TEEEiBElE JQtfflL CIIAKLES L. STEVENS. ' EDITOB AMD Phdpbietor. : New Basra, N, C. Not. 18, 1896 r Kntcnd at the Port Office: at Hew Berne, V K. J. as second clua matter. .7 ""'.' - ' Thi Daily JocaiuL (except Monday);! Uvered by currier la tlilt city, at U oenta er month, ..-,''' lava Moxtm, Invariably In advance, $1.00 UnTin ' , " " K00 WtniT Jodbkal ene year, to ad ranee, $1.1 Advertising Kates given on application at the office. .... . Five eenta per line will be cnargeU for rda of Thanks, Beeolntlone ol Respect and Obituary Poetry; also tor Obituary Ktttjes her tnaa those which the editor himself hall atve as a matter ot news. ' ., Notices ot Chnrch and Society and all other - entertainments from which revenue Is to be derived will be oharged for at the rate of ftve -. - .aline. ' :. The Johemal will not under any ciroum ' stances be responsible for the return or the -. ate keeping; of any rejected manuscript. Mo exception will be made to this rule with re ard to either letters or lnciosnres. Nor will i Editor enter Into correspondence eon. ernlDH rejected msnngcriiit. TALK BETTER TIMES. The fact that the Presidential election is over, and the issues of .that contest being settled, is in it self enough to warrant a change for the better all over the country, as it removes an uncertainty which hung like a pall ovot the business enter prises of the country. ' 7 x But while there has cooio an end '"'. the election contest, and all the r ' excitement that prevails in a Prcs t Idantial year, with its consequent hindrance to trade and new enter ' prises of all kinds, there is nothing r v.v to warrant a boom at present any where. J. be booms that are visible since i, .,'the election are of a character that - benefit the working classes, in that they have been the opening of fac tories which have provided work for many thousands, The community in the Santh that has sat with folded hands and looked lor a boom because it waB predicted, has not and will not rea ize or see it. Better times are not the product of waiting communities, but they iy. come to communities whoso people believe in their town, city and sec- '. tion, and prove their faith by their works, in elevating every local en terprise and dignifying everything connected with their city. There will not be any improve ment In communities whose people " do not talk better times, who are not cheerfully and courageously at work, and who will not admit that today is better than yesterday, and that tomorrow still greater things will take place A people that talk and act better times will not fail to see them in their midst, while the grnnters, the .prophets who talk only calamity will never have anything but 111- fortane swiftly pursuing them, and the sooner it overtakes this class of . ' people the better it is for the com munity in which they live. Talk better times to your neigh bor. Encourage every one who is looking about to develop some new industry, and never fail to talk up your town, at home and abroad be a living, active aeent for its devel opment, and never discourage any promotion of home enterprise by talking against it, Good times are started by active . people. A temporary lull comes to every community, bat the people should let it bo but a lull, a mere breathing spell, a taking of a firmer hold which shall again start up the progress and advancement of the community's interests Get into the sunshine of talking better times and there need be no dark times for the people of a com munity which shall so live and act. How's This T . Wo offer Onejlluodred Dollars Raward for an; case or Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hal.'s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cbehet & Co., Props. Tokdo, 0. Wf, the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for the last 13 years, and believe bun perfectly honorable io all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. WkT& Troax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Wilding, Rinnan & Marvin Whole sale Druggists, Toledo. , Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally cling directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bot tle, dold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Ball's family Tills are the best. JASPER ITEMS. Mrs. John Tippett, of Groatan is isiting ber parents this week, f Mr. C. II. Wetlierington's brick chimney to hit residence is comple ted. The yonng girls belonging to the Union Sunday school at St. Paul karch (formerly known as the old Stony Branch church) are going to have a basket party at that church on Thanksgiving night November the SGth, No girls under 18 years of ago will have baskets to sill. - We hope all whofeel interested in help ing to make tip mouey to have a X ma tree to please aed encourage the children of this anion school will willingly and freely aid iu the party which we hope will be enjoyed by all who may attend. There will be a few hymns sung, led by Mis Pennie Daugherty of Tascerora and a prayer by the superintendent; Will meet at 7 o clock. Mrs. Ed Wetherington and sistei Mrs. Vio Moore spent last Saturday in New Berne. Mrs. Moore engag ed Dr. E. II. Goldberg to do her entire dentistry work, which he did with the most case that any ont could. She gives a glowing account of his manner of working and euji ho is the most gentle and patient dentist she has ever met, aud ha. been persuading others to have him do their work. Mr. George Sutton, of Mt. Kisco, N". J., has killed .three wild turkeyt and has had lots of sport hunting and killing game. Tbo dogs are very good and jump deer, but thej don't go near Mr. Sutton. He left Saturday to join some of his North ern friends in a deer hunt below New Berne. They will camp in tbe woods while hunting. Ho is only gono to spend a few days and we wish him success. We are very sorry to state that Hoscoler, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pate is very ill, we hope he will soon recover. Mrs. Wm. Dawson spent Sunday last with Mrs. C. II. Wetherington Mr. C. H. Ango of Tuscarora, spent a few hours Sunday with Mr. C. II. Wetherington. We are very glad to state that Mrs. A. B. Dawson, who has been very poorly for some time, is very much bettor. Mr. J. T. Daly of LaG range, came down ono day last week on business. to trBE A:coi.n;:iN oke oat Take Laxative flromo Quinine Tablets All dtuggMs refund the money i1 it fails to ci re. 25. SWANSBORO ITEMS. Mrs. Carrie Shepard, of Polloks ville, is still stopping at Mrs. G. W. Wards. Mrs. Mattio Frazille, of Wards Mills spent last Saturday and Sun day here visiting friends. Sho was i welcome visitor. Miss Mamie Bryant, daughter of Mr. J. Ii. Bryant of Hadnots point New river, is going to the private school of Mrs. Flora ox of Wil mington, N. 0., who has been teach ing here for some time. Mr. Elias Anderson, of Vanceboro Craven county, was down last week prospecting with J. F. .Pretty man the saw mill man here. Mr. Flinches, tho Baltimore drnmmer, was in to Bee us last week he comes along pretty regular. miss Ijuiu iiatseii ono ol our young ladies is our book agent now, Rev. B. Ward was on time tht 2nd Sunday here. He preached two good serm.jns. Rev. II. Cole preched h is fare well sermon hore last Sunday night 8th inst to a very Inrge audience. We expect he will be sent back hero next year, every one seems to like brother Cole. QFishing and clamming is all the go here now, plenty of little mullets, they tell for 50c. per hundred. Trout very scarce Captaius Buck- master and Dennis caught 110 large sheephead, 91 largo speckled trout and 150 small drum fish last Satur day, the 14th inst,, in the surf with seino. They sold in Morehead for $20. Fishing for gray trout and blue fish outside is pretty good sport now. This scribe, with Capt. George Littleton and two others, caught 125 trout and 2,800 mullets last Tuesday, but we didn't catch the mullets with hook and line, lines without tbe hook, was the mullet catch, and hook with line the trout. Gray trout sell for 2c each and speckled trout for Cc each Mr. Dave J. Moore has bonght himself a "talking machine." lie calls it a "Graphophone and it is a great curiosity with some of onr DELICATE" TtTtAnnimT .T-'a FEMALE REGULATOR. IT IS A SUPERB TONIG and exerts a wonderful influence in strengthening her system by driving through the proper chan nel nil impurities. . Health and Etrenath are Guaranteed to result Irani Its use. ; My wife wss bedridden for eighteen months. IATOU lor two months. In getting well. e. t. ivtiMawn, jsairera, Arc BBADFICLD HE(ITJLaTAI CO., 4 TUTU, GA. wu. n m urattuu at 1-W f skU I peoplefliere. V Well, the election is over and Mc Kinlcy and Russell are elected. Wonder if. we sh.ill see any different times. We certainly don't see how we can have any worse limes in this country than we have had for the last 13 years. - Great rejoicing by some, and 'others aro very downcast. It is to bo hopc-l that the electors now elected will disponso good gov ernment trronr people. We behove it will be done to tho best advantage that they can do. - Hut there is ono thing we halo to see among our peo ple that is, - falling out with your neighbor for voting us he sees fit to vote. ' It has been the case here, as well as elsewhere. Somo of our cit izens ' chose to vote for McKinloy, iome for Russell, and others the Populist ticket, &c. My, my, my! how mad some people got, calling them names- and "nigger" loving peopli1, etc. , Blood is essential to health. Every nook and corner of the system is reached by the blood, and on Its quality the condition of every organ depends. Good blood means strong nerves, good diges tion, robust health. Impure blood means scrofula, dyspepsia, rheumatism, catarrh or other diseases. The surest way to have good blood is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine purines, vi talizes, and enriches the blood, and Bends the elements of health and strength to everynerve, organ and tissue. It creates a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep and cures that tired feeling. It is because of its great power to purify the blood that roimi Hood's Sarsaparilla has accomplished bo many wonderful cures. It makes the blood pure, drives out the germs of dis ease. Thousands today enjoy good health as the natural result of taking Sarsaparilla The One True Blood rurilier. All druggists. $1. H r:u I)0 not nurse pain or HOOd S PlllS grluc. All druggists. 2!e. CITY MARKET REPORT. Rib Side. 5.;. Short Burks 'if . Mess Pork (new) $i 30. Hump g9.S0. Short Clear $9.50. Han:, sugar cured, 12Je. N, C. Hums lCje. Fiesli I'ork fij to C. Lard Compound-, in Tubs, 5 to 5J. Be4 Leaf Lsrd in Tuba. CJs. Flour, beat patent, $5.25 to $5.50. Flour, Funcy Stiaifrht, fl.CO to $4.75 Straight, ft.40. Extra Flour $3.25. Granulated Sugar 4 jo. A Sugar 4f C Sugai 4 2-5o. Molasses 15 to 2.rc. Syrup 15 to 25c. Cheese 0 to 101c. Butter, Boquet Creamy, 20to 21c. Butter, Dairy, 17 to ISc. Kio Coffee 11 to 10c. La Guara Coffee 18 to 20c, --Crruuud Alum Salt 55c. Peas SO to 03. Chickens, grown, 4'ic. Spring Chickens 20 to 35c. Eggs 10 J to 11. Bicswax 20c. Peanuts 60 to 70c. Hides, dry, 2 to 6c. Hides, green, 2Jc Beef ou loot 4 to J-, Corn 40c. Oats. " Meal 3c. THE M YORK TIMES FOR T11K CAMPAIGN. THE NEW TOEK TIME3 will i mailed daily sod Suudavs to auy addit in the Uoiied S ate, Canada, or Met if, post u;-e free, until November 15th, lfclCti. covering the National campaign aud elec- uons, lor . $3.00. THE TIMES will print the ncws'ol this important campaign, on both tides, It hnM t rral everywhere. THE TIMES ran be read without debasing your intelligence or morals. NEW YORK WEEKLY TIMES $1.00 per Year. The Dully Times will lie sent tr) snv ad dress iu Europe, pottage included, lot f i.ou per month. . Tue addrrss of uVrcribeis will be chnnged as often as desired. In ordering a ehsngij of address bth the old and the new address liUST be siven. Cash in advance altvnys. Remit laocct at H e risk of I he lubiWibrr, nntat made bj Kwrisiercd Letter, Check, Money On iler, or Express Order, payable to "Tin New Xirk Times IWrslnng Vo," , Address all cmnmunicutumt thus: - TUE NEW YORK TIMES, ttKSfl . . Printing House Bqusre, . - New York City, NJY. v H , r,fj'' ...; '-; '; .' '.'',.: Oct Your Christmas Gift Free m two ounce bag, and two coupons inside each four ounce bag of Blackwell's ' Durham. Buy a bag of if this celebrated tobacco p .and read; the coupon Ii which gives a list of val uable presents and how trt crpt.thPtn ?3. Warrattcl to cure no y. 'flisre are miny 'm.tstior.s. To get the g nniiit J sk for rove's. ;NEW BERNE ACADEMY, v New Berne, N. C, Un:lurthe vliuorreorgnai2(ilion, oilers thorough loEtructton iu the Cla'sicnl and EurIisIi CoiiKe? oy a corps ni eminent E lucatnrs from Hie University or aSorth Carolina, Hoincr's Sehnol ati'inliier noted Educational Institutions. Tuition Ft 03 'Monthly in Advance. Primnry Depnrtment, $1.25 per month. Intermediate " 'J 2." Cla&ieal ." 0J " Forfurt' e: inVrrnt'rn, npplv or a.l dresp, i.ImiN S. Lono, LL., I). it. 11. A1BADOW8, T. A. Ghken, Board of .Regents. NORTH CAROLINA, ) CltAVEN COUNTV, j Julia Fctiil'nr, vs. Curfis Pi ttilur. fc'uparior Court. Notiok. The defeedent abive named, will takf notice, lhat ., sc.ion entitled as .ilK,ve. has-been coinmcDCi d in the Superior court ot Jones (1'iiiity, ly the pluinlifT atpiinM. ihe defenrient lor a (livoiee on ground of wilful abandonmcn'; and said l .I..r.n..,l Tlltrn.ll... I..I.. ..li.n lt-nK..L s n ntrri'd to npnrar at the next tctm of Jntlps Superior cotiit to be held at the coort hoii'c in Trenton, on the 22nd of March. 1897, nnd answer or demur lo the itompluint now on fi'e in said action, or the phiintift will apply to the eotul for the relit I demands i in aid action. This November 12, 18SC. S. K. KOONCE. Clcik Euiievioi Court Jouis Co. Only for To-day, it Sav?s Yon Trouble and Time. IIo! Just received One Iltindred tons of Marl to be sold hy the bushel, barrel or ton. Any wuy you want it. It is nice lo improve jour sidewalks or yardi and munv other nlace. And niu't it nice t( have a trend to keep this rourl in town so that every man, womm or child can 2tt it. bv the retail or wholesale. H I Well now, wo keep SAWED STOVE WOOD, stove, runae, nnd tiie. place wood, all ready under lare sheds nnd tcver gets wet in rainy wtather oak, isu, and pine. 200 000 BRICK FOR SALE, Laths, hnod made and tawed shingly, iilwuvs on liar.il Be sure nnd 'ohnnn RIP. HILLfoi arv. thing you want. 'Phono No. 10. Britk, shingles, marl, laths and wood. , Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all ft 5 ent buiinnacondncted for MoocnTI TtES. OuaOmetiaOfMOiTt U. 8. PTWTOrri? and wc can secure paieotia less tuua Uisa uuisv" remote from Wwhinfrtoa. . Send model, drawing or photo., Witn descrip i tloa. We odvlie, if patcnuble or not, free otl cliarfrS. Oar fee not due till patent is secured, j i n piAeipHLCT,Hli01irtoObuinPateDtl,wlthl cost of same in the U. B. and forciga counu ecj C.A.SNOW&COJ cut nwim, i Os. Pstcnt Ornci, WasHiNaron. O. O a TIIE HITS ISaltiniore, Md. The Paper of thoPeople For the People and with ihe People. Homst in Motive, Fearlcs in ExpresmD, Sound in Principle, Unsworvinjj i i ; its Allegiance to Right. Theories ' and Right Practices.. , The Sun publishes all the news air Ihe time-, but it doc not allow Its columns tr be degraded by unclean, Immoral or purely scmalionnl matter. . " ' . ."..', 7 Editorially, Tim Sos is the comislcnt and unchanging chaniplon and delcnder of popular tight and Interests nsnunet politictl rnBchines and monopolies ol every rnniacier. "Inueicn.'ent to all things, extreme In. noue. Ill for goon laws, good government and good order. ' ISy mail tiny (,ents a ruoulli, r5ixUoF utr ayear... '-,. ' 7'; '."' ;-' ' v' . " IiOCKUABT, TEXA8,,Oct 15, 1889. Messrs. Paris Medicine Co., - , ' 1 . -r- Pri,Tein. 7 7 , Dear Sirs: Ship n soorj as possible- 2 0-ot Oiqv(i'Tnteles Chill Tonic ity ctntoroeit want Grove' Tasteless Chill Tout and w-l not have sny oilier. , In ourexperlcnc-jof over 2( yirs In tlio dru'4 bu.ir.cs, we have never sn'd any medicine r-hi' h tavo Mich univeia I sat is Swtiou. 7 l'ours RmprcUttll.V, ' J. S. Huownb Co, -1 i Many thousand dollars J worth of valuable articles suitable" for - Christmas gifts for the young and pi 01a, are , 10 De given 10 smokers of Blackwell's Genuine Durham To bacco. You will find -one coupon inside each North fardlra Cjnfsrenc II. ?. Chwoa ' South, Coavonisg at Ztes'.oa, IT. C. Bccembsr, 9ih-. 1833 T Ailuotic & North Cnrtillr-a It-iilroaJ, l'asserycr 1). pailn en'. N. w Heine. N. C, Nv., 10, 1396. To Agents Atlantic and North Carolina Kiilroad: .. ' You will sell lifkds llif hliovo fiom your station to lfmston and ii mm id T:ir ill'Kn, 2. Tieltets to he foi l OiCuniBi 7tb. 8th, ind Utli, good .to rUnm tin'il December 19th, ine'uiva. . S. Ii. BILL, O. V, A FINANCIAL. Farmers & tVlerchants ...BAriK... 3eREixi I3iiSlai.e3ai.Ma.3r, 1891 Cnpllal Stock, palrl In .S7S,ftOO.Oe Surplus S.MMJ.OO Uniiividu! Pro'.it 3 500.00 OFFICE38: f.. If. (3iitt.ru. T rasident. I W.H.!ii.nH!K. Vl-e Pres. T. W. 1)1 W K V, (.'as! I ti'l'. J. . lliinii.K, Telli r. F. F. MATTiiiiws, Ocllector. "With well esrahllalierl oonneotlons this jlank Is iuciiflre(l to otrer all aeiwHiimodR. tlonsconsi.tnit with coiisei-vntlve liariklm;. l'romit and eareful atteurion Klven to col- ?'.''S ohnnires or ooeniinr now aonmiiiiji. ,. , ,. T. A. Clveen, Pres, J5 H. Itcadows, V!c Pros ii. M.ouovBS.Cashhr. UmthiVM 15AJM DO A GKNKB4L PANKJX HtlStNHfS' The Accounts ol Hanks. Uanheta, CJoejM)i atlous, riinnere, Slerclmnts am! olliers,re coived on tuvoealile terniR. ro'iipt und curd, hil nttcntion ulven to the initopKt ol our et s loruers. -ColRet'.or.a abpcclulty. no 11D OF Dl It KOT KS . (onlinar.d Ulricfc, r'. II. Moailowa, .1. A. Meltdown, 1:Iih. Dully, 4r. Hriiiiuel W. Iprwk, . Iniro ttei'lmond, Chas. tr. Kow er, WnyerHalin, I. w. Uraincer, Thomas A. Green ' E. W.Siiinlltiooil, V . f.Knv. Geo. N.lvos. W. r. Orooltett. ;. a. eeyaii. H3. iav:;ls, President, VieslFres. a.r. EOIBWS. Cashier. THE NATIONAL EAftK, FiasrooRroE-TECD laes. Capital, $100,000 Surplus Profits,.. 98,16 DIHKCTOrtS: Jas. A. brtan, Thos. DAfnRr.s." ('HAS. 8. ItKVAN, .1. II. llACKHUttS .Ino. 11i't.H. 1 HAnvKr: O. H. ltOHkKT tS.'K. IlISUOF; PltOFESSIONAL. P. SI. Simmons. A. P. Ward Simmons Sk - Ward, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS at LAW. NEW BEHNE, N C. TPrsotUe In Craven. (Jarteret. Jni)os,I.pnnu and Onslow und i'aniltco ootinties, snd the Supreme Court, (irtlee at No. US bouth Front stroel, opiiotilte Hotel tnattwkn. Ir. E.II. CJoIilJerg, SURGEO-ORAL DINTIST, ' Office: Hughes Ituildlng, 7 3.E. Corner Mliiniesnd Potloek Kticels,over liraiiiuiui a ruanuncy. NEW BKIO'B N. ;. " - I. II. jolleticr, ATTORN ET AT LAW, s. Middle Street, Lawyer Crick Buliaing'. '," '.' Will iirnetlee In tlie Comities of0ravn Cartoret, Jonee, inslor and Pivmneo. U, H. 'unit nt N.-w Ileino ann (jujireuu Lours 01 ItU. EtJ:?H.' JA3. Pruidsrt, Vics-Pros't, - e. B. vuijs, ttK 7 a I're&u. Hev Bcrns Igs Go manufacturers a . ,t ' WM: CRYSTAL IC 'From Ditille Wuttr. Out-put 20 Tons Ot.il -". . , .-' ; " . Csr Loid Lots Folicitcil. Ice delitered daily (except tiunday) 0 i. m, to e p. m Hand ihiys (le'nil only) 7 a.J m. to 12 . Fur price aud other inform ition, noon. address, ' U.S. GUION, Manager, One thousand for One v.! TttAp8 UAfllf.) r - ACCIDENT TICKETS. The Inter-State Casu a Company, of New Terk, give THREE MONTH'S Insurance $1,000 for $1.00, i; . to men or women, ... between IS anl SO years ol niro, avalnst fstal htreen Aioioeiits a-ioor,, or on isKTeies, lloi'KHK.Witirfm. lioi-Hi fliirs.Ttnlti-oid Cars. ' l-.lnvateil, Urlilire, Trolley and (Jnbla Cars, bu aiiialiipa.hiett'nooiii. uuu oiokiu roiriea, rerieey . w? Kit-rot. Vou tun no risk. All druggist guar tide Grove1 Tsstelens Chill TouiC to' do all that the manufacturer claim foi it OfLaiiro Koilr of Valuable Timber and Valuable Tracts of land. PiirMiant In a in.iym'rjt rf the Suiwrior C .ii't t Ji uis cnnoif, in that-. evitniu letmn in niceial ninctryimiir cittnlcd V, E.Frtj Ad-iinistiator, B,Joliiiii!eeeied, v.. Krirrk M. Ji uMua mid ctlieis ii 'ams I 1 M. Ilad-H.t aitur'iiiin lor taid in- f ntei'V wh'Cl'jalyment the said V. E. S.'y sdiii'mstiKior wft' appoiiite I tom- n. r l Ml nM jlniu-r nud land, t-h' end. rs'L-ni-'d conimiasiOnn as directed iiy siid Judmmi, ill on Monday the 14 h iiny 1 lii-crn.ber latin, nt ia ociot k ii.ell to t'ie h'tthrst liidiior for cab at the Court Ht:ue o'oar in TieoU.n, all the 8 1 Ini'ier oftvery kind ftandnif and grow. 'B!f, or om-rttise meauuiij; a' ovo iv nciies at i hi- biisa wlien ut with inc prtv i f jje to liip U'clinseRuf ten yi"m to fut and r mm tde eiime uiiou the fiilowina d.wribod trucU iif land one trict of land lyir.tr in 4"tit a county, known jib the. Mc Oi tw ImeU tsciibel as . lonows io-wm: I'b inninj at h .Muiberrs nee standing on Vluu- fk road, a'.Kjnt ICO yards Eittnf iii.v .1'Miton road loik, thin with tee Whin- Oak roud foutli mid Ea3t to Ticn- lin ! k il en npTienton rosd N. 12, E. i.n i,oies u tt,ecro"K ot mc toia tusi ny a (.on i, iheo N 81. West 1 pohis lo a Iimj nnwirl pin", then nith the Ssunder--. n' ni e S. 834 West 164 poles to a Black Chiuu. fast above tho head of Wm.' Mun nine Isnmcii in n flit, then 8. 23, W. 43 poles to ii slake in the run of tbe Branch, ibi n down the various, courses ot ine earn Mundintt Biane.h t' White Oak river, then down the said river to a stake at the S. U'h end of the Stevenson-Manly, soine tiii'iis called tlie cr mpromife liun, then Ni-r h 12J, East 208 poles io4he Mald-r ly, the beginning, containing dds acres m ire orli f s. ': ,''...;' : V-'' Also one iither tr.ict in the siid county of Junes, bejiinning at 'Gil'sou's bridge, iiiniong wi:h the mam or uublic road up to Amos Ileiith's line on f:d public wad n- iir the Tienlou road, then with tbe I vur.oUa courses; nt his line 10 Ine river known in ihe Roberts Low (ironed, al?o another pieie or parcel ot hind bev inning nt Su.iih's Mill bridge, running up wiih the Polloksvllle roail lo Buck Siivannnh ro.i:l to Ados Heath's line, thercil with Lis ii nd Lewis BynUm's Mrs. U C. Ohl fie'd's. Enaenia M. Ohlilcld lines to the rivtr, thence down the river to the be ginning. The two lust described tracts I'eing the hmds nilctted to the heirs of B Jenkins iu Ihe division of ihu lands l e- lorglng to lignum and Jenkins (Lewis Gyntlin a . ., - . . , Jt - ., nd B,i!.il Jenk.n8dece,,s.d). said two tiacts A'so one other tract, near White Oak tiver atout 44 miles fiom Mavsviile ad- jonrn ng ihe Iand9 of P. F. Hugttins on the West emu Mamsii uniins on ina Konn nl East, being the nine eouveyed lo B. Jenhcns hv Simon Dixon by and dated duy ot 18 contdning 50 acres more or les. " '"' - And at the same time ard place the ituli tfigned Commistisner will sell lotbe highttt biddei h r cirsB ,tlie laD'ie aDove (leH-nlwd less the timber standing, grow ing or oiheiwie thare oo rue-euring above 10 inches nt case when cut, The timber above mentioned and like wire the hmd will he sold in tracts. This November 12ih. 1896, - C. Ei. IOY, Commissioner. : II. L. GIBBS, Attorney. Sale ot Land for Par tition. By virtun of a Judgment ot the Superior l otirt t.i Graven miiioiv, in me speeuu pinceeding for Purtitionwherem Nei dham ilairisen, Samuel Burrison and Matthew (Imrison are Plaiutitfa, nnd KatieCorbitt, and Elviu Jones aie Defendants, I will -ill p.l Public Auction for (ufh, on Jion 1..V, November 30th, 1890, at 12 M., hi the highest bidder the lollowiog described Lund in Craven County. North Carolina, tir'j i'id ng the Ephiaim Dauhertj tract ot latnl, lying nn the Noilh side of Bach tier's Creek, beginning ut a Cjpress on i ho Crei k Run, and runs North 60 tie grees West to the William Wetherington I'urk line, then around nnd with said William Wetlierington's upper back line to the Creek, thin down tbe Unek to the beginning, containing 12S seres more or !e. . ' D.ited this October 30lh, 1896. , CUAltLES 1L THOMAS. . .W Coinmissiouer.- Exeeutrix Jfotlce. : Huving qualified nsExecutrix of A. II. Powell, deceased, late of Craven Countv, State of Nonh Carolina, this ie to notify nil (erfons having elviois against the estate ol mid dectased to exhibit them to undi.'riignrd nn or before the 1st 1'ay i.l November, 1H07, or' this notice will he plead in bar of tbeir recovery. AH per sons indebted to said eUale will please mnka w)nirnt. :- ' ,' This the SOih dnv of October. 1898. . . ,.... EMMA IL TOWELL. -.--f. w ;' . Executrix. lodd poison A a3PECIALTY';Ss; "HJcored In 15 to 86 dnyt. You can tie traatod a hnmAfllPMnw nHM.nilMnm. i. r Mn tr. if 70a prof artoeomo bare we wiiioon tract to par railroad fareaod hotel buia.atwl 30fiioru, If we fall to euro. If rou have taken mer enry, Iodide potnah. anil rllll bave aches and anlnii. M uoous Vatclies inmoutb, Hore Throat, t'lraples. Copper Colored Kpots, Dicers on sny rirt ot th9Dody.lt eir or Eyebrows falling; eat, It is this tteoondnry llLOOIl POltSON we guarantee to enre. wdsolicMthemoatohetl nato chsos and ciialleope the world for t cuss weCumintctire. Tula diieaee has always btttHetl the skill of tbe most eminent phyal Ciuno. SAOO.000 capital behind our encood tionolffairftoty. Abaoluteprofant sealed oa SPPUcatkoo. AMrfn COUIV KKIMKOV VOL .01 Mtteonlo Xuiuple, CiUUAOU, ILU KTOCK TOIt NAIiE, And Honey to Loan, Mechanic and :.;'.' Investor Union. . ,. 0 3.-C. Diibwry, Preiident. ., - 11. T. Jkrmak, Treasurer. , Geo. Allin, Kecrttary. 7 Or RALEIGH, N. C. V OXt I1U0 slmrri! of Savina Slrck lor Hiu iiioiiniiy payments 01 00 rents escn, wi'hWieen ent, that if the owner dies be- furc tnaiu'l' y.llie ittnatning pstmonts will be mtde from the Gunrantce Fund. (Such rT.yii.onts aie now being maue lor Iter, I W. K. I'ogira and A, H. I'owcll. Full Paid luvittnient Stock, For value' $100, is sold lor tin rah, and I secuied I by lie-1 E-tste Mi rtgiats. Taxes are paid 1 bytheUnlOB. Cush divid nd of six er cnt per annum, paid si mi annually at Ihmk by Coupon.' The Urinn will re. turn cost ol'.Stock, with Pivlileod tn ' dnte, upon applicaiion. Or 10 years after ' ilhto will pas $100 per share, thus (riving additional pMflt-of per share. This is one Ihe Safest and bent Invntmenls ever ofl'ered. branches will be orgnulxi-d and Loans made in sny Town, where stock U held. Good Agents VViihd. Andre GEOltUK ALLEN, Sscietsry. 22 Tullea Building, lluleighN. C. . Trustees LI j I .: Trustees sale nl a large Trnct of b'e Tiiubei nd Farm Lund iu C ,-t County, North Curolina. Uy vinw or a rieed of trust or i gigo rt sd from William lL Hilliard Lm-y K llijliurd hi wife to me as traua ilalerl Jnon ny 3ntli., 1891 and duly re- corded io ihu otU'T. ol the Uegteter of Oee'is ofCuilerrl Co ,nty, Nonli Caro I na n March 5h 1891, in dwxl book Q. Q at pge 72, for the purpose of se curing to Lotus Hilliard lbs payment of tho note therein specified, default having been ' iimde in the payment ol ihe raia note, and at the request of Nellie Billiard Eserutrix or said Louis Hilliard, (now decrawdl. I shall sell at public auction In front of the Cnit tlouso door in Beaufort . M indov. the Tib dt ol Decern tier, 1898. at U o'clock a. m.j t!w following proper- . ty which is descnliea in (am oeea as fol lows, ti'-wii: "A certain tract ot laud r sdnoied and bciiiK in Cnrleiet Coonty, -J North Cnrolins on Bluck Creek and New iort River, eontaioin" twmiy biur hun- . . urtd tiud sixty tivc (2463) Acres more or less, beintf the identical lands purchased from It S. Pultun on tbe 6t b;, diy ot January 1891, : by the taid William B. Hilhaid ai.d the died liom said B. 8. Pulleato VTIllhim H.Hiilisnl, t hereby rcferrid to lor a mnr particular aud dtfl.' -uite tit scrijtlon thereof - ' This property is siluuted on tbe New- port River about eijtht miles from More- Lend City and about three mile from Newport nud adjoins 'he Carteret County ' -C.uli piopeity and others and is raid to w contain according to a survey made for ' Siid Willium H. miliiini alioot Five Thousand twohur.drcd .iind Eighty (5390) AcriS...:.:. 4. .--''':;-,:,:;;.' i The property' however trifl be io!d lo erofSuudnot l ihe acre. Terms: 'Cash sufficient to psy the coti..f executing the , j titist, t.hc debt prnrerl viiih ttte interest due tin re u, ta $370, kinl the balaace " to i e paid in tn o t quid payments in one . ,ba v,arsiYmn date ol sale with In. from .... tafe for . uui. tnt putchiser is to givt noies secured by a deed of liust on the propeitv at hi ex pense, or all cash at bis option, 7 7 -. JOHN R. JENKINS, Tnutee. AddrKS, Norfolk, Va. : Sale of C)lty Irota. ? ,. ' ' ' By virtue ol a Judgment ot the Super. . ior court of Craven county in the Civil 7 n..itAu iri, nna ArriAMmUtM. era of Crwen county v MaryB. Brown ... 1. I ;il c.ll a, ....l.lln .. .Inn f... aiw. . mil nn ijuviiv. nn , ...u, . . . d,, t the court irons door of Craven Monday, November S'llh. low, at ii o'clock, nnon, being the first day of the V" .-,,,.. , n, i,iDkM i.i.in.r ,i,. rnn.. . x" a i iriiu ui ine eujje. lur i-uuib ut visTvsi in It al Ksiste: -7 . Lots Nns. 80 and 61 in the olan of the est lie of Joshua Kcott, deceased, situated on the west fcle of West street (between Cedar and Elm ttrecle) in the City of New Berne, No. 9 township, Craven county. North Carolina, being the Mine lots c'onvtjed by F. C. Roberts, Clerk and Muster in Equity toEdward Brown, by deeil recorded in book No. 82, (olio 44, Office of. the B giiter ol ' Deed of Ctaven county, and atterward devised -bf said Edward Brown to Isaac K. Brown by his last will and Teitameot, recorded In Bonk "E" or Will of laid County, Folios 113 and 113. : . This October 80th. 1896. 7 - v : ', CHARLES B, THOMAS, ' ' " Commission efc Commissioner's Sale ot VALUABLE SEAL ESTATE. Pursuant to judgement of the Super! or court ol Cravn county, N. C, tea .' dered at May Term, 1806, ia tbat certain action entitled A B. -Dwod Dd Ann C. Dawson vt Geo. F. Hill and Bsrth C. Hill, his wife, appointing the undersigned commissioner to sell ih Und hereinafter described, I will sell at Ibe court hoot door ftrNew Berne, Craven Connty, N. 0. on Monday, the 30lh day of November, 1896 Oing lb first day of Fall Term,. 1800, ol Ciaven coun'v Superior court) ' at twelve (12) o'clock, noon, to ' the highest bidder frr cash, the (U lowing described Real Estate, to wit: All . that piece or parrel of laid lying and be ing iu the County of Craven, Township No. 0, end known and designated a fol . lew, vis: Being tbat tract or parcel of land whereon the parties of the first part (the said Geo. F. nd Burah O. Hill now reside and rdioining the lands of Cicero Green, Sins Heath, Cbarle Weathering- ' ton and Uezikiah Davis and containing 200 acres. . ... - - Thi October BSrd, 1898. " H. L. GIBBS, CommlMioner. Commissioner's Sale, In pursuance or the power conferred npon u.e by judgment ot the Superior court of Craven county, at it May Terra, 1890, io an action wherein New Bern Buildins & Lotn Asaneiatio ia Plaintiffs . and YV. fi. Cohen und Theresa Cohen er als, tie defendants, I will expos to sale at public auction et the court bonse doer in New Berne to the highest bidder for cosh, on Tuesday, 1st day ol December, at Ibe hour of 13 o'clock noon Ot being thcsicoi.d duy of the Fall Term of tbe 8uperior court) all the lollowing described property, to wit: - Twenty shares of stock In Series No. t of Ihe New Berne Building; k Loan Aseo- ' elation, all the following described piece, parcel or tract 01 lan-l situated and b. ing In the City ol New Berne. County of Craven, State of North Carolina, lying on too ooutneaai corner 01 rouock tnd Han cock streets, and 00 Hancock street, d Joining land of J. W. McMic, now Tbpe. . Daniels on tbe east and the Methodist church, known as Howard' Cbapei on the South, and Hancock street oa the West, It being til the lands conveyed to Theresa Cohen by William Cohen, ete. by deed dated. Jnoua.y 23rd, 1891: which deed It recorded in Ihe office of lb Reg ister ol deeds of Craven county, in book 108; pnges . - - - October 30, 1896. ;; P.H. PELLETIEB, .'',''. , Commissioner. International rtnrNrof Vfl Tl J AfQ Sort " miaftiaple in Mux, BfKl pvtM, tiaarp4 ef tMTf a lfTl!K,lJ10plAllHiiptiiia ti utt, . . .. mi iieei mi-SHiii -v si st j ftupei lptiHsiit ot nuit. 1 THB BEIT rei rviSYISZY .'.us It It eesy te nd Ine ww nutta4. It l seey te BecmrtMin t reeeectt7e. It Is easy te Irnt tne fewlb et a w . It Ie Mr te kara wkat wrt sm G.C. Hr.hMAM COPvt" ' , ' i.rlnifleM. Bfmmm '.