-A VOL. XV NEW SERIES NO. 153. XEW BERNE S C., SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 13 1896 ESTABLISHED ---.: WASHINGTON NEWS. HOW CLEVELAND'S MESSAGE WAS RECEIVED BY SPAIN. fw Tariff Mare. Tin and Nuanr - SmSI SeT Protection. To Pre. ,. veat Bnleldea. : Iceberg . -Tbrcnteit ffvlgUon, Vasmuqtos, D. C, December 12, In the prayer at today's session of Hie Bouse, Chaplain Couden referred di rectly to the bill passed yesterday,, for bidding the sale of liquor in the Capitol, and asked that the bill might Bpeedlly become a law to be never repealed. . The resolution extending until the end of ihe session the investigation by the joint committee of the use of free alco hol in the arts, was agreed to. The House, in committee of the whole discussed nine private bills till 5 p. m., . passed two of them and then took a, re cess until 8 p. m. to consider private pen sion bills, .:'-.''."" The first night session of this sessioL was well attended and resulted in tin advancement on the calendar, in com mittee of the whole, of thirty-one pri vate pension and relief bills. The are now ready for passage, by tin , Bouse.' ' v Semi-official advices from Madrid BtaU that government circles, as well as tin . conservative element generally, - an - entirely satisfied with thnt feature oi the President's message which related to Cuba. The first impression created by the meager reports cabled to Spain was not satisfactory and produced Borao irrita tion. : When the full text of the Cubau . chapter appeared in the leading papers of the kingdom there was. it is reported, a complete revolution of sentiment and ' the President's courteous and consider ate treatment of the subject received general approval. . The President's utterances are taken s on the whole to indicate a better under standing between the two countries. These advices contain the further infor mation that as it is the intention of the Spanish government, when certain oi the provinces are pacified, to give home rule to Cuba on the lines indicated in the President's message, little fear of ' intervention is now felt. " "A moderate measure" is the charac- . terication wbtch leading Republicans ol ' the Bouse give to the new tar ill bii - which it is proposed to frame this winter v- in anticipation of an extra session oi Congress. - V It is explained what is desired is a bill which will provide a sufficient revenue to cover the deficit now existing, furnishing - proper protection to home industries. It Is pointed out that conditions have con slderabiy changed since what is known at the McKinley bill became a law, and that rates of duty that were Justified ttieu an unnecessary at present. It is stated for example that the tin plate industry, which was enormously stimulated by the. duty of two cents pound imposed in the McKinley law, it now to well established that a return to the former rate is unnecessary. The sugar schedule promises to cause more mbarassment than any other in the bill. Borne of the Republicans of the Ways and Means Committee say that the thro. States which produce sugar, Louisiana, . Texas and Nebraska, gave their vote last month to Mr. Bryan, and this, in connec tlon with the position which the members of Congress from Louisiana and Texas have always taken with respect to a tarifl - bill, will be, it is asserted, a strong lnflu - ence against protecting this industry any further than the necessities of the case - require. . . ' ?, .. -. , v.' - The agriculturalschedulo will probably be fixed at the former rate of duty, while the woolen schedule, It is said, will re. ceive a sufficient protection to satisfy the manufacturers. The cotton and steel and Iron schedules are not " likely to be changed.'. The present ad valorem system will be changed to a system of specific i duties. r- v:, : The bUL It Is said, will contain a pro. vision that goods in bond will, when taken out, pay the rate of duty in force, and not tnejower rate, at wbicii tbey were ongi - nally brought to this country. An ar raugement will be made whereby dates will be assigned to certain Interests to be beard so that there may be some system attc method of giving hearings without embarassment. The date upon which the hearings will begin will be made pub lic when the full committee meets. . A bill offered in the House by Mr. Ray and referred to the Judiciary Committee is a recognition of the suicide mania that has prevailed through the country for a month past and shows at least that 1 Mr. Ray is up-to-date. It was not intro duced by request. . .. ' .''" - The bill's title is, "To prevent the niul tiplloation of suicides. " It reads as fol . lows: -, '. '. ; "That no newspaper or so-called po lice gazette shall be transmitted through the mails of the United States which contains any picture of a suioide, or say of the details relating thereto beyond the simple statemeht of death by sui f Bivl'lg name, date and place. Pro V ' 1, tha further particulars maybe , i';n by medical jqurnals In the Inter? cut of science, or any judicial ofilcer of f s town or county in which the matter t'v investigated may order such I ulm-s relating thereto to be pub i 1 fii bIiaII serve the ends of Justice. " ' A any person violating the pro. v - a of this act ahull be deemed guilty i a i ' "HM.-uior and be puninlicd by a f j i f li t li -u than :"), or by Im Highest of all in Leavening Strength. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. mass ABSOLUTELY PUBE fef prisonment not exceeding-ninety days." The Naval Hydrographic Office finds signs of an unusual season of icebergs on the North Atlantic Ocean, according to reports which it has received from the United Associated Presses and from mariners. From the number of ice burgs already reported it is declared that they are not only making their appear ance very early in the season, which Joes not ordinarily begin until January or February, but arc dangerously near the west-bound trans-Atlautic steamer track. THE STATa NEWS. ODD FELLOWS MAKE GREAT GAINS. tiov. Cnrr'9 Mesrtnjre. Learned From PopullHlH. No Free Nilver Repub licans. Ayer vs. Hnnnn. As. Blffiinieut Act Opiulon. Journal Bdreap, ) Raleigh, N. (J., Dec. 12, 1SU0. During the year the Odd Fellows in this Stute hare made considerable gains, uirand Secretary B. li. Woodell, whose tllcc is now here, says the order bus j,000 members, and there are 115 lodges Seven new lodges have been organized xai oue reorganized. Governor Carr is bard at work on his alessage to the Legislature. The reports jf the various departments are now being eceived by him. It is reported that the jovernor will recommend a reformatory tor youthful criminals. It was tlie pur pose of Senator Butler to have a reform atory bill passed by the last Legislature, out tlie matter failed owing to the pres sure of other things and the excitement of the closing days of tlie session. There is no doubt that the Republican uanagers in this Stale picked up many ideas trom senator miller s management jl the lm)4 campaign, lhey have loe mines of doubtful voters, of all negroes registered and of all iteputilicuus. These ,liey will use m ISiW. it is learned from Joshua B. Hill, tin jew chairman of the commissioners ol in is ooumy, that V ake's floating debt it oiuethiug like (pju.uuu. .Next week lit ill publish a statement. Most of I In .cut seems to be due banks. Ihere is uo jouded debt. The matter seems to Ui aard to avoid, us expenses exceed lu come. the work House aua cuuulv uuuse cost some U,Uu a year, net. i'ne titatu isouru oi i'uhiie Lliuiuie; neets here next triuay, Dr. Dully pie .idiug. Secretary Deiisou will submit i. mil report, which will show that much .las teeu uccomplislied during tlie yeai Ihe Populists are stud to tie quietly working on the line ol a "tree silver ui puolican tor beuator. Where is one ttepublicau Suite uhalrmau Hollou ut aured your cortespoudeiu, with the ut most positiveness that there were "no iroe silver Republicans lu North duo una. iiiereioro tlie question is askeu, are not the wily Populists wurking oi trying to work on bluff 1 It is quite on thu.cards now that the Southern Railway may develop an inter est in the completion of a railway from Aberdeen to Fayetteville. . Raleigh has grown much in 1896. It is said by experts that in no year have so many residences been built, and the greater number are handsome ones, l'uere werfe in the spring predictions of a oad year, but the results show something quite the reverse. Business has been good much better than expected. It is stated that. Governor-elect Rus sell will not deliver any inaugural ad dress, but will simply send a message to tlie Legislature, It in not customary for a Governor to fail to deliver an inaugural address ; .certainly to the Legislature, dome Of the Populists-say they would not be averse to a display at the inaugu ration. ' - Populist State Chairman Ayer declares that he laughs at the idea of Mark Hanna manipulating the North Carolina Legislature. This moved a Republican to say, "Ayer wouldn't make a mouthful for Mark Hanna." , , It is intimated that the Supreme Court will next week file an opinion in theap' peal of Enrolling Clerk Brown, of Ox, ford, who was convicted in the Superior Court here last winter of fraud in con nection with the ' "assignment act, Brown's friends have always maintained stoutly that the Supreme Court would assuredly reverie the court below. trONDERfui. ro tlie cures by Hood's barsuparilla, and yet they are simple and natural. Hood's Sana parilla makes PURE BLOOD. ATCOSpi ; ny entire stocK o Boots & Shoes mus be sold by Christmas Come early and se cure bargains. PltA'lTs : SlURK, U5 Middle Street NHV JliMiet. IN tiiv'. New York Passengers on the Ward line steamship Uegtiianein, which arrived oin Havana, weru greatly minirisefl to hear of tlie report of Gen. Maceo's death, and when told of the particulars thus Jar received expressed a disbelief in the story. They said that Major Cirujudn and many of his men knew Mncco welt enough to have identified his body without any of the alleged evidences of identification they had offered. The opinion was also expressed that tlie letter trom lioniez to Ins sou was one Dr. Zerlucha had been instructed to de liver and that he deserted several days before the death is alleged to have occurr ed, with the intention of instii;:itiinr and currying out the deception. THE COTTON MARKETS. December 12. Liverpool news today shows a fair de mand and while spot prices were lowei futures advanced 1-04 of a penny. IN ew 1 ouk opened at !Ao tor January and closed steady at T.Oi, a net lot 4-100 siuco yesterday. No permanent improvement is probable while receipts continue so free. The situation for the past week is pruttj well summed up in a letter just re ceived from .Messrs. Lehman Bros., ol New York, which 1 hand you here with. Nbw Berne market has been steady at OtoCSMIi. Yours truly, J. li. Latham, New York, December 10, ltjOB. Air. J. E. Latham. irw Berne. Dear Sir Cotton: A series of demor alizing markets culminated today in i positive stampede on the part of holder: of cotton, mid though during the week wc have seen some irregularity and tem porary recoveries, prices are actually forty Doiuts below w hen we last wrote. the total absence ot all encouraging leal- ures, with the persistent selling here loi Liverpool anil boiiliiern aecoiiul, nat- tried both Hie pati:'iiee :in,l the pockets of the trade, wnieii has heen iinahle i resist the pressure, a i t luvu utilised l, .nake a heavy liquidation. I lie liureim Hrpnil la siiiiH'whai. Jelinile in Ha eaitiuiaiiiius. iiih reiul a i euetauy is liere, iseei.is l. ii.iiil :rop Ol O.i nullum U.uei.; al .Neu WW i.iwever, tlie euneliisiMiiM aio Uiile, ula me inierene: ai e--inel is u.ie m .. luouleiliy larger eioji. in tliia cuiillic. i ipliuon, ot course, nni.i lime i-an niui ale coireetuesn ui t-ii.H'i-, ami in I. iieanwllile, We hil.ill lie i.vrl lleil . laclorH liiat arise uoui tune to tune, 101, ad on pivvionfl oc'eajitoiis, uio C.overii- n.-ut lu-poil 111 Lie a liiii.g ol Ihe pa8i n a (lay or wo, wiule Hie niuveiiienl, ui it transpires, i-uin r inn ur otherwise. -v i 1 1 have US heal lug upon the llialhel, Allien, ihnugii naniig .uuim a lU-LiOeUi.t lower level man ,u anil, ipaled, i.-, ,ust now in dueli a seusti.vu eotuliiiuii that any tendency of a heuiisii nature hi. urooaoiy nave nuiiue u-eii;n., t.o tnai iieay receipts will act ailvrrsiay if ihe) come to ligm. Un Hie oiiu r nand, a mod erate movement, ur aiivtliiuj; in conso nance Willi moileiate Clop Ideas, may t iiullions or less, will not unliaely irivu us a lair unnroveiuent uaaiu. ilio alislcn- tlou of the Allli'i lean siiinaer is still linml noticeable, and has proven disappoiuiiuj: to (lie trade at larc. iNotw iinsiandiiig this, the statistical position, as evideuceu Oy the world's visible supply, is by no means an unreasonable one, and inignl leave room for the hope of better things if tup actual supply docs not exceed the conservative expectations, beyond tins, under the existing disappointment and the positive uncertainty, it would bt Hazardous to oiler any opinion. xours truly, Lkiiman liitos. THE MAltrifciTS. Ciiioaoo, December 13. OI'KNISO. CLOSE. May Wheat 8t)t 80 May Eibg. 4.02 4.0it PRICE, HcCORniCK & CO., Bankers "and Brokers, 72 Broadway, New York City, New Ydtk Stock Exchanee, Members ot New York Produce Jixchange I a. I. Coltou exchange. Chicago Board ot Trade. COTTON. The cotton situation, both irom the standpoint of supply and of demand, soems to be stronger than for several years past. The Improving - trade, both In America and htirope, promises to more than absorb a supply that seems now unlikely to bo as lare as had been earlier anticipated by many, and widely pro claimed bv the bears. Despite this cotton has declined. The reason for tlie decline is that speculative holder of contracts for the future delivery of cotton bclnir, unable to margin their transactions, have been forced to sell in 'New York. The Stiesllon is thus raised as to whether p ro ues rs of cotton are likely most aubstantl. any to proiit ny purchases ol contracts, or by lioltliiic spot cotton. We invite correspondence upon the subject, and meantime solicit consignment of cotton to New York or to Liverpool to be held a loan us tho owners may desire. We are willing to pay sight drafts against the bills of lading for such cousigumonts within a reasonable limitation of their value, and will charge not over 0 per ceul. interest on such advances, Bpecial terms as to communions, etc., on largo consignments Will be maun ou application. Correspondence is solicited. Address, ; PRlli, McCuilMicn. i IIV-; Box i!05, Now York. ' ' mT t nn ninn Fulton Market. Corned Beef, Shafers' mild cured Hums (small sizes) Ontario Prepared Buckwheat, Attnore's celebrated Jlinco Meat, Bin Mams . . which we cut- Finest Cream Ulieeso, Imported Macaroni, N'uts, Raisins, CocoanutB, all kindt, Eviiponttctl Fruits, Large and JSiikiII Hominy, Carolina Rice. Oat Flakes, looso and in packages. Small Breakfast Strips. California Lima Beans, N. Y. State White- Beans. Fiuest Teas, best oOc. Coffee in cit Finest Elgin Butter, Chocolate and Cocoa, Fresh Crackers and Cakes, Pure Flavoring, Extracts, Spices, CatBitp and Sauce3, Cranberies, fresh Lemons, Oranges, Ileiu'z Cucumber Pickles 5c. doz. J5PA nice lot Toilet Soap 5 cts lozen, and numerous other things (vhtch our space will not allow us to mention. We invite you to exam ine our stock. Prices to Suit The Times. 71 II r n Til , j' y I I J I ' El road XEW HERXE, X. ('. "Woman's Work is in vi r doiie.'' One I 'inur Is Pimi-licd only to be repined b. .uother. It i9 ihis . onsiani work, worn iD'l ftrnin that (! iiimys the i.rifflit benut iurl use'llllni Ks ii' n a"V wnnn n ouilli ill I .e.m akwav's C'noi.r Ijyrup will r- neve your vlmd (. rniiii m'i insure iiirhi's rest your in"npy buck, u not as epiveented Sit cents at BRADHAIT5 PHARflACY. are now ready, PRICE $100 I la single mounts, two new models have Iteen put out, Nos. 45 and 46. Noticeable features are a wider sec' ion of wood rim, flush joints and latucr lulling. Numerous minor changes have beeo made through out which nuke these models even better than model 40 nod 41, winch have train ed such an enviable reputation throughout the world. Two Tandems with alii tlie above I improvement! have lso been aduex Hartford Bicycles include two crades of machines, ' Patterns X ami 2 (List to '96 $80) bave been reduced to SSi) and a - new machine listing at 75 (Pat terns No. 7 and 8) bave been added. Call and get Advance Catalogue. WILL T. HILL, Phone 80.' . 61 8, rront Street. (L A ,l ANAIS I897. 5 10c.,each :76c, dozen MRS. K. F. DILLINGHAM, Cor. Broad and Middle 8U, iiiic Golmnbia s Bicycles Bransons, Claud M. Cook, - 132 MIDDLE STKEET, i N'ext. to Kafer's Bakery, has just j r cm veil some nice .Ylalagu Graphs and Cocoa n lit! -i. vV. P. Burrus Ralph Gray. ISurriiN & Gray, VVIiolesule und lietall Dealers in HAY, and all kinds of Cotton aM Corn .Brokers 2-1 CttAvnN' Sr. AGENCY Hazard Gun Powder. MERCHANTSJSAVK 1I0XEY BT j.LEAVIXU VOI R LOR f ERS WITH ME. F. ULRICH, Grocer. 45 MIDDLE STREET. fresh Supply of Candies, Bon Bins, and Chocolates. We keep The finest Line of Mixed Nuts Walnuts, Almonds, Pecans. and Brazil Nuts They are fresh, give us a trial. Fruits a Specialty, Next tn i'ost Oliice. WE ARE! A jolly old 8tomnach-iill-ing Santa Chua. No non sense and knicli knacks about us. What's tho use of Christmas if you don't fill up on tho best of tho land. That's what we're here for to make your stomachs glad ami your diniDg table tirel on Christmas, And ve will also niule tie CIb.id.rerL ! "We have just opened up our complete line of TOYS which we will sell at cost for the next few days. J37Call early and cot first choice. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, Raisinc, Ultrotl, 1 runes, In fact and for anvtbins; else In nrsi-ciass urocery store, ijau and tee us ; before placing jour orders ana ire will save you money. JQHN DUNN. ; I ' ww - v- , 0i ' 1 DO 57 fOllOCK St. Cram Feel Tlinf n IliA L in1 o 111(11 ii llll IVUHL of Santa Glaus or- - ''". ,'Ji.-I V I - You ' Santa C13;iits ill ill-ritti:i; suit 0 l.'k the part. A :.t the knees doe? h.' ;il:iinol cl i- t "l:i v ami let n I !iat will lit' ice 13 1 ' clothes Yor, wnij't Santa Cl.in l'i t .vi tun in-ine rt-.- ii - r . Don't let iM.r .:!. its Sanla ( 'l.un. ( '-, iticnu i S3 yi'ii i -u your rc!l'-: i t. 101 .Miid (reel. A KtssHSintesw ftore n ki eis n nnv ;!i; ink. Kv.'-t',:i.i I'CII Hill l s-ill'v eniiie Mi' i r li r '. i ii r Mm will f.m' in tl, - i l 1 T- (tilllOllii :nl eno'iuli in .i tn lake i: em ! Inane v i 1 1 1 nn. hat -iz.' ) oni inol;e'- 1.0"k in. in- i- ei'inini - (Inn I I'liir! a k.n I i a tri'Oil pljre In I i .. 1 1 ... i uv. Xi lilesi liiie l'i:ter j'..i I I ! y i.uci in filii-ct Mil-u'. .3. IS. WAWEilX?. Vitrei itiii . KOi'lt. fflmsm. Miss Ji- . ajj.-??ca Anotlier Car En il nf l'ancy Koi kers, mi! r.j'iy (.'arri-ces Kani V Hail anil Inl- oi iii I tr I in 'i-'- i ui tiiin'ctous 'o mention, mi , . r -pi cial Ijarij.iiDs -1 ;.- 1 1 make 1 ' i'l m1 i xamiue r tin- ri'O'ii to I'elnii- 1 In re. ii (if ii. il,.V I I, i.Wl.l I) PiCITUKS. Hi spicllully, T. .7.TlTfiSXKK. xkw i;i:i;m:, x. c. KINGS KINGS AYii i: ni l it orr.R 5! K' STOVES, So if yon want t!ie best Stove on ,i t buy tlie Heater. thi' niiifi. Kine Also a 1 1 1 1 line nf Coal Stoves. J j. E3. ; u!rV Co. COTT ii.wK jt ji:i;N FOLK'S Xmas Goods ? Biggest and Xi nct slock in town and prices below cempetition. Slock consist I of tojs, horn's ami", booki, names, dollf, I doll cbaiiK, tables, l-i-iUleili, bureau. I cracker jars, chocolate pots luncy ills-ho. cups and saucers in lint any thing liom lUc. u,) to If 111. nil, lor the young and old sweethearts bean. 77 Middle St, I A Haawhold rcrij l Cascarels Candy Cathartic, the most wonderful roodical uiwoverv of Ihe Sep. pkasantand refreshing to the ate, act gently aud positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire syftem, dispel colds, euro headache, fever, habit oal constipation and biliousness. Fleaae buy and try a box of 0. O. C. toddy. 10, 23, GO cents, bold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. . - ; . - ; . - , o i virt . GREAT Maid and 8 Matron- CHAPPIE AND BENEDICT, will fiiiiE ivioitderFul vii!:vi v oi' w IIB.il An, pT2SaSESiSHS ELSP-5iE55ZaSa In No one can fail to rj r.J Jgant jjl and Usci'.xl We have the choicest Varieties of Fruits and Nuts and every Xmas Delicacy. Our Assortment of IS UNXLD Gi if the agreement nt s nna ana iii? iu oiiri I t'f n Li K lor tfcu- d K Fir. works CKBURN8 CKBURN'S

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