frost, both bank preaidents. bad offered 200,000, Amarlcan standard silver dollars to he delivered within six months after Bryan1! election and the passage af ihs free coin tse law, at 70 cents on the dollar in gold. ' KleiDKbniidt Iniincdistely accepted tcie proposition and .notified Booker tQ hold the hankers to their ol'or and to put the case in the bands of competent atl nev If neceusnrv to enforce the agree- mcnt. ' , s. . , . c 'iiiiiiii Im over im, 1 vr y i's ri' BOLTON'S ESTIMATES. Slate Will dive MeKlalejr 13,000, Bns- sell 30.000. Sneclal. Raleioh, N. C. October 17. Re publican Chairman Holton gives out rig- uresiouny iui mwiiw w.u J " . , , , . . . ,,, ... i Oiaie uy nvcive io memy luouwuu, auu i Russell by twenty thousand. Block Market Very Inactive. Special. New York, October 17. The mark et, today, was dead, with only a very small tiading in stocks. Henry E. Abbey Dead. Special. New Youk, October 17. Henry E. Abbey, tlie world known theatrical mana ger, died today. Telegraphic litems. Ilollnnil, Mich.. Tho Michigan Furni ture Factoiy caught Arc and is a total loss. Wilmington, I)el.-The Bay State Gas Company as placed in the hands ol re eeivers b; the United Stales Court. Washington. The Mercantile National Dank, of New Orleans, La., capital 200, 000, has heea authorized to beuin buei ness. Washington. The arrival of the Yolk town at Cheefoo aud the Mieliignn at Erie were reported at the Navy Depart ment. Houghton, Mich. The Sturgeon Juver Lumher Company, the lnrgest concern in the Timer Oistiict, lias been placed in charge of 1 1 ustees. New Yoik. The total registration was 71,421, a-ui nst (9,058 in 1893. The total for the three days is 279,108' against 272, 172 in 1892, and 233,088 last year Little Falls, N. Y. Freeman Ives & Co.. uroducc dealers, have assigned. Their I capital was rated at from $150,000 to 3C 0,000. - Assets andj liabilities are un known, WiUiamanlic, Conn. Tbe Williaman tic Suvings Institution suspended pay mcnt of depositors, requiring the four months' notice allowed by law. It is be lieved to be solvent. Columbia, S. C The South Carolina Ruilroa I Commission lias begun a rigid investigation into the cause of the recent fearful wreck on the Florida Central and Peninsula system. Ilagcrstown, Md. Suit has been en tered by tho People's National Bank asainst the bouilsmi n of Edward Hoff man, the assistant cashier of - the institu tion to recover tho amount of tho bond 15,000 it being alleged that Hoffman Uas converts I $19,219 ol the bank's funds to b'u "own use. Hoffman has not been In Hayemtown for more than two weeks. Birmingham Kolb and Bowmiu were ilronned Irom the Populist Executive Committee because they espoused the cause ol isryuo ananewaiL xuereare indications that the action of the commit tee In diopiioi them will not bvendoreed by the Populists of the Slate. Shrewd politicians are inclined to the belli f that the middle-of-the-road element will get the worst ol the flyht. . : Chattanooga, Tenn. An explosion oe curred at Dayton, Tenn., wrecked a large hnildlnff and disnersad the frazmcnta over . : t. a a i. are, und.mbledly ot incendiary origin, id . .. . . .1 tliesunnly storehouse of the Dayton Coal Company, wherein f 5,000 worth of mr chandise and 800 pounds ol oynamite waei stored. The force ol the concussion blew the lame two slon frame structure into I flagments, badly damaged ;the office and alum Ol lue wuii'aujr, wiwu in vi urn,,, 300 yards distant, aod also shattered win dows in the depot, comt bouse, and nearly every business bouse in tlie place, tnougD manv were over half a mile from the ceo terofdestructiom ' A pitched battle occurred a fcw mll west if Huntsville, Tex., between ssveral negroes. Iiero were three on each side ., . . . " !. -m. OICK oiepnensoo u ma were Kllieii. 1 no icniut uuubj auu.wui 1.1 im.. . t T .. --.Il men who a ded Steoliewoo esoared Ofl- hurt. I he trouble was over lamily mat ' Vorlu li ' bin winerv. at Korbett's Bt. tion a few miles from Geervllle, UaL , u . .. . i. o . .i.it 1 1.. baa.y aamagou u, ur. uv In tho second story of the winery, and aoon worked into tlie third story, censing the roof tif foil In. Uneof tne largest presses wa destroyed, and l.aMM one ...,r.A ant flOv thousand ffallons af new wine were turned loose. WattrbeJnir scarce Dumos were applied to the wine .t. 11.. wine bcimr thrown ofl the flames with gooll effect. , . TOI I RK4COI.D IIIOHS BAT. ' n Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets !i' 'a riloiid.tlie moiieyif It tails STATEMENT OP CONDITION OF The Farmers ani Mercliaiits Eant, NEW BERNE, V. C, At the close of business Oct , Clh, 189G RESOURCES. Loans and Discou i s, $10.041.36 Demand Loans, 20,000.00 Overdrafts 240.59 Real Estate and Oflice Furnittue, 6,704.10 Current Expenses, 898.39 Bonds (0 percent.) Due from banks, Cash in vault, 3.000.00 2(1.233 92 10910.89 $170,749.25 LIABILITIES. Capital stock, vauiiai siwK. $75,000. 00 1 1 .HSfi.70 889 79 18.-..7H F9.307.0li Surplus and Profit' jjue to hanks, Cashier's Checks OulsUiniliii; Due depositors, 8170.749.25 I, T. W. Dewey, Cashier of the Farm ers and Merchants Itank, do foicninlv swear that tliis statement is line mid i or rectto thebest of inv knowledge and he lief. T. W. Dewev, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed to helore me this the lGih day of Oct., 1896. f. n, I'EliLErinit, Notary I ullio. Correct Attest: L. 11. Curi.Kn, W. S, I I1AI1WICK, J. W. Stewakt, Diiwloi-s. Oxen for Nulo. T WILL SELL OI1EA1', ON K YOK h A nf Inrrn. timhni' IK-hil tit rush . r nl lime with good security. Cill aud mi T. A. nn.i.ox, Tusruroi'a, N. ('. me. d&w THE I'M lA'hA JLUI Ul Ufll 10 Wo have ever offered in Bicycle Lamps ! Pi-r the next TEN dav4 we "ill tcll thehalaueeofour NICKEL LAM ut the extremely low price of . $1-25 each. Also, n few more hi Ii vrnt vh ipU Call and buy be big rcduntion iu price, fore they are all sold. Remember wo are willing to wait upen you in the repair buine. All k'n's O work done. F. S. DUFFY, Proprietor." A. E. PITTMAN, ManaRei. W. II. & it. . T"a.cl-:er do Co llnleigli, Bf. V. Our Dress Matins l MAKRS A BPKCIALTY o :- IKF I i.MNd Wedding. Ou.f its, , LADIES . I Street, Tlslting and Evening; Costumes. I Dinner and Opera Waists, ea Jackets and Tea iiowns. We make reproductions of ihe most celebrated ransian Uoetuuiers hi lowti prices, tor high class work, thin any i other house in the world. We ask you to write for estimates I which will bo cheerfully oul promptly furnished with Samples ol the Stuff and I Fabrics you may request. m . e anf, choica ,,tock ,lf u M e8 U CniuilllDIIIUUU IU .Vimi'L. .' ' Iclass of Itnnorted Novelties in Dies.' I Uoods. I TTT TT "R H TUCKER & CO. I Only for To-day, HI Navom You Trouble I and Time. no I Just nfdv-d 0D. Hn idred tons Aoy wa, yoo' wnnt iu i, (. ! l0 mprove your sidewalks or yaid and ss. &nu Niu i 11 d cf ui keep tills ruurl in town. I so that every man, wonun or eunu can ,, bv .i,, reta. or wbolesale. .ID ' - . ...... h ti0 vve now. Wu Keen STOVE WOOD, stove, mnire, snd fire- - piece wood, all ready under large sheds I .nl .er Mia wmt in rainv wutlHsr-oak. aah. and Dine.- - I . 200 000 BRICK FOR SALE. ii nauo umue uu i 1 uiuBi , . alwavson nana. ,phona BI0 QiLLfoiaey. thl ou want 'Vbone No. 10. BrUlt, I, Dtngles, marl, laths and wood, y Magistral!. " Tbenoxt session of the Buierior Court for Craven county, Will begin on Morday, November 80th, 1898, This tvm ot tbe court will be for the ttlal ofj Criminal at well as Civil cases. AH cases bound over or oo spp -al art recognizable to this term of said couit W. M. WATSON, Clork4 Superior Cturt, Claud M. Cook, -132 MIDDLE STHEET, Baa just received a fivch supply of Appli-?, Jiiiii'inus, 1 kinoes, &(.. Also, Smoking Tob.icco, Cigars, Cln-roots, and Cigarettes. g"We are heidqnarti-rs for Flower Bulbs. KINGS ? KINGS WHETHER OVER MEN or NTOTKN, So if yon want the bwt Stove on tho market buy the King Heater. Also a fine linn of Coal Stoves. Ij. II. 4 hIWt e Co.l I'.OIO III I -1 I'll -MM. I'..!iS, I IUJ I ! ! H fro. II . 0 f . I In .'(I f. el inn,. An.l Io N. Ii. I'i'l'i'K.. .V.Hfilli-. J-..;lf. I'll.. N. ('. WE WILL Have in Toda, via a'e un I'l,,,-. ... l'onchi-4. e.- Ii-n, tu!i In 'i- il ,. i'i ,. iiiiel i mill Ci-jin h o I CW oli (Co M i nd used. . ' In e . 1 ii-.--Ii i id ii tes "w!- will a-o hav Mv Friiilcoii-WiiiL'ofl'.arsOiiii'i HHOIifS ol ies, Annies. i.iiiiiina-. ' -. . i Voll .vill mi i llth i -i ; i il Wl'.--: lehiiii. V I' oi Mil lieu 'ul-e'i Ii1 st i e X. XIIXX & CO. : AGENCY Hazard Gllll POWClcr. Ml'ltfll VNT? SAVE MONEY V.V I.LAVINii VOIU GU I' KllS WITIllMl:. F. ULRICH, Grocer. 45 MIDDLE STR2ET. er liiipw mL, P... i J. L.. man iw iu uo loun OB UU M Willi .Neatness and Itopatcli, tit liowext lricox. A full line of Letter, Note nnd Bill Heads; r.nvelopeo, business iiiio V i -ii lnir Lnrils, bhipping Thus, etc., always on Imnd. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. I with o Ihiink my fiie-ids nnd imtronsl or In ir mtv . Ueril p urnnn'e in Un past, hiionm by lair tnatiiu-ut io leeurel their luturo nnleis. WM. T. HILL, 'Fhone 80. 1 S. Front Street To the Ladies: f HAVE JUST REOEIVED A HEW I l .lork i t Fancv Willow and Rittanl R.w.li... .it mill ai.ll fnr Ilia naxt TEN I ... laytatttock Bottom Figures. Call snd tamlne cur stoi-k lefore pnrchasing s ee- . 1 T7A.l '. T. J. TURNER. Youiun nonskv All drinrista gear antes Grove's Tasteless Chill Touk) to l IS"' all that lh njan.ufuclu.iers claim for "Oneita" Union Suits ! For Ladies, In OBEY at $l.O0 Suit. In WHITE: at S1.5B. The embodiment of comfort is found in a Union Suit, made in correct shape and but toned across, instead ot down the front. Wo want to show you our lino of UNDKIJWKAli; In" yon Man, Woman or Child, we are sure, wo have what, you want. The two above styles are mentioned only heeaiis'.! they are ii deed specials for the prices asked. We want to show you the tho balance. remembki; "The Nimble Sixpence WE ARE STILL SELLING AN OROCERIES AT QUALITY AND PRICES C0NSIDE.RE1I WK BST 11IK TOW The B. E. J. We 8iihmir them to tho trade ua hown in New Berne. We make no hn Ve;t. Patent Elastic Binds on SPECIAL 5Je., VEST. Wa have it I1 1 y ,mmSl mi iller by us or anybody el-e. T. y them, v u"ll l pit-n... J. H. HACKBURN, 47 & 49 POLLOCK STREET. 4mm WHAT ELSE ? Whatever the demand, we are equal to it,, with an article that's the A of the Ah, at n price that's the Z of the Zs. We carry quality in Groct nes to its highest point, just as electricity, with a speed of 288,000 miles a second, exem pliaes thermit of velocity. Lightning beats everything, and so do we with the variety and superiority of oir food products. Music is for the ear, food for the stomach, and our groceries are for foo.l. It's living on the summit of Satis faction Mountain to have jour ttb'e aupplied by us, Ixoiusj wo shut tho door to every thing but Drst-elass products. Another 100 of those Full Cream Cheese just received, which we are still selling very low. Lorillard and Gail & I Ax snuff at manufac turer's prices. lie sure to fret oar price before . pnronasing eisewuere. J - Bssaoi 1 J011H DUllH SC A - Drtl 1 (f? ' S t I - - . Iv" " - f Cii-rkw,,, oui MOTTO: The Slow Shillin vs. ENORMOUS AMOUNT OP OUR STORKS. 1 -ll VEST AND PANTl. the be.d, V FTY-CENT Prices . vt-r exceptimM. a'ni trimmed 1' io its Pants. Wo pawl more money Io i-t a in the 11. K. J. to heat any former Successor to Mm & Wt. Stop That Leak ! rj.o Bbout it U iiukiDL' it i) ru'e to 'oiy your Coin Purses, lVcket booktu il Card Cases Iroin us. The very laiest in li-sijjn and liest in ipiahty, cheapest n price. Uuv wl ere you c.iii save iu 'i: v, hence stop the le iks. SJ. D. G ASKING. WELL PAT ! If a four wheil machine is a tji a I- licycle, and tines wheol machine ii rricycle ami a two wheel miliin? i- a Bicycle, wh.a would you full a one w iel nachine ? Vb), a Wlite! Bartow, o bcsurf.- , Very Good. If you wanted the bt Bicycle wink would you do ? Why I would go to J. C. WHITTY & CO'S. AND OCT ."VTGTOrJ Send Your Prescriptions -TO- Davis' Pharmacy; Pure Drugs! : Satisfactory Price i Funeral IUrr: ' 1S Bro.l f i t TV- -1 I

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