r4 ., VOL. XV-NEW SERIES NO. FIGHT ON COUNTING. WHAt IS THE POPULIST STRENGTH IN STATE! . WIImm Mays Hisljr Thoasnac. Halloa Claims Bepablleans SalaRlsljr ' - Thaaaaad la Far Tears. mtmUJItw Ht'mm. Speolal. Baleioh. N. 0.4 November 17. Tbe addition of the electoral vote was begun t noon today, the figures being now all down. This addition was specially made . yesterday an to one fusion an I one Re publican elector. The Democrats had asserted Bryan would have 20,000 major ity; the Republicans conceded biro 10,000; tba Populists declined tomuke estimate.. ' Tbe actual majority is 19,200. Hepublicnn State Chairman Holton says ., that granting 'McKinley runs with Rus- ttll to the vole (he is probably ahead) and that Busscjl parries the State ly 11, 000, how many I'opulists ip tle Stat.? Pa makes their nun, her 09,000. Qiho IfTllsop, who was, preseuf, said Resell s irote U not nearly at large as M Jf loleyV. and I estimates ihe uuiu'er of Popu list at 00,000. Holton laughed aud and, 'JEiglily ilnu-guc'," Thin VVil-on taul, t'No matter how many there arc, we houi the balance of power ami cun kill a'1 nrnka iiliyt." Holton answerer; ' Tin Republicans have gained 00,000 in four years Wilenn raid: "It is not Ibat tbe Republicans have gained. Il u that the Democratic parly dois n .1 sup press the vote an; mure' Tbep the niatur of the Sonatoiship capje lip and Wdspn said: "fSvery mnn J have seeo is pledged to me.!' Holton jiirj drily, "Hut you have seen only one.'' ff glfon said If) me bqut the tjjenator- abip that ha bad no doubt of Prilchard's ra-elcptjop, fod ud'leil, !'I ityiuk the Pop. ulista are ljouorab)e gen.letntp. We bae hjiited of t-iplr Copgressinjq fyr tbeiri If they (feci auy grulituda, they must show It. Then Upltou wui uakod if bu did not think there was a big aoli-Pritchard Populist movesient." IIe replied; ' The Populists wou't do anything which will read them out of the parly." As he said, this be laughed heartily, and remarked "of course this in jest." But Holton had Butler's opeu letter to Pritohai'd, and liat rrad it Very carelully. The bcorctary of tbe Republican committee smd of thir let ter: "II elects Pvitcliard," A Republican who has been t riivilllng in the Eastern part of the State, aiming PopulLla La Piitchard'o lnteiest, came in today and declared there was uo question - of his re-election. Some persons say that afjjmpts haye pen m,adc or will bo made . (o buy Populists votes. There are now 110 while bliud in the Institution for them here. In I tic cjlored - institution for colored deuf mules and blind there are 113. For the latter more - room is made. - President Chadwlck and S. L. D.ll of tbe Atlantic and North Carolin i railway were belorethe railway commission today asking that -the reduction .of the exon-ss rate on foot be not so great as was orden d by the cooiinisin 10 per cent. They claim this.rtduetluu is too great and that the express company with which thev 1 Jay a contrite objects. ' v Two convicts from VVilsoq cquuty ar rived at the penitentiary to.lny. ; A larga party of promiuent persons went to Southern pints tody, iu charge qf general passenger ag"nt Aqdefson of 1 the 8. A. L. to attend the opening of llie Pipey woods Jnq. Tbe ioiunuiioq casj of Rob-rt II weock y Bglilt-il lb Atlantic a id Nl1h Cal'i)lnu railway directors to rstmn th-'iu trjni from letfing the road f r 41 y asu (tie , Gohlsboio synd ca'cs will tie Inar LlnTon- . ludju ltoWticoa ul II. lib Novciuti I, 84lh. " :; . Tbe Rrpu'ilirai t-'itle co mutt'ee ha . officUL reports of li e v-le lor (lovvinor for 75cou ilie.. Us rxi:is all the oili returns in u day or so. I lie liul' u nui ineet mu,t huve at Um 85, 00 m j iruy majlie us much as iO.OvO. Tbs Railway CoinmiiKinii have dicided . to make a reduction of 10 per c.nt hi the fHieiit!1eA.4N.O. li. 8. . THE COTTON MARKETS, , . ', ; - November 17. TUB changes in cotton today have tken " - slight January closing at 7 63 a gilu of ' 4 points as compared with yesteMay'i ciosina: ' - ' : Taa transactions Id both Liverpool and .' -' Kew York were smalt in volume and tba fluctuations were narrow. - If is qbite generally conqeeded that the frost and cold weather has almost en tirely destroyed the "lop crop" in I , Texas and Arkansas. Ocean freight rain owing to the loi. meose movement of cotton and grai are very . high s't high in some in , stances as to binder business. ' Taa New Berne market Is steady at 8 1 to 7f. Mott of the cotton so'.d at 7c. . :, 'oqrs Tmy, ' :. :. . . . e, Lnw. TBI MARKETS. Chicago, November 17. ' -i . opamiKo. 0T.oa. December Wheat, 77 -761 January Pork, ' 7.75 7.021 January Itibs, g.80 ' 8.76 14&. Highest of all in Leavening Strength. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY PURE If. O. ELECTORAL VOTE. Caovaaa Completed Lnxt MlEbt.'Ke inrpa or Fall Votes. Special. Rai.biqij, N. C, Novcml er 17 -The canvass ol North Carolina's cLc'.oral vole was comple.ed tonight. Bryan electors ave'a-e 174,488. McKinU'y electois 155,222. Palmer and Buckncr electois 578. National Prohibition electois 245. Straight Prohibition eUctora 070. The differences between the votes for tbe various electois, were very small. Purely NeUMHtftoitiil. Special. Wasiiinoton, D. C, Ifovcmbif ft The Spanish Mu.isier Dolome, thinks Qencral iylcr must coiner Matc9,iu order to hi).ve a battle. lie dcclnrpd the ffibrxt ol hostilities belwun the United S ales uud Spam was only Siusnlioii il talk, Iiihi ilnng. Fbakrfout, ly November 17. The Court ol Appeuls has alliimed lliii dealh aenUnOcs ImposeU upon Hcolt Jackioii and Aloiizo Wallmjr, the iminl- lets oi Pcail liryaii. A l.ayriJT S'telebaliii. tjpeolal. Berlin, November 17 Today's pro cecdings in the Riichstajr, were q'ute as tuttresUng as yetcrduy's. member declared Uvmak tflbecnizv which paused much ponfusiou. Hnprenip Coqrt DeclHionn. Special. liALKiQid 0. Jfoyemb-r JT.--The Supremo Cm:t fllci tba fo:lowmg I'li'ii- lODS. Biteze vs Stanley, lrom Leooir. Af- hrmo'l. Taylor vs. Eikm, trom Ouslow, rever sed. Nash vs. Sutton lrom Inoir, nfliriiK cl. C. aul ft, Pnclllc Hold. Special. Chicago, November 17 '1 he Chicago and Noithern Pacific Railway was told today, lor; eight million dollars to the reorganize urn committee und bonnhold- rs. What Is sinful? Spocl.il, Albany, N. Y.Tsoycmbcs 17 Bishop Dcane comes out in a cnivl liivoiing dancing', theutre gon.c, card playin; and the use of wine in moderation. He says the universal donuncialion of stimulants reflects on one's diet. His idle to prohibit dauong', and the at as arc not at ail sinful. Nlar Pointer Wins. Special. Philadelphia, November 17. In the match today between Joe Patchen and St if pointer Tor one thousand dol lars a side, was won by the latter in three straight icas. V. M. t'otlon Crop 1H98-07. Willi the viow of securing reliable in formation upon which to base an approx imate estimate of the col ton crop of the United blates fr.r .this coltOB year, on November 5,ih we mailed 3 "50 J letters to selected corretpandenls banks, barkers, Cotton comtuission merchants, bn k rr, proprietors ol public tin?, railroad ofli i,d and pUnurs, coveni'g every coll n grown it ccnnlj iu the boutbuin Mate?, kirg he.r opinion ns toHlie p obablc yield in t lie' t uspcctivc locilitiey. i lids rlain in rcspouto to Mir letters re have iciMvtil 2 210 rephee, Oi" avenge l.ilj Noviniib r luti, Iran wihh we inuku ill.- foioiiu cdIihiuUi of ll.u tot- tourtop, for ill"- Jtar leeil I'll":' Alaba f4',b0.l tale'. Arkau-Ms, (i.'.7.(J;) " Florid", ' " . (icTijia," l,220,mi0 ' Louisiana, 4IH.0U0 " - Mississippi, 00l,0U0 " Ninth Carolina 4U4.0JO ' South Caioltna 717 0J0 . " Tmneisee, &c, 281,0 )0 " Texa, &c, 2.2.U.000 " . ToUl Crop, 8,022,000 ' The great mass of these letter indicates that tho crop this year is from three to five weeks earlier than osual, that it lias been morketud with greater rapidity, on account of tlriuKent mpney and urgent demands of merchanl to make collections previous to election, and lhat picking ul this date is nearer completion I hap ever before known. Where any top crop is reported, it has been seriously injured, if not destroyed, by frost, and from a large area of country do top crop la reported stall. The foregoing information Is conOdootly submitted to our friends and the cotton trade as Itelqj thy most reliable that can bp oblftiocd at this date, by earnest effort, from responsible correspondents living in the cotton growing section, ... VJ truly. Lath a, ALEXANDKa A Co. TO CUKE A VOt.ISilN.oaiB DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quiuiue Tabkifss All druggists refund the money if It fails lo cure. 23c. NEW BERNE, N. Baiting Want the Flicht. " Special. New York, Novenlier 17. The Bo' emian Athletic club, of New York, has offered a purse ol $2i,C00 for a fight between Corbett aud Filz-siuimons. t aatlcs Coiuliiy Home. Rpoclal . London, November 17. The Castles sail on board tbe steamer Havre tomor row. Where In It'rylerT Special. Havana, November 17. -Fe-irs are cnterune 1 f.r Ibo safely of Cc:.cri vVey Itr, Ins posiliQii bebiK uoV'Oivn, Ten llimisand iiiMiru'it- nic man -bin" on Puerto IVmcipi', tbe toyn, provitlcil W illi carts lor the purpose of looting il. War Mill h faclin. Special, Niw YohKi Noumb.r 17. S.x K were (jmct and lower lod iy. Tint tiuier tii'iHy regarding Cuba siciucd lo l;c a file tor govcruSuy ;h!ci.. PERFECT 'ii'd FTmiuiciit an; the ciit'cs be Hood's !Sars;ipa:i!la. bc- caiioe if makes pure life and liealth-ifiviiijf rich, honlthy, BLOOD. In oprning up tbe NEW BEUNE REAL LaTATE AGENCY, it is our aim lo brino those who hiivg plaess to rent orp, and tuo5e wnntiu to rent into closer cQii)iui:iicatiou. Also for the pur pose ot buying and selling houses aud IntR. rriv.a t.t K. E. HARPER. 71 Craven Street, BROAD STEEET Fruit - Store ! A NEW DEPARTURE. I with to inform my Iriendsand patrons lhat I have opened a wholesale depart ment in connection with my retail s'oro, and am receiving ft fresh lot of goods by each steamer. M slock consists of the very bes final ity of Apples, Bananas, Lemons, Pear , Peaches and Confectioneiies; also C -bages, Irish Potatoes and Unions. In connection with this I will carry a lull line ot Family Groceries which I will sell cheap for cash. Th'iiikins you for past favors, and boptug lo merit the continuance i f same, I am yours Obedient, J. D. BARFIELD, No. 53 Broad Street. I am buying my Roods in the North cm Markets tor cash, nnu will sscll as cheap as any house in the city. L.OST ! Ccrliflcaic of 3tock No. 256 A. Si N. c' It. It. In lien of th's 1 sl certillcate ap' plica. ion will be made for duplicate. ROBT. 8. PltlilROSE. I Mjn e eTiiKt ISeceived Another Car Load of Fancy Rockers, Fancy Hall Stands and Baby Can! ges and lots of other Furniture too numerous lo mention, and will off-r special bargains oruie next l fc?t davs to as to make mom for our stock. Cull and examine belore pulchasing elsewhere. Respectfully, T. J. TUItWEIt. NEW BEUNE, N. 0. Fair Warning ! City Tax Collector's Offlec. V X - Uovembor li, i89g. After Novembdr 20th, I- will proceed to collect the taxes due the city of New Berne by levying on the personal property of. ALL In arrears, Pay up and- avoid expense and trouble. , ! f : D. Jfc LOVICK, City Tax Collector.' Powder REAL ESTATE AGENCY. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING It 71 Broad St. Have Just Rec'd ! Atmore's celebrated Mince Meat, Choice quality French and Cali fornia Prunes, Evaporated Pe ;ches and apples, Silver Piunes. Macaroni aqd Cream Cheese, Fresh loose Oat Flakes, Grits aud Big Hominy. Nice Fruit Jelly 5 cents per pound; Frosh canned goodf, all kinds; nice Cucumber Pickles oc. per doien; small Hams and Bicak.'ast Strips; The very best Butter fresh from t!'e dairy; fresh roasted ColRe, 2d, 23, and :'0 centj gioir d to order, Tbcb.ai of ivviythiii' ill tlie giocery line a', ihe lo-.vii! pus oible pricis. atl-faution guuanleid. GIVE US A CALL. lltspccllu'.ly, 91oncy to ILoiisi, On City Property or approved Personul security. Long or Short Time. O. Rei.EXSTEIS. Noyember 14th, IS!. Have Kinn t-i ! From 44 Craven St. To 30 Middle St. Where I shall bo glad to see my customers and all others who want plumbing, stuam and gas Otting done. W. Benxlry. 80 Middle Street. If you would laave Better : ; Times Then put your shoulder to the wheol and push with all your might It you owe U3 call and pay us, that will help us and you will be doing the right thing. If you need anything in tho Hardware liiaie. Such as a "Hagup" King Heater, or a "Victor Hicvoh'. or 3 J.!) Dixie Plow for instance. Call on us, wo will treat yon right. Respct. Yours, I.C.Wtiitty&Go Neutl the C!iil?rou ! We Ircal thuui just as well, il not In tea , than giown folks. Whatever tin) get herd will le jut riglit. Tlds is careful place Only the bast is good enough for sick folks nothing but the best can be had here. EifWe raahe a eiwc'alty ot Prcscrlp. (ions. BRADHAM'3 PHARMACY. Notice ! To James A. Bryan, Chairman of the 3oard of Commissioners of Craven County, N. C: As a member of the P.onrd of Commis sioners oi Craven County, I hereby re- quest yiulo Call a called metlug of tbe Board ot "PoinuiNooers of Craven coun ty, to be held at the courthouse of Craven county, after advertisement according to law, as provided in Section 700 of the Code. E. W. Smam.wood, Mketiko or Poaud or County mission wis: Cou Nutico Is hereby gtrm timt there will be a meeting of the Board of Com mis loners of Craven County, at the Court House in iNew Uurne on Baturdrv, Kor. Slat, at It o'clock a. m. for the transac tion of such business as way come before turn, t JAMn a. Uatis, ubmn, UcDanie Mil NOVEMBER. 18 1896 FOR 1 OltXS, Use Zonu's Corn laf, lO cents, at Davis' Pharmacy. Certificate Lost. Certillcate Xo. 5-10 for Oup Slmm nt the . & N. C. Railroad Com nan v. huv- ioy k'tli lust. HnnliCiitinn will hni for a duplicate thereof. L. F. KTYRON. Books Stationery ! LATEST NcMvspnppi cals mill cMiiiuinrs, be found at s, Peri ovi nia nhvay T. W, WATERS'. 105 Mi .Idle St. :s?"Subscri;tl':ii3 Kceiveillf-ir all peri- odicaU. bchool sunnlies for s;i1b. (b-der taken for school supplies. Latest &aii ilard Novels. Pencils, paiii, inks, etc. KINGS BRINGS aviii:tui:h oyer 31 ES" or NTOVES, So if you want the best Stove 011 the market buy tbe King Heater. A'do 11 fine line of Con,l Stove?, I Iff. Cutler A; Co. FRESH TAFFY I 3Iiu!e Every Day. 'cuiiuls, I.I' 111 cut s, Vauilli, Fruit. ( t'eaiii ami ( ocoatiiil. FRUIT A SPECIALTY. Hiudipiancr- for Piiics. C"iir Iloli'crs Tobacco's Ml I (Cecals X..i:.. & CO. Next to Post Office. Kf5 AGENCY Hazard Gun Powder. ME IU' II A NTS SAY EtMOXK Y uv LEAvixo'rvoru iou- I Kits YYITH K. F. TJLRICH, Grocer. 45 miDDLS STittET. icilij's lili'lil ( I !7 MIDDLE ST. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFtULLY COMPOUNDED A full line or Toilet JS.iap, Per fumeiy, etc. Laxative Uioruo Quinine, cold in one day. Cures i (cr.nan Dye?, nil colova. Each packauo ilyes AVaoh u, Cotton, Silk or Linen Publics. Natitha Uornx S-vop a pure white Sonp no cheiiiic Is. Tbe beit in Hie wovlU nlnlms L'.uen, washes Laces, superior (lor Toilet use. Claud M. Cook, 132 MIDDLE STREET, Next to Kafor'a llakory, has just rocoived some nice Malaga . QrRe and CoconnntM. 3 snus 3 SDKS Zeigler's hand matiG SIides just iu, m four styles -Rich rn and NeecIIe and Lnn- dem HeeI and Spring HeeI at 2,UU pair, EvEry b n a y knDWS 2GlglETJS shoEs ars up-ta-datE,j sn why mEntiDn their qualitiES, ThE Ernandi- mEnt ui cDiniErt and durability is ta he had :n Ze idlers J. H. Hackburn, Nneees.vr to Ilaeliburii A WHletl. 47 & -10 Pollock 8tiii:i:t. ALSO BROAD & QUEEN STS. ESTABLISHED 1882 am Belter Prepared Thau Era1 to i) Your B- PF1INTIN in u With .Nialness' ami D:siatch,' .V lolHinc 1' Klivuiopr-,'. s'ipii'i: ' SATISPAl v. Not.- end Hill Read?; i' ii't A'i-i iD" Cards, i tc. ulA'-iys (,u baud. X (!L All A STEED. I wi.-h .( il, . for tin ir r pat, h..pii.L- i their luluie c i Thono 3?. icy fuc'icl-c : nd (wtrons ' 1 1 patronise in tho r In atiiunt to sccuia . HILL, 61 S. ri-cat Street 1 proverb u have a 1 e wcar Wliethor lv takiw 11 1 .:o I'M ! i;thic-c .-. ' '.! toiv well ' :i. ". e 'rv 10 1I1 r -, a! ;c:v lime to ': -ic -. 'A e want 53. C!if! trick. mi JUST RECKIVF.D AT MV STOKE. OF TOBACCO which must be ,rJ Ad at omcc at prices r. ii.v.v lrom ITI O". 0 Ms aii'i "xaiu- iilC j Yours Ecspt. JOHN DUNN, 55 & 57 Pollock St. W. P. Burrus Ralph Gray. Who'c-'i!o mill liotnll Dealers In HAY, aud all kinds of Colioi and. Corn M$i 21 CnAVEN St. . , mwm Grain M. i .j