,---lAit,l f ' '. ...-.'"'' ' ''" VJ. ' l f' '' IJIJ'f(fSii A QUEER EPITAPH. km XetMiy T Tin Bays Who Tbowfihi BTbey At. Mushrooms ' Plscataway is one of the oldest towns in New Jersey. It was founded in 1CG6 . ud wai intended to be the capital of ' the colony, bnt it did not grow, while " its rivals, New Brunswick, Kabway and Elisabeth, became thriving villages. At present there is little to interest the cas . ual visitor to the sleepy village, bnt that little is good of its kind. - r There is old Mr, Mnndy, the village Wheelwright, who at 80 is still a fine shot with gnn or rifle." Twenty-five -.. years ago he accompanied a New York merchant on bunting trip to the far west, and since then not a year has passed without their taking a hunting trip to the west or sooth. . Old as these cronies are, they eannot make op their . minds to forego their hnnting. Then there is the old cider mill whose ram haokle appearance belies the purity and . strength of the npplojack resting in its dark cellar. Finally, there is the ceme tery -of the old Episcopal church, the first house of worship erected in the - place. In response to inquiries the other ' day the sexton, who holds also tho offices of gravedigger and roadmaster said: : ; "Well, there.mlght be some interest ing gravestones there, and then again there mightn't They don't interest me. Then Is one old brown stone which has ' fallen down and is out of pi rice. I want' i d to throw it away, but the minister J wouldn't let me. That might be inter esting to yon. " - : "Is there any inscription on it?" "No, there isn't It is just covered with words from top to bottom-rjo poetry, no nothing just words." The stone was found easily, altfi'cfngh partly overgrown with rross and myrtle. After much cleaning the' following in scription was made out: Spectators, under Here in tbls tomb He 8 boyca. -The elder was fall Ten yean old, the yon- Gcr Wfia twice Told. By eating - ; Mushrooms for :. food rare, In diijr Time they poyseoned ; '( ' i Kere, A. P, Part Hoop- fhe meaning of "fea yoniiRcr was twice tjold" is somewhat obscure, but it is supposed that be was bnt five yearn - Old, ,-:,--- , An inscription npon the tomkstono of James Thompson, who died in 1763, ' was puca very popular fHh the ceuuii j pepple In New Jersey. Jhreo ethers ilj . fhe graveyard are similar to it : iteniemlier, friend, as you pass by, IS you are now so once wira I, n he)t!) and utrcrigtl, though hero I lie. LSI am pow so yuu fnnst La", 'Ifytfk foi dWHj pn4 Mli.f pie, I - ... v u . 'jgW ybikfr,n. ft KENTUCKY PRINTER NARRATES A THRILLING EXPERIENCE. .' While I'oUowlug the Call of Bis Faithful : Dog Ho Met With a Mishap In Dark Hole With Flcrco Wild Escape and Recognition. "JAWS AS WEAPONS. Chief Mean Pt pefe-MNt Ampbe-AI) Old Among all old world npes thp-tJoth are. tM chief; Wcaponij for dcJepso against Wu'ral foes aud for corcbjits for" nittfs pr tribal supremacy. Tlie fitiiiuetj are n most cases rjrniousy dcvolrped, nsoin$bb-ilratr'ill mfoimcd naturalists' pave suggested that a ner.r relatiorship must exist between (be primates ttuij the psruivora. As a fpiHtor pi ac, Ihesp brrnijlable teeth bust) nothing to dp with alirrieiitiition, but arc us purely weapons pf war as are the bnyonet and hp pagira Bun. Jn practically tvery pmerpeuoy pemaudiug unusual energy, pjjsfiuacy'aud ppprapa they pome into in fVPTf PPPfiic, wJlb the world, the flesh and tbe devil as each things are understood in pithecoid society the temporal and masseter muscles aro the chief arbiters of war. To become a great and powerful anthropoid it is absolute- it and brutally pecessaif to have a iftrsje Jrpd . ftrcipV jaw, 'jOf ' give firm at lacbin'eni tp the teeth and good leverage q be niuscles. That for an immense, epoch put ptehumau ancestors achieved itlWPS iu ,! 'n PSm 'IB' sa Ibe. priist pf i!Uaga" a those whq have (earned to read pature's handwrifr m ';- '' ' - gjnee bose days pf frne rcadiaq simplicity our life bos teoome bewildcii Ingly complex, and our methods for set tling social difficulties nave ebaiiged generally for the. better. Bnt here, as In so many other instanoes, tbe habits ot a past age have left an indelible impress m PervBM system. B acMpoa's 'JS'.r!; . .' ' Moanteint, TtW P tQ P pelrt) ll peefrtapce J Wltq Ainronuon s wei snown geviog JoaJ views, the general (heoiy that mpppfaina were jnajulj dp,e (q cracks whicb (pok place lu the surface cf the Mtth in remote periods', but this iclea ii ' no longer enterioiuea cy rcieuuno men. As to the form of mountains, that which is known as table mountain .flails tbe beat example, curiously enough, at tbe cape of. Good Hope, a mountain, ft i bobsled, due not (o ourtotipu, ?i phe? hpnienon cf ppbfaval, bnf to the (Ink; ll'g of the surrounding districts or ter ritpry. Why these pepufiprly defined aseas did pot sink waj owing,, it is tbonght, to tbe probable fact that. the ground tinder them cooled befiie the rest of the section, and thus the . table mountain bad the earlier foundation fnd, h long retained Its placs,- Tliero rpuld aay be aejiudatfon, hpwe'vorv hong)) proportionate with its surround: )Prs,' and therefore! p'wiug this fadj tt big hlpbera ifjeilart, jtitl! keeps (0 m apprpiimate elevatipn, . Ho A Bath physician has been having huid work to get one of his patients, a imall boy, to take tbe medc)uft that he ) presoribpd,. Pue day be offered thij iitl flipw 8 oenti If he wtirjlrl take Ifc1 fh nitut was accepted, tbe. nedlolne tnten, and tbe physician tianded him tho money. "Aren't yoo going lo thank the doctoiJ" asked -the mother. ."No, 'I'm not J don't thank people for pay ing ma what I earnl" was fha reply. iijusJjMe. JournaJ, ""' :i, :" k Valuable 'Prescription.. Eifimr Moriif-p if WOHhjngtMB l'(h S"'' rtia; "Yimi liavt- a wuibie ra m'i i f 'P Biftriii Qitief", hQ'I I cu i li'-ifiil i i omie'l It for Con-tifiti"t ii (M Henlieiie. a s ijenciHi v n tl't- t t,u p eqilH'' V1r. Jnn : r.'ilV C?5 t!lve (irovr Ap. t'tll t i, h 1 run wn coul'l I'Ol ' "or ,ii j ii t Int.1 ii k icin- hitli n'V-r . i I,.; UM'I Ii It Hlrl Hint HI RI V, b'H )I I. ' i'l !' . t ic ISine-is rtsioreil lur I . I r iilub I hiT ati'liLlll. Pilcef ' f t a bolt e st K, ,: Frctty tnuch evovylxidy in tbe crowd had told a story pf the gun or dog or sbpole except a printer who looked about as much like a' hunter or fisher man na ho did liko,au angel. . "It's your turn now, Muggins," said the reporter. "I iiever hunted anything but bnard Ui$ houses over in Brooklyn," he said, with a wan and dodging kind of air, as if people threw things at him whenever be tried to.tell a story. ,; "But .before you camo hero is what VfO want to know nl.out," put in sev eral, auti you ve eitnor got to toil a slory or pay for the ririuks every time anybody else tells one. Eo moved abciit uneasily and pushed bis chuir back frcm tho ti;ble, drawing it clos9 npivgam iiumcdiately and final ly resting bis hands clipped on the board iu front of hini. . ' ."Well, gentSi" ho fliid with the wan aud dodging look still in his eyes, ''let me think a minute. Eoforo I came here I lived iu Chicago, whore I was hunted instead of bunting. L'cfore that I was n' New Orleans, heio I only bunted a job. ' Eefoie that I was iu St. Paul, VIIUIU L YVHH lilllllJIlK M Y..IIHI yitlKV Hit the timo. Before that 1 lived iu Boston, where it was too frigid to hunt, and be fore that, quite a long time before that, I lived iu eld Kentucky, mid, gentB, I did hunt thrc. Nothing but a coon, niebbo, or a fos or a pcsuui or as little as a ftjuirrcl or ouly a dove in the dusty read, bat it was finer than anything on earth. . "I was only o toy, and perhaps that bad something to do villi it, butldidn't know Kiiy different then, like I do now, and it wus just tho finest on earth and no mistake." And his van face lighted up ns if lio woro lucking through the open gatca cf paradifo. "I recollect had o dog that was cnn.sid ruble of a hunting dog, but lie was an unrestlesa kind of o cuss, and when ho treed auyr thing ho would do a let of barking at first, bnt if Femibody didn't come mighty quick ho would p;ive it up aud go moseying along after the next thing in sight. Ouo night I was ont with hini after' coons, and ubor.r H o'clock I heard Mm'lmrli like ho was iai r jn a clump of woods cbout a half niilo away, i knew I was noinR to liave to got to binrj pretty qnicU if I found him- there at allj ppt ( ii'ailnl ncrnrs a field toward th volJs r.a T;;st ca I conM pa It was i ttubblo field with sii.k holes like yon find nil over K"ntu!cky in the limestone jmrtp, r.n.d tho placo was dink, though ' f hd it.r.r.1) vun iufit U-t-iniiirp; (p show "utovu tho weetis. J van thinking more plr.ut v. hut the dig had than anything clr.e, iji:rt r.3 I went Lin gii g through the .field, "ell Ht cuto I seemed to drop off of I. V I... I. .1 i'l. 11 .11... 1 XI ini!f,arei u4 iiai imii a cijrtf, uuq iiiei l"l-hew i had triwblc d into a sink hole, Tl.ry r.ro never very deep cr dangerous, and 1 wasn't afraid cf iVing fatally hurt, but it took ike Fni.d out of ma right quick, and I went down tbropgh jliu weeds, nnd etntf, net knpwiug jnn vilint had licppencd. Of course I badn'f pinch timo to think, ami when I hit bottom I had still , for instead p lgbtlig P" he ground or stones Of jhickct, I lit on Fcmi thing alive. It was a wild cniinul cf ccmo kind, I didn't kppw what, and, I V'P w ared till mj iair began to feel funny on my bead. When I went flown, I went hard, and I kind cf knocked the wiud ont of tho varmint at first, but iu a second- began to yowl and rdhp and snarl and to, iwisf pudep me ami try to get out and 0 raise, tho dickens generally. In th meantime I was yelling and stfuawkinp; and trying to scaro tho blamed thing, because I thought it was n wildcat, auq J sinew boy p my size didn't; have any show with a wildcat if the varmint ever took n notion lo fight, and I knew pretty well that a wildcat wa" abont as sure o take a notion to fight as ny, (hiug on earth. J don't know exactly what I did in that hplo or bow I did it, bnt I remember it seemed abont a month of Sundays that I was all mussed up in there with some kiud-of a wild animal.' ana nnany ma miuggoc iroro pnoef m J ud, scooted, cs, tan as it could for the. op ci tho sink hole. I followed, after (is quick as I could, for I bpoame brayf tvhon I saw it tn, Pi'il when I got up pn tha level the moon had come ont, and I could see tho vaimiut fairly skin ning it cut for tho tall tinibef, I yelled at jtwit(;all mypiiglit, though I didn't iui( after it very fast, aim began to call my dog. On the second call the varmint Stopped, pud I begun to get ready to skin out myself, when 1 got n better look, and, by tho great born spoon, gents, it was my dog. I called him then, and hr oame back, to me, and I "coujd uee fo myself tnat po nud lioiea sometning. down there, )n the sink, and (lis barkiu, bad been smothered and tonnded away Of to mo, and pf coarsa when ) dropped inon bim unexpectedly like that be didn't kuow nnytliinn al out It, and pei tlier did I, aud there we was. Iu any vent, gentlemen," concluded tbe far mer Ccrnerackcr, that dog come tmt, ting baclc to me, oiii when we met fact to faco in the moonlight he scrter look' ea at ine, aim i sorter iooiica ai pirn, and I dou't know wbi'l) ppp pf Pi felt most J'Ue apologising. I do know. (bough, we both knot kul off for that 00- easioMi and ou the way home we took turn about sneaking along behind each other, m aud the-dog. " New York Sun. ..-: . . 1 1 I'' ' v . , Paris ia threatened with arennlssanoa of pnoaulsm. Several well known litte rateurs, poets nnd artists have baudod themselves .into a society for theadora Ooucf heathen deities. This romantic rievivul liilfyjilready caught the Farisiaij jaucy, ana converts are anuouuoea v ery day. , ' CRACK BXER3 BESTED,;: t .nka EnwtaW TelU Bow Kipert PacUlets f i : Siiuref ror xneir hum I.uke Eustace, manager for Tom Burns, the middleweight pugilist, gives an amusing account of his experience with Jqbnnie Van Beest, : tbe feather weight. "It was at my place in Phila delphia," said be, "Van Heest bad been recommended to me by a New York sporting man, and I had sized him up as a soieutiflo boxer. Before making a match, however, I arranged to try him out. The boxer who did the trying was a barber wbo kept a shop near my saloon. He was what is known in Boston literary circles as a dilettant ish chaj, boxing for tbe love of the thing and bis health, and be handled himself very cleverly for an amateur. Be was strong as a bull, but didn't compare with Van Heest in eoienoe. But he bad a knack of shoving his glove into Johnnie's stomach. Now, Johnnie has a capacity equal to that of Sulli van, and the night before he bad played the leading heavy role in 'Ten Nights In a Barroom. ' His interior department began to regret it, and after two ronnds he wabbled around the room aa if be' were tbe proprietor of a large and ele gant jag. Though be was groggy, be wouldn't quit, and tbe barber boxer fin ished him with a right baud persuader on the jaw. I immediately sized him up for a counterfeit and refused to baek him. About two weeks later I read in the papers that be bad boxed a draw with Jimmy Lynch, who was then re garded as one of tbe cleverest feathers in tbe country. . I bad underestimated Van Heest. His miserable showing with the barber proved to me that tho clever est boxer in the world is liable to be thrown down by a novice. Of course it's poor condition that does it. Billy Plimmer was bested by an amateur in Louisville onoe, aud Jack MoAuliffe was buffeted around tbe ring by old George Slier. Jack was recovering from a debauch when oiler bested him. Am atenrs and tenth rate professionals have no mercy on a clever boxer if they can catch the clever man out of condition or off his guard." Washington Ppgtj, AVegctablcPreparationfor As similating iheFood andRegula ling the Siamafiis and Bowels of PromotesDigestioaCheerfulr ness and Rest.Contalns neither Opium.Morphine imr Mineral Not Narcotic. Kmpe afOldJbSAMUELHrCBEIl Pumpkin Seti Jx.-Sttin0 fiod,,lU Jcft -iniat Sttd Stpprmnnf -Jti CvianaicSaiai ' ftinm,Sctd Ctiittt4 JJjTr.. . Whmynm FUrm A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK, EXACT COPY Or WRAPPER. EE s: THAT THE FAC-SIM1LE SICNATURE OF-r IS ON THE WRAPPER OP EYESY . BOTTLE OF is mm Otittrla Is put up iu one-size tattles only. It Is not sold la bulk. D. u't ullov anyone to sell you sayuUBg else on tbe plea or promise tost It 11 JUSt SB ood"and v;ll snswertovery pur ee that yon get O-A-S-T-'O-BrH, Hipose.' Ill 7 . ySf. r u I. E & I S. her & m imi,i:k;ii. F INE DRESS GOODS ! The grandest collection of IIKIII CLASS NOVELTY DliKSS GOODS (colored ami Mack) ever exhibited in the South. Every con ceivable color, weave anil design of the leading manufacturers of En rope are represented, llc-ie are the oamcs of a few of the Jicauiifu! Dress Fabrics. They will not make you see the goods. They serve their purpose if they make you with to see them. i1nin ;i ii il 1 iv-1 in ; r;i n ; t o. ji'aiu and iriilesei'iil; Scoleh mill Kh-Ush Mixlii res. French Krnailclotlis. t'or ' crls anil t ho newesl oftlie New (oat of Mail." VVj; .would also call your attention toVi'nr flt'lclirated lines of sdeer ami Cubthh Laneux, Muhair Fnntiisie. Silk-Shot Fabrics, iln liiies. Wool Canvas, Sail Cloth. I'niiiniin. Cork serew, Iridescenl. Sai-kelolh. Turted and Rough Cheviots. Whipi-unls e , 1 ! i v e JIRESS S .:., md i.(itl i in tho Sou ih en i i design, weave aim prices, and besides price, at nil time-:. lowest. We have Icetiiin in tha.Sont I. Icct from.. 'IT EES. ai .". !. , '' I'd. Nu la-use .rh um on ilie Ioib at i LHiirantoeinf! io hp the 'In- largest von I,. eso -,h II V "Write for Sam-oles. BASEBALL BREVIJIE Umpire Jack Bheridan ia wintering in Ciuciunati. Tommy Tucker is working iu a mill in Holyoke, Mass, Frank Foreman, tho Cinoiuuati twirler, may be released before next season. Pitcher McQee pf the Brockton (Mass.) olub has been drafted, by Jo-, Gunuigle p Lonisyillaj The Baltimore players beforo they disbanded made np a $300 purse for their groundkeeper, Murphy. It is said that Buck Ewiug's playina days are over fffle (hat he yvill tftjiue as, a fieuch, manager in the future. Martin F. Hogan, cenfor fielder of the Indianapolis club, va,a marrin re. centiy (fl jiss, Agues Peughcrly of fouiigstowu, O. Fall River, Mass., which turned out Lajoie, Geicr, Klobedaua and others o( famo, has won four penuaits, in fJeW England in fopr years. jf. Par Wagner of the 'Washington club says there is no truth iu the report that Jimmy Mcjunies bai retired from tbe diafflPHd to tudj mediciuo, fatsy Tcbeaq saysi "We have lines out for some high uppers, We hope to laud a. pitcher beside whom Cincinnati's purchase of Breiteusteiu will sink iuto inilgmnoarjoo. " W Ha H Ht; &a Em .mkk i Undcr Qa.sto.!', iinusc. Sunt u hi- - THE o Clean! Newsy! Honest! ATHLETIQ NOTES. Bowdoin college has a new omrter mile running track. Tho Cornell university crews bay, begun their (all praotiqe, The freshman elass at Liehigh univer sity has organised a track team. Haverford college aud Brown univer sity have, both decided not to have bas ket bull teama, B, C, Chamberlain, '97 S., has bro ken tbe record of Yale university in strength tests of tbe baok, legs aud hands. W. O. Eiokok, bavins become a pro- feasiona.) pqaehaf, will pot be allowed to oompete at future amateur athletic meets, John Graham la trying to get the Beaten Athletio association to iuvite Prince George and a team ot Greek athletes to visit Boston neit summer. Complete, arrangement! bave been made for the annual cross country run between Cornell and Pennsylvania, Whioh Is to take place on Thanksgiving day in Philadelphia over a five mile coarse laid in Fairmonnt park. Newspaper for the Banker, Merchant, . Mechanic, Laborer and Farmer. A Paper for every Household ! All the News Only News Stoves, Carpenters Tools iaoie ware, uaroea wire, GALVANIZED PIPE. Cut erv. PUWlS. Lime, 1 laster umi Cement, OEVOES PURE READY MIXED PAINTS. idr reroni,aieini)n io me prompt unit correct hllinj; o orders all For tha last 20 years we have kept Piso's Cure for C'r Sumption in stock, and would sooner think a grvxeryman co jcj get along without sugar in his store trum we could with tiV Piso's Cure. It is a sure seller. RAVEN & CO., Druggists Ceresco, Michigan, September 2, 186. Wilnonirton, MM & Noiioll Railroad. T1MK TAI5I Atlantic TI.MJ in. eiTv.i N I I. i):.'.C. .NO. 1. To takeeltect tuiiiiav,'.hii,7ih. 1; ! 1-2:00 M. tJuDerrediot T'we ''al!i N.. ). Qctill'M ilh. 1KI'". CHI. 1)1 I. R. (Jiiim. Nnini. Stvth'N . A:. I. M New lli'i'ne 0 -.'l' M isvi ie I :it' J.Sisnrvilie VViliiiiiii-'i ii , Aaaerlpftsi fi Atwa4, Mora merioau boxera have gone over to England during the last U months to meet British boxers than ever be fort) in pue year, gome of the "pugs" who have crossed tbe water daring tbit year are "Mysterious" Billy Smith, Kid Lavlgne, Billy Hill, Mu. Icon's Pickaninny; Solly Smith, Kid MoOny, George Qooney, Tfhq boimi flyer t?! ?Mdl h P1118 of Qcorgo knrae; $Aldie Qonpolly, and DQw Sam my Kelly (a on bis way. Every one of the American eoiers baa wou bis con test' with the Englishmen, aud the sports' of this country are wondering whether. Kelly Vfill duplicate tha great suooess of the other boxers of this country by defeating Billy Plimmer. Exohang, ' 1 nsw. outdoor game baa been invent ed. It is oalled lawn billiards and is destined to prove formidable rival to tennis at garden parties. Tbe lawn is laid out like au Immense billiard table. Tho balls are similar to croquet balls. bnt are made of cdluluid and, are bo(. low. The ones are short handled mallets. ami the. cushions are banks of sod, The tame if said to be interesting, bnt diffl- Cult. , For the upbuilding of New Berne's Indus rial interests, the advancement of Eastern North Carolina and the progress ot North 4 Carolina's Material affairs. Correspondent in CASTORIA fot Infanta and Children. Urn Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. LClilldron Crj for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry "or Pitchers Ca;?or: ,-The Ileal Faaaeea. - ' . James L, Frsocis. Alderman, C'luoago, tvj "I mrani DrKlnat Ni-W Discov- fry ns an Ideal l'noe I r Cougln Colds and iiuna. CompUluts, hsviou uwd It In my family lor the last Ave ysrs. to the exclusion or physician's prescrip tinut or outer preunruiions. . , Kev. John Burgus, xuk,- lows, wi lies: "I have l n a MinUier oflhs MithiHllst Episcopal Church fir BO y-r or more. at.d bave never lound anjUuoi) so henenrial, r that gave me tuclt trxedj r, liifo Ilr k'lna'i N Divcovviv" Trv ibis I.lml CciiiKh HeiTifdy, Trial Bottles r at t. 8. Luffy's Drua Store. The Latest TelegraphiG News Going South. No. 7. '--. Lvc. A. M. 920 9 5 '. 10 09 10 42 12 40 r. m. 1 1 i M it i at. Lvc. .1. - ', A- r. m. : .i' i r. i .-T'a- BALF.Kill. N.C.. WASHINGTON. 1. C, NEW VOUK. DETROIT, MICH., aiMlCIIH'AliO, II,. .COUNTY CORRESPONDENTS. T11R0UGII THE COUNTIES OF EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA No. 6 Pasbkxhkr and Fhkioiit No. 6 Wilmington .Moniliiy.Wodtii'Silii) au I Friday. Leave New IVrn Tuesday Tiiirsdiiy and Saturday. Lve. A. M. A r 1'. M. :! 15 '.' .'i'- j 4f a U ; - 1J .. i y I 4'i i 31 i r, u t - 1 12 C 1JJ.V ' - ( ' i 10. io uj ; y bt. '.i ;s 1 t rr ot A. ii M)kllj Except Sundaj. H.A. WIHTUNO, Ueneral Manager. J. W. MAETENIS, Gen'l. Frt. and Pass. Kei $4.00 THE DAILY A YEAR- THE WEEKLY $1.00 Subscribe .Now rr:i Hum pic,, Conic UD".iss;..:f he 'jQurnai:.1.; NEW BERN'S, N. C. 7 00 Is Wilmington Air 7 10 W. Sea-Cnet 1". It. O,' 7 2'l Baymcad, 7 ul Kirk'iiml 7 42 St.-M's Hill, 7 58 .jiiiipsuiii I, 8 03 Cpns l-a' : 8 11 Aiiiinirlii'e 8 IS Woiidsnle, 8 32 EdycvC.ii.'. 8 52 tJ.dlyn .,r I) 0 KnlkMoue 9 ll) DiMn fl !!4 Vi-rona 50 Arr. JaiUwinv l e I.v, 11 10 Lv. " a.i 11 19 Northern! 11 il(J AVliit.-o.ik 11 58 Muy-vil f 12 18 Rioi!Ko,d 13 30 I'ollocksMl'ij 13 53 IV'tuI . 1 80 Arr. New'-crne Lv. P. M. ii :a Ii -;s III ij - In u II LI II k. i '..1-1, . 1J.-I--l.ilJfilll: railing t.'i Kiuli-ii, t'-mell. Ar. iJ. ve', !,v. I.v - A l. ;C'..r.- I'n-. k. 'I u-i ui.-ia. i I -II, -. r. Si Ii- ii;. I Ar. t 07 It vri.li, I i- n ' ; t. lliv.-;l,-k. X- ivi i.ri. W I.v. A : i.-l.- M A i I'. M. Mm il iy -II.-,',N . M.ii. M. ( . v. I.l I. i.v hi 'i Iu !l Mil A. y ' '-11111111 y !!.!.. Su-.-i New Berne Mails. Notice iiglven that ou nd alter this date malls leave For all points In Pamlico County and South Creek section of Dcaufort County close at 6 a. ni. For Vanceboro and Post QAiccs Id Northern part of Craven County close l 14 noon. For Bcllalr andjLima, 0 a. ni. r; . For Wjltford, 11 s. iu. . .-L', AU mail for DcBruhl aoes Pyljoiis: ville, the former olttce is lii-ciiniDiic J. Vancelioro mall arrives 12 in. Yancebor.) mail Uans 1 p.m. ., j ' M. MANLY. Postmaster'.' MalanM produrcs WeakrjcM, Ceneral Debility, Dilllousnvss,l Loss of Apnetlle, Indigution and Ciiontipation. Grove's Tssteleos Chill Tonic, removts the cause which produces tWe tlrmibka. Trvlt and yon will be delighted. 50 centa. To Kt Us paume aak ibt Grovo'i O. ZD. xiTx:. FREIGHT & PASSENGER. ' UNTIL FJBTIIER NOTICM The Steamer NETJSE Is scheduled to sail from Ne- bom as follows: - i KONDAv3,,.,., WEDNESU4V8 AND FRIDAYS, i" SAIIing hour $;30 p. m. ' 5borp. Frel j;ht re:el v4 up to go'cln . . . . ; -, For (uither Information apiily to,T . " ) asa HCNOE&sorc.Afiv ; ' Juno 23.189G. ,,. .... -i