VOL XV NEW SERIES NO. 144 NEW BERNE, N. CL SATURDAY MORNING NOVEMBER. 14 1896 ESTABLISHED lS-, A, STATS NEWS ITEMS. MORE' CERTIFIED CAMPAIGN EXPENSE ACCOUNTS. ( ' ' - Lara ajarlllra far kJretea Mai ' Oftlean. Ta Caasider rul Fa ' slaaatlaaa. Rrstaalleaa Yale Caaas Bi rr raaaltal. '. Spatial. Raleigh, November 1 13. Among totlajr'a ariivals U Mr. It. P. Williams, of Mew Berne. .; ; Hichwonil Pearson certified to bis cam ' paigo exper.se areount, today, a being - $1,530. ' This It the largest imouat thus : far certltttd to, ' Z- $ V , Pearson aays that be has made a careful calculation of the majority for- Aver, With and Cj Thompson and, that it approximate seventy tbojaand. ; . Tbe Governor of Florida asks Gov . ernorCarrto appoint delegates to the convoDiion to consider tbe matter of for tifying lite porta on the Gulf of Mexico. - It is asserted that lees than lour thou and votts were caiit by the Popullttt for lite Republican Congressional candidates, while the Republicans Cast about Bfly-litf thountnd totrs lor the five I'opulist Con gressional noniimca. Beaabllean Sjteadqaarterei pcoUl, 'S :, ' Clkvblahd, Ohio, November IS. Mark Hanna taU today that permanent Republican headquarters would be eatab lishid at Washinton, D. C. . That the Chicago headquarters would be closed within a week, and the Mew Yrk headquaiters by January 1, 1897, Saata Dakota for sjryaa. Special. ' . Siovi Falls, S. D., November IS. W.'J. Bryan carried this Saateby four hundred, Plaraltty la Kaaaaa. Bpeelal. ' ? ; Topeka, Kans., November 13. W. J. Bryan's plurality in Kansas is twelve thousand. atraaetrael'a Weekly Beparl Bpeelal. ' - ' New Yk. Kovemlier 13. Brad- streets weekly trade review says:, . The volume of business improves slow ly in nearly all lines. - The most active demand Is among job bers In dry goods, millinery, clothing, shoes, ksther, hardware in the leading ' indourial lines, Two hundred mills, manufactories and - tonndrye have opened, and thirty thousand men glvm employment. " The demand for iron and steel baa not Increased. Cotton goods are firm at unchanged .prices.' Wool it higher, ' - Collections in the Western and South em States is easier.' Jobbers report at increase their mail orders from the West. Bank clearings have Increased 20 pet cent ' NBW ORDER or THIN (ML Lioa or tko Bloaroo tseetriae mill Tealc or DlMBMloa Baraae. l . Loimox. The Speaker publishes an article by "A Leading Pabhcist," la which tbe writer, after recalling Lord Balisburys reply to Secretary Olney in .. regard to Monroeism, says: , "Aa entirely new order of things has . been established by the Anglo-American understanding. Mr. Olney's extension of tbe Monroe doctrine itself, not before knowledged by any European power, has now received tbe sanction of Great Britain But it would be profitless as well as some what painful to touch upon this delicate ground. What had to hi done had lb be done, and.tbat is the long and the short pf It. We may not like it, hot there ought to be no difficulty In choosing between the ahturdity ot complalniug over the Inevitable and tbe dignity of smiling ac- tiuteacence, Tbe Rritlth government peifectly right, now . without baina wrong six or tea mouths ago. It is exact ly a cate of our policy of staring off a - long as possible the dominations ltussia now so complete. To contfam that policy whrd the game is up Would le merely to cling to antiquated supersti tions and antiquated diplomacy." ' . PAKia The Trmm exprestea iissAf being greatly coooeruvd at tee ''inormoua extention of Monroeiiin involved m the Anglo-American entente, adding; ' ... It confers npoo America ttlie right to settle any difference between aa American vBtats and a Europeanjpower without tbe authority of tbeAmciican State Ink-rested ' This Is a big innovation in internatiooa! law, and endows the United Stales with . obsolute supremacy4n their hemisphere. It must.be bitter bill to British pride to coasent to tbl,1 ,. . , .- v . . . In conclusion, the Temps expresses dosbt as to whether Europe will accept this agreemnnt as a precedent. ' S.n FrancUcu's food Intpei tieo stations Vtre otiened Wt(lnstlay sight. There ark four of thetn, erected at a coat of (li), 000. All provisions brought to market in the city must pass In-peclloo at one of ltiese stiitiona. , . ' - -racial A olbi.iiib BAT. Tike IJiatlve Broino Quinine Tablet A'l "; '.;, '-' refund the money if It fails Highest of all In Leavening Strength- Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY PUHE TUB BPSOUIATITR KAKXBT&. beaS aakae aaalaar Beees. tWaa eeslae a Caaaa War Bear. Saeolal. . . - Nw York, November 13. Wheat made a new record jn, this market today, selling at 91 cents. . But the Cuban war news forced the local stock market down, and there was a rush to sell, which made tbe trade in stosfcs very excited. : Sugar Trust led tbe the decline. Brokers wet badly mixed on the situation. Beall zatioa sales of long stocks were large. Tiro orBelac Aartle. Speolal. CahVobt. 0.. November 13. Ma tor McKinley is manifesting a decided aver ou to tbe advertising which Mark Han na has been receiving in the East. Ilanoa bat been heralded as the parent of the text administration, and tins an nouncement lias stirred the ire of Mc Kinley, who refuted to attend the ban quei to be given liy the Union Clnb next Monday, in honor of Hanna. Tke Cabaa Worslea. Sr. Louis, Mo. A special to tbe Globe Democrat from Key West, Fla, tays: "Captain General Weyler has at last met tbe Cubans on the fltld, and has suf fared a repulse, aocording to the adncer per ateamer Olivette, from Havana. Weyler, it is said, was attacked while encamped in the; Gobcrnadora bills, it PiaadelRio province, by the Cubem under Terico DeJgado and Perico Diax. Tbe Cubans surprised tlte Spanish out potts and for a time great confusion prevailed lo Weyltr't camp. Weyler it is said to bare fallen back about eight miles, During the retreat the Cubans killed M- Spaniards and wounded 00 others.'' riakl With Mexloaaa. Dallas, Trias. Deputy United States Marshall Erirln arrived with wonnded Mexican prisoner namO Hoses Cardinasia, captured in a fight last Satur- lav in Childress county, in the Texas faa Handle. - t Marshall Erwin, the sheriff of Childress county, and a posse attlacked five Mexl cans who bad stolen fifty head ol borne in Oklahoma, and who had killed two men and committed a number of highway robberies la New Mexico and Colorado a tbe fight two of the Mexicans wen killed and one wounded, and two of the Childress county poets wounded. Two ol the Mexicans escaped. Ties HaS Baea Sails. MoxTftoxKRT, Ala. The last mail ot the Louisville and Nashville Batlroad foi New Orleans, leaving here at 9:30 we wrecked when four miles from town, bat fortunately no one waa kilted. Tbe engine, mail, baggage,! express, smoker and one sleeper left tbe rails. Tbt mall car was shot at least fifty feet Iron tbe track but landed right aide up, and even tbe lights were not extinguished.) Tbe smoking car was thrown down the embankment and rolled over on Its aide. It was In this car tbe only damage was done. . J. P. Latham. Of Atlanta, was caught by tbe legs, and W. C. McCarrey, of Monroeville, Ala., by the arm. Each bad to be cut out. These two were the moat seriously bort of an y And their in juries are not dangerous.. A number of others were slightly bruised. .1 Tbe cross ties bad been split so.aeti get the spikes out and the rail moved In about three inches so that when the en ifloe struck t the flange for the criver rode tbe rail. . v. t 'the cotton markets. ' " November IS. Tni spot sales in Liverpool were only lp,000 and the general tone of hualceev was quiet Futures were about ) point bight.- " 1 New York this lias been quite a Unas' day. January opened at 7.99 the - aame as yesterday's close and has bad declining tendency all day, finally ckav log at 7.78c a net deohno of. 21 point Just what caused all this weakness not yet known to this writer, . but BO doubt -the heavy receipts, and the Cuban war scare ware tbe principal tactors. .':: ' y Maw Bom market has been quiet at at 7 to ISO. . Yours Truly. ; y , J. E. Lath a at. THE MARKETS. . v Chicaoo, November 11 . oraaiK. ctoan, December Wheal. - - 811 801 Jaaoary Pork, S.10 ' 7.99 January Kiba, 4 s.a f :IRFUL are the cures by 4 ),.! i s baraaparilla, and yet they perUHiuiil.es FU2 CLCC3 Tke Texas lnveolla;atlaa. SpwlaL :. Washington, D C, November 13 Tbe inquiry at the Brooklyn Navy Yard Which was mad- .behind closed doors, looking into tho circumstances under which the warship Texas was euuk, has brought to light the fact that her bulk heads were seriously defective. Buniors Bat no Trnlh. Speolal. Washington, I). C. Norember 13. Tbe Bpan'uh Minister denies that there is any foundation for the supposed notes of Minis'er Taylor to the Spanish govern ment. There is not I lie slighest foundation for the rumors, and he attributes them lo filibustering rumor. tjgj Gov. AlkliiDUU Retires. Saaclal. Atlanta, Gn , November 18. Gov. Alkinson U nidinoon announced hir retirement from l lie Smatoriul race. This leaves the contest hctweeu Clay nd Howell. Tela-rnhlr Itema, At the ninth annual commemoration of the execution ol i he Ilayoiarket bomb throwers, held iu Chicago Wednesday igbt, Mrs. Lucy Parsons was one of the speakers. Her language soon became vio lint and she was led from the stage by the police. Hcrr Most followed in very tame speech. County Treasurer burr us. who wss In jured In the reviewing stand accident at Butlingtoo. Iown, together with Vice President Steveu?on ami others on Gov error's day of tho Iowa temi centennial celebration, died Wcdniaday night of his injuries. Hu was about 50 years old and highly respected. Tbe Federal Grand Jury of Kansas City Mo., has indicted Frank Hudson, Aitliur S. Kimberly and William J. UcCurry, re pactlvely president, treasurer and accre tary of the Hudson-Kimberly Printing Company, for distributing advertisinc cards on which had been stamped the im print of a (20 gold piece. It has been the custom to send liquor in jugs to exprefs offices in the different Kansas towns and to tend by mail to the purchaser an order on the' express com. pany for the liquor. A decision just ren dered in tho United Stales Court pre cludes these transactions unless the wholesaler shall first secure a retail license for the town to which the liquor is sent Tbiiteen members of the Salt Lake (Utah) Coal Exchange bare been found guilty lu the United States District Court. They were charged and indicted by the Grand Jury fur combintog to pre vent persons not members of the exchange from obtaining coid at prices as low as Were made to members of the exchauge In order to destroy competition. The ease was before Judge Hal let. A burglar, name unknown, wss shot deed while resisting arrest at Elba, Genesee County, N. His companion, George Stevens, was wounded, and sur rendered. The burulars were detected trying to rob W. A. Hundremark's gen eral store. Tbe proprietor called out a number of citizens, nn I a battle ensued with the burglar', in which numerous shots were exchanged.. For Over SO Tears Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing 8yrup hss been used by Millions of Mothers for their Children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, soften the rams, allays ail pain, cures wind colic, sod is the best remedy for Diarrhcea, Twenty five cents a bottle. Claud M. Cook 132 MIDDLE STREET,- Next to Kafcr's Uakeryhss just 'received some nico . jnalaca Uranen and CofonnuiM. FOR Cotton Bugng and. Ties,' Bags and Barrel Covers, Builders Urns and Csaaaot, Teria Cotta Pipe and Shell Lime, Cation , . . el. J, I Til AM. Abo 2. No' 1 New Lob UsrriacetJ for mie, . Storage lor 60 J Bales at Low RateSv . In opening np tho HEW BERNE REAL ESTATE AGENCY, it 1s out aim to bring tbore who have places to rent out; sod tbdVe wanting to rent Into closer eooimunjrailou. Also for tbe pur pose of buying and selling bouses ead lota. farms, etc. K. E. HARPER. 71 Craven Street REAL ESTATE AGENCY Two Hundred -AND- Fifty Barrels c. G. A. VOIGT & CO'S. ::: IXOITK::: 15?" Bought before the advance. Snow Drift, Flllll7 i.aient. GStllSt Lily, Fu'.l Roller Patent. Star, Roller Patent. COOker, Go0(1 Family Flour. Their Flour Stands as high in quality as uuy told in.tbis or any other market. anil every barrel is cuaianlced. It has few equals and no superior. If you ere needing Flour see us before you btiv and we will save you niouey. Yen's Truly, UASK.M,. Wholesale and Retail (Jroeer 71 Broad Street. New Berne. X. ('. Books P Stationery ! LATEST Newspapers, Periodi cals and Mstgizlftfa, may always be found at T. W. WATERS'. 105 Middle St. KrSubscript:ons received for all peri odicals. School supplies fur Hale. Orders taken for school supplies. Latest Stan dard Novels. Pencils, pons, inks, etc. 127 MIDDLE ST. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COHPOUNDED A full line or Toilet fumery, etc. Soaps, Per- Laxatlve Broruo Quinine, cold lu one day. Cures li German Dyes, all colors. K.ach package dyes Woolen, Cotton, Silk or Linen Fabrics. Naptha Borax Soap a pure white Soap no chemicals. The lest in the world whitens Linen, washis Laces, superior for Toilet use. KINGS t"'K NGS WHETHER OVER MEW or STOVES, so it yon want the best tovo on the market buy tlie King Heater. Also a fine line of Coal Stov.cs. Is. II. Cutler .5f Co. If yon wonhl have Better : : Times .Then pat year shoulder to the wheel and pash with all your might li you owe us call and pay us, that will help us and you will be doing the right thing. It yon need anything in the Hardware Line, ' 'i Such awV'Hagup" King Heater, or a "Vktor;. Bicycle, or a Boy lmie How lor Instance. ' Cull on us, we will treat yon right. " Bespci. Yours, . , J.C.Uhitty&Co Henrv FOB COIftXtt, Use Zona' Corn Tjeal", 10 fenlM. tit Davis' Pharmacy. BROAD STREET Fruit - Store ! A NEW DEPARTURE. I wish to inform raj friendsand palnms thiit 1 Imve opened u wholesale (lepnt- ment to connection with my r. t..il (siore, and nru rcreiving a fresli l"t of goods by each steamer. M) stork coiisis'nf the very In si qual ity of Apples, I3auun, Lemons, P.ais Leaclief nnil ('ontrc.l'.oiienes; also t'nn bu"es, Irish l'niat"e mid Dninns. .In connection uitlijlhis I will tarry a im tine ol bumi'y Un cenes whicli I will scr chi -ap for cvh. i Thanking you lor pi.-t favors, nn'! lionioL' lo rii'-i i t tlie continuance of sua e. I am yours O'nilicrit, J. D. BARFIELE, No. S3 Broad Street. I am buying my (T".,S in tlie Noill. era Markets lor ca.sh, mid will gell i.i-cln-ap asjiny house in the city. II. W. SIMPSOX, Funeral Iir?otor and Fmbalnier. 128 Broad Street PIHINK si tVllurlat Rnbea a fplcculty.; Certificate lAst. Ceitificate No 340 lor One Share ol the V. & N. C. Railroad ('ompanv, !.v- ina been lost, application will liecu miuli for a duplicate thereof. L. 1'. STYIiOX. FRESH TAFFY ! Made Every Iay. Peanuts, f.enioiis. Vanilla. Krnit. Cream anil Coenaiuil. FRUIT A SPECIALTY. Headquarters for Pints. (.Var IIoMcu Tobacco's au l Cigars. N. Jfl'XX A CO. Next to Poit Office. AGENCY Hazard Gun Powder. MERC H A NTSJS A V E "M 0 X E V BY I.EAVIXO YOU It OK rERS WITH ME. F. ULRICH, Grocer. 45 MIDDLE STREET. To the Ladies : WE have juH neeive.l Hie lie ml, stoi k i.l P.iior mid Ihiiinv room fliune Pictures anil n ill itiveiwinl buraaim lor the next teu dnyr. (' ill nnil e'.umine our stock.'flinl oi.'ive R'spiiloillv. T..T.TIJRIVKH. NKW ItEUNK. N. 0. W. P. Burrus... .Ralph Qray, IlurriiM & CJray, Wliolft-s'S and Retail Dealers in HAY, and all kinds of Coin ait Corn Mm, Sri 1 1 am Belter i Than Ever to do Y( R-PR NT N 1 b U I II Will Ni-alne-K and !i .V !iiiHiiieoi'l.tt, i Nc.lr uikI lili! If.aiN;' Knveli'iHV.U;:-;!!!--- an t Vi-iiiii' 1 arc's, : Miippiun Ta"s, i ic, ahvaV' on Imiel. i SATISFACTION (II.'AIMNTEKI).! 1 wish lo for their c past, ho pin: their future lllallk U1V I'liiMl'N d .:itn. ry lila'ial pjiranaje ; hy lair (rnitnunt t ohkl-. WM. T. HILL, 'Phono 00. r,l S. Fvcnt Street Sewing on Trouble. lo tilt! lutUon iiiL'. th IV tin:!' U li; ittV.H tL.L i'C v.'i n !,. Ill CI -i .v- tins is tine trotililr to .-. IV II ( i OO'I Ml !v i5ewcd on wcni'i V I VO k W'' H, W- li :il Ml tillli nmkeoi il 'i . i-i . V, i- win vonr put n n:ic. F. ti'ientiwiHi 101 Midilli- Shii t. JUSrl RF.CKlVI'.l) AT MV STOK K, OF GOOD TOBACCO which must be sold at once at prices rang- j ing from 1 fess : Goods jJiy' " i ; i.i ii l i u-s in jiiiiiii ai.il r.m 518 ? II 15 (o 20 Gentshrxi P or Pound. Call early and exam ine my stock. Yours Respl. JOHN DUNN, 55 & 57 Pollock St. I Hare ICemoveil ! From 44 Craven St. To 80 Middle St. Where I shall he gliul to see my customers, ami nil other who want plumbing, stc-itm uinl gne fitting done. W. V. lleiMley. SO Si iildle Street, ow! We Can Suit the LADIES ! Call and Exainin Beautiful Line Our of KM I.I SI K I'ATTKIiN'S IN ! OK THK A H 0 K . A I. New invoice, just in, jof the new combina i , tion of Woolen, Silk i and Woolen Fancies. Sei;inttc pitteriM in fn Another Invoice of : CLOAKS AND CAFES Will !., Morn i n Mom.Im TIm- Vt.v lost Tiling in Kititlit's Mars ! Tin- ' ItiliUou liaiM'il 'll:ir ! TIh' ii r Vi't'y Slvlish. Wi(li ISibliou. .0 u illiouf. 20'. iict her vn'i !ni v or 1 III t H.' ir stock. i.lv 1 1 r I 1 o Wo :w still I ji'jmI inf ill lliirh i,iiulily I'i i-v-i of our in.l I uuiu'sr Slocli of GR0GERIES. ; - mh.iii Sules mil u e, rotll. ,rtlv. fPlin Pnlrl Olniul, 1115 UUIU Olfillllllu MAV may not loin the proiiiiil iriispcrity to us nil nevertlie. loss, wo lire determiner to sc I ill fTooils lit i clone it rimrtfin im possililp. Yoiim Very Truly, I J. H. Hackburn HuceeMor l llaekburii JJfc Wlllell. 47 & 49 Pom.ock Street. ALSO BROAD L QUEEN ST. N i