i & in n n ra b . ira n ra ki VOL. XV-NEW SERIES NO. 152. NEW BERNE, N. C SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER C 1896 l-TAliLIfMIKI 1S. KILLED BY DEPUTY REVENUE COLLECTOR OF RANDOLPH COUNTY.- Past OOSeft Trials. Political HlrfDKtb f lrUl Twealj'-rive Tun Fa rMaraf. tVeasner Note ... Othe For rrltaaara'. - ' JOURHAt BtJM.U, ) ' BaXKIOB, N. G.,Dec. S. . A Magma receiv ad ben this rood-ins tattd Hat deputy revenue collector; . Elijah A. Maffitt of Randolph count;, bad been killed uot tar from Greensboro, presumably ':J mooaaliiDera lie wt for number of years sheriff of Randolph and waa widlly knowD. At tha ttm' of Federal court wliicf begins here text week David Lane, cf Durham, will be tried lor stealing monn from letters in the pcatof&ce there. Otlu i persons are to be tried for robbing o' poetoffices ni Blac't Creek, Lucana hd( Btantonsburg, all in Wilson county. T white men cuptured in this city, will tried lor counterfeiting. The Republicans now make the asser tioo that the strength of parties in tln Mate is as fol'ows: Republicans, 152,000' Demoornts 14",000, Populists 3(1,000. 11 tbey really believe In tlieir own Usurer they will rut louse from the L'opulia's tw. vears hence. The Supreme Court i9 nearly at the enc of lie ducket, it will next week take U . appeal from the lHh, district, A man named Jordan bus been brought from Washington county to ths peniten tiary. Dc gels 25 years I'or the niuniei ol a man named Cullett Tlie killing oc curred on the day W. J. Bryan spoke at Rocky Mount. The official report ori the weather dur ing November utHhis station Fs reroaik able. The mean temperature of the month waa S5.3 degrees being 5.6;ilegrees la:ij above the average The accumulate excesses ot daily mean temperature tint year is no less than 6G.5 degrees. The rainfall wus only 2.5 inches, which is .3! of an inch ubove the average for No vi m her. .v ' Mormi ns app;ur to be nt many poinj In this State, Tliey appear to Hi nk N'onl Carolina a line twld for effort. Four acu w this city. IDe aeptu ot snow in the lields um " Woods in this section loiluy averages abou' one loot. A great nuny mbbiis Jiave btei killed, but tew birds. Tune is mue morn than an average amount of pan, this year. The enow will uut iniure th parlridgeB. The cold is not severe at there is pleuty of food for them. The official list of l'opnlist meuibeiv elect of Congress does not,strange to si) . contain the names of J. . Fowler ot tin 8rd oisirict or H. C. Shulbrcl of the Tih. It is a busy period, but a very rutin one, in all the State departments. Tin hrB,ds pf these are making their annual and biannual reports. This is the ln.-t fui all the officials save the Treasurer. Dem Ocratic faces will Soon be cunspicuoui b) their absence as lar4 as the department ace concerned. " The rumor bobs up again that Othr . Wilson will at the proper lime deliver tin Populist vote lor oenator to I'rilchard; (Jtjjo denies this absolutely. It is furttiei Intimated that Senator Butler knows ol thl purpose and plan, tod that lie also . knew there would be rbjlori of Republi case and Populists before be burrleo ay daring the conlereoce of the Popo Imi Md Republican committees la Sep tetnbar. It waa always claimed that th step wet taken against Butler's wishes, . -and Republicans assert that Butler bad been downed. Some day the lacts will be revealed of course. Chairman Ayei . wt left to bold tbe bag as to the Btait fusion, and according to this latest fusion Othu Wilson will hold it In this latta1 Senatorial deal. ' agar Wlla CaasastltM Caaata.aaeM. Sreclsl. WAtHiRaTosr, J. C. Decemlier 5. Senator Vest lays be is awaiting tbe re wit in the cases of Chapman end otliei recalcitrant sugar witnesses before be acts in the matter. Several Other contumacious witnesses ire lieforc the Senate Investigating com- 1 1 tee, and should Chapman go to jail, f. Peirpimt Morgan, August Belmont. nd John Stewart, who refined to answer he same questions before tbe Board In stigating committee will probably meet he same fate. Highest of oil in Leavening Strength.-!- Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ID), 11 ABSOLUTELY PURE Powder JUST RECEIVED ! nrrirT or ao jail. Bafara Haaatorlal TceUfY' opkufler Will Not Accept Tcstlnionlnl. Special. Lo.ndon, 'December 5. It is learned ni,'ht that Ambassador Bayard wil" rohably not accept the Daily Tele- tiiph's Testimonial, in the ohscence ol imminent names conrected with it, tin it .illness of the contributions, and lu id teres ci mmcnts from America upon ii ire responsible for this decision. WANTED A BOUOAT. Slaval AaaraBlleea nslay Btcana' Tbey Canaol Cat Carlitmai Holi day. Special. NrwpOrt, B. I., December 5 A hun dred naval apprentice boys made a dash for liberty this afternoon, twenty escapin" from their quarters. Tbe Harbor Island;police' were asked to help the United Slate-i officials to cap ture Hie boys. The mutiny was due to the art of tlx bojs being refused the usual Christmas holiday. DRESS GOODS At Greatly Rod it ceil Prix's. A NICK LOT or Small Ilainc, J'reakfaat Strip?, Sugar Cured Slioulilcrs, English Cured Shoulders, J!i Sugar Cured Hams (cut to suit the customer), Fresh Grits, liig Hominy, New Carolina Iiice, White lieittis, Lima lieans, ami all the necessaries to make a nice Christmas fruit cake. Call and examine our stock before buying elsewhere. Claud .M. Cook, -112 MIDKLK STIiKKT. Xext to Ka'era It i't-r . lias j ni. vecived some hire Malaga n'rjipvs Cocoa iui l.s. i """iiEiBiiainu W. P. tHIjjlk. Ralph Gray. iiMiTHM;A;-ijiv. Wholesal and RetalljDealers in i HAY, and. all 5 kinds of 1 Ciittoii aiiJ Com Brokers. 24 Cray ex St, N R U CUBANS FIGHTING. sharp F-oaaaaaiaBta Manr naraaoa. l.ow Heavi1. BaanUb Reparted Tlcterlaaa. peotal. Havana, December S. Major Croin- lia Banqumntina's bsttalion has been ingaged on the heights of Buracoa, and in ha woods of Oca, with several bands oi msurgenta whom be dislodged with a 04 ol 300 killed and wounded, i Official reports give General Weyler'n fictory after several hot fights. " We have just received some new patterns of Fancy Dress tJootls ili CANVAS WEAVES, Silk and Wool Novelty, etc., at greatly re duced prices, owing to the advanced seaaou. "Gooda that were 75c, now 50c. -Goods that were 85c., now 65c. Goods that were $1.00 now 7."c. Taffeta Glace Silk, 70c lid-ill U-1 o FOLK'S CHEAP m STORE i Books ft Afraid to rail. iliecial. Cinc innati, 0 December 5. Gov rnor llradley ol Kentucky wys he will m): an extra tession ot the Slate Legie I itiirewhen he is sure il will act on the S.uatorship matter. December (!, THE COTTON MARKETS. leeember 5. fiih. Liverpool ap.; si!'S were 10,Uti which is Inrgi.', and a good trai deinaiid for uuintiJiati; uanls in tliu; 'quarter. .Vlvicks from Amcri.Mn spinning di tiiets report no iuclination to enter tin market'even at the decline. Tii krb is no probability of suhKtannni support Irom the home trade in tin near future; but, there are sugeMiou; that tbey will buy freely after the Ho!i dys are over. JonpOBATIQNS as a rule get up then aanual exhibits nt the cml ol each year, and money in bank, or at any rate the laekol outstanding obligations, lock. mtfch better to stockholders than pay ing. customary dividends with borrbwec money.' Tii speculitlve market is so completely summed up ib a letter of tbe 4th. from Messrs. Rott Moors A Co., or New York that I hand It in for publicatloa. JAKUABT dallvtrj la New York opened at 7.89 aod alosed barely steady at 7.S5 a Dtt gala of points as compared with yesterday's closing. Tours Truly, J. E. Lath AH. DO YOU I Mil t Stoves, Crockery, Titiwaro, ( ilassware, Notion?. Headquarters for LAMl'S. ! Middle SI., under Hotel Albeil. . II. FOLK. Stationery !' LATEST Newspaper-.. IVrimli; caN anil .Matraini's. nun nlivavs be foiiutl at T. W. WATERS'. 105 Middle St. 8iAcr!nt!otis recslved for all peri- odtcals. ' School sunpllsg (tf sfle. OrU i taken for school anppliK " Iitest Sian dard Novell, Peoelfs, pens. ink. cic. Vom 4'ini Santa ' f 5' -lllli:i:; n the purl. -hatlln and I- tiiuilmtt'vy St tit A fresh Supply of We keep The finest Line of Candies, lion Bons. nnd Chocolates. :niie 1 1 . II r the BBl3e Deenmenl. A.' Campretae tMlaU ' ? WasuinoTos, D. C, December 5 The President's Message, although it con talnl 18,000 words, will not follow tbt same course as the one of Just year when )t pontloed tiie discussion to financial ant foreign a flairs, but he .will submit a. gener al message heating concerns in all depart iMQtsi, and outline in a business tike ws; repeating many former recommendations which failed to secure attention, and triog ing out lilt's that's new or novel, 1 1 .-i v - a Counli an ! in vour Throat Cuff; it Ha i.sam i.s sure reli'ive yon or your mo refunded. Price 25c. BRADHAIT5 PHARriACV.' ;-5,rAS way's Croup iSyrtip will iilunii s mm 7 are now ready, I'lie.vo Cronp. CASG'ilRETS, CANY CATHAKtlC. Davis' Pharmacy. PRICE $100! In single nmunts. two new Seen put out, N". 45 and t 'i features are a wider section i IIiihIi i.-int ami larger tubing Mixed Nu Is Walnuts. Alir.onds. Pecans, and lrail Nuts They are fresh, give us a trial. I'ruits a Socially. X. Xl'fc'X aV V4. Ni xt I.. I'.i I iltlicK. Ve invite You To inspect Our unique au'l ox qaisit.o cwv.ii it'll i in rid laid bi ili k. ' p. : - III eili)lli;ll I" :i : ' ': ' '' nine n ii h Vi M. h :i: !l. i t.:il i cket t ied; ii:a '. n- lull I I'.iiji I :i -'i". - kii.d ol.H-e to I... k !..r I Hobday p.. I- . -I' .. : i r l'laver Hi ok- : 1 1 -t,!..-.- n Shri-i Mn." . I). IS. i. a A- J mn , l h IV N..HC aid. W". d Mill. Nu ii r u mm ir eiiauvei nave ueen ill i' u uiroun out which nuke thee models even b. llii than models 40 and 41, which have g.iiu od such an enviable reputation throughout the world. Two Tandi-.ms with all the above improvements have also liceu ad.'e.l. llsii'tfortl Ili'.v'Ie include two madei of machines. Piitlerns 1 and 3 (List in '.111 fstl) 1 n u tn ..till n imvr uu u luiii.t"! i .,.-. i.i... new machine listing nt if7" (Pat terus No. 7 nnd ) have been atweu. Call anil get Advance Catalogue, "Jordan's Liver Pills nro the best. JUS 1 4 AT MY S TORK, WILL Phone 80, T, HILL, 61 S. Front Street, Novelties ! Our 0;'ie:i'..a! rnd j "Domestic Ilusi'i-.; arc; un rivaled in texture, i design and coloring. I r -. . -. -.T.,'r. il.iifl 4hein Vlli ju Ht;a jicivyc ijiitiii within the roach of all. ); , UHUiUJil fa' v: ti c Car I ...nl ! I am i K I .uake .miuo P , 'Rlallaa- as a raatlval. ', Special,' 'v, , , , ".. '.' ' BrbJt, December 5. Serous rioiing occurred here jeiterdaj ev'enidg at a, festi 'TiTf artillery men.'Mony conflicts.lobk pltt.a, and frightened the merchant so that that tbey closed' their" shops. ( Kon'-commi'ssiiined otlhjeri and privates paraded tlm streets with drawn swords, , The French Soldiers took charge pf tbt towq and stormed tbe barracks, A num ber or persons were wounded and several arrests made. ' closed bj Baali Examlaor. Bnecta. ' ' CfciWrqw, Ud., December H. The Henry County bank was closed by the State bank examiner, today. TOCt RCA OLD IKII BIB DAT. Take Laxative Bromo (julnlne Tablets Alf druggists refuud the monc' u It fulls In cure. 25c. ' . . Nkw Tore, December 4, 180S. Severe storms make their appearance in (he Southwest early in the week ano cold weather with rain or snow his been prevalent since Monday , all over thi South. This led to an expectation ol very light receipts for the week and tbt market wai held very steady in conse-1 fpience, until Thursday. One noticeable feature had been the abwnce if specu's live activity. Butersjud either exhaust ed their purchasing; power or were scepti cal regarding "the movement of cotton, the receipts were of moderate volume, but the total for tbe week equals those tor the corresponding period last year. -The fear' that the movement would expand ngaia with. the return ot favorable weatlierajr toew holders to sellacd this pre-ssgre vihldh" xtended fell upon a market' poody , supported resulting in material, weakness .during the past few days. ; Io a nutshell, the weight ol cotton constantly marketed Baa proved a burden oo heavy for holders to bear. Home have told because discouraged tod tome bare old because of exhaustion of margins. The decline for ht wetit It 88 to 89 points, t.Tpurt ruly, . T ,i Bokkt Mooai ft Co. ' TBI MAllKKTS. 1 ;'. . .: JhicaC(o, Decembpr 5. . . . 0PK5IR0. ci.oft. May Wheat,. . 8 If i MayPorfc . 7.85 7.85 May Ilibe, 8.U7J 8.971 HOOD'S Sarsaparllla lias over and over Birnln tiroved by Its cures, when all other preparations fulled, that it It the Quo True BLOQ P llirtucr. TIIE sunr Kaltliuore, 1?1I. The Paper or the People' For the Teople and with the People, Honest in Motive, Fearless In Expression Sound in Principle, Unswerving in its Allegiance to Right Theories and Right Tractlces. Tbe Sun publishes all the news all the time, but It. does not allow Us columns to i degrade! ' by unclean, immoral or purely sensational mnlerv Editoiially, Tna Sim la tbo consistent and uncbangint champion and deleodei of nopular ilulns and Interests aminei Dolilical machinea and monopolies pi everv cntracier, inuepcnusni id ai; things, extreme t noma. Itu tor good laws, good government and good order. By mail nny yeata a montti, a:xt K a year. AGENCYfims Hazard Gun Powder. MERCHANTS SAVE MONEY Bf LEAVINM YOUR OB TF.RS WITH ME, , F. ULRICH, Grocer. )45jrniDDLB STREET. y s P IMP T. Burke's s Sample Rooms, 126 Middle St. Liqnort for Family dm a Specialty. Extra eupply for tha Holiday. - Oioabb, Tobacco, 4o. You run no risk. All druggists guar antee Grave't.Tasteleat Chill Tonic to dt all that tha manufacturers claim for It . 127 MIDDLE ST. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COflPOUNDED A full line of Toilet Soaps, Per fumery, etc, Laxative Bromo Quinine. Cum a coldju one day. German Dyes, all col r, Tac'i Dackaua dyes Woolen, Oofton, Si.k or Linen Fabrics. ' Nantha Borax Soap t purt while Soap no chemicals. Thi' bast In . tbt world whitens Linen, washes Laces, superior fpr .Toilet tlN GOOD TOBACCO which must be sold at "dnce at prices rang-2 . inj? from $$m Cents BfeiHPound. .V. II Better : : Times IN ill I! CKiK'KI.'V lir.l'AliT MLXTS r.W I'.H rnl'Mi ALL V It I' IS NKP.Ii Kl l, rill! A siiiitli.l r to the ..iir in :,x!it .".1 iAve tis oxll ns. that will indyou will be iG rig-lit tiling. Gentlemans T a ni p j .... I HL5?.,L 1 1 And the QUALITY well it is a well known fact, that when any thing comes from EL' r. due IMI Call earty Md xam- ine my stock Yours Keapt, JOHN DUNN, 656? Poiiock St. IllffllS J. C-.Whitty &Go. The aUALITy is there KINGS -"KINGS WHETIIl.lt OTER MEN or HTOVK4, So if you want the boat Stov on the market buy the ' King Heater. AL o fine line of .Coal'Ston , Ii.II."Ciitlert I