:i7 EES JOUEM -2KB, N. 0., Det. 83, 1896, w mntnpiun. 1 Bank Statement. o Damatio Company. '. ft 8on.Turkeys. val 8anta Una.' I Iiarinacy Perfumery. lei A GanMl-Boy and Glrla. Xibdo Directory: EIA LODOK NO. 7, 1.O. O. F. : Offl- :-T. S. Hvutan, N. G.; B. 8. ttuloB. V G.: htUI, BVd. Swty; B. J. DtoMway, rin'i y; J. L.Xmpar,Treaa, Regular aseet- .rr Momlajr al.at at 7; M o'otofk. I UKETKNCaMPltEKT NO. 4, 1-O-0. f. !: W.J. ritu, CP.; B. 8. Galon, H. i J.I Cooper, 8. W.; C H. Hall, J. W.; 4. fttraM, burlbe; B. B. Km), Treaa. Reg- 1 .eajupmenta, lat, M, aud tth (If any) nuaaf night, uv each month at ,7310 TOK CLKlulONT KO. 1, P. Jf, I. O. O. V, -eo, Oraen, Captain: T. Q. Hy .i, ltaaa. W. H. Cohen, BWjrni B. 8. oo, Clerk ; WJ. tftU. AoouutnW Bag tr aaionmaata, id and tn tiunxluy ,4tia eacfc moata et7 at o'eloak 4BK LODGE NO, I, KNIGHTS OP HaR HmU tad and Uk Wednesday . ota la eaea month In Bonntree's Halt a, a. an, Pruldent; t. H. Ssutta. arcury. . JOHN'S LODGE NO. S. A. P. AN D A. M v :-T..l. Green, W. M.; J. B Clark, .IB. Heal, J. w.; rfas. Heamonu, T,;T. 6. Hvnian, Bec'ty. Regular Com v... ..-alto M Wednesday eaeo montk. - -W.BKRNH CHAPTBB NO. , S. A. M.: r-J. C.Oreen,H. P., K. Caaa, King; . i. Lorick, Scribe; T. A. Oraaa, Traaa.; edmaaeV aec'ty. Begalar Uowooa .aJl MoedaT each maatli. -t- T. .JOHN'S COMMANDEBT NO. la, K. T.i V floera :-t. Ulrlch, B. C. 1 H.J. Lorick. G.; t a. SOM.C Q : T. A. Greaa. Traaa.: B. B. fMat, fc -Border. Regnlai Cooolave. flrst aaa fnira anoia oi tue nunin. , tm LOIHJB SO S, K. of P. Meet eey Tneaday night la K. ot P. Hall, Middle hmet, G. H. Bender, C. C: H. W. Simpson, nw w.arunu i.ai. , JiEVKWfc LOCALS Butter, the Jeweler, is next door f.Tbe weather forecast for today is, Fair and warmer. '" : Sheriff Joe Hahn took J. R. Er ii to toe asylum at Raleigh, yes terday. . ' It will be of interest to note that application will be made to the next Assembly to change the charter of the A; it N. 0. R. R. . i Tobe Lane and A. L. Bryan went eat yesterday morning shooting ami brought in twenty eight partridges, two kildeea and one owl. 1 "5V. ' Boyd,, for larceny was op before Justice of Peace E. O. Hill, yesterday, and failing to giro bond, I1QQ., was committed to jail, : There were 300 baskets of lettuce shipped via the A, & N. C. R. R. yasteiday morning, by E. H. and J. A.'JIeadowi, Hackborn.& Willett ancLJiQoon waaswortn. ; i Jhe Umperatare yesterday aa ob served at the Government Climate and Crop Barean, was, maximum, 63.0 degrees; minimum, 36.0 de- s; range, 19,0 degrees. Tou Ca Bi Well when your blood is rich, pare and nourishing. Hood'i Haiatparilla makes the blood rich aud pure at nil mi, mat atll lilnnl nianaaiamai titntlnn ; acalib aad rigor. . i Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to epatate. Care indigestion, beadache, 2oc : ' Wkmlat Daeke:a-. ' It may be a matter of wonder to aome peupie wuj vuere are ao lew ducks offered for sale in this mar ket, while it is known that quanti ties of them may be shot within , lew miles of this city. - The reason for the scarcity is not because toe ducks an not shot, for tbej are, thousands of them, but the reason is that they are being hipped to northern markets. . It is said that the stopping of the teener Nense at the Ocracoke sta- tie Makes it moat convenient for the, duck shooters, and they are shipping by steamer, North. Theee shipments are made np from the .people all along the sounds, who barrel op the duoks as they are hot and send them to market. If ducks are wanted here in any wpply, good prices must be offered for them. . TW fW A CUp IB mm aT, IVke Laxative Bromo Valutas Tsblets All draggiets refund us money if it &ils eie,xoc. B lalaing the ?M Office at New ,.Betae,Cravea oouoty, U Dee, 19tb, 18M. B-Mr. A. & Barrett, Mm Minnie Beat IflM Minnie Bryant C Mr. Bam'l Chatman, Hiaa Annie Colrie. Jt-Mlss KetUe A. XUUoa. . O Mr, Henry Oatllo, Mrs. Babe Green Jar. Joaeph Qibaon, ; ; 1 J Mr. Motes Jones, Mr. W. M. Jones. X-Mim. JuUa Monroe, Mr. Jerry Mur phy, Bar. W. M. McKlny. M-MlieMaryJ.NehoB, MUe 8. R. JWaoa. F-MitsLalanmip. ' B Mr, fa. Basmers, Mrs. Bsbra 0-Mr. Xobt, Bmtth, W-MUa Delia Wadaly, Mr. 8. W. WU- reraoBt calling . for above letters will pleaae aay advertised sad give date of Of tlat, ' 7 ; .. -H . ' 1 Tae regulations now require that one (1) eent iball be collected on the delivery of each advertised letter. K. MAKLT, P. M. ,-Teaeea Wareheaee Prejeel. Last night several gentlemen met at Dr. Street's offioe, and talked over informally, with Capt E. M. Pace, of Wilson, the tobacco ware house project, Capt. Pace is fully informed on the subject of tobacco, from its planting to its curing, and those present last night were greatly inter ested in learning bis views on the subject, and the practicability of establishing a warehouse in New Berne. From the meeting last night, it was demonstrated to those present that a warehouse conld be easily bnilt here, and that it would prove a paying venture, everything being most favorable to its success, the conditions of soil in this section being unsurpassed for tobacco culti vation at a minimum of cost, with the result of securing a superior grade of tobacco which wonld bring good returns to the producer. : New Berne's climate is suitable for tobacco and a warehouse estab lished here would hare nothing against it on this account. Capt. Pace is a most interesting talker, and any one listening to him cannot fail to be impressed with his presentation of the tobacco subject, and feel that a tobacco warehouse is a necessity. If our merchants could meet the gentleman, it would seem but a question of a few hours when a - stock ompany could be formed, with enough stock subscrib ed to make a warehousea certainitj in New Berne. Our merchants want more trade brought here, and there is nothing which wonld giro them more, and a cash one at that, as the building of a tobacco warehouse and the busi ness coming from it. Capt Pace will go around today and look at the land near this city and tonight meet all who are inter osted in this project at Dr. Street's office at 8 o'olock. It will pay our people to get to woi k at once on this matter. Mar BlaeMem. The Langdon Dramatic Company presented the second play of their repetoire May Blossom, last night, a very beautiful and entertaining play, which was very ably presented Miss Elsie Graham as May Blos som was all that could be desired Harry Leonard, who took the part of Uncle Bartlett, has never had a peer on onr stage. ' Miss Lillian Calef as a little "nig ger" boy and girl alternately wa very clever and amusing. Baby Lisbeth as Little May, al though very young, acted her part exceeding well. The other artists interpreted their parts acceptably. The four act comedy "His Lord ship," and a singing sketch entitled "Me and Him" will be presented this evening. The Belllmere Weekly Baa. The Weekly Sun publishes all the news of each week, giving complete accounts of all events of interest throughout the world. As an agri cultural paper The Weekly Sun is unsurpassed. It is edited by writers of practical experience, who know what farming means and what farm ers want in an agricultural journal. It contains regular reports ot the work of the agricultural experiment stations throughout the country, of the proceedingsof farmers' club sand institutes, and the discussion of new methods and ideas in agriculture, Its markets reports, poultry, depart ment and veterinary column are particularly valuable to country readers. Every issue eontaius stories, poems, household and puzzle col nmns, a variety of interesting and instructive selected matter and other features, which make it a welcome visitor in city and country homes alike. One dollar s year. Inducements to getters np of clubs for the Week Iy (tan. Both the Daily and Week ly Sun mailed free of postage in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Payments ' invariably in advance. Address: A. S. Abell Company, Publishers and Proprietors, Balti more, Md. WBW CleWtl Hcrta, Santa Clans arrived at Dr. F, W. Hughes' yesterday afternoon as was xpeoted. Quite a number of children were there to receive him and they found lots of nine things on the beautiful Christmas tree which had been planted in the hall, and lots of nice candies, oysters etc. to eat on the different tables. ' The children also danced, sang, played, and bad a good time in general in the big rooms which were thrown open to them, and they contributed lots of pennies toward the erection of the Parish bouse. saopmna mabm bait. Water Tea Cm War Taar Cbrlalaaaa UaeMla aad freaaata. Bteael Tale Aad r el lew la, "Where shall I get what I want today," is the exclamation of many persona just now, as the hurry of Christmas comes ? upon them and they Lave put off bnying whit they want in the way of home supplies and presents tor the loved oner. .' For tbe convenience of those who know what they want, to go witLout loss of time to get it, and those who do not know : what they want or where to get it, the Journal fur nishes tbe following list of New Berne's leading establishments and a suggestion of what- may be found in them. , This is shopping made, easy, for all yon have to do is to cut this list out and go to the stores which offer what you want. Additional partic ulars may be found in the advertis ing columns of this paper. J. II. Hackburn, on Pollock St. offers his usual fine line of goods, groceries in one store, dry goods and fancy articles in the other, at prices to suit every purchaser. He has lots of fire works. O. Marks Company has the very thing yon want in presents, those nice things in crockery, mirrors, picture frames, dolls, trumpets, be sides handkerchiefs in prices from 5 cents and upward. You want choice things to eat, the best is the cheapest, and this especially applies to what you eat, John Dunn, the Grocer, can make you happy. ' Every one is a buyer at Christmas but every one is not able to buy ex pensive gifts, at the New Berne Bargain House buyers have a largt selection of goods to choose from, and prices are low. The live grocery firm. MuDniel and Gaskill, on Broad street, an fully aware that this is the season oi good living, and they are prepared to fill all wants in this line with fine groceries. Fine cigars make most men hap py, j .st the thing for a lady to give a gentleman. Bradham Pharmacy. . Too much to give for a Christmas present, a good horse or mole ? Not if yon go vto M. Hahn & Co., for they have what you want, and horses may never be cheaper. If you want to ride a wheel, Will T. Hill has the Colutnbia.Bicyole, 1897, single and tandem, and a bicycle jnakes an elegant Christmas gift. Tbe weather is cold aud damp at night, you ought be indoors, but if you must be out and get a hoarse ness, Davis can do you good at his Pharmacy. He sells Christmas goods. In general hardware, can be found much for the holiday buyer. Boys want knives, and the table looks better with fine knives and folks, call at E. W. Smallwood's. Yon are not going to walk, if yon can ride, and J. W. Stewart can make your riding easy in a comfort able outfit at his livery stable. J. C. Whitty & Co., have the Victor Bicycle, 1897, and many articles in the hardware line that will mako acceptable gifts. What is more pleasant for a gift than a bottle of perfumery f Visit Henry's Pharmacy for you choice. An easy rocking chair makes any one comfortable. Tnrner, the Fur niture man has them, and all other kinds of furniture. Make your friend a present of some reading matter. T, W. Waters has everything in the latest periodi cals. Do you shoot? Then go to F. Ulrich, for your powder. He can suityoo. A pretty pioture or box of station ery every nice girl wants one or both. Find them at J. B. Gaskins. Everyone eats canrly, nuts, and bananas at this season. N. Nunn & Co. can please anyone in this line. Cut class, fanoy queensware,wbat more appropriate for presents. They are always coriet things to give your friends. L. H. Cutler & Co. have got what you want. i i Claud M. Cook says lie has figs, raisins, dates, mixed candy. A good time to visit his store on Middle street. ; Those who have husbands, broth ers, or sweethearts can find appro priate gifts for them at J. M Howard's. Yonr Christmas dinner will be mora complete with a good roast of beef, or beefsteaks, Saml Cohn & Son is the place to get them. Big Hill can make your home com fortable by a good load of wood. It is winter, but von cannot make ice cream without ice. . The New Berno Ice Co. can make it all right for you. rau, has snoes at cost, try mm. Uollister & Cox havo coal for your stoves. Baxter the Jeweler, is next door to the Journal office. PBB80NAX. Mr. Zachius Paul is in the city from Arapahoe. Mr. James Rodgers of Newport is in the city on business. ' Capt. E. M. Pace of .Wilson, N.C. s a visitor in the city. Mr. J. W. Willis of Morehead City spent the day in New Berne. Mr. T. M. Davenport of Stone wall is in the city on business, Mr. J. H. Bell of Pollocksville was in the the city yesterday on business. Mr. Ike Barrus of Pollocksville was in the city on business yester day. ;:'v ::' Messrs. J. A. Adams and E. W. Jackson of Bell's Ferry are in the city. Capt. Loste of South river - came np with his schooner Rena B. yes Mr. E. F. Sanderson of Pollocks villa was in the city on business yes terday. Mr.W. B. Blades went to Pollooks ville yesterday to look after his in terests at that place. Miss Gertrude Davis, of Morgan ton, N. C. is in the city, the guest of Miss Lizzie HancGckf' Mr. 0. 0. Griffin left for Kinston yesterday morning where ho will spend the Christmas holidays. Messrs. F. S. Giles and H. P. Pearson returned from a hunting trip in the vicinity of Maysville yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wilkinson and Miss Emma Ham left for Golds boro yesterday morning where they will spend the Christmas holidays. S. S. Willett, Esq., of the Penn sylvania Railroad, son-in-law of Dr. John S. Long, arrived by the A. & N. 0. R. R. to spend the holidays with his family, Mr. A. 0. Newberry of Newport parsed through New Berne yester day morning en ronte to Jackson ville where he relieves the station agent during the Christmas holidays. With Bood'B Sarsapa Talk rilla," Sales Talk," and show that this medl cine has enjoyed publlo confidence and patronage to a greater extent than any other proprietary medicine. This la be eauee it poaseaaes greater medicinal merit and produces greater cores than any other. It la not what we lay, but what Hood's Sarsaparlua does, that Telia th tory. All advertisements ot Hood "a Sanaparllla, like Hood's Sanaparllla itsell, are honeat. We have never deceived the public, and this with its anperlative medioinal merit, Is why the people havaablding confidence in it, and boy Hood's Banaparilla almost to the exclusion ol all others. Customer Want Hood's. " We order Hood's Sanaparllla in large quantities and it is the only blood parlfler which a druggist can buy in large quanti ties without risk. It is selling very rapidly and customers who boy It once are sore to call for Hood's the next time. We be lieve Hood's Banaparilla moat possess true merit in order to retain its popular ity. Its sales exceed all similar prepara tions and its praises are often heard." L. Somas ft Sow, Springfield, Illinois. ; Thousands of druggists say the tame. Sarsaparilla Is the best-In fact the One Tro Blood rnrlfler. Prepared only by a L Hood 4- Co., Lowell, Mass. j, nut. are ineonir puis to take tiOOa 6 PUIS with Hood's Sarsaparilla, Open tvenlngs until Xmas. What About Those : Presents You Intend GivingP Have you gotten them yet f If you have not allow us to suggest something. We promise yon the very . lowest prices on all articles you may purchase of ns. A FEW SUGOKRTIONS t ; Jardeniers 20o. - ' ' Bronze or Silver Mirrors 25o. Double Pioture Frames 2uc. V Jewel boxes in White Metal 20c i'iotore Frames in old silver or brass 10c. Cap, Saucer and Plate com plete for 15c t Cream Pitchers with gilt handle 10c " Child Tea Set, 25o. 1ST Besides we have Dolls, Trumpets, Vases, lots of individual pieces of Imported Crockery and other suitable toys. ' Notice. Notice ii hereby glrea that Application will be made to the next General Asseui bljr of North Carolina to change the Char ter of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad. ROIl'T. UAXCOCK. ales KJoodl Perfumery ! " in Cut Glass and fancy bottles. Extracts by the Ounce. Perfume Atomisers. - . . v Pyralia Mirrors. ell kinds Sachet Powders. Complete line of Toilet Articles. .-' Davis' Pharmacy. Col Jordan's Cough Balsam 25c. Barfoot's. AT NEW KEBNE'N Open Evenings till week. . Prices reduced on Floor Easels for instance, and we have cut the price almost in two. Everything must . go, during these the last few days before Xmas. Compare the prices ular Merchant. Usefnl and Ornamental Gifts. Haud and stationary mirrors at 0, 12, 23 and 50 c each. Photo frames at 8, 15 and up. Ink stands at 25 and 50c each. Japanese screens, our price 88 cents each. Alter ainner jap sets at use set up. Beau tiful cups and aaucere at 23 c. Vases, chocolate pots and tea sets. Toilet cases, complete, at 48c, worth s)l. Manicure seta, in handsome box, at 75c. Hand some toilet canes, plusli and celluloid, our price $1.05 and $2.20. ; Neck tie and glove boxes, celluloid, price 98, $1.25 and up. uouar ana cun ooxes, made ot lea ther and celluloid, at $1, 1.88 and up to a. Floor easels at 48, 75, i, 1.48 each. Big Bedactlon In Glassware. Owing to delay in receiving Glassware, we will sell all we receive this week at just half price. We will keep any goods that may be selected and send them any where in the oity at any time. - r v . Extra force of help will be employed to accommodate oar friends and patrons during the Holiday rush. The Big Dry Goods Bargain House O. A. Barfoot, Manager. . Bcsisfsm Local 75 Live and Dressed Turkeys. Call be fore buying your Christmas Turkey at Sam'l Cohn & Son. SANTA Claus can be furnished in style, at H. E. Royal's. TURNER'S and Branson's North Caro lina Almanacs at J, D. Gaskins'. GRAND display of Christmas Goods Cards, Booklets, etc., at J. D. Gaskins'. FAT Turkeys and Poultry, Fresh Heats and the finest Sausage in the city. E. W. Diokinsoh, near Post Office. . PARTIES vhitiug New York City will Sod a delightful home, with first-class table, at 234 East 18th street. Conven ient to all car lines. Bouthkbnsb. REPORT OF THE CONDITIO .OF THE NATIONAL BANK, Of New Berne, at New Bene, ia the State of North Carolina, at the ; close ef Business, Dee., 1 7th, ' " 1896. .. ..RESOURCES.... Loans and discounts S SU.1W M Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 74 Se U. 9. Bonds to seoure circulation (Fours) K,0R4 00 Stocks, securities, etc. SXIU) OS Bank in bouse. larnlture and nz. tares, 1S.0OOOO inner neat estate ana mortgage. owned ... s,0ll Dim from National nana, (hot re serve Agent.). , 10,151 Due from State Banks and Bank-; ers 1,M7 K Due from approved reserve , agent. '. M,I7 M Checks and other oh Items...,., . 1,174 m Notes ot other National Bunks... . ; $,1)18 00 fractional paper currency .nioaeis and cent. ' 1,436 SI Lawiui Money nesarv. in nana, via: Specie 14.10s 60 Leaal-teader notes... U.ouO 00 M,10I to Redemption fund with U.8 Treae. urer (. per cent ol otreulatlon 1,118 00 Total 41M40 u . LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In, $ 100,006 00 Surplus fund ; 00 Undivided proflu, less expenses anil taxes-paid ' n,m 4ft National Bank notes outstanding ; !, Due to other National Bank....... ' tl 04 Due to State Bank, and Bankers, 10,8)1 in . Individual deposit, sub toohect, 1136,721 OS , Time oertinoates of de posit . 68,MM Cashier's eheck. out-. standing, l,t 1 1M,(M 16 Deposit, of C. S. Disbursing offi cer. ' ' (,000 00 Total,..;,.. 411,440 11 Btatb Of North Caboliha, I County of Craven, - J 1 I, O. II. Roberts, Cashier of the above named bunk, do solemn If swear that the bova statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. G. II. Roberts, Cashier. Buliecn'ood and sworn to before me tbi 22d day of Dec., 1806. J.n.B. Cauraway, N. P. Correct Attest! J as. A. Br yah, Jko. Dom, -,' 1, 1L Uackbors, c ; ' Directors. K.Bta Clan. Here. We will have among our arrivals, next steamer, over SO dozen tin, iron and wood toys, In addition to our already largr HtOcU. 1' 'S, GOAL! G0AL! We sell'only the very best "quality of WhI.e Ash Coal. EGG, STOVE AND CHESTNUT SIZES Orders left at the yard, rear of Hackburn & Willett's store, or at office, 63 South Front street, will receive prompt attention. : v , HOLLISTER & COX. 'PhoneS. ' ' Barf oofs. BUSIEST STOKE. 11 o'clock during this v- lots ; of things take with the old time reg Dolls, Toys, Ete. Dolls, Turkiab lanterns, rxs. 7c. each; Jup dulls, lierses, wagons, Xwa cards, and tree ornaments Sc.eucu. Dolls, born, ir.ines, pin I rays and bi aswrtnir at o tin toys, at Sc. each. Draw slate", big ilolli gnoses. Jap nays, nxtriug parrots, etc, al 9c. eaeli. Children juvenile books at 8. 5, 9, 13, 18, 25 nd 60 cents eacb. Woden so)t, world 25c,' onr price 18c' DolU at 1, 8, 5, 8, 10, 15, 18. 25, 48 and up to )2.00 each. Beautifully dressed dolls at 63c, and $1.18 eacb.. Musical tops at 9, 18 and 25c. each. Games 5, 9, 15 and up to $1.00 eacb. White Metal Goods. " Jewel cases, oar price as low as 47, 75, 95c and up. Hankerchief, glove and tie cases at stirring low figures, gjlk and fine linen handkerchiefs, suspend ers, canes, gloves, all makes, very nice Xmas gifts. . Real f&tato Agency ! For Bnying, Selling- aed - Beatles . ! and collecting-of Beats. .. FOB RENT 1 ' Dwelling-, E, F, St., 1 10.00 per mo. " -Hancock St., 4.00 " George street, 7.00 " Tenement, 2.50 " 2.00 " 8.00 Brick Store, Middle St., 20.00 u ' " Middle 81., 20.00 " Office, Middle St., 5.00 " ' Store, - ' Bt izensteiutown, 8.00 " Good . House on Pollock 'St, . . Johnston ii ' ii ii ii " " " S. Front - . ; ii . ii Eden " FOB IALB. House and Lot, Broad Street 1 . ' ,jl Front Ot ,- " " ' Johnston . .1 ii George " -Two Tenements New ." A number of good FABMS for Sale at low prices from 10 to 600 acres. E. E. HABPEB. 71 Cravco Street - Notice ! All persons who have not paid their STATE and COUNTY Taxes are Re spectfully requested to do so at once. we caa not postpone longer. Thia is positively the last call from ns, Tou will avoid annoyance by Immediately com plying with this request. We can be found from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Court House In the Commissioners room. W. B, LANE, Ei-8heriff, ,t . and Tax Collector, Go to ; sun. w k si's - For Fine Stall Fed Beef, Lamb, Motion, Fresh and - Corned Pm Pork, and Veal ' every ij. Also live aad tlressed Turktya. Will bars ' plenty to supply the trade lor Christmas. Finest . SauMge Id the city at 10c. , perjpouod. , 88 3IIJ.Ho fit. 88 Here! Ghtop a Leetle! Come In and try oT liquors. I Lave no specially, but keep the bust of everythidgl. liquors, cigsrs sna totneco. If looking for something fur the Inner man, You don't luve fur to luck; Got st wherever jou may or can Tbe bent Is kept b) liurke. Iftlla, Toy. ae Sanies. Wfi have an f now and rndVus vn- rtHy of toy, (I ' , I - ; j- ; ;. . ; 3 f r I ' H i ' Stockholders Hcctin. : Tub National Bask - I l v. of New Berne, N.C. J December 12. Ie98. -Tbe annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank for tbe election of Directors -and the transaction of such other business as may come before them, will be beld at tbeir Banking bouse on tbe 2nd Tuesday, being be 12th day January, 1897. The Polls will be opened at 12 M., to be closed at 1 P. II. G. H. ROBEETS, Cashier. State of North CAbolina, ) . , ' Craven County, y . Superior Court, February Term, 1896. -Nancy A. Demby, J vs Noticb. SamnelJ. Demby. J -' To Samuel J. Demby: You are hereby notified that an action entitled as above for the purpose of having tbe - bonds ot matrimony existing between yon and tbe plaintift diMolved, has been instituted in said court, and you are. required to appear at tbe term of said court, to be held . at the Court . bouse in New Berne in said county on (ha first : Monday of February. 1897. and answer or demur to tbe complaint filed in thia action. - . This 16th day ol December, 1896. . W.-M. WATSON, V Clerk Superior Couit.v Holiday Goods ! ii you wane a useiui present, can and examine our line'of Cat Glass,- Fancy Queenswarv Carlsbad and Havilands ,v Diqqe Ses. Ia. II. Cutler fii Co. E. V. Smallwoocl Under Hotel Cbattawka, South ' ' Front Street, New Berne, N. (X FULL LIE JOF Stoves, - ' '"' Carpenters Tools, ; Cutlery, 'J I Table Ware, Barbed Wire, Galvanized Pipe, Pumps, ' Lime, k.. c- ' - Plaster and Cemestv Sof Personal attention to trial prompt and correct filling of al) or ueia. . - , Mortgage Sale.' QBy virtue of a power of salecoo famed ' in a mortgage made and executed by A. O. Denoison to M. E. Sultan on (be 8tb day of Juue, 1896, and recorded in the cal lector's nflice, Dirtticl of Pamlico, N C, Port of New Berne, in liber 12, folic 27, 1 will sell lor cash, to the highest bid der, at the court bouse door In New Bernv Craven County, N. C, on tbe Stb day of January, 1897, at 12 o'clock noon, the fol lowing property: The steamer "Trent'" more particularly describe.) in the mort uage above relerred to, to which referenc is hereby made. . . December Hth, 1896. . M. E. SULTAN, , Mortgagee. JJ. L. Ward, Attorney. A. E. TIarsteller. V. Piano Tuner Practicaf Tuner and Bepairer of Pianos and Organs. Best of Citw ' Befereooe. Leave orders at lol " Middle Street, at A, E. Hibbard'a Jewelry Emporium. Tuning $Z50 , Repairing Extra. Sealed Proposals ! Sealed- Proposals for furnithlDg the County ol Craven with medicines and medical wpplUsfor its Poor, both In sod out the pour bouse, and In Us Jail; also for furnishing luel, to include both pine and bard wood; also for printing tbe pro ceedings of tbe County CommlssioiMrs luonlhlj; also lor tarnishing provisions forjibe inmates of tbe Poor limine. Tbe County laserves to Itself tbe light to reject any or all bids. Bids must be deposited with tbe Register ol Deeds on or belore the first Monday in January next Bids lor eacb of tbe above will be considered separately. JOHN B: WILTJH, Clk. lid. Com. NOTICE! For Hale or Ilent ! The valuable Farm owned by D. f i and aujoiulng the farm of J. J. I i ; Lawsou's Creek, adjoinir the Ci'j of'v Berne. Said Farm ronlaiuing 73 lun i! Land adopted to the cultivation ol Corn, Peas, Putatous or Tobacco, and Tllkl,' - especially. Tbe aliove land la In fiist-clafts c lion. Blouw s and oilier buildin; i hi ; repair'. Splendid location lr town loin. l'rrwms OAHlriog to re'it or ; ; ; y to J. J). J '