m VOL. XV-NEW SERIES NO. 152. NEW BERNE, N. C. FRISDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11 4896 ESTABLISHED ;Mi WASHINGTON HEWS. Highest of all in Leavening Strength. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. POPULIST . TARIFF POSITION : MEASURES. OS I eafelleaaa Mn4 Tocctber. Farar a Bxtra rnloa. Seaatarlal Hit. .-. Win Dlmmil. Steering ' " ' . Committee at Work. Washington, D.C. December, 10. Senator Allen of Nebraska sprung the aurprise. No one was expecting it and no one was ready. . To gain time there was a diplomatic sparring match. Dis cussion of all kinds was cat off at 2 o'clock and the bill remains in the same condition it was before the flurry. It will require a motion to get it before the Senate again. The discussion and the votes taken, though, ; disclosed a queer state of affairs. The Populists to a man were in favor of taking the measure up. The . Silver Democrats, with me exception ol Senators Murphy and Morgan, voted against consideration,, and the bolting Silver Republicans joined with them, excepting Air. Pettigrew. Mr. Carter, who is Supposed to be in accord with the traigntoutB voted against tuem. Baking a-o to rowder ABSOLUTELY PURE In iOJH. ALLEN APPOINTED. WILL SUCCEED JUDGE BOTKIN IN THIRD DISTRICT. Appolatmeat to Tobacco', Growers Coaventton. 8100,000 Plant for Warren County. Reward Of fered for a Hnrderer, Special. . Kalbiqh, N. C, December 10. The Governor appoints Oliver H. Allen, of Einstou, Superior Court Judge in the Third District, to succeed Judge . T. Boykin. The appointment takes effect January 1st, 1897, The Governor appoints as delegates to the Tobacco Growers' and Dealers' Na- Noone is able to offer an explanation I tional Convention, at Ocala, Fla., which for this strange proceeding. One thing is certain Mr, Allcnwas disappointed. He expected to find a divided party on the Republicans side, lie tired his can non when no one was expecting it, and instead of shattered ranks he found the Republicans presenting an unbroken takes place January 13th, 1897, A. K Umatead, of Kinston. Gold miners from Arizona and Ohio arrived here today on their way to War ren county, where they have bought land in the newly-discovered gold belt. fhey will put in a hundred thousand front. Instead of catching the victors I Juar plant. in the late campaign nappiug he wub caught himself, and was forced to evade It direct question as to his position ou : the tariff revision. Mr, Allen caught his own allies asleep. ' tney were unaule to decide on a course of action and scattered. The skirmish re sulted in a decided victory for the Stralgbtout Republicans and they are in shape now to throw the responsibility ol an increasing shortage in the Treasury on the surer men. If they cannot pass the Dlngley measure they can show the coun try whose fault it is, Tne republicans were ablo to say that they would pass the measure in fif teen minutes if they were given the chance.,Their solid vote to take up the bill The Governor offers one hundred dol lars reward for the capture of A. J. Pen- ay, wanted for the murder of Steve Johnson, in Bladen county. immense volume of sewage emptied into them, and an epidemic of disease may I break out at any time." Mr. Constable told the mayor that with his honor's approval he intended to frame a bill, to bo presented to the legislature I which will, if it becomes a law, regulate the height of buildings in this city. THE COTTON MARKETS. December 10. The news from Liverpool was not at all encouraging today, as futures only ad vance 1-64 in response to the advance in New York of 14 points. Januaby delivery opened at 7.26 and has pursued a declining tendency all day, Anally closing at 7.09 the lowest point of the season. It seems to be a time when everybody wants to sell and buyers are few. New; Bekne market has been easy at H to 6J, toward the close of the day 6j Claud F?l. Cook, 152 MIDDLE STUEET, Next to Kafcr's Hukcry, liai j iat received some nice Malngt Grapes and 4'oooaiiutK. D fl 1 '11 mi For Everything need in HIS You W. P. Burrus RaJnh Gray. ISiirrus e& Gray, Wli esultJ un.l Retull Dt-a'ers in tan la HAY, and all kinds of n Cottoa aau Cum 24 Craves St. Dl n un You Can't ha Kanla l1J;ui I'lO'litf. iS-ni -i (",.' I)n in i:: tll.t I'll;: I'll' c I itl-fittl:t; i.k -tlie pan, :il the feme- i ItOCEBIES was best fiirurcs. Yours truly, J. E. Latham. THE MARKETS. ' Chicago, December 10. Ol'ENINQ. CLOSE. MaylWhcat 794 May Ribs 4.02 4.07 Tla-raibie Items. Kalamazoo, Mich. One-third of the winter crop of celery now in trenches in the Kalamazoo celery fields is rotten on account of damp, warm weather. The estimated loss is $50,000. Frankfort, Ky. The Court of Appealb iias affirmed the sentence of death pro nounced against Scott Jackson at Cov ington for the murder of Pearl Bryan. PRICE, HcCORaiCK & CO., Bankers and Brokers, 72 Broadway, New York City, fNew York Stock Exchange, Members J New York Produce Exchange of ) JN. x. Cotton Kxciinnge. Chicago Board of Trade. COTTON. The cotton situation, both from the standpoint of supply and of demand, f he Governor will fix the date of execu- seems to be stronger than for several years rtnn Past. The improving trade, uotu in l Anwn-tna .nil l'.iirnni nrnmiHpa to innrc Cliicnirn. 111. Bv an order of Judcre .i. .. i..,..i. .,,,,,),. n,i o..,t, nn .... .... I o ' r - "I tunii auouiu 1. ou 'Uil I.....U du.o ..v... , ,HW?H 1 no wio Doast. bo tut Gibbons, the Henry McShane Manufac- unlikely to be as lame as had been earlier lyerren ha4 to do the best they could in curinz CtomDanv has reeained possession anticipated by many, and widely pro- Curing Company has regained possession i of the Columbian liberty bell, and will ship it to Baltimore, where it will be placed on exhibition. Memphis, Tenn. "Jim" Davis, the the face' of defeat and they used up the re htalhder of the hour in discussing the mo tlon to Teoommit it. Last night the various steering committees wor'o busy aud the future of the bill depends ou tho results reached. The Populists have openly put them selves on record to place no obstructions in the way of the passage of a tariff mess- urn uit tue pledge does not amount to a neat deal. Mr. Allen said his party must 66 tiie Judge of it's own actions. It wouiu the branck office of the Guarantee not place Its neck in tne Republican yoke. tet ne wanted to sue a tariff, measure passed though he did not believe it woulu be of any benefit, ' Appearances would indicate that Re publican members' generally favor an ex tra session. Some of the Now Euglaud claimed by the bears. Despite this cotton nas declined. 1 lie reason ior tne decline is that speculative holders of contracts for the future delivery of cotton being, unable to margin their transactions, have been forced to sell in New York. The They carry one of the largest and "best selected stocks to he found in the city. Their goods are fresh and of the best quali ty, and their prices as low as the lowest. Satisfaction guaran teed. Give us a call betore buying elsewhere. Yours Resp't. 10 Booh Stationery S LATEST Newspapers, Periodi cal)) and Magazines, ni:i always be found at T. W. WATERS'. 105 Middle St. fySubscriplions received fur ail peri odicals. School supplies lor sale. Onl.i? taken for school inipptiex. 1,-itest S::ik durd Novrls. lVn.-ils, pen, ink-. e!e. M AFFORDS i:;' .! - MISS 1'i.ily l;e 'wi ' today Rint iid ili.il will ii un ;:iii.i Mi-i-ei. m Opportaity i i-.-n :. i ii ilm. I i'i i in H i i :.--k I!..!.':( iv v i: I Mil i i " I: I Ml 1 1 i -e- -i y "ii in . I. il'i r h I :i lil is f-'c H I (Li.- k n I i n - ii i i. I ' V i-: 1 1 vim. el-. I' ' negro who on Saturday last killed a question is thus raised as to whether pro thirteen-year-old boy and very seriously vounded another, aged eleven, sons of Joseph Williams, his employer, was cap- cured and lynched. Hollidayburg, I'enn. Thieves looted Loan and Investment Company of Pittsburg, five hundred dollars in money and valua ble Daners deposited bv individuals for safe keeping were stolen. Philadelphia Tho British bark Balina ducers of cotton are likely most substanti ally to profit by purchases of contracts, or by Holding spot cotton, w e invite correspondence upon the subject, and meantime solicit consignments oi cotton 10 New York or to Liverpool to be held its lone as the owners may desire. We are willing to pay sight drafts against the Ullis ot lauing ior sucu cousigmuciub within a reasonable limitation of then value, and will cuariro not over 6 ner cent, interest on such advances. Special terms as to commissions, etc., on large consignments will bo made on application. fiaski A freslt Supply of We keep The finest I Line of. ( :andie... lion li-)ll.. and Chocolates. 71 Hroml I ' St. NEW BERNE, N. C. Mised Nuts Walnuts. Almond:; Pecans, and Brazil Nuts They are fresh, give us a trial. Fruits a Specialty, nr. xox & . Next toT'of-t Office. DO YOD nvita Yoo o Inspect Our unique and ex quisite creations in .6. E5. t. ,1 U a. t? --.,.'. ii t t TifT t Dubjlpans .deprecate the suggestion, I reach Ivlgtut, Greenland, for cryolite for has arrived from 8t. John's. N. F.. after Correspondence is solicited. Address, NUIE, MCUUUMlth. & tU., Box 205, New York, making two unsuccessful attempts lot Jletr argument being that an extra ses sion, woqld tend to unsettle business, anu that U U) better to pass the Dlngley bill wu mch additions as may bo possible, Bn4 postpope the further question of tar- lift making until next winter, this port. The Sallna was Btopped by which did extensive damage to her. ice S.DOO (Jnaafe Balldlno- New York, Superintendent ol Buildings Stevenson Constable made a The argument advanced is that the I jtartline statement to Mayor Strong. present tarm law in tome particulars lfc I ue gaid; "There are 8,200 buildings in the city of New York which are absolutely un safe. "Seven of these I have found neces sary to watch continually. They are some or our largest ouuaings. wracas i have appeared in the walla of. these buddings, and 1 bad to station inspec tors to watch them constantly in order that Immediate steps may be taken to protect the lives of their occupants ' as strongly protective and satisfactory at the old McKlnlcy law. The 'cotton and iron and steel schedules, for instance, art '.'i ft4 10 1)6 !l (hat U needed, to afford the fullest proteptloq to the manufacturers. . -The protection given to wool and luin- .' ' ber In the Dlngley bill will It Is claimeo by some of the Republicans, be more sal ., - Ufactory to those interests if the measurt , " be enacted into a law within the nexi three months than to postpone the pro- WP'N rh."8 (flTen W or more h. ,hould these cracks open wider." - prdeflOWCttre higher rates of duty. I -Mr. Btavenson Nonstable went on to ne PlU!ry Mueuuie is regarded uy tut I explain that the recent practice of run a. epublicans as Having suffered more thau ning np hotel, an(j fnce buildings to t5 any other schedule in the WUspn bill, aud Lreat helghte had weakened the foun- If it be the Intention of the Kepublicau I aationa of adjoining buildings. He - to past lots measure turougu tue benau I jdjed an effort will be made to enlarge Its scop .in may ego, a buil4lng of height , V 1J ft? !S??f!WW oi, "Wui'lonal duties requiring a foundation forty feet deep fi'n suih Importations, has been erected beside another which , ' JAW yesterday afternoon, at the Cap.-1 uas only twenty or thirty foot foun- - tot tua Kepublioan beuatorial sleeriu I tlon. In sinking the caissons for th t oommittee and lar. Mark A. Uauua helu I ifg building the sandy soil or the clay a conierenoe inai lastea upwaws ot two I Ded j, sucked away from the founda- noun, tne situation in the btutes ol - North Carolina, South Dakota, Ken- ' tnckj and Washington, with respect to K I 11 K I II M E S S i: H ti Grand have a Oough and Tickling in your Throat ? Our Cough Balsam is sure to rclcive you or your money refunded. Price 25c. BRADHAIYS PHARilACY. JUST! i RECEIVED AT MY STORE, tapT'AxwAY's Croup iSyrup relieve Croup. will Presentation of the KIRMESS and DANCES ol the NATIONS, Will be given at the Opera House, WILMINTON, N. U, Evenings oi Deo. Matinee on Saturday Deo. 19 Reserved scuts will be on sale si Yates book store, 0.. at 9 a. m. Thursday, Deo. 10, u nnn Dnmrno Loluinbia s Bicycles 7 V Novelties ! Our Oriental and Domestic Rugs arc un rivaled in textvire, design and coloring. Our prices place them within the reach of all, ; in' 14, 15 16 & 17. are now ready, PRICE $100 ! In tingle mounts, two n&w models have iiei-n nut out. Nits. 4d and 49. .Noticeable t'entuies are a wider seciion of wood rim, au'h l ints xnd luritcr tubing. Numerous ininir r.haucr have been made through- oui winch nuke tlii'te models even better lb in models 40 anil 41, which hive gniu GOOD TOBACCO I . . ul ...I .1. I i ..1 1 1 U 4- Wilmington, N. ' f'cuao iovmuir0pUiuouu.wuKuu. rniCA mvpV PB suiu fctu Jjie 'elpcfi'pn flf Vm'ted State Senators. Waa dlidUMed. And it was decided that vey honorable method aliould be em ployed to elect Senators there, if possi ble. The possibility of passing the Dlngley bill wm also considered. While the Re- drainage will become so overtaxed that puonoans wm vote to take Mat measure l the direst results may be expected. price 60a., and tl.00. Seat ma; be reserved br letter or telegram. tions of the building next to it, tnus Sneoial rates and trains on Haiiroaus, rendering the edifice unsafe to a greater I Jfcad full deioription and inter- or less derree." " I astinsr Dartnu ars in "Hirmeas, ior Mr. Constable then made another start-1 wle at all book stores pries 60. ling proposition: "In about Ave years," lie said, "If the present practice ot erect-1 inc enormously high buildings in the lower portion of Manhattan Island Is con tinued, (he present systems of water and Two Tandems with all the aboe improvements nave also been addeJ. tar S Hartford Bicycles include two grades of machines. Patterns 1 sad 8 (List in '96 $80) hnvebern reduced to 180 and a new machine lisliog at $75 (Pat terns Mo.7 iind o) nave oern anuea. Call and get Advance Catalogue up whenever such a motion Is made, the cjm,mit.tee gees that the bill cannot pos sibly secure the requisite vote, It was also the judgment ot the oom mittee that an extra session of Congress should be called at as early a day at pos sible after the inauguration of Mr. Mo- Kinky. Wasted, Conn. Elisba Payne, eighty yprtrt old, of Pleasant Valley, committed ' Me 'by' !)0Qtng Dmsef. lie left a t..rr'n wblph be brpreised a wish to be nrloit in a rough board box. . In bis clothes-was found $1.11 ' to defray the burial expenses. TOCl'KK At'OLniPiOai BAT. T ' i t.ntir Bromo Uilulne Tablets U dm;; -nils refund Un money if it falls UCiro, iiiu, 127 MIDDLE ST. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COflPOUNDED A full line of TolletJ.Boep,5Per- fumery, etc. ' . u Laxative iDromo Quloins. Cures s cold injoss day. . ' ? GerWa Djos, all colors. Each package dyes t Woolen, Cotton, Bilk nr TJnen Fabrics. Lr-UVia ruttiiuuvj-. K.r,u.s Bors Sosp-a purst whits Bosd oo chemicals. Tbr beat In fcT Jordan's Liver Pills ara tb I tha world whitens Linen, washes Laces, superior Jor.ToUet vm, "The sewers wilt not accommodate the TIRED MOTHERS Anu help I in Hood's Sarsapaiilla, which gives them pure blood, a good appetite and new and needed STRENGTH. JLS CARETS, . CAMy CAtHAXf C , once at prices rang-g ingjfrom 3 . 'i'i' E?y E'Ii. :::nk. x. c. MOO will KIN no 15 to 20 Cents wiiaL Phone 80. - T. HI1L, 61 S.rrat Street. AGENCY Hazard Gun Powder. merchants;sate;ionet BTillEAYINQ Y0UB LOB IEBS WITH HE. F. TJLRICH, Grocer, fQPDU TU?T Per Pound. Call early and exam ine my stock. . Yours Respt. JOHN DUNN I 0S0T OOCK Bl. ; OL'U C UOCKUV HEPAKT Mt NTS I' A X HE I'D I' XI) ALL TH T IS N K ED IT L rou a Gentlemans TABLE I AndtUe QUALITY well it is a well known fact, that when any thing comes Irom Wili'Tl!! (IV 1.1! 31 r CTVf:.t. So if v. .ii.t til.' I.!'t St. :.rll!.i-l linv till Kinu I Icatcr if C .I Si. mam ISi'iti liinfafo Agency I Kdi' l!n; in :. illinj 11 nil Hentilny. mill ml li'i'li hi; of He 11 1 K. TOR RFNT : I:"-.'. nv. Ii. K. Si., Il.11.c1vk Si., (ilMltlle lit-1, IVin "itni, Hi-ilk Sti-ro, Mi.l I'i: St., Middle St., Mi. I. lie S' ! izexsli'liitnivn. Olllc, Store, 11(1(1.1 $t().)K prl ma -t.O'l i.l'O . ."0.1 0. 20.0.1 ' 1 5.00 . " , 5 00 II.. Pollock Johnston f-t. The QXJALITY Is there 8. Front " Rlen r TOR MLB. Hon c ami l ot, Hnmd Sirerl. " " . - Front ri. ' " ' Johnston -'v " " GeorifB, ' ' ' Two Teut-mcnls New , ". u A number of Bond FAKMS fo sle low prices from 10 to BOO acrte. K. E. UABPEIU 71 Ccarta brtet , ' . ' ', -Ut. - -" 0