J IMl JOUMAL ITlJBa L. STEVENS. ' 3, AND. PROFKISTOR. , .sk. N. & Pec. 23, 1896 1 at the Post Offlot M New Berne second class matter, v ;... i'ii.t JotarAi (except Monly)3n fl by carrier la this etty, at te cents iloimis, lawiitbljr la advanoe, SI -SO l Ul : . . " - " t.M ur Journal oh few, In Ml im, SLOO rtlnin j Kate given onlapp) cation at vejv . 's,i,v:.;vf:;v v oenta yet line will be eharged for ik ot Thanks, Beosrotlonsot Kespoct at.d uarr Poetry?- alto lor Obituary Notices r tuaa those which tbs editor himself il jrle M a nutter ot news. nkxaof Cboroh and Society and all other rtalnutente from whloh revenue Is to be irftd wlUbd eharged for at the rate of tire a Use. jaJocaAl will not nnder any eirenm os be nepontible for the return or the e keeping ol any rejected manuscript. No option will be male to this rale with re rd a either totters orlnclotures. Nor will Editor enter lntocorregpon lence eon ml s refected mewnwrtiib 4-1, .i i . OLIfST AND TBS SENATE. The strife ; between Sncretsrj .. s . ... . !ney tod some of the Uoited States natort-oteV the Cameron resold ion is bringing up au interesting sint of constitutional law, and the 8sionat action of the Senate over he question is not placing that bod; ofore the country in a favorable lirht, as being one that was calm nd dispassionate oyer all important - w m . 8ues A careful study of Secretary Olnej'a position makes it more ap parent that he l pretty safe in his position, especially so when the op posing ' Senators make statements .hat are easily proven incorrect. Senator Davis claimed that t'.;is JuUa sitaation was a "new one ' ecau8e never nntil the Administra tion of President Cleveland has the foreign policy of the President beesi antagonistic to the general senti ment in Oongress." This incor rect statement is only one of the Senator's ' which he h h m ade concerning the Cuban matter, for: it is a matter of history that the "sentiment" in regard to Irait Napolean's actions in Mexico in 1863-64 was altogether at variance with President Lincoln's. ' The Honse, nnanimoualy adopted a resolution on this matter declar es- that the United States oould not recognize a monarchical govern ment erected in America upon the mini of a republic, yet three days later Secretary Seward in a letter to Minister Dayton at Paris, nsed the following language. "The question of recognition of foreign revolutionary or reactionary governments is one exclusively for the Executive, and cannot be de termined internationally by Con gressional action." This is a pretty flat footed posi tion in favor of the Executive's position on this matter, his right of the initiative, and Secretary Olney is supported in his conduct by far ther precedents. In the matter of Texai. President Jackson seems to have pretty elearly determined that the initiative was his and be would take it. !" This controversy of authority is an nterasting one, and it will likely be found correct that Secretary Olney s contention that the Cameron reso lution is merely an opinion express ed by Congress and that the power to reeotrnize Cuba rests exclusively wit, J President Cleveland, and in this he will be sustained by practice and precedent. The importance of the whole matter to the people lies in the re sults. - However much the people of this country may desire to see Cuba free, there is no wish for a war on our bands to affect this, and Secretary Olney a Arm stand will do much to bring about a careful, dispassionate study of the situation, and action will follow which shall not resnlt to this country's discredit. The Senate's action in the mat ter ton far has not added t the credit or dignity of that branch of Congress ;, ; J How's TktsT Ws oiler One Huadred Dollars Howard tec any cue of Catarrh that canaot be cured by Ball's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cianr & Co., Props. Toledo, 6. Ws, the undersigned, have known F. J Cbsner fer the last 15 veers, and believe Mm perfectly honorable la all buiinees ' remacUona, and luancUUy able to carry ' at Sot obligation made bv their Ann. tVeeT Tutrix. Wholesale Druggists, ; Toledo, O. i , ';''' f - t Waidihw, Rinnan A Marvw Whole ' le Drufijtata, Toledo.' ; , ""; Uall'i Csiarrb Care is taken internally -ting directly npon the blood and mocous surfaces of tbs system. Price 79c. per bot dold by all Druggists. Testimonials lUQ's bmlly Pills are the best. : Worse tkaa the Cwckjeeo,. , Stealthily and silently she pties amung the thickets, following the trail of tbe . warbler, sparrow or thrush like a sleuth bound, . fon der a tiny yellow bird with a jet black eheek flits hither with a wisk of dry grass in its beak, and disap pears in the branches ot a small tree close by my studio, dojr. Like tbe shadow ot fate the cow bird sudden ly appears and has doubtless ferret ed out her cradle. V ;, ;' In a certain grass bank not far from where I am writing, at the foot of an unsuspecting fern, a song sparror has built her nest. It lies in the hollow among the (h ied leaves and grass, and is so artfully merged with its immediatesurrouadings that even though you know its precise location it eludes you. Only yes terday the last finishing touches were made upon the nest, and this morn ing, as I might have anticipated from the excets of lisp and the mother bird, I find the first pretty brpwn spotted egg; . Surely onr cow bird has missed this haunt in her rounds. Be not deceived. Within a half hour after was laid the sparrow and its mate, returning from a brief absence to view their prize, discovered two eggs where they had been responsible for but one. The prowling foe had al ready discovered their secret; for she, to, is "an attendant on the spring," and had been simply biding her time. The parent birds once out of sight, she had stolen quietly, npon the nest and aftor a very brief interval had as slyly retreated, leaving her ques tionable compliments presumably with a self-satisfied chuckle. The intruded egg is so like its fellow as to be hardly distinguishable except in its slightly larger size. It is doubtful whether the spar row in particular, owing to its simi larity, over realizes the deception indeed, the event is possibly con sidered the, cause of eelf-congratula-tiou, rather than otherwise tit cast until her eyes are opened by the fateful denouncement of a few weeks later. And thus the Ameri can cow bird outouckoos the cuckoo as an "attendant on the spring, taking her pick among the nurseries of featherdom now victimizing the oriole by a brif sojourn in the swing ing hammock in the elm, here stop ping a moment to leave her charge to the care of the indigo bird, to morrow creeping through the grass to the secret nest of the Maryland yellow throat, or Wilson's thrnsh,or chewink. And, unaccountable as it may appear, here we find the same deadly token safely lodged in the dainty cobweb nest of the virco, a fragile pendant, hnng in the fork of a slender branch, which in itself would hardly appear sufficiently strong to suspend the weight of a cow bird without emptying the nest. Harper's Magazine. Backlea'iAraica Salve. Tba Best Salve in tbe world for Cnta, Bruises, 8ore8,Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, aud posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For sale bv F. 8. Dufty. Papa Matches. The time-honored scheme of roll ing up a piece of paper and using it for lighter has been utilized by an inventor in the manufacture of matches. The invention promises to revolutionize European match manufacturing, and is. perfectly timely, because the wood for this purpose is constantly growing scarcer and more costly. The new matches are considerably cheaper than wooden matches and weigh much less a fact which counts for much in the exportation. The sticks of these matches consist of paper rolled together on the bias. The paper is rather strong and porous, and when immersed in a solution of wax, stearin and similar substances will easily stick together and burn with bright, smokeless and odor less flame. Strips one inch in width are first drawn through the combustible mass spoken of above, Thousands ol Women: SUPPER UNTOLD ML5EHIE5. BRADFIELD'S FEAALE " : REGULATOR, ACTS A8 A tPECinC Ij Arwslsi k KsilKif AcOos j2 ksr Orgastl It eaaaea health to bloom, and Jo to feign throughout the frame. It Never Fall to Regulate w rl t kukwn mKtoMrmtiMHitsf ImS ln pfarilctBiii three ,ar. without tni!t. Ci'SVlPtiTT,. "l of BIMDFIHI.D'K rHMALK HKIIUI.ATOH all can ev kw OUtlM.ll'd Miln." H.8. mtAN. luiixttnon, Ala. UUritU RKUUUToe CO., lUaala, Oa. on r amrrliu at II m Mr kottle. and then turned by machinery; into long, thin tubes, pieces of the otdi nary length of wood or wax matches being cut off automatically by the machine. When the sticks are cut to tise, they are dipped into the phosphorus mass, also hy the ma chine, and the dried head easily ig nites by friction on any surface. National Druggist, England. ' - ' Why sutler with CoujIiiy Cohta, anrl LaGrtppe when ; Laxativu Bkomo (Jdinink will cure Ju la one day. Does not produce the ringing in tiie bead lik Sulphate of Quinine. Put up In tablet? convenient fr taking. Guaranteed to ture or money refumleil. ' Price S3 Cents, For sale at Bradham's PuannanyuDd all other Drug Stores 3 ' ; . Better : : Times Then pnt jour shoulder to the wheel and push with all yonr might It you owe us call and pay us, that will help us and you will be doing the right thing. "If you need anything in the Hardware Line, Such as a 'Hagiip" King Heator, or a "Victor Bicycle, or a Boy Dixie Plow for instano. Call on ns, we will treat you right. . Res pet. Yours, ' J.C.Whitty&Co 7. THE STO '....BALTIMORE, Ml).. . Mhe Papeif ef thelPeeple, . -., For the People and with the People Honest in Motive, Fearless in Expression, Sound in Principle. Unswerving in Its Allegiance to Bight Theories sod Bight Practices. " ; . The Suh publishes all the News ell the time l'ut it du not slluw it columns to be degraded by unclean, immoral, or purely sensational matter. Editorially, Tbe Sun is the consistent and unchanging champion and defender of Popular Bights and Interests agaimt political machines and monopolies ol every character. Independent in all things, extreme 1 1 none, It is for (rood laws, good government and good order, . B; nuil Fifty Cents a month, Six Dol lars a jear. Christmas Holiday Hates. THE SOUTHERN BAIL WAY announces Christmas and New Year Hol iday rates, 1806-7, at a very great reduc tion. Tickets to be sold between all stations of that company within radius o" 800 miles of actual selling point on Dtc. 22 to 25 inclusive, and DvC 30, 1896, to Jan'y 1st, 1897, inclusive, good to return Jan'y4tb. ; For the accommodation of students at tending schools sod colleges tickets will be sold to those presenting ceitiflcati-s from tbe Principals or Presidents of soch Institutions on Dee. 19 to Dec. 35th, la elusive, with final limit of Jan'y 4th, 1897. Call on any agent or tbe Southern Bail way for detailed information as to rates. schedule, baggags checks, etc. Webster's KsrsasSr International sSSSiSi Dictionary Invalnabie in Office . 0.I.MI MtA fAWA ninwtj am jitwi DTTERNfllONAl I Svna Cuin. IM satte Prtattnff Ofltoa.-cna U. a. eamnwMed br erwr fttaM SamrtnmnXnl o SclweH. J THI BEST rOR IV t It Y BODY - eicousi ... It te tmr te flee the wrt mated. It hf eaejr te aecertela the pritletlea. H U eatjr te traae the gnmrtk 1 a were. It at eaajr te leara waat a werS aim, C. at C. MEttMIAM CO., TubUMhtn, ' $ptlmield, Mm., V.0.A. One Thousand for One j.. (TKAD8 If ASK.) 4 ) 1 , AOOtDUNT TICKET t. - . The Inter-State Casna Compaav, of New York. fives THREE MONTH'S Inssiraaee $1,000 for $1.00, ' i to siea er women, brfwn IK an1 M yeam of iff, ml nut fttta Mrwi Ai?iii(in -Tfo, or on niyni llorMn.Wturfmii, Home 0m, IU II road Crt Mfivt4-1, BriiK. Trolley anil nl-i Cars tHaaniiblpasMuaboftU aud 8ts3aiu Vwri r.rStaleJSiy M T' fM -pe rvEST with a bit H. BlaekweU'a Genuine Ball r IMrbeui Is In a due by Itaelt Von will And one AJ MMmnn Inatri auh tan obiih bar. and two ooo. pons lnalde eacb four ounce bag of Black well's Gonuind Burliora Smoking Tobacco - Bay abagof this celebrated tobaoco and read the coupon wnlcb fives a llatof valuable preaenu and now tocet tnem. i O . TIIJG jp ' " ' M BE JH ! . Glean ! Newsy ! Honest ! A Newspaper -for the Mechanic, Laborer and Farmer. A Paper for every Household I All the News The Latest' Telegraphic News I For the upbuilding of New Berne's .Indus trial interests, the advancement of Eastern North Carolina and the progress 'of North Carolina's Material affairs. Special Correspondents in COUNTY; CORRESPONDENTS, THROUGH THE COUNTIES OF $4.00 II VEX R THE WEEKLY th r n a 1 1 v n l una i on Subscribe Now! ADDRESS, jQur-rjal, X, V X. . Rail Itond, " Paeiqbr Dbtabtmbht, ... -. New Berne, N. O. Dec 15th, 1806. . To Ak(iU Atlantio and N. C. R. It : .. Yon sis authorised to adopt a rate f four (4) oenls per milo one way Sir the mum! trij, 16 tbe Sule of tickets from all stations on the A. Sc N. U. Itailrosd flnr ing ChrUtts and New Year Holidays tvkets to be on sale Dee. ViaA to 2"th nclustw anl on Dec: SOlh, 31st and Jun. 1st, 1 89", good .to return to Jadnrj4Ui, Use eoatrart Iron Clad Tickets. Tht following rates will govern be tween coupoa points aaibed. , " ' ; , -rfyUND TRIP i . Moreliead City and New Bcrde, 9 1 4S Morelieail Qiy and.tioldsbom, . 8 80 New Berne sud Morvbesd Pity, . ' 1 45 New Berne and Guldhb ro , . 9 40 Kintion sod Onlilsiwr, : ,- 1 05 Kiosloo and New Ben, '..1 S3 LJiaHje and Oillsinro, J .. .S'J Gwldstioroand lo-Gmnge, 3 V' '.60 Goldubnro and Kinirton. I. "J 1 Oi Goldsboro and New Brrne, '' ' 3 0 Goldeboro and Moreliead Ciiy, ' 3 70 . Between all other "ttatiuna round trip pmpouiun 4 ceols pri milo.one way. '. ' f3. L. BILL, G. I A. Banker, Merchant, Only News i BALE1HH, N. C, WASHINGTON, D. C., NEW TORE, ' ' DETROIT, HIGH., and CHICAGO, ILL. EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA $1.00 Sample. 'Copies" Free !!! NEW II ERNE, N. C. Gun ton's Magazine. A knowledge of economic and politico, eceoumlo questions and their practical beariug upon Ainericnn tonditions is more important to Americnn citiz'-ns today than is tho Kliolrlii) implied In a college do to?. ' ,. . ' : : The Republic hsnas Id the balance, sod its permanence sud prosperity wil depend npon Iheeduoatioa and good sense of the people upon tbeta suljecis, puitif ulnrly tbe quetioos of Money, l'rolectk and Labor. ' - r ' ' To'this educational work GIjNTON MAGAZINE la exclusively devoted. J : It rets not unon popular tame", bit upon carefully thoughtuut Ide is.pnnciplU and fuels It sims to he strictly scientific :lentillc in tnetli' od, modern and accurate in d;Un, and American in sentiment. It is in reality a mauiizine of American Economics ami Political Si ien e. ccnta a Diiiiiljcr; f 100 r r. :v.-:: ?' , WM. DUNN, JA8. REDMOND, President. ' - Vice Pres. B. 8. tJl'ION, Secty. & Treas, HewBernG Igc Co ' IOanniactarara ' ; Pure Crystal Ice, ' From Distilled Water. " -Out-put 20 Tons Dully. : Car Load Lots Solicited. Ice delivered daily (except Sundays) 6 a. m. to 8 d. m. Sundays (retail only) ? a. m. to 12 noon, i or prices ana oiner intormauon address. B.8. GUION. Manager. NEW BERNE ACADEMY, New Borne, N. V. ' Under the plan of reorganization, oftcre thorough instruction in tbe Classical and English Courses oj a corps oi eminent Educators from the University oi North Carolina, Horner's School-and other noted Educational Institutions. --Tuition Fees Monthly in Advance. - Primary Department, Intermediate " f 1.25 per month. 8.25 " " ' 8.00 u Classical - " For further information, apply or ad dress, fjonn 8. Long, L.L., D. E. II. Meadows, ! T. A. Green, Board of Regents NORTH CAROLINA,) Superior Craven County, j Court. Julia Petnfur, ) VS. ' . i NOTICB. jrj Curtis Pettilur. ) The detendent above named, will take notice, that an action entitled as above has been commenced in ilie Superior court ot Jones county, by the pluintifi against the defendent lor a divorce on Ground ol wilful abandonment; B.ui said d'fendent will further take Dotice, that he is required to appear at the next term of J Den bupenor court to be held at tbe cocrt house in Treuton, on the 22nd of .March, 381)7, and answer or demur to the complaint now on file in said action, or tue piaintin wilt apply to ttie court, for the relief demanded in said action. This Novcmber.12, 1896. B. IS. KUUJNUE, Clerk Superior Court Jones Co. Notice ! Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the next General Assem bly of North Carolina to change and amend the Charter of the City of New Berne. ROBT. HANCOCK. Sfotice!. - Notice is hcrebo given that application will be made to the next session o the General Assembly of North Carolina for Charter, incorporating the Mutual Aid Association of New Berne, N. C. C. a ROACH, Cbm'o Board Directors. IsOSTI- Certificate No. 250 for one share ol stock In A. & N. O. R. IL In lieu ot this lost certificate application wdl be made for ajduplwate. Take Notice ! The best thing for New Berne that bat ever happened. An enterprise that will be ever a success. We are now wwing cook wood, stors or range lengths, the very nicest kind, aud storing it - swny unuer large shed house; keeps dry always laa rainy . weath er, and never cets wet. We keep a large stock of this kind on band. We cut the prices on sawing, as we are belter prepared to dolt cheaper than heretofore, and we now deliver it in your wood bouses or anywhere you want it, without any tronble to you, only give your orders to RIG II ILL, the Shingle Mao. - Yon can also do Big Hill a favor, by reporting to him, if bis own carta don't deliver the wood anywhere the customer n ay ant il put. We have polite dray n en and nice teams ready to serve, the UK od citizens of New Berne, iftheywill Obly take hold of sn enterprise like this, one that has never teen ottered to New Berne like this before. . - ; , Respectfully, . r. .. . . . BIG HILL. The Shingle Man. STOCK FOR H IXE, And Honey toLoaa, Mechanics and Investors L'nlon.; J. 0. Drewby, President. It, T. Jermak, Treaurer. Geo. Allen, Secretary. Of RALEIGH, N. C; - Offer $100 shares of Savings Stock for 100 monthly payments of 65 cents eacb, with agreement, that if the owner dies be fore roaturity.the remaining payments will be made from the Guarantee Fund, (sucb Y aymente are now being made Tor Her, W. K. Boitits .nd A. H. Powell). Full Paid Investment Stock, For value f 100, is told lor $73 cash, and is secured by Real Estate Mortgaites. Taxes are paid by the Uuiou. Losu dividend ot six per cent per annum, paid semi annually at Bunk by Coupon; The Urinn will re turn ciwt oi Htocic, who .uivinena to dale, U)eu application. Or 10 years after date will uev $100 per share, thus giving additional i rotlt of $33 per share. -This is one the axfest snd best investments ever offered, branches will be onnDiicd and Loans mtde in any Town, where stock is held. Q.ki'I Agents Wanted. Address GEORGE ALLEN, Bocretary, 22 Pullen Buililing, Kuletgh, N. C. . k v'a 1 A I FINANCIAL. Farmers & l.lzrczr.iz CM f BeaTSU. BuslxxesSsZCcvT-jrieei. Capital Stock, paM In 7S.O e Surplus S,l- il UaWiividcS Profits t SvO.oe rOFFICKEUt U H. Crm., President. ." . W. 8. C'hadwiok, Vice Pres. it- T. W. IlKwar, Caabler. . : 1 , . J. W. BmuLC Teller. F. F. MATTHKwa, Collector. With well establlilied connections till Bank is prepared to offer all aooommooa tlons consistent wltb conservative banHliiK. Prompt and careful attention given to col lections. We will be pleased to correspond wltb those wbo ma; contemplate maklnc ebantrea or ooeulnr now amounts. . T. A. tireea. Pros, E.H. Meadows, Ties Fret ' H. M.GBOTaS, Cashier. t CITIZEN BANK? of i ju w Bxiztim, srTo. . DO A GENERAL BANKINQ BUSDtEU Tbe Aocoonts oi Banks, Bankers, Corpor atlons, Farmers, Merchants anil others ra oeived on iavorable terms. Prompt and eare nil attention given to the inlei est of onr ens ' tomers. Colleollons a SpeolaJty. ' BOARD OF DIBKJTORJI. Ferdinand Clrloh, J. a. Meadows, -Samuel W. Ipwk, ' 0 has. U. Fowler, J. W. Grainier, B. W. Smallwood, loo. N.Ives. - K. II. Meadows, ' . Chas. Duflv. Jr. Jamet Bedmond, Mayer Habn, Thomas A. areeB. C.B.Fxt. W.F.firoekett. J. A, BRYAN, THOS. DANIELS, . President Ties Pres. . H. ROBERTS, Cashier. "... the National dank, OFiNBW buknkcn. U. "i ' - rxxrooztxQBeV.3:aii3 a.ees. - Capiui,..:.........;..:........$ioo,ooo Surplus Profits,.. ............. 98,168 DIEBCTOBS: -S Jab. A. Brtah, - . ' Tnos. Dajhiia , Chas. S. Uryah, ' J. H. Hackbubji, Jno, Dunn, , L. Marvet: O.U.UonaHT : B.K. Jlisuor; . WM. H. OLIVER, . LIFB FIBB MAKINB I : AOCIDBNT. FIDELITY. - , . BTBAM BOILBV iNSURANCEtsoee NKWBBBK, A number of Trme-Trled and Fire-tested Comianle8 represented. Over tl2s,ooo,(ioo assets represented . HOTOABT PUBHO. Commissi .ncr of Deeds for New York, Con- -nectlcut and Pennsylvania. fVAgent National Board Marine Under- writers. . - ., . . . Caveats, and Trade-Marks obutatd aoS all Vat ant btumeia conducted (ar isooBaaTC .tsa. Ouaomet tsOmirrt O, PsTurrOrriet: anSwecaaaecure pmicat u leas luas Uaa taaac remote from Waaliinitog. ( ; Scut model, drawiar or phoML, With aeserla- Iloa, W adviaa, II pauatabl or aat, trao oi! chars. Onr as not due all patent la seama, i A MLCT. " How to Obtain PaMala," wkll coat of ass in the U. a. and lomca aent ire. . Addreia, c.A.srjov&co.i OS. PaTENT Omcc, WaaHiNOTON, D. e PROFESSIONAL. F. H. Simmons, '- A: D. Wtr4 ! Sinunons Ward. ' ATTORNEYS aad COUNSELORS at, LAW. - - 1 - '. NEW BGBNB, fjf O.- 'V Practice In Craven, Carteret, Jonea,Lenolr . and Onslow and PaniUco oonntles, and tbe Supreme Court. Office at No. S8 Houth Front Street, opposite Hotel Ghaltawka. , ; Wm. W. Clark. . Owe H. Galea. Clark & Guion, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS " AT LAW, ' New Berne, N.C. r IV II. Pelletier, ' ATTORNEY. AT LAtT, T .Middle Street, Lawyers Brick. , Bnlldlna;. - Will practice In the Counties of Craven) Carteret, Jones, Onslow and Pamlico. V. B. Court at New Berne and Supreme Conn of tbe Stata. - irriDODpri"" At .f.MTY onlrrm lar? Ifi.OOO I'oO 'f ptniiaii; ''tirwl In 16 toU dtiTsa. Ton nsm itn: ' 'lomefarfutm prioattntiMr r i.Ve If roaprMfrtomili.n mt trurtt(naTrailroaUifHri.iii) ti Bonham.if wefs.il tocura. If 7ntwis.Tnt.a ttury. lodlda potknh vid ittii bv Ptiruv MacoanVfttciiM In itkihi ti. hn Implfft, Cisppftr ( oloreii k..i. Wnj psrtof Uie txxiw, liHiror I r;--Out, H ! tht 83onlary 1 ... w iraranL to otiro. Wott. t Date ctutea nd ctialltii)f o t . Kr weeannntrnrs). 'i nig o,w.mi h j. --. iltsstl thank ill of themotateBinnifi.t . ... etntk 500.0t0 capita, bsthh -1 or ' tknsilirnraxur. Atwoiutf nw ann Hon tWm. A(Wrtnm t.tm ? Bj virtue of a power or saleconltt!""! In a tKirtgage deed exeru'wl bv Cl;,. n Haddock snd wiie, Barah E. ilmM'.U, to Geo. U Hill, on the 10th day or Novum, ber, 1895, SDd registered in Cook 117, page 568, KeyUter's oillce, Cravm coun ty, I will, on the 4lh day of J anuary, 1N97, at 13 o'clock m.,at the court tiou door In the town of New Benin, sell to tbe highest bidder, for ctnh, the lollown described tract of land, to wit: On I i north side ol Neuse river, oml on : j south side ot Palmetto swamp, a1; i ing tbe lands of L. N. Inct. r ' 1 Abram B. Haddock, containing n I died acres, more or less, It bninu t: tract of land on which the fuuuiy til len lUddock now reniile. Novcnitjer 25tb, lo'.'t. vv. n. jox: ' A-'t'.'me (Jeo. I!. E. 8. Bimmons, All'y. '.ir Tri.:' aa.MAwa SflFl

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