i 1 v VOL. XV NEW SERIES NO. 157. NEW BERNE, N. CL FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 18 1896 ESTABLISHED) -A: WASHINGTON NEWS. COXEY TENDS ASSISTANCE ON - FINANCIAL QUESTION. ; labile Comfort Committee, Dingle) -. Bill- Sunday ObMrrum la ltla trlet. SlenraoKao Canal Bill. f. ';J i' s Caban Iatoreata. .-.J " , Washington, D. : C. December 17. . "General" J. S. Coxey.of Massilon, 0.f i is a visitor at the Capitol. He explainer that be had seeu a dispatch in which the - announcement was made that the House : - Committee' on Banking and Curreno desired information from experts in ' . finance to aid in the preparation of : new banking bill, y , ; r ' i y ' Coxey had with him an attractively printed pamphlet containing an elabor ate argument in support of his non-inter- ' est bond bill, fac-slmiles of the Treasury Highest of nil in Leavening Strength. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY PUCE the bands of the military and naval acad emies. . .. . The measure inoreases the pay of musi cians, provides for their enlistment for i terms of three years, and gives the chief band master of all bands the rank of j ieeond lieutenant in the Army and junior lieutenant in the Navy. The Salvation Army .work In this city, rath social and spiritual, is fully organ ized for the winter, and under the lead- aanaal span. Tfclrtj-Tw laasalM Entered Laat Toar. avaatr Praaeas, Speelal. Raliiob, N. C, December 17 The annual report of the Soldiers Home was made today to the State board of Public Charities. . It shows that during the year SS new GHRI8TMA5 is Almost Here GANl) GOOD THINGS TO EAT AND . : WI1KRE TO GET THEM AT IS NOW IN ORDER. Claud M. Cook, 132.MIDDLE 9THEET, Next to Kafer's Bakery, has just received some nice Malaga Grape jand Cocoanuts. W. P Burrus Ralph'Qray. ISurru fc ray, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in You fa n"t be Nanla Claus- given to bim in the Fifty-third Congrcsf by a sub-committee of which Mr. Bryan, of Nobraska, '.the " late Democratic candidate for the Presidency, was cliair- man.y :Ci j';.-:.'" : : ; y,,' When the Banking and Currency . Committee finished its session, Coxej - entered the room and introduced ' him self to the cltairman, . Mr. Walker, oi Massachusetts. . The latter greeted Mr. : Coxey pleasantly, .The leader; of tht commonweal movement then stated tin purpose of his-call, which was tofurnisl, . Mr. Walker a copy of the pamphlet and make clear the non-interest bona scheme. : - '".-.' ;;y. . . Mr, Walker asked a few questions foi information, and tt the close of their "ef interview," promised that tht pamphlet should be submitted to the full committee with the other data which ' is now being accumulated. Mr. , Coxey expressed bis gratification at Mr. Walk er's courtesy, y' . ' ' The public comfort committee for tht inauguration met a.t general headquar- (erst'Qlover building, and mapped out fys work for the interesting week which (loses on Marob i, 1897, : This committee is composed of ninety members, and is one of the most Impor- 1 tant on the list of committees. ' It has practically the reputation of the city in its keeping, at least so far as it is to bt reflected in the eyes of the visitors. The public comfort Cororflitteehas in - ftWB9 (l)e maHeT of obtaining suitable ' flUarters for visitors. Blanks have been prepared which, when filled, will make i 1 directory of the hotels, boarding - houset and private bouses at which guests will be accommodated. - The members of the committee will bt '- divided when the rush begins into a da) . force and a ngl)( force, so that all in SAtning trains may be attended and visitors directed or escorted to their se lected places. From what, was stated ol (be scope of (hp work to be done It is no) -. unlikely that (lie committee will have It , ' bands literally full from now until tht close of the festivities. ' ., Four members of the Home Marke. ' Olub of Boston are here to consult will, -' Representative Dingley; the chairman 01 - tha floiise Ways and Means Committee v The purppse of their visit Is to secure tu : co-operation : of Mr, Dingley in the pas- - aage through the Senate of the Dingle) . revenue bill now before that body. . It Is their expectation that if the Ding -,. ley bill should become a law at this stonSt would prevent the large Importa . tloo.of foreign manufactures whioh an v apip)pafeq while tqe proposed tariff bil Jl btiforc Congress. They .-also believt . . thf the Dingley bill can, if vigorous!) '; Buihed, be put through the Senate. Mr, : Washington introduced in tht ' House a bill to secure a better observ ance of Sunday in the District. ' It wat . , referred to the District Committee. ' The provisions begin with the restric- - tion of all business transactions on Sun ' da,v (o, sales of Iewsps,pers and books, tR 4rug stores, for the sale of medicines, - ' and to work of the undertaker in con npctioq with burials. Foot ball and base ball aad all othei games are forbidden. Building opera tions and work in construction of rail' roads must be suspended. A final clause permits such selling oi liquors as la now allowed and excepts the sales of tobacco, cigars, steamboat and, railroad tickets and the collection ana) delivery of baggpge from the list Of work prohibited. , V The friends of the Nicaraguan Canal bll( (Jo not propose that It shall slumber Indennitoly Mpqn the House calendar, A " petition addressed, to. the Speaker asking . . that a day be set aside for its consider. I'on was oiroqlatod by -Mr, Doolittle ol Vv 'ilngton It lias received the signatures of more tlian two hundred Republicans and fifty ' Democratic memlwrs of the House Mr. tiihon or rennsyivanla, who is a mem ber of, the subcommittee that drafted the measure, predicts that if it is called up it will have a practically unanimous vote n ts favor. - The argument used by the supporters Of the measure is that it does not call on ths government for an appropriation, but simply requires the government's r unntoe of the payment of the prlncL ! and interest ou the bonds. The gov ni nt, on tho other hand, Is amply il from loss by a payment into Tri iiKury of stock equalling the mi t ,t bonds guaranteed, and In : n in t be (jlven a mortgago on the 1 (M wruk j'rr-T('AHe3. .J !... .-ii, of iv.r..rnia, Introduced i y i i a I'll t r tl.e recognitioo I if t n I.- ' id si-rvice , i - J'i - i ( i, and Two How Oaleos. i . i i i jt j mhln nf Knaiirn Wnrthinrtnn .nH .tff w" OTOU U1WI. is troirres8inr well. Brimdler Wm. Iere now 70 P"" nd MrtT on notes which It is purposed to issue undei Svans of Philadelphia, and Dr. Rice of furlou8h- tnat law, ana trie lull text ot the hearing I few York are here. D4k nil I n 1 M l- 1F""" I !In..Ul. nasningKin, ana meir many menus l ., v. n tww I7n,lr. viu dc giao. to welcome mem again. maQ Hal Aver aavs the Legislature will all I- ii. a A. I. TK I 'nB urac ongaoier .vans creftte two new offlcea. those of Commit tince the city of Washington was placed .loner of Pensions and Insurance Com- iireotty under his charge. Eus'gu I mission. v ortnington, together with Lleuts. Grain l" We invite your attention tbe following Bill of Fare: to I HAY, and all kinds of M Coin aiu Corn Brota. lopklns aud Bradshaw, will also take art in this meeting. The Senate Committee on Foreign Re ations, with all members present, but lenators Lodge, Daniel and Gray, dis cussed the Cuban question for one hour tnd a half, and without taking action of my sort adjourned. ' Senators Morgan and Mills advocated .he vigorous resolutions introduced ly them, but it was apparent hat the committee was not pre pared to follow such radical lead- in. The drift of the. discussion showed bat possibly a majority of the commit' e might ultimately be persuaded into eportlng a resolution patterned after ;hat of Senator Cameron. This resolution recognizes the inde pendence of the republic of Cuba by the Jnited 8tates,and declares that this gov ernment should use its friendly offices ith the government ot Spain to bring the ar between Spain and Cuba to an end, GRAND LODOI OT BASONS. Three ataadroa BiaaUr-ejaa la SMata. Uevea Tkaaaaaa -aara. Speeial. Rauioh, N. C, Deoember 17. The Secretary of tbe Grand Lodge of Masons reports that during the present year nine new lodges have been chartered, making the total 881. There are 11.000 members a sain of euv. TOCCStBACMLD IX BAY fake Laxative Bromo Qninioa Tablets 111 drngjiists refund the money if It fails tootrc. 85. Give us a call bofore buying and your presents, mere are lots oil we will save you money, unr prices things in town that are more ORNA-lare low, and our goods of the high mental than useful. We haven't I est quality. many of that kind. They are all useful something that your hus band, brother or bean will appre ciate. We have full lines of Gloves, jressed and undressed; Half Hose. Neckwear, .Underwear, Handker chiefs, Collars and Guffs, Collar and Guff Boxes, Traveling Sets, Slippers, Shoes, eto. See ns if you want something use ful for your presents. J. M. Howard. "At Christmas plar, and make good cheer, For Christmas comet but once a year." Tusjer. Christmas is drawing near, and von are beginning to oast around for Telefrapa Items, Paper manufacturers of Wisconsin are inclined to keep out of the recently formed pool of paper makers. Charles D. and -Fiank Boydston, ol Chicago, olalm to have discovered a pro- sess of petrifying human bodies, Brunner Bros., retail jewelry dealers ol Cleveland, Ohio, made an assignment to Utorney E. J, Piqqey, Assets are estl- nated at 140,000 and liabilities at 80, M0. The Bering Sea Commissioners, who ire now in session at Victoria, B. C, will (o to San Francisco at the conclusion of their labors there to continue their inqul ry at that port. Bishop Potter, ofNew York, has decl led to lay aside his usual 'duties until darch and give his entire time to raising noney for completing the proposed Jatbedral of St. John the Divine on dorningslde Heights. The Grand Jury of Clinton County, 11., has returned two indictments for jmbeixlement against B. H. Nielhoff, vho, for several years, was cashier of he bank of ex-State Treasurer, Rntus N jtamsey at Carlyle, 111,, prior to its fail. ire two years ago, Petitions are belug circulated at Ports nouth, N. H., which are to be forwar- led to Congress, asking foran appropria- ion to rebuild the hlstorio old war ves- lel Constitution.. The ship is now fuarded by three shipkeepers, . who are cept busy at the pump In order to pre sent tbe vessel from sinking, George W. Montieth as attorney for fohn Isson, of San Franoisoo, has sent al j ' . , . ? . . I and examine our line ox. md to Attorney General Harmon, pre- Cnt GlllS. TlBCT OueeBgWIie. .erring cuarges againsi u miea ouues At-1 torney Henry Foote, of Ban Francisco, I ind asking his removal from office fhe charge is that of collusion with the I letendants In a criminal case to defeat justice. Nuts of all kinds This year's crop. Raisins London Layer and loose muscatels. Currants Thoroughly cleaned, ready for use. Citron finest quality. French Prunes, California Prunes. Silver Prunes, Evaporated Apples. Peaches, Pears.. Apricots. Atmore's celebrated Mijce Meat. Oranges, Apples, Cocoanuts. Nioe cooking Butter, 20c. pound. Nice Mixed Candy 10c. pound. Flavoring Extracts i.nd Spices. Very best Butter frosh from Dairy. Small Hams and Breakfast Bacon. Sweet Mixed Pickles Heinz's. Malaga Grapes. Canned Goods of all kinds. The very best I'lour 6 cents per pound till after thj Holidays. 24 Craven St. in au ill-littin;; :-'iit clothes. Voi! won't look the purl. lllii Clnns Unit I iis?s ut tin: kni-ci ih nut in pire reject. l)uu"t lit your family lie ai-liumi -I ts Santa Clan. Conic today ai.'l Uil measure yi'ti lur a mil that will lu-n-e your relf-respect. F. 3W. Vluulw U i 101 Middle Street. ; AGENCY Hazard Gun Powder. MERCHANTS SAVE MONEY BY LEAVING VOUll TERS WITH ME. OR- F. ULRICH, Grocer. 45 .miDDLB STREET. A fresh Supply of We keep The finest Line of Candias, Bon Buns, and Chocolates.'' Mixed Nuts Walnuts, Almonds, Pecans, and Brazil Nuts They are fresh, give us a trial Fruits a Specialty, nr. ximr jr ;. Next to Post Office. Maid and Matron A Stationery Store CHAPPIE AND- . BENEDICT . r. '. i will tiiul a wonderlHl yariety of ! :'cns many things I'e-iile pn)ier. pen- h il ink. K vt-iy t liiiiu lliit cmiM p !-!' dune 'imler the lie-in ol ' lalimi' v urn will liui' in I ins slm-k. at piivT- M-.I..H i.i- cnl eiiiiuyh to allow ymi I" laki- I'ein home with von. n.i matli-r what -i. yoni pocket lioi'k may be. Xiilas 1- c mi: H- loll t luriroi a sioie ol tlim kin I i- i .' ki i nlare to look lor ijilK 2.-5 Holioav miooh a sjin-ii. line 1 raver Uonk-i anil llyinnei-. n Shei t Mu-ic. MM l.-itc- J. I. CalASK 8S. .TAKE Col. Jordan's Cod;!) Balsam For Coughs, Hoarseness, eto. Manufactured according to the formula ot ths late CoL Jordan. 25 cents a bottle. Sold at Davis' Pharmacy. Agency for Dufpt's Croup Syrup. 23o. Holiday Goods! Sail, iB:f tas fe M J. of Santa Claus Christinas Sloe St. r or it stocks. No one can tail to Elegant "Woman's Work is never done.'' One thins Is Finished only to l replied bj another. It is this confiam work, worn aad stnin that destroys the i riirht benul) and uu'ullness ol many women youu' it years. Axway'b Ckocp Syhup will rellere four ehild of Croup n l incure h nivht HMLTinr munpv hack, if not - . i a ii I o - ; j f i II jou want a useiui presnut, csii i represe itea. t cents at BRADHAri 5 PHARflACY. nother Car Fauc v II ill Stiin.li anil il lots oi ol her ! n riin mention, an 1 iU oil' i the i:i t 1" om lor mir -" k. t ielore pin Inn-iiiL' I- w LASS lllA) R-npicll'iilly, t..t.tuuxi:b5 SY.W I1KKNK. N. ('. ' Carlsbad and Bavilaadi Diqiet Sets Cotabia i Bicycles THE COTTON MARK ITS. "'",;.: V" ' ... December 17, res news from Liverpool was a decline ot l-82d on spots, with only moderate sales vis 10,000 bales. Siw Tobk opened a shade better than last night's close ana the market there has been Arm all day, finally closing at 9.M for January a net gain of IS points for. the day. It la generally' believed that about al the "distressed cotton" has been liquidated .and It Is probable today's advance was caused more by the subsidence of' the v selling movement than from any other g cause, ifr mscou turn present pnc Mis count a very large crpp and M the re ceipts let up some, a good advance might result. The market though baa been demoralised so thoroughly that It may taks several days to assume a healthy state. New Bkbni market has been steady at 51 to 8.80. .: H it Cutler C. Go to - Sl'L COHN & tv. m Di.il wA W CW DUN1 W MWt Lamb, Mnttoo, Fresh and . Corned Pi Pork, and Veal ' very day. Also live aadS dratsed Turkeys. Will have plenty to supply the trade . lor Thanksgiving. Finest' Sausage hj the city at 10c. , per pound. - f- : , 'y are now ready, PRICE $100 I la steals mouute. two new models have beea nut out. No. 45 and 46. Not ic able features are a wider section of wood lim, flush i.'ints and lurirer lubioz. Numerous miaar change have been made through out Which mike these models even better I thin models 43 and 41, which have. gain ad sash an enviable reputation throughout the world. Two Tahdkms with alll the above I Improvement) have also wen added. WE HRE! A jolly old stoniaftch-fill-ing Santa Claus. Ko non sense aud knick-knacks about us. What's tho use of Christmas if yon don't (111 up on the best of the land. That's what we're here for to make your stomachs glad and your dining table tired on Christmas. And i e will also mie the Happy ! We have just opened up our complete line o Bcolisl I Hartford Bicycles Patterns 1 and a (List to '00 S) I6W QayS. , have been reduced to cod nod a new machine listing at $75 (Pat . torus No. 7 and 8) have been added. Call and got Adrance Catalogue TOYS which we wil sell at cost for the next i r Yours trulr. J. . Latrak. Stationery i vWILL nmll. T. I HILL, . 1 8.rratlto4. Tfll MARKETS. Ciiioioo, December 17. May Wicat., V y l:ibs.,,, OI-VIMO. . 4.02 i CT. f T rr rrCT ft'"l permaneni are U.s i tun by Hood's Sarsr'Mir'ya, be fi'-o it in ' .-s rittre, ri. n, 1 ullhy, 8 i 1 t .il-.iRgtLC LATEST Newspapers, Ferleal eals aad Keg allies, a) always he feaa at T. W. WATERS'. 1C3 HiddlDlCt. t7Su?)criDt!ons moelved for all pert. odicals. School supplies for sale. Orders tukea for school supplies. Latest Buw tl- J Korels. rotU f, lia, etc, . llr. Emma H. Powell, I y ' TIRE - ' Insurance Agent '-. ' BRO.VDSTUB ET. nav'nir been appointed aaent for tbe rlra lusuraore companies reprewntea ty nv Wt. bustMuid, Mr. A. U. Powell, 1 I most respectfully ask from the Insuring pabllo a portioo ol their patronage. Any buiinM Intrusted to tna will receive jrypt aad careful attentioa, tSfCall early and get first choice. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Apples, y Oranges, ' - Lemons, 1.1 ' .- Nuts, . ' Rttisin, V '. Citron, ,'r, . . .- Prunes, In fact and for anvthine else in a Drst-olass urocery store. Uail and see us before placing your orders and ws will save you money JOHN DUNN ' .- . y , .... 65 & 67 Pollock St. ru ,u in MSSIi I and Useful HBSMliDaT I3IPT Load of I'iiiicj l!.i.', if. j iU B.:'.-, r.,i . -p. V. Tiki 4U.2 - V - t it l,li.r Kill- I -it ,.r .,!!..... ,- !! - ! i. wfin WSIIkS Si UT COST. My entire stock ot Boots & Shoes must be sold by Christmas. Come early and se cure bargains. 11.V1TS SHOE SIOKF. !: Middle Slivel. Better : : Times Then put your shoulder In (lie wheel and push with nil your miclit It you owe us call and pay us, that will help us and you will be doing the right thing. If you need anything, in tlio Hardware Une, Such i or ;h as a "Hagup" King Heater, a "Victor Bicycle, or a l!o Dixie Flow tor Instance. Call on us, we will treat you right. Resp'ct. Yours, J.C.Whitty&Co SH5ESH5552S252ii We have the choicest Varieties of Fruits and Nuts and every Xmas Delicacy.. Our Assortment of Fire Works : : IS : : UNXLD Satisfaction Guaranteed i -. Is t lie argument , at 1 .' r. ' ACK HACK 0'