MM VOL XV-NEW SERIES NO. 138. NEW 'BERNE, N. OL SUNDAY MORNING NOVEMBER. 11896 ESTABLISHED 1882 KM it : 1- I - WORK PETOBATS! DEMOCRATIC STATE CHAIR f MAN'S APPEAL. ; ftmij Praasl Caa Prevewt Eleellea af y: Bryaa. Beware ar Jtoaraa Tieketa. :, Watou wr Baaaell. Wark Hast ka Baaa by BeniaeraSa. Special. ' - r JUlbwh, N. C., October 81, Clair. . nio Manly tonight Issued tlie following address: '-To llie voters of North Carolina: 'When these words shall corns lo youi " consideration, all discussions of principles of Merita of candidates-- will have been . ended, and yon will now make up yodr sainds wliat ia beat for you and joui country. ' , . - Tonr determination In tbis respect abali be round on your ballot. . Nothing can - prevent the election of the B'yan electoral ticket except oatraeeous fraud and cor ruption. Bogus ticketa will be distrib . - ttted at every polling place. Mark Hanna, or McKinley agencies will bare on gale,. at every precinct, tick eta to deceive and entrap the unwary. The price tbe voter 'pays for this ia his own undoing;. Some ticketa will contain only names of the Populist electors, and some may contain only names of Demo r cratic aleclora. Such tickets mean an at- . tempt to divide tbe silver forces and to . defeat Bryan. If tbe nntramellcd vote oi . every citizen favoring Bryan is cast next Tuesday, his plurality In North Carolina will far exceed 80,000 votes. i I call upon you Jo let this be the result of next Tuesday's action.' I call upon every man who wishes to see Mr. Bryan . President of our great country, to vote and - In see that bia neighbor votes for all eleven electors aa tbey appear on the official - ballot, agreed upon by the Democratic . and Populist and Silver Republican com- - niittaes. - "J; v Watch your ticket, read each and every : name on it.' , Fllow citizens the son test for gov 1 eroor of North Carolina ia eai rowed i down, and this situation la now presented, ' Cyrna B. Watson, or Daniel L. Russell . will be your next governor. Choose ye - between tbem. , TbeCbalrntan of tho People's party who himself is a candidate for office and expecting election by votes oi the entire . gold bug Republican puty, baa denounc ed In the public, press, William A, - Guthrie, : Populist candidate for Gov- ernor fur his actiou in refusing to advo cate, or toatatu gold bugs for office. However this may be or result it ia man : ifeatly certain that the battle on Tuesdaj lies between a Democratic end Republican . Candidate for Governor, between man wbuecjouly enemy la trusts, and a - man who as juiUe of a cuirt derided thai ; negroes bail equal civil as well as politt cai rights lo North Carolina, between npresemaiion of tiie restoration ot mouej of the constitution and a n-pr semaiive or tbe gold standard. '.. . 1, between Watson and Busv.ll, jou should prefer Watson,, remember that every vote you catt for Ouibrie is a hall vote for Russell. 1 confidently and earnest ly sail on all of tbe voters of North Caw Una who desire the defeat of Russell, and who wish to prevent Republican rule in the) State, to join with na in the election ol Cyrna B. Watson. . Every assurance given us that P.ryan will be our next Pre 1 lent, so let the chief executive of your State be a man who 'will nut retard ard embamea la every possible way the ef forts of our President, ' elected by onr united rote, from carrying out the great - reforms of the Chicago Coaventlon. But, fellow citisens, let your chief cx - ecatlve be a man who lores the people of ' - hi saliva land, whose pulse beats In tyni ' pathy with the ttua sod good, and who will use tbe high offlue to which J"U shall ' elevate him to perpetuate peace aad bap . piness In: this State, and tu bold up tue bauds of your national champion in bis . rflmtato relieve the por and dist rased ami to make our American country inde- ' pendent among the. nations of Iheratth . I conn-leulty hope that the silent battl tf next Tdifrlny wilt bring vlcloty to our . eulire-Nuliomil ami Biute ticket, but this ' U for you and for the people of onr bo - luvd t5lte. ' .; Aaio I, Biy to yon, work, work, work - La llie holy pritwiptel tuvnlve-l to this Imu-i, suit the government of North Curo i ' liaa by mhite man, guide- and direct your (T..rt, and the Lord of lloiu will austaio Qis people. . ..' ;'- :' '"'.' CLEMENT MANLY, Cbtnn, ! i t ; . - Dem. State Kx. Coot, TUE COTTON MAttKETS, ' October 31. ' Livanrooh did not respond heartily to ' oar better market ol yesterday. . - . Kaw Tbas opeood at 8.07 for January " and closed at 8.13 against 8.08 yestei . day with the financial qiestion 'out of . tbe way ought not the market lo do better ? Tats bos bee a year of gooi crops In ... almost every section of our country. What Is to hinder us from entering . upon an er1 of great prosperity I Ksw EsKfn tin;, 4 lias beet) active at at CJ to 7 31?. V i T. .. -- J. .! Highest of all in Leavening Strength. Latest V- S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY PUBE m LAST WEEK. GUTHRIE'S EPISODE SENSA TION OF CAMPAIGN SO FAR. Kepnb-Papi In Abaolale Cantral Pa- lllleal Machinery. Danble Ballas Baxaa. Plva Electoral Hama Ticket. Pall Ileal dasalp. Journal Bureau, i Ralbiqh, N. C, Oct 81. Tbe usual ante-ection excitement bs nearly all been compressed into this week. Fue Guthrie episode was the crowning sensation of the campaign. To say that it demoralized the Populist machine is telling the plain truth. The machine claims that Guthrie has no following save in Durham county, and two or thret more near by, but it will require tbe dec tiau itself to tell the true story. The Republicans and Populists have complete control of the election macbi ery. This is the true reason for their fusion. ' Tbis is one element to take into account in figuring oa tbe election. An other ia the attitude of the Populists Do the latter obey their State committee or do tbey not. On tbis much depends The Republicans worked all Tbursdaj light getting out mimograpb copies of a circular saying thoy bad advices that some thing like 180 double bottom ballot boxet made id Baltimore had been shipped to this State. Tbey assert that as Poon a these were shipped they got lost, and that tbey went to Weldou, addressed to s man named Killitt. Of course the Re publican committee seeks to make much f bis mare's nest, It rivals the Populist State Chairman, who published a long list of frauds which be thinks the Demo crats may attempt. Tbe Durham papers term Burton, Har- risou, Sykcs and Peckbam, who spoke there last night "those dirty blackguards." It was a street jest yesterday that there was a picture of a jaybird on the Repub lican election ticket A Republican com mitteeman atid it waa aa eagle. The same committeeman said Major Guthrie bad stated yesterday on tbe street her; that the device ou tbe Republican ticket as McKinley and Hobart Today the State treasurer was seat two tickets, one the correct Populist one, and he other not bearing the name, W. h Worth lor treasurer. It is anij that one- sixteenth of the tickets which 1hu Popa list Slate chairman sent out contained tbo error of omission and that the fault wa his in re.idiug tbe proof, the ti ckt-ta ueinji itrintcd In sheets of 16. He must have simply overlooked one. The lrtairer remarked that 40,003 such tickets wert out and said laughingly that his majority would be so large that be ould atand it even it all these error tickets were voted. Democratic Stato ' Chairman Manly, who has done an immense amount ol work, day and night, for the past thret months, said this morning: "I am finish ing now. All the literature baa gone. There baa been many tons ol It. Three or four persons have been employed all tbe while sending it sway. Moat ot it wa riven to us, !but yet It has eost sbou (l,600to send it out." The PopulUts all say that U. Ed. Kest ler, Cabarrus county m in whi sent out 100,000 bogus Populists electoral ticket', couhiiains the mimes of only the tin flva Ponulists electors, ia a He nal.lican pure and simple. :Ch.irttian Aycr says: 1 have telegraphed to our people that an ticket without the names of all the tlec tors U bogus. n ! lb nuh this was kfl'i2 JT," there was oo display here. Duiliam is gaily ikcor- tted willl flags. Considerable rain has Fillen since las1 nlyht aud this was unfavorable t decora lions. Burton llarrisnn said in his speeclns in this State that he w' f.r McKinley ani lid not propose to wastes vote on I' Iraei ami ' Bnckoer. The Bepublic m have sent out many MchTuiley atlckerr for use on Democratic ballots. Soma of tlie Populists leaders assert that tbe Democratic noraiooe for gov ernor will not get over 100,000 voles. Tbey do not really believe this, Id tlie face of tbe magnificent Democratic reg istration. Tbe Popalist leaders calculate that Guthrie's letter drives 20,000 of that party to Russell, and one asserted tbat Guthrie will not show over 18,000 voles, But tbis is the veriest guess work. There is absolutely no news save re gardieg politics, TIIE MARKETS. Cuioaoo, October 81. OPBNIHO, CtWS. December Wheal, U 12 January rors, ; - i.w ' s.uu January Ribs, 8.V2, 8.07 Tocissi cLd mom bat Take Laxative Bromo Quliiloe Tablet All dr ' ri fund tlie money if It IWIs tir '. . Tka Keaart evive. Special. Washington, D. C, October 81. 1 Tbe report is again revived that the Pres ident Intends to presently dismiss fonrot fire Department officials on account ol their open advocacy ol Biyan. This time this lists includes Auditor Baldwin, .Assistant Secretary of War, Doe; Consul General Crittenden, of Mexi co; Deputy Commieuduer or Pensions, Bell; Deputy Auditor of the Treasury, Willie. In addition tbe President has the names of a number of tbe Division Chiefs, who will srtpportkBryan, marked for removal. Ex-Deputy Comptroller McMabon, oi of West Virginia, is spoken of as tbo likely successor of Doe. Paa Ball Uaaaea. Special. The following games of football wen played yesterday: October 31. Princeton 87, Cornell 0. Harvard 4, Carlisle 0. Yale 16, West Point 2. Elizabeth College 82. Stevens Insti tute 0. Trinity College 12, Amherst 0. Believe Iheaa Him. Special. Osceola, Ia., October 81. When Candidate Bryan was shown Hanna's last estimate of 311 electoral votes for McKin ley, he said that three fourths of them be bjlieved would be found in tbe silver col umn. Bis laaasaral la fiaarfia. Special. Atlanta, Ga. October 31. Oovernoi Atkinson's inauzural parade ot State troops waa the most impressive military psgeant seen in Georgia since tbe wsr. Seven Infantry Regiments, a Brigade of Calvary, Battery ol Artillery and Nav al Reserves Corns made a column over a mile in length. The United States Filth Infantry beaded tbe procession. Keparlael aa Laat. Special. Detroit, Mich., October 81 There ia in unverified) rumor tbat tbe ritatuer Fairborn is lost on Lake Superior. MeKlaley mill Hpaaka, 3peolal. Carton. O.. October 81 Tbe march ing with bands playing, and clieeney delegations, visiting here. Increased i number, todav. Major McKinley road fire speeche. fhis was tbv liveliest .Saturday ot thi campaign. Mmnaaaa Baja Wasaaa- 8peelal. Raleigh, N. C., Oct. 81.-F. M. Sim- mons an j uiiigoi: -incn nj man teel positive of Cjrus B. Watson's ehc-l tlon. PE R F ECT snd permanent are th cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, be cause it makes pure, rich, healthy, life aad health-giving BLOOD. My Waala. An honest boy, quick at Ognree, appb at once to G. A. Babvoot, Managei New Berne Bargain Uouss. IX)R Cotton Bagglnt; and Ties, Bag and llarrel Covers. Builders l.'me and Cement, Tena Ootta Pipe and Shell Lime. Call on J. XL Li J Til AM. Also 9. No. 1 New I'S Carriauesl lot Storage tor 50J Bales at Low Rate. FOLK'S I Stoves, . Crockery,. , Tioware, .... - .. Glassware, ,. -: Notions. Headquarters (or LAMlS. Middle St, nader Betel Albert ' W.H.rOLK. LoflsTJUST, TlXASjOct, IS, 189. I Messrs. Paris Medicine Co., farts, Tsnn. Dear SlrK-Slilpususoon aa poaUMa i grots Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic U iy eustmaers want Orove's Taatelate Chill Tool and wtll not have any other. Is our experience of over 20 years ia Hie drug business, we .hare never soU any mwliolue which save sucn nalmrsal satr l..etion. lours J'Tetlul!v, J, 8. IrtOWKSlfcCo, NEW Corned Mackerel, 30 to the Kit, 75 cents per Kit. FRESH Small Hominy or Grits, coarse, medium and fine, just leoeived. FRESH Big Hominy. " Roasted Coffee 20, 35 and 30 cents per pound ground to order. NEW Crop California Raisins and Currents, 10c. per pound. EVAPORATED Apples and Peaches. EINZ'S Cucumber Pickles, finest quality, 5c. doz. Heinz's sweet Pickles 20c qt. NEW Crop California Prunes, 10 cents pound. FRESH Canned Goods. COD fish and Irish potatoes. THE very best Butter and Cheese. FRESH Buckwheat, and every thing else usually kept in a first-class grocery store. CALL and see us. Wholesale aad Retail droeers, 71 Bread Street. Say!!! Do you want to be comfortable tbis Winter) I Do you wantito save your .temper this Winter I Do vou want to save half vour! fuel bill? ???!?? If you do lust go down to the S LOVER HABDWAREJCO'SJSTORE aid bay yon a Wilson Heater. The greatest I beating stove ever ir-1 vented.! Ask your neighbors about tbem. We sold them ooel hist winter and tbey are going (to use them altogether tbis winter. They are made of best, Russia I iron and have draft opening at the top, wiucn prevent jure ilfom popping out. Tbey also have automatic Jstnoke doors I wnlch no similar stove Has. j now is:tbe;time to paint your hearths and andirons. We have the paiut We have tbo BUCK'S Cook Stoves, tnd when you are passing drop in and let us show them to you. A little child could see their surperiority over any other stove, i ire Backs warranted to last fifteen years and we will replace any thai Je not last that long. A nice lot of FOOT MATS on hand. Renu-mher we Guarantee 'he nricc ol -very article we sell jon. No one under sells us. We solicit your patrouagc. Respectfully Yours, Slover Hardware Co. . . WOOD'. . I m M9 a II a ' ' AlT 1 lERI il (531615, Wood Box Stoves Coal Heaters, Kaagcs, Cook Stoves, all trades to select from. Hardware, Bar Iron, Carriage Ha- terlal,Harne8s,Saddles, Bridles, Paints, Oils, Ac. Gall at a fa. Fraat Strati, tot wd Oaais P. M. DBANET. "FAT BEEF, Fine Lot . Also DATlTflflC! Bed Yam I VIM VIM, Oir To-Dat. TL W. DICKEKSOS. 71 Craven St., near thu PueltHce. New Berne Real Estate Agency ! Upon ths first appearance of our adver- usenuat a gnoaiy suare or dusumss was put la onr bands, for which we return thanks, and will entevor lo give satis faction. : If yon do not find oa at our office, leave 1 1 a note upon onr desk and prompt atten-1 I tlon wilt be siren same. Rsspectlully. , K. E. HARPER. 71 Craven 81 rest. '. -Polling Place. Beeistrars and Judaea of Election will take notice, tbat tbe following Pollin Places have bem seUblished for th vari ous Wards oi tbe City or New Berne: let Ward City UalU Id Sd 4th w Court House. Scott's Livery gtable. 8 tore, cor. Queen and Patturt Streets. (McCarthy's) Hose Reel Bonse. ; (St. Phillips) Store, cor. West and EluSts, ( Pavietown ) Henry James' shoo. 5th lb 0 th Beglstrars lemaelves Ix are required to connne I tnemsetves lo ids roum piaees lor tne registration of Voters. W. M. WATSON. Clerk Superior Court. . ary BoaalessaswrtsMa.. We have two special attractions this week one line ol goods at 18c yard and 1.00 the yard. jmmm ISAaroor'a. Merit and LoW Prices ! MADE THE POPULARITY OF OUR STORES AND WE ARE DETERMINED THAT MERIT AND LOW PRICES SHALL MAINTAIN AND INCREASE THAT POPU LARITY. Our Immense Line of o SHOES o Is Complete. Our 75c, 07c, $1.50 and $2.00 line of Ladies Shoes can not be equaled in the city. c 1 C3 X . c eg CT5 C2 32 We have a beautiful line of 1YV1II:.S CAPES From Hc, np. I, 11)1 IIS COATS Front $3.00 np. Special orders taken when we eaa't suit yon In onr stock. Perfect St and satisfaction guaranteed.! Oaundlet Kid Gloves. In Tan ami Black, $1.00 per pair. Childrens' CAa Union n)fi. Suits, UUU,J Ladies' $1.00. nninn Suits, OUR O ROIEKV BEPARTMEBfTS are still l;ading in the High Quality of our Goods, and the ex tremely LowPrlces. tW "Small ProflU and Quick Sales" i still onr motto. Thanking the public for their very generous support and asking continuance of the same, we remain Yours Very Truly, J,H. HacMrn, Baeeemor to nuekburn & WUlett. ' 47 & 49 Pollock Steket. iLSO BROAD fc QUCEN STS O! IV NTOTTrR I TO THE TRADE ! WE AUK RECEIVING DAILY ?.Y STEAM SHU'S & RAILROADS CARGOES OF Merchandise, Such as: Apples, Orangfs, Bamiuas, Nuts, Kaisins, Prunes, Dried Applrs, Dried Peaches, Evaporated Apples Pork and Flour, Sugar and Coffee, SnulT ami Tobacco. Piutter and Cheese, Laid, and Sugar Cured Muat? and numerous other good's to erous to mention. J-gr Come in and get our prices before placing vour orders and we will always save you money. Yours Uespcctf ully, JOHN DUNN. 55 & 57 Pollock St. NEW BERNE. N C. Keep on ! !iuo' e 1 1 1 j ,i dollar day and then ' al out i i uu Overcoat lull of suggestive erciisjs iiii 1 tbe subtle innie of tlie wily caiiiitlior ti ta km; about the expense of new clollic-. Tliiuk it over aud slop mink'nm for awhile. F. 3tt. Cluulwiek. 101 Middle Street. I Have dust Received I35t7xToaTload op fancy looMi! Fanr.V Hull Stauda aid Baby Uarri. ages aud lots ol oilier Fmuituro too num erous to mention, mi l will oiler speiia Baroainslor thu lieu TLN days so as to make room for our stock. Call and ex amine lel'ore purchasing e'scwlmo. lieicciinlly, T. J. TURN Hit. will illNGS be WHETHER OYER MEIC or STOVES, So if you want the best Stove on the. market boy the King Heater. . Also a'fine line of Coal Stoves. NNGS 1 II. Cutlers Co. I am Better Prepared ' Than Ever to do Your JOB' PRINTING With Neatness and Dispatch, at JjOMest Prices, g A luiriine of Letter, Note and Bill Heads; huvelopes,Busiucss and Visiting Uarda, Shipping Tiujs, etc., always on hand. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. I wish to thuuk my friends and patrons for their very liberal patronage in the past, hoping by fair treatment to secure their tulure orders. WM. T. HILL, 61 S. Front Street ThonciSO. Claud M. Cook, U2 MIDDLE STREET, I bare now some line White and . Black Cnlln Lilly Hulbs, Easter Lil ly, lijitciiii'tlis, Crocus, Tulip ItnllH, anil nil other ltiilbs. C. M. COOK. Fresh Lot Fruit Just Received. Apples :il)c, :!5c, and 40c, per peck. Lemons 12c per dozen. Bananas He., per dozen. Oranges :30c. and 40c. per dozen. The moat complete lino of Pipes aaly Smokers Articles in tlie cilv. Fresh Chocolates and Bon Bon pack- ; ages a specially. X. tfUXN & CO. Next to Tost Oliice. HAVE VOL' TRIED J. R. Parker Jr. For What Vou Want in the GROCERY LINE Be Lcad. While Others Follow. I curry a complete Jlino. of Choieo Family and Heavy Groceries, Am al- Au'cnt for Diamond XI:.lcli Co's Corah., siiuil at Maim- 1' Hnnulit ill. ti -:nv ii inon y .iliere. I-. n v -'lilile a e ii.ttfesj tak 1 I':!. ii ! Inr pa t ;J l iliiic patrui. ellilliy. .1. It. larker afr. :7 BUOAD STHEK1', Thone r,:i. AGENCY Hazard Gun Powder. MERCHANTS SAVE MONEY 1!YJ l.EAYlMiEVOril oil 1' EltS WITH 31 E. F. TJLKICH, Grocer. 15 MIDDLE STREET. Stop That Leak i GO ulioiit it by tnakins it a rule t-i ln your Coin Pu 'aes, l'ockct books an I Card C'ufcs Mom us. Tlie very laiest 1 1 Irsitju and Lest iu ipialilv, cheapest lil price. Buy where you cn save monev, livnce slop the leaks. BJ. D. GASKINS. Send Your Prescriptions Davis' Pharmacy. Pure Drugs! Satisfactory Prices I Malarial produces Weakness,- Oenen.1 Debility. Billlousnese, Use of Appetii. Indigestion and Constipation. Unm Tasteleas Chill Tonic, removes the which produces these troubles. Try and you will be dclixhted. 60 oenta, get the genuine aek for Grove's, . s3

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