faA. ,. a, IIHH . MIRfctY A Buckeye,-: .: - , ... . '-- - '". ! fcdi It SfcojUtl .Hie Opcnini Perrpruane of the- lTtldij(iur. - - Bobert Hondin, tlie .prestidigitator, who for many jparS! wal tocopnized iw the greatest muKiBiat; of Ijjs time, -was -the iu veil tor uf (he "mind , reading'' trick which big followers are still using f fleotiTeljJvftn "tof iliis dny. Hondin and bitJrlfibo 'nssieCfd him iu his performnueiis, devised rh eluboritte mid intricate, series of questions, each of whjuh when propounded suggested the proper a1isvor ; to be mads. Jhe care with wbiJji this system was arranged may be inferred from tho fact that Hou iin had rnenibrizfld; SOS different ways o ask questions of his wife, and each qaestion Jruijishpil her a clew to the answer sh.shonlcfinalin. . foaTJDfcJfef stiffs, Hondin would step down into the. audience aud request a spectatorltjyTind lym any object what oevei. tiieSi' lie would ask. his wife, who remaps pu the stage, what the uani it. He would qnestioa ber farther about ft, and she would answer inqui ries accurately.:; Fpr.instauao, if the mn gicinn wWa jftltai 'bjoot do Ibold in my band?" his wife instantly under stood from the form of the question that the answer should be "A silver watob. ";jLfje,asked, "WlHit object do I bave niy .hand?" the answer should be"Agdldyrftori.". After Apuths of carefal drilling and rehoarsaf. jjji private Hondin and his wife wer'reaity to introduco the trick to the poliftir-they did so in Detroit. After th'it arfdienee had been informed as to whM.lIre pcrfornftrs. proposed to do, Houdib-'.stepped down from thestagM to uiaktrha test. He picked ont a farm er itthijf-;1u an aisle seat and said, "Will yon kindly Rive-mo some object for a moHjeut any object whatsoever whuteverV'j'oti may Imppoti to have in your pocket?". B ' The farmer instantly complied. Hon din glanced at the article dubiously, hook lii;-))Tiad and returned to the plat form. . ' "Lsdies aad gentlemen, " he said. "1 regret to find that the uifeiilnl and elec trical conditions tonight are not satis factory for our experiments, and we hall nave tdjiostpoue it." As soon 'the .performance was over Hondin bAnjto the liosoffl'ae and in teraepted'the fin-mer as lie was passing oat. "Say." he remarked, "whatwas that thing yon bunded to me touight?" '."Nothin but a buckeye," replied the granger, lii'yjs carried, that one goiu on Seven year now.' Sure cure fer riieuran tis. If Jfonre Ititliere 1 that way, I'd advise yda to jit orie. '" , f That tfighrHnndin's list of 308 ques tions was" expanded into SC3. Chicago Timea Herald.. or; ' vKMlna-'&lA oDai'leaiie. . ' WelV'-sairt the' dtae.in, "I cold old Bill todayVC . '"Whrto?" islied Ins wife. , ;.. 'JimiJlUuh.igli; Got J30 fer-'im." "Fifty dollars! I rioit't sco bow yonr conscience ever let you kl anybddy pay that muejftor a Ualky horio that ain't, wprth niorii'a.$j.s." ... ' "Well,'' said the deacon tlionghtful lyi'I donlt. believe I could have done it only I kpow that Jim will take Irim out ou one of his Sunday flshiu trips, an old Bill Will balk, and Jim will kev a chancBtp ,tst fer three or four hours ' medltatin oii-Hittsiu of Sabbath break in." Cincinnati Enquirer. No WonUcr. The telephone, it is said, is not mat lug lunch progress in Russia. And no wonder. Fancy a man going to a 'phone and shouting, "Hello, is that you, Dvi aatkivcbsinavtvoicakic?" ' So, it is Z o 1 1 iwKusafatuockiigtiffsgrowoff. Who's speaking!" "Seximochookiertrjo akischokemoil, :j srant to know if S.1 it er om a n skefHs'killmajnwchzvnstowsk iweibiarsk is still stopping with Dvis- astkivcfjtijiartsroistski:" l'it-Biti. i, , . Sor.ll' W1nte-S!ioii. ' , "A W!B SKiTE." . : -rNeYofk Souday World. I ;'.- 1 ... . . ' Out -at the Komi, , " D,r Fltffrtjigau Will yer help a re dooced genTemnu dat's out at de knees, Mjt. -. : ' :; - h'aij Hp w; Bfitne .you to be out at ; the knees? fV,'i T . .-'- . F.-Prayin for work,:lady. Lou don rrgnojt;-.-v .' .... - " -'rjtit out tlwn.. . , ; Did' you eTfrilay poker all night?" "Well, uor'J: ) . ' ; "Yew awuiot a"n enthusiast thenl" -""Oh, yes-Mit.fB; good player doesn't need to play with me longer thau 10 miunte. "Ohioago Record. ltUlln( Hla EUctlnn Itotav . 1 1'Rattle atatmnes . - - ..i(v'(fr,'''n.''- - , . .. -.i Be ridMft rlj M a bet, With Juan. . . .. - ,. , ... . , Hold him down - Pr the yllhi town. j Ei studs on bit head I's-hotiM for Browa. ' " 'Not f-r Idrtorimnt, ' - , Bis dollnn 6r dlinoin Ba'U be dookol In tas mill auad flffM Unws. . VltkiiiWaftkW 1 '. ,X- (Or a wcaHulilag Jnw) Denatt tn "nwett Uemo'' fur bis mothtr Id-Umt, . .-. ............ y . f - -- . . i. -,. - - -. a ad, wilt th.str!f j , vWMa a bet with Ms wife, ' "'" ' iS,i i minds tint hoM-t th9 tut of his 't F. L, BtsotoB In Clilao Tlmm-Hinld. " , 7;S--OU -People. '. ' Old (cnile wlni requite mcllclne to rt gul.de the iMiwtls mid kidneys lll flM the iruejenwdvift Klectrle Bittn.- Tlii? ' n"'dicine Jiki not tlimti'lte tmt conihlnea 1 o wldskv nor Other lutoxlcsnt, but .rtcl s a tn'c and alterative It scls mthll) on thi!toni( h sad bowels, adding sin -nib raff niving iiiee lo'-tun organs, tlur, by ni'tieg Nture in the pi rfonii iuce .01 tho fiincinms. K ertnc Mini Is ai. evcellent appeiia r nu Cuids iligeStlon. u;d I'l-npli: tln It Jnsi exartly what iliey n.sd 1'ih-o Hit c'nis mid $1.00 at F. rj Duiiy's liiii;: t orn). . Ps Had Falih nit Ilai-k'ed fap For 411 - :-;"-r .. . He Wiu Worth, a e CSuRressmau Elect Jerry Simpson lias bniy one child, u bright boy about 10 yeava old, of .whom some amusing glories tire told," -While Simpson was ont making his campaign he left tho boy at home to take caia of his mother.. The fight between -Hiuipjon andt'lics' iter-. I. Loug; the Republican Jiomiuee', Was warm, and it warn Watched by young Simpson with keenest interest. Simpson was unable to return to bin home iu Medioine bodge for several weeks previous to the edition. On the "eryday of the election Iongaiid tiimp son, both. residents of U10 same town, traveled homeward together. Arriving at Medicine Lodgii at noon, Bimpsou oast his vote, went home, washed hia face, put ot. a clean shirt and. sat down to one or! those superb chicken and cranberry dinners winch bave made Mrs. Simpson famoue aa a cook all over Medicine Lodge, After Mr. Simpson had disposed of two thighs, a wing, th breast and a gizzard or two of chicken, he turned his attention to domeslio affairs, and, addressing his heir, said: "ily son, what has become of .jour watch?" "Bet it on the election, " snid tha boy, helping himself to some sauce. "And tins ring I gave you last Christ mas?" "Up 011 the election, too," said th young hopeful. "And the pony?" "1 put hi ill up to say that Barber county would give Simpson a majori ty." . "And the saddle, what has become of that?" "Oh, the saddle is all right, if a cer tain man named Simpson carries Har per muiity by 300. " "And tho shotgun?" suggested the father. I " Up :igainst. thut Long wouldu't t eairy Sedgwick county.' HaVH von -anything ut all left?'' I a?K.tl Mr. Miiipsnii, alter a moment s silence. ''I'iiH lolhes I'm wearing ami a few t?An:i Mini, bum ine ooy. "Wh.vtiias become if your hank ac-i coniil:'' "Staked on the poetical fortunes of my house," said the boy. "I wish I bad some more- money, for twormen down at the livery stable have ijMOO to 6ay that Long is elected. " Jurry Simpson sipped his coffee med itatively, and, rising from th tabln, took out hi cheek hook and gave the boy Hit). In a short timo tho i.r.y i.ume 'buck and said : "Pop, thosr livery stiri.ld ft Ibmj' say tl:ty would l-.ifd to huva unotherUl"" of .Simpson money." Jerry wrote another rheck, and in te 1 n.i.'inte.-- the boy, having planed it, catiu back ami said : "I've bet 'cm to a standstill. They want odds now. " "How much?" savd Jerry. "They want ma to givo 'cm 1,000 majority." . -"Oh, 'that's all rigid," said .lorry as ho made out a check for another $100. The hoy placedjt, and after this no moio beta were. -offered. Simpson's boy wears diamonds uoiV. Chicago Uecord. A Wotil4-r. "What was the mo.it. tvnmlfrful thn, you saw when you w'ffl- uhrond?" mU-ii one of (lie grocery kiafrid of ilia -ohi-net. "Suh," Raid the eolrncl, a tinge of reminiscent awe crcepin;;into li,is voice, "the most remarkable tiling 1 .saw w:is a painting 11 vwtnh colah iutiuK, sub of a bottle of old Houiiioii. It looked pnffeckly natural." Cinuiuuati Enquirer. iani For .Mournluj'. "Who is .that attractive looking wom an, iu black?" "You mean the one in mourning? Why, that's Mrs. Jenkins." "You drtit't mean to say Jenkfha is ti ad. do you?" ' . , "Not at all. Voa see, she married Juikins' money, and he's failed."--Kaw York Sunday Journal. Oraaa Stridra. . . First Chicago Man It's wonderful wbat modern invention has dune for a man's relief. , Second Chicago Man What were you thinking of! "The last honeymoon I went on all the tunnels were lighted by electricity. " New York Herald. Jtniruullttlo Amraltlra. From the Plnnkvillo Bugle: "It was not necessary for the editor of our puer ile and ridiculous contemporary to an nounce that 'hard oider is again in our midst.'. Any one would know, that by reading bis editorials. Ha, auapolis Journal. . har.-r-lndi- Bamlmry I hear that Stimpton is dead. Did he leave his wife much? '' Mispab I suppose sa Helwaye left ber as nmch as he could while be was lilive. Btiston Transcript , .FootprluU of Tim. ' But sterdNr, It saems to hlin, B waltHd uudrnilb tha dlta y h Mght of tha parlor rhandallar 1- or bar to eoma. And thn her duar, ' . bwft volea oalled tu him from Hia atalr ' Anil nalil. "Hwaatheart, I'll noon )ia tharat" Rnt jn-atardar yean attar, jraa Ha stumbled homo la rst'iv. dintrass And wearied, to the ver.v souK , --''-'; Auainjiir vl' KKH-unn mwj 'Jjiiit ilili-d hint with rmburrusHmcnt. . llland, "Br'nf op o' pull ot coal 1" . - Bat yutwnW how raat trim flies-. It stwnia, he look ad lute hur aroa, A ihI. dumb with lora, reach d for ar aud ' To try to anaka bar nadanuSd. . ' ' Thoy Hnfered by tha larga front door, ' As thay Imd 4taa don balnrti, . .. hut yawl y oon ha farji t--' l!o climbed tha atapa, fatigued and wet , - And triad to lva (he muddy aerret. -Aud aha atoort on tho front doer all) And anrMniad. In aooaati aharp ami alirtll, "Vihy doa't yoi wlpa your dlrtjr featt" j, ., . M-'hlcagiJ Heoofd. " OiSveriSls Uke billoiitiwsSf lyspVpl hrsdsclw, enastl patlon. amir stoinarh. Indlitnation an promptly cured byllooil's fills. lVy do tlnir rk easily and tliorouttlily' Dst after dinner pills. 28 rents. AW drumtlsts. Pills I'r'piiri'fl by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mh, I he only nit to tk! with Hood's gHi'iM'snila. rure 'toR. Malory. ' 1i C00J trtnil IVIt W Ton Much For v . ' ',e f-'yer. A story is i-. !:,tc-d of W. S. Forrest, the Oliit ago ei iininal lawyer, who waH retained inii: asc hen-re Judge William eoi;. It was a -nit for damages for per sonal injui-M.'. iiii,inst lh Milwaukee audtSt. fun I 1 ai'.ro.id. M.r. IVirrest rep resented the d:iinlill', V. J. Hynes tho defendant. The question in point turn ed larRtdy upon the arrangements of the road's tracks, switches a id frogs. An Iri-liinan named Mnro-iey, assi-tnnt yardmaster of the Mi) waul. e and Si. Paul road. Wan on tl) witness stand. He was 1111 important witness for tin defense. His inrwve Li-(guj was rh-h aud prtiuoiinced. thonuh ne had bcu in this rouiitrv many year. dt-v:H t.-n-i of ihosewhu. when hu kmvva ihiiiK. nnew it thuinnghly. (In. tie dii'i-f. examin.ition Maloney hail teeil vi-ry laconic in his auswers. This eciinomy of words In his character istic brogue made Mr. Forrest think he had an easy victim ou tlui cross exami nation, but when spurred by cross ques tions the witness' Iri-H was aroused, and he beciimu more voiublc. Tlie more tho Irishman was prodded the hotter he became. :! I h, 11 :u'ti he did not lose hia head, bin ilauini.'1-d the plaintilf 's case. Sir. ' Ki rn .-I suw 1 in kouimI slipping trt-iii und'-r I no. and, like tie' 'uiut t'ri- evamin-r tic is, h, 4.111 to look for an opening in dtt-n Un- v ine 's v. iilioai further iuju! v : hi s r,ii. He succi eth d iu piov'.'.iin' n lull t. .ly fiom tlio n lies, ana, wuini hand, he, said sal cafiicaiiv : Thai Will .hi, Mr. W'ilnei-s. Ynu'r.' very si!a!t. a in't yua?'' "Oi'd hat..- ta latur-iu the cumpli incut, Mrt r l'''i i'.r. af Oi waii'roon d. rojth. '' -iai"k!y ri-liln d the witie-si as he art ise s'i-w ly to I: inn tho stand. Chicago 'i'ini.- I i.-raliL "livl I111II1- "l-ru! ' W.i'ir a 1 i.i-w tcrlncki-i ".,,. "VVi il, Lf':y nurivil," obs, rvfd tlif ninnutuimt r its liu iiautrd Imrk in bis seat. Ijotiisvillo (Uiurier-Journal. liml la tho Troublr. "Sicaki!ia: rif llm Vouezutl.au dis pute," lit-guu MfSwilligcu, "EuglHiid takt tl, Kt 'H'.utl" - "Tiitit s i:if ri"i nf the tvl'ult tron Lle, " iuti-mtpiril .-'iniiiiiK. "if Enitluud iiiidn't lai;. 11 trrii. ind v.iii' li ilid nut bc louy l.i 11. -r. 1 ii' ii' winilil havu ln-cii mi lit-i'i'Ssity I'm- ii.lfi fi Vi lice. " Pitubui'g C'lirunii'le-Ti'lia.'iiiiili. (i,-o,l I or the llrnllll. .f;iiks (tvlifi liai taki-ii tu liiirsubat'k rilling ami Imr.M" - iibmii li-n iiirii.-." ,it nvrry Mtu Ah, Immly dn, HliiiL'? 1 think li-ii-i ti-k riding ii him,i1 I'-ir the liealih, lii'ii t yua; llltiik Vi-, iii'linl. -AUivIki me yen v. :i l'i." 1,'M' lii- il. -'I,iiu!,'1i ami Krnw Ui,'; i. .11 i.nir.v. Nw y(,ik Wtt'kly. A IfUfry. ' liiitla .Itiliiinii Say, pup,, if you bang pt-l.'-i'U p. Iih h ilftil, nin't In-? Pupn Why, ii'iiiiinly. Wbyiloyuti i lilttle .liilinnii' Oli, I'm only won ieriii(( bow ot'lf-ii Unit; finr dealer of yours fa gulim in tlif. NnW York Ilnr- Rld. ; . . - . . v ! " t't -S--- ' r.,-.-'.' - : r,. ,-i - ,t .1- r. Von ,f !'. :'.' I .". t In j. 11)1 i,.---j.i- tin- v :iy liny i-.i.-nk to y-'.t - r '-' V- '-.Ir:;:..; -j I - , I n ti.l.l) i. II,.' Train. Ir N.r- t-r r1, -n-.tll -t:irii h i ti t!;. 1'. .'1 (1. , .111. ,.'..1 : 1 '.:..i in, u-i.'.iiis U of (:;.h..i ; ly.i'.H u lull, Utw- .Q U lion .1 i;;n.t:!; -r wiih u yt-lio-.v hst I l.o.nit,,! i.i,. -. .:-i II' inok it se-af ' tiiji.l :. ; - . .: : 1 '.: i.:.i i who .1- li.,! iu;. 1 u.ii-;.ui . r '-!i'-vt l . r v r., .-. lob.;ci ,(,. r. .1. - ' v. !! (idwf-iwrl ntT.i.t . ... S. ' :uiH i.i I-- vnr,,-,l ,v (lie culm I'lmii,- .mi - I i litrit- nun's mIi-ihv for ,i'i,i,it ii.- iM-::.-j .ml iH-.-u !, auctJ ( . "'k-:1 ;;::.,,:, , Glean ! . ficwsy j Til" l.i, I.- '!;-,' i;' , 1 1,.- !:.-J ! M.' 111'.;;:;' i . -l..l..l:V,. ;-.,,,-.. ,- 1,11! - . - u:it. -A Novapaper ior LJio I Mechanic, Laf;-roi' i 'l ' : - t iin'ulil V'U iit'o loi,:' I ,J)f:- t"".'',." "fi:i ! A ir ',' i'j;irri.-(l" : 'i'ljis .-itli r.-siguation. j 4 ,rlnpr fnr "Hull! Any i liiltlreu:" ' 'V cl 1UI f lllf,-0. "Hull! A ii v .-ilvi-r VKiniiuu in Louis- villi-:'" "A few. " "ii'.lll' W'il.i InOUIjlit Ml Ll.silil.'- . ,' Mia MuiliU. - 1 nil'liTIlROIXill TiiK couxriKs " ' - ""J ,,,VV ..v.. ui""' .. . He IIu gut tlin third bscaasa ha had the other two, -tlie ti'Coiid bmauss be bad" the first, unJ theUrsI bMauseke bad none ut all. Washington Timt. " Ari P.i riirnnil I rrliln, "Have tlio'f'iiiMrun h.uu to think ttf1 Cbhstuiss yet?"- , v- , , "s'l think so,' Tommy tint iikl Ins aar-' lugs bank. Cliloago Iteoord. CA&TORIA Tor Infant! and Children. tU (if II all sliMioir af kta mrf ,iifa Children "ry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry- for Pitcher's Castorla. Childfen.Cry for, Pitcher1 Castorla. Children Cry-f PitcherXCwtorla. or. I 51; - .SI', AVc(3c fable Preparation for AS -similalin! lite Food ami Hernia ling the 5ioaiiu;hs and Bowels of "Promotes Digeslion.Cheerrul iv and l?cstiContains neither (jpu.ni, Morphine nor Mineral. Not NAHtGOTlCr Rape rSfflilflrSAMCELPlfCffla Itiupkm Scitt -1fx ,Srjintr totuUe.Sdti -dint,t '.tft JpnllHl!lt - jji Ctiftotaft SuJ'i, Itiwm Utd - lltftfutt A'tttfMT A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion . Sour Stomach. Dianliocd Worms .Convulsions IVverish-lu-ss aiul JvOSS OF SLEtU lai Sniute Sii)turc of NEAV YORK. CXT COPY Or WRAPPER. Eff m ' All the News The Latest Telegraphic Hew: . For the upbuildiug' of New Berne's Indus trial interests, the advancement of Eastern North Carolina and the progress of North Carolina's Material ah'airs. t'ori'ivspoitilciilH im somx cor. or $4.00 I VUAR THE WEEKLY THE DAILY'A I MR- $i,oo Subscribe Now I ADDRESS, The Journal, 1 ai f OH? THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE JOURNAL ! Honest ! Banker, Movciia nt. and ! nner. I if 4 OF ij IS ON THE WRAPPER I OF EVEEY if! BOrJTLE Ot It iSTi, C-.StTi.l ;j .. j c;. j.s .,'3 ail I. It every Household ! Only Hews i: vi. i:h. ii. . c. VSIIIM. ion. n. c. M.W ll!lv. lU'TIKII I. Mil II.. and ( IIICAt.O. III.. Kl'0M)KMS. KASIKIIN NOIII OAKOI.IW Mam pic It! NEW BERNE, N.J!. 1 1 1 1 wm & a 23- S!i 3 ! 14,11. X. r.S-- I INF: DRESS GOODS ! T!. Ki t;i iO is . Pi-;'iit , ' .!.-,t - Kl.'l N n r tii.-n vh to llllfpinii' if tltt'V Si.'" I Ijciii, 111:1k ' CltllVlls l,iili,,i. "SillvSiMil I'iilnii Cain a. Sail t I., i-i-cu . 1 1 i,l('M-.-ii ! a: -i !!""t;li I In - Moliaii' . Zilnli Fniitiisit'. ic. Wool "A.ri;:. :or If ' 1 Jr..". 4Ai . "ti'lff ( i:: i t' i't'i-:ii:i ' 01 ill-l H fliiiiiiiHijir :Y'-. 1-Wiii- For the I.vt v.-,! ii.ivo kerf Piso's v.ntption i:i s.' - i '..! i '-.oonc tlvnl ':t -1 'iv '...!" i ; i . , :.( i'i 'i '': ' "i i 1 . -M- i.:r. in! Ml S-i, 1 ll -. . . : 1 H. . 'I.IH ' ' ' ' ' '" '- v.. ;. ' - ' i . , A '.,- ' ! : ' ': I ' ,i ' . 1 ' ' 1 I ' ; ..:...' . I . : ' - . ' '' . I. " r. V. . '..-- .' . r. vi. m ,.. . ... i"i ' ; : i;,.'- . ; ... I... , '. ... I'lllH-siiin li, 1. .Ceilli'i'. ii -,l) it t Kn t iy. I.i-:;e Ni K in 'I'ticiiluy T l-'ulUn ( i. , k. 0 :n I' ! ..ii-1 - .tin i-t -. . '.. -.'1 KiuM'.n. iiii ... '. m. ' 1. M " ;- . 18 1 1 j . v.- !..- ' At. i I.v. ". tui ; i v.; :,. ,' i . . v-. ' -I tl" ; ,; K ' ! i . -f :.. J. - i.i.. VI' ' a.. ::..n. i.v. " so I ' A . Kl 17 ... . l i: .t.i.,1.' M l- . i - -,, , , - 1 .- -ii. I" "' , .; -' ' l! :i - - -. " n !, , ' II'.:. I ' N- ' - " ! '- '' ., .-..",-,. ' - w - ui i; .', , !, :.' - I ' , 'I- . : i ; ! i. v -.' I . .', '! i '. ' ...i. I i so IN) , ,", ,' " .v. vi. , , - - - ..- I 'i'l-.y. i .i .. ' .. - - .. ! : "".i I -.id iv. Dully Kxci'i'l Si'ii'l:t. H. A '' : . VV. M.Mil'K'. , Now Berne i'i:ui dentil 1 Vi i-l.ise at 'i Km N ii. -,-k !, ,,i r. t'.iuntv i. in. infi'i'.fo ! 1 1 1 ! J .1 1 I I (l 1 ,,r , ml, 1 1 . in. All trail I'ur IV Hn.ld f"'.l" 1 '1 ' 1 - villf, tlii' tunnel- o!li.-n i .li- Hiiiuul. Viitiif'tiro nmil in nvo 1 .' in. I V im -olioro in iil Ii in- 1 I'-!'". M. MANI.V. l'ttstiiiantcr Miiluriiil lirntliitca Weaknu-s, licnirol l)cl)llit.v. nillitm-n'-". bI 'l' Appetite, Indliiistion and t'onlipntufn. rove's, Tm-tdtu. CliiH Tunic, rtninv.' Ilia tmicej whii li prilut-t ti'-" lr..iihln. Try it iinil yun will be (UIiuIUhiI. 50 i tuls. Ta I nut the ijBinmie auk fur (irnvc'. 'i )ll.llijl:liti illid l,io n (i iMi'KSSljiiml iriilccrnl: Scnti-li lanitc. jihiill Kml Kiitrlufi ! MistHI'i;-. I- j -t-l I III,. l ili'll 1,1-liiiili'lol Us. tut ii-ti, ! 11I tli. .,.M "l oul il v. 11 1' at tent ion :" ! :ni" of si let ami '-iti.-i-.,: IiKKSn S'T I-'I-'S. ;lt r,(,i-., 7."m., ttllcl i.IKi per ar.. No Iioiisc in tsuti t Ii caii t'iu-li ns 011 tin' eoii;ii, weave ami i-Dlors at tlicsc irici'S, tinil licslil.-i laiantri-iiiir tin. it all ti ' 1m the vrrv . t In- lal'L'i'.-l ! I- Samples. Hi I'M1, N.I! 'iilED PIP? purvips 1 . MDY mXEB PAINTS. in- ; n tj ; : f ;t n 'I cm ret r lilltii; il -il' 1 1 v,-1 1 ri w.do'A' Cure for Con- ; a fM-oceryman could re iii.vn vc couid 'without -RAVKN CO.. Druggists, Atlanti: & K C. Railroad mi. 11 ! t. T- C- T2 l'i;!.il,IIT & PASSKNIiEUr j . . I .S 1 11, I. I. lttlll.lt .UHyJ'i The Steamer NEU$E 1 , -rlit'ihile ! to suil from New. j li ti us follows: ( i iSONDA v6, U K NKSDAY8 ! AND FUIOAY3,1. f ' Sailing hour $:Mi p. m.-janarp. Frelnht receive I up to "5 o'clock For tiuthnr Infm nmtlun ally toJC , GEO.'.HSNOERaON,: f .Tnue 2.1. ISftd. .'.". ' "

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