4 A ITtECIOUS ROGUE. HE WAS EXCEEDINGLY CLEVER FEIGNING EPILEPTIC FITS. IN file Deapereie Expedient to Maintain His . ' Maadlaf Carefully Watched by Ex perts For Loser Time Finally Betrey tllil Simple) Manner. Dr. Robert Saffo-d Newton tells an Interesting story of au impostor who successfully feigned epilepsy for a great number of years, in spite of .the faot that be was watched by the most skill fal neurologists. : ; -- "Bow to feiga epileptic fits forms a necessary part of the education of many . ' .criminals in Europe and America. In England, where it has been saooessfnlly -worked for a great many years and is , 'well known to the "police, the feigning of epilepsy iB called 'throwing of fits' and 'dummy chucking.' It is invariably worked in threes, after this formula: Two men, evidently friends, are walk ing along tbe street, when suddenly one of them falls in an epileptio fit The ' .Mend of the tick man pretends to be greatly worried and. gives all of bis at tention to the resuscitation. . Naturally ' enough, a crowd gathers aronnd. The ' third man lifts pocketbooks and watoh s and makes off with them. ; "There is one man whose career as feigner of epilopsy is most remarkable. . This man's name was Craig, and . my ' first knowledge of him was when I was ' .omneoted with the Whitechapel Boad ;" House hospital, the biggest hospital, in . England. It bad ' been noticed that whenever Oraig fell in a fit in the streets ' cf London, reports were sent in to the , police of money and jewelry lost r Be was more than anspeoted and was sent ' iulo tbe hospital, both to be treated and - to be watched. . This man was a perfect " fraud, bnt he was so well op in bis act ' ing that though he was most carefully watched be escaped doteotion. He was valuable man, bnt perhaps bis' pal feared that the" London police bail too close an eye on their movements. ' At 11 events Craia was next heard of iu America. Tbe old formula waB repoutod, r He fell in fits, and valuables stolen wero reported to tbe police. - He was shifted " aronnd from hospital to hospital, and a careful watob was kept upon hiin, both when he was in one of these fits and iu tb time of their intermission.; " "Craig began to think tbat si 'coup de theatre' Wat neoessary to save his repu- - tatlon. Be was at this time confined in ! a hospital and was in one of the upper wards in the front part of the building. ; There were doors that opened ont on a balcony. This baloony was 88 feet from tbe ground, and at its base there was a olid atone pavement. Epileptics arous- . nally a dull, stupid sort of people, even . when not in fits, and Craig feigned this tepidity as well as the other symptoms j .of tbe disease. He was allowed to wan- - der about the hospital pretty much as : he pleased, and every once in awbile down he would fall in a fit. Tbe doctors bad not discovered bis fraud, bnt Craig .j felt more than nneasy at the way he was . wutched and suspected. One morning he - got up from hisenuir, and, with a dazed .,; tort of look, at the same time putting .. bis bands op to bis head, he staggered - . toward the baloony 'and tumbled over backward down, down, tbe full 8? feet to tbe stone pavement below. When ' , be was pioked up, it was found tbat one i of his wrists was broken and that he was otherwise hurt, though, wonderful to ' tell, not seriously.' Of course this settled In the minds of the doctors the donbt ' that bad previously existed at to whether be was a fraud or not The thing work : cd exactly at Craig had planned tbat it . should, and in course of time be was : discharged as a true bnt incurable epi . leptio. Onoe again on the outside, he worked successfully the old game of fits ... and pocket pioking in threes. . "Onoe more be waa taken up and sent to the hospital, .Hare young doctor set tot himself the tasked watobing tbis clever rogue. - He bad every symptom. . He wonld froth at tbe month, blood would stream from his tongue tbat he had bitten in his convulsions, and there v seemed nothing wanting in real epilep sy. . Bnt this young doctor kept his vigil, and patience had ita reward. - . . "One day, Jnst a Craig was going -: through the preliminaries before falling the looking dated, the slowly attempt ing to fight off the coming spasms; tbe clinching of the hands tbe yonng doc tor wbo was watobing Mm observed - tbat, instead of closing the bands with . the fingers over tbe thumbs, as wonld bare been the case necessarily in trnt . epilepsy for the thumb, having the shorter muscle, must feel the contract ' ing foroe first Craig shut his hands With the fingers on the inside of the thumbs. The dootor gave him a gentle " kick In tbe side and saidi 'That'll do, 'Craig. I've oaught you. Von re fraud, you've done your tricks well and for a long time, but your time Is up. If yon . bad been a true epileptic or just a little , better read in medicine, you wonld have closed tbe finger over tbe thumbs.' Without a single protest Oralg straight. eaed op and said, 'Well, I knew it was bound to come some time.' " "What beoame of tbe man?" --' "Ob, bis talents found market Be was so well known, bad been so written . op for the medical journals of both En- - rope and America, that the doctors bired him to go before medical students and demonstrate to them bow epilepsy oonld be feigned and also to explain how these ..' pretender were taught in England and elsewhere; To counterfeit tbe frothing at the month tbey used a small piece of soap. If there was any danger of detec tion, they could swallow both soap aiuj froth. With a little sharji knife a's'tab, fnild be given to the tongue Mobj would simulate the biting p (hat mem,: ber.' New York Tribune. I fnt back at the seventh century the' t : ) .-ublftBeilo wrote, "The women now are si luminous that they do bave chairs X- iv. .. u circles on t Vg tn4 a ssy I'.v k and forth in sunn sort f.-.t it ntuket:. ue sick to bohold. them." r;otici ; Kotire Is In n liy given that Application will l.e n.ii.lo to the next Oeneml Aen l-'v t,i ; ..'111 Carolina to elmni'e and nd the 1 i-'l'-r of the City of New IV ' !'. IIANC'OUf. ' QUV'NOB'3 OAy, ' Yarns rov'nor'a day at tbe eountj fair. Mo n iny gel jes' oome t'um tliere, i An we beard the speech 'at the gov 'nor made, Uow he tol" the termers nt.out their trade, Rlckoniniended wheat sown in July to cheat the chinch bug an Hessian fly " He naed to plant oorn already popped, ' " An it asp' a-growin an never stopped Till Jea' etore Ohrta'mu an hong on the trees in little lace hag as nice as yott please. .. - tteld tmtil watermiliona was better'n hig, 'Oaase they wouldn't break the supDortin twig. gkimmilk oheese wns hie favorite kind, Fer rich food he allu waa inclined. So he liked his oheaee 'itb the akimmui's in. An. my, Jer didn't them unnere gna hear him talk 'Boat watenn seock : hf h'istln 'em down Mth a rope an block : To tNje water below ef the bank wux high, -'Caueesareiae made the oows ran dry I T An he said hay wouldn't get aour an black M you pnouia ice in tne miast oi me beook To keep it rbm beatln. An how the boys Would 'preeiat better a farmer's Joya , Et he ran tbe grin'atone 'itb a bloycle rig . As fitted tbe plow 'itb the seat of a gig. An our wives wonld bloom like a Buaron row Ef we chartered a Chinee to wash the clot bra. Bo't tbey could rest an paint ohinoy Juga : 'Itb orasei an dragons an mes an Dugs. B'goeht a'mighty, wut doesn't be kaowf i Twould paszle aa almanao to show. Ob, he's a wise'n, tbe gor'nor ia, . To tell the people about their bis, . : . . But n'l bet a oooky next oonnty fair Tbat p'tlo'Ur gov'nor be won't b then, - -J. U. Beaton in "Tbe Quilting Bee," ': .WOMEN OF ARMENIA. . English Cmtoms Are Blowly Beaching ... Them The Mother's Bole. The Armenian girl is little troubled with education, beyond household Un ties, spinning and needlework and at this last aocomplishmept she is always an expert, especially at embrqidejy nnless. indeed, the attends one of the excellent Armenian mission schools car ried on in many towns, where she will learn English, Freuoh and possibly her own language, for Armenians not iufre. nnently adopt the rernaoular of the country wberein tbey liva She will a) so acquire a thirst for fiction, English and French, The Armenian girl is deep. ly sentimental and likes to rend of love, and marriage is, of course, the ultima Tb ale of her ideas,. This little matter is generally arranged by ber mother, and nowhere are women of more importance or hold more weight in the family wan cils. The mother ia at tbe bead of the patriarchal establishment, in wbioh ber ions, their wives and often ber nephews and nleoes dwell. Sbe rales her sons and sons' wives, the latter, perhaps, with a somewhat severe band, especially dur ing the first year of their married lives. when, except to attend ohurob, they may not go ont, though, vbm the daughters-in-law in their turn become mothers greater liberty u permitted them. ': v In more advanced portions of the com munity a girl's choice is practically un restrioted, and it is well that it is so, for tbe Armenian church strenuously op poses divorce, and the marriage bond is only soluble by death. Not infrequently tbe girl's oboioe falls upon an English' man or other. European,: and many merchants and telegraph officials in Persia and Turkey find them exoellent wrveg.-w'"' :z--:'if. ;.:'' 'V . The Armenian national costume con' ists of a voluminous skirt of heavy bro caded material, a tight sleeved bodice of the same stuff, much 'embroidered about tbe front, with, handsome filigree silver belts marking the waist. The head coverings are fichus of frihgod embroid ered silk, and a multitude of chains and coins hang ronnd their necksT - Iu winter the embroidered bodice is ex changed for a wadded one, and huge felt shoes are worn over the ordinary boots to keep out the biting oold. Though the Armenian women do not wear veils to oonoeal their features as a point of re. llgion, they not infrequently do cover their faces with gauze or a corner of a bawl '.V''--"-' -. Some of tbe younger women, however, bave discarded their native costume for that of London three years ago, and tbey are evidently not quite at ease in their newly acquired corsets. They copy the fashion plates in English papers and produce wonderful combinations of pink, bine and violet, wbiob are further adorn ed with quantities of brilliant jewelry. Tbey are full of curiosity regarding the life of civilized nations, particularly in the matter of marriage, and never miss an opportunity of obtaining information on the subject. St Louis Post-Dispatcb. '.. Coetly Etiquette. "' The latest pamphlet published by tbe commission of historical manuscripts in London contains the following interest' Ing and carious travesty on etiquette "Tbe Duke and Duchess of Norfolk, Saving been summoned to appear before the bouse of lords in 1608 in order to plead their suit for : divorce, it was de bated whether the lord chancellor, sit. ting as phalrman, should lower bis dig. nity by bowing to tbe daohess and speak' ing to her only with bit oap in bis band. Tbis question waa argued for several days in the house of lords until debate exhausted itself and several duels result ed. At length it waa deoided that the lord ohanoellor should first receive tbe bows of tbe duke and duchess 'and re. tnrn them with unoovered bead and aft er that he should replaoe bis oap. " Tbis rnle was followed to the letter and is till adhered to today when similar con. tingenoles arise. , The Dwarf Elephaata of Malta. The island of Malta is the only known spot where the remains of dwarf elo pbants are found. There are several places on the island where the bones of these miniature pachyderms have been unearthed, and hundreds of skeletons bave been secured, in whole or in part Ono of these, whose teeth and bones showed was a full grown specimen, was leas than -feet in beigh and could,' not have weighed over 800 pounds. when, la fne Dean. tit Louis, tepublia, Tbe mi(er worn b? h Jewisb high prienf was a, kind, pf diadem, vosembliug a (urban iu shape. Qii the front Was a gold plate, fastened by blue ribbon and engraved with the" iiisoripilou, . From Penang- to New York a jutter requires 85 days to mako the journey. a. jich in Little In c.crtully trui ot Hood's Plllt. tor nomtdl cine ev.'r conUim-d to great curative powrr la so mull i,He. Iber re a wliulu medicine f re - r tej ' . NQT HIS QUARTER. - fh tracer Waa by Ho Means aa glow as v ' . Be Seemed. ' ' " s . , .The grocer was weighing some sugar for tbe woman in the dyed blue bonnet when the man in the black frock ooat and yellowish white tie, who bad been Standing at the door for some minutes, came inside and laid a silver quarter on the counter. . '.. r . -v' " " ''. I picked it np on the floor, just nt tbe edge cf tbe steps," he said. "It must belong to you. Aqnarteror$l,000, sir, it is the principle of the thing that I look at I want nothiug that is not mine. There is the money.": Tbe grocer laid a large forefinger on tbe quarter and shoved it back across tbeoonnter. ; , '.; -- , " You tiut dot money in your pocket, moin friend," he said. . "-'' . ; . "But, .sir, you or one of your clerks most- have dropped it, and it rolled over -'tberev; My, motto has always been"- !--v''-''H' "I believe," said the grocer, "(lot yon yoost moved your family iq dot bouse agross (be afreet die Lurgeq. Yas it not so?" ''ITes, sir, I did, and, it being conven lent, we expeot to do a good deal of tra" - : . .. "You put dot quarter back ia your pooket righd away. Dot vos not tneiq quarter. You pnt bim back iu yonr pooket, and ven your vlfe come ofer vor dose groceries yoa vill remember dot my derms vos spod cash fiery time. " Detroit Free Press. . He pad Been There Illinaelf. Mrs. Jason Don't swear like that, Bay, just because the boys bit yon with a snowball. Don't lose yonr temper. Mr. Jason Lose temper? Nothing! I'm jnst swearing to please the boys. That's what they want. New York Evening Journal. To Forestall a Probable Rumor, 'From Ohio, eh?" said the hotel clerk, looking knowingly at the name on tne register, v. "Yes," said tbe man in black, band ing bis valise over the counter, "but It may as well be understood right now that I am not a oaudidate for a subinet position or any other office under the sun. My visit to your city has no po litical . significance whatever, and if any prying reporters should mako in quiries concerning me you are at liberty to say to them that 1 am Dr. Kybojd, manufacturer and sole proprietor of Ry. hold's celebrated oough cure, which I warrant to be an absolute specific for all ailments of tbe throat, lungs, bronchial tubes or diaphragm, including ooughs, colds, quinsy,- pleurisy, consumption, shortness of breath, angina pectoris, asthma, bronchitis and diphtheria, be sides being highly efficacious in all eases of lumbago, peritonitis, neuralgia, nostalgia, paresis, ophthalmia, nenras. thenia, cutaneous affections of every kind, liver : complaint, rheumatism. freckles and ingrowing toe nails. ' Are yoa satisfied, sir?" -. .'Yes, sir, " gasped the clerk. Chioa go Tribune. A Fellow Feeling. "What makes Skimley attitudinize so mnoh?" '. "He thinks he's a great author. " "Bat be has never had anything printed." "No. But be thinks of all tbe cele brated literary men who tried for years without success to get their writings published and feels that he is right in their olass." Washington Star. - -. Be Query. " . ,.'.'.' ., "Isn't this delightful?" said she. "It is," said he from tbe rear of the tandem. "Why should we not go tnrougb Hie this way?" '; "On wind?" : , Tbe wheels rolled on, bnt tbe conver sation lagged four or five blocks be hind, panting heavily. Cincinnati En quirer. . An Easy Arrangement. " "What in the world have yon been marrying for?" asked Callow's stern father. "Yoa can't support a wife. " "Nobody said I could. But I got a wife tbat can support me." Detroit Free Press. , , ' Wseet She Preferred. ' "I may bring borne a friend tonight, dear.- Do yon mind?" j - ' ' "No, it's better, than being brought borne by one." Truth. . ..... '.' V . Winter Etchings.'. l k -:-r ' The wind le gaowlng diaper, ' That makeaour noses glow. - We beer it sigh and whleper, , ' .'; '.; "took out for slush and snow' " The raven gayly ot relet; , The butcher doeaaa Jig, - ' " . While with hie dirk he dlrklea .' , be nielluw roundpd pig, . , . ; - h, bow tbe land la Sowing ., ' Vrtth oongh drops lush and primal . Tbe older mill Is going s . a rhapsodies ot rhyme. ' , t.' With Joy oar hearts are brimming t Vpou the frosty morn, v "- For while the sparrow's skimming ' ong bden round the thorn ... .. We watch the withered grasses , ; . Thet cetch the cryatel nek . And pour rich gold molaaees ' Upon the tmckwhea. cake. ' ' -B. K. Munklttrlck in New York Journal. Did Tom Ever . . Try Elcslrlc Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get reiki. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to he-relief and. cure of all Female Complaints, exerting direct influence in giving strength 'and tone to the ergons If yon have Low Appetite, Constipation Hendncho, Faint mil Hpfiii, nr sre Nitvous, rlreplens, Ex. c . !.m-, un. hoi v or troubled with ti 'V r'; 1. 1 trie Kitlers ia tho medicine y.n.1 n. nl. Uli hikI Htieni,;lh are guar. .,!.. 1 t- . i. . Iiliy cents and f 1,00 II . . , i , ' ! . SKETCHES BY M. QUAD . .v A Qoeattoai of Ownerahlp. ' ' At high oon, aa I rode across tbe wide spreading prairie, I baked ai a, squatter's cabin and. inquired, the man sitting on the doorstep if J could get a bite lo eat . "I don't skassly think yoa kin," be replied as he looked me over, ' "I'll pay you for it" "Yes, I know,, but that ain't tbe question. Fuetly, tbe ole woman ain't yere to oook nntbin; and, seoondly, no body knows jest wbo owns this claim. " " "Isn't it yours?" I asked. "Waa; I sorter reckon to consider it was, but yisterday a feller cums along to jump me. Hereckonstoconsider that he's got tbe best rights. " r, "Then it's a caBe of law?" v ;0h, nol Thar' won't be no goin to law about it. - No, neither one of us wont to go to law," "How will it be decidod?" "Waal, he was in a hurry yisterday and didn't bev no gun along, but he's cumin back today to bev it out With mo, That's why tbe pie woman has gone away. If he kin shoot me outer the shnnty, bis claim is good; if be oan't, then I'm goin fo bury him whar he fell." ' "Apd you expect him today?" ! "This arteruoon, sab, I guess that's bim down thnr by the grove. If you want to git into that bole out tbar ond watch tbe scrimmage, neither one of us will object, but you'd better keep yer bead down. " I thanked him kindly and rode on, as ho was getting out bis rifle and car tridges. Three days later I returned that Way, and be greeted me with t "Waal, stranger, you km hev a bite tg eat today." "Is your wife home?" "Bight to home, sah." "And bow about the olaim?" "I own ber," "Then the man" "Yes, he cum, but bo was poor shot. That's whar I planted him up tbar on the hill. Git down, stranger, git down and hev a snack with us and fee yqurself to home. " Mrs. Gallop's Tribulations, "Samuel," said Mrs. Gallup as she awoke at midnight and gave him a dig in the ribs with her elbow, "I believe there's a robber trying to get into tho house. There, don't you hear that noise?" I hear a noise," replied Mr. Gallup as he sat up in bed, "but it may be u robber, q cat, n rat or one of the blinds blowing in the wind." "But get up and see. " "That would be going to troublo for nothing. If it's a robber, there is noth ing for bim to steal; if a cat, she will soon go away ; if a rat, be won't do any hurt, unci if a blind is loose I'll fix it iq the morning. " - "Mr. Gallup, will you wait to be murdered in your bed?" she exclaimed as she tumbled out on the floor. "Ah, thanks! There is now no dan gcr, as you are up and can raise a win dow and soroam for the police in case of emergency." When Mr. Gallup reached borne the other evening, he found Mrs. Gallup with head and foot bandaged and was greeted with: "Samuel, run for tbe doctor as fast as ever you can I" "What has happened?" he inquired. "l tell down stairs and bumped my bead and run a nail into my foot Uml Let us figure a moment. Bump ing your bead may lead to brain fever, and tbe nail in your foot may lead to lockjaw. If you have brain fever, you will be out of your head and might ns well have lockjaw at the same time. If you have lockjaw, a case of brain fever won't make things any worse. Which way do you want it?" "Samuel, I ra dying!" sbe moaned. "Then it's useless to call a doctor at all, as there is no record of any dootor ever saving the life of a dying person. Can't be done, Mrs. Gallup; it sag'iu nature and science." A Caae of Paralyels. Wben tbe negro drayman, who was a young man about 20 years of ago, bad landed my trunk at the depot and re. oeived his "two bits" therefor, be wait ed around as if there was something else, and presently I inquired if there was anything wroDg. "No, sab, boss. Eberyt'icg all right 'bout yo'r trunk," he replied. "Does yo' see dat black woman up dar on de bar'l?" "Yes." "I was dun ingaged to dat woman onoe, but sbe gimme de shake kose I wasn't eddecated. I wants to paralyze her now. " "How can yon?" "Yo jist oum around here an gimme some big words an den watch my smoke." We went around behind the ootton bales and held a five minute conversa tion, and then he walked up to the wo. man and pulled off his oap and said : "Good niawnin, Missus Thompson good mawnin, I bones I sees yo' well. "Yes, sah, Tee well," she replied. , "Dai's bewtiful. While sumbody was tellin me dat yo'r husband wasn't dan ooo'upyin bis oocupasbun aa ruaoh as ne dun was, de diligence of de con. flagrashun, added to de disaffected dis ability of de continuity, Can't skassly overbalance de cnlpabil'ty of de elimi--nashun. - Glad to see yo' well, Missus Thompson, an if de bombastioashnn of ole conflgurnshun' sbouldV upset de con tinuous pronostioashnn I shall be happy to preyarioate de guyasticuts to, de best of my ability." ' ;. . And all that woman oonld say aa she looked at him with wid? open eyes wasi "Fo' de Lawd, George, but yo' has got to be a member ot congriss. " . - v ' . M. Quad, .- ' i .. - . -t . ...... '(.:-.''.,'. Ia Chicago. . v . ."I believe she married- into an excel lent family." - ' - VOh, ye; she always does." New York Sunday Journal. - . ' CASTORIA ,-?or InfeaU and Children. ' Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorl Children Cry for Pitchers Castorla. Children Cry for Pitchers Castoria. C!,:!.!rci Cry rr;;;hrr;sCa-toria. alalia yntf . .m. , AVegctdblePrcparalionrorAs similaiing UieFoodcndRegula ting the 5 lomachs and Bowels of m Promotes Digcstion.Cheerful ness andRcst.Conlains ncito Op:ur.i,Morphint iter. Mineral. KOT HAliCOTIC. Have cfCMh-SViCllPlTCBm Atisi Sent Horn Seed - A perfect Remedy forConsllpa tton, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsions ,1 evcrish ness and Loss or Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY" OF WRAPPER. 1 1 & I S. a lit: i F INE DRESS GOODS! The gmmlM. collentinn of 1 1 Kill CLASS KOVKLTY DKKfSS GOODS (ooloii'd and bla.-k) over exhibited in the south, hverv con- ivablo color, weave uml design of the leading tnamif icttin n of Kn rope are represented. Here are the D imes of a few of the Ileiiutiful D.-ess Piiliric?. They will not make you Hee tlieon.ls. 'I'lioy sei ve their p irpose if they niuk3 you wiidi to see th"iu. t'.uiviis I.mii'ii, .Miiliuir "I'antasie. Silk-Shot Faln ies, Ziueliiies. W'uol Ciiivaa, Sail Clot li . rnnnaia. Cork screw, li iilescent. Sai kcliilli. T lifted ami Itoinrli Cheviots, Vliiiit'tiiils T7rite for . I. m E. y Visit Stewart's If lot fan! a MM fp Hnrsn nr link I C " UU1UV Ul allUlU I W s SZTl 14 o Auction Sale now. but rtrices to suit purchasers. First class Turnouts. NEW BERNE, N. C. .NEW BERNE ACADK3IV, ... , . Kew Hernc, M, C. v. .. ; ' . .: C Uudcrtht p'.anof reorysoiiitlon, oilers thorough instruction mMie Clasieal and Engiisb Court es pj a coipi oi mitent Eduratnrs (ram the t'ulvmiljf t- oitl Cdi'jllnn, Horner's School.aud other noted Educational Inililuilons. . ' . J ' v, Tuit'ori F.es Monihlv In Adnnce. . Primary Dipiirtment, $1.2) fci rr.rn.tH Iatcrrncdlate '! . " , SJ?3 ." ClMttcal., ;?.- L,4 8.00 V : ' For furtlift lnformatioi', sppl or' ad dress; ' Joni 8. I.oko, iiLi) D, ' - E. II. Mradowb, v' ,' t. A. Grkkn,,"' . -' Board ot Regents. SEE THAT THE jFAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEEY BOTTLE OF Oastoria lj nut tp la rae-tlza tattles onlr. tt ti ..oi told la balk. Don't allow anyone to sail iyou anything else on tho plea r promito that it is "juBt u good" and "vill answer every pur- pose. ' - Bee that yoa get 0-A-S-T-O-K-I-A. GASTOBIg 3SEZ5I2EiEB3G23S25 TUCKER i U aii. plain and two-tone (ironite, plain and iriiloseent; Scotch and Knglish Mixtures, French Broadclolhs, Cor erts and llie newest of the New "Coal of Mail." We would also call your aUeiitior to our celebrated lines of select and exclusive DHESS S'lT'KKS, at 50c, 7.ic, and 11.00 per yard. No house in the South can touch us on the design, weave and nolors at these prices, nud besides suuratitcciii2 the price, at all times, to bo the very lowest. We have tho largest col Icotion in tho south for you to so lect from. Sarrxples. n co. fVLll Of CHaoice Livery and handsome ' Notice. Dj virtue or power of sale contained in t biortgaaa deed eicruted by Cullen Haddock and wife, Harah E. Haddock, to Geii. II HID, oa the 10th da; of Notsuj. ber, 1893, and registered In Book 117, paje 568, K. jrati-r's eftiee, Ciaveo conn- tv, I will, on tbe 4th day nt January, 1897, at 12 o'clock m.,at the eoort bout door In the town i f New Berne, sll to the highest bidder, fr cch, the lollowlns; rleseriued tract, of land, to wit: On the nonli side ol Ntuse river, and on tbe souirr eittti or l'tUnetm twsmn. to Iota Inn the lands ul L. N. Iincastcr and A brum B. Haddock, oontainlns; cne buo died acres, more or less. It beloa t lie same rraet of land oa n blch" the lentil ol Cul len Haildm k iuw reside.-, . -NoYember25iu, 1896. " - ' , '1 ' " """ -W,1I. JONES, ' - AaslpieeGeo. H.IJ111., E. BnnioKS, Atl'j, ' .g " i LDODPQIE ! A SPECIALTY Hlary BI.OOO f ulrlON pr,, icuradtnlilaUtfaTS. Yoneanbetr 0 u uuh iprKwe price umiercame e . IV. If VOaDrefArtnnmiMhoM, tract to urnilmri r.r,.... hna, . aoehatm, 1 f wa f a 1 1 to cue. I f roa hare uaf enrr. iodida pntaah, and mil hart a. Pilaa, Muooiu VmcIips In roouik. Kore 1 Implea, Copier Colored 8H, I I any parlor tbe body, itr or Eyebrow . out, It la thia 8eoonbtry rsUXl 1 veraerantee toenre. we solicitUie ninn Bate eaeee and dialleaae the -world ease we oamaot cure, l'bla dlaae has . be Sled the skill of the moat emloeut Clana. S500,000 cnpltal behind our i. ttonalsvaraatr. Absolute proofa Rent at. appllcatk,o. Addresa COOK RKMKOV MI Maeomc Temple, CUiCAliu, li. WiMnaton, Newbera-; & it Railroad. TIMB TABLE NO. 1. r,. take etlect Sunday, May l7lh, It! IMOJL suuerseding Time Table , NO. 4, 1 October 37th. mn. -. Goino South, bchbdulb. GoinoK No. 7. Pamnger Train). No. Lve. A. M. Stations, Ar. 1 920 9 54 10 09 New Benie '. - 5 Polloeksyille Maysville Jaeksocville. . " '; Wilmintrn ' Lve, 10 42 12 40 C. M. NO. 6 Pa.8SF.NO ER AND FbKIGHT K U"a?e Wilmington Monday, Wodm an i Friday. Leave New Bern Tut limnslay ana riaturday. L. A. M. Ar 1 7 00 Lv Wilmineton Ait j. 7 HI W. Sea-Coast P. U. Cre'g 7 S"! llaymeid, 7 :il Kirk'and " 7 4 Sc- Hill, 7 58 jimpsiend, 8 03 Cypress Lake. . 8 11 Anniin'lule 8 Wooilsnle, 8 3.' Edgecombe , 8 5' Ilollyri !, 9 0(1 Folkstoae 9 111 Dixon . . ' V " i Verona S 9 ."i0 Arr, Ju knville l.v. 11 10 Lv. " A.t. 11 111 Ni'rtheast 11 :! Whifa-oak 11 ."is Muy-vile ,' 12 IS Raveuswood i 12 30 rollocksville .- K li "13 IX'hrul ,s 1 :!0 Arr. Newbeme Lv., P. M. f J Daily Except Sunday. H.A. WHITINC; General ManaJ J. W. MAKTJS.NIS, Gen'l. Frt.and Pass. Airt New Berne Mails Notice is given that on and afle date mulls leave For all points in Pamlico Conntj South Creek section of lieaulort C close at 5 n. in. For Ynncelioro and Post Oftii Noilliem part of Craven County cl li no. hi. For IWIlair andlLima, !' n. m. For Wiiitford, 11 n. m. All n ail for Di linihl jjo to P, villi-, the former ottire 15 discontinn Vnncel'oro mail arnves li in. Yam-ebon mail haves 1 p. in. M . MANLY, Postoul Atlantic & H C. RaiW TIME TABLE NO. 2. In, effect 7.o( M. Wwlncsdav, 27th 18H5-. Goino East Sciikdui.k i'Urisn No. S reesiifjir. irmn:.. fi Lv. p. m Million. Ar 1 1 3 20 3 49 finldo oro, LnUriiuye t4 12 Kinstou, Ar. New lt,rii, I,v, Lv, " Ar. 'Ar. Morehead City, Lv, S 15 5 25 6 :S7 o. i t S. Mii-iii-l'm Ar. Statio:;;. Phm. Trttin. Lv. a. in. 7 21) 7 53 8 111 7 i'.'l 24 0 W 9 0:t io lo ; 10 41) 11 15 11 :il G"libiro, Bent's, LuGeanfee, FaliioK Cnek, Kinstou, t'u8vveil, Ar.' IMnir, Lv. i.Lv. . Ar. Core Creek, 1 iiscaroTa, Cliirk'sl .2 Or. 1 SO 2 li 2 20 2 4.1 :i li 3 S. 3 ;;i :l 4ti 51 P. M Ar. NewIlern, Lv. I.v A. 1 ltiverdale C'nKliio, Ilavorlock, Newport, Lv. WlblWiirid, A t Untie, Ar. Mori bead. City, Lv.' Ar. M. City Depot, Lv h Moudiiy, Wchiettdifyand Kridn' jrueHlay, Thursday nd Haturd., . S. L. piLIi, Su O. 3D. XJI2T FREIGHT & PASSENGr. V.I- ' I .UNTIL FCRTilE.lt NOT The Steamer NET : . ;.: '' I li scheduled to iaitfrom; ? , ' - . - bars m followi: ..' '.' KONDAY8, . WEDNE3 ' ' AND " FRIDAYS ' Salllnc tiour 5:30 ..p. m. FrelRht received tip to 5 ,; Jot Inrtber JritonuaUo r P ' 1' ato. nurtBERaoN, t June 23. 1800."